Lamiaceae: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(23 revisi perantara oleh 6 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{infobox spesies}}
| subdivision =
lihat teks.
'''Suku lavender-lavenderan''' atau '''Lamiaceae''' adalah salah satu [[familiaFamili (biologi)|sukufamili]] anggota [[tumbuhan berbunga]]. Menurut [[Sistem klasifikasi APG II]] suku ini termasuk dalam [[Ordo (biologi)|bangsaordo]] [[Lamiales]]. Lamiaceae adalah nama yang sekarang digunakan untuk menggantikan '''Labiatae'''.
== Daftar Genus ==
Berikut ini adalah daftar genus tanaman dalam famili Lamiaceae<ref name="kewlamiaceaelist">List of Genera in Lamiaceae. At: Vascular Plant Families and Genera. At: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. At: Electronic Plant Information Center. At: Website of ''Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew''. (see ''External Links'' below).</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=APG list of Lamiaceae genera |access-date=2022-02-21 |archive-date=2022-01-31 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>:
* ''[[Acanthomintha]]''
* ''[[Achyrospermum]]''
* ''[[Acinos]]''
* ''[[Acrocephalus (genus tumbuhan)|Acrocephalus]]''
* ''[[Acrotome]]''
* ''[[Acrymia]]''
* ''[[Adelosa]]''
* ''[[Aegiphila]]''
* ''[[Aeollanthus]]''
* ''[[Agastache]]''
* ''[[Ajuga]]''
* ''[[Ajugoides]]''
* ''[[Alajja]]''
* ''[[Alvesia]]''
* ''[[Amasonia]]''
* ''[[Amethystea]]''
* ''[[Anisochilus]]''
* ''[[Anisomeles]]''
* ''[[Asterohyptis]]''
* ''[[Ballota]]''
* ''Basilicum -'' '''Sangket'''
* ''[[Becium]]''
* ''[[Benguellia]]''
* ''[[Blephilia]]''
* ''[[Bostrychanthera]]''
* ''[[Bovonia]]''
* ''[[Brachysola]]''
* ''[[Brazoria]]''
* ''[[Bystropogon]]''
* ''[[Calamintha]]''
* ''[[Callicarpa]]''
* ''[[Capitanopsis]]''
* ''[[Capitanya]]''
* ''[[Caryopteris]]''
* ''[[Catoferia]]''
* ''[[Cedronella]]''
* ''[[Ceratanthus]]''
* ''[[Chaiturus]]''
* ''[[Chamaesphacos]]''
* ''[[Chaunostoma]]''
* ''[[Chelonopsis]]''
* ''[[Chloanthes]]''
* ''[[Cleonia]]''
* ''[[Clerodendrum]]''
* ''[[Clinopodium]]''
* ''[[Colebrookea]]''
* ''[[Coleus]]'' - '''[[Torbangun]]'''
* ''[[Collinsonia]]''
* ''[[Colquhounia]]''
* ''[[Comanthosphace]]''
* ''[[Congea]]''
* ''[[Conradina]]''
* ''[[Coridothymus]]''
* ''[[Cornutia]]''
* ''[[Craniotome]]''
* ''[[Cryphia]]''
* ''[[Cuminia]]''
* ''[[Cunila]]''
* ''[[Cyanostegia]]''
* ''[[Cyclotrichium]]''
* ''[[Cymaria]]''
* ''[[Dauphinea]]''
