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(7 revisi perantara oleh 4 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{For|asteroid|9203 Myrtus}}
{{italic title}}
| color = {{tc2|tumbuhan}}
| name = ''Myrtus''<br/>Murad
| image = Myrtus_communis.jpg
| image_caption = ''[[Myrtus communis]]''
| image2image_caption = Illustration ''[[Myrtus communis0.jpgcommunis]]''
|image2 = Illustration Myrtus communis0.jpg
| image2_caption = '''Murad''' (''M. communis'')<ref>Ilustrasi tahun 1885 dari Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thomé "''Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz''" 1885, Gera, [[Jerman]]</ref>
| regnum = [[Plantae]]
| unranked_divisioregnum = [[AngiospermaePlantae]]
{{kladtb|[[Tumbuhan berpembuluh|Tracheophyta]]}}
| unranked_classis = [[Eudikotil]]
{{kladtb|[[Tumbuhan berbunga|Angiospermae]]}}
| unranked_ordo = [[Rosid]]
| ordo = [[Myrtales]]
| familia = [[Myrtaceae]]
| ordo = [[Myrtales]]
| genus = '''''Myrtus'''''
| familia = [[Myrtaceae]]
| genus_authority = [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]
| genus = '''''Myrtus'''''
| subdivision_ranks = Species
|genus_authority = [[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]
|subdivision_ranks = Species
|subdivision = '''''[[Myrtus communis]]''''' <small>[[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]</small><br/>'''''[[Myrtus nivellei]]''''' <small>Batt. & Trab.</small>
| synonyms_ref = <ref name=j/>
| synonyms = ''[[Myrthus]]'' <small>Scop.</small>
|type_species=''Myrtus communis''
|type_species_authority=[[Carolus Linnaeus|L.]]<ref>lectotype designated by A.P. de Candolle, Note Myrt. 7 (1826)</ref><ref name=u/>
Baris 40 ⟶ 42:
The plant is an [[evergreen]] [[shrub]] or small [[tree]], growing to {{convert|5|m|ft}} tall. The [[leaf]] is entire, 3–5&nbsp;cm long, with a fragrant [[essential oil]].
The star-like [[flower]] has five petals and sepals, and numerous [[stamen]]s. Petals usually are white. The flower is pollinated by [[insect]]s.
The fruit is a round [[berry]] containing several [[seed]]s, most commonly blue-black in colour. A variety with yellow-amber berries is also present. The seeds are dispersed by [[bird]]s that eat the berries.
Baris 60 ⟶ 62:
Jika lebih jarang dicukur, bunganya lebat pada akhir musim panas. Membutuhkan musim panas yang lama dan terik untuk menghasilkan bunga, dan perlu dilindungi dari ''frost'' musim dingin.
Spesies dan [[subspesies]] ''M. communis'' subsp. ''tarentina'' telah memperoleh penghargaan [[:en:Award of Garden Merit|Award of Garden Merit]] dari [[:en:Royal Horticultural Society|Royal Horticultural Society]].<ref>{{cite web|title=RHS Plant Selector - ''Myrtus communis''|url=|accessdate=25 May 2013|archive-date=2014-01-10|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=RHS Plant Selector - ''Myrtus communis'' subsp. ''tarentina''|url=|accessdate=25 May 2013|archive-date=2014-01-10|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
=== Makanan ===
''Myrtus communis'' digunakan di pulau [[Sardinia]] dan [[Corsica]] untuk menghasilkan minuman keras beraroma yang disebut [[:en:Mirto (drink)|''Mirto'']] dengan cara [[:en:macerating|maserasi]] dalam [[alkohol]]. ''Mirto'' merupakan salah satu minuman khas Sardinia, tersedia dalam dua varietas: ''mirto rosso'' (merah) dihasilkan dari maserasi buah (''berries''), dan ''mirto bianco'' (putih) dihasilkan dari buah kuning, bahkan daun-daun, yang kurang lazim ditemukan.<ref>{{cite web|url= | title=Liquore di mirto|accessdate=2007-06-18|publisher=Italian Wikipedia|language=Italian}}</ref>
Buah-buahnya (''berries''), utuh atau digiling, telah digunakan sebagai pengganti [[merica]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |title= Myrtle |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |date= |website= The Epicentre |publisher= |accessdate= 16 July 2014}}</ref>
=== Obat-obatan ===
Baris 71 ⟶ 73:
Murad menempati posisi utama dalam tulisan-tulisan [[Hippocrates]], [[Plinius yang Tua|Plinius]], [[:en:Dioscorides|Dioscorides]], [[Galen]], dan penulis-penulis Arab.<ref>Pharmacographia Indica (1891 edition), London</ref>
Di beberapa negara, terutama di Eropa and Tiongkok, ada tradisi untuk menggunakan bahan ini dalam pengobatan infeksi hidung (''sinus infections''). Suatu tinjauan sistematik obat-obatan tanaman yang digunakan untuk mengobati [[:en:rhinosinusitis|rhinosinusitis]] menyimpulkan bahwa bukti manfaat tanaman obat dalam pengobatan rhinosinusitis jumlahnya terbatas, dan tidak cukup bukti dari ''Myrtus'' untuk memastikan signifikansi hasil klinik.<ref>{{cite journal | pmid = 17011407 | year = 2006 | last1 = Guo | first1 = R | last2 = Canter | first2 = PH | last3 = Ernst | first3 = E | title = Herbal medicines for the treatment of rhinosinusitis: A systematic review | volume = 135 | issue = 4 | pages = 496–506 | doi = 10.1016/j.otohns.2006.06.1254 | journal = Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery}}</ref>
===In myth and ritual===-->
Baris 82 ⟶ 84:
In Rome, Virgil explains that “the poplar is most dear to Alcides, the vine to Bacchus, the myrtle to lovely Venus, and his own [[Bay Laurel|laurel]] to Phoebus.”<ref>Virgil, [[Eclogue]] VII.61-63.</ref> At the [[Veneralia]], women bathed wearing crowns woven of myrtle branches, and myrtle was used in wedding rituals. In the [[Aeneid]], myrtle marks the grave of the murdered [[Polydorus (son of Priam)|Polydorus]] in Thrace. Aeneus' attempts to uproot the shrub cause the ground to bleed, and the voice of his dead brother warns him to leave. The spears which impaled Polydorus have been magically transformed into the myrtle which marks his grave.<ref>[ ''Aeneid III, 19-68''], accessed 13 March 2014</ref>
In the Mediterranean, myrtle was symbolic of love and immortality. In their culture the plant was used extensively and was considered an essential plant.
Baris 96 ⟶ 98:
==Garden history==-->
[[ 2781 rbgs11jan.jpg|jmpl|''M. communis'' ssp. ''tarentina'' cv. 'compacta' di sebuah kebun]]
Baris 124 ⟶ 126:
== Referensi ==
[[Kategori:Myrtus| ]]