Terorisme negara: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(10 revisi perantara oleh 6 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
'''Terorisme negara''' ([[Bahasa Inggris]]: '''''state terrorism'''''), tergantung pada [[konteks]]nya sesungguhnya, dapat mencakup tindakan-tindakan [[kekerasan]] atau [[penindasan]] yang dilakukan oleh suatu [[pemerintah]]an atau [[negara proksi]]. Sejauh mana suatu tindakan tertentu dapat dianggap sebagai "[[terorisme]]" tergantung pada apakah si [[pemenang]] menganggap tindakan itu dapat dibenarkan atau perlu, atau sejauh mana tindakan teroris itu dilakukan sebagai bagian dari suatu [[perang|konflik bersenjata]]. Terorisme negara dapat ditujukan kepada penduduk negara yang bersangkutan, atau terhadap penduduk negara-negara lainnya. Terorisme itu dapat dilakukan oleh angkatan bersenjata negara itu sendiri, misalnya [[angkatan darat]], [[polisi]], atau organisasi-organisasi lainnya, dan dalam hal ini biasanya ia disebut sebagai ''terorisme yang disponsori negara''.
'''Terorisme negara''' ([[Bahasa Inggris]]: '''''state terrorism'''''), tergantung pada [[konteks]]nya sesungguhnya, dapat mencakup tindakan-tindakan [[kekerasan]] atau [[penindasan]] yang dilakukan oleh suatu [[pemerintah]]an atau [[negara proksi]]. Sejauh mana suatu tindakan tertentu dapat dianggap sebagai "[[terorisme]]" tergantung pada apakah si [[pemenang]] menganggap tindakan itu dapat dibenarkan atau perlu, atau sejauh mana tindakan teroris itu dilakukan sebagai bagian dari suatu [[perang|konflik bersenjata]]. Terorisme negara dapat ditujukan kepada penduduk negara yang bersangkutan, atau terhadap penduduk negara-negara lainnya. Terorisme itu dapat dilakukan oleh angkatan bersenjata negara itu sendiri, misalnya [[angkatan darat]], [[polisi]], atau organisasi-organisasi lainnya, dan dalam hal ini biasanya ia disebut sebagai ''terorisme yang disponsori negara''.
Kita harus membedakan ''terorisme negara'' dari tindak kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh agen-agen pemerintah yang tidak secara khusus ditetapkan dalam kebijakan pemerintah. Pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh seorang polisi, misalnya, tidak dianggap sebagai ''terorisme negara'' kecuali bila pemerintah mendukung tindakan itu.
Kita harus membedakan ''terorisme negara'' dari tindak kekerasan yang dilakukan oleh agen-agen pemerintah yang tidak secara khusus ditetapkan dalam kebijakan pemerintah. Pembunuhan yang dilakukan oleh seorang polisi, misalnya, tidak dianggap sebagai ''terorisme negara'' kecuali bila pemerintah mendukung tindakan itu.
== Batas-batas dan definisi ==
Terorisme negara, seperti ''terorisme'' umumnya, bersifat kontroversial, dan untuk itu tidak ada definisi yang diterima umum. Sering tindakan-tindakan yang dianggap oleh para kritik sebagai teror, dibela oleh para pendukungnya sebagai pertahanan yang sah melawan apa yang dianggap sebagai ancaman. Banyak yang berpendapat bahwa dalam suatu konflik bersenjata negara tidak dapat melakukan tindakan teror apabila tindakan-tindakan angkatan bersenjatanya dilakukan dalam batas-batas hukum perang.
The distinction between state and nonstate terror has been criticized as being morally relativist and as distracting from or justifying state terrorism perpetrated by "favored" states([[Noam Chomsky|Chomsky]] and [[Edward S. Herman|Herman]], [[1979]]). Some, such as [[Spain|Spanish]] judge [[Baltasar Garzón]], view particular [[political system]]s as instances of state terrorism: "''State terrorism is a political system whose rule of recognition permits and/or imposes a clandestine, unpredictable, and diffuse application, even regarding clearly innocent people, of coercive means prohibited by the proclaimed judicial ordinance''." Some acts of state terrorism also qualify as [[genocide]], [[crime against humanity|crimes against humanity]] or [[mass murder]].
