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Baris 1:
{{Globalization sidebar}}
[[FileBerkas:1901 Eastern Telegraph cables.png|thumbjmpl|275px|Peta kabel [[telegraf]] bawah laut [[Cable & Wireless Worldwide|Eastern Telegraph Company]] tahun 1901, contoh teknologi modern yang mengglobal pada awal abad ke-20.]]
[[Garis besar]] berikut merupakan tinjauan dan panduan topik globalisasi:
'''[[Globalisasi]]''' adalah proses integrasi internasional yang terjadi berkat pertukaran [[pandangan dunia]], produk, pemikiran, atau aspek [[budaya]] lainnya.<ref name=GCSP>Al-Rodhan, R.F. Nayef and Gérard Stoudmann. (2006). [ Definitions of Globalization: A Comprehensive Overview and a Proposed Definition.] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-11-19 }}</ref><ref name="Albrow">Albrow, Martin and Elizabeth King (eds.) (1990). ''Globalization, Knowledge and Society ''London: Sage. ISBN 978-08039832430-8039-8324-3 p. 8. "...all those processes by which the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society."</ref> Kemajuan sarana [[transportasi]] dan [[telekomunikasi]], termasuk [[Internet]], merupakan faktor pendorong utama globalisasi yang menciptakan [[interdependensi]] ekonomi dan budaya.<ref name=Stever_1972>Stever, H. Guyford (1972). "Science, Systems, and Society." ''Journal of Cybernetics'', 2(3):1-3. {{doi|10.1080/01969727208542909}}</ref> Proses globalisasi memengaruhi dan dipengaruhi oleh [[bisnis]] dan organisasi [[tenaga kerja (ekonomi)|pekerjaan]], [[ekonomi]], sumber daya [[masyarakat|sosial]]-[[budaya]], dan [[lingkungan alam]].
{{TOC limit|limit=2}}
== Studi global ==
{{See also|Studi internasional}}
[[FileBerkas:World citizen badge.svg|thumbjmpl|150px|Lencana [[warga dunia]]]]
[[Studi global]] adalah studi akademik interdisipliner dan multidisipliner terhadap kekuatan dan tren global. Studi global juga mencakup pemaaman satu aspek globalisasi atau lebih, namun lebih berfkus pada bagaimana tren global menata ulang hubungan antarnegara, organisasi, masyarakat, komunitas, dan individu, menciptakan tantangan-tantangan baru yang tidak dapat diselesaikan oleh negara atau pasar sendirian.<ref>Harth, Chris. (2005). [ 'Struggling to Grasp a Moving Target: Global Studies in the US and Emergent International Landscapes.'] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2016-03-04 }} Interim Report Prepared for Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC.</ref> Studi faktor-faktor pemicu globalisasi berasal dari berbagai disiplin ilmu seperti [[ilmu politik]], [[ekonomi]], [[sosiologi]], dan lain-lain.
== Sejarah ==
[[FileBerkas:Colonisation2.gif|thumbjmpl|300px|Animasi peta yang menampilkan perkembangan [[imperium kolonial]] sejak 1492 sampai sekarang]]
[[Sejarah globalisasi]] umumnya dibagi menjadi tiga periode: [[globalisasi kuno|kuno]], [[proto-globalisasi]], dan modern.
Baris 23:
* Periode [[globalisasi]] modern bermula pada abad ke-19 sampai saat ini. [[Imperialisme]] dan [[industrialisasi]] menjadi pendorong kekuatan dan tren global modern.
== Konsep globalisasi ==
=== Teori globalisasi ===
Karena globalisasi bukan fenomena independen, melainkan fenomena yang sangat terkait dengan pandangan dunia, produk, pemikiran, dan aspek budaya lainnya, penjelasan mengenai sebab globalisasi terjadi dan dampak globalisasi berkaitan dengan sejumlah teori mulai dari [[pembangunan ekonomi]] sampai [[sosialisme revolusioner]].
[[FileBerkas:Pyramid of Capitalist System.pngjpg|thumbjmpl|250px|''Pyramid of Capitalist System'', koran Industrial Worker tahun 1911 yang mendukung perserikatan industri. Koran ini juga mengkritik kapitalisme.]]
{{div col|3}}
* [[:Kategori:Teori globalisasi|Teori globalisasi]] (kategori)
* [[Sistem manusia–lingkungan terpadu]]
* [[Kritik terhadap kapitalisme|Kapitalisme]]
* [[Teori ketergantungan]]
* [[Modernisasi ekologi]]
* [[Pembangunan ekonomi]]
* [[Nasionalisme ekonomi]]
* [[Teori keterlibatan]]
* [[Industrialisasi]]
* [[Merkantilisme]]
* [[Modernisasi]]
* [[Teori modernisasi]]
* [[Pembagian tenaga kerja internasional baru]]
* Masyarakat [[pascakontemporer]]
* [[Masyarakat pascaindustri]]
* [[Pascamodernisme]]
* [[Akumulasi modal primitif]]
* [[Mazhab regulasi|Teori regulasi]]
* [[Sosialisme revolusioner]]
* [[EvolusiPengembangan sosial-budaya]]
* [[Teori sistem dunia]]
{{div col end}}
Baris 55:
* [[:Kategori:Istilah globalisasi|Istilah globalisasi]] (kategori)
=== Indeks globalisasi ===
* [[:Kategori:Indeks globalisasi|Indeks globalisasi]] (kategori)
* [[CorruptionIndeks PerceptionsPersepsi IndexKorupsi]]
* [[DemocracyIndeks IndexDemokrasi]]
* [[:Kategori:Indeks globalisasi ekonomi|Indeks globalisasi ekonomi]] (kategori)
* [[Freedom in the World]]
* [[Kota global]]
* [[Rasio perdagangan-PDB]]
* [[Globalization Index]]
== Aspek globalisasi ==
=== Organisasi bisnis global ===
{{Main|Bisnis internasional|Perdagangan internasional}}
[[International business development]] and the '''organization of business and trade worldwide''' are fundamental aspects of globalization and the development of globalizing systems.
