Senusret III: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k Pranala luar: Persondata now moved to wikidata, removed: {{Persondata <!-- Metadata: see Wikipedia:Persondata. --> | NAME = Senusret Iii | ALTERNATIVE NAMES = | SHORT DESCRIPTION = Egyptian Pharoah | DATE OF BIRTH = | PLACE
(14 revisi perantara oleh 6 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox pharaoh
| nameName=Senusret III
| alt_nameAlt_name= Sesostris III, Senwosret III
| Image= [[FileBerkas:SenusretIII-FragmentaryStatueOfHead MetropolitanMuseum.png|thumbjmpl|Senusret III ([[Metropolitan Museum]])]]
| Image=ThreeStatuesOfSesotrisIII-RightProfiles-BritishMuseum-August19-08.jpg
| captionCaption=Heads of Senusret III from the [[British Museum]]
| nomen_hiero=
| Nomen=Senusret<br>''{{Unicode|S(j)-n-Wsrt}}''<br>''Laki-laki [[Wosret]]''<br><hiero>G39-N5-<-F12-s-D21:t-z:n-></hiero>
| prenomen_hiero=
| Prenomen=Khakhaure<br>''{{Unicode|Ḫˁj-k3w-Rˁ}}''<br>''[[Ancient Egyptian concept of the soul#Ka|Kas]] dari [[Ra]] telah muncul''<br><hiero>M23:t-L2:t-<-ra-N28-D28*D28:D28-></hiero>
| Reign=1878 &ndash; 1839 SM
| predecessorPredecessor=[[Senusret II]]
| successorSuccessor=[[Amenemhat III]]
| Dynasty=[[Dinasti kedua belas Mesir|Dinasti ke-12]]
| death_dateDeath_date= 1839 SM
| monumentsMonuments=[[Buhen]] dan [[Toshka]]
| horus_hieroHorus_hiero=<hiero>nTr-xpr-w</hiero>
| horusHorus=Netjerkheperu<br>''{{Unicode|Nṯrj-ḫprw}}''<br>''Horus, bentuk ilahi''
| nebty_hieroNebty_hiero=<hiero>nTr-ms-w-t</hiero>
| nebtyNebty=Netjermesut<br>''{{Unicode|Nṯrj-mswt}}''<br>''Dua perempuan, kelahiran ilahi''
| golden_hiero=
| goldenGolden=Kheper<br>{{Unicode|Bjk-nbw-ḫpr}}''<br>''The golden Horus has been created''<br><hiero>xpr-G8</hiero>
| fatherFather=[[Senusret II]]
| motherMother=[[Khnemetneferhedjet I]]
| spouseSpouse=[[Meretseger (queen)|Meretseger]], [[Neferthenut]] [[Khnemetneferhedjet II]]
| childrenChildren=[[Amenemhat III]], Khnemet, Menet, Mereret, Senetsenbetes, Sithathor (?)
Khakhaure '''Senusret III''' (juga ditulis '''Senwosret III''' atau '''Sesostris III''') adalah seorang [[firaun]] [[Mesir kuno]], yang diperkirakan memerintah dari tahun 1878 SM sampai 1839 SM,<ref>Kim S. B. Ryholt, ''The Political Situation in Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period, c.1800-1550 B.C.'', Museum Tusculanum Press, Carsten Niebuhr Institute Publications 20, 1997. p.185</ref> dan merupakan raja kelima [[Dinasti kedua belas Mesir]] pada periode [[Kerajaan Pertengahan]]. Di antara prestasinya adalah pembangunan [[Kanal para Firaun]].<!-- HeIa wasadalah aseorang greatFiraun pharaohbesar ofdan themungkin Twelfthyang Dynastypaling andkuat is considered to be perhaps the most powerful Egyptian ruler of the dynasty.dalam Consequentlywangsanya, hesehingga isdianggap regardedsebagai assalah onesatu ofsumber thecerita sourceslegenda for the legend aboutmengenai [[Sesostris]]. HisKampanye militarymiliternya campaignsmenghasilkan gavemasa risedamai todan ankemakmuran eraekonomi ofyang peacemengurangi andkekuasaan economicpenguasa-penguasa prosperitydaerah thatdan reducedmembawa thekepada powerkebangkitan of regional rulers and led to a revival inkerajinan, craftworkperdagangan, tradeperkembangan and urban developmentpedesaan.