Bantuan kemanusiaan untuk korban gempa bumi Samudra Hindia 2004: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 30:
Tanggal [[27 Desember]], dilaporkan bahwa Wakil Sekretaris Jenderal PBB bidang Urusan Kemanusiaan [[Jan Egeland]] mengatakan kontribusi sumbangan negara-negara kaya sebagai "pelit" [], tetapi kemudian interpretasi yang muncul adalah bahwa perkataannya itu adalah spesifik tentang respon terhadap bencana tsunami. []. Dalam sebuah konferensi pers dikemudian hari, Egeland mengatakan bahwa ucapannya itu samasekali bukan mengenai satu negara tertentu atau mengenai respon terhadap keadaan darurat ini (tsunami), dan bahwa kita masih dalam tahap awal dan respon yang diberikan sejauh ini masih sangat positif ([] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-20 }}).
Pemerintah AS, melalui Presiden [[George W. Bush]] dan Menteri Luar Negeri [[Colin Powell]], menyatakan kekesalannya atas pernyataan tersebut dan pada tanggal [[28 Desember]] menambahkan USD 20 juta lagi dari janji mereka sebelumnya USD 15 juta, sehingga total bantuan yang dijanjikan menjadi USD 35 juta. Ini tidak termasuk bantuan langsung yang akan diberikan oleh kapal-kapal angkatan laut yang diberangkatkan ke daerah bencana ([] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-03-06 }}). Pada tanggal [[31 Desember]], AS menambah bantuan yang dijanjikan sepuluh kali lipat menjadi USD 350 juta ([]), dan Presiden Bush mengatakan bahwa jumlah tersebut mungkin masih akan bertambah. Presiden Bush juga menandatangani keputusan yang memerintahkan pengibaran bendera setengah tiang selama minggu pertama tahun baru.
Terungkap kekhawatiran serius bahwa usaha bantuan internasional dapat gagal bila negara-negara tidak menepati janjinya. Tanggal [[3 Januari]], Sekretaris Jenderal PBB [[Kofi Annan]] meminta negara-negara donor untuk memastikan bahwa janji mereka benar-benar ditepati, dan menyebutkan bahwa di masa lalu banyak janji yang diberikan namun tidak semua uangnya diterima [].
Baris 49:
== Daftar donor-donor utama ==
Tabel berikut ini adalah sebagian daftar dari komitmen sumbangan tunai dari berbagai pemerintah dan organisasi non-pemerintah, yang diambil dari
[ PBB] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-05-19 }}, [ BBC] dan sumber-sumber lainnya ([] []):
''Catatan: [[Kurs]] diambil pada [[8 Januari]] [[2005]], ketika EUR€1 = USD$1.30585; GBP£1 = USD$1.87110; CAD$1 = USD$0.811853; AUD$1 = USD$0.757346; HKD$1 = USD$0.1282 ; 1 INR= USD$0.0228102; 1 CNY= 0.120831; 1 NOK = USD$0.158526; 1 DKK = 0.175711; 1 SEK = USD$0.144363; 1 CHF = USD$0.844131
Baris 65:
| width="35%" | [[AUD]] 280 juta (223.4 juta dolar AS) [] || ? || 1,322 || ?
