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Baris 1:
{{Sinkronisasi}}{{LGBT tabel sisi}}
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{{Orientasi seksual}}
'''Biseksualitas''' merupakan ketertarikan [[percintaan|romantis]], [[ketertarikan seksual]], atau [[Aktivitas seksual manusia|kebiasaan seksual]] kepada pria maupun wanita. Istilah ini umumnya digunakan dalam konteks ketertarikan manusia untuk menunjukkan perasaan romantis atau seksual kepada pria maupun wanita sekaligus.<ref name="AmPsycholAssn-whatis">{{cite web|title=Sexual orientation, homosexuality and bisexuality|publisher=[[American Psychological Association]]|accessdate=April 21, 2014|url=|archivedate=August 8, 2013-08-08|archiveurl=http|dead-url=no}}</ref><ref name="">{{cite web|title=Sexual Orientation|publisher=[[American Psychiatric Association]]|archivedate=July 2011-07-26, 2011|accessdate=December 3, 2012|url=|archiveurl=http|dead-url=no}}</ref><ref name="glaad">{{cite web|title=GLAAD Media Reference Guide|accessdate=14 March 2012 |publisher=[[GLAAD]]|url=|archivedate=1 January 2011-01-01|archiveurl=http|dead-url=no}}</ref> IstilahMeskipun, inidalam jugaistilah didefinisikandan sebagaidefinisinya meliputimasih ketertarikanmenjadi romantiskontroversi ataudan seksualperdebatan padamengenai semuahubungan jenisantara [[identitasketertarikan gender]]seksual ataudan padaketertarikan seseorang tanpa mempedulikan [[jenis kelamin]] atau [[gender]] biologis orang tersebutromantis, yangdan terkadangbelum disebutsepenuhnya ''[[panseksualitas]]''dipahami.<ref name="Soble">{{citeCite bookjournal|last=SobleL. M|first=AlanDiamond|date=2003|title=SexWhat fromdoes Platosexual toorientation Paglia:orient? aA philosophicalbiobehavioral encyclopediamodel distinguishing romantic love and sexual desire.|publisherurl=[[Greenwood|journal=Psychological Publishing Group]]Review|volume=110|issue=1|pagepages=115 173–192|isbndoi=97810.1037/0033-0-313-32686-8295X.110.1.173|yearissn=20061939-1471|chapter=Bisexuality|urlpmid=12529061}}</ref><ref name="Firestein:12">{{citeCite bookjournal|last1=Houdenhove|first1=Ellen Van|last2=Gijs|first2=Luk|last3=T'Sjoen|first3=Guy|last4=Enzlin|first4=Paul|date=April first21, 2014|title= BethAsexuality: A. Multidimensional Approach|journal=The lastJournal =of FiresteinSex Research|volume=52|issue=6|pages=669–678|doi=10.1080/00224499.2014.898015|issn=0022-4499|pmid=24750031|s2cid=35875780}}</ref> titleMengingat =dalam Becomingpatokan Visible:orientasi Counselingseksual, Bisexuals[[Aseksualitas|Aseksual]] Acrossdisebutkan thehanya Lifespanterpatok |pada publishermasalah =seksual [[Columbiasaja Universitytanpa Press]]menyangkut |masalah pagesketertarikan =romantis, 9–12dan |masih yeardapat =merasakan 2007|romantis, accessdatedan =sering Octoberdianggap 3,lebih 2012berguna |untuk isbnmengukur ketertarikan.<ref name=0231137249|id=ISBN"Richards 9780231137249and |Barker2">{{cite book|last1=Richards|first1=Christina|last2=Barker|first2=Meg|year=2013|url = http|title=PA9&dqSexuality and Gender for Mental Health Professionals: A Practical Guide|publisher=Bisexuality&source[[Sage Publications|SAGE]]|isbn=bl&ots=jLQsjdshH0&sig=VIz3j1_SOn1-s66jHTmAERYSYlWE&hl4462-9313-0|pages=en&sa124–127|accessdate=X&ei=9N1rUKzQOuTc2AX1ooGYCQ&ved=0CCwQ6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=Bisexuality&f=falseJuly 3, 2014}}</ref><ref name="SexCerankowski and societyMilks2">{{cite book|titlelast1=Sex and SocietyCerankowski|volumefirst1=2Karli June|urllast2=Milks|pagefirst2=593Megan|lastyear=Rice2014|firsturl=|isbntitle=978-0-7614-7905-5Asexualities: Feminist and Queer Perspectives|publisher=[[Marshall CavendishRoutledge]]|yearisbn=20091-134-69253-6|editorpages=Marshall89–93|accessdate=July Cavendish3, Corporation2014}}</ref> Perilaku seksual dapat dipisahkan untuk keperluan diagnosis objektif, juga erat berhubungan dengan [[Psikologi|contribution=Pansexualitypsikologis]].<ref>{{Cite web|accessdatetitle=3John OctoberWilliam 2012Money, 84, Sexual Identity Researcher, Dies|url=httphttps://booksarchive.googletoday/20210821063915/|website=PA593&lpg=PA593&dq=Pansexuality&source=bl&ots=YYqrMAWKKC&|access-v9pBYmRk&hl=en&sa=X&ei=ct9rUPCoKOTO2AWN7oHIAw&ved=0CC0Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&qdate=Pansexuality&f=false|quote=Pada...“He beberapawas konteks,the istilahfirst panseksualitasscientist digunakanto bergantianprovide dengana biseksualitas,language yangto merujukdescribe padathe ketertarikanpsychological padadimensions individu-individuof darihuman keduasexual jenisidentity; kelaminno such language had existed before,” -- Dr. Kenneth J. Zucker, psychologist in chief at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. Merekaand yang"... dikenaliHe sebagaiwas biseksualamong merasathe bahwafirst gender,scientists jenisto kelaminstudy biologis,the danpsychological orientasiexperience seksualof tidaksexual menjadiconfusion haland yangto pentinggrasp untukpossible menjalinways hubunganto yangrelieve potensialsuffering."}}</ref>
Istilah ini juga didefinisikan sebagai meliputi ketertarikan pada semua jenis [[identitas gender]] atau pada seseorang tanpa mempedulikan [[jenis kelamin]] atau [[gender]] biologis orang tersebut, yang terkadang disebut ''[[panseksualitas]]''.<ref name="Soble">{{cite book|last=Soble|first=Alan|title=Sex from Plato to Paglia: a philosophical encyclopedia|publisher=[[Greenwood Publishing Group]]|volume=1|page=115|isbn=978-0-313-32686-8|year=2006|chapter=Bisexuality|url=}}</ref><ref name="Firestein">{{cite book|first = Beth A.|last = Firestein|title = Becoming Visible: Counseling Bisexuals Across the Lifespan|publisher = [[Columbia University Press]]|pages = 9–12|year = 2007|accessdate = October 3, 2012|isbn =0231137249|id=ISBN 978-0-231-13724-9|url =}}</ref><ref name="Sex and society">{{cite book|title=Sex and Society|volume=2|url=|page=593|last=Rice|first=Kim|isbn=978-0-7614-7905-5|publisher=[[Marshall Cavendish]]|year=2009|editor=Marshall Cavendish Corporation|contribution=Pansexuality|accessdate=3 October 2012|quote=Pada beberapa konteks, istilah panseksualitas digunakan bergantian dengan biseksualitas, yang merujuk pada ketertarikan pada individu-individu dari kedua jenis kelamin... Mereka yang dikenali sebagai biseksual merasa bahwa gender, jenis kelamin biologis, dan orientasi seksual tidak menjadi hal yang penting untuk menjalin hubungan yang potensial.}}</ref>
Biseksualitas adalah salah satu dari tiga klasifikasi utama [[orientasi seksual]], bersama dengan [[heteroseksualitas]] dan [[homoseksualitas]], yang masing-masing merupakan bagian dari [[Rangkaian kesatuan heteroseksual-homoseksual]]. Suatu identitas biseksual tidak harus memiliki ketertarikan seksual yang sama besar pada kedua jenis kelamin; biasanya, orang-orang yang memiliki ketertarikan pada kedua jenis kelamin tetapi memiliki tingkat ketertarikan yang berbeda juga mengidentifikasikan diri mereka sebagai biseksual.<ref name="Rosario">Rosario, M., Schrimshaw, E., Hunter, J., & Braun, L. (February 2006). Sexual identity development among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths: Consistency and change over time. ''Journal of Sex Research'', 43(1), 46–58. Retrieved 4 April 2009.</ref> Biseksualitas umumnya dikontraskan dengan [[homoseksualitas]], [[heteroseksualitas]], dan [[aseksualitas]].
Biseksualitas telah teramati terdapat dalam berbagai golongan masyarakat manusia<ref name="Civil">{{Cite book|last=Crompton |first=Louis |authorlink=Louis Crompton |title=Homosexuality and Civilization |url=|publisher=[[Belknap Press]] |year=2003 |location=Cambridge, Massachusetts|isbn=0-674-01197-X}}</ref> dan juga pada kelompok hewan<ref name="Bio">{{Cite book|last=Bagemihl |first=Bruce |authorlink=Bruce Bagemihl |title=Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity |publisher=Profile Books, Ltd. |year=1999 |location=London |isbn=1-86197-182-6}}</ref><ref name="Evol">{{Cite book|last=Roughgarden |first=Joan |authorlink=Joan Roughgarden |title=Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender, and Sexuality in Nature and People |url=|publisher=[[University of California Press]] |date=May 2004 |location=Berkeley, CA |isbn=0-520-24073-1}}</ref><ref name="Bi Species">{{cite news |last=Driscoll |first=Emily V. |title=Bisexual Species: Unorthodox Sex in the Animal Kingdom |work=Scientific American |date = July 2008|url=}}</ref> di sepanjang [[sejarah tertulis]]. Istilah ''biseksualitas'', sebagaimana ''hetero-'' dan ''homoseksualitas'', diciptakan pada abad ke-19 M.<ref name="etymon">{{cite web|url= |title=Bisexuality |accessdate=16 February 2007 |author=Harper, Douglas |date=November 2001 |work=Online Etymology Dictionary}}</ref>
== Definisi ==
=== Orientasi, identitas, kebiasaan seksual ===
{{Utama|Orientasi seksual|Identitas orientasi seksual|Aktivitas seksual manusia}}
{{Lihat pula|Kebiasaan seksual situasional}}
[[File:Threesomeindia.jpg|thumb|''Threesome'' yang melibatkan dua pria dan satu wanita. Miniatur dari sebuah naskah [[bahasa Urdu|Urdu]], [[Kesultanan Mughal]].]]