Baris 25 ⟶ 26:
== Tindakan-tindakan yang dianggap terorisme negara ==
=== Argentina ===
"[[Perang Kotor]]" di [[Argentina]] pada tahun [[1970-an]] adalah contoh klasik tentang penggunaan taktik-taktik teror oleh negara terhadap rakyatnya sendiri. Pada [[1976]], [[militer Argentina]] menggulingkan pemerintahan [[Isabel Peron]] dan melakukan kampanye terhadap semua orang yang dicap [[subversif]], yang dianggap membentuk basis sosial untuk [[pemberontakan]] kiri dengan kekerasan.
=== Indonesia ===
Pembunuhan atas anggota-anggota [[Partai Komunis Indonesia]] (PKI), yang termasuk salah satu partai berkuasa, dari [[1965]] - [[1969]] diduga telah menghilangkan nyawa satu juta orang dan digambarkan sebagai "pogrom anti-komunis". Jumlah korban yang resmi sekurang-kurangnya adalah 500.000 orang.
Pemerintah [[Indonesia]] juga dituduh telah melakukan terorisme negara untuk mengendalikan dan menindas beberapa kelompok [[separatis]], yaitu [[Aceh|Aceh]] ([[Sumatra]]), [[Timor Timur]] dan [[Papua]] (Irian Jaya).
Selain itu pada [[1998]] sejumlah 24 aktivis diculik dan hilang (sebagian telah kembali), antara lain [[Pius Lustrilanang]], [[Widji Thukul]], [[DesmonDesmond J.Junaidi Mahesa]], [[Haryanto Taslam]], dll. yang kesemuanya diduga dilakukan sebagai bagian dari terorisme negara untuk menindas perlawanan rakyat terhadap rezim yang berkuasa saat itu.
=== Irak ===
Baris 38 ⟶ 39:
=== Israel ===
{{see also|Operasi Murka Tuhan|Intifadhah al-Aqsha|Israel dan terorisme yang disponsori negara}}
[[Israel]] terlibat dalam operasi militer dan taktik-taktik yang kontroversial. Menurut mantan [[Menteri Pendidikan Israel]] Shulamit Aloni, "teror yang digunakan Israel di wilayah [[Palestina]] lebih buruk dari terorisme Palestina." <ref>[http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3119885,00.html Israeli terror is worse] by Roee Nahmias for [[The Arab-Israeli]] [[29 July]] [[2005]].</ref> [[Perdana Menteri Turki|Perdana Menteri]] [[Turki]] [[Recep Tayyip Erdoğan]] dan pendiri [[CNN]] [[Ted Turner]] juga menunjuk tindakan-tindakan Israel sebagai terorisme negara.<ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3772609.stm Turkey slams 'Israeli terrorism'] [[BBC]] [[3 June]], [[2004]]</ref><ref>[http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,2763,739466,00.html CNN chief accuses Israel of terror] by Oliver Burkeman in New York and Peter Beaumont in Jerusalem [[June 18]], [[2002]] for [[The Guardian]]</ref> Contoh tindakan-tindakan Israel yang dikritik melanggar [[hak asasi manusia]] antara lain, serangan-serangan ke teritori Palestina, pelecehan dan penggunaan rakyat sipil Palestina sebagai [[tameng manusia]], operasi-operasi [[pembunuhan]] yang dilakukan Israel dan [[Mossad]], serta operasi pembunuhan tokoh Arab yang menimbulkan korban sipil besar. Misalnya, upaya pembunuhan [[Yasser Arafat]] pada 1982 menewaskan 200 orang di [[Beirut]], dan upaya lain menewaskan 73 orang di [[Tunis]]. <ref>[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4007159.stm Arafat: End of a charmed life] BBC [[12 November]], [[2004]]</ref>.
