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<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Danny Benjafield (WMDE)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== Wikidata weekly summary #602 ==
<div class="plainlinks mw-content-ltr" lang="en" dir="ltr">
<div style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">''Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.''</div>
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2; -webkit-column-width: 400px; -moz-column-width: 400px; column-width: 400px;">
* '''Discussions'''
** Open request for adminship: [[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Administrator/S8321414|S8321414]] (RfP scheduled to end after 13 November 2023 14:50 UTC)
** New requests for permissions/Bot:
*** [[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot/DifoolBot_2|DiFoolBot 2]] (Task: import VIAF ID based on Union List of Artist Names ID)
*** [[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot/KizuleBot|KizuleBot]] (Task: Adding sitelinks to Serbian Wikipedia for maintenance categories (see contributions of account) based on items for English Wikipedia's ones)
*** [[d:Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Bot/KormiSKbot|KormiSKbot]] (Task: Linking newly created pages on [[:sk:Hlavná stránka|SKWiki]] to the appropriate Wikidata items.)
* '''[[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Events|Events]]'''
** Upcoming:
*** Linked Data for Libraries [[Wikidata: WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group|LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group]] call November 14, 2023: We will hear from Diego Saez-Trumper on Wikidata Revert Risk and Annotool. [ Agenda]
*** [[d:Wikidata:Concurso_Latinoam%C3%A9rica_en_Wikidata_2023|Latin America in Wikidata Challenge]] (Spanish) < Nov. 14 - Dec. 14. Play the game and help highlight the region hosting the GLAM Wiki conference! (Prizes available).
*** [[m:Event:Editat%C3%B3n_Mujeres_en_las_ciencias|Edit-a-thon "Women in sciences"]] < 17 Nov. 12:00 - 18 Nov. 03:00 (UTC). A live edit-a-thon to improve the quality and variety of articles of women who have won the prestigious L'Oréal-UNESCO National Award "For Women in Science". (Prizes available).
*** [[mw:Wikimedia Language engineering/Community meetings|Language community meetings]]: A new initiative by WMF language team to organize quarterly gatherings to encourage collaboration among individuals and communities interested in language-related technical topics. First meeting: Friday, November 17, 2023, 16:00 to 17:00 (UTC)
*** [[m:GLAM_Wiki_2023/Program|Glam Wiki Program]] - 16 - 18 November, Montevideo, Uruguay. Want to attend in person? - [ Register here]. Wikidata Related Sessions:
**** [[m:GLAM_Wiki_2023/Program/Wikidata_for_cultural_heritage|Wikidata For Cultural Heritage]]
**** [[m:GLAM_Wiki_2023/Program/WADE:_A_tool_for_adding_depiction_information_to_artworks_on_Wikidata|WADE: Add artwork depiction information on Wikidata]]
**** [[m:GLAM_Wiki_2023/Program/Workshopping_Metadata_Interoperability_for_Small_Museums|Workshopping Metadata Interoperability for Small Museums]]
**** [[m:GLAM_Wiki_2023/Program/Wikisource_and_Wikidata:_when_two_cool_kids_play_together!|Wikisource and Wikidata: when two cool kids play together!]]
**** [[m:GLAM_Wiki_2023/Program/Using_Wikidata_integration_on_the_Wikimedia_projects_to_enhance_GLAM-WIKI_content_sharing|Using Wikidata integration on the Wikimedia projects to enhance GLAM-WIKI content sharing]]
**** [[m:GLAM_Wiki_2023/Program/Wikidata_%2B_Education_%2B_Heritage|Wikidata + Education + Heritage]]
** Ongoing:
*** [ Weekly Lexeme Challenge #117: School] (Challenge started on 2023-11-13 12:01:25). Did you participate in last week's Challenge #116 : [ Storm]?
*** Knowledge Graphs - Foundations and Applications course by Prof. Dr. Harald Sack. October 11, 2023 - November 21, 2023. Enrol [ here] if you have not done so yet.
** Past: [ WikiWitch: mapping witches from Switzerland and elsewhere] Nov. 4th
* '''Press, articles, blog posts, videos'''
** Blogs
***[ Investigating the “formatter URI for RDF resource” (P1921) property and its uses in the Wikidata infrastructure] <-- It discusses how this property enables unique identification of resources, its usage in federated queries, and its role in the Wikidata Query Service.
*** [ Switzerland Witch hunt: over 2,000 victims, but no monument] (Italian) WikiWitches project is using Wikidata to track execution sites of persecuted persons. Read about the project [ here].
*** [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/October 2023/Contents/Colombia report|Open Access Week and Wikidata; Opening Culture and Heritage training]] (Colombia GLAM report) <-- details the Open Access Week and Wikidata event in Colombia, which included discussions on the use of Wikidata for academic journals and the use of Wikidata for open science.
*** [[outreach:GLAM/Newsletter/October 2023/Contents/Sweden report|Wikipedia for all of Sweden; Museums and Wikidata – why and how?; Photo memories from Stockholm and Rome; Negotiating Knowledge on Wikipedia]] (Sweden GLAM report) <-- discusses the “Wikipedia for all of Sweden” project, which includes the use of Wikidata for authority control in museums.
*** [ Wikiwitches: giving back a soul to the victims of the witch-hunt] <-- The Wikiwitches project, initiated by the association Les sans pagEs in collaboration with Wikimedia CH, aims to map the victims of witch-hunts on Wikidata.
*** [ GSOC ‘23: Automating Area Management in MusicBrainz] <-- Prathamesh, in their Google Summer of Code project, developed a data pipeline to automate the synchronization of area metadata between MusicBrainz and Wikidata.
** Papers
*** [ Wikidata for authority control: sharing museum knowledge with the world] <-- The project “Usable Authorities for Data-driven Cultural Heritage Research” aims to link museum authority data to Wikidata, enhancing the visibility, accessibility, and relevance of information across different museum collections, and encouraging cultural heritage institutions in Sweden to contribute to and utilize the Wikimedia platforms.
*** The 4th Wikidata Workshop for the scientific Wikidata community happened on 07 November 2023. You can find a full list of presented papers [ here]
** Videos
*** [ Connecting Entomological Collectors ECN2023] <-- A presentation for the Entomological Collections Network 2023 conference by Siobhan Leachman, this presentation explains how Wikidata can be used to create an identifier for entomological collectors, empowering the collation & linking of biographical data as well as the ability to link to other databases & catalogs relating to those collectors.
*** [ Wikidata for Wiki Loves Monuments w/ Content Partnerships Hub Wikimedia Sweden & Wikimedia Uganda] <-- The Learning Series offers practical guidance on using Wikidata for Wiki Loves campaigns, with hands-on experience and follow-up mentoring.
*** [ Wikidata projects in Wikimedia Spain] <-- part of the online sessions organized by Wikimedia España to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Wikidata. In this session, Ángel Obregón, a member of Wikimedia España, presents some of the projects driven by Wikidata by the members of WMES.
** Notebooks:
*** [ Subclass of...] <-- Wikidata's ontology is complex. This tool aims at finding if an item is a subclass of another one.
*** [ The Wednesday Index] <-- A longitudinal analysis of gender diversity in Wikipedia articles.
* '''Tool of the week'''
** [] is now getting some of its airline data from Wikidata. It is a free open-source tool that allows you to log, map, calculate, and share your flights and trips.
* '''Other Noteworthy Stuff'''
** [ Wikibase Suite: Wikibase 1.39.5 – minor changes] (security release compatible with MediaWiki 1.39.5)
* '''Did you know?'''