Biseksualitas merupakan ketertariksan romantis atau seksual pada pria dan wanita. [[American Psychological Association]] menegaskan bahwa "orientasi seksual merupakan suatu kontinum ("rangkaian kesatuan"). Dengan kata lain, seseorang tidak pasti benar-benar heteroseksual atau homoseksual, tetapi bisa merasakan keduanya dengan taraf yang bervariasi. Orientasi seksual berkembang sepanjang masa hidup seseorang -orang-orang yang berbeda menyadari apakah mereka hetersoseksual, biseksual, atau homoseksual pada titik-titik berbeda dalam hidup mereka."<ref name="Rosario"/><ref name=apa2009>{{cite journal|title=Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation|publisher=[[American Psychological Association]] |pages=63, 86|url=|accessdate=15 May 2011|quote=Sexual orientation identity—not sexual orientation—appears to change via psychotherapy, support groups, and life events.}}</ref>
Baris 21:
Aktivis biseksual bernama [[Robyn Ochs]] mendefiniskan biseksualitas sebagai "potensi untuk tertarik -secara romantika dan/atau seksual- pada orang-orang dengan lebih dari satu jenis kelamin dan/atau gender, tidak harus pada saat yang bersamaan, tidak harus dengan cara yang sama, dan tidak harus dengan derajat ketertarikan yang sama."<ref>{{cite book|last=Eisner|first=Shiri|title=Bi: Notes for a Bi Revolution|year=2013|publisher=Seal Press|isbn=978-1-58005-474-4}}</ref>
Menurut Rosario, Schrimshaw, Hunter, Braun (2006):<blockquote>... perkembangan suatu identitas seksual lesbian, gay, atau biseksual (LGB) merupakan suatu proses yang kompleks dan seringkalisering kali sulit. Tidak seperti anggota kelompok minoritas lain (misalnya etnis atau ras minoritas), kebanyakan individu-individu LGB tidak dibesarkan dalam suatu komunitas yang sama dengannya, darimana ia bisa belajar mengenai identitas mereka dan yang menguatkan serta mendukung identitas mereka. Malah, individu-individu LGB seringkalisering kali dibesarkan dalam komunitas yang mungkin tidak peduli atau malah bermusuhan secara terang-terangan terhadap homoseksualitas.<ref name="Rosario"/></blockquote>
Biseksualitas sebagai sebuah identitas peralihan juga telah dipelajari. Dalam sebuah [[penelitian longitudinal]] atas perkembangan identitas seksual pada remaja lesbian, gay, dan biseksual {(LGB), Rosario dkk "menemukan bukti atas konsistensi yang cukup dan perubahan identitas seksual LGB sepanjang waktu". Para remaja yang telah mengidentifikasi diri sebagai gay/lesbian sekaligus biseksual pada penilaian awal, kira-kira tiga kali lebih sering mengidentifikasi diri sebagai gay/lesbian dibandingkan biseksual pada penilaian berikutnya. Para remaja yang hanay mengidentifikasi sebagai biseksual pada penilaian awal, 60–70% tetap berpegang pada identitas tersebut, sementara sekitar 30–40% mengasumsikan identitas gay/lesbian. Rosario dkk menduga bahwa "meskipun terdapat para remaja yang secara konsisten mengidentifikasi diri sebagai biseksual sepanjang penelitian, pada remaja yang lain, identitas biseksual menjadi suatu indentitas transisional sebelum mereka selanjutnya mengidentitaskan diri sebagai gay/ biseksual."<ref name="Rosario"/> Sebaliknya, sebuah [[penelitian longitudinal]] yang dilakukan oleh Lisa M. Diamond terhadap para wanita yang mengidentifikasi diri mereka sebagai lesbian, biseksual, atau tanpa keterangan, menemukan bahwa "lebih banyak wanita yang menggunakan identitas biseksual/tanpa keterangan daripada melepaskannya," selama suatu periode yang panjangnya adalah 10 tahun. Penelitian tersebut juga menemukan bahwa "para wanita biseksual/tanpa keterangan memiliki keseluruhan distribusi yang stabil atas ketertarikan terhadap sesama-jenis/lawan-jenis."<ref>{{cite journal|last=Diamond|first=Lisa M.|journal=Developmental Psychology|year=2008|volume=44|issue=1|pages=5–14|doi=10.1037/0012-1649.44.1.5|accessdate=19 October 2013|pmid=18194000}}</ref> Diamond juga meneliti biseksualitas pria, menyebutkan bahwa survei penelitian tersebut menemukan "...hampir sama jumlah pria yang berubah pada satu titik dari gay menjadi biseksual, queer, atau tanpa keterangan, dengan dari identitas biseksual menjadi gay."<ref>{{cite news|title=The Scientific Quest to Prove Bisexuality Exists|url=|publisher=New York Times|accessdate=21 March 2014|work=The New York Times Magazine, 20 March 2014|first=Benoit|last=Denizet-Lewis|date=20 March 2014}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=2014 Sexuality Preconference|url=|work=Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology - Preconferences|publisher=Society for Personality and Social Psychology|accessdate=21 March 2014|archive-date=2014-03-21|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
=== Akurasi penamaan ===
[[FileBerkas:Bisexual-moon-Double crescent symbol (color).svg|thumb|150pxjmpl|Lambang bulan biseksual]]
Sebagaimana orang-orang dengan seksualitas [[LGBT]] lainnya, biseksual seringkalisering kali juga mengalami diskriminasi. Selain diskriminasi yang berhubungan dengan [[homofobia]], kaum biseksual juga mengalami diskriminasi dari para gay, lesbian, dan straight mengenai kata ''biseksual'' dan identitas biseksual itu sendiri.<ref name="Stange">{{cite book |title = Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World|isbn = 1-4129-7685-5|id=ISBN 9781412976855978-1-4129-7685-5|publisher=Sage Pubns|year=2011|pages=158–161|accessdate=23 June 2012|url=|author =Mary Zeiss Stange, Carol K. Oyster, Jane E. Sloan}}</ref><ref name="Dworkin">{{cite journal |author=Dworkin, SH |title=Treating the bisexual client|url= |journal=Journal of Clinical Psychology|volume=57|issue=5|year=2001|pages=671–80 | pmid=11304706 |doi=10.1002/jclp.1036}}</ref><ref name="bisexual erasure">{{cite journal |last=Yoshino |first=Kenji |authorlink=Kenji Yoshino |title=The Epistemic Contract of Bisexual Erasure |journal=[[Stanford Law Review]] |volume=52 |issue=2 |pages=353–461 |publisher=[[Stanford Law School]] |date=January 2000 |url= |doi=10.2307/1229482 |jstor=1229482}}</ref><ref name="gold star">{{cite web|title=Why Do Lesbians Hate Bisexuals?||date=11 April 2008|accessdate=26 March 2011|url=|archive-date=2013-12-07|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> Anggapan bahwa [[Bifobia#Penyangkalan|biseksualitas itu tidak ada]] cukup sering dijumpai,<ref name="Stange"/> dan berakar pada dua pandangan. Menurut pandangan [[Heteroseksisme|heteroseksis]], masyarakat dianggap memiliki ketertarikan pada lawan jenisnya dan ini terkadang menyatakan bahwa hanya [[heteroseksualitas]] yang benar-benar ada. Dalam pandangan monoseksis, dipercaya bahwa orang-orang tidak bisa menjadi biseksual kecuali mereka memiliki ketertarikan yang benar-benar seimbang kepada kedua jenis kelamin.<ref name="Stange"/><ref name="Dworkin"/> Menurut pandangan ini, orang hanya mungkin menjadi homoseksual murni ([[gay]]/[[lesbian]]) atau heteroseksual murni ([[straight]]),<ref name="Stange"/> kaum homoseksual tertutup yang berharap bisa tampil seperti heteroseksual,<ref>Michael Musto, 7 April 2009. [ Ever Meet a Real Bisexual?] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2010-04-13 }}, ''The Village Voice''</ref> atau kaum heteroseksual yang sedang bereksperimen dengan seksualitas mereka.<ref name="bisexual erasure"/><ref name="gold star"/><ref name="bisexual workers">{{cite web|first=Jessica|last=Geen|title=Bisexual workers 'excluded by lesbian and gay colleagues'||date=28 October 2009|accessdate=26 March 2011|url=}}</ref>
