Daftar algoritme: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(45 revisi perantara oleh 28 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
Berikut adalah '''daftar [[algoritmaalgoritme]]'''.
''Lihat juga [[daftar struktur data]], [[daftar topik umum algoritmaalgoritme]], dan [[daftar istilah yang berhubungan dengan algoritmaalgoritme dan struktur data]].''
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme kombinatorial ==
=== AlgoritmaAlgoritme kombinatorial umum ===
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme pencari-siklus Floyd]]: iterasi untuk mencari siklus dalam barisan/sekuens
* (uniformly distributed) [[Pseudorandom number generator]]s:
** [[Blum Blum Shub]]
** [[Mersenne twister]]
* [[Robinson-Schensted algorithm]]: generateskorespondensi permutationsdan frompasangan pairsyang ofbijetif dari [[Young tableaux]] yang standar
=== AlgoritmaAlgoritme graphgraf ===
{{utama|Teori graphgraf}}
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Bellman-Ford]]: menghitung [[jarak terpendek]] pada graf berbobot, di mana sisi bisa memiliki bobot negatif
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Dijkstra]]: menghitung [[jarak terpendek]] pada graf berbobot, tanpa sisi berbobot negatif.
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Floyd-Warshall]]: menghitung solusi jarak terpendek untuk semua pasang titik pada sebuah graf berarah dan berbobot
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Kruskal]]: mencari [[pohon rentang minimum]] pada sebuah graf
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Prim]]: mencari [[pohon rentang minimum]] pada sebuah graf
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Boruvka]]: mencari [[pohon rentang minimum]] pada sebuah graf
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Ford-Fulkerson]]: computes themenghitung [[maximum flow problem|maximumaliran flowmaksimal]] indi adalam graphgraf
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Edmonds-Karp]]: implementationimplementasi ofdari Ford-Fulkerson
* [[Nonblocking Minimal Spanning Switch]] say, for a [[telephone exchange]]
* [[Spring based algorithm]]: algorithmalgoritme foruntuk [[graph drawing|penggambaran draf]]
* [[Topological sorting|Topological sort]]
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Hungaria]]: algorithm for finding a perfect [[matching]]
=== [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme pencarian]] ===
* [[Pencarian linear]]: mencari sebuah item pada sebuah list tak berurut
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme seleksi]]: mencari item ke-''k'' pada sebuah list
* [[Pencarian biner]]: menemukan sebuah item pada sebuah list terurut
* [[Pohon Pencarian Biner]]
Baris 39:
* [[Pencarian Depth-first]]: menelusuri sebuah graf cabang demi cabang
* [[Pencarian Best-first]]: menelusuri sebuah graf dengan urutan sesuai kepentingan dengan menggunakan [[antrian prioritas]]
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Pencarian A Bintang|Pencarian pohon A*]]: kasus khusus dari pencarian best-first
* [[Pencarian Interpolasi|Pencarian Prediktif]]: pencarian mirip biner dengan faktor pada [[magnitudo (matematika)|magnitudo]] dari syarat pencarian terhadap nilai atas dan bawah dalam pencarian. Kadang-kadang disebut pencarian kamus atau pencarian interpolasi.
* [[Tabel Hash]]: mencari sebuah item dalam sebuah kumpulan tak berurut dalam waktu O(1).
===String algorithmsAlgoritme string ===
==== [[StringAlgoritme searchingpencarian algorithmstring|SearchingPencarian]] ====
* [[Algoritme pencarian string#Algoritme brute force dalam pencarian string|Algoritme brute force]]
*[[Algoritma Aho-Corasick]]
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme BitapAho-Corasick]]
* [[Algoritme Boyer-Moore string search algorithm]]
* [[Algoritme Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm]]
* [[Algoritme Karp-Rabin]]
*[[Rabin-Karp string search algorithm]]
====Approximate matchingPencocokan string ====
* [[Algoritme Bitap]]
*[[Levenshtein_distance|Levenshtein edit distance]]
* [[Algoritme Fonetik]]
** [[Metaphone]]
** [[Soundex]]
* [[Metrik kemiripan string]]
** [[Jarak Damerau–Levenshtein]]
** [[Jarak Hamming]]
** [[Jarak Jaro-Winkler]]
** [[Jarak Levenshtein]]
=== [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme penyusunan]] ===
* [[Binary search tree|Binary tree sort]]
* [[Bogosort]]
* [[Bubble sort]]: foruntik eachsetiap pair of indicespasangan, swap the items if outtukar ofitem ordertersebut
* [[Bucket sort]]
* [[Comb sort]]
Baris 64 ⟶ 72:
* [[Counting sort]]
* [[Gnome sort]]
* [[Heapsort]]: convert themengubah list into amenjadi heap, keeplalu removingpindah theyang largestterbesar elementkepada from the heap and adding it to the end of the listdaftar.
