Kemerajaan dan kerajaan Allah: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(28 revisi perantara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
[[File:St Peter's 2.jpg|thumb|150px|[[Kaca patri]] karya [[Reginald Hallward]], menampilkan nas {{Alkitab|Matius 5:3}}, "[[Ucapan bahagia|Diberkatilahdiberkatilah orang yang miskin dalam roh sebab mereka yang mempunyai Kerajaan Surga]]".]]
Konsep '''kemerajaan Allah''' dapat dijumpai di dalam semua [[agama abrahamik|agama ibrahimi]], dan dalam beberapa kasus dapat pula dijumpai pemakaian istilah '''kerajaan Allah''' dan '''kerajaan Surga'''. Gagasan kemerajaan [[Allah (Kristen)|Allah]] bersumber dari [[Alkitab Ibrani]] yang memuat perkataan "kerajaan-Nya" meskipun tidak memuat istilah "Kerajaan Allah".<ref>"Abrahamic Faiths, Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflicts" (Cultural Heritage and Contemporary Change. Seri I, Culture and Values, Jld. 7) oleh Paul Peachey, George F. McLean dan John Kromkowski (Juni 1997) {{ISBN|1565181042}} hlm. 315</ref><ref name=Wright/>
Istilah "Kerajaan Allah" maupun "[[Kerajaan Sorga|Kerajaan Surga]]", yang semakna dengannyapadanannya di dalam [[Injil Matius]], merupakan salah satu unsur utama dari ajaran [[Yesus]] di dalam [[Perjanjian Baru]]. [[Injil Markus]] mengindikasikan bahwa injil adalah kabar baik tentang Kerajaan Allah. Istilah tersebut tidak dapat dipisahkan dari [[Kristus Raja|kemerajaan Kristus]] atas segala makhluk. Kerajaan "surga" muncul di dalam Injil Matius terutama lantaran keengganan orang Yahudi untuk melisankan "nama" (Allah). Yesus tidak mengajarkan perihal Kerajaan Allah per se sebanyak mengajarkan perihal ''kedatangan kembali'' kerajaan tersebut. Gagasan tentang kedatangan kembali kerajaan Allah (seperti pada zaman Musa) sudah menjadi gagasan bernada menghasut di "Kanaan", kawasan [[Syam|Israel-Palestina-Libanon]] sekarang ini, 60 tahun sebelum Yesus lahir, dan masih terus menggelorakan semangat sampai hampir seratus tahun lamanya sesudah Yesus wafat.<ref name=France101>''The Gospel of Matthew'' oleh R.T. France (21 Agustus 2007) {{ISBN|080282501X}} hlmn. 101–103</ref> Dengan mengacu kepada ajaran [[Perjanjian Lama]], penyifatan [[Allah (Kristen)|hubungan Allah dengan manusia]] di dalam ajaran agama Kristen pada hakikatnya melibatkan gagasan "Kemerajaan Allah".<ref name=Mercer490/><ref name=Image478/>
[[Al-Qur'an]] tidak memuat istilah "kerajaan Allah", tetapi memuat [[ayat Kursi]] yang mengatakan bahwa singgasana [[Allah]] meliputi langit dan bumi. Al-Qur'an jugamenyebutkan mengatakanpula bahwa Nabi [[Ibrahim]] diperlihatkan "kerajaan langit" dan bumi.<ref name=Prophet27/> Pustaka-pustaka agama [[Baháʼí|agama Baha'i]] juga memakai istilah "kerajaan Allah".<ref name=BGems/>
== Alkitab Ibrani ==
{{Main|Kemerajaan Allah (Yahudi)}}
Istilah "[ kerajaan TUHAN]" muncul dua kali di dalam [[Alkitab Ibrani]], yaitu di dalam nas {{Alkitab|1 Tawarikh 28:5}} dan nas {{Alkitab|2 Tawarikh 13:8}}. Selain itu, istilah "kerajaan-Nya" dan "kerajaan-Mu" kadang-kadang pula dipakai ketika mengacu kepada Allah.