[[Pembangunan bisnis internasional]] dan organisasi bisnis dan perdagangan dunia merupakan aspek-aspek dasar globalisasi dan perkembangan sistem global.
[[File:1 singapore city skyline dusk panorama 2011.jpg|thumb|alt=Singapore skyline|[[Singapore]], the top country in the [[Global Enabling Trade Report|Enabling Trade Index]], embraced globalization and became a highly developed country]]
[[File:US corporate profits and business investment.png|thumb|Red: U.S. corporate profits after tax. Blue: U.S. nonresidential business investment, both as fractions of GDP, 1989-2012. [[Wealth concentration]] of corporate profits in global [[tax havens]] due to [[tax avoidance]] spurred by imposition of austerity measures can stall investment, inhibiting further growth.<ref>[ "Aggregate Demand, Instability and Growth"] ''Review of Keynesian Economics'', January 2013 (see also [ this review] of the paper)</ref>]]
[[Berkas:1 singapore city skyline dusk panorama 2011.jpg|jmpl|250px|alt=Singapore skyline|[[Singapura]], negara peringkat pertama dalam [[Global Enabling Trade Report|Enabling Trade Index]], terlibat dalam globalisasi dan menjadi negara yang sangat maju]]
* [[:Kategori:Global business organization|Global business organization]] (kategori)
[[Berkas:US corporate profits and business investment.png|jmpl|250px|Merah: Laba perusahaan A.S. dipotong pajak. Biru: Investasi bisnis non-residen A.S., dibandingkan dengan PDB, 1989-2012. [[Pemusatan kekayaan]] laba perusahaan di [[surga pajak]] dunia karena [[pengelakan pajak]] didorong oleh kebijakan pengetatan yang menghambat investasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomoi.<ref>[ "Aggregate Demand, Instability and Growth"] ''Review of Keynesian Economics'', January 2013 (see also [ this review] of the paper)</ref>]]
* [[Corporate citizenship]]
* [[Global sourcing]]
** [[Cross-border leasing]]
** [[Global strategy]]
*** [[Global R&D management]]
** [[Intermodal transport (disambiguation)|Intermodal transport]]
** [[Low-cost country sourcing]]
** [[Outsourcing]]
** [[Supply chain management]]
*** [[Global supply-chain finance]]
* [[Industrial ecology]]
* [[International business]]
* [[Standardization]]
** [[International standards]]
*** [[International Organization for Standardization]] (ISO)
* [[International trade]]
** [[Free trade zone]]s
** [[Special Economic Zones]]
* [[Multinational companies]]
* [[:Kategori:Organisasi bisnis global|Organisasi bisnis global]] (kategori)
===Economic globalization===
* [[Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan]]
{{Main|Economic globalization}}
* [[Alihdaya global]]
** [[Penyewaan lintas perbatasan]]
** [[Strategi global]]
*** [[Manajemen R&D global]]
** [[Angkutan multimoda]]
** [[Alihdaya negara berbiaya rendah]]
** [[Alih daya]]
** [[Manajemen rantai pasok]]
*** [[Keuangan rantai pasokan global]]
* [[Ekologi industrial]]
* [[Bisnis internasional]]
* [[Standardisasi]]
** [[Standar internasional]]
*** [[Organisasi Standardisasi Internasional]] (ISO)
* [[Perdagangan internasional]]
** [[Zona perdagangan bebas]]
** [[Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus]]
* [[Perusahaan multinasional]]
=== Globalisasi ekonomi ===
[[File:Berg Ostry 2011 Chart 4.gif|thumb|Of the factors influencing the duration of [[economic growth]] in both developed and developing countries, [[Economic inequality|income equality]] has a more beneficial impact than trade openness, sound political institutions, and foreign investment.<ref name=BergOstryEE>{{Cite journal |last= Berg |first= Andrew G. |last2= Ostry |first2= Jonathan D. |year= 2011 |title= Equality and Efficiency |journal= Finance and Development |volume= 48 |issue= 3 |publisher= International Monetary Fund |url= |accessdate= September 10, 2012}}</ref>]]
{{Main|Globalisasi ekonomi}}
