Genre musik: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Halaman baru: '''Music genre''' adalah pengelompokan musik sesuai dengan kemiripannya satu sama lain. Musik juga dapat dikelompokan sesuai dengan kriteria lain, misalnya geografi. Sebuah genre d...
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{{Infobox Performing Arts
'''Music genre''' adalah pengelompokan [[musik]] sesuai dengan kemiripannya satu sama lain. Musik juga dapat dikelompokan sesuai dengan kriteria lain, misalnya geografi. Sebuah genre dapat didefinisikan oleh teknik musik, gaya, konteks, dan tema musik.
| name = [[Musik]]
| image = Music lesson Staatliche Antikensammlungen 2421.jpg
| caption = Lukisan sebuah vas Yunani kuno yang menggambarkan pelajaran musik ({{circa}} 510 SM)
| medium = [[suara]]
| types = genre-genre
| ancestor =
| descendant =
| culture = bervariasi
| era = [[Paleolitikum]]
{{Portal bar|Musik}}
'''Genre musik''' adalah pengelompokan [[musik]] sesuai dengan kemiripannya satu sama lain. Sebuah genre dapat didefinisikan oleh teknik musik, gaya, konteks, dan tema musik. Musik juga dapat dikelompokkan sesuai dengan kriteria lain, misalnya [[geografi]].
== Pengelompokan ==
=== Musik klasik ===
Musik klasik biasanya merujuk pada musik klasik [[Eropa]], tapi kadang juga pada musik klasik Persia, India, dan lain-lain. Musik klasik Eropa sendiri terdiri dari beberapa periode, misalnya barok, klasik, dan romantik.
Gospel adalah genre yang didominasi oleh vokal dan biasanya memiliki tema [[Kristen]]. Beberapa subgenrenya adalah contemporary gospel dan urban contemporary gospel.
Jazz adalah jenis musik yang tumbuh dari penggabungan [[blues]], [[ragtime]], dan musik Eropa, terutama musik band. Beberapa subgenre jazz adalah [[Dixieland]], [[swing]], [[bebop]], [[hard bop]], [[cool jazz]], [[free jazz]], [[jazz fusion]], [[smooth jazz]], dan <!--[[CafJazz]] (a fusion of funk, latin, and electronica instrumental music about coffee and tropical fruit drinks - and like smooth jazz, somewhat disputed - an example of [[CafJazz]] is the Seattle area band [[Vente Caffeinato]]).
== Pengelompokan secara aliran atau gaya ==
Jazz is primarily an [[instrumental]] form of music. The instrument most closely associated with jazz may be the [[saxophone]], followed closely by the [[trumpet]]. The [[trombone]], [[piano]], [[double bass]], [[guitar]] and [[drum kit|drums]] are also primary jazz instruments. The [[clarinet]] and [[banjo]] were often used, especially in the earlier styles of jazz. Although there have been many renowned jazz [[vocalist]]s, and many of the most well-known jazz tunes have lyrics, the majority of well-known and influential jazz musicians and composers have been instrumentalists. During the time of its widest popularity, roughly 1920 to 1950, jazz and [[popular music]] had a very intimate connection. Popular songs drew upon jazz influences, and many jazz hits were re workings of popular songs, or lyrics were written for jazz tunes in an attempt to create popular hits.
Secara umum, musik dikelompokkan menurut kegunaannya, yang dapat dikelompokkan dalam tiga ranah besar, yaitu Musik Seni, Musik Populer, dan Musik Tradisional.
=== Musik seni (art Music) ===
The single most distinguishing characteristic of jazz is [[improvisation]]. Jazz also tends to utilize complex [[chord (music)|chord]] structures and an advanced sense of [[harmony]]. These characteristics in combination with the use of improvisation require a high degree of technical skill and musical knowledge from the performers.
Musik Seni atau sering disebut juga Musik Serius dan musik-musik sejenis (musik [[Avant-garde|avant garde]], kontemporer) adalah sebuah istilah pengelompokan jenis musik yang mengacu pada teori bentuk musik Klasik Eropa atau jenis-jenis musik etnik lainnya yang di serap atau diambil sebagai dasar komposisinya. Berbeda dengan musik Populer atau musik masa, musik jenis ini biasanya tidak lekang dimakan waktu, sehingga bertahan berabad-abad lamanya. Tokoh-tokoh komponis Indonesia yang menciptakan jenis musik seperti ini antara lain: Amir Pasaribu, Tri Suci Kamal, Slamet Abdul Syukur, Rahayu Supanggah, Otto Sidharta, Tony Prabowo, Michael Asmara, I Wayan Sadre, Iwan Gunawan, Dody Satya E. Gustdiman dsb.