=== Jepang ===
Baris 50 ⟶ 51:
Belum diterjemahkan
(lanjutan argentina):Estimates of the number of people "[[disappeared]]" and presumed dead range from 6,000 to over 30,000. A [[1984]] official report following the return to democracy put the total at near 11,000. The [[junta]] used tactics inspired by the French experience fighting in [[Algeria]], receiving some training from French ex-military. The [[Secretaría de Inteligencia|SIDE]] (''Secretaría de Inteligencia de Estado'') and infamous [[Servicio de Inteligencia del Ejército (Argentina)|Batallón 601]] were involved in many human-rights violations, participating in [[operation Condor]] as well as in training of the Nicaraguan [[Contras]] during the [[1980s]]. Some allege that the [[U.S. Government]] was involved by through training programs at the former [[School of the Americas]]{{ref|americas}}, although relations between the two countries were cool during the period due to the [[Carter administration]]'s criticisms of the regime's [[human rights]] record. However, [[John Negroponte]], U.S. ambassador to [[Honduras]] at the time, is known to have had collaborated with the Argentinian army to train the Contras.
Tactics included [[Death squads]], [[Forced disappearance]], [[Torture]], [[Child stealing]], and [[Ideological persecution]].
Baris 65 ⟶ 66:
[[Colombia]]n paramilitary groups, such as the [[Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia|AUC]], have usually been considered responsible for as many as 70 to 80% of identifiable yearly political killings in the South American country's internal conflict{{ref|hrw_factsheet}}. It has been argued on many occasions that some of these groups have maintained well documented relationships with several elements of the official state and police forces. The paramilitaries have often been accused of making and executing death threats against suspected [[guerrilla]] collaborators among the civilian population. The blame for many of the murders of a number of the poor and the homeless, as well as street children and others allegedly considered social undesirables, has also been assigned to them, though most of these crimes remain unresolved.
In recent years, some civilian critics, in addition to the [[Marxism|Marxist]] [[Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia|FARC]] and [[National Liberation Army (Colombia)|ELN]] (blamed for an estimated 15 to 25% of yearly political killings), have criticized the Colombian government's policies, including, but not limited to, those of Colombian president [[Álvaro Uribe]], considering that some measures, such as the use of temporary mass roundups (where many of the detainees are later released) and the attempted implementation of an anti-terror statute, can be seen as signs of alleged state repression. (The anti-terror statute was shot down in late [[August]] [[2004]] by the Colombian Constitutional Court due to a procedure error{{ref|informePrensa}}. The Court has also previously struck down other security measures it considered as unconstitutional.)
Baris 85 ⟶ 86:
In [[1985]], the [[Greenpeace]] ship, [[Rainbow Warrior]], had travelled to [[New Zealand]] to lead a flotilla of [[yacht]]s protesting against [[France|French]] [[nuclear test]]ing at [[Mururoa Atoll]] in the [[Tuamotu Archipelago]] of [[French Polynesia]]. The ship was sunk just before midnight on [[July 10]] [[1985]] by two explosive devices attached to the hull by operatives of [[France|French]] intelligence ([[Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure|DGSE]]). Of the twelve people on board, one, [[Portugal|Portuguese]] [[photographer]] Fernando Pereira, was killed by the second device when he attempted to retrieve his equipment. Two of the French agents were caught and jailed, but were returned to France soon after. It is the only terrorist act committed in [[History of New Zealand|New Zealand's modern history]].
France can be considered the originator of state terrorism, breaking ground with the [[Reign of Terror]] (June [[1793]] – July [[1794]]) which was a period in the [[French Revolution]] characterized by brutal repression. ''The Terror'' originated with a centralized political regime that suspended most of the [[democracy|democratic]] achievements of the Revolution, and intended to pursue the Revolution on social matters. Its stated aim was to destroy internal enemies and conspirators and to chase the external enemies from [[France|French]] territory.