[[Berkas:Berg Ostry 2011 Chart 4.gif|jmpl|250px|Dari semua faktor yang memengaruhi durasi [[pertumbuhan ekonomi]] di negara maju dan berkembang, [[kesenjangan ekonomi|kesetaraan penghasilan]] mmeiliki dampak yang lebih besar daripada keterbukaan perdagangan, lembaga politik yang jelas, dan investasi asing.<ref name=BergOstryEE>{{Cite journal |last= Berg |first= Andrew G. |last2= Ostry |first2= Jonathan D. |year= 2011 |title= Equality and Efficiency |journal= Finance and Development |volume= 48 |issue= 3 |publisher= International Monetary Fund |url= |accessdate= September 10, 2012}}</ref>]]
Economic globalization – increasing economic interdependence of national economies across the world through a rapid increase in cross-border movement of goods, services, technology, and capital. International economic activities and institutions that influence or characterize economic globalization include:
Globalisasi ekonomi adalah peningkatan interdependensi ekonomi nasional dengan seluruh dunia melalui percepatan pergerakan barang, jasa, teknologi, dan modal lintas perbatasan. Aktivitas ekonomi internasional dan lembaga yang memengaruhi atau menjadi ciri khas globalisasi ekonomi meliputi:
* [[:Kategori:Economic globalization|Economic globalization]] (kategori)
* [[Free market]]s
* [[International economics]]
** [[Development economics]]
** [[Economic integration]]
** [[International finance]]
*** [[Global financial system]]
** [[International monetary systems]]
*** [[World currency]]
** [[North–South divide]]
** [[Social economy]]
** [[Trade globalization]]
** [[World economy]]
* [[:Kategori:Economic globalization indices|Economic globalization indices]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Globalisasi ekonomi|Globalisasi ekonomi]] (kategori)
===Sociocultural globalization===
* [[Pasar bebas]]
All aspects of globalization are essentially '''sociocultural''' in nature. Here, aspects of the [[Cultural globalization|globalization of culture]] are detailed, including [[cultural diversity]], [[cultural homogenization]] and its backlash, as well as [[multiculturalism]], [[multilingualism]], [[global civics]], [[World government|world governance]] and other [[politics|political]] developments and [[social movements]] related to globalization.
* [[Ekonomi internasional]]
** [[Ekonomi pembangunan]]
** [[Integrasi ekonomi]]
** [[Keuangan internasional]]
*** [[Sistem keuangan global]]
** [[Sistem moneter internasional]]
*** [[Mata uang dunia]]
** [[Kesenjangan Utara–Selatan]]
** [[Ekonomi sosial]]
** [[Globalisasi perdagangan]]
** [[Ekonomi dunia]]
* [[:Kategori:Indeks globalisasi ekonomi|Indeks globalisasi ekonomi]] (kategori)
=== Globalisasi sosial-budaya ===
[[File:Reach Toronto.jpg|right|thumb|''Monument to Multiculturalism'' by Francesco Perilli in [[Toronto]], [[Canada]]. Four identical sculptures are located in [[Buffalo City Local Municipality|Buffalo City]], [[South Africa]]; [[Changchun]], [[China]]; [[Sarajevo]], [[Bosnia]] and [[Sydney]], [[Australia]]]]
Semua aspek globalisasi pada dasarnya bersifat sosial-budaya. Di sini dijabarkan aspek-aspek [[globalisasi budaya]], termasuk [[keragaman budaya]], [[homogenisasi budaya]] dan dampaknya, serta [[multikulturalisme]], [[multilingualisme]], [[kewarganegaraan global]], [[pemerintahan dunia|pemerintahan global]], dan perkembangan [[politik]] dan [[gerakan sosial]] lain yang terkait dengan globalisasi.
[[File:Shakira Rio 03.jpg|thumb|upright|right|[[Shakira]], a Colombian multilingual singer-songwriter, playing outside her home country.]]
[[File:Mac Japan.jpg|thumb|alt=Japanese McDonald's|A McDonald's in [[Osaka]], [[Japan]] illustrates the [[McDonaldization]] of global society]]
[[Berkas:Reach Toronto.jpg|ka|jmpl|250px|''Monument to Multiculturalism'' karya Francesco Perilli di [[Toronto]], [[Kanada]]. Empat pahatan identik terletak di [[Buffalo City Local Municipality|Buffalo City]], [[Afrika Selatan]]; [[Changchun]], [[Tiongkok]]; [[Sarajevo]], [[Bosnia]]; dan [[Sydney]], [[Australia]]]]
* [[:Kategori:Sociocultural globalization|Sociocultural globalization]] (kategori)
[[Berkas:Shakira Rio 03.jpg|jmpl|lurus|ka|250px|[[Shakira]], penyanyi dan pengarang lagu multibahasa Kolombia, mengadakan konser di luar negara asalnya.]]