==== Musik klasik ====
The art form today is a widely varied one, using influences from all of the past styles, although the root of modern jazz is primarily [[bebop]]. Modern jazz can also incorporate elements of [[rock and roll]], [[electronica]], and [[hip hop music|hip-hop]].
[[Musik klasik]] biasanya merujuk pada musik klasik [[Eropa]], tapi kadang juga pada musik klasik Persia, India, dan lain-lain. Musik klasik Eropa sendiri terdiri dari beberapa periode, misalnya [[Musik Barok|barok]], [[Zaman Klasik (Musik)|klasik]], dan [[Zaman Romantik (Musik)|romantik]].
Musik klasik merupakan istilah luas, biasanya mengacu pada musik yang berakar dari tradisi kesenian Barat, musik kristiani, dan musik [[orkestra]], mencakup periode dari sekitar abad ke-9 hingga abad ke-21.[1]
Jazz was a direct influence on [[Rhythm and blues]], and therefore a secondary influence on most later genres of popular music. Modern American [[art music]] composers have often used elements of jazz in their compositions.
Musik klasik Eropa dibedakan berdasarkan dari bentuk musiknya, non-Eropa dan musik populer terutama oleh sistem notasi musiknya, yang sudah digunakan sejak abad ke-16.[2] Notasi musik barat digunakan oleh komponis untuk memberi petunjuk kepada pembawa musik mengenai tinggi nada, kecepatan, metrum, ritme individual, dan pembawaan tepat suatu karya musik. Hal ini membatasi adanya praktik-praktik seperti improvisasi dan ornamentasi ad libitum yang sering didengar pada musik non-Eropa (bandingkan dengan musik klasik India dan musik tradisional Jepang) maupun musik populer.
=== Latin American ===
Dahulu musik klasik di Eropa terutama digunakan untuk keperluan lagu di Gereja ataupun lagu untuk pengiringan Raja. Sejalan dengan perkembangan, mulai juga bermunculan musik klasik yang digunakan untuk keperluan lain, seperti misalnya musik klasik yang menggambarkan visual secara audio, contohnya lagu ''Cat and Mouse'' yang menggambarkan kucing mengejar tikus.
{{main|Latin American music}}
Latin American Music, [[music]] of [[Mexico]], [[Central America]], [[South America]], and the [[Caribbean]] (see [[West Indies]]). The region of [[Latin America]] contains a rich variety of [[cultural]] and [[Music|musical]] [[Cultural heritage|heritage]]s, including those of [[lowland]] [[Indigenous peoples of the Americas|Native Americans]] in the [[Amazon River]] area and parts of [[Central America]]; those of [[Highland (geography)|highland]] Native Americans in [[Mexico]], [[Guatemala]], and the [[Andes]]; those of [[African Americans]], especially in the [[Caribbean]], [[Ecuador]], [[Suriname]], [[Guyana]], [[French Guiana]], coastal [[Venezuela]], [[Colombia]], and northeastern [[Brazil]]; and those of people of [[Spanish people|Spanish]] and [[Portuguese people|Portuguese]] descent.
=== BluesMusik populer ===
Musik populer merupakan jenis-jenis musik yang saat ini digemari oleh masyarakat awam. Musik jenis ini merupakan musik yang sesuai dengan keadaan zaman saat ini, sehingga sesuai di telinga kebanyakan orang. Genre musik ini dapat ditemui di hampir seluruh belahan dunia oleh karena sifat musiknya yang hampir bisa diterima semua orang.
==== Jazz ====
Jazz adalah jenis musik yang tumbuh dari penggabungan [[blues]], [[ragtime]], dan musik Eropa, terutama musik band. Beberapa subgenre jazz adalah [[Dixieland]], [[swing]], [[bebop]], [[hard bop]], [[cool jazz]], [[free jazz]], [[jazz fusion]], [[smooth jazz]], dan [[CafJazz]].
The blues is a vocal and instrumental music form which emerged in the [[African-American]] community of the [[United States]]. Blues evolved from [[West African]] [[spiritual (music)|spirituals]], [[work song]]s, field hollers, shouts and [[chant]]s and has its earliest stylistic roots in [[West Africa]]. This musical form has been a major influence on later American and Western [[popular music]], finding expression in [[ragtime]], [[jazz]], [[big band]]s, [[rhythm and blues]], [[rock and roll]] and [[country music]], as well as conventional [[pop song]]s and even modern [[European classical music|classical music]].{{fact}} Due to its powerful influence that spawned other major musical genres originating from America, blues can be regarded as the root of pop as well as American music.
