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Baris 1:
[[FileBerkas:Hieronymus Bosch - The Fall of the Rebel Angels (obverse) - WGA2572.jpg|thumbjmpl|rightka|195px|''The Fall of the Rebel Angels'' karya [[Hieronymus Bosch]] yang didasarkan pada Kejadian 6:1–4]]
'''Nefilim''' ({{lang-en|Nephilim}}; {{Lang-he|'''נְפִילִים'''}}, {{Strong|ne-fi-lim|05303}}, bentuk tunggal '''נָפִיל''', ''Nafíl'' atau ''Naphil'') adalah orang-orang yang dilahirkan dari hasil perkawinan ketika "anak-anakPara AllahFallen Angel (Malaikat Pembangkang) menghampiri anak-anak perempuan manusia" sebelum terjadinya [[air bah (Nuh)|Air Bah raksasa]] menurut catatan [[Alkitab Ibrani]] (ataudan [[Perjanjian Lama]] di [[Alkitab]] [[Kristen]]) terutama pada [[Kejadian 6#Ayat 4|Kejadian 6:4]]. Nama ini juga digunakan untuk merujuk kepada orang-orang raksasa yang menghuni [[Kanaan]] pada zaman [[Musa]] seperti yang dicatat dalam [[Bilangan 13#Ayat 33|Bilangan 13:33]]. Sebuah kata [[bahasa Ibrani]] yang serupa dengan penandaan [[Niqqud|suara huruf hidup]] yang berbeda dijumpai pada [[Yehezkiel 32#Ayat 27|Yehezkiel 32:27}}]] untuk menyebut prajurit-prajurit [[Filistin]] yang mati.
The [[Brown-Driver-Briggs]] Lexicon gives the meaning of Nephilim as "[[giant (mythology)|giant]]s".<ref name="Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon' p.658">''Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon'' p. 658; Strongs H5307</ref> Many suggested interpretations are based on the assumption that the word is a derivative of Hebrew verbal root ''n-ph-l'' "fall". [[Robert Baker Girdlestone]] <ref>Girdlestone R. ''Old Testament Synonyms'' p. 54</ref> argued the word comes from the [[Hiphil]] [[causative]] stem, implying that the Nephilim are to be perceived as "those that cause others to fall down". [[Adam Clarke]] took it as a perfect participle, "fallen", "apostates". Ronald Hendel states that it is a passive form "ones who have fallen", equivalent grammatically to ''paqid'' "one who is appointed" (i.e., overseer), ''asir'', "one who is bound", (i.e., prisoner) etc.<ref>Hendel R. ed. Auffarth Christoph; Loren T. Stuckenbruck ''The Fall of the Angels'' Brill (22 Feb 2004) ISBN 978-90-04-12668-8 p. 21, 34</ref><ref>Marks, Herbert "Biblical Naming and Poetic Etymology" ''Journal of Biblical Literature'', Vol. 114, No. 1 (Spring, 1995), pp. 21–42</ref> According to the [[Brown-Driver-Briggs]] Lexicon, the basic etymology of the word Nephilim is "dub[ious]", and various suggested interpretations are "all very precarious".<ref>''Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon'' p. 658</ref>
== Etimologi ==
The majority of ancient biblical versions, including the [[Septuagint]], [[Theodotion]], [[Latin Vulgate]], [[Samaritan Targum]], [[Targum Onkelos]] and [[Targum Neofiti]], interpret the word to mean "giants".