** Newest [[d:Special:ListProperties|properties]]:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Property:P12132|stated in source according to]] (<nowiki>to be used together with P248 if the statement is taken from an aggregator rather than directly from the source</nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Property:P12126|HBL topic ID]], [[:d:Property:P12127|Art Platform Japan ID]], [[:d:Property:P12128|Archivio storico artisti lucchesi ID]], [[:d:Property:P12129|Encyklopedia Teatru Polskiego author ID]], [[:d:Property:P12130|Aves de Chile ID]], [[:d:Property:P12131|cagb manuscript ID]], [[:d:Property:P12133|Italian Paralympic Committee ID]], [[:d:Property:P12134|‎ ID]], [[:d:Property:P12135|Carte d'autore online ID]], [[:d:Property:P12136|Indiana Plant Atlas ID]], [[:d:Property:P12137|Linked Open Data Comune Firenze ID]], [[:d:Property:P12138|Tennessee-Kentucky Plant Atlas ID]], [[:d:Property:P12139|Il Sole 24 Ore movie ID]], [[:d:Property:P12140|Il Sole 24 Ore person ID]]
** New [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Property proposal|property proposals]] to review:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Official wiki URL|Official wiki URL]] (<nowiki>URL to the official wiki for the item</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/maternal mortality ratio|maternal mortality ratio]] (<nowiki>number of maternal deaths per 100,000 live births</nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Gaming Wiki Network article ID|Gaming Wiki Network article ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Playdate community wiki ID|Playdate community wiki ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/BNE periodical SID|BNE periodical SID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/ team ID| team ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/EIDR parties (Entertainment Identity Registry)|EIDR parties (Entertainment Identity Registry)]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Art Gallery of Ontario object ID|Art Gallery of Ontario object ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/GeoLOD ID|GeoLOD ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Spectrum Computing|Spectrum Computing]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Museo Nacional de Arte artist ID|Museo Nacional de Arte artist ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Catalogo Nazionale Dati ID|Catalogo Nazionale Dati ID]]
** Query examples:
*** [ Map of every recorded battle the past 4,500 years] ([ source])
*** [ Map of locations of witch memorials and sites of interest in Scotland] ([ source])
** Newest [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:WikiProjects|WikiProjects]]:
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject_IDEA|WikiProject IDEA]] - This Wikiproject serves as a working group and process documentation archive for the International (Digital) Dura-Europos Archive (IDEA), a project generously funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and in development at Bard College and Yale University.
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Interwiki|WikiProject Interwiki]] - The goal of this project is linking Wikidata items with wiki articles outside of the Wikimedia ecosystem. Niche wikis frequently offer more in-depth content compared to general online dictionary articles, although their quality can vary significantly.
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject SrpKor|WikiProject SrpKor]] - The main aim of this project is building Wikidata entities for the novels from SrpKor: Corpus of the contemporary Serbian language.
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Manors|WikiProject Manors]] - Collecting data about [[d:Q879050|manor house (Q879050)]] as part of [[d:Q2066754|manor (Q2066754)]] or [[d:Q2116450|manor estate (Q2116450)]] as part of the [[d:Q117756751|Research Centre for manors in the baltic sea region (Q117756751)]].
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Echinodermata|WikiProject Echinodermata]] - A repository for information pertaining to the NSF Grant Echinoderm Project.
* '''Development'''
** Wikibase REST API: We continued working on the new endpoints for ''POST /entities/items/{item_id}/aliases/{language_code}'' ([[phab:T335842]]) and ''DELETE /entities/items/{item_id}/descriptions/{lang_code}'' ([[phab:T342986]])
** EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on the new data type for linking to EntitySchemas, working on overcoming architectural issues.
** Language codes: We continued work towards allowing many more languages by default for Wikibase Lexeme and monolingual text statements. This will remove the need for a lot of requests for new language codes to be added. ([[phab:T341409]])
[[phab:maniphest/query/4RotIcw5oINo/#R|You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here]]. If you want to help, you can also have a look at [ the tasks needing a volunteer].
* '''Monthly Tasks'''
** Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
** Comment on property proposals: [[d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview|all open proposals]]
** Contribute to a [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase item]].
** Help [[d:Special:LanguageStats|translate]] or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
** [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge|Help merge identical items]] across Wikimedia projects.
** Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]]
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''[[:d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/2023 11 13|Read the full report]]''' · [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] · [[:d:User:Mohammed Sadat (WMDE)|Mohammed Sadat(WMDE)]] 13 November 2023 14.53 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== Wikidata weekly summary #603 ==
<div class="plainlinks mw-content-ltr" lang="en" dir="ltr">
<div style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">''Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.''</div>
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2; -webkit-column-width: 400px; -moz-column-width: 400px; column-width: 400px;">
* '''Discussions'''
** Closed request for adminship: Congratulations to our new Admin! [[d:User:S8321414|S8321414]] - ([[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Administrator/S8321414|See the closed request]])
** New requests for permissions/Bot: [[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot/KormiSKbot|KormiSKbot]] - (Task: Linking newly created pages on [[:sk:Wikipedia|Slovak Wikipedia]] to the appropriate Wikidata items)
* '''[[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Events|Events]]'''
** Upcoming:
*** [[d:Wikidata:Events/Data Modelling Days 2023|Data Modelling Days]], from November 30th to December 2nd: 3 days of online events to address data modelling challenges, discuss how to improve the way we structure data together, and discover the point of view of external reusers. Feel free to [[d:Wikidata:Events/Data_Modelling_Days_2023#Sessions|have a look at the program]] (under construction) and to [[d:Wikidata:Events/Data Modelling Days 2023/Participants|sign up as a participant]].
*** [ Wikidata Lab XXXIX: Structuring the Wikimedia Ecosystem] presented by Wiki Movimento Brasil. November 21 at 2:00 PM CEST. The presentation will be held in English by the wikimedian Mike Peel.
*** Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour November 20th, 2023: Over the summer and into the fall the LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group will be offering a series of Wikidata Working Hours to give folks an opportunity to try out various Wikidata-related skills and tools by assembling a data set of diverse library and information science (LIS) materials (articles, conference proceedings, books) and adding it to Wikidata. Wikidata Working Hours provide hands-on Wikidata experience in a supportive space. We hope you will join us if you are interested in learning more about Wikidata, exploring LIS literature, and have been looking for a fun Wikidata project to contribute to. The seventh Wikidata Working Hour will cover the Author Disambiguator tool, which helps users assign authors to articles.During the session we will demonstrate how to use the tool on an author who was created during a previous working hour, and another who doesn't exist in Wikidata yet. After the demonstration, participants are encouraged to try the tool themselves during the rest of the working hour. This session will build on the work done in previous Working Hours by connecting authors to the articles they have written. This session will be recorded and the recording shared on the [ event page]
*** [[:de:w:Wikipedia:Arbeitsgemeinschaft_Kunstwissenschaften_%2B_Wikipedia/tips_%26_tools|Wikibase for art and cultural data]] (German) - #9 of kuwiki tips & tools, taking place Thursday, 23 November 2023, 19-20.30
** Ongoing:
*** [ Weekly Lexeme Challenge #118: Diseases] (Challenge started on 2023-11-20 12:01:41)
** Past:
*** [[m:ItWikiCon/2023|ItWikiCon '23]] (Italian) was hosted in Bari, Italy between the 17th - 19th November. Check the [[m:ItWikiCon/2023/Programma|Programme]] for details on sessions and check for recordings or slidedecks of presentations.
*** [[m:GLAM_Wiki_2023|GLAM Wiki 2023]] took place in Montevideo, Uruguay. There were several Wikidata-related sessions some of which are linked in the Videos section.
* '''Press, articles, blog posts, videos'''
** Blogs
*** [ New study shows how authors’ personal circumstances influence the depiction of nature in their works]
** Papers
*** [ Can you trust Wikidata?] - is a paper exploring Wikidata's veracity and trustability for providing values to Knowledge Graphs. Written by V. Santos et al.
** Videos
*** Wikidata for Cultural Heritage, available in [ Spanish], [ Portugese], [ English]
*** [ Find-A-Grave] of Swedish politicians in Magnus Sälgö's exploration of Wikidata, OpenRefine, SPARQL and Svenskagravar (Swedish).
*** [ Wikidata Live Editing #111] with the Wikipedia Weekly Network, hosted by [[User:Ainali|Ainali]] and [[User:Abbe98|Abbe98]]
*** [ Wikidata for Wiki Loves Monuments w/ Content Partnerships] presented by Hub Wikimedia Sweden & Wikimedia Uganda. Get essential Wikidata-editing skills for Listeria, OpenRefine, run queries and structured data on Commons.
*** [ How to upload collections to Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata using Open Refine] (in Portuguese). Training on uploading collections to Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata using Open Refine.
*** [ Cohort 2 Graduation: AfLIA Wikidata Online Course]. The session includes exciting testimonials from participants and goodwill messages.