| [[Austria]] || [[Euro|EUR]] 50 juta (65.30 juta dolar AS) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-28 }} [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-01-07 }}|| 0.26 || EUR 20 juta (26.12 juta dolar AS) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-05-10 }}|| 0.10 || 91.42 || 0.36
| [[Bank Dunia]] || 250 juta dolar AS [] || || tak ada data || tak ada data || 250 || tak ada data
| [[Belanda]] || EUR 230 juta (300.5 juta dolar AS) || 0.58 || > EUR 160.5 juta (208.6 juta dolar AS) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-06 }} || > 0.41 || > 509.1 || > 0.99
| [[Belgia]] || [[Euro|EUR]] 12 juta (15.67 juta dolar AS) || 0.05 || EUR 38.05 juta (49.70 juta dolar AS) [] || 0.17 || 65.37 || 0.22
Baris 89:
| [[Irlandia]] || EUR 20 juta (26.12 juta dolar AS) || 0.15 || EUR 75 juta (97.94 juta dolar AS) (Sumber: Irish Times 18/3/05) || 0.92 || 117.94 || 1.09
| [[Italia]] || EUR 70 juta (91.4 juta dolar AS) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-02-16 }} ||   || EUR 42 juta (57.3 juta dolar AS) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-05-27 }} ||   || > 120.13 || > 0.085
| [[Jepang]] || 500 juta dolar AS [] || 0.115 || ? || ? || > 500 || > 0.115
| [[Kanada]] || '''Federal''' [[C$|CAD]] 425 juta (344.96 juta dolar AS)[] [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-06-14 }} '''Provinsi''' CAD 18.5 juta (15.02 juta dolar AS) [] || 0.70 || '''Masyarakat''' CAD 230 juta (185.8 juta dolar AS) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-06-14 }}, '''Perusahaan'''CAD 36.3 juta (USD 29.47 juta) || 0.28|| 743.68 || 0.98
| [[Kuwait]] || 100 juta dolar AS [] || || ? || ? || > 100 ||
Baris 117:
| [[Tiongkok]] ([[Republik Rakyat Tiongkok|RRT]])|| [[Renminbi|CNY]] 522 juta (63.07 juta dolar AS) [] plus 20 juta dolar AS [] || 0.035 || 12 juta dolar AS || 0.005 || > 95.07 || > 0.04
| [[Turki]] || [[New Turkish Lira|TRY]] 28.9 juta [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-04-18 }} || || ? || ? || 37.6 ||
| [[Uni Emirat Arab]] || 20 juta dolar AS || || ? || ? || 20 ||
Baris 123:
| [[Uni Eropa]] || 615 juta dolar AS || tak ada data || tak ada data || tak ada data || 615 || tak ada data
| [[Yunani]] || EUR 1.3 juta (1.7 juta dolar AS) || 0.01 || EUR 19 juta (24.8 juta dolar AS) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-06 }}|| 0.14 || 26.5 || 0.15
|- style="background-color: #E9E9E9"
Baris 213:
{| border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 style="margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;"
|- style="background: #e9e9e9"
! Negara !! Jumlah penduduk (Juli 2004 atau sebelumnya){{br}} Lihat [ CIA Factbook] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-08-25 }} !! Bantuan (total){{br}} (juta dolar AS) !! per kapita (dolar AS) !! Bantuan pemerintah{{br}}(dolar AS) !! per kapita (dolar AS) !! Bantuan masyarakat{{br}}(dolar AS) !! per kapita (dolar AS)
|Amerika Serikat||293,027,571||1,981||6.76|| || || ||
Baris 283:
| width="150px" valign="top" | [[Australia]]
* '''Pemerintah Federal''' — Setelah mengirim dan mendistribusikan bantuan internasional senilai AUD 10 juta dolar Australia (7,7 juta dolar AS), pemerintah Australia telah mengumumkan pada 29 Desember 2004 dan 31 Desember 2004 bahwa dua bantuan tambahan yang senilai 25 juta dolar Australia (18,1 juta dolar AS) akan dikirimkan [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-13 }}: 10 juta dolar Australia untuk menolong berbagai organisasi, 10 juta dolar Australia ke [[Indonesia]], dan 5 juta dolar Australia (3,6 juta dolar AS) ke [[Sri Lanka]]. Menteri Luar Negeri [[Alexander Downer]] memberitahukan bahwa Australia akan menawarkan bantuan lebih jauh bila dibutuhkan. Tanggal 5 Januari 2005 di Jakarta, Perdana Menteri [[John Howard]] mengumumkan paket bantuan senilai 1 miliar dolar Australia ([]) bagi Indonesia (766, 89 juta dolar AS) []. Paket bantuan bilateral [] itu terdiri dari grant assintance dan pendanaan konsesi yang sama besarnya. Pada 11 JanuraiJanuari 2005, bantuan senilai 500.000 dolar Australia diumumkan untuk [[Seychelles]], membuat total bantuan moneter pemerintah federal menjadi 1.060.500.000 dolar Australia.