<ref>{{cite book |last=Van Ruiten |first=Jacques |title=Primaeval History Interpreted: The Rewriting of Genesis I-II in the Book of Jubilees |page=189 |publisher=[[Brill Publishers|Brill]] |year=2000 |url= |ISBN=9789004116580}}</ref> [[Symmachus (translator)|Symmachus]] translates it as "the violent ones"<ref name=Wright80-81>{{cite book |last=Wright |first=Archie T. |title=The Origin of Evil Spirits: The Reception of Genesis 6.1-4 in Early Jewish Literature |pages=80–81 |publisher=Mohr Siebeck |year=2005 |url= |ISBN=9783161486562}}</ref><ref>The Greek text reads 'οι βιαιοι; the singular root βιαιος means "violence" or "forcible" ([ Liddell & Scott. ''Greek-English Lexicon,'' 1883.)]</ref><ref name=Stackhouse>{{cite book |last=Stackhouse |first=Thomas |title=A History of the Holy Bible |page=53 |publisher=Blackie & Son |year=1869 |url=}}</ref> and [[Aquila of Sinope|Aquila]]'s translation has been interpreted to mean either "the fallen ones"<ref name=Wright80-81/> or "the ones falling [upon their enemies]".<ref name=Stackhouse/><ref>{{cite conference |last=Salvesen |first=Alison |title=Symmachus Readings in the Pentateuch |booktitle=Origen's Hexapla and Fragments: Papers Presented at the Rich Seminar on the Hexapla, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, [July] 25th-3rd August 1994 |page=190 |publisher=Mohr Siebeck |year=1998 |url= |ISBN=9783161465758 |quote=The rendering "he fell upon, attacked" [in Symmachus, Genesis 6:6] is something of a puzzle...If it has been faithfully recorded, it may be related to the rendering of Aquila for the Nephilim in 6:4, οι επιπιπτοντες.}}</ref>
TheLeksikon [[Brown-Driver-Briggs]] Lexiconmemberi givesmakna thekata meaning"Nephilim" ofsebagai Nephilim"''giants''" asatau "[[giantorang-orang (mythology)|giant]]sraksasa".<ref name="Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon' p.658">''Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon'' p. 658; Strongs H5307</ref> ManyBanyak suggestedtafsiran interpretationssemacam areini baseddidasarkan onpada theanggapan assumptionbahwa thatakar thekatanya word is a derivative of Hebrew verbal rootadalah ''n-ph-l'' "falljatuh". [[:en:Robert Baker Girdlestone|Robert Baker Girdlestone]] <ref>Girdlestoneberpendapat R.bahwa ''Oldkata Testamentini Synonyms''berasal p.dari 54</ref>asal argued the word comes from thekausatif "''[[Hiphil:en:hiphil|hiphil]]''", [[causative]]yang stem,menyiratkan implyingmakna thatbahwa theNefilim Nephilimadalah are"mereka toyang bemenyebabkan perceivedorang aslain jatuh"those.<ref>Girdlestone thatR. cause''Old othersTestament toSynonyms'' fallp. down"54</ref>. [[:en:Adam Clarke|Adam Clarke]] tookmenganggapnya it as asebagai "perfect participle", "fallenterjatuh", "apostatestersesat". Ronald Hendel statesmenyatakan thatbahwa itbentuk issebenarnya aadalah passive formpasif "ones whomereka haveyang fallenterjatuh", equivalentsecara grammaticallygramatika tosetara dengan kata "''paqid'' "one, who"mereka isyang appointedditunjuk" (i.e.yaitu, overseerpengawas), "''asir''", "oneorang whoyang is boundterbelenggu", (i.e.yaitu, prisonernarapidana) etcdan sebagainya.<ref>Hendel R. ed. Auffarth Christoph; Loren T. Stuckenbruck ''The Fall of the Angels'' Brill (22 Feb 2004) ISBN 978-90-04-12668-8 p. 21, 34</ref><ref>Marks, Herbert "Biblical Naming and Poetic Etymology" ''Journal of Biblical Literature'', Vol. 114, No. 1 (Spring, 1995), pp. 21–42</ref> AccordingMenurut to theLeksikon [[Brown-Driver-Briggs]] Lexicon, theetimologi basicdasar etymology of the wordkata "''Nephilim''" isadalah "dub[ious]" ("meragukan"), anddan variousberbagai suggestedtafsiran interpretations arependapat "all very precarious" ("semuanya tidak berdasar kuat").<ref>''Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon'' p. 658</ref>
