Actinopterygii: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(34 revisi perantara oleh 8 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Short description|Kelas ikan bertulang yang memiliki sirip berbentuk kipas}}
| name=
| name = Ikan bersirip kipas
| fossil_range = {{Fossil range|Silurian Akhir|Sekarang}}
| fossil_range = {{Fossil range |Pridoli|Recent|Silur Akhir - Sekarang}}
| image = Herring2.jpg
| image = Actinopterygii-0001.jpg
| image_caption = [[Herring Atlantik]]
| regnum = [[Animalia]]
| phylum = [[Chordata]]
| infraphylum = [[Gnathostomata]]
| superclassis = [[Osteichthyes]]
| classis = [['''Actinopterygii]]'''
| classis_authority = Klein, 1885
| subdivision_ranks = Subkelas
| subdivision = {{Linked taxon list
|Actinopteri|<!--Kehilangan informasi otoritas-->
[[Chondrostei]]<br />
| classis_authority = [[Adolf von Klein|Klein]]<!--1805–1892-->, 1885
'''Actinopterygii''' ({{IPAc-en|ˌ|æ|k|t|ᵻ|n|ɒ|p|t|ə|ˈ|r|ɪ|dʒ|i|aɪ}}; {{etymology||{{wikt-lang|mul|actino-}}|memiliki kipas|grc|''{{wikt-lang|grc|πτέρυξ}}'' (ptérux)|sayap, sirip}}), yang anggotanya disebut sebagai '''ikan bersirip kipas''', adalah [[klad]] (secara tradisi diklasifikasikan sebagai [[Kelas (biologi)|kelas]] atau subkelas) [[Osteichthyes|ikan bertulang]].<ref>{{cite book |title=Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution |url= |last=Kardong |first=Kenneth |publisher=[[McGraw-Hill Education]] |year=2015 |isbn=978-0-07-802302-6 |location=New York |pages=[ 99]–100}}</ref> Mereka mencakup 50% dari [[spesies]] [[vertebrata]] yang masih hidup.<ref name="NelsonFoW">{{cite book |last=Nelson |first=Joseph S. |title=Fishes of the World |year=2016 |publisher=[[Wiley (publisher)|John Wiley & Sons]] |isbn=978-1-118-34233-6}}</ref>
'''Actinopterygii''' (bentuk jamaknya dari ''Actinopterygius'') merupakan [[Kelas (biologi)|kelas]] dalam [[taksonomi]] dari '''ikan bersirip kipas'''.
Actinopterygii mencakup banyak [[ikan]] yang dikenal awam sebagai ikan konsumsi maupun ikan hias/peliharaan. Secara evolusi, kelompok ini merupakan pengembangan lebih lanjut yang paling adaptif pada keadaan bumi pada masa kini. Sebagian besar jenis-jenis ikan yang hidup pada masa sekarang merupakan anggota kelompok ini.
== Klasifikasi dan catatan fosil ==
Actinopterygii dibagi menjadi kelas [[Cladistia]] dan [[Actinopteri]]. Kelas yang terakhir mencakup subkelas [[Chondrostei]] dan [[Neopterygii]]. [[Neopterygii]], pada gilirannya, dibagi menjadi infrakelas [[Holostei]] dan [[Teleostei]]. Selama periode [[Mesozoikum]] ([[Trias]], [[Jura]], [[Kapur]]) dan [[Kenozoikum]], terutama teleostei yang mengalami diversifikasi luas. Akibatnya, 96% dari spesies ikan yang hidup adalah teleostei (40% dari semua spesies ikan termasuk dalam subkelompok teleostei [[Acanthomorpha]]), sedangkan semua kelompok aktinopterigian lainnya mewakili garis keturunan yang kurang berkembang.<ref name="Sallan 2014">{{cite journal|last1=Sallan|first1=Lauren C.|date=February 2014|title=Major issues in the origins of ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) biodiversity|journal=Biological Reviews|volume=89|issue=4|pages=950–971|doi=10.1111/brv.12086|pmid=24612207|author1-link=Lauren Sallan|hdl=2027.42/109271|s2cid=24876484|hdl-access=free}}</ref>
Klasifikasi ikan bersirip kipas dapat dirangkum sebagai berikut:
* Cladistia, yang mencakup bichir dan ikan buluh
* Actinopteri, yang mencakup:
** Chondrostei, yang mencakup Acipenseriformes (ikan dayung dan sturgeon)
** Neopterygii, yang mencakup:
*** Teleostei (kebanyakan ikan yang hidup)
*** Holostei, yang mencakup:
**** Lepisosteiformes (ikan gar)
**** Amiiformes (ikan bowfin)
[[Cladogram]] di bawah ini menunjukkan [[Clade|kelompok utama]] actinopterygian yang hidup dan hubungan evolusionernya dengan kelompok [[Takson yang masih ada|takson]] [[ikan]] lainnya serta vertebrata berkaki empat ([[tetrapoda]]).<ref name="PNAS">{{cite journal|author=Thomas J. Near|author-link=Thomas J. Near|display-authors=etal|date=2012|title=Resolution of ray-finned fish phylogeny and timing of diversification|journal=PNAS|volume=109|issue=34|pages=13698–13703|bibcode=2012PNAS..10913698N|doi=10.1073/pnas.1206625109|pmc=3427055|pmid=22869754|doi-access=free}}</ref><ref name="TOL">{{cite journal|author=Betancur-R, Ricardo|display-authors=etal|year=2013|title=The Tree of Life and a New Classification of Bony Fishes|journal=PLOS Currents Tree of Life|volume=5|issue=Edition 1|doi=10.1371/currents.tol.53ba26640df0ccaee75bb165c8c26288|pmc=3644299|pmid=23653398|hdl=2027.42/150563|doi-access=free}}</ref> Kelompok yang terakhir ini sebagian besar mencakup spesies [[terestrial]] tetapi juga kelompok yang menjadi [[Tetrapoda akuatik sekunder|akuatik sekunder]] (misalnya, [[Cetacea|ikan paus dan lumba-lumba]]). Tetrapoda [[Evolusi tetrapoda|berkembang]] dari sekelompok [[ikan bertulang]] selama [[periode Devonian]].<ref name="laurin&reisz1995">{{cite journal|author1=Laurin, M.|author2=Reisz, R.R.|year=1995|title=A reevaluation of early amniote phylogeny|journal=Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society|volume=113|issue=2|pages=165–223|doi=10.1111/j.1096-3642.1995.tb00932.x}}</ref> Perkiraan [[Evolusi divergen|tanggal divergensi]] untuk clade actinopterygian yang berbeda (dalam [[juta tahun]], mya) berasal dari Near et al., 2012.<ref name="PNAS" />
|1=[[Cyclostomata|Ikan tak berahang]] ([[hagfish]], [[lamprey]]) [[File:Nejonöga, Iduns kokbok.jpg|80px]]
|label2=[[Gnathostomata|Vertebrata berahang]]
|1=[[Chondrichthyes|Ikan bertulang rawan]] ([[hiu]], [[pari (ikan)|pari]], [[ikan tikus]]) <span style="{{MirrorH}}">[[File:White shark (Duane Raver).png|80px]]</span>
|sublabel2=('ikan bertulang')
|sublabel1=(sirip lobus)
|1=[[Coelacanth]] [[File:Coelacanth flipped.png|70px]]
|1=[[Dipnoi|Ikan paru-paru]] <span style="{{MirrorH}}">[[File:Chinle fish Arganodus cropped cropped.png|70px]]</span>
|1=[[Amfibi]] [[File:Salamandra salamandra (white background).jpg|70px]]
|1=[[Mamalia]] [[File:Phylogenetic tree of marsupials derived from retroposon data (Paucituberculata).png|60px]]
|2=[[Sauropsida|Sauropsid]] ([[reptil]] dan [[burung]]) [[File:British reptiles, amphibians, and fresh-water fishes (1920) (Lacerta agilis).jpg|70px]]
|sublabel2={{small|400 juta tahun lalu}}
|1=[[Polypteriformes]] ([[bichir]] dan [[reedfish]]) [[File:Cuvier-105-Polyptère.jpg|80px]]
|1=[[Acipenseriformes]] ([[sturgeon]] dan [[ikan dayung]]) [[File:Atlantic sturgeon flipped.jpg|80px]]
|label2=[[Neopterygii]] |sublabel2={{small|360 juta tahun lalu}}
|sublabel1={{small|310 juta tahun lalu}}
|1=[[Teleostei]] [[File:Common carp (white background).jpg|70px]]
|sublabel2={{small|275 juta tahun lalu}}
|1=[[Amiiformes]] ([[bowfin]]) [[File:Amia calva (white background).jpg|70px]]
|2=[[Lepisosteiformes]] ([[gar]]) [[File:Alligator gar fish (white background).jpg|80px]]
== Reproduksi ==
[[Berkas:Gasterosteus_aculeatus_1879.jpg|kiri|jmpl|[[Tiga duri stickleback]] (''Gasterosteus aculeatus'') jantan (perut merah) membangun sarang dan bersaing untuk menarik betina agar bertelur di dalamnya. Jantan kemudian mempertahankan dan mengipasi telur tersebut. Lukisan oleh [[Alexander Francis Lydon]], 1879]]
