Nam Gyu-ri: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(2 revisi perantara oleh 2 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 181:
| ''[[Haeundae Lovers|Lovers of Haeundae]]''
| Yoon Se-na
|<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Nam Gyu-ri returns to TV with Cho Yeo-jung's new drama|date=June 28, 2012|website=TenAsia|access-date=2018-06-22|archive-date=2018-06-20|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ''[[Ohlala Couple]]''
Baris 219:
| Kim Min-seo
| Drama web<ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:남규리, 성형외과 전문의로 변신…한중 합작 '스완' 출연 결정|date=June 23, 2015|website=TenAsia|language=ko|access-date=2018-06-22|archive-date=2018-06-20|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| ''Hey Anna! Let's Eat!''
| Anna
|Naver TVCast
| Drama web<ref>{{cite web|url=|script-title=ko:남규리, 웹드 '애나야 밥먹자' 현장 사진 공개…'바비인형 미모'|date=August 17, 2017|website=TenAsia|language=ko|access-date=2018-06-22|archive-date=2018-06-20|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
|rowspan=2| 2018
Baris 254:
|url=|website=OSEN|date=January 7, 2021|access-date=January 7, 2021|language=ko}}</ref>
|''BloodMy Ridingmilitary LoveValentine''
|Baek Young-ok
|[[JTBC]], viki
|<ref>{{Cite web|last=Choi|first=Na-young|title=남규리, 북한 여전사 된다..'피타는 연애' 출연 확정 [공식]|url=|access-date=15 September 2021}}</ref>
Baris 333:
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:Penyanyi Korea Selatan]]
[[Kategori:Pemeran perempuan Korea Selatan]]