The majority ofMayoritas ancientversi biblicalAlkitab versionskuno, includingtermasuk the[[bahasa Yunani]] [[SeptuagintSeptuaginta]], [[Theodotion]], [[bahasa Latin]] Vulgate[[Vulgata]], [[Taurat Samaria|''Samaritan Targum'' (Taurat Samaria)]], [[:en:Targum Onkelos|''Targum Onkelos'']] anddan [[:en:Targum Neofiti|''Targum Neofiti'']], interpretmenerjemahkan thekata worditu todengan meanarti "giantsorang-orang raksasa".<ref>{{cite book |last=Van Ruiten |first=Jacques |title=Primaeval History Interpreted: The Rewriting of Genesis I-II in the Book of Jubilees |page=189 |publisher=[[Brill Publishers|Brill]] |year=2000 |url= |ISBN=9789004116580}}</ref> [[:en:Symmachus (translator)|Symmachus]] translatesmenerjemahkannya it assebagai "''the violent ones''" ("orang-orang yang buas")<ref name=Wright80-81>{{cite book |last=Wright |first=Archie T. |title=The Origin of Evil Spirits: The Reception of Genesis 6.1-4 in Early Jewish Literature |pages=80–81 |publisher=Mohr Siebeck |year=2005 |url= |ISBN=9783161486562}}</ref><ref>The Greek text reads 'οι βιαιοι; the singular root βιαιος meansartinya "violence" or(kekerasan; kebuasan) atau "forcible" (pemaksaan); dari:[ Liddell & Scott. ''Greek-English Lexicon,'' 1883.)]</ref><ref name=Stackhouse>{{cite book |last=Stackhouse |first=Thomas |title=A History of the Holy Bible |page=53 |publisher=Blackie & Son |year=1869 |url=}}</ref> andsedangkan [[:en:Aquila of Sinope|Aquila]]'s translationmenerjemahkan hasdengan been interpreted to mean eithermakna "theyang fallen onesjatuh"<ref name=Wright80-81/> oratau "themereka onesyang fallingterjatuh [uponke theiratas enemiesmusuh-musuhnya]".<ref name=Stackhouse/><ref>{{cite conference |last=Salvesen |first=Alison |title=Symmachus Readings in the Pentateuch |booktitle=Origen's Hexapla and Fragments: Papers Presented at the Rich Seminar on the Hexapla, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, [July] 25th-3rd August 1994 |page=190 |publisher=Mohr Siebeck |year=1998 |url= |ISBN=9783161465758 |quote=The rendering "he fell upon, attacked" [in Symmachus, Genesis 6:6] is something of a puzzle...If it has been faithfully recorded, it may be related to the rendering of Aquila for the Nephilim in 6:4, οι επιπιπτοντες.}}</ref>
==In the Hebrew Bible==
The term "Nephilim" occurs just twice in the [[Hebrew Bible]], both in the [[Torah]]. The first is {{bibleref2|Genesis|6:1–4|9}}, immediately before the story of [[Noah's ark]].
== Catatan Alkitab ==
Istilah "Nefilim" muncul hanya pada dua tempat dalam [[Alkitab Ibrani]] ([[Perjanjian Lama|PL]]), keduanya dalam [[Taurat]]. Yang pertama adalah pada [[Kejadian 6#Ayat 4|Kejadian 6:4]], sebelum kisah [[air bah (Nuh)|air bah]].