Pada hampir semua ikan bersirip kipas, jenis kelamin terpisah, dan pada sebagian besar spesies, betina mengeluarkan telur yang dibuahi secara eksternal, biasanya dengan jantan menyemai telur setelah dikeluarkan. Perkembangan kemudian berlanjut dengan tahap larva yang berenang bebas.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Dorit|first1=R.L.|last2=Walker|first2=W.F.|last3=Barnes|first3=R.D.|year=1991|url=|title=Zoology|publisher=Saunders College Publishing|isbn=978-0-03-030504-7|page=[ 819]|url-access=registration}}</ref> Namun, ada pola [[ontogeni]] lain yang ada, dengan salah satu yang paling umum adalah [[hermafroditisme bertahap]]. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, ini melibatkan [[protogini]], ikan memulai hidup sebagai betina dan beralih menjadi jantan pada suatu tahap, dipicu oleh faktor internal atau eksternal. [[Protandri]], di mana ikan beralih dari jantan ke betina, jauh lebih jarang dibandingkan protogini.<ref>{{cite journal|last=Avise|first=J.C.|author-link=John Avise|author2=Mank, J.E.|year=2009|title=Evolutionary perspectives on hermaphroditism in fishes|url=|journal=Sexual Development|volume=3|issue=2–3|pages=152–163|doi=10.1159/000223079|pmid=19684459|s2cid=22712745}}</ref>
Sebagian besar keluarga ikan menggunakan [[fertilisasi eksternal]] daripada [[fertilisasi internal]].<ref name="Pitcher">{{cite book|last=Pitcher|first=T|year=1993|title=The Behavior of Teleost Fishes|location=London|publisher=Chapman & Hall}}</ref> Dari [[ovipar]] teleost, sebagian besar (79%) tidak memberikan perawatan parental.<ref name="Reynolds">{{cite journal|last=Reynolds|first=John|author2=Nicholas B. Goodwin|author3=Robert P. Freckleton|date=19 March 2002|title=Evolutionary Transitions in Parental Care and Live Bearing in Vertebrates|journal=Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences|volume=357|issue=1419|pages=269–281|doi=10.1098/rstb.2001.0930|pmc=1692951|pmid=11958696}}</ref> [[Vivipar]], [[ovovivipar]], atau beberapa bentuk perawatan parental terhadap telur, baik oleh jantan, betina, atau kedua orang tua terlihat pada sebagian signifikan (21%) dari 422 keluarga teleost; tidak ada perawatan kemungkinan merupakan kondisi leluhur.<ref name="Reynolds" /> Kasus vivipar tertua pada ikan bersirip kipas ditemukan pada spesies [[Trias Tengah]] dari {{extinct}}''[[Saurichthys]]''.<ref>{{cite journal|author=Maxwell|display-authors=etal|year=2018|title=Re-evaluation of the ontogeny and reproductive biology of the Triassic fish ''Saurichthys'' (Actinopterygii, Saurichthyidae)|journal=Palaeontology|volume=61|pages=559–574|doi=10.5061/dryad.vc8h5}}</ref> Vivipar relatif jarang dan ditemukan pada sekitar 6% dari spesies teleost hidup; perawatan oleh jantan jauh lebih umum daripada perawatan oleh betina.<ref name="Reynolds" /><ref name="Clutton-Brock">{{cite book|last=Clutton-Brock|first=T. H.|year=1991|title=The Evolution of Parental Care|location=Princeton, NJ|publisher=Princeton UP|author-link=Tim Clutton-Brock}}</ref> Teritorialitas jantan [[Exaptation|"preadapts"]] spesies untuk mengembangkan perawatan parental oleh jantan.<ref name="Werren">{{cite journal|last=Werren|first=John|author2=Mart R. Gross|author3=Richard Shine|author3-link=Richard Shine|year=1980|title=Paternity and the evolution of male parentage|url=|journal=Journal of Theoretical Biology|volume=82|issue=4|pages=619–631|doi=10.1016/0022-5193(80)90182-4|pmid=7382520|access-date=15 September 2013}}</ref><ref name="Baylis">{{cite journal|last=Baylis|first=Jeffrey|year=1981|title=The Evolution of Parental Care in Fishes, with reference to Darwin's rule of male sexual selection|journal=Environmental Biology of Fishes|volume=6|issue=2|pages=223–251|bibcode=1981EnvBF...6..223B|doi=10.1007/BF00002788|s2cid=19242013}}</ref>
