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(39 revisi perantara oleh 26 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{dab|Artikel ini membahas perjalanan rohani atau spiritual}}
{{otheruses|ziarah|Peziarah (disambiguasi)}}
''Artikel ini membahas perjalanan rohani atau spiritual.''{{otheruses}}
[[Berkas:Supplicating Pilgrim at Masjid Al Haram. Mecca, Saudi Arabia.jpg|rightka|thumbjmpl|300px|Peziarah di [[Mekkah]]]]
'''Ziarah''' adalah salah satu praktik sebagian besar umat [[agama|beragama]] yang memiliki makna [[moral]] yang penting. Kadang-kadang ziarah dilakukan ke suatu tempat yang suci dan penting bagi [[keyakinan]] dan [[iman]] yang bersangkutan. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengingat kembali, meneguhkan [[iman]] atau [[suci|menyucikan]] diri. Orang yang melakukan perjalanan ini disebut [[peziarah]].
== Ziarah dalam Berbagai Tradisi ==
[[Berkas:Al-Haram mosque - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg|jmpl|Kakbah; Makkah, kiblat umat Islam]]
=== Buddha ===
[[Agama Buddha]] mempunyai empat tempat ziarah: tempat kelahiran Sang Buddha di [[Kapilavastu]], tempat ia mencapai Pencerahan [[Bodh Gaya]], tempat ia pertama kali menyampaikan pengajarannya (pembabaran) di Benares, dan tempat ia mencapai [[Parinirwana]] di [[Kusinagara]].
=== Israel Kuno ===
Di kerajaan [[Kerajaan Israel|Israel]] dan [[Kerajaan Yehuda|Yehuda]] kunjungan ke tempat-tempat pemujaan kuno tertentu dilarang pada [[abad ke-7 SM]], ketika ibadah dibatasi hanya kepada [[Yahweh]] di Bait Suci di Yerusalem. Di [[Suriah]], kuil [[Astarte]] di sumber mata air sungai Adonis bertahan hingga tempat itu dihancurkan atas perintah [[Konstantin I|Kaisar Konstantin]] pada [[abad ke-4]] M.
Di kerajaan [[Kerajaan Israel|Israel]] dan [[Kerajaan Yehuda|Yehuda]] kunjungan ke tempat-tempat pemujaan kuno tertentu dilarang pada [[abad ke-7 SM]], ketika ibadah dibatasi hanya kepada [[Yahweh]] di [[Bait Allah (Yerusalem)|Bait Suci]] di [[Yerusalem]]. Di [[Suriah]], kuil [[Astarte]] di sumber mata air sungai Adonis bertahan hingga tempat itu dihancurkan atas perintah [[Konstantin I|Kaisar Romawi Konstantin]] pada [[abad ke-4|abad ke-4 M]].
=== Yunani Kuno ===
Di [[Yunani]], sejumlah individu pergi ke [[Delfi]] atau orakel [[Zeus]] di [[Dodona]], dan sekali setiap empat tahun, pada masa pertandingan Olimpiade, kuil Zeus di Olimpia menjadi tujuan banyak peziarah dari segala penjuru dunia Helenis. Ketika [[Alexander Agung]] tiba di Mesir, ia menghentikan seluruh usaha ekspansi besar-besarannya, sementara ia pergi bersama sekelompok kecil bawahannya ke gurun pasir di Libya, untuk berkonsultasi dengan orakel Ammun. <!--Pada During the imperium of his Ptolemaic heirs, the shrine of [[Isis]] at [[Philae]] received many votive inscriptions from Greeks on behalf of their kindred far away at home.
