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(48 revisi perantara oleh 10 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox religious biography
|background = #FFD068 | color = black
|name = Ajahn Brahm
|image = Ajahn Brahmavamso Mahathera.jpg
|alt = Biksu Buddha Kaukasia mengenakan jubah kunyit, menyeringai ke arah kamera
|caption =
|birthcaption name = PeterAjahn Brahm pada Betts2008
|aliasbirth_name = Peter = Betts
|birth_date = {{Birth date and age|df=y|1951|8|7}}
|dharma name =
|birth_place = [[London]], Inggris
|birth_date = {{Birth date and age|df=yes|1951|8|7}}
|birth_placenationality = [[Britania Raya]]
|death_date citizenship =
|death_placereligion = [[Buddha]]
|nationalityschool = [[Britania Raya|InggrisTheravada]]
|religiontitle = Phra Visuddhisamvarathera
|school dharma name = [[Theravāda]]Brahmavaṃso
|lineage location = [[Wihara Bodhiyana]]
|title education = Venerable Ajahn[[Emmanuel BrahmavamsoCollege, MahatheraCambridge]]
|location occupation = [[Bodhinyana Monastery]]Bhikkhu
|educationteacher = [[UniversityAjahn of CambridgeChah|CambridgeAjahn Chah UniversityBodhinyana]]
|website = [https://bswa.org/teachers/ajahn-brahm/ Official page]
|occupation =
|teacher =
|reincarnation of =
|predecessor =
|successor =
|students =
|spouse =
|partner =
|children =
|website = {{URL|http://www.ajahnbrahm.org/}}
'''Ajahn BrahmavamsoPhra MahatheraVisuddhisamvarathera''' {{small|[[Order of Australia|AM]]}} ({{lang-th|พระวิสุทธิสังวรเถร}}), dikenal sebagai '''Ajahn BrahmBrahmavaṃso'''), atau cukup '''Ajahn Brahm''' (lahir dengan'''Peter namaBetts''' (lahir '''Peter Betts'''<ref name="door">{{cite web|title= I Kidnapped a Monk!|url=httphttps://newlotuswww.buddhistdoor.comnet/enfeatures/news/d/31264i-kidnapped-a-monk|publisher=Buddhistdoor InternationalGlobal|accessdateaccess-date=May20 15,Maret 20132018}}</ref> di [[London]], [[Britania Raya]]<ref name="door"/> tanggal {{lahirmati||7 Agustus |8|1951}}), adalah seorang [[Bhiksu]]penganut Buddha [[BudhaTheravada]] kelahiran Inggris [[TheravādaBhikkhu|bhikkhu]]. Saat ini, Ajahn Brahm menjadiadalah [[Abbaskepala biara]] didari [[Biara Bodhinyana,]] di [[Serpentine, Australia Barat|Serpentine]], [[Australia Barat]], Direktur Spiritual di ''Buddhist Society of Western Australia'',; Penasihat Spiritual dipada ''BuddhistMasyarakat Society ofBuddhis Victoria'',; Penasihat Spiritual dipada ''BuddhistMasyarakat SocietyBuddhis of[[Australia South Australia'',Selatan]]; Pelindung Spiritual didari ''BuddhistPersekutuan Fellowship''Buddhis di [[Singapura]],; Pelindung di pusat Brahm Center di Singapura,; dan PelindungPenasihat Spiritual diuntuk PusatProyek BodhikusumaAnukampa Bhikkhuni di [[SydneyInggris]]; dan Direktur Spiritual Masyarakat Buddhis Australia Barat (BSWA). Ia kembali menjabat pada 22 April 2018 setelah mengundurkan diri sebentar pada bulan Maret, menyusul pemungutan suara yang kontroversial oleh anggota BSWA selama rapat umum tahunan mereka.<ref>{{cite web|title=Ajahn Brahm Resigns|url=https://bswa.org/ajahn-brahm-resigns/|last=Bellamy|first=Drew|website=Buddhist Society of Western Australia|date=24 Maret 2018|access-date=25 Maret 2018}}</ref>
== Latar Belakang ==
Peter Betts lahir di [[London]].<ref name="door"/> Dia berasal dari latar belakang kelas pekerja dan bersekolah di [[Latymer Upper School]].{{citation needed|date=Maret 2024}} Dia memenangkan [[beasiswa]] untuk mempelajari [[fisika teoretis]]<ref>{{cite web|title=Buddhism, the only real science |url=http://www.dailynews.lk/2007/03/28/fea04.asp |work=[[Daily News (Sri Lanka)|Daily News]] |access-date=15 Mei 2013 |url-status=dead |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120728024727/http://www.dailynews.lk/2007/03/28/fea04.asp |archive-date=28 Juli 2012 }}</ref> di [[Emmanuel College, Cambridge|Emmanuel College]], [[Universitas Cambridge]] pada akhir tahun 1960-an.<ref>{{cite book|last=Chan|first=Dunstan|title=Sound and Silence|publisher=TraffordSG|year=2013|page=189|isbn=9781466998759}}</ref> Setelah lulus, dia mengajar matematika di sebuah sekolah menengah di [[Devon]] selama satu tahun sebelum melakukan perjalanan ke Thailand untuk menjadi biksu dan berlatih bersama [[Ajahn Chah]] Bodhinyana Mahathera.<ref name="door"/> Brahm adalah [[ditahbiskan]] di Bangkok pada usia dua puluh tiga tahun oleh [[Somdet Kiaw]], kepala biara [[Wat Saket]]. Dia kemudian menghabiskan sembilan tahun belajar dan berlatih dalam [[Tradisi Hutan Thailand|tradisi meditasi hutan]] di bawah bimbingan Ajahn Chah.