*** [ Enhancing Factuality in Large Language Models with Wikidata's 12B Facts]. This HackerNews video discusses a paper that explores the use of Wikidata, which contains over 12 billion facts, to improve the factuality of large language models (LLMs)
*** [ Back to basics and #SPARQL #Wikidata] (in French). Using Wikidata SPARQL query by VIGNERON
*** [ Wikidata for cultural heritage (ES) - GLAM Wiki Conference]
** Presentations: [ "Wikidata Lexemes: Introduction to the Possibilities" - workshop on at WikiConference North America], by [[d:User:Mahir256|User:Mahir256]]
** Notebooks:
*** [ The End of an Era] - A study on the major deaths that have occurred in our generation and the people that were left behind. (1997-2012)
*** [ Relationship Between Senators and Political Parties] - A sample network graph that depicts the political parties of Senators.
*** [ Family Network of Female Horse] - A sample network graph that depicts the relationships of female horses.
*** [ Poets and the Monarchs they were appointed by]
*** [ Metro stations of The Metropolitan line (Q19891) of the London Underground Metro System] - A sample network graph that depicts the stops and adjacent stops of metro stations of the London Underground's Metropolitan line.
* '''Tool of the week'''
** [ User-level gender statistics for Wikipedia] - a tool that computes the number of articles created by gender has been repaired after some months of unavailability. It relies on xtools and P21 property.
** [ Luthor] - tool for finding usage examples from Wikisource and adding them to lexemes on Wikidata.
* '''Other Noteworthy Stuff'''
** [[wmfblog:2023/11/15/wikimania-2024-scholarships-open-apply-now/|Scholarship applications for Wikimania 2024 are now open until December 18th!]]
* '''Did you know?'''
** Newest [[d:Special:ListProperties|properties]]:
*** General datatypes: none
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Property:P12141|Fondazione Fiera ID]], [[:d:Property:P12142|EIDR party ID]], [[:d:Property:P12143|‎Gaming Wiki Network article ID]], [[:d:Property:P12144|‎Cultural Heritage Online (Japan) heritage ID]], [[:d:Property:P12145|Cultural Heritage Online (Japan) institution ID]], [[:d:Property:P12146|Playdate community wiki ID]], [[:d:Property:P12147|Danacode (short)]], [[:d:Property:P12148|Danacode (long)]], [[:d:Property:P12149|archINFORM ID (awards)]], [[:d:Property:P12150| ID]], [[:d:Property:P12151|BNE periodical SID]], [[:d:Property:P12152| person ID]], [[:d:Property:P12153|FilmAffinity person ID]], [[:d:Property:P12154|Archiefpunt archive ID]], [[:d:Property:P12155|Archiefpunt compiler ID]], [[:d:Property:P12156|Archiefpunt curator ID]], [[:d:Property:P12157|Capitolium Art artist ID]], [[:d:Property:P12158|BioGRID ID]], [[:d:Property:P12159|la Repubblica TV series ID]], [[:d:Property:P12160|CECC Political Prisoner ID]], [[:d:Property:P12161|One Earth ecoregion ID]], [[:d:Property:P12162|‎Spectrum Computing ID]], [[:d:Property:P12163|IDVT]], [[:d:Property:P12164|BISAC Subject Heading]]
** New [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Property proposal|property proposals]] to review:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Papers with Code URL|Papers with Code URL]] (<nowiki>URL for subject in Papers with Code system</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/PAEnflowered taxon URL|PAEnflowered taxon URL]] (<nowiki>URL for a plant taxon found in Pennsylvania on the PAEnflowered website</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/BioCyc ID (Pathway/Genome Databases)|BioCyc ID (Pathway/Genome Databases)]] (<nowiki></nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Star Citizen Tools Wiki ID|Star Citizen Tools Wiki ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Alaska Women's Hall of Fame ID|Alaska Women's Hall of Fame ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Shanghai Library organization ID|Shanghai Library organization ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Shanghai Library era ID|Shanghai Library era ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Shanghai Library surname ID|Shanghai Library surname ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Paradox wikis article ID|Paradox wikis article ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Shanghai Library movie ID|Shanghai Library movie ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Internet Dictionary of Polish Surnames ID|Internet Dictionary of Polish Surnames ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae lemma ID|Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae lemma ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae object ID|Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae object ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Rare Species Guide ID|Rare Species Guide ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/TLA thesaurus ID|TLA thesaurus ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Minnesota Plant List ID|Minnesota Plant List ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/ELMCIP person ID|ELMCIP person ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Flora of the Southeastern United States ID|Flora of the Southeastern United States ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/SWERIK Person ID|SWERIK Person ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora ID|Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Go Botany taxon ID|Go Botany taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Team Wales ID|Team Wales ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Unified Saudi Occupational Classification|Unified Saudi Occupational Classification]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Pinakes work ID|Pinakes work ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Search System of Japanese Red Data ID|Search System of Japanese Red Data ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/ELMCIP organization ID|ELMCIP organization ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Japan Search ID|Japan Search ID]]
** Query examples:
*** [ Articles on English Wikipedia tagged 'Water pollution' with no equivalent article in Spanish] ([ source])
*** [ Highest point (in meters) per counties in Finland] ([[d:Wikidata:Request_a_query#Highest_point_per_county_in_Finland|source]])
*** [ Week 46, 2023: Top album languages found on Wikidata right now] ([ source]) ''"Basque are back on top for the second time this month"''
** Newest [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:WikiProjects|WikiProjects]]:
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Manuscripts|WikiProject Manuscripts]] - This WikiProject coordinates efforts on Wikidata to gather and curate structured data on manuscripts.
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Grove Hall Black Women Lead|WikiProject Grove Hall Black Women Lead]] - aims to shed light on the lives and stories of Black women leaders who have shaped Boston’s history from the colonial era to the present day.
** Newest database reports: [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge/enwiki-svwiki|User:Pasleim/projectmerge/enwiki-svwiki]] - 3875 merge candidates in English Wikipedia and Swedish Wikipedia based on same sitelink name.
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase Items]]: [[d:Q835440|University of Konstanz (Q835440)]] - University in Konstanz, Germany (feel free to suggest the next one for next week)
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase lexemes|Showcase Lexemes]]: [[d:Lexeme:L2310|rød]] - Danish word for red with features in many compounds and derivations (feel free to suggest the next one for next week)
* '''Development'''
** We are taking steps towards making many more languages available in Lexemes and monolingual text statement values. ([[phab:T341409]])
** Nikki fixed a bug where the CSS class for a statement rank wasn't updated after a rank change ([[phab:T209138]])
** We are continuing the work on improving EntitySchemas by making it possible to link to them in statements.
** We are migrating several tools from the Wikit design system to the Codex design system to be able to deprecate Wikit in the future.
[[phab:maniphest/query/4RotIcw5oINo/#R|You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here]]. If you want to help, you can also have a look at [ the tasks needing a volunteer].
* '''Monthly Tasks'''
** Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
** Comment on property proposals: [[d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview|all open proposals]]
** Contribute to a [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase item]].
** Help [[d:Special:LanguageStats|translate]] or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
** [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge|Help merge identical items]] across Wikimedia projects.
** Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]]
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''[[:d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/2023 11 20|Read the full report]]''' · [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] · [[:d:User:Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)|Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)]] 20 November 2023 14.16 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== Wikidata weekly summary #604 ==
<div class="plainlinks mw-content-ltr" lang="en" dir="ltr">
<div style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">''Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.''</div>
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2; -webkit-column-width: 400px; -moz-column-width: 400px; column-width: 400px;">
* '''Discussions'''
** New request for comments: [[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_comment/Clarify_Wikidata:Account_creators_abilities_and_where_to_request|Clarify Wikidata: Account creators abilities and where to request]] from [[d:User:S8321414|S8321414]]. (RfC started 23-11-20)
* '''[[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Events|Events]]'''
** Upcoming:
*** [ UNLP: the first Wikiarchivists Day is coming] < 04.12.23 at the UNLP Public Library, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Organised by WM Argentina.
