Angkatan Bersenjata Filipina: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(16 revisi perantara oleh 9 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 2:
|name=Angkatan Bersenjata Filipina
|native_name = Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas<br>Armed Forces of the Philippines
|image=[[Berkas:AFPCoat philippinesof sealarms of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.pngsvg|150px160px]]
|caption=Lambang Angkatan Bersenjata Filipina
|founded=21 Desember 1935
|branches={{nowrap|[[Berkas:Rparmy.gif|30px23px]] [[Angkatan Darat Filipina|Angkatan Darat]]<br />[[Berkas:PN Seal.png|30px23px]] [[Angkatan Laut Filipina|Angkatan Laut]]<br />&nbsp;∟ [[FileBerkas:PAF Seal of the Philippine Marine Corps.pngsvg|30px23px]] [[AngkatanKorps UdaraMarinir Filipina|AngkatanKorps UdaraMarinir]] <br />&nbsp;∟ [[Berkas:PmcsealPhilippine Coast Guard (PCG).gifsvg|30px23px]] [[KorpsPenjaga MarinirPantai Filipina|KorpsPenjaga MarinirPantai]] <small>(''di masa perang'')</small><br/>
[[Berkas:PAF Seal.png|20px]] [[Angkatan Udara Filipina|Angkatan Udara]]}}
|headquarters=[[CampKamp Aguinaldo|Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo]], [[Quezon City]]
<!-- Leadership -->
|commander-in-chief={{Flagicon image|Flag of the President of the Philippines.svg|size=20px}} [[Presiden Filipina|Presiden]] [[Benigno Aquino III|Benigno S. AquinoBongbong IIIMarcos]]
|commander-in-chief_title=Panglima Tertinggi
|minister={{Flagicon image|Department of National Defense - DND (Philippines).svg|size=20px}} [[Delfin Lorenzana]]
|minister=[[Voltaire Gazmin|Voltaire T. Gazmin]]
|minister_title=[[Menteri Pertahanan Filipina|MenteriSekretaris Pertahanan]]
|commander={{Flagicon image|Flag of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (Philippines).svg|size=20px}} [[Jenderal]] Andres C. Centino
|commander=Jenderal [[Gregorio Pio Catapang|Gregorio Pio Catapang Jr.]]
|commander_title=Kepala Staf Angkatan Bersenjata
<!-- Manpower -->
Baris 21 ⟶ 22:
|activeavailable=220,000 46.947.750 (20132021)<ref>{{cite nameweb|title="2021 Philippines Military Strength">{{cite web |url=http |title=Philippines Military Strength |work= |publisher=philippines}}</ref>
|available= 25,614,135 (2010) <ref name="">[ Philippines Manpower available for military service - Military<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
|available_f= 25,035,061 (2010) <ref name=""/>
|fit= 38.497.155 (2021)<ref>{{cite web|title=2021 Philippines Military Strength |url=}}</ref>
|fit= 20,142,940 (2010) <ref name="ReferenceA">[ Philippines Manpower fit for military service - Military<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
|fit_f= 21,427,792 (2010) <ref name="ReferenceA"/>
|reaching=1.924.868 (2021)
|active=143.100 (2021)
|active=220,000 (2013)<ref name="Philippines Military Strength">{{cite web |url= |title=Philippines Military Strength |work= |publisher=}}</ref>
|reserve=360.000 cadangan siap tempur <br>700.000 cadangan total (2018)