Anggapan bahwa seseorang tidak bisa menjadi biseksual kecuali memiliki ketertarikan seimbang dengan kedua jenis kelamin telah ditentang oleh berbagai peneliti, yang melaporkan bahwa biseksualitas [[Rangkaian kesatuan heteroseksual-homoseksual|memiliki rentang ketertarikan]], sebagaimana seksualitas pada umumnya.<ref name="Rosario"/><ref name="Carey">{{cite news |last=Carey |first=Benedict |title=Straight, Gay or Lying? Bisexuality Revisited |work=The New York Times |date=5 July 2005 |url= |accessdate=24 February 2007}}</ref> Tahun 2005, anggapan bahwa biseksualitas harus memiliki ketertarikan seksual/romantis yang seimbang didukung oleh Gerulf Rieger, Meredith L. Chivers, dan [[J. Michael Bailey]],<ref>{{cite journal |author=Rieger G, Chivers ML, Bailey JM |title=Sexual arousal patterns of bisexual men |journal=Psychological science: APS |volume=16 |issue=8 |pages=579–84 |year=2005 |pmid=16102058 |doi=10.1111/j.1467-9280.2005.01578.x}}</ref> yang menyimpulkan bahwa biseksualitas sangat jarang terjadi pada pria. Kesimpulan tersebut didasarkan pada tes [[penile plethysmograph]] yang kontroversial saat relawan diberi suguhan materi pornografi yang berisi pria saja dan wanita saja. Kritik yang muncul menyatakan bahwa penelitian tersebut berlandaskan asumsi bahwa seorang pria hanya benar-benar biseksual jika respon yang ditunjukkan oleh alat kelaminnya saat menonton pronografi yang hanya menampilkan wanita adalah sama seperti saat menonton pornografi yang hanya menampilkan pria. Terlebih lagi, pernyataan tegas Bailey bahwa "gairah pada pria adalah orientasi" dikritik oleh [[Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting]] (FAIR) sebagai sebuah penyederhanaan yang telah mengabaikan kebiasaan dan indentifikasi-diri.<ref name="FAIR">{{cite web|title=New York Times Suggests Bisexuals Are 'Lying.' Paper fails to disclose study author's controversial history|publisher=[[Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting]] |date=July 8, 2005|accessdate=June 22, 2013|url=}}</ref> Penelitian Bailey juga merekrut responden pria melalui iklan yang muncul pada "majalah-majalah gay" dan sebuah surat kabar alternatif di Chicago, tidak melakukan proses pemeriksaan selain pernyataan responden bahwa diri mereka seorang biseksual supaya bisa diterima sebagai responden serta dibayar.<ref name="Carey"/> Selain itu, beberapa peneliti berpegang bahwa teknik yang digunakan dalam penelitian untuk mengukur gairah alat kelamin dinilai terlalu kasar untuk menangkap kekayaan (sensasi, afeksi, dan kekaguman erotis) yang menunjukkan ketertarikan seksual.<ref name="Carey"/> [[National Gay and Lesbian Task Force]] menyebut penelitian dan ''[[The New York Times]]'' menutupi kecacatan dan [[bifobia]] yang ada di dalamnya.<ref name="ngltf">[[National Gay and Lesbian Task Force]] (July 2005). [ The Problems with "Gay, Straight, or Lying?"] {{Webarchive|url=|date=2013-10-16}} ([[PDF]]) Retrieved 24 July 2006.</ref>
Terdapat pernyataan bahwa penelitian Bailey telah mengalami kesalahan interpretasi dan pelaporan.<ref>{{cite web|title=Scientific evidence for the existence of bisexuality in human males|[[American Institute of Bisexuality]]|year=2008|accessdate=26 March 2011|url=|archive-date=2013-05-25|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}} Lihat pula: [ Controversy over Professor Bailey and the Existence of Bisexuality] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-04-26 }}</ref> Tahun 2008, pada sebuah penelitian baru yang menggunakan teknologi sama tetapi berbeda kriteria perekrutan serta stimulan yang digunakan, Bailey berkata bahwa ia menemukan pola gairah alat kelamin biseksual pada pria.<ref><ref>''[[Bi the Way]]'', 2008.</ref> Tahun 2011, ia dan para peneliti yang lain melaporkan bahwa spesifik pada pria yang memiliki sejarah hubungan romantis dan seksual dengan kedua jenis kelamin, tingkat gairah seksual yang tinggi muncul sebagai respon untuk stimulan pria serta wanita.<ref>Lehmiller, J. J. (2012). [ Are Bisexual People Equally Aroused By Both Sexes?] ''The Psychology of Human Sexuality''.</ref><ref name="=Rosenthal">{{cite journal|last=Rosenthal|first=AM |coauthors=Sylva, D; Safron, A; Bailey, JM|title=Sexual arousal patterns of bisexual men revisited.|journal=Biological Psychology|date=September 2011|year=2011|volume=88|issue=1|pages=112–5|doi=10.1016/j.biopsycho.2011.06.015|pmid=21763395|url=|accessdate=6 November 2012}}</ref> Penulis mencatat bahwa perubahan strategi perekrutan menjadi sebuah perbedaan yang penting, tetapi tidak ada cukup data untuk menetapkan protokol yang dapat memberikan sampel yang cukup mewakili komunitas pria biseksual. Dengan mengutip faktor-faktor tersebut, mereka menyimpulkan, "Pria-pria biseksual dengan pola gairah biseksual benar-benar ada, dan mereka menjadi kesempatan menarik untuk menerangi perkembangan dan ekspresi orientasi seksual pada pria."<ref name="=Rosenthal"/> Sebuah penelitian lebih lanjut menemukan suatu pola gairah seksual yang lebih kuat oada pria-pria biseksual, dibandingkan pria-pria heteroseksual dan homoseksual, tetapi tidak semua pria biseksual yang menampilkan pola gairah seperti itu.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Rosenthal|first=A. M.|coauthors=Sylva, David; Safron, Adam; Bailey, J. Michael|title=The Male Bisexuality Debate Revisited: Some Bisexual Men Have Bisexual Arousal Patterns|journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior|date=23 December 2011|volume=41|issue=1|pages=135–147|doi=10.1007/s10508-011-9881-7|pmid=22194088|url=|accessdate=7 November 2012}}</ref>
=== Skala Kinsey ===
{{Utama|Skala Kinsey}}
Skala Kinsey digunakan untuk menggambarkan pengalaman atau respon seksual seseorang pada waktu tertentu. Skala ini memiliki range dari 0 (memiliki arti eksklusif heteroseksual) hingga 6 (memiliki arti homoseksual eksklusif).<ref>[ Kinseys hetero homo rating scale] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-08-17 }} Retrieved 7 April 2011.</ref> Orang-orang yang memiliki nilai 2 hingga 4 seringkalisering kali dianggap biseksual; mereka umumnya tidak benar-benar ekstrimekstrem pada yang satu atau yang lain.<ref>Szymanski, Mike. "Moving Closer to the Middle: Kinsey the Movie, and Its Rocky Road to Bisexual Acceptance." Journal of Bisexuality 8.3 (2008): 287-308. Print.</ref> Pada prinsipnya, orang-orang yang memiliki nilai 1 hingga 5 dapat dianggap biseksual.<ref>{{Cite book|author1=Weinberg, Martin S. |author2=Williams, Colin J. |author3=Pryor, Douglas W. |title=Dual Attraction: Understanding Bisexuality |url=|publisher=Oxford University Press |location=New York |year=1995 |isbn=0-19-509841-2 |page=[ 41]}}</ref>
== Prevalensi ==
{{Utama|Demografi orientasi seksual|Laporan Kinsey}}
Penelitian [[Alfred Kinsey]] pada tahun 1948 yang berujudl ''[[Laporan Kinsey|Kebiasaan Seksual pada Pria]]'' menemukan bahwa "46% populasi pria pernah melakukan aktivitas heteroseksual dan homoseksual, atau 'bereaksi pada' orang-orang pada kedua jenis kelamin, selama menjalani kehidupan dewasa mereka".<ref name=institute>[ Research Summary] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2010-07-26 }} from the [ Kinsey Institute].</ref> Kinsey sendiri tidak senang pada penggunaan istilah ''bisexual'' untuk menggambarkan individu-individu yang melakukan aktivitas seksual dengan pria dan wanita, melainkan menggunakan istilah ''biseksual'' dalam pengertian asli dan biologisnya yaitu [[hermafrodit]], menyatakan, "Hingga dapat dibuktikan [bahwa] selera dalam suatu hubungan seksual tergantung pada individu yang memiliki organ pria dan wanita, atau kapasitas fisiologis pria dan wanita pada tubuhnya, sangat disayangkan untuk menyebut individu seperti itu sebagai biseksual."<ref name="Stange"/><ref>Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., & Martin, C. E. (1948). ''Sexual behavior in the human male.'' Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders. p 657.</ref>
''The Janus Report on Sexual Behavior'' (lit. "Laporan Janus Mengenai Kebiasaan Seksual) yang diterbitkan tahun 1993, menunjukkan bahwa 5 persen pria dan 3 persen wanita menganggap diri mereka biseksual serta 4 persen pria dan 2 persen wanita menganggap diri mereka homoseksual.<ref name="Kinsey FAQ"/>
Baris 48:
Sebuah penelitian dalam jurnal ''[[Psikologi Biologis]]'' pada tahun 2011 melaporkan bahwa terdapat pria-pria yang mengidentifikasikan diri mereka sebagai ''biseksual'' dan bergairah baik pada pria maupun wanita.<ref name=twsO28>{{cite news
|author= Elizabeth Landau
|title= Bisexual men: Science says they're real
|work= CNN
|quote= ...mengonfirmasikan bahwa pria dengan pola gairah biseksual dan identitas biseksual benar-benar ada...