== Wihara Bodhiyana ==
==Early life==
Setelah berlatih selama sembilan tahun sebagai biksu, Ajahn Brahm dikirim ke Perth oleh Ajahn Chah pada tahun 1983 untuk membantu Ajahn Jagaro dalam tugas mengajar.<ref>{{cite journal | last=Wettimuny |first= Samantha |date=21 Januari 2007 |title=Sharing the Dhamma in his own unique style |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/070121/Plus/012_pls.html |volume=41 |issue=34 |issn= 1391-0531 }}</ref> Awalnya, mereka berdua tinggal di sebuah rumah tua di Magnolia Street, di pinggiran Perth Utara, namun pada akhir tahun 1983, mereka membeli 97 acre (393.000&nbsp;m²) lahan pedesaan dan hutan di perbukitan Serpentine, selatan Perth. <ref name="door"/> Tanah tersebut akan menjadi [[Wihara Bodhinyana]] (dinamai menurut nama guru mereka, Ajahn Chah Bodhinyana). Bodhinyana akan menjadi biara Buddha pertama yang berdedikasi dari silsilah Theravada Thailand di [[Belahan Bumi Selatan]] dan saat ini menjadi komunitas biksu Buddha terbesar di Australia.{{Citation needed|date=Januari 2010}} Awalnya, tidak ada bangunan di tanah tersebut dan karena hanya ada sedikit umat Buddha di Perth saat ini, dan dana yang sedikit, para biksu sendiri mulai membangun untuk menghemat uang. Ajahn Brahm mempelajari pipa ledeng dan pemasangan batu bata serta membangun sendiri banyak bangunan yang ada saat ini.
Peter Betts came from a working-class background and went to [[Latymer Upper School]]. He won a [[scholarship]] to study [[Theoretical physics]]<ref>{{cite web|title=Buddhism, the only real science|url=http://www.dailynews.lk/2007/03/28/fea04.asp|publisher=[[Daily News (Sri Lanka)|Daily News]]|accessdate=May 15, 2013}}</ref> at [[University of Cambridge|Cambridge University]] in the late 1960s.<ref>{{cite book|last=Chan|first=Dunstan|title=Sound and Silence|publisher=TraffordSG|year=2013|page=189|isbn=9781466998759}}</ref> After graduating from Cambridge he taught in high school for one year before traveling to [[Thailand]] to become a monk and train with the [[Ajahn Chah]] Bodhinyana Mahathera.<ref name="door"/> Brahm was [[ordained]] in [[Bangkok]] at the age of twenty-three by the Abbot of [[Wat Saket]]. He subsequently spent nine years studying and training in the [[Thai Forest Tradition|forest meditation tradition]] under [[Ajahn Chah]].