Di [[Yunani]], sejumlah individu pergi ke [[Delfi]] atau orakel [[Zeus]] di [[Dodona]], dan sekali setiap empat tahun, pada masa pertandingan Olimpiade, kuil Zeus di Olimpia menjadi tujuan banyak peziarah dari segala penjuru dunia Helenis. Ketika [[Alexander Agung]] tiba di Mesir, ia menghentikan seluruh usaha ekspansi besar-besarannya, sementara ia pergi bersama sekelompok kecil bawahannya ke gurun pasir di Libya, untuk berkonsultasi dengan orakel Ammun.
=== Islam ===
Although a pilgrimage is normally viewed in the context of religion, the personality cults cultivated by communist leaders ironically gave birth to pilgrimages of their own. Prior to the demise of the [[USSR]] in 1991, a visit to [[Lenin's Mausoleum]] in [[Red Square]], [[Moscow]] can be said to have had all the characteristics exhibiting a pilgrimage — for atheists and communists. This type of pilgrimage to a personality cult is still evident today on people who pay visits of homage to [[Mao Tse Tung]], [[Kim Il Sung]], and [[Ho Chi Minh]].
Bagi umat Islam ketika melakukan [[umroh]] atau [[haji]], ada beberapa tempat yang harus dikunjungi dan tidak boleh dilewatkan (ziarah). Harus dikunjungi karena mengandung nilai histori didalamnya atau akan mendapatkan pahala. Seperti [[Jabal an-Nur]], [[Gua Hira]] dan lain sebagainya. Ada banyak tempat ziarah [[yang harus dikunjungi jamaah umroh dan haji]] <ref name="tempat ziarah">{{Cite web |url=https://biroumrohhajiku.com/tempat-yang-harus-dikunjungi-oleh-semua-selama-atau-sesudah-ibadah-haji-umroh/ |title=Tempat Ziarah Yang Wajib Dikunjungi Ketika Umroh dan Haji |access-date=2019-03-20 |archive-date=2019-03-20 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190320231800/https://biroumrohhajiku.com/tempat-yang-harus-dikunjungi-oleh-semua-selama-atau-sesudah-ibadah-haji-umroh/ |dead-url=yes }}</ref> yang harus diketahui oleh para jamaah ketika berada di [[Mekkah]] dan [[Madinah]] ingin melakukan Ibadah Haji atau Umroh.
== Bahá'í ==
=== Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages ===
Mukmin Bahá'í diwajibkan untuk menziarahi Rumah Baháʼu'lláh di Baghdad dan Rumah Sang Báb di Syiraz. Hal ini ditetapkan oleh [[Bahá'u'lláh]], pendiri ajaran Bahá'í, dalam Kitáb-i-Aqdas dan ritual spesifiknya ditentukan dalam ''Suriy-i-Hajj'' (Surat Haji). Namun, dikarenakan kedua situs tersebut ada di Irak dan Iran, yang keduanya merupakan negara yang tidak ramah dan mendiskriminasi komunitas Bahá'í, mukmin melakukan ziarah ke situs-situs suci Bahá'í di [[Israel]] yang dikenal sebagai ziarah sembilan hari.<ref name="smith">{{cite encyclopedia |last= Smith |first= Peter |encyclopedia= A concise encyclopedia of the Baháʼí Faith |title= Pilgrimage |year= 2000 |publisher= Oneworld Publications |location= Oxford |isbn= 1-85168-184-1 |page= 269|url= https://archive.org/details/conciseencyclope0000smit/page/269 }}</ref>
In the [[Middle Ages]], even as early as the [[4th century]] AD, Christian pilgrimage was regarded as a sacred obligation and a trial of one's faith, since travel was dangerous, expensive and time-consuming. A returning pilgrim was called a ''palmer'', as they would wear two crossed palm leaves to show they had made the pilgrimage.
The anonymous "Pilgrim of Bordeaux" has left an itinerary of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in [[333]]. Empress Helena's discovery of the [[True Cross]] outside Jerusalem was the result of a pilgrimage. The [[Seven Sleepers]] of Ephesus attracted pilgrims, who left their [[graffiti]] in the catacomb.