<ref name="verner">"''The Pyramids: Their Archeology and History''", [[Miroslav Verner]], Translated by Steven Rendall,p386-387 & p416-421, Atlantic, ISBN 1-84354-171-8</ref> Senusret III wasadalah onesatu ofdari thesedikit fewraja kingsyang who were deified anddidewakan honoreddan withdisembah adengan cultsuatu duringpemujaan theirdalam ownmasa lifetimehidupnya.<ref>"''The Oxford Guide: Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology"'', Edited by [[Donald B. Redford]], p. 85, Berkley, 2003, ISBN 0-425-19096-X</ref>
== Keluarga ==
Senusret III adalah putra [[Senusret II]] dari istrinya [[Khenemetneferhedjet I]] juga disebut Khenemetneferhedjet I Weret (''yang (lebih) tua''). Kedua istri Senusret III juga diketahui pasti, yaitu [[Khenemetneferhedjet II]] dan [[Neferthenut]], dari makam-makam mereka di sebelah piramida raja di Dahshur. <!Diketahui nama--Severalnama daughterssejumlah areanak known,perempuan althoughdari theymakam-makam aremereka alsodi justsekitar attestedpiramida byraja, themeskipun burialskedekatan aroundhubungan themereka king'sdengan pyramidraja andmasih their exact relation to the king is disputable. Thesedipertanyakan, includetermasuk [[Sithathor]], [[Menet (princess)|Menet]], [[Senetsenebtysy]], anddan Meret. [[Amenemhat III]] wasdiyakini mostadalah likelysalah aseorang sonputra of the kingraja. Other sonsPutra-putra arelain nottidak knowndikenal.<ref>Pierre Tallet: ''Sesostris III et la fin de la XIIe dynastie'', Paris 2005, ISBN 2-85704-851-3, p. 14-30</ref>
== Tindakan ==
[[File:SenusretIII-FragmentaryStatueOfHead MetropolitanMuseum.png|thumb|Senusret III ([[Metropolitan Museum]])]]
Senusret III cleared a navigable canal through the first cataract.<ref>J. H. Breasted, ''[[Ancient Records of Egypt]]'', Part One, Chicago 1906, &sect;&sect;642-648</ref> (This was probably different from the [[Canal of the Pharaohs]], which Senusret III also apparently tried to build.) He also relentlessly pushed his kingdom's expansion into [[Nubia]] (from 1866 to 1863 BC) where he erected massive river forts including [[Buhen]], [[Semna (Nubia)|Semna]] and [[Toshka]] at [[Uronarti]].
Senusret III clearedmembersihkan akanal navigablesehingga canaldapat throughdilalui thekapal sampai firstkatarak cataractpertama.<ref>J. H. Breasted, ''[[Ancient Records of Egypt]]'', Part One, Chicago 1906, &sect;&sect;§§642-648</ref> (ThisIni wastampaknya probablyberbeda different from thedengan [[Canal of the Pharaohs]], whichyang Senusretjuga IIIdibangun alsooleh apparently tried toSenusret build.III). HeIa alsojuga relentlesslytak pushedhenti-hentinya hismengupayakan kingdom'sekspansi kerajaan expansionke intoarah [[Nubia]] (fromdari tahun 1866 tosampai 1863 BCSM) wheredi mana ia mendirikan sejumlah benteng hekuat erecteddi massivetepi riversungai fortstermasuk includinguntuk [[Buhen]], [[Semna (Nubia)|Semna]] anddan [[Toshka]] atdi [[Uronarti]].