[[Berkas:AjahnBrahm.JPG|alt=Venerable Monk Ajahn Brahm|thumb|Ajahn Brahm]]
Pada tahun 1994, Ajahn Jagaro mengambil cuti panjang dari Australia Barat dan lepas jubah setahun kemudian. Ketika masih menjabat, Ajahn Brahm mengambil peran tersebut dan segera diundang untuk memberikan ajarannya di wilayah lain di Australia dan Asia Tenggara. Beliau pernah menjadi pembicara pada Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Buddhis Internasional di [[Phnom Penh]] pada tahun 2002 dan pada tiga Konferensi Global tentang Buddhisme.{{citation needed|date=September 2021}} Beliau juga mendedikasikan waktu dan perhatiannya kepada mereka yang sakit dan sekarat, mereka yang dipenjara atau menderita penyakit kanker, orang-orang yang ingin belajar bermeditasi, dan juga kepada [[Sangha (Buddhisme)|Sangha]] para biksu di Bodhinyana.{{citation needed|date=September 2021}} Ajahn Brahm juga berpengaruh dalam mendirikan Biara Biarawati Dhammasara di Gidgegannup di perbukitan timur laut Perth untuk menjadi biara yang sepenuhnya independen, yang dikelola bersama oleh [[Ayya Nirodha]] dan Yang Mulia Hasapañña.{{citation needed|date=September 2021}}
==Bodhinyana Monastery==
Brahm was invited to [[Perth, Western Australia|Perth]], [[Australia]] by the Buddhist Society of Western Australia to assist Ajahn Jagaro in teaching duties.<ref>{{cite journal | last=Wettimuny |first= Samantha |date=21 January 2007 |title=Sharing the Dhamma in his own unique style |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/070121/Plus/012_pls.html |volume=41 |issue=34 |issn= 1391-0531 }}</ref> Initially they both lived in an old house in the suburb of North Perth, but in late 1983 purchased 97 acres (393,000&nbsp;m²) of rural and forested land in the hills of Serpentine south of Perth.<ref name="door"/> The land was to become [[Bodhinyana Monastery]] (named after their teacher, [[Ajahn Chah]] Bodhinyana). Bodhinyana was to become the first dedicated Buddhist monastery in the [[Southern Hemisphere]] and is today the largest community of Buddhist monks in Australia.{{Citation needed|date=January 2010}} Initially there were no buildings on the land, and as there were only a few Buddhists in Perth at this time, and little funding, the monks themselves began building to save money. Brahm learnt [[plumbing]] and [[bricklaying]] and built many of the current buildings himself.
== Penahbisan Bhikkhuni ==
In 1994, Jagaro took a sabbatical leave from Western Australia and disrobed a year later. Left in charge, Brahm took on the role and was soon being invited to provide his teachings in other parts of Australia and South-East Asia. He has been a speaker at the International Buddhist Summit in [[Phnom Penh]] in 2002, and at three Global Conferences on Buddhism. He also dedicates time and attention to the sick and dying, those in prison or ill with [[cancer]], people wanting to learn to [[meditate]], and also to his [[Sangha]] of monks at Bodhinyana. Brahm has also been influential in establishing Dhammasara Nuns' Monastery at Gidgegannup in the hills north-east of Perth to be a wholly independent monastery, which jointly administered by Venerable Nirodha and Venerable Hasapanna.
Pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2009, Ajahn Brahm, bersama dengan [[Bhante Sujato]], memfasilitasi upacara penahbisan bagi [[bhikkhuni]], di mana empat umat Buddha wanita, Yang Mulia Ajahn Vayama, dan Yang Mulia Nirodha, Seri, dan Hasapañña, ditahbiskan menjadi Sangha Bhikkhunī Theravada Barat, dengan Yang Mulia [[Bhikkhunī Tathālokā]] melayani sebagai Pembimbing Bhikkhunī. Upacara pentahbisan berlangsung di Wihara Bodhinyana Ajahn Brahm di Serpentine, Australia. Meskipun bhikkhuni<ref>{{cite web|last1=Zoltnick & McCarthy|title=2600 Year Hourney History of Bhikkhunis|url=http://present.bhikkhuni.net/2600-year-journey/|website=Present Magazine|publisher=Alliance for Bhikkhunis|access-date=29 Desember 2017}}</ref> pentahbisan telah dilakukan di California dan Sri Lanka, ini adalah yang pertama dalam Tradisi Hutan Thailand dan terbukti sangat kontroversial di Thailand. Tidak ada konsensus dalam tradisi yang lebih luas bahwa penahbisan bhikkhuni dapat dianggap sah, karena terakhir kali dilakukan di Thailand lebih dari 1.000 tahun yang lalu, meskipun hal ini telah menjadi diskusi aktif selama beberapa waktu. Ajahn Brahm menyatakan bahwa tidak ada dasar sejarah yang valid untuk menolak penahbisan menjadi biksuni.{{citation needed|date=Oktober 2021}}
