Panas ekstrem Haji 2024: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Rang Djambak (bicara | kontrib)
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Rang Djambak (bicara | kontrib)
Tag: Suntingan perangkat seluler Suntingan peramban seluler Suntingan seluler lanjutan
(9 revisi perantara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 7:
| time =
| timezone =
| date = {{start14–19 Juni date|2024|06|16}}–sekarang
| location = [[Makkah]], [[Arab Saudi]]
| cause = PanasDipengaruhi oleh panas ekstrem (penyebab kematian beragam)
| participants = 1,8 juta jama'ahjamaah
| outcome = Kematian di kalangan jamaah haji dari berbagai negara
| reported deaths = 9221.301
| reported injuries = 2.764
| notes = Suhu terpanas yang dilaporkan di Makkah: 51,8°C (125,2°F)
SejakAntara tanggal 1614–19 Juni 2024, 9221.301 jamaah [[Haji]] di [[Makkah]] meninggal akibatdunia yang dipengaruhi oleh panas ekstrem, dengan suhu melebihi 50 derajat Celcius, (122menjadikannya derajatsalah Fahrenheit)satu haji paling mematikan hingga saat ini.<ref>{{Cite web |date=2024-06-24 |title=Hajj 2024 Was The Deadliest In The History |url= |access-date=2024-06-24 |language=en-US}}</ref><ref>{{Cite news |title=More than 550 hajj pilgrims die in Mecca as temperatures exceed 50C {{!}} Hajj {{!}} The Guardian |url= |access-date=18 June 2024 |newspaper=The Guardian |archive-06-18date=19 June 2024 |websitearchive-url=amp |url-status=live |last1=France-Presse |first1=Agence }}</ref> Suhu terpanas yang tercatat di [[Masjidilharam|Masjidil Haram]] Makkah adalah 51,8°C (125,2°F).<ref name=":0">{{Cite news |date=2024-06-19 |title=At least 550 hajj pilgrims die in scorching temperatures |url= |access-date=2024-06-19 |work=ABC News |language=en-AU}}</ref> Setidaknya 2.764 kasus penyakit terkait panas dilaporkan selama 16 Juni.<ref>{{Cite web |date=2024-06-18 |title=Saudi Arabia: Over 2,700 cases of heat exhaustion, sunstroke recorded during Haj - Alwast News |url= |access-date=2024-06-19 | |language=en}}</ref> Hanya satu dari kematian yang dikonfirmasi yang dilaporkan bukan karena penyakit yang berhubungan dengan panas, melainkan meninggal karena luka fatal yang diderita saat terjadi [[Penghimpitan dan keambrukan kerumunan|kerumunan]] kecil.<ref name=":1">{{Cite web |date=2024-06-18 |title=More than 300 Egyptians die from heat during Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, diplomats say - CBS News |url= |access-date=2024-06-19 | |language=en-US}}</ref>
== Latar belakang ==
Haji merupakan rangkaian ibadah di Makkah, Arab Saudi yang dilakukan [[Muslim]] setidaknya sekali seumur hidup. Ibadah tahunan ini dimulai pada tanggal 7 dan berakhir pada tanggal 12 Dzulhijjah.<ref>{{Cite web|title=Hajj|url=|}}</ref> Dilaksanakan di negara yang berada di [[Timur Tengah]], cuaca di Arab Saudi sangat tinggi dan dapat meningkat pada bulan-bulan tertentu. Ketika waktu haji jatuh pada bulan Juli dan Agustus, suhu dapat mencapai rata-rata tertinggi 54°C. Ini dapat menyebabkan [[Gelombang panas|serangan panas]], terutama bagi jamaah yang berasal dari negara yang bersuhu lebih rendah. Masih kurangnya perlindungan di luar ruangan dan tindakan pencegahan lainnya adalah alasan utama tingginya jumlah kasus sengatan panas dan kelelahan akibat panas di kalangan jamaah haji.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Ghaznawi|first=Hassan I. and Mohammad A. Ibrahim|date=1987|title=Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion in Pilgrims Performing the Haj (Annual Pilgrimage) in Saudi Arabia|url=|journal=Annals of Saudi Medicine|doi=}}</ref> Ditambah, semakin meningkatnya jumlah jamaah haji setiap tahunnya menjadi tantangan yang lain.<ref>{{Cite journal|last=Memish|first=Ziad A., Majid M. Alshamrani, Rana F. Kattan, Esam I. Azhar, Faissal M. Farahat, Ali M. Albarrak, et all.|date=2024|title=Reducing risks from respiratory pathogens at the 2024 Hajj|url=|journal=The Lancet}}</ref>