He carried out at least four major campaigns into Nubia in his Year 8, 10, 16 and 19 respectively.<ref>J. H. Breasted, ''Ancient Records of Egypt'', Part One, Chicago 1906, &sect;&sect;640-673</ref> His Year 8 stela at Semna documents his victories against the Nubians through which he is thought to have made safe the southern frontier, preventing further incursions into Egypt.<ref>J.H. Breasted, &sect;652</ref> Another great [[stele|stela]] from Semna dated to the third month of Year 16 of his reign mentions his [[military]] activities against both [[Nubia]] and [[Canaan]]. In it, he admonished his future successors to maintain the new border which he had created:
He carried out at least four major campaigns into Nubia in his Year 8, 10, 16 and 19 respectively.<ref>J. H. Breasted, ''Ancient Records of Egypt'', Part One, Chicago 1906, &sect;&sect;§§640-673</ref> His Year 8 stela at Semna documents his victories against the Nubians through which he is thought to have made safe the southern frontier, preventing further incursions into Egypt.<ref>J.H. Breasted, &sect;§652</ref> Another great [[stele|stela]] from Semna dated to the third month of Year 16 of his reign mentions his [[military]] activities against both [[Nubia]] and [[Canaan]]. In it, he admonished his future successors to maintain the new border which he had created:
{{cquote|Year 16, third month of winter: the king made his southern boundary at Heh. I have made my boundary further south than my fathers. I have added to what was bequeathed me. (...) As for any son (ie. successor) of mine who shall maintain this border which my Majesty has made, he is my son born to my Majesty. The true son is he who champions his father, who guards the border of his begetter. But he [who] abandons it, who fails to fight for it, he is not my son, he was not born to me. Now my majesty has had an image made of my majesty, at this border which my majesty has made, in order that you maintain it, in order that you fight for it.<ref>Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian literature: a Book of Readings, Berkeley CA, University of California Press, 1973. pp.119-120</ref>}}
Baris 43 ⟶ 42:
Such was his forceful nature and immense influence that Senusret III was worshipped as a god in Semna by later generations.<ref>Peter Clayton, Chronicle of the Pharaohs, Thames & Hudson Ltd, (1994),p.86</ref> Jacques Morgan, in 1894, found rock inscriptions near [[Sehel Island]] documenting his digging of a canal under the king. Senusret III erected a [[temple]] and [[town]] in [[Abydos, Egypt|Abydos]], and another temple in [[Medamud]].<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Senusret (III) Khakhaure | |date= |accessdate=2013-12-03}}</ref>
== Lama pemerintahan ==
[[ImageBerkas:Ancient egyptian border marker (around 1860BC).jpg|thumbjmpl|TheStela YearPerbatasan 16dari borderTahun stela ofke-16 Senusret III ([[Altes Museum]]), Berlin]]
His [[Pyramids of Egypt|pyramidPiramida]]nya wasdi constructedgaun atdi [[Dahshur]].<ref>Katheryn A. Bard, ''Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt'', Routledge 1999, p.107</ref> ASebuah naskah [[papyruspapirus]] inyang thesekarang disimpan di [[Berlin]] Museum showsmemuat YearTahun 20 ofpemerintahannya hissama reigndengan is equivalent to YearTahun 1 ofpemerintahan his sonputranya [[Amenemhat III]]. ThisIni meansberarti thatbahwa heia initiatedmulai amenjadi coregencyraja withbersama hisdengan sonputranya insejak thistahun yearitu. According toMenurut [[Josef W. Wegner]], aada Yearsebuah 39catatan hieratickontrol controldengan noteTahun was39 recoveredditemukan onpada asebuah whiteblok limestonebatu block fromkapur<!--:
{{cquote|...a securely defined deposit of construction debris produced from the building of the Senwosret III mortuary temple. The fragment itself is part of the remnants of the temple construction. This deposit provides evidence for the date of construction of the mortuary temple of Senwosret III at Abydos.<ref>Josef Wegner, ''The Nature and Chronology of the Senwosret III&ndash;AmenemhatIII–Amenemhat III Regnal Succession: Some Considerations based on new evidence from the Mortuary Temple of Senwosret III at Abydos'', JNES 55, Vol.4, (1996), pp.251</ref>}}
Wegner stresses that it is unlikely that Amenemhet III, Senusret's son and successor, would still be working on his father's temple nearly 4 decades into his own reign. He notes that the only possible solution for the block's existence here is that Senusret III had a 39-year reign, with the final 20 years in [[coregency]] with his son [[Amenemhet III]]. Since the project was associated with a project of Senusret III, his Regnal Year was presumably used to date the block, rather than Year 20 of Amenemhet III. This implies that Senusret was still alive in the first two decades of his son's reign.