|reserve=430,000 (2013)<ref>{{cite web |url=|title= AFP Reserve Command left out in Yolanda relief efforts}}</ref>
|amount= [[Dolar Amerika Serikat|US$]] 4,40 miliar (2022)<ref>{{cite web|title=Philippines outlines defence budget increase for 2021 |url=}}</ref>
<!-- Financial -->
|percent_GDP=1,17% (2021)
|amount= [[USD]] 3.2 milyar/[[Peso Filipina|PHP]] 144 milyar (2015)<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=House approves proposed P2.6-T national budget for 2015 on 2nd reading| publisher=Inquirer}}</ref>
|percent_GDP=0.8% (2015) <ref>{{cite web| url=| title=President Aquino advances 2015 Budget for inclusive growth| publisher=Official Gazette}}</ref>
<!-- Industrial -->
|foreign_suppliers={{flag|Australia}}<br>{{flag|Brasil}}<br>{{flag|Bulgaria}}<br>{{flag|Kanada}}<br>{{flag|Tiongkok}}<br>{{flag|Prancis}}<br>{{flag|Jerman}}<br>{{flag|India}}<br>{{flag|Indonesia}}<br>{{flag|Israel}}<br>{{flag|Italia}}<br>{{flag|Jepang}}<br>{{flag|Korea Selatan}}<br>{{flag|Belanda}}<br>{{flag|Polandia}}<br>{{flag|Rusia}}<br>{{flag|Singapura}}<br>{{flag|Afrika Selatan}}<br>{{flag|Swedia}}<br>{{flag|Taiwan}}<br>{{flag|Britania Raya}}<br>{{flag|Amerika Serikat}}
<!-- Related articles -->
|image2=[[Berkas:Flag of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.svg|200px]]|caption2=Bendera Angkatan Bersenjata Filipina}}
'''Angkatan Bersenjata Filipina''' ({{lang-tl|Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas}}; {{lang-es|Fuerzas Armadas de Filipinas}}; {{lang-en|Armed Forces of the Philippines}}, disingkat '''AFP''') adalah sebuah nama [[angkatan bersenjata]] dari negara [[Filipina]]. Angkatan bersenjata Filipina terdiri dari [[Angkatan Darat Filipina|Angkatan Darat]], [[Angkatan Laut Filipina|Angkatan Laut]], [[Angkatan Udara Filipina|Angkatan Udara]] dan [[Korps Marinir Filipina|Korps Marinir]].
== Sejarah ==
=== Perang Filipina-Amerika ===
Pada tahun 1901, Amerika Serikat membentuk "Philippine Constabulary" dengan tujuan untuk membantu memerangi sisa-sisa pasukan revolusi, dan setelah perang, kelompok ini menjadi pasukan pertahanan negeri yand terdiri, sejak semula, orang Amerika dan Filipina.<!-- AFP secara resmi diorganisir dalam zaman "American Commonwealth" melalui "National Defense Act" tahun 1935. The new Philippine Army was initially organized from among former holders of Reserve Commissions in the United States Army, from among former officers of the [[Philippine Scouts]] and Constabulary, and others—forces involved in the defeat of the revolutionary forces which Ricarte led. Ricarte was the only revolutionary general who refused to take the oath of allegiance to the U.S. and that he lived in exile in Hong Kong and later in Japan. Ricarte was one of the leaders of an organization termed "MAKAPILIS", called ''Makabayan: Katipunan ng mga Pilipino'', and characterized as having been a "fanatical pro-Japanese organization" during the Second World War Japanese occupation.