==== Rhythm and bluesGospel ====
Gospel adalah genre yang didominasi oleh vokal dan biasanya memiliki tema [[Kristen]]. Beberapa subgenrenya adalah contemporary gospel dan urban contemporary gospel. Sebenarnya lagu jenis Gospel ini memiliki nuansa mirip dengan Rock n Roll (oleh karena Rock n Roll sendiri sebenarnya merupakan [[fusion]] atau gabungan dari Rock, Jazz, dan Gospel), dahulu awalnya diperkenalkan oleh orang-orang Kristen kulit hitam di Amerika. Beberapa contoh saat ini yang masih benar-benar menggunakan aliran musik gospel adalah [[Israel Houghton]]. Namun saat ini pengertian musik gospel telah meluas menjadi genre musik rohani secara keseluruhan. Di Indonesia, musik gospel beraliran pop dan rock banyak dipopulerkan oleh musisi seperti [[Franky Sihombing]], [[Giving My Best]], [[Natashia Nikita|Nikita]], [[True Worshippers]] dan banyak lagi.
==== Blues ====
{{main|Rhythm and blues}}
Blues berasal dari masyarakat [[Afro-Amerika]] yang berkembang dari musik [[Afrika barat]]. Jenis ini kemudian memengaruhi banyak genre musik pop saat ini, termasuk [[ragtime]], [[jazz]], [[big band]], [[rhythm and blues]], [[rock and roll]], [[country]], dan musik pop.
Rhythm and blues is a name for [[African-American|black]] popular music tradition. When speaking strictly of "rhythm 'n' blues", the term may refer to black pop-music from 1940s to 1960s that was not [[jazz]] nor [[blues]] but something more lightweight. The term "R&B" often refers to any contemporary black pop music. Early-1950s R&B music became popular with both black and white audiences, and popular records were often covered by white artists, leading to the development of [[rock and roll]]. In fact rock 'n' roll was an interchangeable term with rhythm and blues in the 1950s, and term used usually depended on racial background.
==== Rhythm and blues ====
A notable subgenre of rhythm 'n' blues was [[doo-wop]], which put emphasis on polyphonic singing. In the early 1960s rhythm 'n' blues took influences from [[gospel music|gospel]] and [[rock and roll]] and thus [[soul music]] was born. In the late 1960s, [[funk]] music started to evolve out of soul; by the 1970s funk had become its own subgenre that stressed complex, "funky" rhythm patterns and monotonic compositions based on a riff or two. In the early to mid 1970s, [[hip hop music]] (also known as "rap") grew out of funk and reggae (see below). Funk and soul music evolved into contemporary [[R&B]] (no longer an [[initial-ism]]) in the 1980s, which cross-pollinated with hip-hop for the rest of the 20th century and into the 21st century.
Rhythm and blues adalah nama musik tradisional masyarakat Afro-Amerika, yaitu musik pop kulit hitam dari tahun 1940-an sampai 1960-an yang bukan [[jazz]] atau [[blues]].
==== Funk ====
Funk adalah sebuah aliran musik yang mengandung unsur musik tarian Afrika-Amerika. Umumnya musik funk dapat dikenali lewat ritme yang sering terpotong singkat, bunyi gitar ritme yang tajam, perkusi yang dominan, pengaruh jazz yang kuat, irama-irama yang dipengaruhi musik Afrika, serta kesan gembira yang didapati saat mendengarnya. Akar funk dapat ditelusuri hingga jenis rhythm and blues dari daerah Louisiana pada tahun 1960-an. Aliran musik ini terkait dekat dengan musik soul serta jenis musik turunan lainnya seperti P-Funk dan Funk Rock.
==== Rock ====
Rock, dalam pengertian yang paling luas, meliputi hampir semua musik pop sejak awal 1950-an. Bentuk yang paling awal, [[rock and roll]], adalah perpaduan dari berbagai genre di akhir 1940-an, dengan musisi-musisi seperti [[Chuck Berry]], [[Bill Haley]], [[Buddy Holly]], dan [[Elvis Presley]]. Hal ini kemudian didengar oleh orang di seluruh dunia, dan pada pertengahan 1960-an beberapa grup musik Inggris, misalnya [[The Beatles]], mulai meniru dan menjadi populer.
Funk is a distinct style of music originated by African Americans, e.g., James Brown and his band members (especially Maceo and Melvin Parker), and groups like Parliament-Funkadelic, Sly and the Family Stone, or The Meters.
Musik rock kemudian berkembang menjadi [[psychedelic rock]], kemudian menjadi [[progressive rock]]. Beberapa band Inggris seperti [[The Yardbirds]] dan [[The Who]] kemudian berkembang menjadi [[hard rock]], dan kemudian menjadi [[heavy metal]]. Akhir 1970-an musik [[punk rock]] mulai berkembang, dengan kelompok-kelompok seperti [[The Clash]], [[The Ramones]], dan [[Sex Pistols]]. Pada tahun 1980-an, rock berkembang terus, terutama metal berkembang menjadi [[hardcore]], [[thrash metal]], [[glam metal]], [[death metal]], [[black metal]] dan [[grindcore]]. Ada pula [[british rock]] serta [[Musik underground|underground]].