*** Next Linked Data for Libraries [[d:Wikidata: WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group|LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group]] call November 28, 2023: As a satellite event for Data Modeling Days, we will facilitate community discussion around data modeling in Wikidata for library collections in a variety of formats, including people, books, serials, scholarly articles, rare materials, music, media, and realia. [ Agenda]
*** [[d:Wikidata:Events/Data Modelling Days 2023|Data Modelling Days]], November 30-December 2, online. 3 days of discussions, presentations and workshops to discuss our challenges related to data modelling and improve the structure of Wikidata's data together. [[d:Wikidata:Events/Data_Modelling_Days_2023#Sessions|Check out the program]], [[d:Wikidata:Events/Data Modelling Days 2023/Participants|add yourself as a participant]].
*** [ Wikidata editathon to add Arabic labels & descriptions to Islamic art objects], hosted by Wikimedians of the Islamic Civilization User Group, 2 December 17:00-19:00 UTC
* '''Press, articles, blog posts, videos'''
** Blogs
*** [ 23 Linked Data Things]
*** [ Querying for labels]: The normal way and the wikibase:label service way, by Bob DuCharme.
*** [ Wikimedia Hackathon 2024 is Here: Mark Your Calendar 🎉] for May 3rd – 5th, 2024, and register to attend
*** [ What is Wikidata? Your Guide to the World’s Largest Free Knowledge Base]
** Papers
*** [[d:Q123470669|Using Wikidata to identify the gender gap in Ibero-American public art (Q123470669)]] - The study, using Wikidata, reveals gender disparities in public art in Madrid and Buenos Aires, emphasizing the need for more works created by women and increased visibility of female artists.
*** [[d:Q123561334|Understanding Structured Knowledge Production (Q123561334)]] - A Case Study of Wikidata’s Representation Injustice. This paper seeks to explore the sources of epistemic injustice and biases from Wikidata's peer-production data model.
*** [[d:Q123561640|Paying it forward: Crowdsourcing the harmonisation and linking of taxon names and biodiversity identifiers (Q123561640)]] - highlights the use of Wikidata as an asset when linking taxa in different databases.
** Videos: Individual Sessions from Wikimania Singapore 2023
*** [ Exploring Wikidata as a learning platform] < Shani Evenstein Sigalov presents this Wikimania Singapore session on her 5-year PhD journey
*** [ Data use and reuse: Unlocking Potential of Frictionless Data for Wikidata] < Sara Petti, Shashi Gharti & Carol Matos of the Open Knowledge Foundation host this session.
*** [ Using Wikibase and Wikidata for Community Archives by My Community] < a non-profit organisation using Wikibase and Wikidata to digitise and preserve Singaporean cultural artefacts and stories.
*** [ Wikidata Basics with SPARQL access to analyse data from Wikidata] < [[m:User:Asaf_(WMF)|Asaf Bartov]] hosts this workshop for Wikidata newbies. Gain some foundational skills and learn how you can contribute to the biggest Knowledge Graph!
*** [ How to use Wikidata to build web tools for the social good] < [[m:User:Csisc|Csisc]] & [[m:User:Yamen|Yamen]] present [ Sawtpedia] & [|MedCYN (github)], 2 tools built using Wikidata and will show you how you can build your own.
*** [ Linked Open Data and Wikidata] < [[m:User:Alan_Ang_(WMDE)|Alan Ang (WMDE)]] talks about the importance of Linked Open Data and forming mutually beneficial partnerships between the Foundation and Institutions.
** Notebooks
*** Explore new ways of visualising your data with a [ Circular Dendrogam], illustrated here with Association Football players broken down by Country and Team.
* '''Tool of the week'''
** [ Harvest Templates] - is a tool that helps transfer data from Wikimedia projects to Wikidata.
** [[d:User:MichaelSchoenitzer/Updown|User:MichaelSchoenitzer/Updown]] - is a userscript used for faster navigation. If there are a lot of values for one property it will add arrows that allow you to jump to the first/last value.
* '''Other Noteworthy Stuff'''
** WMDE is researching ways to improve the editing experience in different languages and would love to hear your feedback. We would like to talk to a few of you in online interviews to learn about your experiences, expectations, and concerns. [ Please let us know in this sign-up form if you are interested in taking part].
** The Research team at WMF is running a second labeling campaign to evaluate the Revert Risk model for Wikidata. This is part of ongoing work on creating a new generation of Machine Learning models to support patrolling work on Wikimedia projects. Please help by going to [ this link], and labeling each revision in one of these three categories: Keep, Not Sure, Revert. Notice that "Not Sure" should be used in all cases where the Keep or Revert labels are not clear to you.
** [ Wikibase Suite: Wikibase 1.40.1 – major release compatible with MediaWiki 1.40, based on MediaWiki 1.40.1]
** Is there a Wikidata item (about you)? Consider providing a voice-clip pronouncing your name in this [[c:Commons:Voice_intro_project|Voice-intro project]]
* '''Did you know?'''
** Newest [[d:Special:ListProperties|properties]]:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Property:P12168|Torino scale]] (<nowiki>the Torino scale level for the astronomical object</nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Property:P12165|‎Star Citizen Tools Wiki ID]], [[:d:Property:P12166|Gale publication ID]], [[:d:Property:P12167|Emerald network site ID]], [[:d:Property:P12169|Museo Nacional de Arte artist ID]], [[:d:Property:P12170|GeoLOD ID]], [[:d:Property:P12171|Catalogo Nazionale Dati ID]], [[:d:Property:P12172|Klingon Word Wiki ID]], [[:d:Property:P12173|Newman Numismatics Portal ID]], [[:d:Property:P12174|tribal council number]], [[:d:Property:P12175|EDItEUR Thema ID]], [[:d:Property:P12176|Propylaeum-VITAE ID]]
** New [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Property proposal|property proposals]] to review:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/COR SEM|COR SEM]] (<nowiki>The Danish central word registry identifier</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/UPOC|UPOC]] (<nowiki>{{TranslateThis
| de = Ist eine eindeutige id zur Identifizierung von Organisationen/Sendungen/... zu einem Dienstleister.
<!-- | xx = Beschreibungen in anderen Sprachen -->
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/উইঙ্ক অ্যালবাম আইডি|উইঙ্ক অ্যালবাম আইডি]] (<nowiki></nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Europeana record ID|Europeana record ID]] (<nowiki>unique Europeana record identifier for photos, objectes etc.</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/ISU ranking position|ISU ranking position]] (<nowiki>Skater's position in the ranking of the International skating union</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/old image|old image]] (<nowiki>image of this thing taken long ago</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Montana Plant Life URL|Montana Plant Life URL]] (<nowiki>URL for a plant family, genus, or species on the Montana Plant Life website</nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Japan Search ID|Japan Search ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/NIWA article ID|NIWA article ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/WikiIndex ID|WikiIndex ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Wiktionary ID|Wiktionary ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Moviebuff ID|Moviebuff ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire ID|Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Flightradar24 ID|Flightradar24 ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/identifiant du musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes|identifiant du musée des Beaux-Arts de Rennes]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Baidu Baike page numeric ID|Baidu Baike page numeric ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Parliament of Victoria ID|Parliament of Victoria ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/ lyrics ID| lyrics ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/ELMCIP ID|ELMCIP ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/The Plant List ID (Arizona Native Plant Society)|The Plant List ID (Arizona Native Plant Society)]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/TracesOfWar award ID|TracesOfWar award ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Babelio serial ID|Babelio serial ID]]
** Query examples:
*** [ Rail link between Narvik and Singapore] ([ source])
*** [ Week 47, 2023: Top album languages found on Wikidata right now] ([ source])
*** [ Gender representation of Scottish witches] ([[d:Wikidata:Request_a_query#Specifiying_colours_for_a_gender_representation_of_Scottish_witches|source]])
*** [ Most popular names in Ghana among Ghanaians on Wikidata] ([ source])
** Newest [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:WikiProjects|WikiProjects]]:
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Heritage Collections|WikiProject Heritage Collections]] - The aim of the present project is to create the world’s most comprehensive high quality database of archival fonds and heritage collections (including contemporary scientific collections or documentation holdings) and to ensure the interlinking of respective catalogues, finding aids, or collection databases with Wikidata.
