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Baris 1:
[[FileBerkas:Papyrus66.jpg|thumbjmpl|[[Papirus 66]], bagian dari kumpulan Papirus Bodmer]]
'''Papirus Bodmer''' ({{lang-en|Bodmer Papyri}}) adalah sekumpulan 22 naskah [[papirus]] yang ditemukan di Mesir pada tahun 1952. Dinamakan menurut [[Martin Bodmer]] yang membelinya. Naskah-naskah papirus tersebut memuat potongan-potongan dari [[Perjanjian Lama]] dan [[Perjanjian Baru]], sastra [[Kristen]] kuno, karya-karya [[Homer]] dan [[Menander]]. Naskah tertua, [[Papirus 66|P<sup>66</sup>]] bertarikh ~ tahun 200. Naskah-naskah papirus ini disimpan pada [[Bibliotheca Bodmeriana]], di [[Cologny]], [[Swiss]], di luar [[Geneva]]. Pada tahun 2007 Vatican Library memperoleh dua dari naskah-naskah tersebut, [[Papirus 74|P<sup>74</sup>]] dan [[Papirus 75|P<sup>75</sup>]], yang disimpan di [[VaticanPerpustakaan LibraryVatikan]].
== Sejarah ==
The Bodmer Papyri were found in 1952 at Pabau near Dishna, [[Egypt]], the ancient headquarters of the [[Pachomius|Pachomian order]] of monks; the discovery site is not far from [[Nag Hammadi]], where the secreted [[Nag Hammadi library]] had been found some years earlier. The [[manuscript]]s were covertly assembled by a Cypriote, Phokio Tano of Cairo, then smuggled to Switzerland,<ref>A. H. M. Kessels and P. W. Van Der Horst, "The Vision of Dorotheus (Pap. Bodmer 29): Edited with Introduction, Translation and Notes", ''Vigiliae Christianae'' '''41'''.4 (December 1987, pp. 313-359, p 313.</ref> where they were bought by Martin Bodmer (1899–1971). The series ''Papirus Bodmer'' began to be published in 1954, giving transcriptions of the texts with note and introduction in French and a French translation. The Bodmer Papyri, now conserved in the Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, in Cologny, outside [[Geneva]],<ref>Some papyri from the same provenance escaped Martin Bodmer and are conserved elsewhere. Sir [[Alfred Chester Beatty]] acquired some of the material, and further material is at [[Oxford, Mississippi]], [[Cologne]] and [[Barcelona]]. For convenience scholars call these as well, "Bodmer Papyri". (''Anchor Bible Dictionary'').</ref> are not a [[gnostic]] cache, like the Nag Hammadi Library: they bear some pagan as well as Christian texts, parts of some thirty-five books in all, in [[Coptic language|Coptic]]<ref>Texts in the [[Bohairic]] dialect of Coptic had not previously been known older than the ninth century (6. p 51.</ref> and in [[Ancient Greek|Greek]]. With fragments of correspondence, the number of individual texts represented reaches to fifty.<ref>''Anchor Bible Dictionary''.</ref> Most of the works are in [[codex]] form, a few in [[scroll]]s. Three are written on [[parchment]].