|date= 23 August 2011
|accessdate= 2011-08-15
|archive-date= 2012-01-17
|dead-url= yes
== Berbagai penelitian, teori, dan tanggapan masyarakat ==
{{Utama|Biologi dan orientasi seksual|Lingkungan dan orientasi seksual}}
{{Lihat jugapula|[[Hormon pra-kelahiran dan orientasi seksual]]|[[Urutan kelahiran dan orientasi seksual pria]]|[[Biseksualitas dari lahir]]}}
Tidak ada konsensus diantara para ahli mengenai alasan yang tepat mengapa seorang individu mengembangkan orientasi heteroseksual, biseksual, atau homoseksual.<ref name=apanew>[ Sex<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> <!-- Proposed reasons include a combination of [[Biology and sexual orientation|genetic factors]]<ref>{{cite doi|10.1007.2Fs10508-008-9381-6}}</ref><ref>[,8599,1815538,00.html What the gay brain looks like], ''Time'';</ref> and [[Environment and sexual orientation|environmental factors]] (including fraternal birth order, where the number of older brothers a boy has increases the chances of homosexuality; specific prenatal hormone exposure, where hormones play a role in determining sexual orientation as they do with sex differentiation;<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Dörner | first1 = G. | last2 = Rohde | first2 = W. | last3 = Stahl | first3 = F. | last4 = Krell | first4 = L. | last5 = Masius | first5 = W.-G. | year = 1975 | title = A neuroendocrine predisposition for homosexuality in men | url = | journal = Archives of Sexual Behavior | volume = 4 | issue = 1| pages = 1–8 | doi = 10.1007/BF01541882 | pmid = 165797 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Ellis | first1 = L| last2 = Ames | first2 = MA| year = 1987 | title = Neurohormonal functioning and sexual orientation: A theory of homosexuality-heterosexuality | url = | journal = Psychological Bulletin | volume = 101 | issue = 2| pages = 233–258 | doi = 10.1037/0033-2909.101.2.233 | pmid = 2882536 }}</ref> and [[prenatal stress]] on the mother<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Dörner | first1 = G. | last2 = Geier | first2 = T. | last3 = Ahrens | first3 = L. | last4 = Krell | first4 = L. | last5 = Münx | first5 = G. | last6 = Sieler | first6 = H. | last7 = Kittner | first7 = E. | last8 = Müller | first8 = H. | year = 1980 | title = Prenatal stress as possible aetiogenetic factor of homosexuality in human males | url = | journal = Endokrinologie | volume = 75 | issue = 3| pages = 365–368 | pmid = 7428712 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Dörner | first1 = G. | last2 = Schenk | first2 = B. | last3 = Schmiedel | first3 = B. | last4 = Ahrens | first4 = L. | year = 1983 | title = Stressful events in prenatal life and bi- and homosexual men | url = | journal = Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology | volume = 31 | pages = 83–87 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Ellis | first1 = L. | last2 = Cole-Harding | first2 = S. | year = 2001 | title = The effects of prenatal stress, and of prenatal alcohol and nicotine exposure, on human sexual orientation | url = | journal = Physiology and Behavior | volume = 74 | issue = 1–2| pages = 213–226 | doi = 10.1016/S0031-9384(01)00564-9 | pmid = 11564471 }}</ref>).
The [[American Academy of Pediatrics]] has stated that "sexual orientation probably is not determined by any one factor but by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences."<ref name=aappub>{{Cite news |title=Sexual Orientation and Adolescents |url=;113/6/1827.pdf |periodical=American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Report |accessdate=23 February 2007}}</ref> The [[American Psychological Association]] has stated that "there are probably many reasons for a person's sexual orientation and the reasons may be different for different people". It further stated that, for most people, sexual orientation is determined at an early age.<ref name=autogenerated1>{{Cite news |url= |title=Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality |periodical=American Psychological Association |accessdate=3 February 2009}}</ref> The [[American Psychiatric Association]] stated: "To date there are no replicated scientific studies supporting any specific biological etiology for homosexuality. Similarly, no specific psychosocial or family dynamic cause for homosexuality has been identified, including histories of childhood sexual abuse."<ref name=Psych>{{cite web |url=
|title=Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues |author=American Psychiatric Association
|publisher=Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrics |date=May 2000}}</ref> Research into how sexual orientation may be determined by genetic or other prenatal factors plays a role in political and social debates about homosexuality, and also raises fears about [[DNA profiling|genetic profiling]] and [[prenatal testing]].<ref name=trib>{{Cite news |url=,1,5608849.story?ctrack=1&cset=true |title=Study of gay brothers may find clues about sexuality |first=Robert |last=Mitchum |periodical=[[Chicago Tribune]] |date=12 August 2007 |accessdate=4 May 2007 }} {{Dead link|date=May 2009}}</ref>
[[Sigmund Freud]] believed that every human being is bisexual in a very broad sense of the term, that of incorporating general aspects of both sexes. In his view, this was true anatomically and therefore also psychologically, with sexual attraction to both sexes being one part of this psychological bisexuality. Freud believed that in the course of sexual development the masculine side would normally become dominant in men and the feminine side in women, but that as adults everyone still has desires derived from both the masculine and the feminine sides of their natures. Freud did not claim that everyone is bisexual in the sense of feeling the same level of sexual attraction to both genders. Freud's belief in innate bisexuality was rejected by [[Sandor Rado|Sándor Radó]] and, following Rado, by many later psychoanalysts.<ref>{{Cite book|author=Ruse, Michael |authorlink=Michael Ruse |title=Homosexuality: A Philosophical Inquiry |publisher=Basil Blackwell |location=Oxford |year=1988 |isbn=0 631 15275 X |pages=22, 25, 45}}</ref>
Human bisexuality has mainly been studied alongside homosexuality. Van Wyk and Geist argue that this is a problem for sexuality research because the few studies that have observed bisexuals separately have found that bisexuals are often different from both heterosexuals and homosexuals. Furthermore, bisexuality does not always represent a halfway point between the dichotomy. Research indicates that bisexuality is influenced by biological, cognitive and cultural variables in interaction, and this leads to different types of bisexuality.<ref name=VanWyk>{{cite journal |author=Van Wyk PH,Geist CS|title=Biology of Bisexuality: Critique and Observations |journal=Journal of Homosexuality |volume=28 |issue=3–4 |pages=357–373 |year=1995 |doi=10.1300/J082v28n03_11 |pmid=7560936}}</ref>
In the current debate around influences on sexual orientation, biological explanations have been questioned by social scientists, particularly by feminists who encourage women to make conscious decisions about their life and sexuality. A difference in attitude between homosexual men and women has also been reported, with men more likely to regard their sexuality as biological, "reflecting the universal male experience in this culture, not the complexities of the lesbian world." There is also evidence that women's sexuality may be more strongly affected by cultural and contextual factors.<ref name=Veniegas>{{cite journal |last=Veniegas |first=Rosemary c. |author2=Terri D. Conley |title=Biological Research on Women's Sexual Orientations: Evaluating the Scientific Evidence |journal= Journal of Social Issues |volume=56 |issue=2 |pages=267–282 |year=2000 |doi=10.1111/0022-4537.00165 }}</ref>
[[Camille Paglia]] has promoted bisexuality as an ideal.<ref>{{Cite book|author=Paglia, Camille |authorlink=Camille Paglia |title=Vamps and Tramps: New Essays |publisher=Penguin Books |location=New York |year=1995 |isbn=0-14-024828-5 |page=94}}</ref> Harvard Shakespeare professor [[Marjorie Garber]] made an academic case for bisexuality with her 1995 book ''Vice Versa: Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life,'' which argued that most people would be bisexual if not for repression and other factors such as lack of sexual opportunity.<ref>{{Cite book|author=Garber, Marjorie B. |authorlink=Marjorie Garber |title=Bisexuality and the Eroticism of Everyday Life |publisher=Routledge |location=New York |year=2000 |isbn=0-415-92661-0 |page=249}}</ref>
===Faktor-faktor sosial===
In the 1940s, zoologist [[Alfred Kinsey]] was the first to create a scale to measure the continuum of sexual orientation from hetero to homosexuality. Kinsey studied human sexuality and argued that people have the capability of being hetero or homosexual even if this trait does not present itself in the current circumstances.<ref name=Young-Bruehl>{{cite journal |last=Young-Bruehl |first=Elisabeth |title=Are Human Beings "By Nature" Bisexual? |journal=Studies in Gender and Sexuality |volume=3 |issue=2 |pages=179–213 |year=2001 |doi=10.1080/15240650209349175 }}</ref>
From an anthropological perspective, there is large variation in the prevalence of bisexuality between different cultures. Among some tribes it appears to be non-existent while in others a universal, including the Sambia of [[New Guinea]] and other similar [[Melanesian]] cultures.<ref name=VanWyk/> -->
===Hasrat seksual===
Several studies comparing bisexuals with hetero- or homosexuals have indicated that bisexuals have higher rates of sexual activity, fantasy or erotic interest. Van Wyk and Geist (1984) found that male and female bisexuals had more sexual fantasy than heterosexuals. Dixon (1985) found that bisexual men had more sexual activities with women than did heterosexual men. Bisexual men masturbated more but had fewer happy marriages than heterosexuals. Bressler and Lavender (1986) found that bisexual women had more orgasms per week and they described them as stronger than those of hetero- or homosexual women. They also found that marriages with a bisexual female were happier than heterosexual unions, observed less instance of hidden infidelity, and ended in divorce less frequently. Goode and Haber (1977) found bisexual women to be sexually mature earlier, masturbate and enjoy masturbation more and to be more experienced in different types of heterosexual contact.<ref name=VanWyk/>
Recent research suggests that, for most women, high sex drive is associated with increased sexual attraction to both women and men. For men, however, high sex drive is associated with increased attraction to one sex or the other, but not to both, depending on sexual orientation.<ref>Lippa, R. A., 2006. ''Psychological Science," 17, 46–52</ref> Similarly for most bisexual women, high sex drive is associated with increased sexual attraction to both women and men; while for bisexual men, high sex drive is associated with increased attraction to one sex, and weakened attraction to the other.<ref name=Muscarella>{{cite journal |last=Lippa |first=Richard A. |title=The Relation Between Sex Drive and Sexual Attraction to Men and Women: A Cross-National Study of Heterosexual, Bisexual, and Homosexual Men and Women |journal=Archives of Sexual Behavior |volume=36 |pages=209–222
|date=23 March 2007 |doi=10.1007/s10508-006-9146-z |pmid=17380375 |issue=2 }}</ref> -->
[[Masculinization]] of women and hypermasculinization of men has been a central theme in sexual orientation research. There are several studies suggesting that bisexuals have a high degree of masculinization. LaTorre and Wendenberg (1983) found differing personality characteristics for bisexual, heterosexual and homosexual women. Bisexuals were found to have fewer personal insecurities than heterosexuals and homosexuals. This finding defined bisexuals as self-assured and less likely to suffer from mental instabilities. The confidence of a secure identity consistently translated to more masculinity than other subjects. This study did not explore societal norms, prejudices, or the feminization of homosexual males.<ref name=VanWyk/>
