Kedatangan orang-orang Majus: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 1:
[[Berkas:Gerard David - Adoration of the Kings - Google Art Project.jpg|thumbjmpl|300px|[[Gerard David]], ''[[Kedatangan Raja-raja (David, London)|Kedatangan Raja-raja]]'', [[National Gallery, London]], 1515–1523]]
[[Berkas:Gentile da fabriano, adorazione dei magi.jpg|thumbjmpl|300px|[[Kedatangan Orang-orang Majus (Gentile da Fabriano)|''Kedatangan Orang-orang Majus'']], [[Gentile da Fabriano]], 1423]]
'''Kedatangan Orang-orang Majus''' ({{lang-en|Adoration of the Magi}}; "Pemujaan orang-orang Majus") atau '''Kedatangan Raja-raja''' (''Adoration of the Kings'') adalah nama tradisional yang diberikan kepada sebuah kisah dalam [[Kelahiran Yesus dalam seni rupa]] dimana [[orang-orang Majus|tiga orang Majus]], yang diwakili sebagai raja, khususnya di Barat, menemukanmenemui Yesus dengan mengikuti [[bintang Bethlehem|bintang]], memberikan-Nya [[emas]], [[mur]] dan [[kemenyan]], dan menyembah-Nya. Hal tersebut dikaitkan dalam Alkitab pada [[Matius 2:11]]:
: "Maka masuklah mereka ke dalam rumah itu dan melihat Anak itu bersama Maria, ibu-Nya, lalu sujud menyembah Dia. Merekapun membuka tempat harta bendanya dan mempersembahkan persembahan kepada-Nya, yaitu emas, kemenyan dan mur. Dan karena diperingatkan dalam mimpi, supaya jangan kembali kepada Herodes, maka pulanglah mereka ke negerinya melalui jalan lain".<ref>{{Alkitab|Matius 2:11}}</ref>
Sebagai bagian penting [[Kelahiran Yesus dalam seni rupa]], [[Ikonografi]] [[Kristen]] telah menyebarkan catatan [[orang-orang Majus]] yang diberikan dalam [[Matius 2|pasal dua]] dari [[Injil Matius]] ([[Matius 2:1|2:1]]–[[Matius 2:11|22]]) dan digunakan sebagai dasar pengakuan Yesus sebagai raja dunia dari masa terawalnya. Adegan tersebut seringkalisering kali digunakan untuk mewakili Kisah Kelahiran, salah satu peristiwa paling penting dalam lingkup ''[[Kehidupan Perawan]]'' serta ''[[Kehidupan Yesus dalam seni rupa|Kehidupan Yesus]]''. Orang-orang Majus itu dalam seni rupa biasanya berjumlah tiga orang, yang digambarkan sebagai raja, khususnya di Barat.
Dalam [[kalender gereja]], peristiwa tersebut diperingati dalam [[Gereja Barat]] sebagai perayaan [[Epifani (Kristen)|Epifani]] (6 Januari). [[Gereja Ortodoks]] merayakan kedatangan orang-orang Majus pada [[Natal|Perayaan Kelahiran]] (25 Desember). Istilah tersebut di[[anglikanisasi]] dari judul Latin [[Vulgate]] untuk pasal tersebut: '''A Magis adoratur'''.
== Sejarah penggambaran ==
[[Berkas:Adoration magi Pio Christiano Inv31459.jpg|jmpl|Adoration of the Child Jesus by the three wise men or Magi; [[Sarcophagus]] relief (4th century.), Vatican]]
[[Berkas:Jan Gossaert 001.jpg|jmpl|[[The Adoration of the Kings (Gossaert)|''Adoration'' by Jan Gossaert]], c. 1510]]
[[Berkas:After Hieronymus Bosch - Adoration of the Magi - Petworth House.jpg|jmpl|''Adoration of the Magi'' after Hieronymus Bosch]]
[[Berkas:Dieric Bouts - The Adoration of the Magi.jpg|jmpl|ka| |[[Dirk Bouts]], 15th century]]
Dalam penggambaran paling awal, orang-orang Majus dilukiskan memakai pakaian [[Persia]] of trousers dan [[:en:Phrygian cap|topi Frigia]], biasanya dalam profil, melangkah setapak dengan hadiah-hadis mereka diserahkan dengan tangan terentang ke depan. Gambaran ini diadaptasi dari postur orang-orang bukan Barat ("barbar") pada [[:en:Late Antiquity|Zaman Antik Muda]] tunduk dengan hormat di hadapan Kaisar, dan menyerahkan ''golden wreaths'', yang sesungguhnya terkait dengan gambaran pembawa [[upeti]] dari berbagai budaya Mediterranea dan Timur Dekat kuno berabad-abad sebelumnya. . Penggambaran tertua ditemukan pada lukisan-lukisan dalam [[katakombe]] dan ukiran-ukiran [[sarkofagus]] pada abad ke-4. Mahkota pertama kali terlihat pada abad ke-10, kebanyakan di Barat, di mana pakaian mereka saat itu pada banyak kasus telah kehilangan corak Timur.<ref name="S">Schiller, Gertrud; Seligman, Janet (1971). ''Iconography of Christian Art, Vol. I: Christ's incarnation, childhood, baptism, temptation, transfiguration, works and miracles,'' (English translation from German), pp. 100–114 and figs. 245–298. London: Lund Humphries. {{OCLC|59999963}}</ref>
The standard Byzantine depiction of the Nativity included the jorney or arrival of the mounted Magi in the background, but not them presenting thir gifts, until the post-Byzantine period, when the western depiction was often adapted to an [[icon]] style. Later Byzantine images often show small pill-box like hats, whose significance is disputed.