{{blockquote|Saya juga berpikir ketika saya masih menjadi biksu muda di Thailand, bahwa masalah tersebut adalah masalah hukum, bahwa kelompok bhikkhuni tidak dapat dihidupkan kembali. Namun setelah menyelidiki dan mempelajarinya, saya menemukan bahwa banyak hambatan yang kita pikir ada, ternyata tidak ada sama sekali. Seseorang seperti [[Bhikkhu Bodhi]] [seorang sarjana-biksu Theravada yang dihormati] telah meneliti Vinaya Pali dan makalahnya adalah salah satu yang paling fasih yang pernah saya lihat—adil, seimbang, muncul di sisi "Itu mungkin, mengapa bukankah kita melakukan ini?"<ref>{{cite web|title=An Interview with Ajahn Brahm |url=http://bhikkhuni.net/library/ajahn-brahm-interview-nissarah.html |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100726221400/http://www.bhikkhuni.net/library/ajahn-brahm-interview-nissarah.html |url-status=dead |archive-date=26 Juli 2010 |publisher=Alliance for Bhikkhunis |access-date=15 Mei 2013 }}</ref>}}
==Bhikkhuni ordination==
On 22 October 2009 Brahm along with Bhante Sujato facilitated an ordination ceremony for [[bhikkhuni]]s where four female Buddhists, Venerable Ajahn Vayama, and Venerables Nirodha, Seri and Hasapanna, were ordained into the Western Theravada bhikkhuni sangha.<ref>{{Cite web|title=History in the Making?|url=http://gobeyondwords.wordpress.com/2009/11/03/history-in-the-making/|publisher=Go Beyond Words: [[Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition#Publications|Wisdom Publications blog]]|accessdate=May 15, 2013}}</ref> The ordination ceremony took place at Ajahn Brahm's Bodhinyana Monastery at Serpentine (near Perth, WA), Australia. There is no consensus in the wider tradition that bhikkhuni ordinations could be valid, having last been performed in Theravada communities over 1,000 years ago, though the matter has been under active discussion for some time. Brahm claims that there is no valid historical basis for denying ordination to bhikkunis.
Atas tindakannya pada tanggal 22 Oktober 2009, pada tanggal 1 November 2009, pada pertemuan anggota senior Sangha biara hutan Thailand dalam silsilah Ajahn Chah, yang diadakan di [[Wat Pah Pong]], [[Ubon Ratchathani]], Brahm dihukum dikeluarkan dari silsilah Sangha Hutan Ajahn Chah dan tidak lagi dikaitkan dengan biara utama di Thailand, Wat Pah Pong, atau dengan biara cabang Sangha Hutan Barat lainnya dalam tradisi Ajahn Chah.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.forestsangha.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=1&Itemid=8 |title=news |publisher=Forestsangha.org |access-date=24 Januari 2010 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100112144531/http://forestsangha.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=1&Itemid=8 |archive-date=12 Januari 2010 |url-status=dead }}</ref>
{{quote|I thought too when I was a young monk in Thailand that the problem was a legal problem, that the bhikkhuni order couldn’t be revived. But having investigated and studied, I’ve found out that many of the obstacles we thought were there aren’t there at all. Someone like Bhikkhu Bodhi [a respected Theravada scholar-monk] has researched the Pali Vinaya and his paper is one of the most eloquent I’ve seen – fair, balanced, comes out on the side of “It’s possible, why don’t we do this?”<ref>{{cite web|title=An Interview with Ajahn Brahm|url=http://bhikkhuni.net/library/ajahn-brahm-interview-nissarah.html|publisher=Alliance for Bhikkhunis|accessdate=May 15, 2013}}</ref>}}
== Publikasi ==
For his actions of 22 October 2009, on 1 November 2009, at a meeting of senior members of the Thai monastic sangha, held at [[Wat Pah Pong]], [[Ubon Ratchathani]], Thailand, Brahm was removed from the Ajahn Chah Forest Sangha lineage and is no longer associated with the main monastery in Thailand, Wat Pah Pong, nor with any of the other Western Forest Sangha branch monasteries of the Ajahn Chah tradition.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.forestsangha.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=1&Itemid=8 |title=news |publisher=Forestsangha.org |date= |accessdate=24 January 2010| archiveurl= http://web.archive.org/web/20100112144531/http://forestsangha.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=1&Itemid=8| archivedate= 12 January 2010 | deadurl= no}}</ref>