* [[Anti-globalization]]
[[Berkas:McDonald's National Route Sekime Store 20050421.jpg|jmpl|alt=Japanese McDonald's|250px|Gerai McDonald's di [[Osaka]], [[Jepang]] menggambarkan [[McDonaldisasi]] masyarakat global]]
* [[Criticisms of globalization]]
* [[Cultural globalization]]
* [[:Kategori:Globalisasi sosial-budaya|Globalisasi sosial-budaya]] (kategori)
** [[Cultural appropriation]]
** [[Cultural diversityAnti-globalisasi]]
** [[CulturalKritik homogenizationglobalisasi]]
** [[InterculturalismGlobalisasi budaya]]
** [[MulticulturalismApropriasi budaya]]
** [[Time–spaceKeragaman compressionbudaya]]
** [[Homogenisasi budaya]]
* [[Democratization of technology]]
** [[Economic liberalismInterkulturalisme]]
** [[Endangered languageMultikulturalisme]]s
** [[GlobalPenyusutan civicsruang–waktu]]
* [[GlobalDemokratisasi eliteteknologi]]
* [[GlobalLiberalisme digital divideekonomi]]
* [[GlobalBahasa healthterancam punah]]
* [[Kewarganegaraan global]]
* [[:Kategori:Global inequality|Global inequality]] (kategori)
** [[InternationalElit inequalityglobal]]
* [[GlobalKesenjangan politicsdigital global]]
** [[GlobalKesehatan justiceglobal]]
* [[:Kategori:Kesenjangan global|Kesenjangan global]] (kategori)
** [[International law]]
*** [[InternationalKesenjangan human rights lawinternasional]]
** [[WorldPolitik democracyglobal]]
** [[WorldKeadilan governmentglobal]]
** [[ConsumerHukum movementinternasional]]
*** [[Hukum hak asasi manusia internasional]]
** [[Occupy movement]]
** [[SupranationalDemokrasi uniondunia]]
** [[TransnationalismPemerintahan dunia]]
** [[Gerakan konsumen]]
* [[Global village (term)|Global village]]
** [[GlobalismGerakan Occupy]]
** [[InternationalPersatuan developmentsupranasional]]
** [[Transnasionalisme]]
* [[International education]]
* [[InternationalPerkampungan organizationglobal]]
* [[Globalisme]]
* [[Pembangunan internasional]]
* [[Pendidikan internasional]]
* [[Organisasi internasional]]
* [[Internet]]
** [[World Wide Web]]
* [[MultilingualismMultilingualisme]]
* [[PizzaEfek effectpizza]]
* [[Race to the bottom]]
* [[SocialJaring websosial]]
* [[TransformationTransformasi of culturebudaya]]
* [[TransnationalSinema cinematransnasional]]
* [[Kejahatan terorganisasi transnasional]]
* [[Transnational organized crime]]
* [[Deklarasi Hak Asasi Manusia Universal]]
* [[Universal Declaration of Human Rights]]
* [[WesternizationWesternisasi]]
* [[World Englishes]]
* [[World Music Awards]]
* [[WorldPenduduk populationdunia]]
* [[World Values Survey]]
=== Globalisasi tenaga kerja ===
===Workforce globalization===
Seiring globalisasi bisnis, muncullah [[pembagian tenaga kerja internasional baru|pembagian tenaga kerja spasial baru]] yang terjadi ketika proses produksi tidak lagi terkurung perbatasan negara dan [[ekonomi tenaga kerja|tenaga kerja]] dapat diambil dari berbagai wilayah dunia. [[Tenaga kerja global]] memiliki macam-macam dampak, mulai dari [[kebijakan imigrasi]] sampai [[hak asasi manusia]] dan [[hak tenaga kerja]].
[[Berkas:Brazil visa and stamps.png|jmpl|ka|250px|Visa masuk ganda Brasil di paspor A.S. dan stempel imigrasi dari Brasil, Prancis, dan Amerika Serikat.]]
Along with the globalization of business comes a [[New international division of labour|new spatial division of labor]], which occurs when production processes are no longer confined to national economies and [[Labour economics|labor]] becomes sourced from different parts of the globe. This '''[[global workforce]]''' has implications ranging from [[immigration policy]] to basic [[human rights|human]] and [[labor rights]].
[[Berkas:Tourist visa of the People's Republic of China.jpg|ka|jmpl|250px|Visa masuk wisatawan ke [[Republik Rakyat Tiongkok|Tiongkok]]]]
* [[:Kategori:Globalisasi tenaga kerja|Globalisasi tenaga kerja]] (kategori)
[[File:Mall dubai.jpg|thumb|About 85% of [[Dubai]]'s population consists of migrant workers, a majority of whom are from India.<ref>{{Cite news |title=Migrants demand labour rights in Gulf |url= |newspaper=BBC |date=27 February 2008 |first=Roger |last=Hardy}}</ref>]]
* [[Pembagian tenaga kerja internasional baru]]
[[File:Brazil visa and stamps.png|thumb|right|Brazilian multiple entry visa in a US passport, with immigration stamps from Brazil, France, and the United States.]]