Funk best can be recognized by its syncopated rhythms; thick bass line; razor-sharp rhythm guitars; chanted or hollered vocals (as that of Marva Whitney or the Bar-Kays); strong, rhythm-oriented horn sections; prominent percussion; an upbeat attitude; African tones; dance ability; and/or strong jazz influences (e.g., as in the music of Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock, George Duke, Eddie Harris and others).
====Funktronica Metal, hardcore ====
Metal merupakan aliran musik yang lebih keras dibandingkan dengan Rock walau terdapat juga band metal yang memiliki lagu dengan nyanyian yang terkesan slow. Genre Metal yang dikategorikan keras di mana lagunya memiliki vocal ala [[scream]], [[growl]] dan yang terbaru adalah [[pigsqueal]] di mana vokal ini lebih banyak digunakan di aliran [[hardcore]], [[post-Hardcore]], [[screamo]], [[metalcore]], [[deathcore]], [[death metal]], [[black metal]], [[electronic hardcore]] dan lainnya.
Di Indonesia sendiri aliran band ala vokal scream ini telah banyak ditemukan tetapi masih belum bisa diterima secara terbuka oleh masyarakat umum. Contoh band: [[Indonesia]] yaitu [[The Civil Wears Monza]],[[DESIDER]], [[Secret Of Murder]], [[Deadsquad]], [[Burgerkill]] dll. Luar yaitu [[Asking Alexandria]], [[Miss May I]], [[The Crimson Armada]], [[Chelsea Grin]], [[We Butter The Bread With Butter]], [[Suicide Silence]], [[Bring Me the Horizon]], [[Avenged Sevenfold]], dan masih banyak lagi
==== Electronic ====
Electronic dimulai lama sebelum ditemukannya [[synthesizer]], dengan tape loops dan alat musik elektronik analog pada tahun 1950-an dan 1960-an. Para pelopornya adalah [[John Cage]], [[Pierre Schaeffer]], dan [[Karlheinz Stockhausen]].
Funktronica (sometimes '''Nu Funk''') was coined in the early [[2000s]] to refer to styles which combine [[funk]] beats and sometimes jazz instrumentation with [[electronic music]]. Like the terms [[electronica]] and [[funk]], funktronica is a loosely defined umbrella [[musical genre|musical style]]. It ranges from combining live instrumentation (syncopated rhythms; thick bass line; razor-sharp rhythm guitars) with new technology and high-end production techniques to more band-based improvised funk with electronic elements (such as that of [[BLUSIRKUT]]). It is a term sometimes ascribed to '''Organic Techno''' such as [[Zilla]] and [[The Disco Biscuts]].
==== RockSka, Reggae, Dub ====
Dari perpaduan musik R&B dan musik tradisional [[mento]] dari [[Jamaika]] muncul [[ska]], dan kemudian berkembang menjadi [[reggae]] dan [[dub]].
==== Hip hop / Rap / Rapcore ====
{{main|Rock music}}
Musik hip hop dapat dianggap sebagai subgenre R&B. Dimulai di awal 1970-an dan 1980-an, musik ini mulanya berkembang di pantai timur AS, disebut [[East Coast hip hop]]. Pada sekitar tahun 1992, musik hip hop dari pantai barat juga mulai terkenal dengan nama [[West Coast hip hop]]. Jenis musik ini juga dicampur dengan ''heavy metal'' menghasilkan [[rapcore]].
Rock, in its broadest sense, can refer to almost all [[popular music]] recorded since the early [[1950s]]. Its main features include an emphasis on rhythm, and the use of amplified instruments like the [[Electric guitar|guitar]].
==== [[Pop]] ====
Its earliest form, [[rock and roll]], arose from multiple genres in the late 1940s, most importantly [[jump blues]]. It was first popularized by performers like [[Chuck Berry]], [[Bill Haley]], [[Buddy Holly]], and [[Elvis Presley]], who fused the sound with [[country music]], resulting in [[rockabilly]]. Rock soon became one of the most popular genres, with [[girl group]]s, [[garage rock]] and [[surf rock]] most popular in the US.
Musik pop adalah genre penting namun batas-batasnya sering kabur, karena banyak musisi pop dimasukkan juga ke kategori rock, hip hop, country, dan masih banyak lagi.
=== Musik tradisional ===
Starting the mid-1960s, a group of British bands inspired on American blues and R&B became popular on both sides of the Atlantic -- the [[British Invasion]], a catchall term for multiple genres (including [[British blues]], [[Mersey sound|Mersey beat]], and [[Mod (lifestyle)|mod]]). These groups, including [[The Beatles]], fused the earlier sounds with [[Appalachian folk music]], forming [[folk rock]], as well as a variety of less-popular genres, including the [[singer-songwriter]] tradition.