The Magi are usually shown as the same age until about this period, but then the idea of depicting the three ages of man is introduced: a particularly beautiful example is seen on the façade of the [[Orvieto Cathedral|cathedral of Orvieto]]. Occasionally from the 12th century, and very often in Northern Europe from the 15th, the Magi are also made to represent the three known parts of the world: Balthasar is very commonly cast as a young African or Moor, and old Caspar is given Oriental features or, more often, dress. Melchior represents Europe and [[middle age]]. From the 14th century onwards, large retinues are often shown, the gifts are contained in spectacular pieces of [[goldsmith]] work, and the Magi's clothes are given increasing attention.<ref name="S"/> By the 15th century, the ''Adoration of the Magi'' is often a bravura piece in which the artist can display their handling of complex, crowded scenes involving horses and camels, but also their rendering of varied textures: the silk, fur, jewels and gold of the Kings set against the wood of the stable, the straw of Jesus's manger and the rough clothing of Joseph and the shepherds.
The scene often includes a fair diversity of animals as well: the ox and ass from the [[Nativity scene]] are usually there, but also the horses, camels, dogs, and falcons of the kings and their retinue, and sometimes other animals, such as birds in the rafters of the stable. From the 15th century onwards, the Adoration of the Magi is quite often conflated with the [[Adoration of the Shepherds]] from the account in the [[Gospel of Luke]] (2:8–20), an opportunity to bring in yet more human and animal diversity; in some compositions ([[triptych]]s for example), the two scenes are contrasted or set as pendants to the central scene, usually a [[Nativity scene|Nativity]].
The "adoration" of the Magi at the crib is the usual subject, but their arrival, called the "Procession of the Magi", is often shown in the distant background of a Nativity scene (usual in Byzantine icons), or as a separate subject, for example in the [[Magi Chapel]] frescos by [[Benozzo Gozzoli]] in the [[Palazzo Medici|Palazzo Medici-Riccardi]], [[Florence]]. Other subjects include the Journey of the Magi, where they and perhaps their retinue are the only figures, usually shown following the [[Star of Bethlehem]], and there are relatively uncommon scenes of their meeting with [[Herod the Great|Herod]] and the ''[[Dream of the Magi]]''.
The usefulness of the subject to the Church and the technical challenges involved in representing it have made the Adoration of the Magi a favorite subject of Christian art: chiefly painting, but also sculpture and even music (as in [[Gian-Carlo Menotti]]'s opera ''[[Amahl and the Night Visitors]]''). The subject matter is also found in [[stained glass]]. The first figural stained glass window made in the United States is the "Adoration of the Magi" window located at Christ Church, Pelham, New York and designed in 1843 by the founder and first rector's son, [[William Jay Bolton]].
== Penanganan oleh artis individual ==
[[Berkas:Fra Angelico, Fra Filippo Lippi, The Adoration of the Magi.jpg|jmpl|[[Adoration of the Magi (Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi)|Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi]], 15th century.]]
Beratus-ratus artis telah mengambil subjek ini. Berikut adalah sebagian karya yang mempunyai artikel: (lihat pula [[:en:Category:Adoration of the Magi in art|Pemujaan orang Majus dalam seni pada situs bahasa Inggris]])
* [[Adoration of the Magi (Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi)|''Adoration of the Magi'']], [[Fra Angelico]] and [[Filippo Lippi]], [[National Gallery of Art]], [[Washington, D.C.]]
* [[Adoration of the Magi (Bosch, Madrid)|Hieronymus Bosch, Museo del Prado, Madrid]]
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi of 1475 (Botticelli)]]'', [[Sandro Botticelli|Botticelli]]: [[National Gallery of Art]], [[Washington, D.C.]]