{|class=wikitable cellpadding=4
|- width=100%
! colspan=2 style="border-bottom:solid 1px;"|GenesisKejadian 6:4<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Genesis 6 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre|publisher=|accessdate=5 June 2015}}</ref>
! width=50% style="border-right:solid 1px;"|HebrewBahasa Ibrani ([[Teks Masoret|MT]])
! width=50%|EnglishBahasa Inggris (JPS)
|- valign=top
|style="font-size:175%;line-height:115%;text-align:right;border-right:solid 1px"|ד {{background color|#ffc|הַנְּפִלִים}} הָיוּ בָאָרֶץ, בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם, וְגַם אַחֲרֵי-כֵן אֲשֶׁר יָבֹאוּ בְּנֵי הָאֱלֹהִים אֶל-בְּנוֹת הָאָדָם, וְיָלְדוּ לָהֶם: הֵמָּה הַגִּבֹּרִים אֲשֶׁר מֵעוֹלָם, אַנְשֵׁי הַשֵּׁם.
|4 {{background color|#ffc|The Nephilim}} were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.
! width=50% style="border-right:solid 1px;"|Bahasa Latin (Vulgate[[Vulgata]])
! width=50%|EnglishBahasa Indonesia (KJV[[Terjemahan Baru|TB]])
|- valign=top
|style="border-right:solid 1px"|4 {{background color|#ffc|gigantes}} autem erant super terram in diebus illis postquam enim ingressi sunt filii Dei ad filias hominum illaeque genuerunt isti sunt potentes a saeculo viri famosi
|4 Pada waktu itu {{background color|#ffc|orang-orang raksasa}} ada di bumi, dan juga pada waktu sesudahnya, ketika anak-anak Allah menghampiri anak-anak perempuan manusia, dan perempuan-perempuan itu melahirkan anak bagi mereka; inilah orang-orang yang gagah perkasa pada zaman purbakala, orang-orang yang kenamaan.
|4 There were {{background color|#ffc|giants}} in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare ''[children]'' to them, the same ''[became]'' mighty men which ''[were]'' of old, men of renown.
Yang kedua adalah pada [[Bilangan 13#Ayat 33|Bilangan 13:33]], dalam laporan sepuluh dari [[Bilangan 13#Kedua belas pengintai|Kedua belas pengintai]] yang menyebutkan bahwa mereka melihat orang-orang raksasa yang menakutkan di [[tanah Kanaan]].
The second is {{bibleref2|Numbers|13:32–33|9}}, where ten of [[the Twelve Spies]] report that they have seen fearsome giants in Canaan.
{|class=wikitable cellpadding=4
|- width=100%
! colspan=2 style="border-bottom:solid 1px;"|NumbersBilangan 13:33<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Numbers 13 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre|publisher=|accessdate=5 June 2015}}</ref>
! width=50% style="border-right:solid 1px;"|HebrewBahasa Ibrani ([[Teks Masoret|MT]])
! width=50%|English (JPS)
|- valign=top
|style="font-size:175%;line-height:115%;text-align:right;border-right:solid 1px"|לג וְשָׁם רָאִינוּ, אֶת-{{background color|#ffc|הַנְּפִלִים}} בְּנֵי עֲנָק--מִןעֲנָק—מִן-{{background color|#ffc|הַנְּפִלִים}}; וַנְּהִי בְעֵינֵינוּ כַּחֲגָבִים, וְכֵן הָיִינוּ בְּעֵינֵיהֶם.
|33 And there we saw {{background color|#ffc|the Nephilim}}, the sons of Anak, who come of {{background color|#ffc|the Nephilim}}; and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.'
! width=50% style="border-right:solid 1px;"|Bahasa Latin (Vulgate[[Vulgata]])
! width=50%|EnglishBahasa Indonesia (KJV[[Terjemahan Baru|TB]])
|- valign=top
|style="border-right:solid 1px"|33 ibi vidimus {{background color|#ffc|monstra}} quaedam filiorum Enach de genere {{background color|#ffc|giganteo}} quibus conparati quasi lucustae videbamur
|33 AndJuga therekami welihat sawdi sana {{background color|#ffc|theorang-orang giantsraksasa}}, theorang sonsEnak ofyang Anak, ''[which come]''berasal ofdari {{background color|#ffc|theorang-orang giantsraksasa}}:, anddan wekami werelihat indiri ourkami ownseperti sight as grasshoppersbelalang, and sodan wedemikian werejuga inmereka theirterhadap sightkami.