[[Musik tradisional]] adalah musik yang hidup di masyarakat secara turun temurun, dipertahankan bukan sebagai sarana hiburan saja, melainkan ada juga dipakai untuk pengobatan dan ada yang menjadi suatu sarana komunikasi antara manusia dengan penciptanya, hal ini adalah menurut kepercayaan masing-masing orang saja. Musik tradisional merupakan perbendaharaan seni lokal di masyarakat. Musik tradisional yang ada di Indonesia, di antaranya adalah [[gamelan]],[[angklung]] dan [[sasando]]. selain dari musik tradisional yang berasal dari kebudayaan lokal, juga terdapat musik tradisional yang berasal dari pengaruh kebudayaan luar di antaranya [[gambang kromong]], [[marawis]] dan [[keroncong]].
==== Latin ====
The British Invasion evolved into [[psychedelic rock]], which in turn gave birth to [[jam band]]s and the [[european classical music|classically]]-influenced [[progressive rock]]. Perhaps the most significant psychedelic rock band is the British [[Pink Floyd]]. Some British blues and mod bands like [[The Yardbirds]] and [[The Who]] evolved into [[hard rock]]. In the early [[1970s]] appeared a more glamorous version of hard rock called [[glam rock]], and a darker sound known as [[Heavy metal music|heavy metal]]. In the early to mid-1970s, singer-songwriters and pop musicians led the charts, as well as [[southern rock]] and [[roots rock]] performers, which fused modern techniques with a more traditionalist sound. The late 1970s saw the rise of [[punk rock]] (with bands like [[The Clash]], [[The Ramones]], and the [[Sex Pistols]]), notable for its rebellious attitude and [[DIY ethic|"Do-it-yourself"]] philosophy.
Genre musik tradisional latin ini biasanya merujuk pada musik Amerika latin termasuk musik dari [[Meksiko]], [[Amerika Tengah]], [[Amerika Selatan]], dan [[Karibia]]. Musik latin ini memiliki subgenre Samba.
==== Country ====
In the 1980s, rock continued to evolve, with metal becoming popular and punk mutating into other forms. Punk yielded [[New Wave music|New Wave]], [[post-punk]], [[hardcore punk]], and [[alternative rock]], while metal developed into various subdivisions, including [[thrash metal]], [[glam metal]], [[death metal]], and [[black metal]]. Alternative rock became more popular in the 1990s, with subgenres like [[Britpop]], [[gothic rock]], [[Grunge music|grunge]], and [[shoegazing]] being some of the best-known.
Musik tradisional country dipengaruhi oleh blues, dan berkembang dari budaya Amerika kulit putih, terutama di kota Nashville. Beberapa artis country awal adalah [[Merle Haggard]] dan [[Buck Owens]].
===Pop= Dangdut ====
Dangdut merupakan musik yang berasal dari Indonesia. Dangdut memiliki nuansa India dan melayu. Pada awalanya, musik ini hanya dianggap musik kelas bawah. Namun seiring waktu, musik ini sudah dinikmati semua kalangan. Dan artis yang terkenal dari genre ini adalah Rhoma Irama
[[Kategori:Genre musik| ]]
''Main Article: [[Pop music]]
Pop music is an important genre of popular music distinguished from classical or art music and from folk music.<ref>van der Merwe, Peter (1989). ''Origins of the Popular Style: The Antecedents of Twentieth-Century Popular Music''. Oxford: Clarendon Press. ISBN 0-19-316121-4</ref> The term indicates specific stylistic traits but the genre also includes artists working in many styles (rock, hip hop, rhythm and blues (R&B), and country), and it is reasonable to say that "pop music" is a flexible category. It may also be referred to as soft rock or pop/rock.
=== Country music ===
{{main|Country music}}
Country music is usually used to refer to [[honky tonk]] today. Emerging in the [[1930s]] in the [[United States]], honky tonk country was strongly influenced by the [[blues]], as well as [[jug band]]s (which cannot be properly called honky tonk). In the [[1950s]], country achieved great mainstream success by adding elements of [[rock and roll]]; this was called [[rockabilly]]. In addition, from [[swing (genre)|Swing]] and [[Bluegrass music|bluegrass]] emerged as a largely underground phenomenon. Later in the decade, the [[Nashville sound]], a highly polished form of country music, became very popular. In reaction to this, harder-edged, gritty musicians sprung up in [[Bakersfield, California]], inventing the [[Bakersfield sound]]. [[Merle Haggard]], [[Buck Owens]] along with similar artists brought the Bakersfield sound to mainstream audiences in the [[1960s]], while Nashville started churning out [[countrypolitan]]. During the [[1970s]], the most popular genre was [[outlaw country]], a heavily rock-influenced style. The late [[1980s]] saw the [[Urban Cowboy]]s bring about an influx of pop-oriented stars during the [[1990s]]. Modern bluegrass music has remained mostly traditional, though [[progressive bluegrass]] and [[close harmony]] groups do exist, and the sound is the primary basis for [[jam band]]s like the [[Grateful Dead]].