* '''Pemerintah-pemerintah negara bagian''' — Pemerintah [[Australian Capital Territory]], [[New South Wales]], [[Northern Territory]], [[Queensland]], [[South Australia]], [[Victoria (Australia)|Victoria]] dan [[Western Australia]] memberikan bantuan moneter yang dijanjikan yang totalnya senilai 17,45 juta dolar Australia (13,6 juta dolar AS).
* '''Militer/Tenaga Ahli''' — Sebagai bagian dari bantuan Australia, [[Australian Defence Force]] ('''ADF''') juga bekerja memberikan bantuan, bersama-sama pasukan AS. 900 personel tak bersenjata bekerja di Indonesia, termasuk di antaranya 15 pengendali lalu-lintas udara yang mengatur pemberian bantuan yang sangat besar di Aceh. Delapan [[C-130 Hercules]] milik [[Royal Australian Air Force]] diikutsertakan. Empat Hercules mendistribusikan perbekalan di Indonesia, sedang empat pesawat yang lain membangun jembatan udara untuk memindahkan material dan personel dari Australia. Saat bencana terjadi, tiga C-130 Hercules langsung dikerahkan dengan membawa suplai medis, unit pemurnian air, selimut, dan air di dalam botol. Sebuah kapal transport amfibi [[HMAS Kanimbla (L-51)|HMAS ''Kanimbla'']] milik [[Royal Australian Navy]] berangkat dari [[Sydney]] pada malam Tahun Baru, tiba di [[Indonesia]] pada 13 Januari 2005, dengan membawa dua helikopter [[H-3 Sea King]]. Selain itu, empat helikopter [[UH-1 Iroquois]] milik [[Australian Army]] diperbantukan di [[Aceh]], di mana ADF telah mendirikan sebuah rumah sakit darurat dan water plant. [[Australian Federal Police]] ('''AFP''') mengirimkan beberapa tim ke tempat terjadinya bencana, khususnya Thailand, termasuk di antaranya tim identifikasi tubuh. Tim yang beranggotakan para ahli medis dan bantuan gawat darurat dikirimkan terus menerus ke berbagai lokasi yang dilanda Tsunami. Para pekerja sukarela siap dan bersedia diterbangkan ke wilayah bencana untuk lebih jauh membantu dengan melakukan operasi pemberian bantuan dan pembangunan kembali. Sebagai tanggapan atas permintaan dari Pemerintah Maladewa, Australia telah mengirim beberapa ahli ekologi untuk memperbaiki terumbu karang - nyawa dari pariwisata Maladewa – dan sejumlah guru untuk memulihkan lagi kegiatan belajar-mengajar. Diperkirakan biaya bantuan tambahan ini lebih dari 60 juta dolar Australia (USD 46,5 juta dolar AS), dan di manajemen oleh [[Emergency Management Australia]] ('''EMA''').
Baris 317:
|valign="top"| [[Jepang]]
|| Pemerintah Jepang menyediakan bantuan senilai 500 juta dolar AS ke negara-negara yang tertimpa Tsunami. Tim medis gawat darurat dikirimkan ke Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, dan Maladewa.
Jepang, yang merupakan penyumbang dana Official Development Assistance (ODA) terbesar kedua, juga mengerahkan sejumlah kapal Pasukan Bela Diri Jepang ke SumatraSumatera Utara untuk memberikan bantuan.