The nature of the nephilim is complicated by the ambiguity of Genesis 6:4, which leaves it unclear whether they are the "sons of God" or their offspring who are the "mighty men of old, men of renown". Richard Hess in ''The Anchor Bible Dictionary'' takes it to mean that the nephilim are the offspring,<ref>Richard Hess, article "Nephilim" in ''Freedman, David Noel, ed., The Anchor Bible Dictionary'', (New York: Doubleday) 1997, 1992.</ref> as does P. W. Coxon in ''Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible''.<ref>P. W. Coxon, article "Nephilim" in [ K. van der Toorn, Bob Becking, Pieter Willem van der Horst, "Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible", p. 619]</ref>
==Interpretations Penafsiran ==
ThereSecara areumum effectivelyada twodua viewspandangan mengenai identitas "nefilim", yang bermula dari pandangan-pandangan mengenai identitas "anak-anak Allah" (''Bənê hāʼĕlōhîm''):<ref>G. Milton Smith ''Knowing God in His Word—Genesis'' 2005 Page 140 "The other view holds that the sons of God were fallen angels who had some sort of union with the women of Noah's"</ref> regarding the identity of the nephilim, which follow on from alternative views about the identity of the [[sons of God]] (''Bənê hāʼĕlōhîm''):
* Offspring of Seth: TheKeturunan [[QumranSet]]: Sebuah ([[Dead Sea Scrolls|Deadnaskah SeaLaut ScrollMati]]) fragmentfragmen [[4Q417]] (''4QInstruction'') containsdari the[[Qumran]] earliestmemuat knownrujukan referencetertua tomengenai the phraseistilah "children ofanak-anak [[SethSet]]", stating thatmenyatakan Godbahwa hasAllah condemnedtelah themmarah forkarena theirpemberontakan rebellionmereka. Rujukan Otherkuno earlylain referencesmengenai toketurunan theSet offspringyang ofmemberontak Sethterhadap rebellingAllah fromdan Godbergaul anddengan minglinganak-anak withperempuan theKain daughtersditemukan of Cain, are found indalam tulisan-tulisan rabbi [[Shimon bar Yochai]], [[AugustineAugustinus ofdari Hippo]], [[Julius Africanus]], and thedan [[:en:Clementine literature|Letters attributed tosurat-surat St. Clement]]. ItJuga ismerupakan alsopandangan the view expressed in the modern canonical [[Amharic]]versi [[:en:Bible translations (Amharic)|Ethiopian Orthodox Bible]] kanon modern dalam dialek [[Amharik]].
* OffspringKeturunan ofpara angelsmalaikat: ASejumlah numbersumber oftua earlymerujuk sourceskepada refer to the"anak-anak langit/sorga"sons ofsebagai heaven"para as angelsmalaikat. The earliest suchRujukan referencestertua<ref>paleographicallySecara datedpaleografi bydiperkirakan oleh Milik asdari c150BCsekitar tahun 150 SM, seelihat Michael E. Stone ''Selected studies in pseudepigrapha and apocrypha'' 1991 p. 248</ref> seemtampaknya toterdapat be in thedalam [[DeadNaskah SeaLaut ScrollsMati]], the[[Kitab Greek,Henokh|sumber andkitab AramaicHenokh]] [[Bookdalam ofbahasa Enoch|EnochicYunani maupun bahasa literature]]Aram, and indan certainnaskah [[bahasa Ge'ez]] manuscriptstertentu ofdari [[:en:1 Enoch|1 Enoch]] (mss A–Q) andserta [[JubileesKitab Yobel]]<ref>eitherbaik stolendicuri oratau purchaseddibeli fromdari streetpenjual vendorsjalanan byoleh theorang BritishInggris inpada themasa reign ofpemerintahan Tewodros</ref> usedyang bydigunakan westernoleh scholarspara insarjana modernBarat editionsdalam ofedisi themodern [[:en:Old Testament Pseudepigrapha|Pseudepigrapha Perjanjian Lama]].