In the West, Saint [[Martin of Tours]] and [[Martial]] of [[Limoges]] inspired building projects and an industry catering to pilgrims' requirements, including, in Martial's case, elaborately faked pious documentation (see [[Adhemar of Chabannes]]). The [[shrine]] of [[Santiago de Compostela]] in [[Spain]] lay at the end of the [[Way of St. James]] and a long connected string of pilgrims' sites. The city of [[Rome]] was also the destination of pilgrimage, by routes such as the [[Via Francigena]], as the center of the [[Western Church]].
Popular destinations for pilgrimage in [[England]] included [[Walsingham]], [[Bury St. Edmunds]] and [[Thomas Beckett]]'s shrine at [[Canterbury]], the destination of [[Chaucer]]'s [[14th century]] pilgrims in [[The Canterbury Tales]]. In the north, many pilgrims headed to the shrine of Saint [[Cuthbert of Lindisfarne]].
Published in 1486, the ''Sanctae Peregrinationes'' by Bernhard von Breydenbach, a wealthy [[canon]] of [[Mainz]], was the first best-seller of printed pilgrimage literature, helped by the impressive [[woodcut]] illustrations by [[Erhard Reuwich]], whom Breydenbach had taken with him. They travelled to [[Jerusalem]] via [[Venice]] in 1483-4.
=== Effects on trade ===
Pilgrims contributed an important element to long-distance trade before the modern era, and brought prosperity to successful pilgrimage sites, an economic phenomenon unequalled until the tourist trade of the 20th century. Encouraging pilgrims was a motivation for assembling (and sometimes fabricating) [[relic]]s and for writing [[hagiography|hagiographies]] of local saints, filled with inspiring accounts of miracle cures. [[Lourdes]] and other modern pilgrimage sites keep this spirit alive.
==Modern pilgrimage==
Pilgrimages are still made throughout the world: modern-day pilgrimages include the [[Way of St. James]], the [[Hajj]], and the pilgrimage to [[Mount Kailash]].
In modern usage, the terms ''pilgrim'' and ''pilgrimage'' can also have a somewhat devalued meaning as they are often applied in a [[secularism|secular]] context. For example, fans of [[Elvis Presley]] may choose to visit his home, [[Graceland]], in [[Memphis, Tennessee]]. Similarly one may refer to a cultural center such as Venice as a "tourists' Mecca".
== Pilgrimage centres in various times and cultures ==
Many ancient religions had holy sites, temples and groves, where pilgrimages were made.
* [[Karnak]], Egypt.
* [[Thebes (Egypt)|Thebes]], Egypt.
* [[Kurukshetra]], India
* [[Delphi]], Greece. Oracle.
* [[Dodona]], [[Epirus]], Greece. Oracle.
* [[Ephesus]] Temple of Diana.
* [[Baalbek]] Lebanon.
===Bahá'í Faith===
A [[Bahá'í pilgrimage]] currently consists of visiting the holy places in [[Haifa]], [[Acre, Israel|Akká]], and [[Mansion of Bahjí|Bahjí]] in Northwest [[Israel]]. [[Bahá'í faith|Bahá'ís]] do not have access to other places designated as sites for pilgrimage.
[[Bahá'u'lláh]] decreed pilgrimage in His Motherbook ([[Kitáb-i-Aqdas]]) to two places: the House of Bahá'u'lláh in [[Baghdad]], [[Iraq]], and the House of the [[Báb]] in [[Shiraz, Iran|Shiraz]], [[Iran]]. In two separate Tablets, known as Suriy-i-Hajj, He prescribed specific rites for each of these pilgrimages (lifting the injunction regarding the shaving of one's head for pilgrimage in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas). It is obligatory to make the pilgrimage, "if one can afford it and is able to do so, and if no obstacle stands in one's way". Bahá'ís are free to choose between the two Houses, as either has been deemed sufficient. And although women are not bound to perform pilgrimage, they are certainly not prohibited to do so.