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Roman Provinces|WikiProject Roman Provinces]]
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Events and Role Frames|WikiProject Events and Role Frames]] - The primary aims of WikiProject Events and Role Frames is to define a set of properties that consistently model event occurrences and their participants; to fill gaps in Wikidata regarding items for events and actions; and to encourage use of the proposed model and newly introduced items across Wikidata.
** [[d:Wikidata:Database reports|Newest database reports]]: [[d:Wikidata:Database reports/badged items without claims|Wikidata:Database reports/badged items without claims]] - This is a list of badged items (i.e. items for feature or good articles in somewiki) without claims. Ideally it should be empty.
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase Items]]: [[d:Q8023|Nelson Mandela (Q8023)]] - First President of South Africa and anti-apartheid activist (1918–2013)
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase lexemes|Showcase Lexemes]]: [[d:Lexeme:L5573|gepard]] - Polish noun for cheetah with many forms
* '''Development'''
** We are preparing for the Data Modelling Days happening later this week
** Language codes:
*** We are making some small remaining changes before the next testing round of the new language code ([[phab:T345750]], [[phab:T345751]], [[phab:T345083]])
*** We continued to make a lot more language codes available ([[phab:341409]])
** EntitySchemas: We are experimenting with how to work around some technical blockers for the new datatype
** Wikibase REST API: We've been working on the ability to remove an Item's label in a specific language and modify the descriptions on a Property ([[phab:T342981]], [[phab:T342981]])
[[phab:maniphest/query/4RotIcw5oINo/#R|You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here]]. If you want to help, you can also have a look at [ the tasks needing a volunteer].
* '''Monthly Tasks'''
** Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
** Comment on property proposals: [[d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview|all open proposals]]
** Contribute to a [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase item]].
** Help [[d:Special:LanguageStats|translate]] or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
** [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge|Help merge identical items]] across Wikimedia projects.
** Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]]
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''[[:d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/2023 11 27|Read the full report]]''' · [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] · [[:d:User:Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)|Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)]] 27 November 2023 15.16 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== [Wikidata] Weekly Summary #605 ==
<div class="plainlinks mw-content-ltr" lang="en" dir="ltr">
<div style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">''Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.''</div>
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2; -webkit-column-width: 400px; -moz-column-width: 400px; column-width: 400px;">
* '''Discussions'''
** New requests for permissions/Bot:
***[[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot/RudolfoBot|RudolfoBot]] - (Task: import lists of drugs with black box Warnings)
***[[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot/TiagoLubianaBot_4|TiagoLubianaBot 4]] - (Task: add drug-drug interactions from [[d:Q123478206|(Q123478206) A reference set of clinically relevant adverse drug-drug interactions)]]
***[[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot/LiMrBot|LiMrBot]] - importing and updating information about asteroids and comets.
* '''[[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Events|Events]]'''
** Upcoming:
*** [ Wikimedia Hackathon 2024: Register and Apply for Scholarships until January 5th 2024!]
*** [ WikiMania 2024 Scholarships are open] - You can apply now for paid accommodation, travel and registration of the event!
** Next:
*** [ Extended Semantic Web Conference 2024] < The deadline to submit your Papers is December 7th (23:59 UTC-12)!
*** [ Talk to the Search Platform / Query Service team] - the 1st Wednesday of every month, bring your questions on Wikimedia Search, Wikidata Query and Wikimedia Commons Query service.
** Past:
*** [[d:Wikidata:Events/Data_Modelling_Days_2023|Data Modelling Days 2023]] - (30 Nov - 2 Dec.) If you missed it, don't worry! We have recordings, slides and notes for each session, [[d:Wikidata:Events/Data_Modelling_Days_2023#Sessions|available here!]]
* '''Press, articles, blog posts, videos'''
** Press
*** [ Around 250 war-threatened architectural monuments documented] (German) - Wikidata, Wikibase and Commons are helping preserve and plan the restoration of culturally-significant Monuments damaged or destroyed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
** Blogs
*** [ How many properties are created on Wikidata each month?], by [[:d:User:Envlh|Envel Le Hir]]
** Videos
*** [ Connecting Archives Connecting People (CACP) Project] A Wikidata Workshop provided by the British Institute at Ankara.
*** [ Metaphactory's advanced semantic search with Wikidata KG] < shows a new way of building queries with Metaphacts visualised UI. Read more with their latest [ News Posts]!
*** [ Wikibase for GLAM organizations:] Collections in the Linked Open Data web by our excellent Partner Manager [[m:User:Christos_Varvantakis_(WMDE)|User:Christos Varvantakis (WMDE)]]
*** [ Intro to Wikidata and importing bibliographic elements from Zotero] < (Italian) An initiative to expand Greek and Latin antiquities in Wikidata for use in humanistic studies. Read more here > [[d:Wikidata:Gruppo_Wikidata_per_Musei,_Archivi_e_Biblioteche/Bibliografia_di_antichistica|Gruppo Wikidata per Musei, Archivi e Biblioteche]]
* '''Tool of the week'''
** [ ZotWb] < export records in a [[Wikidata:Zotero#How_to_export_to_QuickStatements|Zotero]] group library to a custom Wikibase, prepare datasets to send to OpenRefine, feed OpenRefine reconciliaton results back to the Wikibase. Wikidata is envolved in the entity reconciliation.<br>Here's a short [ explanation and demo video]<br> Tool is written and provided by David Lindermann with support from [[m:Grants:Programs/Wikimedia_Community_Fund/Rapid_Fund/Zotero_to_Wikibase_bibliographical_data_export_app_(ID:_22209513)|WMF Rapid Grant]].
* '''Other Noteworthy Stuff'''
** Wikimedia Deutschland job opening: [ We're looking for a new Product Manager for Wikibase Cloud]. Are you interested or do you happen to know someone who might fit this position?
** [ Wikimedia Deutschland will be collaborating with Purdue Students to Find New Mismatches for the Mismatch Finder]. We Need Your Help to Suggest External Datasets!
** [ Outreachy Round 27 interns selected, including 1 Wikidata related project].
** A [ cool new Obsidian plugin] for Wikidata is in the works.
** [ Fulltext search] for folders in an [ external archive] via text in Wikidata items ([[:d:Wikidata_talk:WikiProject_20th_Century_Press_Archives#Fulltext_search_function_for_PM20_folders|more]]).
** Have you tried [ EntiTree] yet? Explore relationship and connections between Wikidata entities with this new visualisation!
** Last call for the [ Wikibase.Cloud 2023 User survey]. It only takes 10 minutes and it's fully anonymous so please participate!
** The [[d:Wikidata:Project_chat#Regarding_the_future_of_Structured_Discussions|StructuredDiscussions extension]] is being archived but your comments on the Project Chat are wanted.
* '''Did you know?'''