<ref>comparebandingkan: [[:en:Robert Charles (scholar)|R. H. Charles]] 1 Enoch 7:2 "And when the angels, (3) the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamoured of them, saying to each other,Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children. [[:en:Bible translations (Amharic)|Ethiopian Orthodox Bible]] Henok 2:1–3 "and the Offspring of Seth, who were upon the Holy Mount, saw them and loved them. And they told one another, "Come, let us choose for us daughters from Cain's children; let us bear children for us."</ref> SomeSejumlah Christianapologet apologistsKristen, such asseperti [[Tertullian]] anddan especiallyterutama [[Lactantius]], sharedberpendapat thisdemikian opinionpula. ThePernyataan earliesttertua statementdalam inkomentari asekunder secondaryyang commentarysecara explicitlyeksplisit interpretingmenerjemahkan thisini tosebagai meanpara thatmalaikat angelicyang beingsberhubungan matedbadan withdengan humansmanusia candapat bedilacak tracedpada totulisan the rabbinicalrabinik ''[[:en:Targum Pseudo-Jonathan|Targum Pseudo-Jonathan]]'' anddan itsejak hasitu sincemenjadi becomeumum especiallydalam commonplacekomentari inKristen modern-day Christian commentaries.
* Offspring of angels: A number of early sources refer to the "sons of heaven" as angels. The earliest such references<ref>paleographically dated by Milik as c150BC see Michael E. Stone ''Selected studies in pseudepigrapha and apocrypha'' 1991 p. 248</ref> seem to be in the [[Dead Sea Scrolls]], the Greek, and Aramaic [[Book of Enoch|Enochic literature]], and in certain [[Ge'ez]] manuscripts of [[1 Enoch]] (mss A–Q) and [[Jubilees]]<ref>either stolen or purchased from street vendors by the British in the reign of Tewodros</ref> used by western scholars in modern editions of the [[Old Testament Pseudepigrapha]].<ref>compare: [[Robert Charles (scholar)|R. H. Charles]] 1 Enoch 7:2 "And when the angels, (3) the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamoured of them, saying to each other,Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children. [[Bible translations (Amharic)|Ethiopian Orthodox Bible]] Henok 2:1–3 "and the Offspring of Seth, who were upon the Holy Mount, saw them and loved them. And they told one another, "Come, let us choose for us daughters from Cain's children; let us bear children for us."</ref> Some Christian apologists, such as [[Tertullian]] and especially [[Lactantius]], shared this opinion. The earliest statement in a secondary commentary explicitly interpreting this to mean that angelic beings mated with humans can be traced to the rabbinical ''[[Targum Pseudo-Jonathan]]'' and it has since become especially commonplace in modern-day Christian commentaries.
===Malaikat-malaikat yang jatuh===
===Fallen angels===
{{main|Fallen angel}}
The New American Bible commentary draws a parallel to the [[Epistle of Jude]] and the statements set forth in Genesis, suggesting that the Epistle refers implicitly to the paternity of nephilim as heavenly beings who came to earth and had sexual intercourse with women.<ref>''New American Bible'', footnotes page 1370, referring to verse 6.