===Electronic music===
{{main|Electronic music}}
Electronic music started long before the invention of the [[synthesizer]], with the use of tape loops and analogue electronics in the 1950s and 1960s. All electronic music owes its historical existence to early pioneers of tape experiments known as [[musique concrète]], such as [[John Cage]], [[Pierre Schaeffer]] and [[Karlheinz Stockhausen]], as well as early synthesists like [[Wendy Carlos]], [[Jean-Michel Jarre]], and [[Morton Subotnick]]. (See [[electronic art music]]).
Well known examples include the theme music to the TV series [[Doctor Who]], recorded in [[1963]] by [[Delia Derbyshire]], and the catch-all "[[electronica]]," which can sometimes include all of the above electronic sub-genres, but usually refers to electronic music without lyrics.
One of the first people to popularize the synthesizer was [[Wendy Carlos]] who performed classical music on the synthesizer on the recording ''[[Switched-On Bach]]''. Space music was popularized by the group [[Tangerine Dream]], among others, as a precursor to new age music. New age music served to support and perpetuate the values of the [[new age]] movement.
Though there is some overlap between the various sub-genres of electronic music, [[Brian Eno]], the creator of ambient music, claimed that ambient had a bit of "evil" in it, whereas new age music did not. Eno's creation was less values-driven than new age; his goal was to create music like wallpaper, insofar as the listener could listen to or easily ignore the music.
====Electro / Electro Funk====
[[Electro (music)|Electro]] (also known as Electro-Funk or Electro Funk) is an electronic style of [[hip-hop culture]] movement that is directly influenced by [[Kraftwerk]], [[Jazz-Funk]] and [[Funk]] records (unlike earlier rap records that were closer to disco). Records in the genre are unabashed about their use of electronic and artificial sounds, taking this technological fetish almost into [[science fiction]] with many records about [[space travel]] and [[futuristic]] [[dystopias]]. Timing range is 100 to over 130 [[beats per minute]]([[BPM]]). Electro is a derivative of the '[ [[Roland TR-808]] Rhythm Composer, [[Roland TR-909]] Rhythm Composer, Roland SVC-350 [[Vocoder]], Roland VP-330 [[Vocoder]] Plus, Roland VP-330 [[Vocoder]] ]' [[Drum machines]] & Vocoder's Speech [[Synthesizer]]. Electro's sound is distinctively synthetic, instrumental, electronic and experimental. Additionally, the 808 [[drum machines]] pounding beats and pure sounds were heavily used in [[hip hop music|Rap]], [[Disco]] and [[Funk]] music. It was very popular in [[New York City]] during the late 1970s and early 1980s. With also the revival in the late 1990s
==== Electronic dance music ====
{{main|Electronic dance}}
Electronic dance music as we know it today really emerged in [[1977]] with [[Giorgio Moroder]]'s ''From Here to Eternity'' album.
There are now many subgenres of electronic dance music, these include: [[techno music|techno]] (mechanical sounding dance music featuring little melody and more noise), [[Trance music|trance]] (with a distinct style of instrumentation focused on complex, uplifting chord progressions and melodies), [[Goa trance]] (spawning from [[industrial music]] and tribal dance, focusing on creating psychedelic sound effects within the songs), [[house music]] (fully electronic [[disco]] music), [[big beat]] (using older drum loops and more melodic elements sampled and looped), the formerly called [[Jungle (music)|jungle]], now [[drum and bass]] (an offshoot of hardcore and Jamaican [[dancehall]], that was named utilizing quick tempos with sampled break beats, most notably the [[amen break]] and the [[funky drummer]]), [[Gabber]] (a Dutch development on techno, which features extremely high tempos and lots of overdrive and distortion on the music, especially the bass drum being distorted into a square wave tone), [[happy hardcore]] (a less confronting take on Gabber, fusing elements of drum and bass as well and often including sped up vocals from 70s pop music), [[synthpop]] (features strong pop songwriting/melodies with roots in 1980s dance music), and [[electro (music)|electro]]. Of these subgenres, trance and house are probably the most widespread.
Electronic dance music is often composed to fit easily into a live [[disc jockey|DJ]] set.
==== Electronica ====
''Electronica'' is a loosely defined genre that does not fall into the new age, techno or dance categories; it is often referred to as "left-field". Styles of electronica include [[downtempo]], [[illbient]] and [[trip-hop]] (among countless others, see [[list of electronic music genres]]), which are all related in that they usually rely more on their atmospheric qualities than electronic dance music, and make use of slower, more subtle tempos, sometimes excluding rhythm completely.