** [[Pengurasan otak]]
[[Image:Tourist visa of the People's Republic of China.jpg|right|thumb|Entry tourist visa to [[People's Republic of China|China]]]]
*** [[Pengurasan otak terbalik]]
** [[Tenaga kerja kontingen]]
* [[:Kategori:Workforce globalization|Workforce globalization]] (kategori)
** [[Migrasi manusia]]
* [[New international division of labour]]
*** [[Brain drainEkspatriat]]
*** [[ReverseKelahiran brainluar drainnegeri]]
*** [[ContingentKebijakan workforceimigrasi]]
**** [[HumanImigrasi migrationilegal]]
*** [[ExpatriatePekerja migran]]
*** [[ForeignVisa born(dokumen)|Visa]]
** [[Standar tenaga kerja internasional]]
*** [[Immigration policy]]
* [[Arbitrase tenaga kerja global]]
**** [[Illegal immigration]]
*** [[Migrant worker]]
** [[Visa (document)|Visas]]
** [[International labor standards]]
* [[Global labor arbitrage]]
** [[Global Labour University]]
** [[Global Proficiency Certificate]]
** [[Optional Practical Training]]
* [[GlobalTenaga workforcekerja global]]
* [[LaborHak rightstenaga kerja]]
* [[Offshoring]]
* [[PrecariousPekerajaan workberbahaya]]
* [[:Kategori:VisaKebijakan policyvisa bymenurut countrynegara|VisaKebijakan policyvisa bymenurut countrynegara]] (kategori)
=== Lingkungan alam global ===
===Global natural environment===
[[Lingkungan alam]] berbeda dengan [[lingkungan terbangun]] yang terdiri dari wilayah dan komponen yang dipengaruhi manusia. Di era globalisasi, sedikit sekali lingkungan alami yang tersisa. [[Ekologi manusia|Tantangan manusia]] terhadap lingkungan alam seperti [[perubahan iklim]], [[polusi]] air dan udara lintas perbatasan, [[pemancingan berlebihan]] di lautan, dan persebaran [[spesies invasif]] memerlukan solusi transnasional dan solusi global.
[[Berkas:Madagascar highland plateau.jpg|jmpl|250px|[[Deforestasi]] dataran tinggi [[Madagaskar]] mengakibatkan [[siltasi]] besar-besaran dan arus [[sungai]] barat yang tidak stabil.]]
The [[natural environment]] can be contrasted with the [[built environment]], comprising the areas and components that are strongly influenced by humans. In the age of globalization, few ''absolutely natural'' environments remain. [[Human ecology|Human challenges]] to the natural environment, such as [[climate change]], cross-boundary water and air [[pollution]], [[over-fishing]] of the ocean, and the spread of [[invasive species]] require at least transnational and, often, global solutions.
[[File:Madagascar highland plateau.jpg|thumb|[[Deforestation]] of the [[Madagascar]] Highland Plateau has led to extensive [[siltation]] and unstable flows of western [[river]]s.]]
File:Nested_sustainability-v2.gif|right|TheTiga three nested systems ofsistem [[sustainabilitykeberlanjutan]] - the economy wholly contained byekonomi society,dikurung whollymasyarakat containedyang byjuga thedikurung biophysicaloleh environment.lingkungan Clickable.biofisik|275px|thumb
poly 123 35 134 30 171 41 196 65 194 98 167 119 121 123 79 101 73 64 101 40[[Economics|EconomicEkonomi]]
poly 67 52 41 70 41 111 71 150 123 167 169 163 207 147 234 113 239 83 218 49 190 32 204 77 194 111 167 125 115 126 83 110 62 78 64 60 [[SocietyMasyarakat|SocialSosial]]
poly 243 58 258 83 255 133 230 168 202 185 158 195 114 195 63 181 27 153 10 115 13 78 31 54 46 39 38 71 36 116 66 148 118 169 163 169 209 153 237 118 242 81 [[EnvironmentLingkungan (biophysicalbiofisik)|EnvironmentLingkungan]]
* [[:Kategori:GlobalLingkungan naturalalam environmentglobal|GlobalLingkungan naturalalam environmentglobal]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:EnvironmentalPerjanjian treatieslingkungan|EnvironmentalPerjanjian treatieslingkungan]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:BiologicalGlobalisasi globalizationbiologi|BiologicalGlobalisasi globalizationbiologi]] (kategori)
* [[NaturalLlingkungan environmentalam]]
** [[GlobalKeragaman biodiversityhayati global]]
*** [[InvasiveSpesies speciesinvasif]]
**** [[ColumbianPertukaran ExchangeColumbus]]
** [[ClimatePerubahan changeiklim]]
*** [[GlobalPeredupan dimmingglobal]]
*** [[GlobalPemanasan warmingglobal]]
*** [[OzonePenipisan depletionozon]]
** [[PlanetaryBatas boundarieskeplanetan]]
** [[WorldLautan oceandunia]]
* [[EarthIlmu systemsistem scienceBumi]]
* [[EcologicalEkonomi economicsekologi]]
* [[EcologicalImperialisme imperialismekologi]]
* [[EnvironmentalIlmu socialsosial sciencelingkungan]]
* [[HumanEkologi ecologymanusia]]
* [[GlobalPerubahan changeglobal]]
* [[GlobalKebersamaan commonsglobal]]
* [[GlobalizationGlobalisasi anddan diseasepenyakit]]
* [[SustainabilityKeberlanjutan]]
* [[WaterKelangkaan scarcityair]]
* [[WorldKonsumsi energyenergi consumptiondunia]]
* [[WorldHari EnvironmentLingkungan DayDunia]]
==Globalization issues==
== Isu globalisasi ==
Processes of globalization present humankind with '''many issues that are considered problematic''' in at least one culture or society, and often multiple societies.
Proses globalisasi membanjiri manusia dengan berbagai masalah yang sulit ditangani oleh sebuah kebudayaan, masyarakat, atau beberapa masyarakat.
[[FileBerkas:Worldbank protest jakarta.jpg|thumbjmpl|World250px|Pengunjuk rasa menentang Bank ProtesterDunia, [[Jakarta]], [[Indonesia]].]]