* ''Opening the Door of Your Heart: and Other Buddhist Tales of Happiness''. Also published as ''Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung?: Inspiring Stories for Welcoming Life's Difficulties''. [[Wisdom Publications]]. {{ISBN|978-0861712786}} (2005)
* ''Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook''. Wisdom Publications. {{ISBN|0-86171-275-7}} (2006)
* ''The Art of Disappearing: Buddha's Path to Lasting Joy''. Wisdom Publications. {{ISBN|0-86171-668-X}} (2011)
* ''Don't Worry, Be Grumpy: Inspiring Stories for Making the Most of Each Moment''. Also published as ''Good? Bad? Who Knows?''. Wisdom Publications. {{ISBN|978-1614291671}} (2014)
* ''Kindfulness''. Wisdom Publications. {{ISBN|978-1614291992}} (2016)
* ''Bear Awareness: Questions and Answers on Taming Your Wild Mind''. Wisdom Publications. {{ISBN| 978-1614292562}} (2017)
* ''Falling Is Flying: The Dharma of Facing Adversity'' – with Guo Jun. Wisdom Publications. {{ISBN|978-1614294252}} (2019)
===Publikasi oleh BPS===
*''[https://www.bps.lk/library-search-select.php?id=bl149 In the Presence of Nibbana (BL149)]''
Whilst still a junior monk, Brahm was asked to undertake the compilation of an English-language guide to the Buddhist monastic code - the [[vinaya]] - which later became the basis for monastic discipline in many [[Theravadan]] monasteries in Western countries. Currently Brahm is the Abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery, in Serpentine, [[Western Australia]],<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bodhinyana.org.au/ |title=Operated by the Buddhist Society of Western Australia |publisher=bodhinyana.org.au |date= |accessdate=1 October 2011}} </ref> the Spiritual Director of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia, Spiritual Adviser to the Buddhist Society of Victoria, Spiritual Adviser to the Buddhist Society of South Australia, Spiritual Patron of the Buddhist Fellowship in [[Singapore]], Spiritual Patron of the Bodhikusuma Centre in Sydney.
*''[https://www.bps.lk/library-search-select.php?id=bl153 Ending of Things (BL153)]''
*''[https://www.bps.lk/library-search-select.php?id=wh464 Walking Meditation: The Expositions on Walking Meditation (WH464)]'' (dengan Ajahn Nyanadhammo dan Dharma Dorje)
*''[https://www.bps.lk/library-search-select.php?id=bp619s Opening the Door of Your Heart (BP619s)]''
== Referensi ==
In October 2004, Brahm was awarded the [[John Curtin]] [[Medal]] for his vision, leadership and service to the Australian community by [[Curtin University]]. He is currently working with monks and nuns of all Buddhist traditions in the Australian Sangha Association.
== Bacaan lebih lanjut ==
* {{en}} {{cite news|last=Egan|first=Colleen|date=18 June 2001|title=Monk caught up in fire and brimstone|newspaper=[[The Australian]]}}
*''Opening the Door of Your Heart: And Other Buddhist Tales of Happiness''. Also published as ''Who Ordered This Truckload of Dung?: Inspiring Stories for Welcoming Life's Difficulties''. (2005). [[Wisdom Publications]]. Also published in Indonesia as ''Si Cacing dan Kotoran Kesayangannya'' in 3 volumes, vol.1 (2010), vol.2 (2011), vol.3 (2012) ISBN 0-86171-278-1
* {{en}} {{cite news|last=Franklin|first=Dave|date=11 May 2003|title=Religion with a humorous twist|newspaper=[[The Sunday Times]]|location=Perth, Australia}}
*''Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook''. (2006). Wisdom Publications. ISBN 0-86171-275-7
* {{en}} {{cite news|last=Horayangura|first=Nissara|date=28 April 2009|title=The bhikkhuni question|newspaper=[[Bangkok Post]]|url=http://www.bangkokpost.com/leisure/leisurescoop/15800/the-bhikkhuni-question}} The full transcript from the 28 February 2009 interview is available on Buddhanet [http://www.buddhanet.net/budsas/ebud/ebdha353.htm] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120319004443/http://www.buddhanet.net/budsas/ebud/ebdha353.htm |date=2012-03-19 }}
*''The Art of Disappearing: Buddha's Path to Lasting Joy''. (2011). Wisdom Publications. ISBN 0-86171-668-X
* {{en}} {{cite news|last=Pitsis|first=Simone|date=27 July 2002|title=Brahm's symphony is the sound of silence|newspaper=[[The Australian]]}}