Books V and VI of Homer's ''[[Iliad]]'' (P<sup>1</sup>), and three comedies of [[Menander]] (''[[Dyskolos]]'' (P<sup>4</sup>), ''[[Samia (play)|Samia]]'' and ''[[Aspis (play)|Aspis]]'') appear among the Bodmer Papyri, as well as gospel texts: [[Papirus 66]] (P<sup>66</sup>), is a text of the [[Gospel of John]],<ref>John 1:1-6:11, 6:35b-14:26 and fragments of forty other pages of John 14-21.</ref> dating around 200CE, in the manuscript tradition called the [[Alexandrian text-type]]. Aside from the papyrus fragment in the [[Rylands Library Papyrus P52]], it is the oldest testimony for John; it omits the passage concerning the moving of the waters (John 5:3b-4) and the [[pericope adulterae|pericope of the woman taken in adultery]] (John 7:53-8:11). P<sup>72</sup> is the earliest known copy of the [[Epistle of Jude]], and 1 and 2 Peter. [[Papirus 75]] (P<sup>75</sup>) is a partial codex containing most of Luke and John. Comparison of the two versions of John in the Bodmer Papyri with the third-century [[Chester Beatty Papyri]] convinced Floyd V. Filson that "...there was no uniform text of the Gospels in Egypt in the third century."<ref>"A comparison of all three, which had their origins in Egypt, shows that there was no uniform text of the Gospels in Egypt in the third century." (Filson 1962: 52).</ref>
TheKumpulan Papirus Bodmer Papyriditemukan werepada found intahun 1952 atdi Pabau neardekat Dishna, [[EgyptMesir]], thepusat ancientkuno headquartersdari ofpara thebiarawan Ordo [[Pachomius|Pachomian order]]. ofSitus monks;penemuan theini discoverytidak sitejauh is not far fromdari [[Nag Hammadi]], where the secreteddimana [[Perpustakaan Nag Hammadi library]] hadyang beentersembunyi telah founddiketemukan somebeberapa yearstahun earliersebelumnya. TheNaskah-naskah [[manuscript]]sini werediam-diam covertlydigabungkan assembledoleh by aseorang Cypriote, Phokio Tano ofdari CairoKairo, thenkemudian smuggleddiselundupkan toke Switzerland[[Swiss]],<ref>A. H. M. Kessels and P. W. Van Der Horst, "The Vision of Dorotheus (Pap. Bodmer 29): Edited with Introduction, Translation and Notes", ''Vigiliae Christianae'' '''41'''.4 (December 1987, pp. 313-359, p 313.</ref> dan wheredi theysana weredibeli bought byoleh Martin Bodmer (1899–1971). The seriesSeri ''Papirus Bodmer'' beganmulai toditerbitkan bepada published intahun 1954, givingdengan transcriptionstranskripsi ofteks thedan textscatatan withserta notepengantar andmaupun introductionterjemahan indalam Frenchbahasa andPrancis. aKumpulan French translation. ThePapirus Bodmer Papyri,sekarang nowdisimpan conserved in thedi Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, indi Cologny, outsidedi luar [[GenevaJenewa]],.<ref>SomeBeberapa papyripapirus fromdari thesumber sameyang provenancesama escapedterluput dari Martin Bodmer anddan aredisimpan conserveddi elsewheretempat lain. Sir [[Alfred Chester Beatty]] acquiredmemperoleh somebeberapa ofdi the materialantaranya, anddan furtheryang materiallain isberada atdi [[Oxford, Mississippi]], [[Cologne]] anddan [[Barcelona]]. ForUntuk conveniencemudahnya, scholarspara callilmuwan thesemenyebut naskah-naskah asitu welljuga sebagai, "BodmerPapirus PapyriBodmer". (''Anchor Bible Dictionary'').</ref> areNaskah-naskah notini abukan dari penyimpanan kelompok [[gnosticGnostisisme|gnostik]] cache,seperti like thePerpustakaan Nag Hammadi, Library:karena theytidak bearsaja somememuat paganteks-teks asKristen, welltetapi asjuga Christianteks-teks textsnon-Kristen, partsdi ofdalam somekumpulan thirty-five35 books inkitab alltersebut, inbaik dalam [[Copticbahasa language|CopticKoptik]]<ref>Texts in the [[Bohairic]] dialect of Coptic had not previously been known older than the ninth century (6. p 51.</ref> anddan indalam [[Ancientbahasa Greek|GreekYunani]] kuno. WithJika fragmentsfragmen ofsurat-surat turut correspondencedihitung, thejumlah number ofteks individual texts represented reaches tomencapai fifty50.<ref>''Anchor Bible Dictionary''.</ref> MostKebanyakan ofnaskah the works are inberupa [[codex]] form(kitab jilidan), asedikit fewyang inberupa [[scrollgulungan]]s. ThreeTiga arenaskah writtenditulis ondi atas lembaran [[parchmentperkamen]].