In a research comparison, published in the ''Journal of the Association for Research in [[Otolaryngology]]'', women usually have a better hearing sensitivity than males, assumed by researchers as a genetic disposition connected to child bearing. Homosexual and bisexual women have been found to have a hypersensitivity to sound in comparison to heterosexual women, suggesting a genetic disposition to not tolerate high pitched tones. While heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual men have been found to exhibit similar patterns of hearing, there was a notable differential within a sub-group of males identified as hyperfeminized homosexual males who exhibited test results similar to heterosexual women.<ref>{{cite journal
|author2=Champlin, CA
|title=Comparison of auditory evoked potentials in heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual males and females
|journal=JARO&nbsp;– Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology
|date=March 2000
|accessdate=19 June 2008
</ref> -->
====Hormon-hormon pra-kelahiran====
The prenatal hormonal theory of sexual orientation suggests that people who are exposed to excess levels of sex hormones have masculinized brains and show increased homosexuality or bisexuality. Studies providing evidence for the masculinization of the brain have, however, not been conducted to date. Research on special conditions such as [[congenital adrenal hyperplasia]] (CAH) and exposure to [[diethylstilbestrol]] (DES) indicate that prenatal exposure to, respectively, excess testosterone and [[estrogen]]s are associated with female–female sex fantasies in adults. Both effects are associated with bisexuality rather than homosexuality.<ref name=Veniegas/>
There is research evidence that the digit [[ratio]] of the length of the 2nd and 4th digits (index finger and ring finger) is somewhat negatively related to prenatal testosterone and positively to estrogen. Studies measuring the fingers found a statistically significant skew in the 2D:4D ratio (long ring finger) towards homosexuality with an even lower ratio in bisexuals. It is suggested that exposure to high prenatal testosterone and low prenatal estrogen concentrations is one cause of homosexuality whereas exposure to very high testosterone levels may be associated with bisexuality. Because testosterone in general is important for sexual differentiation, this view offers an alternative to the suggestion that male homosexuality is genetic.<ref>{{cite journal |author=Robinson, SJ & Manning, TJ|title=The ratio of 2nd to 4th digit length and male homosexuality |journal=Evolution and Human Behavior |volume=21 |pages=333–345 |year=2000 |id= [[Publisher Item Identifier|PII]] S1090-5138(00)00052-0 |doi=10.1016/S1090-5138(00)00052-0 |pmid=11053694 |issue=5}}</ref>
The prenatal hormonal theory suggests that a homosexual orientation results from exposure to excessive testosterone causing an over-masculinized brain. This is contradictory to another hypothesis that homosexual preferences may be due to a feminized brain in males. However, it has also been suggested that homosexuality may be due to high prenatal levels of unbound testosterone that results from a lack of receptors at particular brain sites. Therefore the brain could be feminized while other features, such as the 2D:4D ratio could be over-masculinized.<ref name=Muscarella/> -->
====Struktur otak====
[[Simon LeVay]]'s (1991) examination at autopsy of 18 homosexual men, 1 bisexual man, 16 presumably heterosexual men and 6 presumably heterosexual women found that the [[INAH 3]] nucleus of the anterior [[hypothalamus]] of homosexual men was smaller than that of heterosexual men and closer in size of heterosexual women. Although grouped with homosexuals, the INAH 3 size of the one bisexual subject was similar to that of the heterosexual men.<ref name=VanWyk/> -->
Some evidence supports the concept of biological precursors of bisexual orientation in genetic males. According to Money (1988), men with an extra [[Y chromosome]] are more likely to be bisexual, [[paraphilic]] and impulsive.<ref name=VanWyk/> -->
===Teori evolusioner===
Some evolutionary psychologists have argued that same-sex attraction does not have adaptive value because it has no association with potential reproductive success. Instead, bisexuality can be due to normal variation in brain plasticity. More recently, it has been suggested that same-sex alliances may have helped males climb the social hierarchy giving access to females and reproductive opportunities. Same-sex allies could have helped females to move to the safer and resource richer center of the group, which increased their chances of raising their offspring successfully.<ref name=Muscarella/>
Brendan Zietsch of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research proposes the alternative theory that men exhibiting female traits become more attractive to females and are thus more likely to mate, provided the genes involved do not drive them to complete rejection of heterosexuality.<ref>[ How homosexuality may have evolved]</ref>
Also, in a 2008 study, its authors stated that "There is considerable evidence that human sexual orientation is genetically influenced, so it is not known how homosexuality, which tends to lower reproductive success, is maintained in the population at a relatively high frequency." They hypothesized that "while genes predisposing to homosexuality reduce homosexuals' reproductive success, they may confer some advantage in heterosexuals who carry them." and their results suggested that "genes predisposing to homosexuality may confer a mating advantage in heterosexuals, which could help explain the evolution and maintenance of homosexuality in the population."<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Zietsch | first1 = B. | last2 = Morley | first2 = K. | last3 = Shekar | first3 = S. | last4 = Verweij | first4 = K. | last5 = Keller | first5 = M. | last6 = Macgregor | first6 = S. | year = 2008 | title = Genetic factors predisposing to homosexuality may increase mating success in heterosexuals | url = | journal = Evolution and Human Behavior | volume = 29 | issue = 6| pages = 424–433 | doi = 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2008.07.002 | display-authors = 6 | last7 = Wright | first7 = M | last8 = Bailey | first8 = J | last9 = Martin | first9 = N }}</ref>
In ''[[Scientific American Mind]]'', scientist Emily V. Driscoll stated that homosexual and bisexual behavior is quite common in several species and that it fosters bonding: "The more homosexuality, the more peaceful the species". The article also stated: "Unlike most humans, however, individual animals generally cannot be classified as gay or straight: an animal that engages in a same-sex flirtation or partnership does not necessarily shun heterosexual encounters. Rather, many species seem to have ingrained homosexual tendencies that are a regular part of their society. That is, there are probably no strictly gay critters, just bisexual ones. Animals don't do sexual identity. They just do sex."<ref name="Unorthodox">{{cite web|url= |title=Bisexual Species: Unorthodox Sex in the Animal Kingdom}}{{dead link|date=April 2014}}</ref> -->
{{Lihat pula|Sejarah biseksual Amerika}}
[[File:Japanesepederasty18thcentury.jpg|left|thumb|250px|<!--PLEASE SEE TALK PAGE SECTION "Wrong caption for the Japanese illo" BEFORE CHANGING THIS CAPTION, THANKS.-->''[[Shudo]]'' ([[Perjantanan]] di Jepang): seorang pria muda melayani kekasihnya yang merupakan seorang pria yang lebih tua, menutupi matanya saat ia sembunyi-sembunyi mencium seorang wanita [[pekerja rumah tangga]].]]
===Yunani kuno===
{{Utama|Homoseksualitas di Yunani kuno}}
Ancient Greeks did not associate sexual relations with binary labels, as modern Western society does. Men who had male lovers were not identified as homosexual, and may have had wives or other female lovers.
[[Ancient Greek]] religious texts, reflecting cultural practices, incorporated bisexual themes. The subtexts varied, from the mystical to the didactic.<ref name="livius">{{cite web|url=|title=Greek Homosexuality |accessdate=17 February 2007 |last=van Dolen |first=Hein}}</ref>
[[Sparta]]ns thought that love and erotic relationships between experienced and novice soldiers would solidify combat loyalty and [[unit cohesion]], and encourage heroic tactics as men vied to impress their lovers. Once the younger soldiers reached maturity, the relationship was supposed to become non-sexual, but it is not clear how strictly this was followed. There was some stigma attached to young men who continued their relationships with their mentors into adulthood.<ref name="livius"/> For example, [[Aristophanes]] calls them ''euryprôktoi'', meaning "wide arses", and depicts them like women.<ref name="livius"/>
[[File:Pederastic erotic scene Louvre F85bis.jpg|thumb|Seorang pemuda dan remaja melakukan [[intercrural sex]], fragmen dari sebuah gelas [[tembikar black-figure]] Attic, 550 SM–525 SM, [[Museum Louvre]].]]
===Romawi kuno===
{{Utama|Homoseksualitas di Romawi kuno}}
It was expected and socially acceptable for a freeborn Roman man to want sex with both female and male partners, as long as he took the penetrative role.<ref>Amy Richlin, ''The Garden of Priapus: Sexuality and Aggression in Roman Humor'' (Oxford University Press, 1983, 1992), p. 225.</ref> The morality of the behavior depended on the social standing of the partner, not gender ''per se''. Both women and young men were considered normal objects of desire, but outside marriage a man was supposed to act on his desires only with slaves, prostitutes (who were often slaves), and the ''[[Sexuality in ancient Rome#Pleasure and infamy|infames]]''. Gender did not determine whether a sexual partner was acceptable, as long as a man's enjoyment did not encroach on another's man integrity. It was immoral to have sex with another freeborn man's wife, his marriageable daughter, his underage son, or with the man himself; sexual use of another man's slave was subject to the owner's permission. Lack of self-control, including in managing one's [[sex life]], indicated that a man was incapable of governing others; too much indulgence in "low sensual pleasure" threatened to erode the elite male's identity as a cultured person.<ref>Catharine Edwards, "Unspeakable Professions: Public Performance and Prostitution in Ancient Rome," in ''Roman Sexualities'', pp. 67–68.</ref> -->
==Status sosial==
{{Tentang|biseksualitas dalam seksualitas manusia|Komunitas Biseksual/Fluid/Panseksual di kultur sekarang|Komunitas biseksual}}
Because some bisexual people do not feel that they fit into either the [[gay community|homosexual]] or the heterosexual world, and because they have a tendency to be "invisible" in public, some bisexual persons are committed to forming their own communities, culture, and political movements. Some who identify as bisexual may merge themselves into either homosexual or heterosexual society. Still, other bisexual people see this merging as [[Bisexual erasure|enforced]] rather than voluntary; bisexual people can [[Biphobia|face exclusion]] from both homosexual and heterosexual society on coming out. Psychologist Beth Firestein states that bisexuals tend to internalize social tensions related to their choice of partners<ref name="newgen">{{cite web|url= |title=A new generation of issues for LGBT clients |accessdate=16 February 2007 |author=DeAngelis, Tori |date=February 2002 |work=Monitor on Psychology |publisher=American Psychological Association}}</ref> and feel pressured to label themselves as homosexuals instead of occupying the difficult middle ground where attraction to people of both sexes would defy society's value on monogamy.<ref name="newgen"/> These social tensions and pressure may affect bisexuals' mental health, and specific therapy methods have been developed for bisexuals to address this concern.<ref name="newgen"/>
Bisexual behaviors are also associated in popular culture with [[men who have sex with men|men who engage in same-sex activity]] while otherwise presenting as heterosexual. The majority of such men&nbsp;— said to be ''living on the [[down-low (MSM)|down-low]]''&nbsp;— do not self-identify as bisexual.<ref name="boykin">{{cite web|url= |title=10 Things You Should Know About the DL |accessdate=23 February 2007 |author=Boykin, Keith |date=3 February 2005}}{{dead link|date=April 2014}}</ref> However, this may be a cultural misperception closely related to that of other LGBT individuals who hide their actual orientation due to societal pressures, a phenomenon colloquially called ''"being [[closeted]]"''.