Pada haji 2024, sebelumnya pemerintah Arab Saudi telah memperkirakan akan ada peningkatan suhu dari normal. Diperkirakan jamaah akan mengalami suhu tinggi rata-rata 44°C dan dapat meningkat di siang hari. Juru bicara Kementerian Kesehatan Arab Saudi menyatakan suhu dapat “menimbulkan ancaman bagi kesehatan para jamaah”.<ref>{{Cite news|last=Obeid|first=Ghinwa|date=11 Juni 2024|title=Hajj 2024: High temperatures challenge pilgrims, tips for a safe journey|url=|work=English Al Arabiya}}</ref> Sebagai upaya penanggulangan, alun-alun utama yang ada di Makkah dan Madinah telah dilengkapi dengan sistem kabut dan stasiun air portabel. Selain itu, pemerintah Saudi berjanji akan memberi alat pendingin di lantai [[Masjidilharam|Masjidil Haram]] dan tenda-tenda di sekitarnya.<ref>{{Cite news|last=Holleis|first=Jennifer and Anke Rasper|date=13 Juni 2024|title=Haji 2024: Arab Saudi Bersiap Hadapi Panas Ekstrem|url=|work=DW Indonesia}}</ref>
== Korban ==
SebanyakMenteri Kesehatan Arab Saudi mengatakan setidaknya 1,8.301 jutaorang jamaahmeninggal menunaikanselama ibadah [[haji]].<ref sepanjangname=":2">{{Cite tahunnews|date=23 June 2024|access-date=23 June 2024|url=|title=Saudi health minister says 1,301 people died during Hajj|work=Al Arabiya}}</ref><ref name="wsj-deaths">{{cite news |last1=Kalin |first1=Stephen |last2=Said |first2=Summer |last3=al-Batati |first3=Saleh |last4=Farouk |first4=Menna |title=Scorching Heat Ravages Hajj as More Than 1,170 Pilgrims Die |url= |access-date=21 June 2024 |work=The Wall Street Journal |publisher=Dow Jones & Company |date=21 June 2024 |archive-date=22 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> Dari korban meninggal, sedikitnya 600 orang merupakan jamaah haji asal [[Mesir]]. Diplomat [[Yordania]] menyatakan bahwa 60 warga Yordania juga meninggal karena panas ekstrem.<ref name=":1" /> Kementerian luar negeri [[Tunisia]] melaporkan bahwa sedikitnya 35 jamaah haji Tunisia tewas akibat “peningkatan suhu yang tajam”. Pemerintah [[Indonesia]] melaporkan 144 kematian warganya, namun tidak merincikan apakah karena serangan panas.<ref>{{Cite news|last=Magid|first=Pesha and Saleh Salem|date=19 June 2024|title=Hundreds die of extreme heat on Muslim pilgrimage, reports say|url=|work=Reuters|language=en}}</ref> Tiga belas jamaah haji dari [[Daerah Kurdistan]] di [[Irak]] dilaporkan tewas, dengan panas yang diklaim sebagai "salah satu alasan utamanya". Lima jamaah haji wanita dari [[Kashmir]] meninggal karena serangan panas di [[Arafah|Gunung Arafah]] dan di [[Muzdalifah]].<ref>{{Cite web |date=2024-06-18 |title=Five Kashmiri Women Die Of Heat Stroke During Hajj |url= |access-date=2024-06-19 |website=Kashmir Observer |language=en-US}}</ref> Peziarah lain dari [[Iran]] dan [[Senegal]] juga dilaporkan tewas.<ref>{{Cite news |date=19 June 2024 |title=Jordan, Tunisia report additional hajj heat deaths |url= |access-date=19 June 2024 |work=The New Arab}}</ref>
Seorang diplomat Mesir menyatakan bahwa sejumlah besar jamaah menunaikan haji tanpa registrasi karena mereka tidak mampu membayar prosedur resmi, dan hal ini dapat memperburuk jumlah korban dan cedera di Mesir secara umum yang disebabkan oleh panas yang ekstrem. Alasannya adalah karena mereka tidak bisa mengakses fasilitas ber-AC atau tempat makan dan minum resmi, sehingga menyebabkan [[dehidrasi]] berkepanjangan, terpapar, dan rentan terhadap panas ekstrem. Diplomat tersebut juga menyatakan bahwa gelombang besar jamaah haji yang tidak terdaftar kemungkinan besar telah membanjiri fasilitas yang ada, menyebabkan kekacauan dalam distribusi makanan, air, dan layanan medis.<ref name=":0" />