Later, [[`Abdu'l-Bahá]] designated the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh at Bahji (the [[Qiblih]]) as a site of visitation. No rites have been prescribed for this.
{{main|Buddhist pilgrimage}}
[[Gautama Buddha]] spoke of the four sites most worthy of pilgrimage for his followers to visit:<ref>The Buddha mentions these four pilgrimage sites in the [[Mahaparinibbana Sutta]]. See, for instance, Thanissaro (1998)[http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/dn/dn.16.5-6.than.html#pilgrim] and Vajira & Story (1998)[http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/dn/dn.16.1-6.vaji.html#t-42].</ref>
[[image:mahaparinirvana.jpg|thumb|right|350px|Ancient excavated Buddha-image at the Mahaparinirvana Temple, [[Kushinagar]]]]
* [[Lumbini]]: birth place (in [[Nepal]])
* [[Bodh Gaya]]: place of [[Enlightenment (Buddhism)|Enlightenment]]
* [[Sarnath]]: (formally [[Isipathana]]) where he delivered his first teaching
* [[Kusinara]]: (now [[Kusinagar]], India) where he attained [[mahaparinirvana]] (passed away).
Other pilgrimage places in India and Nepal connected to the life of [[Gautama Buddha]] are: [[Savatthi]], [[Patna|Pataliputta]], [[Nalanda]], [[Gaya, India|Gaya]], [[Vesali]], [[Sankasia]], [[Kapilavastu]], [[Kosambi, India|Kosambi]], [[Rajagaha]], [[Varanasi]].
Other famous places for buddhist pilgrimage in various countries include:
*[[India]]: [[Sanchi]], [[Ellora]], [[Ajanta Caves|Ajanta]].
*[[Thailand]]: [[Sukhothai]], [[Ayutthaya]], [[Wat Phra Kaew]], [[Wat Doi Suthep]].
*[[Tibet]]: [[Lhasa]] (traditional home of the [[Dalai Lama]]), [[Mount Kailash]], [[Lake Nam-tso]].
*[[Cambodia]]: [[Angkor Wat]], [[Silver Pagoda, Phnom Penh|Silver Pagoda]].
*[[Sri Lanka]]: [[Polonnaruwa]], [[Temple of the Tooth]] ([[Kandy]]), [[Anuradhapura]].
*[[Laos]]: [[Luang Prabang]].
*[[Myanmar]]: [[Bagan]], [[Sagaing|Sagaing Hill]].
*[[Nepal]]: [[Bodhnath]], [[Swayambhunath]].
*[[Indonesia]]: [[Borobudur]].
*[[China]]: [[Yung-kang]], [[Lung-men]] caves.
*[[Japan]]: [[Kyoto]], [[Nara, Nara|Nara]].
*[[USSR]]: [[Moscow]], Mausoleum of [[Lenin]] in [[Red Square]].
*[[China]]: [[Peking]], Mausoleum of [[Mao Tse Tung]] in [[Tiananmen Square]].
*[[Germany]]: [[Trier]], Birthplace of [[Karl Marx]] in Trier
[[image:pilgrims.jpg|thumb|250px|Some European pilgrims on the road to [[Santiago de Compostela]] in 2005]]
Pilgrimages were first made to sites connected with the birth, life, crucifixion and resurrection of [[Jesus]]. Surviving descriptions of Christian pilgrimages to the [[Holy Land]] date from the 4th century, when pilgrimage was encouraged by church fathers like [[Jerome|Saint Jerome]]. Pilgrimages also began to be made to Rome and other sites associated with the [[Apostle]]s, [[Saint]]s and Christian martyrs, as well as to places where there have been [[Marian apparitions|apparition]]s of the [[Blessed Virgin Mary|Virgin Mary]]. The [[crusade]]s to the [[holy land]] are also considered to be mass armed pilgrimages.