==Lambang kebanggaan==
{{Utama|Simbol LGBT}}
[[File:Bi flag.svg|thumb|150px|Bendera kebanggaan biseksual]]
A common symbol of the bisexual community is the [[bisexual pride flag]], which has a deep pink stripe at the top for homosexuality, a blue one on the bottom for heterosexuality, and a purple one, blended from the pink and blue, in the middle to represent bisexuality.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Bi Pride Flag |accessdate=16 February 2007 |author=Page, Michael |quote=The pink color represents sexual attraction to the same sex only, homosexuality, the blue represents sexual attraction to the opposite sex only, heterosexuality, and the resultant overlap color purple represents sexual attraction to both sexes (bi).}}{{dead link|date=April 2014}}</ref> -->
[[File:bi triangles.svg|thumb|150px|Segitiga tumpang tindih]] <!--
Another symbol with the same color scheme is a pair of overlapping pink and blue triangles, the pink triangle being a well-known symbol for the homosexual community, forming purple where they intersect.<ref name="lambda symbols">{{cite web|url= |title=Symbols of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Movements |accessdate=27 February 2007 |date=26 December 2004}}</ref>
Many homosexual and bisexual individuals have a problem with the use of the [[pink triangle]] symbol, as it was the symbol that [[Adolf Hitler|Hitler]]'s regime use to tag and persecute homosexuals (similar to the yellow [[Star of David]] constituted of two opposed, overlapping triangles). Therefore, a double moon symbol was devised specifically to avoid the use of triangles.<ref name="symbol">{{cite web|url= |title=Gay Symbols: Other Miscellaneous Symbols |accessdate=18 February 2007 |author=Koymasky, Matt |author2=Koymasky Andrej |date=14 August 2006}}</ref> The double moon symbol is common in Germany and surrounding countries.<ref name="symbol"/> Another symbol used for bisexuality is a purple diamond, conceptually derived from the intersection of two triangles, pink and blue (respectively), placed overlapping. -->
{{Utama|Media menggambarkan biseksualitas}}
[[File:Jolie.png|thumb|190px|Angelina Jolie sebagai seorang artis biseksual.<ref>{{cite news |url= | |archiveurl= |archivedate=2006-02-07 |deadurl=no |location=New York}}</ref>]]
Film-film yang menampilkan biseksualitas antara lain:
#''[[Alexander (film)|Alexander]]''
#''[[Basic Instinct]]''
#''[[Black Swan (film)|Black Swan]]''
#''[[Brokeback Mountain]]''
#''[[Chasing Amy]]''
#''[[Henry and June]]''
#''[[Kissing Jessica Stein]]''
#''[[Something for Everyone (1970)|Something for Everyone]]''
#''[[Sunday Bloody Sunday (film)|Sunday Bloody Sunday]]''
#''[[The Fourth Man (1983)|The Fourth Man]]''
#''[[The Pillow Book (film)|The Pillow Book]]''
#''[[The Rocky Horror Picture Show]]''
#''[[The Rules of Attraction]]''
#''[[Velvet Goldmine]]''
:''Lihat: [[Daftar karakter LGBT di televisi dan radio]] untuk nama-nama karakter biseksual dan pertunjukan TV mereka''
====Amerika Serikat====
The [[Fox Broadcasting Company|FOX]] television series ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'' features a bisexual female doctor, [[Thirteen (House)|Remy "Thirteen" Hadley]], played by [[Olivia Wilde]], from season four onwards. The same network had earlier aired the television series ''[[The O.C.]]'', which for a time featured bisexual [[Alex Kelly (The O.C.)|Alex Kelly]] (also played by [[Olivia Wilde]]), the local rebellious hangout spot's manager, as a love interest of [[Marissa Cooper]].<ref>["Games". Writer: Eli Attie; Director: Deran Sarafian. House. Fox. No. 9, season 4.]</ref>
Beginning with the 2009 season, [[MTV]]'s ''[[The Real World]]'' series featured two bisexual characters,<ref name="RealWorld">{{cite web|url= |title=Real World DC}}</ref> Emily Schromm,<ref name="Schromm">{{cite web|url= |title=Emily Schromm talks}}</ref> and Mike Manning.<ref name="Metro">{{cite web|url= |title=Mike Manning Metro Weekly}}</ref> -->
The [[Showcase (Canadian TV channel)|Showcase]] supernatural crime drama, ''[[Lost Girl (TV series)|Lost Girl]]'', about creatures called [[Fairy|Fae]] who live secretly among humans, features a bisexual protagonist, [[Bo (Lost Girl)|Bo]],<ref>{{cite web|last=drsquid|title=Nine Questions with Lost Girl Creator and Writer Michelle Lovretta|url=|work=RGB Filter|date=September 30, 2010|quote=Bo is a succubus, a grown woman, and bisexual....}}</ref> played by [[Anna Silk]]. In the story arc she is involved in a love triangle between Dyson, a wolf-[[shapeshifter]] (played by [[Kris Holden-Ried]]), and Lauren Lewis,<ref>{{cite web|title="Lost Girl" showcases the Lauren and Bo relationship for Season 2|url=|work=AfterEllen|accessdate=October 28, 2011|date=October 28, 2011}}</ref> a human doctor (played by [[Zoie Palmer]]) in servitude to the leader of the Light Fae clan. -->
In the [[BBC]] TV science fiction show ''[[Torchwood]]'', several of the main characters appear to have fluid sexuality. Most prominent among these is [[Jack Harkness|Captain Jack Harkness]], a pansexual who is the lead character and an otherwise conventional science fiction action hero. Within the logic of the show, where characters can also interact with alien species, producers sometimes use the term "omnisexual" to describe him.<ref name=Tribune>{{cite news|first=Maureen|last=Ryan|title=Spike from 'Buffy' and 'Torchwood's Captain Jack Harkness&nbsp;— Yowza!|url=|work=Chicago Tribune|date=2007-07-14|accessdate=2009-06-02}}</ref> Jack's ex, [[Captain John Hart (Torchwood)|Captain John Hart]] is also bisexual.<ref name="Radio Times (James Marsters)">{{cite web |url=|title= James Marsters Interview (January 2008)|accessdate=2008-01-25 |work= [[Radio Times]]}}{{dead link|date=April 2014}}</ref> Of his female exes, significantly at least one ex-wife and at least one woman with whom he has had a child have been indicated. Some critics draw the conclusion that the series more often shows Jack with men than women.<ref name="Queer TV">{{cite book|first1=Glyn|last1=Davis|first2=Gary|last2=Needham|title=Queer TV|pages=153–156|isbn=0-415-45046-2|publisher=[[Routledge]] (28 January 2009)|year=2009}}</ref> Creator [[Russell T Davies]] says one of pitfalls of writing a bisexual character is you "fall into the trap" of "only having them sleep with men" He describes of the show's [[Torchwood: Miracle Day|fourth series]], "You'll see the full range of his appetites, in a really properly done way."<ref name="ATVmoredetails">{{cite web|url=|title=More Torchwood details revealed|last=Knight|first=Dominic|work=[[Associated Television|Associated Television Network]]|accessdate=2010-08-08|date=2010-08-08}}{{dead link|date=April 2014}}</ref> The preoccupation with bisexuality has been seen by critics as complementary to other aspects of the show's themes. For heterosexual character [[Gwen Cooper]], for whom Jack harbors romantic feelings, the new experiences she confronts at [[Torchwood Institute|Torchwood]], in the form of "affairs and homosexuality and the threat of death", connote not only the Other but a "missing side" to the Self.<ref name=Stepmother>{{cite book|chapter=Gwen’s Evil Stepmother: Concerning Gloves and Magic Slippers|editor=Andrew Ireland|last=Frankel|first=Valerie Estelle|year=2010|pages=90–101|publisher=McFarland}}</ref> Under the influence of an alien pheromone, Gwen kisses a woman in [[Day One (Torchwood)|Episode 2]] of the series. In [[Everything Changes (Torchwood)|Episode 1]], heterosexual [[Owen Harper]] kisses a man to escape a fight when he is about to take the man's girlfriend. Quiet [[Toshiko Sato]] is in love with Owen, but has also has brief romantic relationships with a female alien and a male human. British newspaper ''[[The Sun (United Kingdom)|The Sun]]'' ran the headline "Dr Ooh gets four gay pals" prior to the first series, describing all of ''Torchwood''{{'}}s cast as being bisexual.<ref>{{cite news| url =,,2001320029-2006430699,00.html| title = Dr Ooh gets four gay pals| accessdate = 2006-10-06| author = Sarah Nathan|date=September 2006| work = The Sun| quote = GAY Doctor Who star John Barrowman gets four BISEXUAL assistants in raunchy BBC3 spin-off Torchwood.| location=London}}{{dead link|date=April 2014}}</ref> -->
Rock musician [[David Bowie]] famously declared himself bisexual in an interview with ''[[Melody Maker]]'' in January 1972, a move coinciding with the first shots in his campaign for stardom as [[The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars|Ziggy Stardust]].<ref>Carr, Roy; Murray, Charles Shaar (1981). Bowie: An Illustrated Record. New York: Avon. ISBN 0-380-77966-8.</ref> In a September 1976 interview with ''[[Playboy]]'', Bowie said, "It's true—I am a bisexual. But I can't deny that I've used that fact very well. I suppose it's the best thing that ever happened to me."<ref name="playboy">{{cite web |url= |title=Interview: David Bowie |date=September 1976 |work=Playboy |accessdate=14 September 2010}}{{dead link|date=April 2014}}</ref> In a 1983 interview, he said it was "the biggest mistake I ever made",<ref>Buckley (2000): p. 401</ref><ref>Buckley (2005): p. 106</ref> elaborating in 2002 he explained "I don’t think it was a mistake in Europe, but it was a lot tougher in America. I had no problem with people knowing I was bisexual. But I had no inclination to hold any banners or be a representative of any group of people. I knew what I wanted to be, which was a songwriter and a performer [...] America is a very puritanical place, and I think it stood in the way of so much I wanted to do.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Collis| first=Clark| title = Dear Superstar: David Bowie | |publisher=Alpha Media Group Inc | date= August 2002 |accessdate=16 September 2010 | url =}}{{dead link|date=April 2014}}</ref> In 1995, [[Jill Sobule]] sang about [[bi-curious|bi-curiosity]] in her song "I Kissed a Girl", with a video that alternated images of Sobule and a boyfriend along with images of her with a girlfriend. Another [[I Kissed a Girl (Katy Perry song)|song with the same name]] by [[Katy Perry]] also hints at the same theme. Some activists suggest the song merely reinforces the stereotype of bisexuals experimenting and of bisexuality not being a real sexual preference. [[Lady Gaga]] has stated that she is bisexual,<ref name="RollStone">{{cite web|url= |title=Lady Gaga Rolling Stone Interview}}</ref> and has stated that her song "[[Poker Face (Lady Gaga song)|Poker Face]]" is about fantasizing about a woman while being with a man.<ref name="Walters">{{cite web|url=|title=Lady Gaga admits bisexuality and explains "Poker Face" to Barbra Walters}}</ref>