Ada beberapa contoh ikan yang membuahi dirinya sendiri. [[Mangrove rivulus]] adalah hermafrodit simultan amfibi, menghasilkan telur dan sperma serta memiliki fertilisasi internal. Mode reproduksi ini mungkin terkait dengan kebiasaan ikan menghabiskan waktu lama di luar air di hutan bakau tempatnya tinggal. Jantan kadang-kadang dihasilkan pada suhu di bawah {{convert|19|°C}} dan dapat membuahi telur yang kemudian dikeluarkan oleh betina. Ini mempertahankan variasi genetik dalam spesies yang sebaliknya sangat inbrida.<ref name="Wootton">{{cite book|author1=Wootton, Robert J.|author2=Smith, Carl|year=2014|url=|title=Reproductive Biology of Teleost Fishes|publisher=Wiley|isbn=978-1-118-89139-1}}</ref>{{clear}}
== Klasifikasi ==
Daftar di bawah mengikuti [[Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes]] <ref>{{cite web | author = Betancur-R | title = Phylogenetic Classification of Bony Fishes --Version 3 | url = | date = 2014 | access-date = 2015-10-10 | archive-date = 2015-08-14 | archive-url = | dead-url = yes }}</ref> dengan catatan jika ini berbeda dari Nelson,<ref>{{cite book|last = Nelson|first = Joseph, S.|title = Fishes of the World|year = 2006|publisher = John Wiley & Sons, Inc|isbn = 0-471-25031-7 }}</ref> [[ITIS]] <ref>{{ITIS |id=161061 |taxon=Actinopterygii |accessdate=3 April 2006}}</ref> dan [[FishBase]].<ref>{{cite web | author = R. Froese and D. Pauly, editors | title = FishBase | url = |date=February 2006}}</ref>
*=== '''SubclassSubkelas [[Cladistii]]''' (Pander, 1860) ===
** OrderOrdo †[[Guildayichthyiformes]] Lund 2000
** OrderOrdo [[Polypteriformes]] ([[bichir]]s and [[reedfish]]es) <ref>InDalam Nelson, [[Polypteriformes]] is placed inditempatkan itsdalam ownsubkelasnya subclasssendiri [[Cladistia]].</ref>
* '''Subclass [[Actinopteri]]''' Cope 1972
** Order †[[Tarrasiiformes]]
** Order †[[Cheirolepidiformes]]
** Order †[[Paramblypteriformes]] Heyler 1969
** Order †[[Rhadinichthyiformes]]
** Order †[[Phanerorhynchiformes]]
** Order †[[Luganoiiformes]] Lehman 1958
** Order †[[Haplolepidiformes]]
** Order †[[Ptycholepiformes]]
** Order †[[Platysomiformes]]
** Order †[[Palaeonisciformes]]
** Order †[[Pholidopleuriformes]]
** Order †[[Peltopleuriformes]]
** Order †[[Perleidiformes]]
** '''Infra class [[Chondrostei]]'''
*** Order [[Acipenseriformes]] ([[sturgeon]]s and [[paddlefish]]es)
*** Order †[[Saurichthyiformes]]
** '''Infra class [[Neopterygii]]''' Regan 1923
*** Order †[[Pachycormiformes]]
*** '''[[Holostei]]'''
**** Order †[[Parasemionotiformes]] Lehman 1966
**** Order †[[Ionoscopiformes]] Grande & Bemis 1998
**** Order †[[Pycnodontiformes]] Berg 1937
**** Order †[[Semionotiformes]] Arambourg & Bertin 1958
**** Order [[Lepisosteiformes]] ([[gar]]s)
**** Order [[Amiiformes]] ([[bowfin]]s)
*** '''[[Teleostei]]''' Müller 1844
**** [[Aspidorhynchiformes]]
**** [[Pholidophoriformes]]
**** [[Leptolepidiformes]]
**** '''[[Teleocephala]]'''
***** '''Megacohort [[Elopocephalai]]''' Patterson 1977 sensu Arratia 1999 ([[Elopomorpha]] Greenwood et al. 1966)
****** Order [[Elopiformes]] ([[ladyfish]]es and [[tarpon]])
****** Order [[Albuliformes]] (bonefishes)
****** Order [[Notacanthiformes]] ([[halosaurs]] and [[spiny eel]]s)
****** Order [[Anguilliformes]] Regan 190 (true [[eel]]s)
***** '''Megacohort [[Osteoglossocephalai]]''' sensu Arratia 1999
****** '''Supercohort [[Osteoglossocephala]]''' sensu Arratia 1999 ([[Osteoglossomorpha]] Greenwood et al. 1966)
******* Order †[[Ichthyodectiformes]] Bardeck & Sprinkle 1969
******* Order †[[Lycopteriformes]]
******* Order [[Osteoglossiformes]] (bony-tongued fishes)
******* Order [[Hiodontiformes]] ([[mooneye]] and [[goldeye]])
****** '''Supercohort [[Clupeocephala]]''' Patterson & Rosen 1977 sensu Arratia 2010
******* Order †[[Crossognathiformes]] Taverne 1989
******* Order †[[Tselfatiiformes]] Nelson 1994
******* '''Cohort [[Otomorpha]]''' ([[Otocephala]]; [[Ostarioclupeomorpha]])
******** '''Subcohort [[Clupei]]''' ([[Clupeomorpha]])
********* Order †[[Ellimmyichthyiformes]] Grande 1982
********* Order [[Clupeiformes]] ([[herring]]s and [[anchovy|anchovies]])
******** '''Subcohort [[Alepocephali]]'''
********* Order [[Alepocephaliformes]]
******** '''Subcohort [[Ostariophysi]]''' Sagemehl 1885
********* '''Section [[Anotophysa]]''' Rosen 1970
********** Order [[Gonorynchiformes]] ([[milkfish]]es)
********* '''Section [[Otophysa]]''' Garstang 1931
********** Order [[Cypriniformes]] ([[Barb (fish)|barbs]], [[carp]], [[danios]], [[goldfish]]es, [[Loach (fish)|loaches]], [[minnow]]s, [[rasbora]]s)
********** Order [[Characiformes]] ([[characin]]s, [[pencilfish]]es, [[Freshwater hatchetfish|hatchetfishes]], [[piranha]]s, [[tetra]]s, [[Golden dorado|dourado / golden (genus ''Salminus'')]] and [[Piaractus mesopotamicus|pacu]])
********** Order [[Gymnotiformes]] ([[electric eel]]s and [[knifefish (disambiguation)|knifefishes]])
********** Order [[Siluriformes]] ([[catfish]]es)
******* '''Cohort [[Euteleosteomorpha]]''' ([[Euteleostei]] Greenwood 1967 sensu Johnson & Patterson 1996])
******** '''Subcohort [[Lepidogalaxii]]'''
********* [[Lepidogalaxiiformes]]
******** '''Subcohort [[Protacanthopterygii]]''' sensu Johnson & Patterson 1996
********* Order [[Argentiniformes]] ([[barreleye]]s and [[slickhead]]s) (formerly in Osmeriformes)
********* Order [[Galaxiiformes]]
********* Order [[Salmoniformes]] ([[salmon]] and [[trout]])
********* Order [[Esociformes]] ([[esox|pike]])
******** '''Subcohort [[Stomiati]]'''
********* Order [[Osmeriformes]] ([[Smelt (fish)|smelts]])
********* Order [[Stomiatiformes]] ([[bristlemouth]]s and [[marine hatchetfish]]es)
******** '''Subcohort [[Neoteleostei]]''' Nelson 1969
********* '''Infracohort [[Ateleopodia]]'''
********** Order [[Ateleopodiformes]] ([[jellynose fish]])
********* '''Infracohort [[Eurypterygia]]''' Rosen 1973
********** '''Section [[Aulopa]]''' [Cyclosquamata]
*********** Order [[Aulopiformes]] ([[Bombay duck]] and [[lancetfish]]es)
********** '''Section [[Ctenosquamata]]''' Rosen 1973
*********** '''Subsection [[Myctophata]]''' [Scopelomorpha]
************ Order [[Myctophiformes]] ([[lanternfish]]es)
*********** '''Subsection [[Acanthomorphata]]'''
************ '''Division [[Lampridacea]]''' [Lampridiomorpha]
************* Order [[Lampriformes]] ([[oarfish]], [[opah]] and [[ribbonfishes]])
************ '''Division [[Paracanthomorphacea]]''' sensu Grande et al. 2013 ([[Paracanthopterygii]] Greenwood 1937)
************* Order [[Percopsiformes]] ([[Amblyopsidae|cavefishes]] and [[trout-perch]]es)
************* Order †[[Sphenocephaliformes]]
************* Order [[Zeiiformes]] ([[dory (fish)|dories]])
************* Order [[Stylephoriformes]]
************* Order [[Gadiformes]] ([[cod]]s)
************ '''Division [[Polymixiacea]]''' ([[Polymyxiomorpha]])
************* Order †[[Pattersonichtyiformes]]
************* Order †[[Ctenothrissiformes]]
************* Order [[Polymixiiformes]] ([[beardfish]]es)