** Newest [[d:Special:ListProperties|properties]]:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Property:P12180|PAEnflowered taxon URL]] (<nowiki>URL for a plant taxon found in Pennsylvania on the PAEnflowered website</nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Property:P12177|Rare Species Guide ID]], [[:d:Property:P12178|Minnesota Plant List ID]], [[:d:Property:P12179|Flora of the Southeastern United States ID]], [[:d:Property:P12181|Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora ID]], [[:d:Property:P12182|Go Botany taxon ID]], [[:d:Property:P12183|Search System of Japanese Red Data ID]], [[:d:Property:P12184|Art Gallery of Ontario object ID]], [[:d:Property:P12185|Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae object ID]], [[:d:Property:P12186|Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae text ID]], [[:d:Property:P12187|Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae thesaurus ID]], [[:d:Property:P12188|Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae lemma ID]], [[:d:Property:P12189|‎Paradox Wikis article ID]], [[:d:Property:P12190|Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire ID]], [[:d:Property:P12191|Alaska Women’s Hall of Fame ID]], [[:d:Property:P12192|SWERIK person ID]], [[:d:Property:P12193|Team Wales athlete ID]], [[:d:Property:P12194|‎WikiIndex ID]], [[:d:Property:P12195|‎Theapolis person ID]], [[:d:Property:P12196|TheTVDB movie ID]], [[:d:Property:P12197|Shanghai Library surname ID]], [[:d:Property:P12198|Shanghai Library era ID]], [[:d:Property:P12199|Shanghai Library organization ID]], [[:d:Property:P12200|Pinakes work ID]], [[:d:Property:P12201|Hugging Face user or organization ID]], [[:d:Property:P12202|COR SEM ID]]
** New [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Property proposal|property proposals]] to review:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Montana Plant Life URL|Montana Plant Life URL]] (<nowiki>URL for a plant family, genus, or species on the Montana Plant Life website</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/event role|event role]] (<nowiki>item that describes a role in an event class</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/role in event|role in event]] (<nowiki>event class for which the item describes a role</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/selectional preference|selectional preference]] (<nowiki>(to be used only with the subclasses of Q_event_role) an item that plays this role in an event instance should descend from this item via a combination of P31 and P279</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/event arguments and types|event arguments and types]] (<nowiki>item that plays a role in an event instance; used with a qualifier "argument type"</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/BnF archives and manuscripts ID|BnF archives and manuscripts ID]] (<nowiki>identifier for a manuscript in the archives and manuscripts catalogue of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF). Do not include the initial "cc"</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/clerked for|clerked for]] (<nowiki>this person has held a clerkship with the judge</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/battery life|battery life]] (<nowiki>the length of time a device can continue to work before it needs its battery to be recharged</nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/China Animal Scientific Database taxon ID|China Animal Scientific Database taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/DIMA ID|DIMA ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/CoL Taiwan ID|CoL Taiwan ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/RFI station ID|RFI station ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/BUGZ ID|BUGZ ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/China Animal Scientific Database dbb ID|China Animal Scientific Database dbb ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/ place ID| place ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Enciclopedia di Roma monument & street IDs|Enciclopedia di Roma monument & street IDs]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/International Hockey Federation competition ID|International Hockey Federation competition ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Black Games Archive ID|Black Games Archive ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Al-shamila Book ID|Al-shamila Book ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Akadem person ID (new format)|Akadem person ID (new format)]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/AustrianGames ID|AustrianGames ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Atari-8-bit Forever game ID|Atari-8-bit Forever game ID]]
** Query examples:
*** [ People born somewhere named after them] ([ source])
*** [ Rose cultivars named after screen writers] [ source])
** Newest [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:WikiProjects|WikiProjects]]: [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject Events and Role Frames|Events and Role Frames]]
** Newest [[d:Wikidata:Database reports|database reports]]:
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase Items]]: [[d:Q260957|Symphony No.7]] composed by Ludwig van Beethoven
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase lexemes|Showcase Lexemes]]: [[d:Lexeme:L38412|läsa]] - 'read' about this Swedish word with many pronounciations and grammatical features.
Feel free to suggest next week's Showcase Item and Lexeme!
* '''Development'''
** Wikibase REST API:
*** We finished the endpoint for removing an Item's label in a specific language ([[phab:T335841]]) and the endpoint for modifying descriptions on a Property ([[phab:T342981]])
*** We are working on the endpoint for adding aliases in a given language for a Property ([[phab:T343721]]) and removing a Property's label in a given language ([[phab:T342983]])
** Mismatch Finder: We are continuing the work on moving the tool over to the new design system Codex
** We adjusted the styling for the values of monolingual text statements to make the language easier to distinguish from the value ([[phab:T280774]])
** mul language code: We made some final adjustments to get it ready for testing.
** Lexemes: We are adding a license note for anon users when editing a Lexeme’s lemma, a Form or Sense ([[phab:T343999]])
[[phab:maniphest/query/4RotIcw5oINo/#R|You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here]]. If you want to help, you can also have a look at [ the tasks needing a volunteer].
* '''Monthly Tasks'''
** Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
** Comment on property proposals: [[d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview|all open proposals]]
** [[d:Wikidata:Contribute/Suggested and open tasks|Suggested and open tasks]]!
** Contribute to a [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase item]].
** Help [[d:Special:LanguageStats|translate]] or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
** [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge|Help merge identical items]] across Wikimedia projects.
** Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]]
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''[[:d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/2023 12 04|Read the full report]]''' &middot; [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] &middot; [[:m:User:Danny Benjafield (WMDE)|Danny Benjafield (WMDE)]] 4 Desember 2023 16.59 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Danny Benjafield (WMDE)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== Wikidata weekly summary #606 ==
<div class="plainlinks mw-content-ltr" lang="en" dir="ltr">
<div style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">''Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.''</div>
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2; -webkit-column-width: 400px; -moz-column-width: 400px; column-width: 400px;">
* '''Discussions'''
** New requests for permissions/Bot: [[d:Wikidata:Requests_for_permissions/Bot/LccnBot|LccnBot]] (Task: Adds [[d:Property:P244|P244]] to bibliographic entities base on library authority records.)
** New request for comments: [[d:Wikidata:Requests for comment/Duplicate References Data Model and UI|Duplicate References Data Model and UI]] < During Data Modelling Days '23, 2 proposals emerged trying to answer the question of how to handle duplicate References on Wikidata Items.
* '''[[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Events|Events]]'''
** Next Linked Data for Libraries [[Wikidata: WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group|LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group]] call December 12, 2023: Several members of the Chinese Culture and Heritage Wikidata group will provide an overview of the group's Wikidata projects as well as the challenges they have encountered. [ Agenda]
** [ Data-SHS Bordeaux Week:] Processing and Analyzing Quantitative Data in Human and Social Sciences 2023. Dec. 11 - 15, Bordeaux, FR.
* '''Press, articles, blog posts, videos'''
** Blogs
*** [ Agreeing to agree: Roundtripping people identifiers with Wikidata] < The Te Papa Museum of New Zealand shows how Wikidata is being used to verify subjects when sharing Collections and data between sources. [ Here's a video explaining more!]
** Papers / Books
*** [ 1Lib1Nearby with Wikidata] (German) < Queries and edits for the multilingual world knowledge of the nearby environment.
*** [ Creating a multi-linked dynamic dataset:] a case study of plant genera named for women < S. Mering, L. Gardiner, S. Knapp et al.
*** [ Fine-tuned LLMs Know More, Hallucinate Less with Few-Shot Sequence-to-Sequence Semantic Parsing over Wikidata] < Presented at the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing conference. Authors: S. Xu, S. Liu, T. Culhane et al.
** Videos
*** [ BiCIKL to Wikidata: Harmonizing the chaotic universe of natural history collectors] < presented by Mathias Dillen at the TDWG 2023 Annual Conference.
*** [ Modelling Research Expeditions in Wikidata:] Best Practice for Standardisation and Contexualisation. Presented by Dag Endresen also at the TDWG Annual Conference.
*** [ Riksdagen Corpus Wikidata] < Magnus Sälgö.
*** [ Scholia - a profiling tool to explore scholarly knowledge] < As part of the national research data infrastructure (NFDI) infratalk, Dr. Daniel Mietchen presents Scholia.
*** [ Catalogue of Premodern Manuscripts] < See a Wikibase instance used for The Digital Scriptorium Catalog. Presented by Lynn Ransom & L. P. Coladangelo.
*** [ Data Modelling Days 2023 Playlist] < The list of recorded Sessions for the DMD '23 Online Conference is available here!
*** [ Building a semantic knowledge (wiki)base for synthetic phytochemistry] < Presented by Dr. Gitanjali Yadav
*** [ OpenRefine - a open source tool for working with data] < This session explores the advantages of using OR to wrangle, clean, transform and standardise data for Wikidata. Presented by Jinoy Tom Jacob at the IndiaFOSS3.0 Conference.
*** [ Various queries and modeling on Wikidata] (French) < [[m:User:VIGNERON|User:VIGNERON]] introduces several SPARQL queries.
* '''Tool of the week'''
** [ QLever SPARQl Engine] < If you attended Data Modeling Days '23, you may have seen an extraordinary [ Session] given by Hannah Bast and Johannes Kalmbach showcasing the power and advantages of the QLever engine. QLever can handle queries that cause the WDQS to timeout or allowing Federated queries and Geospatial!
(QLEver has already featured in Tool of the Week but we wanted to showcase it again after experiencing it at DMD '23)
* '''Other Noteworthy Stuff'''
** [ Healthcare Disparities in the U.S.: Exploring Access to Healthcare in the Immigrant Population] < Zoomable Bar Charts and visualisations exploring access to healthcare across the U.S. Prison system, powered by Wikidata and WDQS. Authored by Haryn Shin.