IDM (an abbreviation for [[intelligent dance music]]) is an elusive and confusing genre classification that can only be truly defined by flagbearers and flagburners like [[Aphex Twin]] and [[Autechre]].
=== Melodic music ===
{{main|Melodic music}}
Melodic music is a term that covers various genres of non-classical music which are primarily characterised by the dominance of a single strong [[melody]] line. [[Rhythm]], [[tempo]] and [[beat (music)|beat]] are subordinate to the melody line or [[tune]], which is generally easily memorable, and followed without great difficulty. Melodic music is found in all parts of the world, overlapping many genres, and may be performed by a singer or [[orchestra]], or a combination of the two.
In the west, melodic music has developed largely from [[folk song]] sources, and been heavily influenced by classical music in its development and [[orchestration]]. In many areas the border line between classical and melodic popular music is imprecise. [[Opera]] is generally considered to be a classical form. The lighter [[operetta]] is considered borderline, whilst stage and film [[musicals]] and [[musical comedy]] are firmly placed in the popular melodic category. The reasons for much of this are largely historical.
Other major categories of melodic music include [[music hall]] and [[vaudeville]], which, along with the [[ballad]], grew out of European folk music. [[Orchestral dance music]] developed from localised forms such as the [[jig]], [[polka]] and [[waltz]], but with the admixture of Latin American, negro [[blues]] and [[ragtime]] influences, it diversified into countless sub-genres such as [[big band]], [[cabaret]] and [[Swing (genre)|Swing]].
More specialised forms of melodic music include [[Military band|military music]], [[religious music]]. Also movie soundtrack music is melodic.
[[Traditional pop music]] overlaps a number of these categories: [[big band]] music and [[musical comedy]], for example, are closely allied to traditional pop.
=== Ska, Reggae, Dub, and related forms ===
In [[Music of Jamaica|Jamaica]] during the [[1950s]], American [[R&B]] was most popular, though [[mento]] (a form of [[folk music]]) was more common in rural areas. A fusion of the two styles, along with [[Soca music|soca]] and other genres, formed [[ska]], an extremely popular form of music intended for dancing. In the [[1960s]], [[reggae]] and [[dub (music)|dub]] emerged from [[ska]] and American [[rock and roll]].
Starting the late [[1960s]], a rock-influenced form of music began developing -- this was called [[rocksteady]]. With some [[folk music|folk]] influences (both Jamaican and American), and the growing urban popularity of the [[Rastafari movement]], rocksteady evolved into what is now known as [[roots reggae]].
In the [[1970s]], a style called [[Lovers rock]] became popular primarily in the [[United Kingdom]] by British performers of ballad-oriented reggae music. The 1970s also saw the emergence of [[Two Tone]] in [[Coventry]], [[England]], with bands fusing ska and [[punk music|punk]], as well as covering original [[ska]] tracks. Punk band [[The Clash]] also used Dub and reggae elements.
Dub emerged in Jamaica when [[sound system]] DJs began taking away the vocals from songs so that people could dance to the beat alone. Soon, pioneers like [[King Tubby]] and [[Lee Scratch Perry]] began adding new vocals over the old beats; the lyrics were rhythmic and rhyme-heavy. After the popularity of reggae died down in the early [[1980s]], derivatives of dub dominated the Jamaican charts. These included [[ragga]] and [[dancehall]], both of which remained popular in Jamaica alone until the mainstream breakthrough of American [[gangsta rap]] (which evolved out of dub musicians like [[DJ Kool Herc]] moving to American cities). Ragga especially now has many devoted followers throughout the world.
[[Reggaeton]] is a fusion of reggae and [[hip hop music|rap]], popular in [[Latin America]], but gradually appearing in the [[mainstream]] charts.
=== Hip hop / Rap / Rapcore ===
{{main|Hip hop music}}
Hip hop music can be seen as a subgenre of R&B tradition (see above). [[Hip hop culture]], the movement from which the music came, began in inner cities in the US in the [[1970s]]. The earliest recordings, from the late-[[1970s]] and early [[1980s]], are now referred to as [[old school hip hop]]. In the later part of the decade, regional styles developed. [[East Coast hip hop]], based out of [[New York City]], was by far the most popular as hip hop began to break into the mainstream. [[West Coast hip hop]], based out of [[Los Angeles, California|Los Angeles]], was by far less popular until [[1992 in music|1992]], when [[Dr. Dre]]'s ''[[The Chronic]]'' revolutionized the West Coast sound, using slow, stoned, lazy beats in what came to be called [[G Funk]]. Soon after, a host of other regional styles became popular, most notably [[Southern rap]], based out of [[Atlanta]] and [[New Orleans]], primarily. Atlanta-based performers like [[OutKast]] and [[Goodie Mob]] and [[Ludacris]] soon developed their own distinct sound, which came to be known as [[Dirty South]].