************ '''Division [[Euacanthomorphacea]]''' sensu Johnson & Patterson 1993 ([[Acanthopterygii]] Gouan 1770 sensu Nelson 1994)
************* '''Subdivision [[Berycimorphaceae]]'''
************** Order [[Beryciformes]] ([[fangtooth]]s and [[pineconefish]]es)
************* '''Subdivision [[Holocentrimorphaceae]] ''' ([[Stephanoberyciformes]]; [[Cetomimiformes]])
************** Order [[Holocentriformes]]
************* '''Subdivision [[Percomorphaceae]]''' ([[Percomorpha]] sensu Miya et al. 2003; [[Acanthopteri]])
************** '''Series [[Ophidiimopharia]]'''
*************** Order [[Ophidiiformes]] ([[pearlfish]]es)
************** '''Series [[Batrachoidimopharia]]'''
*************** Order [[Batrachoidiformes]] ([[Batrachoididae|toadfishes]])
************** '''Series [[Gobiomopharia]]'''
*************** Order [[Kurtiformes]]
*************** Order [[Gobiiformes]]
************** '''Series [[Scombrimopharia]]'''
*************** Order [[Syngnathiformes]] ([[Seahorse (fish)|seahorses]] and [[pipefish]]es<ref>In Nelson and ITIS, [[Syngnathiformes]] is placed as the suborder Syngnathoidei of the order [[Gasterosteiformes]].</ref>)
*************** Order [[Scombriformes]]
************** '''Series [[Carangimopharia]]'''
*************** '''Sub Series [[Anabantaria]]'''
**************** Order [[Synbranchiformes]] ([[swamp eel]]s)
**************** Order [[Anabantiformes]] ([[Labyrinthici]])
*************** '''Sub Series [[Carangaria]]'''
**************** Carangaria incertae sedis
**************** Order [[Istiophoriformes]]
**************** Order [[Carangiformes]]
**************** Order [[Pleuronectiformes]] ([[flatfish]]es)
*************** '''Sub Series [[Ovalentaria]]''' sensu Smith & Near 2012 ([[Stiassnyiformes]] sensu Li et al. 2009)
**************** Ovalentaria incertae sedis
**************** Order [[Pholidichthyiformes]]
**************** Order [[Cichliformes]]
**************** Order [[Atheriniformes]] ([[Silverside (fish)|silversides]] and [[rainbowfish]]es)
**************** Order [[Cyprinodontiformes]] ([[live-bearing aquarium fish|livebearers]], [[killifish]]es)
**************** Order [[Beloniformes]] ([[flyingfish]]es) [incl. Gobiesociformes <ref>In ITIS, [[Gobiesociformes]] is placed as the suborder Gobiesocoidei of the order [[Perciformes]].</ref>]
**************** Order [[Mugiliformes]] ([[mullet (fish)|mullets]])
**************** Order [[Blenniiformes]]
************** '''Series [[Eupercaria]]''' ([[Percomorpharia]])
*************** Eupercaria incertae sedis
*************** Order [[Labriformes]]
*************** Order [[Ephippiformes]]
*************** Order [[Lobotiformes]]
*************** Order [[Acanthuriformes]]
*************** Order [[Chaetodontiformes]]
*************** Order [[Spariformes]]
*************** Order [[Lophiiformes]] ([[anglerfish]]es)
*************** Order [[Tetraodontiformes]] ([[filefish]]es and [[pufferfish]])
*************** Order [[Uranoscopiformes]] ([[Paratrachinoidei]] sensu Li et al. 2009)
*************** Order [[Pempheriformes]]
*************** Order [[Centrarchiformes]]
*************** Order [[Perciformes]] (40% of all fish, including [[anabantid]]s, [[Centrarchidae|centrarchids]] (including [[bass (fish)|bass]] and sunfish), [[cichlid]]s, [[gobies]], [[gourami]]s, [[mackerel]], [[tuna]], [[perch]]es, [[Scatophagidae|scats]], [[whiting (fish)|whiting]], [[wrasses]], [[betta]]s) (incl. [[Gasterosteiformes]]; [[Scorpaeniformes]])
=== Subkelas [[Actinopteri]] (Cope ,1972) ===
==Catatan==<!-- AnimalBiology58:23. MolecularPhylogeneticsAndEvolution46:224. -->
