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k →‎Pranala luar: advancement in technology
Membatalkan 1 suntingan by Arditaclaraa (bicara): Lihat WP:OR atau WP:COI (TW)
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(41 revisi perantara oleh 28 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
[[Berkas:VisualStudioCodeHTML.png|jmpl|Pemrograman komputer]]
'''Teknik komputer''' (disebut juga '''teknik sistem komputer''',) atau '''rekayasa komputer''' ([[bahasa Inggris]]: '''''computer engineering''''') adalah suatu disiplin khusus yang mengkombinasikan [[teknik elektro]] dan [[ilmu komputer]]. Seorang [[teknisi komputer]] adalah teknisi elektro arus lemah yang lebih berfokus pada sistem [[sirkuit digital|rangkaian digital]], sistem komunikasi data pada [[frekuensi radio]], dan [[elektronika]] sebagai bagian dari komputer secara menyeluruh. Dari kacamata ilmu komputer, seorang teknisi komputer adalah seorang [[Arsitektur komputer|arsitek perangkat lunak]] yang memiliki fokus pada interaksi antara [[perangkat lunak]] dan [[program|tata olah]] serta komponen [[perangkat keras]] pendukungnya untuk membangun sebuah [[sistem komputer]].<ref>http://www.ryan-13.tk/2014/01/penjelasan-ilmu-komputer-teknik.html, diakses 03 Apr 2017 {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170304195100/http://www.ryan-13.tk/2014/01/penjelasan-ilmu-komputer-teknik.html |date=2017-03-04 }}</ref>
Secara akademis, teknik komputer menekankan pada jenis mata kuliah:
* [[rangkaian elektronik|Rangkaian elektronikaElektronik]] dan [[sistemelektronika digital|Sistem Digital]]
* [[mikroprosesorMikroprosesor]] dan bahasa pemrograman [[assemblerAssembler]]
* [[organisasiOrganisasi komputer]]Komputer atau [[arsitektur komputer|Arsitektur Komputer]]
* [[jaringanJaringan komputer|Jejaringan Komputer]] dan [[Internet]]
* [[komputerkomputasi paralel|Komputer Paralel]], dll
* [[Pengolahan Sinyal]]
* [[sistem terbenam|Sistem Tersemat]]
* [[keamanan informasi|Keamanan Informasi]]
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
* {{en}} [http://wwwdsa.uqac.ca/~lsr/emcos/emcos-index.php?page=Computer+Engineering+Conference+Calendar Computer Engineering Conference Calendar] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20051103090030/http://wwwdsa.uqac.ca/~lsr/emcos/emcos-index.php?page=Computer+Engineering+Conference+Calendar |date=2005-11-03 }}
* {{en}} [http://www.ieee.org/portal/site Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
* [http://edukasi.kompas.com/read/2013/05/28/12505679/Program.Studi.dengan.Persaingan.Paling.Ketat.di.SNMPTN.2013 Kompas.com Program Studi Terketat SNMPTN 2013]
* https://www.computer.org/cms/Computer.org/professional-education/curricula/ComputerEngineeringCurricula2016.pdf {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160103054117/http://www2.computer.org/cms/Computer.org/professional-education/curricula/ComputerEngineeringCurricula2016.pdf |date=2016-01-03 }}
= The Important of Advancement in Technology and the Effects for Humanity =
<strong> Advancement in technology</strong>
<nowiki> </nowiki>will change your entire life. It will make a big change for you, start
from how you will finish your entire task until how you will find a way
to just checking time. A kind of change in your life because of the
advancement in technology is you can talk to the other person in the far
<nowiki> </nowiki>away without need to wait or waste more time. Technology now allows us
to can call another person with colorful ways like chat, video call, or
email. It was very help all people to simplify their life. Because of
this technology, life becomes easier and simpler.
Is it always good to have an <em>advancement of technology</em>?
Is it giving us the negative effect? Everything that happens in your
life will give the negative and positive effect. Like technology, you
will find some effects, negative or positive. The positive effects of
technology are, you can save more energy and time while completed your
task by use technology, and then you can minimize human error because
technology could control it. The negative effects of advancement in
technology are people become lazy; people became always use technology
although they can do it alone by themselves. It’s not good enough
because human resources will be decrease in the increase of technology. [http://newesttechno.com/the-important-of-advancement-in-technology-and-the-effects-for-humanity.html See More Here]{{Technology}}
[[ar:هندسة برمجيات]]