|valign="top"| [[Malaysia]]
|| Malaysia juga mengirimkan tim penyelamat ke luar negeri karena kerusakan lokalnya yang minimal dan hal ini membebaskan Special Malaysian Rescue Team (SMART) untuk terbang ke Indonesia. Sebanyak 73 anggota gabungan SMART [ Malaysian Red Crescent Society] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-02-22 }} serta Departemen Kebakaran dan Penyelamatan dikirimkan ke Medang dengan suplai makanan, obat, dan baju untuk sekitar 2000 korban. Sebuah tim dokter militer berangkat dengan sebuah pesawat CN 235 dan satu [http[:// Nuri|helikopter Nuri]] dikirimkan ke Aceh. Bantuan selanjutnya dikirimkan dengan menggunakan pesawat [[C130|C-130 Hercules]].[ MERCY (Malaysian Medical Relief Society) Malaysia] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-02-22 }}. Sebuah kelompok sukarelawan untuk bantuan kemanusiaan yang terdiri dari dokter dan perawat juga diterbangkan ke Sri Lanka. Ada dua tim yang bermarkas di Rumah Sakit Militer Kesdam, salah satu dari dua rumah sakit yang selamat dari bencana Tsunami di Banda Aceh. Malaysia juga membuka wilayah udara dan dua lapangan udaranya, Subang Airport dan [[Langkawi]] International Airport untuk operasi bantuan kemanusiaan serta bertindak sebagai pangkalan persiapan menghantarkan suplai bantuan ke Aceh.
|valign="top"| [[Selandia Baru]]
Baris 326:
* '''Pemerintah''' — Pemerintah Selandia Baru mengumumkan akan menyumbangkan 10 juta [[dolar Selandia Baru]] (7,2 juta dolar AS). Tanggal 18 Januari 2005, Pemerintah Selandia Baru mengumumkan peningkatan bantuan dengan nilai total 68 juta dolar Selandia Baru (47,2 juta dolar AS), termasuk juga 10 juta dolar Selandia Baru yang dijanjikan pada awalnya itu. Pemerintah menyertakan pula bantuan senilai 20 juta dolar Selandia Baru (18,4 juta dolar AS) untuk bantuan kemanusiaan PBB, 20 juta dolar Selandia Baru (18,4 juta dolar AS) untuk Aceh dan daerah lainnya di Sumatra melalui sebuah program bantuan bilateral di Indonesia, dan 19 juta dolar Selandia Baru (17,5 juta dolar AS) penyesuaian dolar-untuk-dolarnya sumbangan rakyat Selandia Baru.
* '''Militer''' — Sebuah C-130 Hercules milik Royal New Zealand Air Force, yang bekerja-sama dengan Royal Australian Air Force, dikirimkan untuk evakuasi serta menghantarkan suplai bantuan. Selandia Baru juga mengirimkan sebuah pesawat RNZAF 757 ke Phuket, Thailand, dengan sebuah tim spesialis identifikasi korban di dalamnya. Sayang sekali, pesawat berumur 38 tahun itu mengalami kesulitan teknis dan beberapa kali terpaksa berhenti dari aktivitas bantuan kemanusiaan.
* '''Publik''' — Pemerintah Selandia Baru mengumumkan akan memberikan dana yang dikumpulkan rakyatnya ke berbagai kegiatan amal.. Pada 18 Janurai 2005, jumlahnya mencapai 18 juta dolar Selandia Baru [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2014-12-19 }}.
|valign="top"| [[Korea Utara]]
Baris 339:
|valign="top"| [[Singapura]]
|| Pemerintah Singapura pada awalnya menjanjikan 5 juta [[dolar Singapura]] bantuan kemanusiaan, termasuk uang kontan senilai 1 juta dolar Singapura yang diberikan ke [ Singapore Red Cross Society] (SRCS). Pada 8 Januari 2005, SRCS telah mengumpulkan lebih dari 27 juta dolar Singapura. Di sebuah konferensi tingkat tinggi bencana darurat di Jakarta, pemerintah Singapura menjanjikan dana tambahan senilai 10 juta dolar Singapura untuk menolong korban bencana tsunami. Sebuah perusahaan penanaman modal yang berhubungan dengan pemerintah, Temasek Holdings, menyediakan 10 juta dolar AS untuk bantuan kemanusiaan. Pemerintah juga menawarkan penggunaan pangklan angkatan udara dan angkatan lautnya sebagai tempat persiapan bagi PBB serta badan pemberi bantuan yang lain maupun negara lainnya, seperti AS, Australia, Prancis, dan Jepang. PBB menerima tawaran Singapura untuk mendirikan sebuah Pusat Koordinasi Kawasan PBB untuk mengkoordinasi usaha memberi bantuan ke wilayah yang tertimpa bencana [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-24 }}.