* [[Insertion sort]]: determinemenentukan where the currentdimana item belongstertentu intermasuk thedalam list ofyang sorted onester-urut, and insertdan itmenyisipkan therepadanya
* [[Merge sort]]: pisah daftar menjadi pasangan dua-dua, urutkan lalu digabung dengan satu pasangan lainnya, kembali diurutkan, dan diulang hingga menjadi daftar utuh
* [[Merge sort]]: sort the first and second half of the list separately, then merge the sorted lists
* [[Pancake sorting]]
* [[Pigeonhole sort]]
* [[Quicksort]]: pisah daftar menjadi dua daftar, yang satu lebih rendah yang satu lebih besar, dan urut terpisah.
* [[Quicksort]]: divide list into two, with all items on the first list coming before all items on the second list.; then sort the two lists. Often the method of choice
* [[Radix sort]]: sorts strings letter by letter
* [[Selection sort]]: pick the smallest of the remaining elements, add it to the end of the sorted list
Baris 77 ⟶ 85:
* [[Topological sorting|Topological sort]]
== [[Kompresi data]] ==
==[[Data compression|Compression algorithms]]==
=== [[Kompresi data tanpa kehilangan]] ===
===[[:Category:Lossless compression algorithms|Lossless compression algorithms]]===
* [[Burrows-Wheeler transform]]: preprocessing useful for improving lossless compression
Baris 85 ⟶ 93:
* [[Delta encoding]]: aid to compression of data in which sequential data occurs frequently
* [[Incremental encoding]]: delta encoding applied to sequences of strings
* [[LZW]]: losslesssingkatan data compressiondari (Lempel-Ziv-Welch)
* [[LZ77 (algorithm)]]: LZ77 and LZ78 are the names for the two lossless data compression algorithms
* [[LZMA]]: shortsingkatan fordari Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm
* [[LZO]]: pemadatan data compression algorithm that is focused onyang speedcepat
* [[PPM compression algorithm]]
* [[Shannon-Fano coding]]
* [[Truncated binary encoding]]
* [[Run-length encoding]]: losslesspemadatan data compressionyang takingmenggunakan advantagederetan ofhuruf stringsyang of repeated charactersberulang.
* [[SEQUITUR algorithm]]: lossless compression by incremental grammar inference on a string
* [[Embedded Zerotree Wavelet|EZW (Embedded Zerotree Wavelet)]]
Baris 107 ⟶ 115:
** [[Rice coding]]: form of entropy coding that is optimal for alphabets following geometric distributions
=== [[Kompresi data berkehilangan]] ===
===[[:Category:Lossy compression algorithms|Lossy compression algorithms]]===
* [[Linear predictive coding]]: lossy compression by representing the spectral envelope of a digital signal of speech in compressed form
Baris 117 ⟶ 125:
* [[Wavelet compression]]: form of data compression well suited for image compression (sometimes also video compression and audio compression)
== [[Computational geometry]] ==
* [[Gift wrapping algorithm]]: determining the [[convex hull]] of a [[set]] of points
Baris 123 ⟶ 131:
* [[Point in polygon]]: tests whether a given point lies within a given polygon
== [[Grafik komputer]] ==
* [[Bresenham's line algorithm]]: plots points of a 2-dimensional array to form a straight line between 2 specified points (uses decision variables)
Baris 131 ⟶ 139:
* [[Ray tracing]]: realistic image [[rendering (computer graphics)|rendering]]
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme [[Kriptografi]] ==
''Lihat juga [[Topik dalam kriptografi]]''
* [[Enkripsi simetris]] dengan kata kunci:
* [[symmetric key algorithm|Symmetric (secret key) encryption]]:
** [[Advanced Encryption Standard]] (AES), winnerpemenang kompetisi [[National Institute of Standards and Technology|NIST]] pada tahun competition2000
** [[Blowfish (cipher)|Blowfish]]
** [[Data Encryption Standard]] (DES), sometimespemenang DEkompetisi Algorithm,[[National winnerInstitute of Standards and Technology|NBS]] selection(sekarang competitionNIST), replacedtelah bydigantikan dengan AES for most purposes.