Baris 55 ⟶ 54:
His court included the viziers [[Sobekemhat]], [[Nebit]] and [[Khnumhotep III|Khnumhotep]]. [[Ikhernofret Stela|Ikhernofret]] worked as treasurer for the king at Abydos. [[Senankh]] cleared the canal at Sehel for the king.
== Kompleks Piramida ==
==Pyramid and complex==
[[FileBerkas:Sesostris3-plan-complexe.jpg|thumbjmpl|rightka|PlanDenah ofkompleks thepiramida Pyramid complex atdi [[Dashur]]]]
Senusret'sKompleks pyramid[[piramida]] complexSenusret wasdibangun builtdi north-eastsebelah of[[timur thelaut]] [[Red Pyramid]] ofdi [[Dashur]] anddan indengan grandeurkemegahan faryang surpassedmelebihi thosesemua fromyang thelain earlydari awal Dinasti ke-12 12thdalam dynastyukuran indan sizekonseps andkeagamaan underlyingyang religiousmendasarinya conceptions.
There has been speculation that Senusret was not necessarily buried there but rather in his sophisticated funerary complex in [[Abydos, Egypt|Abydos]] with his pyramid more likely to have been a cenotaph.<ref name="verner"/>
Baris 71 ⟶ 70:
File:Senusret III.jpg|Sesostris III pada [[British Museum]]
| Image=ThreeStatuesOfSesotrisIII-RightProfiles-BritishMuseum-August19-08.jpg|British Museum
File:Sesostris III Sphinxkopf.jpg|Munich, [[Staatliche Sammlung für Ägyptische Kunst]]
File:ThreeStatuesOfSesotrisIII-FaceOn-BritishMuseum-August19-08.jpg|[[British Museum]]
File:LouvresSebekhotep IV-antiquites-egyptiennesA 17-img 2963.jpg|[[Louvre]]
File:Egyptian antiquities in the Louvre, room 636 (032007 30).jpg|[[Louvre]]
File:RedGraniteHeadOfSesostrisIII-BritishMuseum-August19-08.jpg|[[British Museum]]
File:Bust of Senusret III Ägyptisches Museum Berlin.jpg|[[Egyptian Museum of Berlin|Berlin Museum]]
Baris 80:
File:Louvre 042007 11.jpg|[[Louvre]]
File:Egyptian - Sesostris III - Walters 22115.jpg|[[Walters Art Museum]]
File:Sebek-khu Stele.png|[[Sebek-khu Stele]], describingmenggambarkan thepenyerangan campaignke to CanaanKanaan
== Trivia ==
Senusret isadalah asalah majorsatu characterkarakter indalam seri fiksi sejarah buatan [[Christian Jacq]]'s historical fiction series ''The Mysteries of Osiris''<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=The Tree of Life (Mysteries of Osiris, book 1) by Christian Jacq | |date= |accessdate=2013-12-03}}</ref>
This Pharaoh was also the pharaoh who lived in Joseph's day listed in the Biblical record of Genesis 39-47. Joseph, a Hebrew slave, was listed as second in command alongside of pharaoh in that time due to Joseph's interpretation of Senusret's dream. (See Genesis 41: 1-45)<ref>The Ryrie Study Bible; Moody Press; 1986;1995 p.&nbsp;67</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
* [[List of Egyptian pyramids]]
* [[List of megalithic sites]]
== Referensi ==
== Pustaka ==
* W. Grajetzki, ''The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: History,Archaeology and Society'', Duckworth, London 2006 ISBN 0-7156-3435-6, 51-58
* Josef Wegner, The Nature and Chronology of the Senwosret III&ndash;AmenemhatIII–Amenemhat III Regnal Succession: Some Considerations based on new evidence from the Mortuary Temple of Senwosret III at Abydos, JNES 55, Vol.4, (1996), pp.&nbsp;249–279
== Pranala luar ==
Baris 103:
* [ Stela of Senusret III from Deir el-Bahri (hieroglyphic text in russian web-site)]{{dead link|date=January 2014}}
{{Penguasa Mesir Kuno}}
{{Persondata <!-- Metadata: see [[Wikipedia:Persondata]]. -->
| NAME = Senusret Iii
| SHORT DESCRIPTION = Egyptian Pharoah
[[CategoryKategori:1839 BC deaths]]
[[CategoryKategori:Dinasti kedua belas Mesir]]