** Ordo †[[Tarrasiiformes]]
** Ordo †[[Cheirolepidiformes]]
** Ordo †[[Paramblypteriformes]] Heyler 1969
** Ordo †[[Rhadinichthyiformes]]
** Ordo †[[Phanerorhynchiformes]]
** Ordo †[[Luganoiiformes]] Lehman 1958
** Ordo †[[Haplolepidiformes]]
** Ordo †[[Ptycholepiformes]]
** Ordo †[[Platysomiformes]]
** Ordo †[[Palaeonisciformes]]
** Ordo †[[Pholidopleuriformes]]
** Ordo †[[Peltopleuriformes]]
** Ordo †[[Perleidiformes]]
==== Infra kelas [[Chondrostei]] ====
** Ordo [[Acipenseriformes]]
** Ordo †[[Saurichthyiformes]]
==== Infra kelas [[Neopterygii]] (Regan, 1923) ====
** Ordo †[[Pachycormiformes]]
==== Infra kelas [[Holostei]] ====
** Ordo †[[Parasemionotiformes]] Lehman 1966
** Ordo †[[Ionoscopiformes]] Grande & Bemis 1998
** Ordo †[[Pycnodontiformes]] Berg 1937
** Ordo †[[Semionotiformes]] Arambourg & Bertin 1958
** Ordo [[Gar|Lepisosteiformes]]
** Ordo [[Amiiformes]]
==== Infra kelas [[Teleostei]] (Müller, 1844) ====
** Ordo [[Aspidorhynchiformes]]
** Ordo [[Pholidophoriformes]]
** Ordo [[Leptolepidiformes]]
;; Supercohort '''[[Teleocephala]]'''
; Megacohort [[Elopocephalai]] Patterson 1977 sensu Arratia 1999
* Superordo([[Elopomorpha]] Greenwood et al. 1966)
** Ordo [[Elopiformes]]
** Ordo [[Albuliformes]]
** Ordo [[Notacanthiformes]]
** Ordo [[Sidat|Anguilliformes]] Regan 190
; Megacohort [[Osteoglossocephalai]]''' sensu Arratia 1999
;; Supercohort [[Osteoglossocephala]]''' sensu Arratia 1999 ([[Osteoglossomorpha]] Greenwood et al. 1966)
** Ordo †[[Ichthyodectiformes]] Bardeck & Sprinkle 1969
** Ordo †[[Lycopteriformes]]
** Ordo [[Osteoglossiformes]]
** Ordo [[Hiodontiformes]]
;; Supercohort [[Clupeocephala]] Patterson & Rosen 1977 sensu Arratia 2010
** Ordo †[[Crossognathiformes]] Taverne 1989
** Ordo †[[Tselfatiiformes]] Nelson 1994
;;; Cohort [[Otomorpha]] ([[Otocephala]]; [[Ostarioclupeomorpha]])
* Superordo [[Clupeomorpha]]
** Ordo †[[Ellimmyichthyiformes]] Grande 1982
** Ordo [[Clupeiformes]]
;;;; Subcohort [[Alepocephali]]
** Ordo [[Alepocephaliformes]]
;;;; Subcohort [[Ostariophysi]] Sagemehl 1885
;;;;;; Section [[Anotophysa]] Rosen 1970
** Ordo [[Gonorynchiformes]]
;;;;;; Section [[Otophysa]] Garstang 1931
** Ordo [[Cypriniformes]] ([[Barb (fish)|barbs]], [[carp]], [[danio]], [[ikan mas]], [[Loach (ikan)|loach]], [[minnow]], [[rasbora]])
** Ordo [[Characiformes]] ([[characin]], [[ikan pensil]], [[Freshwater hatchetfish|hatchetfishes]], [[piranha]], [[tetra]], [[Golden dorado|dourado / golden (genus ''Salminus'')]] and [[Piaractus mesopotamicus|pacu]])
** Ordo [[Gymnotiformes]] ([[Sidat listrik]] dan [[knifefish (disambiguation)|knifefishes]])
** Ordo [[Siluriformes]] (Ikan berkumis)
;;; Cohort [[Euteleosteomorpha]] ([[Euteleostei]] Greenwood 1967 sensu Johnson & Patterson 1996])
;;;; Subcohort [[Lepidogalaxii]]
** Ordo [[Lepidogalaxiiformes]]
;;;; Subcohort [[Protacanthopterygii]] sensu Johnson & Patterson 1996
** Ordo [[Argentiniformes]]
** Ordo [[Galaxiiformes]]
** Ordo [[Salmonidae|Salmoniformes]] ([[salmon]] dan [[trout]])
** Ordo [[Esociformes]] (Pike dan kerabatnya)
;;;; Subcohort [[Stomiati]]
** Ordo [[Osmeriformes]]
** Ordo [[Stomiiformes]]
;;;; Subcohort [[Neoteleostei]] Nelson 1969
;;;;; Infracohort [[Ateleopodia]]
** Ordo [[Ateleopodiformes]]
;;;;; Infracohort [[Eurypterygia]] Rosen 1973
;;;;;; Section [[Aulopa]] [Cyclosquamata]
** Ordo [[Aulopiformes]]
;;;;;; Section [[Ctenosquamata]] Rosen 1973
;;;;;;; Subsection [[Myctophata]] * Superordo [[Scopelomorpha]]
** Ordo [[Myctophiformes]]
;;;;;;; Subsection [[Acanthomorphata]]
;;;;;;;; Division [[Lampridacea]] * Superordo [[Lampridiomorpha]]