* ''[[Dicerandra]]''
* ''[[Dicrastylis]]''
* ''[[Discretitheca]]''
* ''[[Dorystoechas]]''
* ''[[Dracocephalum]]''
* ''[[Drepanocaryum]]''
* ''[[Elsholtzia]]''
* ''[[Endostemon]]''
* ''[[Englerastrum]]''
* ''[[Eplingiella]]''
* ''[[Eremostachys]]''
* ''[[Eriope]]''
* ''[[Eriophyton]]''
* ''[[Eriopidion]]''
* ''[[Eriothymus]]''
* ''[[Erythrochlamys]]''
* ''[[Euhesperida]]''
* ''[[Eurysolen]]''
* ''[[Faradaya]]''
* ''[[Fuerstia]]''
* ''[[Galeopsis]]''
* ''[[Garrettia]]''
* ''[[Geniosporum]]''
* ''[[Glechoma]]''
* ''[[Glechon]]''
* ''[[Glossocarya]]''
* ''[[Gmelina]]''
* ''[[Gomphostemma]]''
* ''[[Gontscharovia]]''
* ''[[Hanceola]]''
* ''[[Haplostachys]]''
* ''[[Haumaniastrum]]''
* ''[[Hedeoma]]''
* ''[[Hemiandra]]''
* ''[[Hemigenia]]''
* ''[[Hemiphora]]''
* ''[[Hemizygia]]''
* ''[[Hesperozygis]]''
* ''[[Heterolamium]]''
* ''[[Hoehnea]]''
* ''[[Holmskioldia]]''
* ''[[Holocheila]]''
* ''[[Holostylon]]''
* ''[[Horminum]]''
* ''[[Hosea (genus)|Hosea]]''
* ''[[Hoslundia]]''
* ''[[Huxleya]]''
* ''[[Hymenocrater]]''
* ''[[Hymenopyramis]]''
* ''[[Hypenia]]''
* ''[[Hypogomphia]]''
* ''[[Hyptidendron]]''
* ''[[Hyptis]]''
* ''[[Hyssopus]]''
* ''[[Isodictyophorus]]''
* ''[[Isodon]]''
* ''[[Isoleucas]]''
* ''[[Kalaharia(genus)|Kalaharia]]''
* ''[[Karomia]]''
* ''[[Keiskea]]''
* ''[[Killickia]]''
* ''[[Kudrjaschevia]]''
* ''[[Kurzamra]]''
* ''[[Lachnostachys]]''
* ''[[Lagochilus]]''
* ''[[Lagopsis]]''
* ''[[Lallemantia]]''
* ''[[Lamiophlomis]]''
* ''[[Lamium]]''
* ''[[Lavender|Lavandula]]'' – '''Lavender'''
* ''[[Leocus]]''
* ''[[Leonotis]]''
* ''[[Leonurus]]''
* ''[[Lepechinia]]''
* ''[[Leucas]]''
* ''[[Leucophae]]''
* ''[[Leucosceptrum]]''
* ''[[Limniboza]]''
* ''[[Lophanthus]]''
* ''[[Loxocalyx]]''
* ''[[Lycopus]]''
* ''[[Macbridea]]''
* ''[[Madlabium]]''
* ''[[Marmoritis]]''
* ''[[Martianthus]]''
* ''[[Marrubium]]''
* ''[[Marsypianthes]]''
* ''[[Matsumurella]]''
* ''[[Meehania]]''
* ''[[Melissa]]''
* ''[[Melittis]]''
* ''[[Min (tumbuhan)|Mentha]]'' – '''Mint'''
* ''[[Meriandra]]''
* ''[[Metastachydium]]''
* ''[[Microcorys]]''
* ''[[Micromeria]]''
* ''[[Microtoena]]''
* ''[[Minthostachys]]''
* ''[[Moluccella]]''
* ''[[Monarda]]''
* ''[[Monardella]]''
* ''[[Monochilus]]''
* ''[[Mosla]]''
* ''[[Neoeplingia]]''
* ''[[Neohyptis]]''
* ''[[Neorapinia]]''
* ''[[Nepeta]]''
* ''[[Newcastelia]]''
* ''[[Nosema (genus tumbuhan)|Nosema]]''
* ''[[Notochaete]]''
* ''[[Obtegomeria]]''