The second largest single pilgrimage in the history of [[Christendom]] was to the [[Funeral of Pope John Paul II]] after his death on [[April 2]], [[2005]]. An estimated four million people travelled to Vatican City, in addition to the almost three million people already living in Rome, to see the body of [[Pope John Paul II]] lie in state.
[[World Youth Day]] is a major Catholic Pilgrimage, specifically for people aged 16-35. It is held internationally every 2-3 years. In 2005, young Catholics visited [[Cologne]], [[Germany]]. In 1995, the largest gathering of all time was to World Youth Day in [[Manila]], [[Philippines]], where four million people from all over the world attended.
The major Christian pilgrimages are to:
* [[Jerusalem]]. Site of the crucifixion and resurrection of [[Jesus]].
* [[Rome]] on roads such as the [[Via Francigena]]. Site of the deaths of [[Saint Peter]], [[Paul of Tarsus|Saint Paul]] and other early martyrs. Location of sacred relics of various saints, relics of the Passion, important churches and headquarters of the [[Catholic Church]].
* [[Constantinople]] (today [[Istanbul]], Turkey). Former capital of the [[Byzantine Empire]] and the see of one of the [[Pentarchy|five ancient Patriarchates]] and [[Primus inter pares|spiritual see]] of the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]]. [[Hagia Sophia]], former cathedral and burial place of many [[Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople|Ecumenical Patriarchs]].
* [[Lourdes]], France. Apparition of the Virgin Mary. The second most visited Christian pilgrimage site after Rome.
* [[Santiago de Compostela]] in Spain on the [[Way of St James]] ([[Spanish language|Spanish]]: ''El Camino de Santiago''). This famous medieval pilgrimage to the shrine of [[Saint James the Great|Saint James]] is still popular today.
Other important Christian pilgrimage sites include:
* [[Assisi]], Italy, [[St Francis]] and [[St Clare]], relics
* [[Ávila]], Spain, St Theresa of Avila, relics
* [[Bethlehem]], in Israel, Birthplace of Jesus and King David.
* [[Canterbury]] associated with [[Saint Thomas à Becket]].
* [[Cap-de-la-Madeleine]], [[Quebec]], [[Canada]] in honour of Our Lady of the Cape.
* [[Cathedral of Chartres]], France.
* [[Miercurea Ciuc]], Transylvania, Romania. [[Whit Sunday]] gathering of (mostly [[Hungarian people|ethnic Hungarian]]) Catholics.
* [[Croagh Patrick]], Ireland. Saint Patrick.
* [[Conques]], France
* [[Cologne]], Germany. Relics of the Three Magi.
* [[Częstochowa]], Poland.[[Black Madonna of Częstochowa]] is housed pernamently in the[[Jasna Góra Monastery]]
* [[Glastonbury]], England. St Joseph of Arimathea.
* [[Goa]], [[India]]. St. [[Francis Xavier]]
* [[Hill of Crosses]], [[Lithuania]]
* [[House of the Virgin Mary]], Turkey. [[Pope John-Paul II]] declared the Shrine of Virgin Mary as a pilgrimage place for Christians. <ref>http://www.ephesus.us/ephesus/houseofvirginmary.htm</ref>
* [[Kapel in 't Zand]], [[Limburg]]
* [[Kevelaer]], Germany
* [[Knock, County Mayo|Knock]], Ireland
* [[Licheń]], [[Sanctuary of Our Lady of Licheń]]
* [[Lisieux]], France. [[Saint Therese of Lisieux]], burial place.
* [[Lourdes]], France. Apparition of the Virgin Mary. Place of healing.
* [[Mariazell]], Austria. Marian Shrine to Austria and Hungary
* [[Međugorje]], Bosnia-Herzegovina. Apparitions of the Virgin Mary at the present.
* [[Mount Athos]], Greece. Orthodox monastic centre.
* [[Mount Nebo (Jordan)|Mount Nebo]], Jordan. Traditional site of the death of [[Moses]].