** Ordo [[Lampriformes]] ([[oarfish]], [[opah]] dan lainnya)
;;;;;;;; Division [[Paracanthomorphacea]] sensu Grande et al. 2013 ([[Paracanthopterygii]] Greenwood 1937)
** Ordo [[Percopsiformes]]
** Ordo †[[Sphenocephaliformes]]
** Ordo [[Zeiformes]] ([[John Dory]] dan kerabatnya)
** Ordo [[Stylephoriformes]]
** Ordo [[Gadiformes]] ([[kod]])
;;;;;;;; Divisi [[Polymixiacea]]
* Superordo [[Polymyxiomorpha]]
** Ordo †[[Pattersonichtyiformes]]
** Ordo †[[Ctenothrissiformes]]
** Ordo [[Polymixiiformes]]
;;;;;;;; Divisi [[Euacanthomorphacea]] sensu Johnson & Patterson 1993 ([[Acanthopterygii]] Gouan 1770 sensu Nelson 1994)
;;;;;;;;; Subdivisi [[Berycimorphaceae]]
** Ordo [[Beryciformes]]
;;;;;;;;; Subdivisi [[Holocentrimorphaceae]]
** Ordo [[Stephanoberyciformes]]
** Ordo [[Cetomimiformes]]
** Ordo [[Holocentriformes]]
;;;;;;;;; Subdivisi [[Percomorphaceae]] ([[Percomorpha]] sensu Miya et al. 2003; [[Acanthopteri]])
;;;;;;;;;; Seri [[Ophidiimopharia]]
** Ordo [[Ophidiiformes]]
;;;;;;;;;; Seri [[Batrachoidimopharia]]
** Ordo [[Batrachoidiformes]]
;;;;;;;;;; Seri [[Gobiomopharia]]
** Ordo [[Kurtiformes]]
** Ordo [[Gobiiformes]]
;;;;;;;;;; Seri [[Scombrimopharia]]
** Ordo [[Syngnathiformes]] ([[Kuda laut]] dan [[Ikan pipa]]<ref>Dalam Nelson dan ITIS, [[Syngnathiformes]] ditempatkan dalam subordo Syngnathoidei dari ordo [[Gasterosteiformes]].</ref>)
** Ordo [[Scombriformes]]
;;;;;;;;;; Seri [[Carangimopharia]]
;;;;;;;;;;; Sub Seri [[Anabantaria]]
** Ordo [[Synbranchiformes]] ([[Belut]] dan Tilan)
** Ordo [[Anabantiformes]] ([[Labyrinthici]])
;;;;;;;;;;; Sub Seri [[Carangaria]]
;;;;;;;;;;; Carangaria incertae sedis
** Ordo [[Istiophoriformes]]
** Ordo [[Carangiformes]]
** Ordo [[Ikan datar|Pleuronectiformes]] (Ikan datar)
;;;;;;;;;;; Sub Seri [[Ovalentaria]] sensu Smith & Near 2012 ([[Stiassnyiformes]] sensu Li et al. 2009)
;;;;;;;;;;; Ovalentaria incertae sedis
** Ordo [[Pholidichthyiformes]]
** Ordo [[Cichliformes]]
** Ordo [[Atheriniformes]]
** Ordo [[Cyprinodontiformes]]
** Ordo [[Beloniformes]] (incl. [[Gobiesociformes]]<ref>Dalam ITIS, [[Gobiesociformes]] ditempatkan dalam subordo Gobiesocoidei dari ordo [[Perciformes]].</ref>)
** Ordo [[Mugilidae|Mugiliformes]]
** Ordo [[Blenniiformes]]
;;;;;;;;;; Seri [[Eupercaria]] ([[Percomorpharia]])
;;;;;;;;;;; Eupercaria incertae sedis
** Ordo [[Labriformes]]
** Ordo [[Ephippiformes]]
** Ordo [[Lobotiformes]]
** Ordo [[Acanthuriformes]]
** Ordo [[Chaetodontiformes]]
** Ordo [[Spariformes]]
** Ordo [[Lophiiformes]] ([[anglerfish]]es)
** Ordo [[Tetraodontiformes]]
** Ordo [[Uranoscopiformes]] ([[Paratrachinoidei]] sensu Li et al. 2009)
** Ordo [[Pempheriformes]]
** Ordo [[Centrarchiformes]]
** Ordo [[Perciformes]] (40% dari semua ikan, termasuk [[Anabantidae]], [[Centrarchidae]] (termasuk [[bass (ikan)|bass]] dan mola-mola), [[cichlid]], [[gobi]], [[gurami]], [[makarel]], [[tuna]], [[perch]]es, [[Scatophagidae|scats]], [[whiting (fish)|whiting]], [[wrass]], [[cupang (ikan)|cupang]]) (termasuk [[Gasterosteiformes]]; [[Scorpaeniformes]])
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== Pranala luar ==
* {{Commons category-inline}}
* {{Wikispecies-inline}}
{{Commons category|Actinopterygii}}
* {{eol|1905}}
* [ ''Actinopterygii'' at]
* Jonna, R. (2004) [ Actinopterygii] ''Animal Diversity Web''. Updated 29 August 2006. Accessed 2 February 2013.
{{Actinopterygii|Evolusi ikan}}
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[[Kategori:Actinopterygii| ]]
[[Kategori:Kelas ikan]]
[[Kategori:Ikan bertulang dari periode Silur]]
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