Numerous actions of the French government and military forces during the [[Algerian War of Independence]] in the late 1950s, when Algeria fought France, of which it was then a dependency, for independence, have been alleged as human rights violations. The Algerian war is considered by many to be a significant "black eye" in French history. Some hold that the [[Indochina War]] (1949-1954) has similar implications.
Baris 93 ⟶ 94:
The actions by [[Indian military]] against many [[secession]]ist movements are labeled as state terrorism by certain [[human rights]] organizations and victims of the actions. These actions include [[extrajudicial]] [[Execution (legal)|execution]]s and the alleged killing of innocent civilians. Examples are the military operations in [[Kashmir]], [[Punjab, India|Punjab]] and [[Assam]]. [http://www.revolutionarydemocracy.org/rdv10n2/manipur.htm]
On [[December 21]], [[2005]], a video surfaced showing police officers, male and female, [http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20051221/od_nm/india_dating_dc;_ylt=AqgbapKagdrPoNb8_8sowoQZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTA4cmUwbnA1BHNlYwMxNzAy beating and dragging men and women] in [[Meerut]] city in the province of [[Uttar Pradesh]]. The brutality is part of [[Operation Romeo]], which specifically targets citizens suspected of dating. The police who were shown in the video claim they were "preventing sexual harassment of women." Students in Meerut have taken to the streets in protest, chanting "Down with police dictatorship" and burning effigies of police officers. Two police officers have been suspended. Police often force daters to bribe them or face incarceration.
[[Iran]] under the Shah (1953-79) was a notorious employer of state terrorism, most notably through its covert intelligence agency [[SAVAK]], founded in 1957 with the aid of the [[CIA]], which arbitrarily detained and tortured suspected dissidents as a matter of course with the aim of squelching opposition to the Shah's autocratic rule.
After the toppling of the Shah in 1979, revolutionary Iran sponsored several terrorist organizations through aid and training. Iran continues to fund organizations such as [[Hamas]], [[Islamic Jihad]], and [[PFLP-GC]]; as well as providing "financial, training, weapons, explosives, political, diplomatic, and organizational aid" to [[Hizbullah]] and the [[Kurdistan Workers Party]]{{ref|pgtrpt_2002}}.
Baris 168 ⟶ 169:
* [[Kejahatan perang]]
* [[Kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan]]
* Operasi [[bendera palsu]]
* [[Operasi Burung Kondor]]
* [[Operasi Gladio]]
Baris 185 ⟶ 186:
== Pranala luar ==
* {{en}} [http://www.danielpipes.org/article/1064 "Terrorism: The Syrian Connection"], oleh Daniel Pipes
* {{en}} [httphttps://web.archive.org/web/20050506203620/http://www.state.gov/s/ct/rls/45392.htm Daftar Terorisme yang Disponsori Departemen Luar Negeri AS (5B)]
* {{en}} [http://www.lgic.org/en/help_syria_terrorism.php Insiden-insiden teroris Suriah]
* {{en}} [http://www.ict.org.il/inter_ter/st_terror/syrian_terror.htm#70's-80's "Terrorism as a Preferred Instrument of Syrian Policy"] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060113105650/http://www.ict.org.il/inter_ter/st_terror/syrian_terror.htm#70's-80's |date=2006-01-13 }} oleh Dr. Reuven Ehrlich (Avi-Ran), ICT
* {{en}} [http://www.meib.org/articles/0210_s1.htm "Sponsoring terrorism: Syrian and Hamas] oleh Gary C. Gambill, Middle East Intelligence Bulletin, October 2002
* {{en}} [http://www.documentary-film.net/search/video-listings.php?e=9 Video tentang Teror Negara]
* {{en}} [http://www.genocide.org.uk/ Genosida suku Tamil di Sri Lanka] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20080820113514/http://www.genocide.org.uk/ |date=2008-08-20 }}
== Bacaan lebih lanjut ==
Baris 199 ⟶ 200:
* {{en}} George, Alexander. ''Western State Terrorism'', Polity Press. ISBN 0-7456-0931-7
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