* ''[[Selasih|Ocimum]]'' – '''Selasih'''
* ''[[Octomeron]]''
* ''[[Ombrocharis]]''
* ''[[Oncinocalyx]]''
* ''[[Origanum]] -'' '''Oregano'''
* ''[[Orthosiphon]]''
* ''[[Otostegia]]''
* ''[[Ovieda]]''
* ''[[Oxera]]''
* ''[[Panzerina]]''
* ''[[Paralamium]]''
* ''[[Paraphlomis]]''
* ''[[Paravitex]]''
* ''[[Peltodon]]''
* ''[[Pentapleura]]''
* ''[[Perilla]] -'' '''Shiso'''
* ''[[Perillula]]''
* ''[[Peronema]]''
* ''[[Perovskia]]''
* ''[[Perrierastrum]]''
* ''[[Petitia]]''
* ''[[Petraeovitex]]''
* ''[[Phlomidoschema]]''
* ''[[Phlomis]]''
* ''[[Phlomoides]]''
* ''[[Phyllostegia]]''
* ''[[Physopsis]]''
* ''[[Physostegia]]''
* ''[[Piloblephis]]''
* ''[[Pitardia]]''
* ''[[Pityrodia]]''
* ''[[Platostoma]] -'' '''[[Cincau hitam|Cincau Hitam]]'''
* ''[[Plectranthus]]''
* ''[[Pogogyne]]''
* ''[[Pogostemon]] -'' '''[[Nilam]]'''
* ''[[Poliomintha]]''
* ''[[Prasium]]''
* ''[[Premna]]''
* ''[[Prostanthera]]''
* ''[[Prunella]]''
* ''[[Pseuderemostachys]]''
* ''[[Pseudocarpidium]]''
* ''[[Pseudocaryopteris]]''
* ''[[Pseudomarrubium]]''
* ''[[Puntia]]''
* ''[[Pycnanthemum]]''
* ''[[Pycnostachys]]''
* ''[[Rabdosiella]]''
* ''[[Renschia]]''
* ''[[Rhabdocaulon]]''
* ''[[Rhaphiodon]]''
* ''[[Rhododon]]''
* ''[[Rosmarinus]]''
* ''[[Rostrinucula]]''
* ''[[Rotheca]]''
* ''[[Roylea]]''
* ''[[Rubiteucris]]''
* ''[[Rydingia]]''
* ''[[Sabaudia]]''
* ''[[Saccocalyx]]''
* ''[[Salazaria]]''
* ''[[Salvia]] -'' [[Rosemari|'''Rosemary''']]''', Sage''''','' '''Chia'''
* ''[[Satureja]]''
* ''[[Schizonepeta]]''
* ''[[Schnabelia]]''
* ''[[Scutellaria]]''
* ''[[Sideritis]]''
* ''[[Siphocranion]]''
* ''[[Solenostemon]]''
* ''[[Spartothamnella]]''
* ''[[Sphenodesme]]''
* ''[[Stachydeoma]]''
* ''[[Stachyopsis]]''
* ''[[Stachys]]''
* ''[[Stenogyne]]''
* ''[[Sulaimania]]''
* ''[[Suzukia]]''
* ''[[Symphorema]]''
* ''[[Symphostemon]]''
* ''[[Synandra]]''
* ''[[Syncolostemon]]''
* ''[[Tectona]]''
* ''[[Teijsmanniodendron]]''
* ''[[Tetraclea]]''
* ''[[Tetradenia]]''
* ''[[Teucridium]]''
* ''[[Teucrium]]''
* ''[[Thorncroftia]]''
* ''[[Thuspeinanta]]''
* ''[[Thymbra]]''
* ''[[Timi|Thymus]]'' – '''Timi'''
* ''[[Tinnea]]''
* ''[[Trichostema]]''
* ''[[Tripora]]''
* ''[[Tsoongia]]''
* ''[[Vitex]]''
* ''[[Viticipremna]]''
* ''[[Volkameria]]''
* ''[[Warnockia]]''
* ''[[Wenchengia]]''
* ''[[Westringia]]''
* ''[[Wiedemannia]]''
* ''[[Wrixonia]]''
* ''[[Xenopoma]]''
* ''[[Zataria]]''
* ''[[Zhumeria]]''
* ''[[Ziziphora]]''
== Referensi ==
[[Kategori:Lamiaceae| ]]