Operasi bantuan kemanusiaan Singapura melibatkan lebih dari 1200 personel militer dan pertahanan sipil – 900 di antaranya berada di Aceh, Indonesia. Bantuan kemanusiaan yang disediakan militer, tim medis dan penyelamat diperkirakan senilai 20 juta dolar Singapura. Singapura juga telah menawarkan untuk membangun kembali rumah sakit serta klinik di Aceh.
Baris 394:
|| Yunani mengalokasikan 0,3 juta Euro (0,4 juta dolar AS) ke [[Maladewa]] serta [[Sri Lanka]], dan mengirim dua pesawat yang membawa 6 ton bantuan kemanusiaan ke kedua negara itu. Rakyat Yunani mengumpulkan dana senilai 15 juta Euro (19,9 juta dolar AS) melalui berbagai sumbangan pribadi dalam sebuah maraton amal di TV yang termasuk acara pelelangan sejumlah barang kenang-kenangan dari Olympiade Athena dan Euro 2004, serta bulpen milik Presiden Hellenic Republic yang mengundurkan diri.
|valign="top"| [[HongariaHungaria]]
|| HongariaHungaria mengirim sebuah tim medis dan penyelamat beranggotakan 10 orang serta dua kontainer dan sepuluh kasur jerami bantuan darurat ke [[Thailand]] dan [[Sri Lanka]].
|valign="top"| [[Islandia]]
Baris 401:
|valign="top"| [[Republik Irlandia]]
|| Pemerintah Irlandia menyumbangkan 20 juta Euro (26,12 juta dolar AS) sebagai respons terhadap bencana yang disebabkan gempa bumi di Asia Selatan [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-03-06 }} – mayoritas uang diberikan ke organisasi Irish Aid dan PBB. Begitu mengetahui adanya bencana, rakyat Irlandia segera mulai mengumpulkan uang di jalan, gereja, sekolah, pusat perbelanjaan, dan banyak lagi inisiatif yang lain seperti ''Work a Day for Free,'' di mana sebagian besar pekerja menyumbangkan upah sehari ke dana bantuan bencana alam. Diperkirakan dana sebesar 1 juta Euro didapatkan dari berbagai pub dan hotel. Berbagai kegiatan amal yang diadakan Palang Merah Irlandia, Concern, dan Goal mengumpulkan dana sebesar 75 juta Euro. Yayasan amal berbasis gereja, Trócaire, mengumpulkan dana sebesar 27 juta Euro hanya dalam waktu seminggu ''Sumber: Irish Times 18/3/05'''
|valign="top"| [[Italia]]
Baris 475:
|valign="top"| [[Syria]] ||A Syrian aeroplane loaded with 40 tonnes of medical and food aid took off from Damascus Airport to Indonesia Thursday <!---which Thursday?--->. The Syrian government newspaper Al-Thawra quoted Syria's Health Minister, Maher al-Hussami, as saying that the load included 20 tonnes of medicine, food and drinking water, as well as 880 blankets
|valign="top"| [[Turkey]] || Turkey has donated [[New Turkish Lira|TRY]] 28.9M [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-04-18 }} (USD 37.6m) so far, which will be used in reconstruction projects and be allocated to [[Sri Lanka]], [[India]], [[Indonesia]], [[Thailand]], [[Malaysia]] and [[Maldives]].
|valign="top"| [[United Arab Emirates|UAE]] || [[Dolar Amerika Serikat|USD]] 20m and 30 tonnes of food and medicine in the care of the Red Crescent, which is to deliver them to India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-12-10 }}.
Baris 489:
* '''Federal Government:''' The Canadian government has pledged, as of [[10 January]] [[2005]], [[Dolar Kanada|CAD]] 425m (USD 344.96m)[], an increase to the original figure of CAD 4m offered by the federal government, which had previously been revised to 40m and then to 80m, as an immediate contribution toward the aid effort and will also be providing blankets, water purification devices, and generators through the [[Canadian International Development Agency]] (CIDA).