* {{en}} {{cite journal | last=Ranatunga |first= D. C. |date=4 February 2007 |title=Be good, be happy |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/070204/Plus/009_pls.html |volume=41 |issue=36 |issn= 1391-0531 }}
* {{en}} {{cite journal |date=4 March 2007 |title=Few minutes of meditation, good way to start |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/070304/KandyTimes/517_kt1.html |volume=41 |issue=40 |issn= 1391-0531 }}
* {{en}} {{cite journal | last=Ranatunga |first= D. C. |date=9 December 2007 |title=Meeting Ajahn Brahm in a relaxed mood |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/071209/Plus/plus0008.html |volume=42 |issue=28 |issn= 1391-0531 }}
* {{en}} {{cite journal |last=Smedley |first=Tim |date=3 May 2007 |title=What HR could learn from Buddhism |journal=[[People Management]] |volume=13 |issue=9 |page=14 |issn=1358-6297}}
* {{en}} {{cite news|last=Wettimuny|first=Samangie|date=3 March 2011|title=Path to inner happiness|url=http://www.dailynews.lk/2011/03/03/fea13.asp|newspaper=[[Daily News (Sri Lanka)|Daily News]]|location=[[Sri Lanka]]|access-date=2014-07-03|archive-date=2011-08-24|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110824043220/http://www.dailynews.lk/2011/03/03/fea13.asp|dead-url=yes}}
== ReferencesPranala luar ==
{{commons category}}
* [https://bswa.org/teachers/ajahn-brahm/ Ajahn Brahm at Buddhist Society of Western Australia website]
* [https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Simply-This-Moment.pdf Simply This Moment - A Collection of Talks on Buddhist Practice by Ajahn Brahm]''
{{Authority control}}
==Further reading==
*{{cite news |last=Egan |first=Colleen |date=18 June 2001 |title=Monk caught up in fire and brimstone |newspaper=[[The Australian]]}}
*{{cite news |last=Franklin |first=Dave |date=11 May 2003 |title=Religion with a humorous twist |newspaper=[[The Sunday Times]] |location=Perth, Australia}}
*{{cite news |last=Horayangura |first=Nissara |date=28 April 2009 |title=The bhikkhuni question |newspaper=[[Bangkok Post]] |url=http://www.bangkokpost.com/leisure/leisurescoop/15800/the-bhikkhuni-question}} The full transcript from the 28 February 2009 interview is available on Buddhanet [http://www.buddhanet.net/budsas/ebud/ebdha353.htm]
*{{cite news |last=Pitsis |first=Simone |date=27 July 2002 |title=Brahm's symphony is the sound of silence |newspaper=[[The Australian]]}}
*{{cite journal | last=Ranatunga |first= D. C. |date=4 February 2007 |title=Be good, be happy |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/070204/Plus/009_pls.html |volume=41 |issue=36 |issn= 1391-0531 }}
*{{cite journal |date=4 March 2007 |title=Few minutes of meditation, good way to start |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/070304/KandyTimes/517_kt1.html |volume=41 |issue=40 |issn= 1391-0531 }}
*{{cite journal | last=Ranatunga |first= D. C. |date=9 December 2007 |title=Meeting Ajahn Brahm in a relaxed mood |journal=[[Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)]] |url=http://www.sundaytimes.lk/071209/Plus/plus0008.html |volume=42 |issue=28 |issn= 1391-0531 }}
*{{cite journal |last=Smedley |first=Tim |date=3 May 2007 |title=What HR could learn from Buddhism |journal=[[People Management]] |volume=13 |issue=9 |page=14 |issn=1358-6297}}
*{{cite news |last=Wettimuny |first=Samangie |date=3 March 2011|title=Path to inner happiness|url=http://www.dailynews.lk/2011/03/03/fea13.asp|newspaper=[[Daily News (Sri Lanka)|Daily News]]|location=[[Sri Lanka]]}}
==External links==
*{{official website|http://www.ajahnbrahm.org/}}
{{Authority control|VIAF=95130121}}
| NAME = Brahm, Ajahn
| SHORT DESCRIPTION = Buddhist monk
| DATE OF BIRTH = 1951-08-07
| PLACE OF BIRTH = [[United Kingdom]]
{{DEFAULTSORT:Brahm, Ajahn}}
[[Kategori:Tokoh yang berpindah agama ke Buddha]]
[[Kategori:Tokoh Buddha Inggris]]
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[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1951]]
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[[Kategori:Alumni Universitas Cambridge]]
[[Category:Alumni of the University of Cambridge]]
[[Category:English emigrants to Australia]]
[[Category:Australian Theravada Buddhists]]
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[[Category:Theravada Buddhist monks]]
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