[[FileBerkas:Global Digital Divide1.png|thumbjmpl|250px|The [[globalKesenjangan digital divideglobal]]: ComputersKomputer per 100 peopleorang.]]
* [[:Kategori:GlobalizationIsu issuesglobalisasi|GlobalizationIsu issuesglobalisasi]] (kategori)
* [[ClimateKeadilan justiceiklim]]
* [[EconomicKesenjangan inequalityekonomi]]
* [[FairPerdagangan tradeadil]]
* [[ForcedMigrasi migrationpaksa]]
* [[GlobalPeredupan dimmingglobal]]
* [[HumanKelebihan overpopulationpenduduk manusia]]
* [[HumanPenyelundupan traffickingmanusia]]
* [[IllicitArus financialkeuangan flowsilegal]]
* [[InvasiveSpesies speciesinvasif]]
* [[Penyelesaian sengketa investor-negara]]
* [[Investor-state dispute settlement]]
* [[GlobalKesenjangan digital divideglobal]]
* [[GlobalKeadilan justiceglobal]]
* [[MigrantPekerjaan sexseks workmigran]]
* [[Kesenjangan Utara–Selatan]]
* [[North–South divide]]
* [[OzonePenipisan depletionozon]]
* [[PeacePerdamaian]]
* [[Race to the bottom]]
* [[Kejahatan terorganisasi transnasional]]
* [[Transnational organized crime]]
* [[WaterIsu issuesair indi developingnegara countriesberkembang]]
* [[WaterKelangkaan scarcityair]]
* [[Malnutrisi|Kelaparan dan malnutrisi dunia]]
* [[Malnutrition|World hunger and malnutrition]]
* [[WesternizationWesternisasi]]
==By locationTempat ==
* [[:Kategori:Globalisasi menurut tempat|Globalisasi menurut tempat]] (kategori)
* [[Globalisasi di India]]
** [[Liberalisasi ekonomi di India]]
* [[Globalisasi di Tiongkok]]
* [[Globalisasi dan perempuan di Tiongkok]]
* [[Timur Tengah dan globalisasi]]
== Organisasi globalisasi ==
* [[:Kategori:Globalization by location|Globalization by location]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Organisasi globalisasi|Organisasi globalisasi]] (kategori)
* [[Globalisation in India]]
** [[:Kategori:Organisasi lingkungan global|Organisasi lingkungan global]] (kategori)
** [[Economic liberalization in India]]
** [[:Kategori:Organisasi kebijakan global|Organisasi kebijakan global]] (kategori)
* [[Globalization in China]]
*** [[:Kategori:Organisasi antarpemerintah]]
* [[Globalization and women in China]]
*** [[:Kategori:Lembaga swadaya masyarakat internasional]]
* [[Middle East and globalization]]
** [[:Kategori:Organisasi perdagangan dan profesional global|Organisasi perdagangan dan profesional global]] (kategori)
** [[:Kategori:Organisasi tenaga kerja global|Organisasi tenaga kerja global]] (kategori)
** [[:Kategori:Organisasi kesehatan internasional|Organisasi kesehatan internasional]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Kewirausahaan sosial|Kewirausahaan sosial]] (kategori)
== Daftar tentang globalisasi ==
==Globalization-related organizations==
* [[:Kategori:Daftar tentang globalisasi|Daftar tentang globalisasi]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Globalization-relatedDaftar organizationstopik lingkungan|Globalization-relatedDaftar topik organizationslingkungan]] (kategori)
** [[:Kategori:GlobalDaftar environmentalpartai organizationspolitik menurut skema geo Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa|GlobalDaftar environmentalpartai organizationspolitik menurut skema geo PBB]] (kategori)
* [[Wabah flu 2009 menurut negara]]
** [[:Kategori:Global policy organizations|Global policy organizations]] (kategori)
*** [[:Kategori:Intergovernmental organizations]]
*** [[:Kategori:International nongovernmental organizations]]
** [[:Kategori:Global trade and professional organizations|Global trade and professional organizations]] (kategori)
** [[:Kategori:Global workforce and labor organizations|Global workforce and labor organizations]] (kategori)
** [[:Kategori:International health organizations|International health organizations]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Social entrepreneurship|Social entrepreneurship]] (kategori)
==Globalization-related lists==
* [[:Kategori:Globalization-related lists|Globalization-related lists]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Lists of environmental topics|Lists of environmental topics]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Lists of political parties by United Nations geoscheme|Lists of political parties by United Nations geoscheme]] (kategori)
* [[2009 flu pandemic by country]]
* [[Globalization Index]]
* [[Kejuaraan dan perlombaan atletik internasional]]
* [[International athletics championships and games]]
* [[Daftar unjuk rasa melawan globalisasi perusahaan]]
* [[List of demonstrations against corporate globalization]]
* [[ListDaftar of epidemicswabah]]
* [[Daftar perjanjian perdagangan bebas]]
* [[List of free trade agreements]]
* [[ListDaftar ofstatistik keberlanjutan global sustainability statistics]]
* [[Daftar jurnal globalisasi]]
* [[List of globalization-related journals]]
* [[ListDaftar ofartikel humanhak rightsasasi articlesmanusia bymenurut countrynegara]]
* [[Daftar organisasi hak asasi manusia]]
* [[List of human rights organisations]]
* [[Daftar organisasi antarpemerintah]]
* [[List of intergovernmental organizations]]
* [[Daftar peringkat internasional]]
* [[List of international rankings]]
* [[ListDaftar oftempat Occupyunjuk movementrasa protestgerakan locationsOccupy]]
* [[ListsDaftar ofwilayah ecoregionsekologi bymenurut countrynegara]]