* The Canadian government will also match private donations received by [[11 January]] [[2005]]; according to CIDA, this represents an additional CAD 200M [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-06-14 }}.
** The Canadian federal government has also announced a debt moratorium for the countries most severely affected by the tsunami []. Also, Canada has announced it will send its [[Disaster Assistance Response Team|DART]] (Disaster Assistance Response Team) to [[Ampara]] in [[Sri Lanka]] [].
* '''Provincial Governments:''' In addition to the federal funds, the provincial government of [[British Columbia]] has given CAD 8m (USD 6.6m) to the Canadian Red Cross, the provincial governments of [[Ontario]] and [[Alberta]] have each pledged CAD 5m (USD 4.1m), the provincial governments of [[Quebec]], [[Manitoba]], [[New Brunswick]], [[Newfoundland and Labrador]], and [[Nova Scotia]] have each given CAD 100,000 (USD 82,000), and the provincial governments of the [[Northwest Territories]] and [[Prince Edward Island]] have pledged CAD 25,000 and 20,000 respectively.
Baris 506:
* '''Military:''' The United States has dispatched numerous [[C-5 Galaxy]] and [[C-17 Globemaster III]] [[strategic airlift]]ers and ten [[C-130 Hercules]] [[tactical airlift]]ers containing disaster supplies, nine [[P-3 Orion|P-3C Orion]] [[maritime patrol]] aircraft for [[search and rescue]] support, and several teams from the Departments of [[United States Department of State|State]] and [[United States Department of Defense|Defense]] to coordinate additional assistance. They are using Utapao Naval Air Base in Thailand as their regional hub.
** Additionally, the United States has offered assistance from its troops stationed in Japan. [[USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72)|USS ''Abraham Lincoln'']] [[Carrier battle group|aircraft carrier battle group]], which was in port in [[Hong Kong]], was dispatched to the coast of Sumatra to provide support to the Indonesian province of Aceh. In addition, a [[amphibious battlegroup]] led by [[USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6)|USS ''Bonhomme Richard'']], scheduled for a port call in [[Guam]], were dispatched to render assistance.
** A total of 48 Navy and Marine Corps helicopters are involved. Each ship can produce around 90,000 US [[gallon]]s of fresh water per day. The [[United States Navy|US Navy]] has also deployed the [[USNS Mercy (T-AH-19)|USNS ''Mercy'']], a 1,000-bed [[hospital ship]] (to be initially staffed to support 250 patient beds) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-09 }}. More than 12,600 Department of Defense personnel are involved in the relief effort, [[Operation Unified Assistance]] [].
* '''Private Sector:''' As of [[10 January]] [[2005]] US based relief groups and non-governmental organisations reported having raised over USD 515m. One charity said online pledges were arriving at a rate of USD 100,000 an hour. Notable donors include American corporations; among them the [[Coca-Cola Company]] (USD 10m), [[Dow Chemical]] Company (USD 5m), [[The New York Stock Exchange]] Foundation (USD 1m), [[Microsoft Corporation]] (USD 3m), and [[Dell, Inc.|Dell]] (USD 3m initial, up to USD 5m through employee fundraising).
** Pharmaceutical companies such as [[Pfizer]], [[Johnson & Johnson]] and [[Bristol-Myers Squibb]] have provided medical supplies and drugs in addition to monetary assistance. [[Hollywood]] celebrities have also donated, including [[Steven Spielberg]] (USD 1.5m) and [[Sandra Bullock]] (USD 1m). Private citizens, communities and schools have also begun fundraising efforts and have contributed.