There are also Christian texts that would become declared [[apocrypha]]l in the fourth century, such as the ''[[Infancy Gospel of James]]''. There is a Greek-Latin [[lexicon]] to some of Paul's letters, and there are fragments of [[Melito of Sardis]]. Among the works is a Christian ''Vision of Dorotheus'', son of "Quintus the poet" assumed to be the pagan poet [[Quintus Smyrnaeus]], written in archaising [[Homer]]ic [[hexameter]]s, the earliest Christian hexameter poem ([[Papirus 29|P<sup>29</sup>]]). The earliest extant copy of the [[Third Epistle to the Corinthians]] is published in ''Papirus Bodmer X''.
Books V and VI of Homer's ''[[Iliad]]'' (P<sup>1</sup>), and three comedies of [[Menander]] (''[[Dyskolos]]'' (P<sup>4</sup>), ''[[Samia (play)|Samia]]'' and ''[[Aspis (play)|Aspis]]'') appear among the Bodmer Papyri, as well as gospel texts: [[Papirus 66]] (P<sup>66</sup>), is a text of the [[Gospel of John]],<ref>John 1:1-6:11, 6:35b-14:26 and fragments of forty other pages of John 14-21.</ref> dating around 200CE, in the manuscript tradition called the [[Alexandrian text-type]]. Aside from the papyrus fragment in the [[Rylands Library Papyrus P52]], it is the oldest testimony for John; it omits the passage concerning the moving of the waters (John 5:3b-4) and the [[pericope adulterae|pericope of the woman taken in adultery]] (John 7:53-8:11). P<sup>72</sup> is the earliest known copy of the [[Epistle of Jude]], and 1 and 2 Peter. [[Papirus 75]] (P<sup>75</sup>) is a partial codex containing most of Luke and John. Comparison of the two versions of John in the Bodmer Papyri with the third-century [[Chester Beatty Papyri]] convinced Floyd V. Filson that "...there was no uniform text of the Gospels in Egypt in the third century."<ref>"A comparison of all three, which had their origins in Egypt, shows that there was no uniform text of the Gospels in Egypt in the third century." (Filson 1962: 52).</ref>
There are also Christian texts that would become declared [[apocrypha]]l in the fourth century, such as the ''[[Infancy Gospel of James]]''. There is a Greek-Latin [[lexicon]] to some of Paul's letters, and there are fragments of [[Melito of Sardis]]. Among the works is a Christian ''Vision of Dorotheus'', son of "Quintus the poet" assumed to be the pagan poet [[Quintus Smyrnaeus]], written in archaising [[Homer]]ic [[hexameter]]s, the earliest Christian hexameter poem ([[Papirus 29|P<sup>29</sup>]]). The earliest extant copy of the [[Third Epistle to the Corinthians]] is published in ''Papirus Bodmer X''.
The collection includes some non-literary material, such as a collection of letters from the abbots of the monastery of Saint Pachomius, raising the possibility that the unifying circumstance in the collection is that all were part of a monastic library.<ref>Kessels and Van der Horst 1987:214.</ref>
Papirus Bodmer yang ditemukan terakhir ([Papirus 74|P<sup>74</sup>]]) bertarikh dari abad ke-6 atau ke-7.<ref>Filmer 1962:52.</ref>
The collection includes some non-literary material, such as a collection of letters from the abbots of the monastery of Saint Pachomius, raising the possibility that the unifying circumstance in the collection is that all were part of a monastic library.<ref>Kessels and Van der Horst 1987:214.</ref>
Papirus Bodmer yang ditemukan terakhir ([[Papirus 74|P<sup>74</sup>]]) bertarikh dari abad ke-6 atau ke-7.<ref>Filmer 1962:52.</ref>
== Vatican acquisition ==
Plans announced by the Foundation Bodmer in October 2006<ref>[ Sale of Bodmer Papyri]</ref> to sell two of the manuscripts for millions of dollars, to capitalize the library, which opened in 2003, drew consternation from scholars around the world, fearing that the unity of the collection would be broken.