** [[International Data Encryption Algorithm|IDEA]]
** [[RC4 (cipher)]]
* [[Enkripsi asimetris]] dengan kunci publik atau [[tanda tangan digital]]:
* [[Asymmetric key algorithm|Asymmetric (public key) encryption]] or [[digital signature]]:
** [[Digital Signature Algorithm|DSA]]
** [[ElGamal encryption|ElGamal]]
Baris 147 ⟶ 155:
** [[NTRUEncrypt]]
* Cryptographic [[Message digest]] functions:
** [[MD5]] – Sekarang ini sudah terdapat algoritme yang mampu memalsukan jumlah MD5.<ref>[http://www.mscs.dal.ca/~selinger/md5collision/ Presentasi pemalsuan jumlah MD5]</ref>
** [[MD5]] – Note that there is now a method of generating collisions for MD5
** [[RIPEMD-160]]
** [[SHA-1]]
** [[keyed-hash message authentication code|HMAC]]: keyed-hash message authentication
* [[Perhitungan nomor acak tentu yang aman untuk persandian]] (Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator]]s)
** [[Blum Blum Shub]] - based on the hardness ofberdasarkan [[integerfaktorisasi factorization|factorizationprima]].
** [[Yarrow algorithm]]
** [[Fortuna (PRNG)|Fortuna]], allegedly an improvement on Yarrow
Baris 158 ⟶ 166:
** [[Diffie-Hellman]]: key exchange
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme [[Distributed systems]] ==
* [[Lamport ordering]]: a [[partial order]]ing of events based on the ''happened-before'' relation
* [[Snapshot algorithm]]: a snapshot is the process of recording the global state of a system
* [[Vector ordering]]: a [[total order]]ing of events
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme NumericalNumerik ==
''See also main article ''[[numerical analysis]]'' and [[list of numerical analysis topics]]''
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme De Boor]]: computes [[Spline (mathematics)|splines]].
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Dede Casteljau]]: computesmelakukan perhitungan [[Bezierkurva curveBézier]]s
* [[False position method]]: approximates roots of a function
* [[Eliminasi Gauss-Jordan elimination]]: solvesmenyelesaikan systemssistem ofpersamaan linear equations
* [[AlgoritmaAlgoritme Gauss-Legendre]]: computes the digits of [[pi]]
* [[Gauss-Newton algorithm]]: find minimum of function of several variables
* [[Penambahan Kahan]]: menambahkan bilangan-bilangan titik mengambang dengan ketelitian lebih
* [[Kahan summation algorithm]]: a more accurate method of summing floating-point numbers
* [[Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm]]: find minimum of function of several variables
* [[MISER algorithm]]: Monte Carlo simulation, [[numerical integration]]
* [[Newton's method]]: finds zeros of functions with [[calculus]]
* [[Bracketing Methods]]:
* [[Rounding functions]]: the classic ways to round numbers
* [[Pembulatan]]: membulatkan bilangan pecah
* [[Secant method]]: approximates roots of a function
* [[Shifting nth-root algorithm]]: digit by digit root extraction
* [[Akar persegi]]: menghitungkan akar persegi dengan ketelitian terbatas
* [[Square root]]: approximates the square root of a number
* [[Strassen algorithm]]
=== [[Optimization (mathematics)|Optimization algorithms]] ===
* [[Simplex algorithm]]: An algorithm for solving the [[linear programming]] problem
Baris 195 ⟶ 204:
* [[CORDIC]]: Fast [[trigonometric function]] computation technique.