Baris 522:
[] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-05-05 }}.
|valign="top"| [[African Union]] || The African Union Commission Chairman [[Alpha Oumar Konaré]] has announced that the organisation will put forward USD 100,000 towards disaster relief [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-10 }}.
|- [[AmeriCares]] || An AmeriCares airlift arrived in Colombo, Sri Lanka on [[30 December]], bringing 30,000 pounds of medical and water purification supplies, including enough water purification treatments to provide for 4m litres of clean driking water, as well as an emergency response team to aid the millions of people affected by the tsunami. New York-based Altria Group, Inc., helped underwrite USD 150,000 to help the cost of the AmeriCares' airlift into Sri Lanka [].
Baris 531:
|valign="top"| [[American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee]] || The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) has collected more than USD 2m in individual contributions to the organisation's non-sectarian South Asia Tsunami Relief mailbox [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-06 }}, [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-22 }}.
|valign="top"| [[American Jewish World Service]] || With USD 3.25 million raised, The American Jewish World Service is particularly focusing efforts on providing direct material relief to the poorest families in affected areas, including providing food, water storage containers, cooking supplies, blankets and temporary shelters and partnering with Direct Relief International to provide immediate shipments of basic medical supplies, water purification materials and oral rehydration therapies to the heavily affected communities in India and Sri Lanka [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-03 }}, [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-11 }}.
|valign="top"| [[Autism Awareness Campaign Sri Lanka]] || The Auism Awareness Campaign in Sri Lanka are not collecting money themselves but are working with partners, the respected Rotary Club Colombo Regency. They have appealed to the international community not to forget the disabled community and many more who are now disabled as a result of horrific injuries sustained in the tsunami. People can donate online to the Rotary Club Colombo Regency [],dry food rations and medicine can be bought online []{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} for further information see the blog []
Baris 563:
[]{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
|valign="top"| [[Medical Institute of Tamils]] || Providing urgent medical assistance [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-02-04 }}.
|valign="top"| [[Oxfam]] || In India, Oxfam is directing its aid to four regions including the communities of [[Cuddalore]], [[Nagapattinam]], [[Kanyakumari]], and along the southwest coast of [[Kerala]]. The agency has put together a USD 13.3m plan to provide immediate relief for people in those regions as well as offer them longer-term assistance to help rebuild their lives and livelihoods. The plan includes digging latrines, repairing water sources, and providing temporary shelter for up to 60,000 people, as well as distributing essential household items such as soap, buckets, and coconut oil. In Sri Lanka, Oxfam has been appointed as a key organisation to provide clean water and sanitation facilities in the northern part of the country. Staff members in four field offices in [[Trincomalee]], [[Vavuniya]], [[Batticaloa]], and [[Killinochchi]] have been offering immediate help to the communities around them including providing medical and rescue assistance, shelter materials, food, and water tanks. With its partners, Oxfam is undertaking detailed assessments of the needs in northern, eastern, and southern districts of the country. Additionally, the agency is establishing a new base in the south—in [[Matara]]. In Indonesia, Oxfam and [[UNICEF]] have been appointed the lead providers of clean water in [[Banda Aceh]] and its surrounding district. A provincial capital located on the northern tip of [[Sumatra]], Banda Aceh was one of the areas hardest hit by the tsunami and is now emerging as a coordination centre [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-09-27 }}.
Baris 573:
|valign="top"| [[United Jewish Association, Federation of New York]] || In addition to helping fund the JDC collection, the UJA of New York commission two quarter-page ads in the New York Times, so far raising USD 500,000 in support of South Asian Tsunami victims.
|valign="top"| [[United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees|UNHCR]] || The UNHCR in Sri Lanka is opening up its local relief stockpiles to deliver immediate emergency assistance [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2011-06-13 }}.
|valign="top"| [[UN World Food Programme]] || Emergency food rations delivered to over one million survivors in first 20 days of crisis, including 750,000 people in Sri Lanka.{{br}}Using every possible means of transport, from landing craft to trucks, WFP has moved a total 10,000 metric tons of food to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, Somalia and Thailand [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-11-16 }}.
|valign="top"| [[UNICEF]] || Clothing and more than 30,000 blankets and sleeping mats to Sri Lanka{{br}}1,600 water tanks, 30,000 blankets, medical supplies and hundreds of thousands of water purification pills to India{{br}}Similar supplies to Indonesia and the Maldives [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-12-10 }}.