Then, in March 2007 it was announced the Vatican had acquired the Papirus Bodmer XIV-XV (P<sup>75</sup>), which is believed to contain the world's oldest known written fragment from the [[Gospel of Luke]], the earliest known [[Lord's Prayer]], and one of the oldest written fragments from the [[Gospel of John]].<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Bodmer Papyrus: History Becomes Reality | |date= |accessdate=2013-06-04}}</ref>
The papyri had been sold for an undisclosed "significant" price to [[Frank Hanna III]], of Atlanta, Georgia. In January 2007, Hanna presented the papyri to the Pope. They are kept in the Vatican Library and will be made available for scholarly review, and in the future, excerpts may be put on display for the general public. They were transported from Switzerland to the Vatican in "An armed motorcade surrounded by people with machine guns."<ref>[ "Earliest Gospels Acquired by Vatican"], by Jennifer Viegas, ''Discovery News'', March 5, 2007</ref>
Baris 24 ⟶ 25:
=== Bahasa Yunani ===
* [[Papirus 66|Papirus Bodmer II]] (<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>66</sup>)
* Bodmer V — NativityKelahiran of MaryMaria, Apocalypse ofApokalips JamesYakobus; abad ke-4
* [[Papirus 72|Papirus Bodmer VII-IX]] (<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>72</sup>) — [[Surat Yudas]][[Surat 1 Petrus|, 1]][[Surat 2 Petrus|-2 Petrus]], [[Mazmur 33]][[Mazmur 34|-34]]
* Bodmer X — EpistleSurat ofKorintus Corinthianskepada toPaulus Pauldan andSurat ThirdPaulus Epistleyang ofKetiga Paulkepada to the CorinthiansKorintus; 4thabad centuryke-4
* Bodmer XI — Ode of Solomon 1; abad ke-4
* [[Papirus 75|Papirus Bodmer XIV-XV]] (<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>75</sup>)
Baris 34 ⟶ 35:
* [[Papirus 73|Papirus Bodmer L]] — Matius 25-26; abad ke-7
=== Bahasa Koptik ===
* [[Papirus Bodmer III|Bodmer III]] — Yohanes 1:1-21:25; Kejadian 1:1-4:2; abad ke-4; Bohairik
* Bodmer VI — BodmerPapirus PapyriBodmer 1:1-21:4; abad ke-4/ke-5; Paleo-Theban ("Dialect P")
* Bodmer XVI — Keluaran 1:1-15:21; abad ke-4
* Bodmer XVIII — Ulangan 1:1-10:7; abad ke-4
* [[Papirus Bodmer XIX|Bodmer XIX]] — Matius 14:28-28:20; Roma 1:1-2:3; abad ke-4/ke-5; Sahidik
* Bodmer XXI — Yosua 6:16-25; 7:6-11:23; 22:1-2; 22:19-23:7; 23:15-24:2; abad ke-4
* Bodmer XXII (''MississippiKodeks M=ississippi Codex II'') — Yeremia 40:3-52:34; Kitab Ratapan; EpistleSurat of JeremiahYeremia; BookKitab of BaruchYeremia; abad ke-4/ke-5
* Bodmer XXIII — Yesaya 47:1-66:24; abad ke-4
* Bodmer XL — [[Kitab Kidung Agung]]
Baris 50 ⟶ 51:
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Daftar Papirus Perjanjian Baru]]
* [[Bodmer Library]]
== Catatan ==
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== Referensi ==
* ''Anchor Bible Dictionary'' 1:766-77 "Bodmer Papyri".
* Robinson, James M. 1987. ''The Story of the Bodmer Papyri, the First Christian Monastic Library'' (Nashville) Includes an inventory of the Bodmer Papyri.
== Pranala luar ==
* [ A folio of Bodmer codex containing parts of Luke and John]
* [ The Anchor Bible Dictionary (Doubleday 1992) Volume 1, 766-767]
[[CategoryKategori:Naskah Alkitab]]
[[Category:Septuagint manuscripts]]