[[Ric Ocasek]] of [[The Cars]] said that he was bisexual in an interview in 1986, stating, "I like beautiful women. Tall, thin, beautiful women. Fat little ugly women. I like all kinds of women. I'm always attracted to the opposite sex. I'm attracted to both sexes, actually. But not only beautiful men -- I think I like weird men."<ref>Profile '86 radio interview, broadcast 1986 on NBC Radio</ref> [[Brian Molko]], lead singer of [[Placebo (band)|Placebo]] is openly bisexual.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Molko: I wish I kept quiet on sexuality|author=Dave West|work=Digital Spy|accessdate=20 September 2011}}</ref> In 1994, with questions still swirling about his sexuality, [[Michael Stipe]] of [[REM (band)|REM]] described himself as "an equal opportunity lech", and said he did not define himself as gay, straight, or bisexual, but that he was attracted to, and had relationships with, both men and women. [[Freddie Mercury]], lead singer of the band [[Queen (band)|Queen]], was an also acknowledged bisexual. He had a long-term relationship with Mary Austin, but also a male partner Jim Hutton, although he distanced himself from Hutton during public events. -->
[[Virginia Woolf]]'s ''[[Orlando: A Biography]]'' (1928) is an early example of bisexuality in literature. The story, of a man who changes into a woman without a second thought, was based on the life of Woolf's lover [[Vita Sackville-West]]. Woolf used the gender switch to avoid the book being banned for homosexual content. The pronouns switch from male to female as Orlando's gender changes. Woolf's lack of definite pronouns allows for ambiguity and lack of emphasis on gender labels.<ref name="livia">Livia, Anna (2000). ''Pronoun Envy: Literary Uses of Linguistic Gender.'' Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780195138535</ref> Her 1925 book ''[[Mrs Dalloway]]'' focused on a bisexual man and a bisexual woman in sexually unfulfilled heterosexual marriages in later life. Following Sackille-West's death, her son [[Nigel Nicolson]] published ''[[Portrait of a Marriage]]'', one of her diaries recounting her affair with a woman during her marriage to [[Harold Nicolson]]. Other early examples include works of [[D.H. Lawrence]], such as ''[[Women in Love]]'' (1920), and [[Colette]]'s ''[[Claudine à l'école|Claudine]]'' (1900–1903) series.
The main character in [[Patrick White]]'s novel, [[The Twyborn Affair]] (1979), is bisexual. Contemporary novelist [[Bret Easton Ellis]]' novels, such as ''[[Less Than Zero (novel)|Less Than Zero]]'' (1985) and ''[[The Rules of Attraction]]'' (1987) frequently feature bisexual male characters; this "casual approach" to bisexual characters recurs throughout Ellis' work.<ref name="badboy">{{cite journal|url=|title=Bret Easton Ellis: Eternal Bad Boy|work=[[Details (magazine)|Details]]|last=Gordinier|first=Jeff|date=June 2010|accessdate=2010-06-15}}</ref> -->
===Serial internet===
In October 2009, "A Rose By Any Other Name"<ref name="Rose">{{cite web|url=|title=Rose By Any Other Name}}</ref> was released as a "[[webisode]]" series on YouTube. Directed by bisexual rights advocate [[Kyle Schickner]],<ref name="Fence">{{cite web|url=|title=Fencesitter Films}}</ref> the plot centers around a lesbian-identified woman who falls in love with a [[Heterosexuality|straight]] man and discovers she is actually bisexual.<ref name="Kyle">{{cite web|url=|title=From Out Bi Director Kyle Schickner}}</ref> -->
===Stereotip media===
There tend to be negative media portrayals; references are sometimes made to stereotypes or mental disorders. In an article regarding the 2005 film ''Brokeback Mountain'', sex educator Amy Andre argued that in films, bisexuals are often depicted negatively:<ref name="Andre">{{cite web|url=|title=Opinion: Bisexual Cowboys in Love|last=Andre|first=Amy|date=2005-12-16|publisher=[[National Sexuality Resource Center]]|accessdate=2006-11-22}}</ref>
{{Quote|I like movies where bisexuals come out to each other together and fall in love, because these tend to be so few and far between; the most recent example would be 2002's lovely romantic comedy, ''[[Kissing Jessica Stein]]''. Most movies with bi characters paint a stereotypical picture.... The bi love interest is usually deceptive (''[[Mulholland Drive (film)|Mulholland Drive]]''), over-sexed (''Sex Monster''), unfaithful (''[[High Art]]''), and fickle (''[[Three of Hearts (1993 film)|Three of Hearts]]''), and might even be a serial killer, like Sharon Stone in ''Basic Instinct''. In other words, the bisexual is always the cause of the conflict in the film.|Amy Andre|''American Sexuality Magazine''}}
Using a content analysis of more than 170 articles written between 2001 and 2006, [[sociology|sociologist]] Richard N. Pitt, Jr. concluded that the media pathologized black bisexual men’s behavior while either ignoring or sympathizing with white bisexual men’s similar actions. He argued that the black bisexual is often described as a ''duplicitous heterosexual'' man spreading the HIV/AIDS virus. Alternatively, the "Brokeback" white bisexual (when seen as bisexual at all) is often described in pitying language as a ''[[victimized]] homosexual'' man forced into the closet by the [[heterosexism|heterosexist]] society around him.<ref name=Pitt>Pitt, Richard N., Jr., [ "Downlow Mountain? De/Stigmatizing Bisexuality Through Pitying And Pejorative Discourses In Media"], ''Journal Of Men's Studies'' 14:254-8 (2006).</ref>
In the [[HBO]] drama ''[[Oz (TV series)|Oz]]'', [[Chris Keller]] was a bisexual [[serial killer]] who tortured and raped various men and women. Other films in which bisexual characters conceal murderous neuroses include ''[[Black Widow (1987 film)|Black Widow]]'', ''[[Blue Velvet (film)|Blue Velvet]]'', ''[[Cruising (film)|Cruising]]'', ''[[Single White Female]]'', and ''[[Girl, Interrupted (film)|Girl, Interrupted]]''. -->
==Pada hewan==
{{Utama|Kebiasaan seksual hewan}}
{{Lihat pula|Perilaku homoseksual pada hewan}}
Many non-human animal species exhibit bisexual behavior.<ref name="Bio"/><ref name="Evol"/><ref name="Bi Species"/> Examples of mammals that display such behavior include the [[bonobo]] (formerly known as the pygmy chimpanzee), [[orca]], and the [[bottlenose dolphin]].<ref name="Bio"/><ref name="Evol"/><ref name="Bi Species"/><ref name="Milton"/> Examples of birds include some species of gulls and [[Humboldt Penguin]]s. Other examples of bisexual behavior occur among fish and [[flatworm]]s.<ref name="Milton">{{cite web|url= |title=Bisexuality: A Biological Perspective |accessdate=17 February 2007 |author=Diamond, Milton |year=1998|work=Bisexualities&nbsp;– The Ideology and Practice of Sexual Contact with both Men and Women}}</ref>
Tidak ada konsensus di antara para ahli mengenai alasan yang tepat mengapa seorang individu mengembangkan orientasi heteroseksual, biseksual, atau homoseksual.<ref name=apanew>[ Sex<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> Alasan-alasan yang diajukan anatar lain adalah sebuah kombinasi dari [[Biologi dan orientasi seksual|faktor-faktor genetika]]<ref>{{cite doi|10.1007.2Fs10508-008-9381-6}}</ref><ref>[,8599,1815538,00.html What the gay brain looks like] {{Webarchive|url=,8599,1815538,00.html |date=2013-08-26 }}, ''Time'';</ref> dan [[Lingkungan dan orientasi seksual|faktor-faktor lingkungan]] (termasuk urutan kelahiran, yaitu jika memiliki banyak kakak pria seseorang akan lebih cenderung untuk menjadi homoseksual; pemaparan hormon-hormon spesifik pra-kelahiran, yaitu hormon-hormon berperan dalam menentukan orientasi seksual sebagaimana yang terjadi pada dalam hal diferensiasi jenis kelamin;<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Dörner | first1 = G. | last2 = Rohde | first2 = W. | last3 = Stahl | first3 = F. | last4 = Krell | first4 = L. | last5 = Masius | first5 = W.-G. | year = 1975 | title = A neuroendocrine predisposition for homosexuality in men | url =| journal = Archives of Sexual Behavior | volume = 4 | issue = 1| pages = 1–8 | doi = 10.1007/BF01541882 | pmid = 165797 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Ellis | first1 = L| last2 = Ames | first2 = MA| year = 1987 | title = Neurohormonal functioning and sexual orientation: A theory of homosexuality-heterosexuality | url =| journal = Psychological Bulletin | volume = 101 | issue = 2| pages = 233–258 | doi = 10.1037/0033-2909.101.2.233 | pmid = 2882536 }}</ref> dan [[stres pra-kelahiran]] pada ibu<ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Dörner | first1 = G. | last2 = Geier | first2 = T. | last3 = Ahrens | first3 = L. | last4 = Krell | first4 = L. | last5 = Münx | first5 = G. | last6 = Sieler | first6 = H. | last7 = Kittner | first7 = E. | last8 = Müller | first8 = H. | year = 1980 | title = Prenatal stress as possible aetiogenetic factor of homosexuality in human males | url = | journal = Endokrinologie | volume = 75 | issue = 3| pages = 365–368 | pmid = 7428712 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Dörner | first1 = G. | last2 = Schenk | first2 = B. | last3 = Schmiedel | first3 = B. | last4 = Ahrens | first4 = L. | year = 1983 | title = Stressful events in prenatal life and bi- and homosexual men | url = | journal = Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology | volume = 31 | pages = 83–87 }}</ref><ref>{{cite journal | last1 = Ellis | first1 = L. | last2 = Cole-Harding | first2 = S. | year = 2001 | title = The effects of prenatal stress, and of prenatal alcohol and nicotine exposure, on human sexual orientation | url = | journal = Physiology and Behavior | volume = 74 | issue = 1–2| pages = 213–226 | doi = 10.1016/S0031-9384(01)00564-9 | pmid = 11564471 }}</ref>).