Seorang jamaah melaporkan melihat para peziarah tergeletak di pinggir jalan tak bergerak, dan mencatat bahwa ambulans “tidak tahu ke mana harus berbelok”.<ref>{{Cite web |date=2024-06-17 |title=Hajj pilgrimage ends amid deadly Saudi heat spike |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=19 June 2024 |access-date=2024-06-21 |website=France 24 |language=en}}</ref>
Pada 19 Juni, jumlah korban tewas meningkat menjadi 922 orang, termasuk 600 warga Mesir.<ref name=":2">{{cite web|url=,scorching%20heat%2C%20surged%20past%20900.|title=Loved ones search for missing as hajj death toll passes 900|work=Al Monitor|date=19 June 2024|access-date=19 June 2024|archive-date=19 June 2024|archive-url=,scorching%20heat%2C%20surged%20past%20900.|url-status=live}}</ref>
{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"
|+KorbanKematian menurut negara
!Jumlah kematian
|<ref>{{cite journal |access-date=2024-06-22 |author=الحدث الساخن |date=20 June 2024 |journal=YouTube |title=وفاة 22 حاج جزائري في مكة المكرمة من بين الالاف الحجاج المتوفين...اسماء الوفيات شاهدو الفيديو |url= |archive-date=22 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}<!-- auto-translated from Arabic by Module:CS1 translator --></ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=21 June 2024 |title=Australian dies while undertaking Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, DFAT confirms |url= |access-date=24 June 2024 | |language=en }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=1922 June 2024 |title=Hundreds of35 HajjBangladeshi pilgrims reporteddie deadduring amidHajj lethal: heatwaveReport |url= https://wwwen.euronewssomoynews.comtv/news/2024/-06-22/19/hundreds-of-hajj-pilgrims-reported-dead-in-lethal-summer-heatKVWLtEGM.html |access-date=1922 June 2024 |website=euronews SomoyNewsTv |language=en-us |archive-date=1922 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=1824 June 2024 |title=FifteenEgyptian KurdishHajj pilgrimsdeath deadtoll inrises heatwaveto as672 Hajjamid intense endsheat |url= |access-date=1920 June 2024 |website=RudawThe JAPAN Times|language=en |url-status=live }}</ref>
|<ref name=":2" />
|<ref>{{Cite web |last=à 16h47 |first=Par Le Parisien Le 21 juin 2024 |date=2024-06-21 |title=Pèlerins décédés pendant le hajj : deux Français figurent parmi les victimes en Arabie saoudite |url= |access-date=2024-06-23 | |language=fr-FR}}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=19 June 2024 |title=Hundreds of Hajj pilgrims reported dead amid lethal heatwave |url= |access-date=19 June 2024 |website=euronews |language=en |archive-date=19 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |last=Mediaguinee |date=2024-06-21 |title=Pèlerins décédés pendant le hajj 2024 : 4 Guinéens parmi les victimes ! |url= |access-date=2024-06-24 | |language=fr-FR}}</ref>
|<ref name="bbc">{{Cite webnews |date=1921 June 2024 |title=68What's Hajjbehind pilgrimsdeaths fromat Indiathis deadyear's amidHajj highpilgrimage summerin heatSaudi inArabia? Mecca|url= Diplomat|url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=21 June 2024-06-19 |access-date=1921 June 2024 |website=euronews[[BBC News]] |language=en |url-status=live }}</ref>
|{{Flag|Indonesia}}{{efn|Beberapa WNI dipastikan meninggal akibat kepanasan. Namun ratusan lainnya meninggal karena kondisi kronis dan panas merupakan "faktor penyebabnya".}}