=== Philippine Commonwealth, Perang Dingin dan zaman sekarang ===
Pada zaman "Philippine Commonwealth", [[Manuel L. Quezon]], presiden pertama Commonwealth, mengganti nama ''Philippine Army'' menjadi ''Armed Forces of the Philippines'' pada tanggal 21 Desember 1935, sesuai dengan "National Defense Act" tahun 1935 (sehingga 21 Desember setiap tahun diperingati sebagai "hari AFP" atau "''AFP Day''") dan meminta Jenderal [[Douglas MacArthur]] sebagai panglima pertama setelah Filipina mendapat kemerdekaan dari [[Amerika Serikat]]. MacArthur menerima permintaan itu dan menjadi satu-satunya orang asing yang memiliki jabatan dalam AFP. MacArthur berpangkat "Field Marshal", yang selanjutnya tidak dijabat siapapun dalam AFP. Menurut undang-undang, AFP, di bawah Departemen Pertahanan Nasional, hanya terdiri dari Angkatan Darat yang revitalisasi, dengan Angkatan Laut dan Angkatan Udara melapor langsung ke markas besar Angkatan Darat, serta "Philippine Constabulary" ('''PC'''), menjadi suatu divisi sendiri dalam Angkatan Darat. Setelah 3 tahun, pada tahun 1938 PC kembali menjadi cabang dari Angkatan Udara. MacArthur mengembangkan AFP dengan membangkitkan lagi Angkatan Laut pada tahun 1940 dan membentuk Angkatan Udara ("Philippine Army Air Corps" dulunya "Philippine Constabulary Air Corps"), tetapi mereka tidak siap perang pada awal [[Perang Pasifik]] pada bulan Desember 1941, sehingga tidak berhasil menahan invasi Jepang pada tahun 1941–1942 ke [[Filipina]].
Selama [[Perang Dunia II]], semua tentara militer Filipina digabungkan ke dalam "Angkatan Perang Amerika Serikat Timur Jauh" ("''U.S. Army Forces Far East''" atau '''USAFFE''', di mana MacArthur ditunjuk menjadi komandan. USAFFE bertahan terakhir di di pulau Corregidor, sebelum akhirnya tentara Jepang berhasil memaksa sisa tentara Filipina dan Amerika menyerah. Mereka yang selamat dan lolos dari tangkapan Jepang meneruskan perang gerilya di seluruh kepulauan. Setelah Jepang menyerah kalah dalam Perang Dunia II, Filipina mendapatkan kemerdekaan pada tahun 1946 (yang kedua, karena orang Filipina mengakui deklarasi kemerdekaan Aguinaldo pada tahun 1898 sebagai tahun kemerdekaan yang asli). Pada tahun 1947 AFP yang sekarang bangkit dengan peningkatan PAAC menjadi "Philippine Air Force" sampai kini.
During the [[Korean War]] from 1951 to 1953, the Philippines sent various AFP battalions, known as the Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Korea (PEFTOK) to fight as part of the US-led United Nations forces in liberating [[South Korea]] from the invading North Korean troops, reinforced then by various units of the Communist Chinese [[People's Liberation Army]]. At the same time the armed forces, including the established Marine company under the PN, fought against Communist elements of the [[Hukbalahap]] (by then the Bagong Hukbong Bayan, the Philippine counterpart of the PLA) in Central Luzon, two Southern Tagalog provinces and several Visayan provinces, with great successes.
Baris 80 ⟶ 79:
At the height of the [[Cold War]], the Philippines was one of the most well-equipped militaries in Asia, because of a tight diplomatic-relationship with the [[United States]] in battling the threat of [[Communism]].{{Citation needed|date=June 2011}} Since 2001, the Philippine armed forces has been active in supporting the [[War on terror]].
== Organisasi dan cabang-cabang ==
[[:en:Constitution of the Philippines|Konstitusi Filipina 1987]] menempatkan AFP di bawah kendali seorang sipil, [[Presiden Filipina]], yang bertindak sebagai "Commander-in-Chief" (Panglima tertinggi). Semua cabangnya adalah bagian dari [[:en:Department of National Defense (Philippines)|''Department of National Defense'' (Departmen Pertahanan Nasional)]], yang dipimpin oleh "Secretary of National Defense" (Menteri Pertahanan Nasional).