** [[d:Wikidata:Project_chat#Data_Modelling_Days:_documentation_and_outcomes|DMD23: documentation and outcomes]] can be viewed on Wikidata project Chat as well as related-topics from the Conference on [[d:Wikidata:Project_chat#Proposal:_add_qualifier_to_allow_for_fuzzy_property_values_to_help_with_real-life_data_ambiguity|Qualifiers for fuzzy properties]] and [[d:Wikidata:Project_chat#Should_the_foundation_consider_funding_the_QLever_project?|Should WMF fund QLever?]]
* '''Did you know?'''
** Newest [[d:Special:ListProperties|properties]]:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Property:P12203|official wiki URL]] (<nowiki>URL of the official wiki for the item</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Property:P12208|counterexample]] (<nowiki>qualifier for deprecated P279 statements; example instance or subclass of the item class for which a "subclass of" statement does not hold</nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Property:P12204|ELMCIP ID]], [[:d:Property:P12206|RFI station ID]], [[:d:Property:P12207|BnF archives and manuscripts ID]], [[:d:Property:P12209|The Plant List ID (Arizona Native Plant Society)]], [[:d:Property:P12210|DIMA ID]]
** New [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Property proposal|property proposals]] to review:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Flora of the Hawaiian Islands ID|Flora of the Hawaiian Islands ID]] (<nowiki>URL of the entry for a plant species, subspecies, or variety in the Flora of the Hawaiian Islands website</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Hijri Date|Hijri Date]] (<nowiki>Hijri Date of claim</nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Mid-Atlantic Herbaria Consortium taxon ID|Mid-Atlantic Herbaria Consortium taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/New words in Danish ID|New words in Danish ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Game Classification game ID|Game Classification game ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Lobbypedia ID|Lobbypedia ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae text witness ID|Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae text witness ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Game Classification machine ID|Game Classification machine ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Game Classification creation tool ID|Game Classification creation tool ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/ ID| ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Numer KRS|Numer KRS]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Stadium 64 ID|Stadium 64 ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Sina Chinese Basketball ID|Sina Chinese Basketball ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Veterans Legacy Memorial|Veterans Legacy Memorial]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/SixtyFour Originals DataBase game ID|SixtyFour Originals DataBase game ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/WHDLoad database ID|WHDLoad database ID]]
** [[d:Wikidata:Properties for deletion|Deleted properties]]:
** Query examples:
*** [ Geolocalized object that have the same name than something named after some some kind of church building]. This includes streets, bus stops, …
*** [ Video games per Platform]. Timeline of video game releases per platform.
** Newest [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:WikiProjects|WikiProjects]]:
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject_Heritage_Collections|WikiProject Heritage Collections]]: database of archival fonds and heritage collections (including contemporary scientific collections or documentation holdings) and to ensure the interlinking of respective catalogues, finding aids, or collection databases with Wikidata.
*** [[d:Wikidata:WikiProject_Source_Reliability|WikiProject Source Reliability]]: is an effort to identify and aggregate online sources of assessments of the reliability and credibility of sources.
** Newest [[d:Wikidata:Database reports|database reports]]:
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase Items]]: [[d:Q8409|(Q8409) Alexander The Great]] - Alexander III, King of Macedon.
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase lexemes|Showcase Lexemes]]: [[d:Lexeme:L630387|(L630387) Pri]] - the meaning of this Breton word is not 'muddy' with VIGNERON's contribution!
* '''Development'''
** Wikibase REST API: We continued work on the routes for adding aliases in a given language for a Property ([[phab:T343721]]) and removing a Property's label in a given language ([[phab:T342983]])
** Monolingual text values can now use many more languages than before. We’re still working on doing the same for Lexemes. ([[phab:T341409]])
[[phab:maniphest/query/4RotIcw5oINo/#R|You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here]]. If you want to help, you can also have a look at [ the tasks needing a volunteer].
* '''Monthly Tasks'''
** Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
** Comment on property proposals: [[d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview|all open proposals]]
** Contribute to a [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase item]].
** Help [[d:Special:LanguageStats|translate]] or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
** [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge|Help merge identical items]] across Wikimedia projects.
** Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]]
Anything to add? Please share! :)
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''[[:d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/2023 12 11|Read the full report]]''' · [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] · [[:m:User:Danny Benjafield (WMDE)|Danny Benjafield (WMDE)]] 11 Desember 2023 15.39 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Danny Benjafield (WMDE)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->
== Wikidata weekly summary #607 ==
<div class="plainlinks mw-content-ltr" lang="en" dir="ltr">
<div style="margin-top:10px; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">''Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.''</div>
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2; -webkit-column-width: 400px; -moz-column-width: 400px; column-width: 400px;">
* '''Discussions'''
** New requests for permissions/Bot:
*** [[d:Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Bot/So9qBot 7|So9qBot 7]]. Task: Add [[d:Property:P9660|not found in (P9660)]] --> [[d:Q123739672|Q123739672]] to Danish Lexemes
*** [[d:Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Bot/So9qBot 8|So9qBot 8]]. Task: Add missing names of European legal documents to labels and aliases of items with a CELEX identifier
*** [[d:Wikidata:Requests for permissions/Bot/LccnBot|LccnBot]]. Task: Adds [[d:Property:P244|Library of Congress authority ID (P244)]] to bibliographic entities base on library authority records.
** Other discussions: How to handle concepts of trans people on Wikidata? Should {privacy at} be redirected to {privacy at} or should it be monitored by Wikidata volunteers? [[:d:Wikidata:Project chat#How to handle concepts of trans people?|Join the discussion]]!
* '''[[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Events|Events]]'''
** Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour December 18th, 2023: Over the summer and into the fall the LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group will be offering a series of Wikidata Working Hours to give folks an opportunity to try out various Wikidata-related skills and tools by assembling a data set of diverse library and information science (LIS) materials (articles, conference proceedings, books) and adding it to Wikidata. Wikidata Working Hours provide hands-on Wikidata experience in a supportive space. We hope you will join us if you are interested in learning more about Wikidata, exploring LIS literature, and have been looking for a fun Wikidata project to contribute to.The ninth and final Wikidata Working Hour in the series will be using SPARQL and Scholia to query and visualize the data we’ve added to Wikidata during our series. This session will be recorded and the recording shared on the [ event page]
** Ongoing: Weekly Lexeme Challenge #121: [ Pottery]
* '''Press, articles, blog posts, videos'''
** Blogs: [ #LD42023. Part I: The Future of Wikidata + Libraries (A Workshop)] - This blog series explores how libraries engage with Wikidata and Linked Data in the face of AI challenges. Led by Silvia Gutiérrez and Giovanna Fontenelle from the Wikimedia Foundation, the series summarizes insights from a collaborative session at the 2023 LD4 Conference, using Design Thinking strategies to connect the Library-Wikidata community with WMF, focusing on Wikidata, Wikibase, and Structured Data on Commons (SDC) in libraries. By Silvia Gutiérrez & Giovanna Fontenelle
** Papers
*** [ Wikipedia gender gap: a scoping review] - This review analyzes Wikipedia's gender gap from 2007 to 2022, revealing a slight majority of female authors, addressing key themes, and exploring strategies to mitigate the gap, providing valuable insights into the research landscape in this domain. By Núria Ferran-Ferrer, Juan-José Boté-Vericad and Julia Minguillón.
*** [ Ten years of Wikidata: A bibliometric study] - This research delves into scholarly publications about Wikidata from its inception in 2012 to late 2022, revealing 945 relevant papers, primarily from conferences. The analysis highlights a concentration of experts and contributors from the Global North, as well as governmental institutions as predominant funders. The study calls for enhanced networking and outreach to promote diversity and inclusion within the Wikidata research community. Emphasizing computer science perspectives, the research focuses on methods for developing and utilizing open knowledge graphs, notably Wikidata, with a narrower but significant interest in application-oriented studies in digital humanities, biology, and healthcare. (Turki, et al)
** Videos
*** [ Duplicating Everywhere All at Once | Cebuano Wikipedia] - Five years ago, Lsjbot's Wikipedia articles caused duplicate Wikidata items, notably impacting geographic places on Cebuano Wikipedia. This video by [[d:User:Canley|User:Canley]] at Wikimania 2023 delves into the history, visualizes the issue, and suggests cleanup strategies for Wikidata and Wikipedia, emphasizing Aotearoa New Zealand and parts of Australia, with implications for the global challenge of bot-created duplicates.