Many species of animals are involved in the acts of forming sexual and non-sexual relationship bonds between the same sex; even when offered the opportunity to breed with members of the opposite sex, they pick the same sex. Some of these species are [[gazelle]]s, [[antelope]], [[bison]], and [[sage grouse]].<ref name=Bidstrup>{{cite web|url= |title=The Natural Crime Against Nature |accessdate=26 June 2007 |author=[[Scott Bidstrup]] |year=2000}}</ref>
[[American Academy of Pediatrics]] telah menyatakan bahwa "orientasi seksual mungkin tidak ditentukan oleh satu jenis faktor tetapi oleh kombinasi pengaruh genetika, hormonal, dan lingkungan."<ref name=aappub>{{Cite news|title=Sexual Orientation and Adolescents|url=;113/6/1827.pdf|periodical=American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Report|accessdate=23 February 2007|archive-date=2006-05-29|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> [[American Psychological Association]] telah menyatakan bahwa "kemungkinan terdapat banyak alasan untuk orientasi seksual seseorang dan alasan-alasan tersebut kemungkinan berbeda untuk orang-orang yang berbeda". Mereka memberikan pernyataan lebih lanjut, untuk kebanyakan orang, orientasi seksual ditentukan pada usia yang masih muda.<ref name=autogenerated1>{{Cite news|url=|title=Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality|periodical=American Psychological Association|accessdate=3 February 2009}}</ref> [[American Psychiatric Association]] menyatakan: "Untuk waktunya tidak ada penelitian ilmiah berulang yang mendukung etiologi biologikal spesifik manapun untuk homoseksualitas. Demikian pula, tidak ada psikososial atau dinamika keluarga penyebab homoseksualitas yang spesifik yang telah diidentifikasikan, termasuk sejarah-sejarah kekerasan seksual semasa kanak-kanak."<ref name=Psych>{{cite web
In some cases, animals will choose to engage in sexual activity with different sexes at different times in their lives, and will sometimes engage in sexual activity with different sexes at random. Same-sex sexual activity can also be seasonal in some animals, like male walruses who often engage in same-sex sexual activity with each other outside of the breeding season and will revert to heterosexual sexual activity during breeding season.<ref name=Bidstrup/> -->
|title=Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues
|author=American Psychiatric Association
|publisher=Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrics
|date=May 2000
}}</ref> Penelitian pada bagaimana orientasi seksual mungkin ditentukan oleh genetika atau faktor-faktor pra-kelahiran lainnya memainkan peran dalam perdebatan politik dan sosial mengenai homosekdualitas, dan juga meningkatkan rasa takut pada [[Pengujian DNA|penggambaran genetika]] dan [[diagnosa pra-kelahiran]].<ref name=trib>{{Cite news|url=,1,5608849.story?ctrack=1&cset=true|title=Study of gay brothers may find clues about sexuality|first=Robert|last=Mitchum|periodical=[[Chicago Tribune]]|date=12 August 2007|accessdate=4 May 2007 }} {{Dead link|date=May 2009}}</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Androgini]]
* [[Bicurious]]
* [[Biseksual chic]]
* [[Komunitas biseksual]]
* [[PengahapusanPenghapusan biseksual]]
* [[Netralitas gender]]
* [[Jurnal Biseksualitas]]
* [[Lists of bisexual people|List of bisexual people]]
* [[List of gay, lesbian or bisexual people]]
* [[List of LGBT-related organizations]]
* [[List of media portrayals of bisexuality]]
* [[Media portrayal of bisexuality]]
* [[Mixed-orientation marriage]]
* [[Non-westernized concepts of male sexuality]]
* [[Societal attitudes towards homosexuality]]-->
== Referensi ==
== Bacaan lain ==
=== Umum ===
* [[Dag Øistein Endsjø]], [[Sex and Religion (book)|''Sex and Religion. Teachings and Taboos in the History of World Faiths'']]. Reaktion Books 2011.
* [[Sigmund Freud]]. ''Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex''. ISBN 0-486-41603-8
* [[Michel Larivière]]. ''Homosexuels et bisexuels célèbres'', Delétraz Editions, 1997. ISBN 2-911110-19-6
=== Yunani dan Romawi kuno ===
* Eva Cantarella. ''Bisexuality in the Ancient World'', Yale University Press, New Haven, 1992, 2002. ISBN 978-0-300-09302-5
* [[Kenneth J. Dover]]. ''Greek Homosexuality'', New York; Vintage Books, 1978. ISBN 0-394-74224-9
Baris 287 ⟶ 103:
* [[William Armstrong Percy, III|W. A. Percy III]]. ''Pederasty and Pedagogy in Archaic Greece,'' University of Illinois Press, 1996. ISBN 0-252-02209-2
=== Per negara ===
* [[Stephen O. Murray]] and [[Will Roscoe]], et al. ''Islamic Homosexualities: Culture, History, and Literature,'' New York: New York University Press, 1997. ISBN 0-8147-7468-7
* J. Wright & Everett Rowson. ''Homoeroticism in Classical Arabic Literature''. 1998. ISBN 0-231-10507-X (pbbk)/ ISBN 0-231-10506-1 (hdbk)
Baris 293 ⟶ 109:
* [[Tsuneo Watanabe]] & [[Jun'ichi Iwata]]. ''The Love of the Samurai. A Thousand Years of Japanese Homosexuality,'' London: GMP Publishers, 1987. ISBN 0-85449-115-5
=== Barat modern ===
* ''Bi Any Other Name : Bisexual People Speak Out'' by [[Loraine Hutchins]], Editor & [[Lani Ka'ahumanu]], Editor ISBN 1-55583-174-5
* ''Getting Bi : Voices of Bisexuals Around the World'' by [[Robyn Ochs]], Editor & [[Sarah Rowley]], Editor ISBN 0-9653881-4-X
* ''The Bisexual Option'' by Fritz Klein, MD ISBN 1-56023-033-9
* ''Bi Men : Coming Out Every Which Way'' by [[Ron Suresha]] and Pete Chvany, Editors ISBN 978-1-56023-615-3
* ''Bi America : Myths, Truths, And Struggles of an Invisible Community'' by [[William E. Burleson]] ISBN 978-1-56023-478-4
* ''Bisexuality in the United States : A Social Science Reader'' by [[Paula C. Rodriguez Rust]], Editor ISBN 0-231-10226-7
* ''Bisexuality : The Psychology and Politics of an Invisible Minority'' by [[Beth A. Firestein]], Editor ISBN 0-8039-7274-1
* ''Current Research on Bisexuality'' by [[Ronald C. Fox]] PhD, Editor ISBN 978-1-56023-289-6
* [ Exploring Biphobia] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-12-23 }}. (144 KB PDF). Report on the problems caused by stereotyping of bisexuals.
* ("Orlando", a Virginia Woolf's novel focused on sexual ambiguity)
=== Bacaan lain ===
* Bryant, Wayne M.. ''Bisexual Characters in Film: From Anais to Zee''. Haworth Gay & Lesbian Studies, 1997. ISBN 1-56023-894-1
== Pranala luar ==
* {{dmoz|/Society/Gay,_Lesbian,_and_Bisexual/Bisexual|Bisexual}}
* [ "Bisexuality" at the Magnus Hirschfeld Archive for Sexology] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-10-04 }}
* [ The Continuum Complete International Encyclopedia of Sexuality]
* [ American Psychological Association's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns Office]
* [ American Institute of Bisexuality] {{deadWebarchive|url= link|date=April2011-11-13 2014}}
Baris 324 ⟶ 140:
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[[Kategori:Orientasi seksual]]