AFP mempunyai tiga bagian utama:<ref>[ AFP Organization] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2022-03-02 }}, [AFP website].</ref>
* "Philippine Army" (PA) – ''Hukbong Katihan ng Pilipinas'' (Angkatan Darat Filipina)
Baris 89 ⟶ 88:
* "Philippine Air Force" (PAF) – ''Hukbong Himpapawid ng Pilipinas'' (Angkatan Udara Filipina)
Tiga bagian ini disatukan di bawah [[:en:List of AFP Chiefs of Staff|"Chief of Staff"]] yang biasanya berpangkat Jenderal (General) atau Admiral. Ia dibantu oleh seorang "Vice Chief of Staff" (Wakil), yang biasanya berpangkat "''Lieutenant General''" (Letnan Jenderal) atau "Vice Admiral". Setiap tiga cabang itu dipimpin oleh seorang perwira dengan gelar dan pangkat berikut:
* "Commanding General of the Philippine Army" (Lieutenant General) untuk Angkatan Darat
* "Flag Officer in Command of the Philippine Navy" (Vice Admiral) untuk Angkatan Laut
Baris 97 ⟶ 96:
The [[Philippine Constabulary]] (PC) was a [[gendarmerie]] type para-military police force of the Philippines established in 1901 by the United States-appointed administrative authority, replacing the [[Guardia Civil]] of the Spanish regime. On December 13, 1990, Republic Act No. 6975 was approved, organizing the [[Philippine National Police]] (PNP) consisting of the members of the [[Integrated National Police]] (INP) and the officers and enlisted personnel of the PC. Upon the effectivity of that Act, the PC ceased to be a major service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the INP ceased to be the national police and civil defense force.<ref>[ Republic Act No. 6975] (approved December 13, 1990), Chan Robles Law Library.</ref> On January 29, 1991, the PC and the INP were formally retired and the PNP was activated in their place.<ref>[ Philippine National Police 19th Anniversary] (January 28, 2010), Manila Bulletin (archived ffrom [ the original]{{dead link|date=October 2014}} on 2012-06-14).</ref>
=== Komando terpadu ===
Unit-unit dari tiga cabang ini dapat ditugaskan menjadi kesatuan berbentuk "Unified Command" (Komando Terpadu), yang bersifat kesatuan regional multi-angkatan:<ref name="afporg">{{cite web |url= |archiveurl=http |archivedate=2008-04-19 |title=AFP Organization |accessdate=2008-02-03 |work= |dead-url=no }}</ref>
* [[:en:AFP Northern Luzon Command|Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM)]]
* [[:en:AFP Southern Luzon Command|Southern Luzon Command (SOLCOM)]]
* [[:en:AFP Central Command|Central Command (CENTCOM)]]
* [[:en:AFP Western Command|Western Command (WESCOM)]]
* [[:en:AFP Eastern Mindanao Command|Eastern Mindanao Command (EASTMINCOM)]]
* [[:en:AFP Western Mindanao Command|Western Mindanao Command (WESTMINCOM)]]
===Former Unified & Wide Support Commands===
Baris 134 ⟶ 133:
== Kepemimpinan AFP ==
=== Perwira Kehormatan (''Ceremonial Officer'') ===
* [[:en:President of the Philippines|Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines]] - Presiden [[Benigno S. Aquino III]]
* [[:en:Department of National Defense (Philippines)|Secretary of National Defense]] - Secretary [[:en:Voltaire Gazmin|Voltaire T. Gazmin]]
=== Pemimpin Markas Besar (''AFP General Headquarters (AFPGHQ) Leadership'') ===
* [[:en:List of AFP Chiefs of Staff|Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines (CSAFP)]] - Gen. [[Gregorio Pio Catapang|Gregorio Pio P. Catapang Jr.]], AFP
* Vice Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines (VCSAFP) - Lt. Gen. John S. Bonafos, AFP
* The Deputy Chief of Staff Armed Forces of the Philippines (TDCSAFP) - Lt. Gen. Virgilio Domingo, AFP
Baris 147 ⟶ 146:
* Philippine Society Of Mechanical Engineers Soldiers (ARESCOM) - Master Sergeant. Enrico D, Limlengco Jr
=== Major Services Commanding Officer ===
* [[Commanding General of the Philippine Army]] (CG-PA) - Lt. Gen. Hernando Delfin C. A. Iriberri, AFP
* Flag Officer-in-Command of the Philippine Navy (FOIC-PN) - Vice Adm. Jesus C. Millan, AFP
* Commanding General of the Philippine Air Force (CG-PAF) - Lt. Gen. Jeffrey F. Delgado, AFP
== Pangkat militer ==
[[FileBerkas:Airmen with the 6th SOS train Philippine airmen to use a rope ladder.jpg|thumbjmpl|Prajurit angkatan udara dari "Philippine Air Force" dengan unit [[:en:6 SOS|6th SOS]] [[USAF]] dalam rangka latihan militer bilateral]]
Pangkat perwira dalam militer Filipina biasanya dipanggil dalam [[bahasa Filipina]] (Filipino), dan merupakan adaptasi pangkat militer dari Angkatan Perang Amerika Serikat. Kepangkatan perwira adalah sebagai berikut:<ref>[ Shoulder Ranks (Officers)], The Philippine Army.(archived from [ the original]{{dead link|date=October 2014}} on 2012-07-01)</ref><ref>[ Philippine Military Rank Insignia],</ref>
Baris 178 ⟶ 177:
* ''Kumander'' ([[Commander]]/CDR)
* ''Kapitan'' (Captain/CAPT)
* ''Komodor'' ([[Commodore (rank)|Commodore]]/COMMO) - Pangkat "Commodore" bukan [[:en:Rear admiral (United States)|Rear Admiral (lower half)]] digunakan pada Philippine Navy
* ''Rir Admiral'' ([[Rear Admiral]]/RADM)
* ''Bise Admiral'' ([[Vice Admiral]]/VADM)
Baris 206 ⟶ 205:
The uniqueness of Philippine military ranks can be seen in the new ranks of [[First Chief Master Sergeant]] (for the Army, Marine Corps and Air Force) and [[First Master Chief Petty Officer]] (for the Navy) both created in 2004, and since then has become the highest enlisted rank of precedence. Formerly Chief Master Sergeant and Master Chief Petty Officer were the highest enlisted ranks and rates, the former being the highest rank of precedence for Army, Air Force and Marine NCOs. Today only the rank of First Master Chief Petty Officer is unused yet but the rank of First Chief Master Sergeant is now being applied.
=== Jenderal/Admiral Berbintang Lima ===
Presiden [[Ferdinand Marcos]], yang juga menjabat sebagai "national defense secretary" (dari tahun 1965–1967 dan 1971–1972), mengeluarkan perintah memberikan pangkat jenderal/admiral berbintang lima kepada [[Presiden Filipina]], menjadikan dirinya pemegang pangkat pertama. Sejak itu pangkat ini menjadi pangkat kehormatan bagi panglima tertinggi (''commander-in-chief of the armed forces"") bilamana seorang presiden baru menjabat selama periode 6 tahun, sehingga Presiden menjadi perwira militer paling senior.<ref>{{Wayback |date=20080804093918 |url= |archiveurl=|archivedate=2007-08-07 |title=Ferdinand E. Marcos}}, Malacañang Museum.</ref>
Baris 223 ⟶ 222:
* [[Women in the Philippine military]] -->
== Referensi ==
* 53rd PC Anniversary Yearbook, 1954 Edition
* {{wikicite |ref={{SfnRef|Comer|2010}} |reference=Charles ‘Ken’ Comer, [ Philippine Defense Reform; Are we there yet?], [ Asia / South Pacific / India. Russian Military Security Watch], November 2010, [ U.S. Army Foreign Military Studies Office].}}
== Pranala luar ==
* [ Situs web resmi Armed Forces of the Philippines] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2002-03-26 }}
* [ Philippine Armed Forces News and Information Source] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2014-11-24 }}
* [ Manokskis AFP Order of Battle]
* [ AFP Armaments Upgrade Forum] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-07-31 }}
* [ Armed Forces of the Philippines Forum] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-07-31 }}
* [ Unofficial Philippine Defense Page]