* [[Mount Sinai]], Egypt, holy mountain to the ancient Hebrews, traditional site has been commemorated since time of [[Constantine I (emperor)|Constantine]]
* [[Nazareth]], Israel, hometown of Jesus
* [[Our Lady of Fatima|Fatima]], Portugal. Apparition of the Virgin Mary.
* [[Padua]], Italy, [[St Anthony]], relics
* [[Rosslyn Chapel]], Scotland
* [[Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy|Sacri Monti]], Italy. The Sacred Mountains of Piedmont and Lombardy.
* [[San Giovanni Rotondo]], Italy, [[St Pio]] from [[Pietrelcina]]
* [[Santa María de Guadalupe|Guadalupe]], Spain
* [[Sea of Galilee]], Israel, site of Jesus' early ministry.
* Shrine of [[Our Lady of Guadalupe]], [[Mexico City]]. Apparition of the Virgin Mary.
* [[St. Andrews]], Scotland, it is said that Saint Andrew was given, by God, directions to the location of St Andrews
* [[St. Patrick's Purgatory]], Donegal, Ireland
* [[St. Thomas Mount]], India. Place where St. Thomas was martyed.
* [[Taizé Community]], France, modern monastery that actively encourages pilgrimages to it
* [[Trondheim|Nidaros Cathedral]], Norway
* [[Turin]], Italy. Holy Shroud.
* [[Vailankanni]], India. 16th-century Mary apparition site.
* [[Vierzehnheiligen]], Germany.
* [[Walsingham]], England. Virgin Mary apparition site.
* [[Wittenberg]], Germany. Church of [[Martin Luther]] and centre of the [[Protestant Reformation]].
Hindus are not required to undertake pilgrimages during their lifetime, but most Hindus who can afford to go on such journeys travel to numerous iconic sites including those below:
* [[Badrinath]]
* [[Kedarnath]]
* [[Gangotri]]
* [[Yamunotri]]
* [[Rishikesh]]
* [[Haridwar]]
* [[Benares]]
* [[Mandher Devi temple in Mandhradevi]]
* [[Vrindavan]]
* [[Mayapur]]
* [[Udupi]]
* [[Kateel]]
* [[Talapady]]
* [[Tirupati]]
* [[Palani Murugan Temple|Palani]]
* [[Kukke Subramanya]]
The first four sites in the list above together comprise the [[Chardham]], or four holy pilgrimage destinations. It is believed that travelling to these places leads to [[moksha]], the release from [[samsara]] (cycle of rebirths).
[[Vrindavan]] is most important place of pilgrimage for every [[Vaishnava]], especially for the followers of [[Gaudiya Vaishnavism]] who regard [[Krishna]] as the original Personality of Godhead ([[God]]). Here one can attain [[love]] of God (prema).
[[Pilgrimage to Mecca]] – the ''[[hajj]]'' – is one of the [[Five Pillars of Islam]]. It should be attempted at least once in the lifetime of all able-bodied [[Islam|Muslims]] who can afford.
In addition to that most of the [[Shiite]] Muslims undertake a pilgrimage to the holy city of [[Mashhad]] in northeastern part of [[Iran]].
The Hajj is an inward journey to the Kab'ah of heart and soul. It is the most important of all Muslim Pilgrimages.
The Ziarah is pilgrimage visit to the [[Al-Masjid al-Nabawi|Mosque]] and grave of Prophet [[Muhammad]], situated together at [[Medinah]].
Local Pilgrimage traditions - those undertaken as [[ziarah]] visits to local graves, are also found throughout Muslim countries. In some countries, the grave sites of heroes have very strong ziarah traditions as visiting the graves at auspicious times is a display of national and community identity.
Some traditions within Islam have negative attitudes towards grave visiting.