Baris 102:
===Arguments from culture and mythology===
In [[Aram (biblical region)|Aram]]aic culture, the term ''niyphelah'' refers to the [[Orion (constellation)|Constellation of Orion]] and ''nephilim'' to the offspring of [[Orion (mythology)|Orion]] in mythology.<ref>e.g. ''[[Peake's commentary on the Bible]]'' 1919<!-- edition, date, page? --></ref> However the [[Brown-Driver-Briggs]] lexicon notes this as a "dubious etymology" and "all very precarious".<ref name="Driver Briggs Hebrew Lexicon' p.658"/>
J. C. Greenfield mentions that "it has been proposed that the tale of the Nephilim, alluded to in Genesis 6 is based on some of the negative aspects of the apkallu tradition".<ref>J. C. Greenfield, Article ''Apkallu'' in [ K. van der Toorn, Bob Becking, Pieter Willem van der Horst, "Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible", pp.72–4]</ref> The ''[[apkallu]]'' in [[Sumerian mythology]] were seven legendary [[culture hero]]es from before the [[Flood myth|Flood]], of human descent, but possessing extraordinary wisdom from the gods, and one of the seven ''apkallu'', [[Adapa]], was therefore called "son of [[Ea (Babylonian god)|Ea]]", despite his human origin.<ref>J. C. Greenfield, Article ''Apkallu'' in [ K. van der Toorn, Bob Becking, Pieter Willem van der Horst, "Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible", pp.73]</ref>
===Catatan pada Kitab Yehezkiel===
===<!--Ezekiel's "mighty fallen" or ''nophlim''===--><!--
EzekielPada [[Yehezkiel 32#Ayat 27|Yehezkiel 32:27]] speakstermuat ofkata-kata "the fallen mighty (''[[gibborim (biblical)|gibborim nophlim]]'', גִּבֹּורִים נֹפְלִים) of the uncircumcised, which are gone down (''yardu'', יָרְדֽוּ) to the grave with their weapons of war"; a change to the vowels would produce the reading ''gibborim nephilim''.<ref>W. Zimmerli, ''Ezekiel vl.2'' Translated J. D. Martin; Hermeneia; Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983 p168, 176</ref><ref>RS Hendel, ''Of Demigods and the Deluge: Towards an Interpretation of Genesis 6:1–4,'' JBL 106 (1987) p22</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible|publisher=|accessdate=5 June 2015}}</ref>
==Misidentification of fossil remains==
[[Cotton Mather]] believed that [[fossil]]ized leg bones and teeth discovered near [[Albany, New York|Albany]], New York, in 1705 were the remains of Nephilim who perished in [[Genesis flood narrative|a great flood]]. However, [[paleontologist]]s have identified these as [[mastodon]] remains.<ref>{{cite book |last = Rigal |first = Laura |title = American Manufactory: Art, Labor, and the World of Things in the Early Republic |publisher = Princeton University Press |year = 2001 |page = 91 |url = |isbn = 9780691089515}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |last = Rose |first = Mark |title = When Giants Roamed the Earth |journal = [[Archaeology (magazine)|Archaeology]] |volume=58 |number=6 |date = November–December 2005 |url = |accessdate = 15 October 2014}}</ref>
==Istilah lain yang berkaitan==
==Related terms==
Dalam [[Alkitab Ibrani]], terdapat sejumlah kata yang sebagaimana "Nefilim", kadang kala diterjemahkan sebagai "orang-orang raksasa":
In the [[Hebrew Bible]], there are a number of other words that, like "Nephilim", are sometimes translated as "giants":
* [[Emim]]—the fearful ones
* [[Rephaim]]—the dead ones
Baris 126 ⟶ 127:
In Becca Fitzpatrick's quartet book series, ''[[Hush, Hush]]'', the Nephilim are offsprings of fallen angels and humans. According to the information in the books, the Nephilim can be made to swear fealty to a fallen angel, during the Jewish month of Cheshvan, the only month that does not have any holidays or special [[mitzvot]]. The Nephilim would then become the vassal of the fallen angel to which it swore fealty, thus allowing the fallen angel to possess it during the month of Cheshvan.
== Lihat pula ==
<!--{{div col|cols=2}}
* [[Cain tradition]]
Baris 141 ⟶ 143:
* Bagian [[Alkitab]] yang berkaitan: [[Kejadian 6]], [[Bilangan 13]], [[Yehezkiel 32]]
== Referensi ==
* {{eastons|Nephilim}}
== Pranala luar ==
* [ Jewish Encyclopedia: Fall of Angels]
* [ Catholic Encyclopedia: Angels]