* [[Fast Fourier transform]]: determines the frequencies contained in a (segment of a) signal
** [[Cooley-Tukey FFT algorithm]]
* [[Rainflow-counting algorithm]]: Reduces a complex [[stress (physics)|stress]] history to a count of elementary stress-reversals for use in [[fatigue (material)|fatigue]] analysis
* [[Osem]]: algorithm for processing of medical images
* [[Goertzel algorithm]] Can be used for [[Persinyalan nada ganda multifrekuensi|DTMF]] digit decoding.
* [[Discrete Fourier transform<ref>frequency domain ICA</ref>** [[Rader's FFT algorithm]]
** [[Rader's FFT algorithm]]
** [[Bluestein's FFT algorithm]]
Baris 210 ⟶ 218:
** [[Index calculus algorithm]]
* [[Euclidean algorithm]]: computes the [[greatest common divisor]]
* [[Faktorisasi prima]]: pemecahan bilangan bulat menjadi faktor [[Bilangan prima|prima]].
* [[Integer factorization]]: breaking an integer into its [[prime number|prime]] factors
** [[Trial division]]
** [[LenstraFaktorisasi elliptickurva curveeliptik factorizationLenstra]]
** [[Pollard's rho algorithm]]
** [[Pollard's p-1 algorithm]]
Baris 218 ⟶ 226:
** [[Quadratic sieve]]
** [[Special number field sieve]]
** [[General number field sieve]]
** [[Jones's period proxy algorithm]]
* [[Algoritme perkalian]]: cara perkalian dua bilangan yang cepat.
* [[Multiplication algorithm]]s: fast multiplication of two numbers
* [[Ujian bilangan prima]]: menentukan apakah suatu bilangan adalah [[bilangan prima]].
* [[Primality test]]s: determining whether a given number is [[prime number|prime]]
** [[AKS primality test]]
** [[Miller-Rabin primality test]]
Baris 240 ⟶ 248:
* [[Recursive descent parser]]: A [[top-down parser]] suitable for LL(''k'') grammars
* [[LL parser]]: A relatively simple [[linear time]] parsing algorithm for a limited class of [[context-free grammar]]s
* [[LR parser]]: A more complex [[linear time]] parsing algorithm for a larger class of [[context-free grammar]]s. Variants:
** [[Operator-precedence parser]]
** [[Simple LR parser|SLR (Simple LR) parser]]
Baris 257 ⟶ 265:
* [[Diff]]: compare two sequences. An example of [[Dynamic programming]] (dynamic refers to the property that the optimal solution can be constructed by combining optimal solutions to sub-problems e.g. quicksort).
== [[Komputer kuantum|AlgoritmaAlgoritme kuantum]] ==
''<small>Application of [[quantum computation]] to various categories of problems and algorithms</small>''
Baris 264 ⟶ 272:
* [[Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm]]: criterion of balance for Boolean function
== AlgoritmaAlgoritme medis ==
* [[Medical algorithm]]
Baris 270 ⟶ 278:
== Lainnya ==
* [[Astronomical algorithm]]s
* [[Banker's algorithm]]
* [[Algoritme Baum-Welch algorithm]]
* [[Doomsday algorithm]]: day of the week
* [[Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least squares fitting algorithm]]
* [[Marzullo's algorithm]]: distributed clock synchronization
* [[Page replacement algorithms]]
* [[Risch algorithm]]
* [[Schreier-Sims algorithm]]
* [[Todd-Coxeter algorithm]]
* [[Viterbi algorithm]]
* [[Penukaran XOR]]: menukar nilainya dua variabel tanpa menggunakan variabel sementara
*[[Xor swap algorithm]]: swaps the values of two variables without using a buffer
* [[Algoritme merge]]
* [[Algoritme penggantian halaman]]
== Referensi ==
<references />
[[Kategori:AlgoritmaAlgoritme| ]]
[[Kategori:Daftar bertopik matematika|Algoritme]]
[[de:Liste von Algorithmen]]
[[en:List of algorithms]]
[[et:Algoritmide loend]]
[[pt:Lista de algoritmos]]
[[ru:Список алгоритмов]]
[[sr:Списак алгоритама]]
[[tg:Рӯихати алгоритмҳо]]