As hip hop became more popular in the mid-[[1990s]], [[alternative hip hop]] gained in popularity among critics and long-time fans of the music.
[[De La Soul]]'s ''[[3 Feet High and Rising]]'' ([[1989 in music|1989]]) was perhaps the first "[[alternative hip hop]]" blockbuster, and helped develop a specific style called [[jazz rap]], characterized by the use of live instrumentation and/or [[jazz]] samples. Other less popular forms of hip hop include various non-American varieties; [[Japanese hip hop|Japan]], [[British hip hop|Britain]], [[Mexican hip hop|Mexico]], [[Swedish hip hop|Sweden]], [[Finnish hip hop|Finland]], [[French hip hop|France]], [[German hip hop|Germany]], [[Italian hip hop|Italy]] and [[Turkish hip hop|Turkey]] have vibrant hip hop communities. In [[Puerto Rico]], a style called [[reggaeton]] is popular. [[Electro hip hop]] was invented in the 1980s, but is distinctly different from most old school hip hop (as is [[go go]], another old style). Some other genres have been created by fusing hip hop with [[techno music|techno]] ([[trip hop]]) and [[heavy metal music|heavy metal]] ([[rapcore]]). In the late 1980s, [[Miami]]'s hip hop scene was characterized by bass-heavy grooves designed for dancing -- [[Miami bass music]]. [[Horrorcore]], or Acid Rap is mainly credited to [[Detroit]] and the Midwest. There are also rappers with Christian themes in the lyrics -- this is [[Christian hip hop]].
Perhaps the most recent development in hip hop is the [[Backpacker (music)|Backpacker]] sub-genre. Characterized by a renewed focus on poetry and [[Hip hop culture]], it includes artists such as [[Sage Francis]], [[Atmosphere (band)|Atmosphere]], and [[Eyedea and Abilities]].
===Contemporary African music===
:''For more on South African genres, see: [[Zulu music]], [[Xhosa music]], [[Kwaito]], [[Kwela]]''
Since the 1960s, most African popular music incorporates traditional local vocal, instrumental, and percussive styles, but also draws heavily on rock, reggae, and/or hip hop. For example [[raï]], which originated in [[Algeria]] and spread throughout North Africa and to the North African diaspora, especially in France, began with [[topical song]]s based in the local traditional music, but, starting around 1980, began to incorporate elements of hip hop.
Other notable contemporary African genres include [[Zulu jive]] ([[South Africa]]), [[Highlife]] ([[Ghana]], [[Nigeria]]), [[Zouk]] ([[Cape Verde]]), [[Soukous]] ([[Zaire]], [[Congo]]) and in Nigeria [[jùjú music]] (now nearly a century old, and constantly evolving) and [[Afrobeat]]. Many African countries have also developed their own versions of reggae and hip hop.
One of the problems with the grouping of music into genres is that it is a subjective process that has a lot to do with the individual's personal understanding and way of listening to music. This is especially true in sub-genres. One example is [[Led Zeppelin]], which could be called heavy metal, hard rock, classic rock, or blues, depending on one's interpretation. Another difficulty with grouping artists into genres is that, for many, their style of music changes over time.
Some genre labels are quite vague, and may be contrived by [[critic]]s; [[post-rock]], for example, is a term devised and defined by [[Simon Reynolds]]. Another example of this is [[video game music]], which while defined by its media, can also represent its own style, as well as that of any other musical genre.
Categorizing music, especially into finer genres or sub genres, can be difficult for newly emerging styles or for pieces of music that incorporate features of multiple genres. Attempts to pigeonhole particular [[musician]]s in a single genre are sometimes ill-founded as they may produce music in a variety of genres over time or even within a single piece. Some people feel that the categorization of music into genres is based more on commercial and [[marketing]] motives than musical criteria. [[John Zorn]], for example, a musician whose work has covered a wide range of genres, wrote in ''Arcana: Musicians on Music'' that genres are tools used to "commodify and commercialize an artist's complex personal vision".
Categorizing music by genre does make it easier to trace threads through [[music history]], and makes it easier for individuals to find artists that they enjoy. Moreover, the use of genre labels may actually drive the development of new music (especially in a commercial context) insofar as it helps cultivate the interest and participation of a target audience in the early and middle stages of a musical trend.
[[ar:نوع موسيقي]]
[[cs:Hudební žánr]]
[[en:Musik genre]]
[[fa:سبک موسیقی]]
[[fr:Genre musical]]
[[hr:Glazbeni žanrovi]]
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[[he:ז'אנר מוסיקאלי]]
[[nl:Lijst van muziekstijlen]]
[[pl:Gatunek muzyczny]]
[[ro:Gen muzical]]
[[ru:Музыкальные стили и жанры]]