The third religiously sanctioned pilgrimage for muslims is the [[Temple Mount|Al Qudus]] mount, together with [[Al-Aqsa Mosque]] and [[Dome of the Rock|First Qibla]] located on it.
''See related article [[Three pilgrim festivals]]''.
Within [[Judaism]], the [[Temple in Jerusalem]] was the center of the Jewish religion, until its destruction in [[70]] AD, and all who were able were under obligation to visit and offer sacrifices known as the ''[[korbanot]]'', particularly during the [[Jewish holiday]]s in [[Jerusalem]].
Following the destruction of the [[Second Temple]] and the onset of the [[diaspora]], the centrality of pilgrimage to [[Jerusalem]] in Judaism was discontinued. In its place came prayers and rituals hoping for a return to [[Zion]] and the accompanying restoration of regular pilgrimages (see ''[[Jerusalem#Jerusalem, Jews and Judaism|Jerusalem, Jews and Judaism]]'').
Until recent centuries, pilgrimage has been a fairly difficult and arduous adventure. But now, Jews from many countries make periodic pilgrimages to the holy sites of their religion.
The western retaining wall of the original temple, known as the [[Wailing Wall]], or [[Western Wall]] remains in the Old City of Jerusalem and this has been the most sacred site for [[Zionist]] Jews. Pilgrimage to this area was off-limits from 1948 to 1967, when East Jerusalem was controlled by [[Jordan]].
Some [[Reform Judaism|Reform]] and [[Conservative Judaism|Conservative]] Jews who no longer consider themselves [[exile]]s, still enjoy visiting Israel even if it is not an official "pilgrimage."-->
== Lihat pula ==
[[Berkas:Ziarahpratista.jpg|thumbjmpl|rightka|200px|Umat beragama [[Katolik]] berziarah di [[Pratista]], [[Bandung]].]]
* [[Makam para pendiri agama dunia]]
* [[:Kategori:Tempat keagamaan]]
Baris 201 ⟶ 30:
* [[Tempat paling suci]]
* [[Wisata budaya pop]]
== Catatan ==
== Bacaan lebih lanjut ==
* al-Naqar, Umar. 1972. ''The Pilgrimage Tradition in West Africa.'' Khartoum: Khartoum University Press. [termasuk peta 'African Pilgrimage Routes to Mecca, l.k. 1300-1900']
* Coleman, Simon and John Elsner. ''PilgrimagePilgrBerkas: Past and Present in the World Religions.'' Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995.
* Jackowski, Antoni. 1998. ''Pielgrzymowanie'' [Pilgrimage]. Wroclaw: Wydawnictwo Dolnoslaskie.
* Wolfe, Michael (ed.). 1997. ''One Thousands Roads to Mecca.'' New York: Grove Press
* Sumption, Jonathan. 2002. ''PilgrimagePilgrBerkas: An Image of Mediaeval Religion.'' London: Faber and Faber Ltd.
* Zarnecki, George. 1985. The Monastic World: The Contributions of The Orders. hlm. 36-66, in Evans, Joan (ed.). 1985. ''The Flowering of the Middle Ages.'' London: Thames and Hudson Ltd.
== Literatur ==
* [http://www.thomas-allen.com/ThomasAllenPublishers/catalogue/0-88762-252-6.htm All the Good Pilgrims: Tales of the Camino de Santiago oleh Robert Ward. Thomas Allen Publishers, Mei 2007.] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20070625235350/http://www.thomas-allen.com/ThomasAllenPublishers/catalogue/0-88762-252-6.htm |date=2007-06-25 }}
* [http://www.eurovia.tv/home/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,21/category_id,8/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,170/lang,en/ Kerschbaum & Gattinger, Via Francigena - DVD- Dokumentasi sebuah ziarah modern ke Roma, ISBN 3-200-00500-9, Verlag EUROVIA, Wina 2005] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20071214050841/http://www.eurovia.tv/home/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,21/category_id,8/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,170/lang,en/ |date=2007-12-14 }}
== Referensi dan pranala luar ==
*[http://www.thomas-allen.com/ThomasAllenPublishers/catalogue/0-88762-252-6.htm All the Good Pilgrims: Tales of the Camino de Santiago oleh Robert Ward. Thomas Allen Publishers, Mei 2007.]