*** [ Useful Authorities for Data-Driven Collection Research with Alicia Fagerving] - Alicia Fagerving, Wikimedia Sverige, introduces the project "Useful Authorities for Data-Driven Collection Research" and Wikidata. The project, spanning 2021-2023, links vocabularies from the databases of Nationalmuseum and Statens historiska museer to Wikidata, exploring it as a platform for semantic interoperability among cultural heritage institutions and providing tools and visualizations for similar projects.
*** [ 2023: OSM-Wikidata Map Framework]. Combining OpenStreetMap and Wikidata allows to leverage the strengths of the two projects to create richer maps. This talk explores how OSM-Wikidata Map Framework simplifies this process. By Daniele Santini
** Press: [ Adriano Rutz wins the Swiss National Open Research Data (ORD) Prize] for “The LOTUS Initiative” project. LOTUS explores new ways of promoting the re-use of data in the fields of biology and chemistry and thus of sharing knowledge in natural products research. [ More coverage]
** Notebooks
*** [ It's not bad! Measuring Gérard Depardieu's mark on French cinema (in French)]<!--C'est pas Gégé : Peut on cancel Gérard Depardieu ?--> - The analysis centers on Gérard Depardieu's impact on French cinema amid legal issues and sexual assault allegations. Despite difficulties in addressing these accusations, the author leverages Wikidata to measure Depardieu's influence by querying films from directors born after 1930 to assess his involvement.
*** [ How to Become a Billionaire: A Billionaire's Occupations Network Analysis] - This network analysis investigates billionaires’ primary sources of income with a network graph—based on their occupations—connecting billionaires from all over the world and uncovering some of the biggest industries in the world.
** Documentation: [[d:User:Mahir256|User:Mahir256]] statred Lexemes documentation pages about [[d:Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Documentation/Lemmata|Lemmata]] and [[d:Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Documentation/Lexeme languages|Lexeme languages]]. Your contributions are welcome.
* '''Tools of the week'''
** [ Drama Corpora Project (DraCor)] is a digital database of plays, primarily from Europe. It collects and organizes texts of plays in a way that allows researchers and others to extract and analyze information from those texts. This could include details about the characters, the dialogue, the stage directions, and more. The data is being pulled from Wikidata.
** [[d:User:Magnus Manske|Magnus Manske]] added a [ new game to the Wikidata game] to identify duplicate Items for researchers.
** [[d:User:Mike Peel|Mike Peel]] set up a [ new Distributed Game] to add links to Wikiquote to Wikidata.
* '''Other Noteworthy Stuff'''
** Wikibase Cloud has a new website. Check it out: []
* '''Did you know?'''
** Newest [[d:Special:ListProperties|properties]]:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Property:P12221|battery life]] (<nowiki>length of time after a full charge that a device can continue to work under normal use before it needs its battery to be recharged</nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Property:P12211|‎Atari-8-bit Forever game ID]], [[:d:Property:P12212|Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes object ID]], [[:d:Property:P12213|FNAC artwork ID]], [[:d:Property:P12214|Akadem person ID]], [[:d:Property:P12215|‎Game Classification game ID]], [[:d:Property:P12216|‎Game Classification machine ID]], [[:d:Property:P12217|‎Game Classification creation tool ID]], [[:d:Property:P12218|TaiCOL ID (new version)]], [[:d:Property:P12219|‎ ID]], [[:d:Property:P12220|‎Stadium 64 ID]], [[:d:Property:P12222| film ID]], [[:d:Property:P12223|SixtyFour Originals DataBase game ID]], [[:d:Property:P12224|BUGZ ID]]
** New [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Property proposal|property proposals]] to review:
*** General datatypes:
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Substances in the reference|Substances in the reference]] (<nowiki>Substances studied in reference works such as papers, reports, etc.</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Book format|Book format]] (<nowiki>Page size of a historical book, manuscript, or artwork on paper, based on folding sheets into leaves</nowiki>)
****[[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/beneficial owner|beneficial owner]] (<nowiki></nowiki>)
*** External identifiers: [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/DraCor ID|DraCor ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/PCSX2 Wiki ID|PCSX2 Wiki ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Twitch numeric channel ID|Twitch numeric channel ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/identifiant article ORBi|identifiant article ORBi]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/identifiant auteur ORBi|identifiant auteur ORBi]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/TheTVDB IDs|TheTVDB IDs]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/RPCS3 Wiki ID|RPCS3 Wiki ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Retskrivningsordbogen ID|Retskrivningsordbogen ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Kanjipedia word ID|Kanjipedia word ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/MAMCS ID|MAMCS ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Citra compatibility database ID|Citra compatibility database ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/IGN wiki article ID|IGN wiki article ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/AreWeAntiCheatYet ID|AreWeAntiCheatYet ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/RPGFan game ID|RPGFan game ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Swissubase ID|Swissubase ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/ team ID| team ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/MilliBase taxon ID|MilliBase taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Digicarmel ID|Digicarmel ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Arcade Hub ID|Arcade Hub ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Great American Business Leaders of the 20th Century ID|Great American Business Leaders of the 20th Century ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Consortium of Lichen Herbaria taxon ID|Consortium of Lichen Herbaria taxon ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Biota of New Zealand ID|Biota of New Zealand ID]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/NientePopCorn IDs|NientePopCorn IDs]], [[:d:Wikidata:Property proposal/HistoriaGames game ID|HistoriaGames game ID]]
** Query examples:
*** [ List of movies directed by French filmmakers born after 1930 with or without Depardieu] ([ source])
*** [ Czech buildings carved into the rock] ([ source])
*** [ Top album languages found on Wikidata right now] ([ source])
*** [ Works created by females, died in 2023]
** Newest [[d:Wikidata:Database reports|database reports]]: [[d:User:Pasleim/Unsupported sitelinks|User:Pasleim/Unsupported sitelinks]] - Found 279 items
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase Items]]: [[d:Q140|lion (Q140)]] - species of big cat
** [[d:Wikidata:Showcase lexemes|Showcase Lexemes]]: [[d:Lexeme:L1124154|cevap (L1124154)]] - Turkish noun for 'answer' derived from the Arabic noun جَواب
* '''Development'''
** Wikibase REST API:
*** We finished adding the endpoints for adding aliases in a given language for a Property ([[phab:T343721]]) and removing a Property's label in a given language ([[phab:T342983]])
*** We started working on the endpoint for removing a Property's description in a given language ([[phab:T342985]])
*** We are fixing an issue with incorrect handling of lowercase statement IDs in edit requests ([[phab:T352644]])
** Special:PrefixIndex now shows label/lemma for Properties and Lexemes ([[phab:T343115]])
** Language codes: We changed where Wikidata is getting its languages from for Lexemes and Monolingual text statements and thereby resolved many tasks requesting another language being added to them ([[phab:T341409]])
[[phab:maniphest/query/4RotIcw5oINo/#R|You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here]]. If you want to help, you can also have a look at [ the tasks needing a volunteer].
* '''Monthly Tasks'''
** Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
** Comment on property proposals: [[d:Wikidata:Property proposal/Overview|all open proposals]]
** Contribute to a [[d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Showcase items|Showcase item]].
** Help [[d:Special:LanguageStats|translate]] or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
** [[d:User:Pasleim/projectmerge|Help merge identical items]] across Wikimedia projects.
** Help [[d:Wikidata:Status updates/Next|write the next summary!]]
<div style="margin-top:10px; font-size:90%; padding-left:5px; font-family:Georgia, Palatino, Palatino Linotype, Times, Times New Roman, serif;">'''[[:d:Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:Status updates/2023 12 18|Read the full report]]''' · [[m:Global message delivery/Targets/Wikidata|Unsubscribe]] · [[:d:User:Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)|Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)]] 18 Desember 2023 17.14 (UTC)
<!-- Pesan dikirim oleh Pengguna:Mohammed Abdulai (WMDE)@metawiki dengan menggunakan daftar di -->