* [[ListsDaftar ofbahasa endangeredterancam languagespunah]]
* [[The Superclass List]]
* [[Ekonomi dunia]]
* [[World economy]] - various imbedded lists and indicators
== Karya tentang globalisasi ==
==Works about globalization==
* [[:Kategori:Karya tentang globalisasi|Karya tentang globalisasi]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Buku tentang globalisasi|Buku tentang globalisasi]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Film dokumenter tentang globalisasi|Film dokumenter tentang globalisasi]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Seri tentang globalisasi|Seri tentang globalisasi]] (kategori)
** [[Daftar jurnal globalisasi]]
== Tokoh globalisasi ==
* [[:Kategori:Works about globalization|Works about globalization]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Books about globalization|Books about globalization]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Documentary films about globalization|Documentary films about globalization]] (kategori)
* [[:Kategori:Serials about globalization|Serials about globalization]] (kategori)
** [[Daftar jurnal globalisasi]]
==Tokoh globalisasi==
* [[:Kategori:Penulis globalisasi|Penulis globalisasi]] (kategori)
** [[:Kategori:Penulis anti-globalisasi]]
** [[:Kategori:Ilmuwan sistem dunia]]
== Lihat pula ==
Baris 352 ⟶ 344:
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== Referensi ==
=== Catatan kaki ===
=== Bacaan lanjutan ===
* {{cite book|last = Barbara|first = Christopher|title = International legal personality: Panacea or pandemonium? Theorizing about the individual and the state in the era of globalization|publisher = [[Verlag Dr. Müller]]|year = 2008|location = Saarbrücken|url =|id = |isbn = 3-639-11514-7|access-date = 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2022-06-18|archive-url =|dead-url = no}}
* {{cite book|last = von Braun|first = Joachim|author2 = Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla|title = Globalization of Food and Agriculture and the Poor|publisher = Oxford University Press|year = 2007|location = Oxford|url =|id = |isbn = 978-0-19-569528-1|access-date = 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2023-07-28|archive-url =|dead-url = no}}
* {{cite book | last = Barbara | first = Christopher | title = International legal personality: Panacea or pandemonium? Theorizing about the individual and the state in the era of globalization| publisher=[[Verlag Dr. Müller]] | year = 2008 |location =Saarbrücken| url = | id = | isbn = 3-639-11514-7}}
* {{cite book | last = von Braun | first = Joachim |author2=Eugenio Diaz-Bonilla | title = Globalization of Food and Agriculture and the Poor| publisher=Oxford University Press | year = 2007 |location = Oxford| url = | id = | isbn = 978-0-19-569528-1}}
* Carpenter, John. "Puritan Missions as Globalization," ''[[Fides et Historia]]''. 31:2, 1999 pp.&nbsp;103–123.
* {{Cite book | last= Chanda | first = Nayan | authorlink = Nayan Chanda | title=Bound Together: How Traders, Preachers, Warriors and Adventurers Shaped Globalization | url=|publisher=Yale University Press, New Haven | year=2007 | isbn=978-0-300-11201-6}}
* {{cite book | last = Fernando | first = Salvetti (ed.) | title = "Glocal" Working. Living and Working across the World with Cultural Intelligence | publisher = Franco Angeli| year = 2010 |location = Milan| url = | id = | isbn = 978-88-568-2733-0|access-date = 2021-05-02|archive-date = 2018-04-20|archive-url =|dead-url = yes}}
* {{cite book | last = Glyn | first = Andrew | authorlink = Andrew Glyn | title = Capitalism Unleashed: Finance, Globalization, and Welfare | year = 2006 |publisher publisher= Oxford University Press | location = Oxford | url = | isbn = 0-19-922679-2|access-date = 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2010-12-26|archive-url =|dead-url = yes}}
* {{cite book | last = Kitching | first = Gavin | authorlink = Gavin Kitching | title = Seeking Social Justice through Globalization. Escaping a Nationalist Perspective |publisher publisher= Penn State Press | year = 2001 | url = | isbn = 0-271-02162-4|access-date = 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2007-11-28|archive-url =|dead-url = yes}}
* {{cite book | last = Kohler | first = Gernot | coauthors = Emilio José Chaves (eds.) | title = Globalization: Critical Perspectives | year = 2003 | publisher = Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers |ISBN = 1-59033-346-2|url =|access-date = 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2007-07-11|archive-url =|dead-url = no}} With contributions by [[Samir Amin]], [[Christopher Chase-Dunn]], [[Andre Gunder Frank]], [[Immanuel Wallerstein]]
* {{cite book | last = [[Jerry Mander|Mander, Jerry]] |author2 = [[Edward Goldsmith]] | title = The case against the global economy: and for a turn toward the local | publisher = [[Sierra Club Books]] | year = 1996 | location = San Francisco | url =| id = | isbn = 0-87156-865-9 }}
* {{cite book | last = Moore | first = Karl | authorlink = Karl Moore (academic) |author2 = David Charles Lewis | title = Origins of Globalization |publisher publisher= Routledge | year = 2009 | location = New York | url = |isbn = 978-0-415-80598-8|access-date = 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2014-11-07|archive-url =|dead-url = no}}