* [[Triptych of the Virgin's Life (Bouts)|Triptych of the Virgin's Life, Dirk Bouts]]
* [[The Adoration of the Kings (Bruegel)|''The Adoration of the Kings'' (Bruegel)]], [[National Gallery, London]]
* ''[[Star of Bethlehem (painting)|The Star of Bethlehem]]'', [[Edward Burne-Jones]], [[Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery]]
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Andrea della Robbia)]]'', [[Victoria and Albert Museum]]
* [[Saint Columba Altarpiece]], [[Rogier van der Weyden]], [[Alte Pinakothek]], Munich
* ''[[Adoration of the Kings (Gerard David, London)]], National Gallery, London
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Dürer)]]'', [[Uffizi]], [[Florence]]
* ''[[The Adoration of the Magi (Geertgen tot Sint Jans)]]'', [[Rijksmuseum]]
* [[Adoration of the Magi (Ospedale degli Innocenti)|Domenico Ghirlandaio, Ospedale degli Innocenti, Florence]]
* ''[[The Adoration of the Kings (Gossaert)]]'', National Gallery, London
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Leonardo)]]'', Uffizi, Florence
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Lorenzo Monaco)]]'', Uffizi
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Gentile da Fabriano)]]'', Uffizi, Florence
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Mantegna)]]'', Uffizi
* ''[[Madonna and Child (Masaccio)]]'', [[Gemäldegalerie (Berlin)|Gemäldegalerie]], [[Berlin]]
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Perugino)]]'', [[Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria]], [[Perugia]]
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Rubens, Lyon)]]'', [[Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon]]
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Rubens, Cambridge)]]'', [[King's College Chapel, Cambridge]]
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Rubens, Antwerp)]]'', [[Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp]]
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Velázquez)]]'', [[Museo del Prado]], [[Madrid]]
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (Veronese)]]'', National Gallery, London
* ''[[Adoration of the Magi (tapestry)]]'' by [[Morris and Co]] with [[Edward Burne-Jones]]
== Galeri ==
<gallery widths="170px" heights="170px">
File:Santa maria in trastevere, mosaici di pietro cavallini, 04 adorazione dei magi.JPG|Mosaic, [[Santa Maria in Trastevere]], Rome, by [[Pietro Cavallini]], 13th century
File:Giotto di Bondone - The Epiphany - WGA09343.jpg|[[Giotto di Bondone]], 1320/25
File:Giotto - Scrovegni - -18- - Adoration of the Magi.jpg|[[Giotto]], [[Scrovegni Chapel]]
File:De Grey Hours f.71.r Adoration of the Magi.png|14th century Flemish miniature
File:Collegiale-Thann-p1010095.jpg|[[Saint-Thiébaut Church, Thann]], around 1400
File:Obilman Adoration of the Magi.jpg|Nikolaus Obilman (1435–1488), c. 1466
File:Hans Memling 028.jpg|[[Hans Memling]], 1470
File:L Adoration des Mages.jpg|[[Jean Fouquet]]; one of the magi is King [[Charles VII of France]]
File:Botticelli - Adoration of the Magi (Zanobi Altar) - Uffizi.jpg|[[Adoration of the Magi of 1475 (Botticelli)|Botticelli, 1475]]
File:Memling Adoration des Mages Prado01558.jpg|[[Master of the Prado Adoration of the Magi|Navity Master of the Prado]], 1475 and circa 1500
File:Giorgione 010.jpg|[[Giorgione]], c. 1505
File:Jacopo da Ponte 001b.jpg|[[Jacopo Bassano]], 1563-1564
File:The Nativity and the Adoration of the Magi - Google Art Project.jpg|[[Icon]], [[Cretan School]], early 17th century
File:Velázquez - Adoración de los Reyes (Museo del Prado, 1619).jpg|[[Diego Velázquez]], 1619
File:Rubens-adoration des mages.jpg|[[Adoration of the Magi (Rubens, Lyon)|Rubens, Lyon]], c. 1617–1618
File:Abraham Bloemaert - The adoration of the Magi - Google Art Project.jpg|[[Abraham Bloemaert]], 1624
File:Pieter van Lint - Adoration of the Magi.jpg|[[Pieter van Lint]], 1630
File:Kings College Chapel-IMG 3962.jpg|[[Adoration of the Magi (Rubens, Cambridge)|Rubens, Cambridge]], 1634
File:Peter_Paul_Rubens_-_The_Adoration_of_the_Magi_-_WGA20244.jpg|[[Adoration of the Magi (Rubens, Antwerp)|Rubens, Antwerp]]
File:Magi-rembrandt.jpg|[[Rembrandt]], 1632
Image:Bartolomé Esteban Murillo - Adoration of the Magi - Google Art Project.jpg|[[Bartolomé Esteban Murillo]], 17th century
File:Edward Burne-Jones - The Adoration of the Magi - Google Art Project.jpg|[[Adoration of the Magi (tapestry)|Morris & Co. tapestry]], 1888–1894
File:Magi-from-Kremikovtsi.jpg|Fragment from medieval fresco, [[Kremikovtsi Monastery]]
File:Adoration of the magi st.michael toronto.jpg|Stained glass, [[St. Michael's Cathedral (Toronto)]]
File:Dreikönigenhaus Koblenz Relief (2011-07-10 Sp).JPG|Relief at the Dreikönigenhaus in Koblenz
== Lihat pula ==
<!--* [[Roman Catholic Marian art]]-->
* [[Bintang Natal|Bintang Betlehem]]
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
{{commons category|Adoration of the Magi}}
* [ The Magi in Mosaics, Paintings and Sculpture] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-07-04 }}
* [ "The Three Wise Men in Paintings" (more than 300)]
Baris 26 ⟶ 108:
{{Kehidupan Yesus dalam seni rupa Kristen}}
[[Kategori:Orang-orang Majus]]
[[Kategori:Injil Matius]]