|<ref>{{cite journal |access-date=22 June 2024 |author=Pikiran Rakyat |date=21 June 2024 |journal=YouTube |title=1.081 Jemaah Haji 2024 Meninggal Dunia, dari Indonesia Capai Angka 213 Jiwa |url= |archive-date=21 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}<!-- auto-translated from Arabic by Module:CS1 translator --></ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Jamil |first=Fasfah S. |date=2024-06-24 |title=[Update Haji 2024] Jemaah Haji Indonesia yang Wafat di Tanah Suci Capai 234 Orang |url= |access-date=2024-06-24 |website=Mengabarkan Kebaikan |language=id}}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite news |last1=Vinograd |first1=Cassandra |last2=Mekay |first2=Emad |date=19 June 2024 |title=A Deadly Toll as an Intense Heat Grips Saudi Arabia |url= |access-date=19 June 2024 |work=The New York Times |language=en-US |issn=0362-4331 |archive-date=19 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite news |last=Staff |date=2024-06-19 |title=Search for missing pilgrims continues after hajj heat deaths |url= |access-date=2024-06-19 |work=The Guardian |language=en-GB |issn=0261-3077}}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=18 June 2024 |title=Death Toll From Iranian Pilgrims at Hajj Rises to 11 |url= |access-date=19 June 2024 |website=Iran International |language=en |url-status=live |archive-date=18 June 2024 |archive-url= }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |date=2024-06-22 |title=تعداد زائران ایرانی فوت‌شده در عربستان به ۱۷ نفر افزایش یافت |url= |access-date=2024-06-22 |website=BBC News فارسی |language=fa}}</ref>
|<ref>[,000-pilgrims-die-during-Hajj;-19-are-from-Kurdistan-Region#:~:text=However%2C%20the%20Kurdistan%20Regional%20Government,during%20this%20year's%20Hajj%20season. Over 1,000 pilgrims die during Hajj; 19 are from Kurdistan Region] ''Kurdistan 24 (K24) 20 June 2024''</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=18 June 2024 |title=Fifteen Kurdish pilgrims dead in heatwave as Hajj ends |url=|access-date=19 June 2024 |website=Rudaw |language=en |url-status=live }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite webnews |last= |date=1924 June 2024 |title=FourNumber Russianof pilgrimsJordanians who die inof Saudiheat Arabiaexhaustion during Hajj reaches 99 |url= |access-date=19 June24June 2024 |websitework=TASSThe Jordan TImes |language=en|issn= |urlarchive-statusdate=live24 June 2024 |archive-url=}}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=20 June 2024 |title=Libyan Pilgrim Death Toll Rises to 6 |url= |access-date=20 June 2024 |website=libyareview |language=en |url-status=live |archive-date=18 June 2024 |archive-url= }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|archiveurl=|url-status=dead|title=البعثة الليبية: وفاة 8 حجاج و5 حالات في العناية المركزة|archivedate=21 June 2024}}</ref>
|{{Flag|Malaysia}}{{efn|name=chronic|Dilaporkan bahwa mayoritas meninggal karena kondisi kronis. Belum diketahui apakah panas mempengaruhi kematian mereka.}}
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=20 June 2024 |title=Six Malaysians pilgrims died after wukuf |url= |access-date=19 June 2024 |website=Sinar Daily |language=en |url-status=live |archive-date=20 June 2024 |archive-url= }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=19 June 2024 |title=Latest Update: More than 900 pilgrims die in heat wave, including 17 Moroccans; search for missing persons underway |url= |access-date=19 June 2024 |website=Iran International |language=en |archive-date=22 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=19 June 2024 |title=Nederlander omgekomen bij jaarlijkse bedevaart naar Mekka |trans-title=Dutchwoman died during annual pilgrimage to Mecca |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=19 June 2024 |access-date=19 June 2024 |website=[[Nederlandse Omroep Stichting|NOS]] |language=nl}}</ref>