* {{cite book | last = Murray | first = Warwick E. | title = Geographies of Globalization|url =| publisher=Routledge | year = 2006 | location = New York | isbn = 0-415-31799-1 }}
* {{cite book | last = Neumann | first = Iver B. |author2 = Ole Jacob Sending | title = Governing the Global Polity: Practice, Mentality, Rationality | publisher = University of Michigan Press| year = 2010 | location = Ann Arbor | url =| isbn = 978-0-472-07093-0|access-date = 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2012-09-14|archive-url =|dead-url = no}}
* {{cite book | last = Osterhammel | first = Jürgen | authorlink = Jürgen Osterhammel |author2 = Niels P. Petersson | title = Globalization: A Short History |publisher publisher= Princeton University Press | year = 2005 | location = Princeton, New Jersey | url = | id = | isbn = 0-691-12165-6|access-date = 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2012-01-07|archive-url =|dead-url = no}}
* {{cite book | last = Pfister | first = Ulrich | authorlink = | title = Globalization | year = 2012 | publisher = [[Institute of European History]], | location = Mainz |url url=|isbn = |access-date isbn= 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2023-07-28|archive-url =|dead-url = no}}
* {{cite book |author=Reinsdorf, Marshall and Matthew J. Slaughter |title=International Trade in Services and Intangibles in the Era of Globalization |year=2009 |isbn=978-0-226-70959-8 |publisher=The University of Chicago Press |location=Chicago}}
* {{cite book | last = Sen | first = Amartya | authorlink = Amartya Sen | title = [[Development as Freedom]] | publisher=Oxford University Press | year = 1999 | location = Oxford, New York | url = | id = | isbn = 0375406190 }}
* {{cite book | last = Sirkin | first = Harold L | coauthors = James W. Hemerling and Arindam K. Bhattacharya | title = Globality: Competing with Everyone from Everywhere for Everything| publisher = Business Plus | year = 2008 |location = New York | page = 292 | url =| id = | isbn = 0-446-17829-2|access-date = 2015-06-21|archive-date = 2008-09-23|archive-url =|dead-url = yes}}
* {{cite book | last = Smith | first = Charles | authorlink = Charles Emrys Smith | title = International Trade and Globalisation, 3rd edition |publisher publisher= Anforme | year = 2007 | location = Stocksfield | url =| id = | isbn = 1-905504-10-1 }}
* {{cite book | last = Steger | first = Manfred | title = Globalism: the new market ideology |publisher publisher= Rowman & Littlefield Publishers | year = 2002 | location = Lanham, Maryland | url =| id = | isbn = 0-7425-0072-1 }}
* {{cite book | last = Stiglitz | first = Joseph E. | authorlink = Joseph E. Stiglitz | title = [[Globalization and Its Discontents]] | publisher=W.W. Norton | year = 2002 | location = New York | url = | id = | isbn = 0-393-32439-7 }}
* {{cite book | last = Stiglitz | first = Joseph E. | authorlink = Joseph E. Stiglitz | title = [[Making Globalization Work]] | publisher=W.W. Norton | year = 2006 | location = New York | url = | id = | isbn = 0-393-06122-1 }}
* {{cite book | last = Tausch | first = Arno | title = Multicultural Europe: Effects of the Global Lisbon Process |publisher publisher= Nova Science Publishers | year = 2008 | location = Hauppauge, New York | url =| id = | isbn = 978-1-60456-806-6}}
* {{cite book | last = Osle | first = Rafael Domingo | title = The New Global Law | publisher=Cambridge University Press| year = 2010| location = Cambridge | url = | id = | isbn = 9780521193870 }}
* {{cite book | last = Wolf | first = Martin | authorlink = Martin Wolf | title = Why Globalization Works | publisher = Yale University Press | year = 2004 | location = New Haven | url =| id = | isbn = 978-0-300-10252-9 }}
== Pranala luar ==
{{Sister project links|Globalization}}
* [ Comprehensive discussion of the term at the Site Global Transformations] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2009-10-12 }}
* [ Globalization Website (Emory University) Links, Debates, Glossary etc.] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-10-26 }}
* [ BBC News Special Report – "Globalisation"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2009-01-11 }}
* [ "Resilience, Panarchy, and World-Systems Analysis"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-28 }}, from the ''[[Ecology and Society]]'' Journal
* [ "Globalization" ''Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy''] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2010-07-09 }} Analysis of the idea and its history.
* [ OECD Globalization statistics] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2023-07-20 }}
* [ "Globalization"] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-06-12 }}, from ''[[The Canadian Encyclopedia]]''
* [ YaleGlobal Online] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2021-06-20 }}
* [ Global 3000] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2015-06-21 }} Globalization Program by Deutsche Welle-TV
Baris 402 ⟶ 392:
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[[Kategori:Garis besar|Globalisasi]]
[[Kategori:Daftar sosiologi]]
[[Kategori:Daftar terkait globalisasi]]
[[Kategori:Garis besar Wikipedia]]