* [http://www.eurovia.tv/home/component/page,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,21/category_id,8/manufacturer_id,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,170/lang,en/ Kerschbaum & Gattinger, Via Francigena - DVD- Dokumentasi sebuah ziarah modern ke Roma, ISBN: 3200005009, Verlag EUROVIA, Wina 2005]
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://www.eurovia.tv/ Eurovia-Association for the Estblishment of European Pilgimage Routes]
* [http://www.catedraldesantiago.es Situs resmi katedral Santiago de Compostela]
* [http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/pilgrim/places.htm Peziarahan Buddhis di India]
* [http://www.catholic.travel/ Ziarah Katolik]
* [http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/pilgrim/places.htm Peziarahan Buddhis di IndiaSri Lanka]
*[http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/pilgrim/places.htm Peziarahan Buddhis di Sri Lanka]
* [http://www.santiago.ca The Canadian Company of Pilgrims] Sebuah kelompok nirlaba yang memberikan nasihat kepada para peziarah yang menempuh jalan St. Yakobus
* [httphttps://www.pilgrim-wikicaminodesantiago.comme/ Wiki tentang ziarah di Eropa]
* [http://www.santiago-today.com/board/ Forum peziarah tentang ziarah ke Santiago de Compostela] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060904171951/http://www.santiago-today.com/board/ |date=2006-09-04 }}
* [http://www.sacred-destinations.com/index.html Destinasi suci] Tempat-tempat suci dan peziarahan.
* [http://www.ciolek.com/OWTRAD/DATA/tmcFRm1500a.html Trayek ziarah PerancisPrancis dari 1000 M hingga 1500 M]
* [http://www.ciolek.com/OWTRAD/DATA/tmcESm1400.html Trayek ziarah Spanyol dari 900 M hingga 2000 M]
* [http://www.sacrimonti.net/User/index.php?PAGE=Sito_it/espo_1_eng From Jerusalem to Sacred Mounts] Sejarah sembilan [[Sacri Monti di Piedmont dan Lombardy|''Sacri Monti'']] termasuk dalam Daftar Warisan Dunia UNESCO.
* [http://veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/index.htm#6 VEDA: Holy Places]
*[http://www.centruldepelerinaj.ro/index.php?&lang=en Pilgrimages and Cultural Heritage programmes in Romania, Europe]
* [http://www.caminodesantiago.me.uk Walking the Camino de Santiago, A Guide] The Camino de Santiago has more than 100,000 pilgrims walking the various paths each year.
*[http://veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/index.htm#6 VEDA: Holy Places]
*[http://www.caminodesantiago.me.uk Walking the Camino de Santiago, A Guide] The Camino de Santiago has more than 100,000 pilgrims walking the various paths each year.
*[http://www.fotolia.co.uk/search.php?k=wallfahrt%20setz Images of pilgrimages at fotolia.de (Royalty-Free)]
*[http://www.casavarese.com/sacro-monte-italian-lakes.html Italian Lakes Pilgrimage.] The nine Sacro Monte of the Italian lakes were developed for pilgrims in the 15th and 16th centuries as an alternative to traveling to the holy land.
*[http://www.pilgrimagepublications.com Organisasi nir laba, membuat peta rute ziarah dan mempromosikan perjalanan ramah lingkungan]
*[http://www.pilgrimriders.com Laporan ziarah terinci ke Santiago dan Roma dengan menunggang kuda]
[[Kategori:Ziarah| ]]
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[[ar:حج (مصطلح)]]
[[he:עלייה לרגל]]
[[vi:Hành hương (tôn giáo)]]