|14{{efn|Sebanyak 15 warga Nigeria meninggal selama ibadah haji. Satu orang bunuh diri, jadi tidak termasuk di sana. Hanya satu yang dipastikan meninggal langsung karena panas. Penyebab kematian lainnya tidak diketahui.}}
|<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=2024 Hajj: 15 Nigerian pilgrims die, 17 suffer heatstroke in Saudi Arabia|work=Guardian Nigeria|date=20 June 2024|access-date=20 June 2024|archive-date=22 June 2024|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |date=18 June 2024 |title=Hajj 2024: Nigerian pilgrim dies of excessive heat in Saudi Arabia |url= |access-date=20 June 2024 |website=The Cable |language=en |url-status=live |archive-date=18 June 2024 |archive-url= }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=20 June 2024 |title=Hajj pilgrim deaths surge past 1,000 as Saudi Arabia faces extreme temperatures |url= |website=Independent |language=en |archive-date=22 June 2024 |access-date=20 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=22 June 2024 |title=Filipina hajj pilgrim among over 1,000 dead from heat stroke|url= |access-date=22 June 2024 |website=Manila Standard |language=en }}</ref>
|{{Flag|Rusia}}{{efn|Lima kematian warga Rusia terjadi "karena penyebab alami yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan dan usia". Tidak diketahui apakah panas mempunyai peranan.}}
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=19 June 2024 |title=Four Russian pilgrims die in Saudi Arabia during Hajj |url= |access-date=19 June 2024 |website=TASS |language=en |url-status=live |archive-date=19 June 2024 |archive-url= }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |date=19 June 2024 |title=Over 1,000 pilgrims die during Hajj in Saudi Arabia — news agency |url= |access-date=20 June 2024 |website=TASS |language=en |archive-date=21 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=19 June 2024 |title=A Deadly Toll as an Intense Heat Grips Saudi Arabia |url=,citing%20a%20cause%20of%20death. |access-date=19 June 2024 |website=The New York Times |language=en |url-status=live |archive-date=19 June 2024 |archive-url=,citing%20a%20cause%20of%20death. }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=19 June 2024 |title=Somali Government Announces Six Pilgrims Died During Hajj Amid Extreme Heat |url=|website=Mustaqbal Media |language=en }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=21-06-2024 |title=سوريا تعلن وفاة 5 من مواطنيها ضمن حجاج هذا العام |url= |access-date=24-06-2024}}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |title=Three citizens of Tajikistan die during Hajj in Saudi Arabia |url= |access-date=2024-06-24 |}}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite news |last1=Vinograd |first1=Cassandra |last2=Mekay |first2=Emad |date=1921 June 2024 |title=ATunisia Deadlysacks Tollreligious asaffairs anminister Intenseamid HeatHajj Grips Saudi Arabiacasualties |url=https://wwwenglish.nytimesalarabiya.comnet/News/north-africa/2024/06/1921/world/europe/hajjtunisia-deathssacks-meccareligious-heat.htmlaffairs-minister-amid-hajj-casualties |access-date=19 June 2024 |work=TheAl New York Timesarabiya |language=en-US |issn=0362-4331 |archive-date=1921 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
|<ref>{{Cite web |date=19 June 2024 |title=Mekke'de aşırı sıcaklarda 1000'i aşkın hacı adayı hayatını kaybetti |url= |access-date=22 June 2024 |website=Euronews |language=tr |archive-date=20 June 2024 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref>
|{{Flag|Amerika Serikat}}
|<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Over 1,000 pilgrims died during this year's Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, officials say|work=Associated Press|date=June 23, 2024}}</ref>
== Catatan ==
== Referensi ==