|valign="top"| [[United Nations Development Programme]] || [[Dolar Amerika Serikat|USD]] 100,000 each to Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, the Maldives and Thailand to help them assess and coordinate emergency needs [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-12-10 }}.
|valign="top"| [[United Nations Joint Logistics Centre]] || The UNJLC complements and co-ordinate logistics capacities of co-operating humanitarian agencies during large-scale and complex emergencies. UNJLC has been activated for the Tsunami crisis with the main office in Bangkok, a back-stop office in Rome, an air hub (staging head) in Malaysia and UNJLC cells covering the crisis region, and also based in Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Malaysia [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-31 }}.
|valign="top"| [[United Nations Population Fund]] || Up to [[Dolar Amerika Serikat|USD]] 1m and extra staff to help ensure that the special health needs of pregnant and nursing women were met [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-12-10 }}.
|valign="top"| [[Ve'ahavta]] || The Canadian Jewish Humanitarian and Relief Commission, Ve'ahavta ("You Shall Love"), is collecting donations which will be used to send more search and rescue personnel and logisticians, facilitate emergency feeding stations, and assist in the financing of other necessary relief items [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2006-02-25 }}.
Baris 596:
Daftar donasi korporasi yang lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-03-26 }}.
{| border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 style="margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse; font-size: 95%;"
| [[Pfizer Inc.|Pfizer]] || 35 juta dolar Amerika (10 juta uang tunai; 25 juta dalam bentuk obat-obatan) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-04-04 }}
| [[Deutsche Bank]] || 10 juta Euro (13 juta dolar Amerika) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-04-04 }}
| [[The Coca-Cola Company|Coca-Cola]] || 10 juta dolar Amerika []{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
Baris 604:
| [[Bristol-Myers Squibb]] || 5 juta dolar Amerika (1 juta uang tunai; 4 juta dalam bentuk obat-obatan) []
| [[Exxon Mobil]] || 5 juta dolar Amerika [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2004-12-30 }}
| [[Abbott Laboratories]] || 4 juta dolar Amerika (2 juta uang tunai; 2 juta dalam bentuk obat-obatan) []
Baris 610:
| [[Microsoft]] || 3,5 juta dolar Amerika []
| [[BP]] || 3 juta dolar Amerika [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-11-14 }}
| [[Citigroup]] || 3 juta dolar Amerika []
Baris 616:
| [[JP Morgan Chase]] || 3 juta dolar Amerika [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-03-13 }}
| [[Royal Dutch/Shell]] Group || 3 juta dolar Amerika [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-02-07 }}
| [[UBS AG]] || 3 juta dolar Amerika [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-01 }}
| [[Cisco Systems]] || 2,5 juta dolar Amerika [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2004-12-30 }}
Baris 704:
| [[Independent News & Media]] || EUR 100,000 [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-01-15 }}
| [[MTR Corporation|MTR Corporation Limited]] || [[Dolar Hong Kong|HKD]] 0.5 per passenger trip on [[2 January]] [[2005]] []{{Pranala mati|date=Juni 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}{{br}}Projected goal: HKD 1m (roughly USD 128,000) [] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-04-09 }}.
| [[Marubeni America Corporation]] || USD 10,000 []
Baris 741:
* [ Forced Migration Review special issue on lessons learned from the humanitarian response] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-10-17 }}
* [ Reuters Tsunami Aidwatch] tracking pledged vs. allocated funds
* [ ReliefWeb - FTS for South Asia Earthquake & Tsunami] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-05-19 }} financial tracking tables
* [ Wave of Destruction: Worldwide Tsunami Relief Donations]{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }} James Nakagawa's alternative chart
* [ Center for Global Studies - The Tsunami Disaster and the Globalization of Relief] from the national resource center at the University of Illinois
Baris 749:
* [ Yahoo! - Indian Ocean Earthquake 2004 Relief Efforts] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-08-08 }}
[[Kategori:Gempa Bumibumi Samudra India 2004]]