<ref name=Wright>{{cite book |first1=R. T. |last1=France |author-link1=R. T. France |chapter=Kingdom of God |chapter-url= |pages=420–422 |editor1-first=Kevin J. |editor1-last=Vanhoozer |editor2-first=Craig G. |editor2-last=Bartholomew |editor3-first=Daniel J. |editor3-last=Treier |editor4-first=Nicholas Thomas |editor4-last=Wright |year=2005 |title=Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible |location=Grand Rapids |publisher=Baker Book House |isbn=978-0-8010-2694-2 |access-date=19 Juli 2016 |archive-date=26 Januari 2021 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> Sebagai contoh, kalimat "ya TUHAN, punya-Mulah kerajaan" digunakan di dalam nas {{Alkitab|1 Tawarikh 29:10-12}} dan kalimat "kerajaan-Nya adalah kerajaan yang kekal" digunakan di dalam nas Daniel 3:33 (nas {{Alkitab|Daniel 4:3}} menurut versi penomoran di dalamayat Alkitab Kristen).<ref name=Mays>''Psalms: Interpretation'' oleh James Mays 2011 {{ISBN|0664234399}} hlmn. 438–439</ref> Ada pula nas-nas semisal {{Alkitab|Keluaran 19:6}} yang menunjukkan betapa Israel, selaku [[umat pilihan]] Allah, dipandang sebagai sebuah kerajaan, mengingatkan orang kepada sejumlah tafsir Kristen yang memandangmengartikan kerajaan Allah sebagai [[dunia Kristen]].<!--
"TheKata Hebrew wordIbrani ''malkuthmalkut'' [...] referspertama-tama firstmengacu tokepada asuatu [[Absolutemonarki monarchyabsolut|reignpemerintahan, dominionkekuasaan, oratau rulekepemimpinan tertinggi]], anddan onlyyang secondarilykedua tomengacu thekepada realmwilayah overtempat whichpemerintahan a reign is exerciseddijalankan. [...] WhenBilamana ''malkuth''dipakai isuntuk usedmenyifatkan of GodAllah, itkata almost always refers to''malkut'' hishampir authorityselalu ormengacu tokepada hiskewenangan-Nya ruleselaku asRaja thesamawi heavenlyuntuk Kingmeraja."<ref>George Eldon Ladd, ''The Presence of the Future: The Eschatology of Biblical Realism'', Eerdmans (Grand Rapids: 1974), 46–47.</ref>
The "enthronementMazmur psalmskenaikan takhta" ([[Psalms]]{{Alkitab|Mazmur [[wikisource:Bible (American Standard)/Psalms#45|45]]}}, [[wikisource:Bible{{Alkitab|Mazmur (American Standard)/Psalms#93|93]]}}, [[wikisource:Bible{{Alkitab|Mazmur (American Standard)/Psalms#96|96]]}}, [[wikisource:Bible{{Alkitab|Mazmur (American Standard)/Psalms#97|97–99]]-99}}) providemenyediakan asuatu backgroundlatar forbagi thispandangan viewsemacam withini thedengan exclamationmaklumat "The LordTUHAN isadalah KingRaja".<ref name=Image478>''Dictionary of Biblical Imagery'' byoleh Leland Ryken, James C. Wilhoit anddan Tremper Longman III (11 November 1998) {{ISBN|0830814515}} pphlmn. 478–479</ref>
Baik nas {{bibleverseAlkitab|1|Kings| Raja-Raja 22:19|HE}}, [[Isaiah{{Alkitab|Yesaya 6]]}}, [[Ezekiel{{Alkitab|Yehezkiel 1]]}}, andmaupun {{bibleverseAlkitab|Daniel| 7:9|HE}} allberbicara speak of thetentang [[Thronetakhta ofTuhan|Takhta GodAllah]], althoughkendati somebeberapa philosophersfilsuf such assemisal [[Saadia Gaon|Rabi Sa'id bin Yusuf Ga'on]] anddan [[Maimonides]]|Rabi interpretedMusa suchbin mentionMaimun]] ofmenafsirkan apenyebutan "thronetakhta" assemacam itu sebagai allegorykiasan.<ref name= "Bowker pp. Throne of God">{{cite encyclopedia |last=Bowker |first=John |title=Throne of God |encyclopedia=The concise Oxford dictionary of world religions |edition=2005 |year=2005 |publisher=Oxford University Press |isbn=0-19-861053-X |url=}}</ref>
== Kesusastraan periode antarperjanjian ==
==Intertestamental period==
{{See also|Periode intertestamental|l1=Periode antarpenjanjian}}
{{See also|Intertestamental period}}
The phraseFrasa ''the Kingdom ofKerajaan GodAllah'' istidak notlazim commondijumpai indi intertestamentaldalam literaturekesusastraan antarperjanjian. Where it doesBilamana occurmuncul, suchmisalnya asdi indalam thekumpulan [[PsalmsMazmur ofdari SolomonSalomo|Mazmur Salomo]] and thedan [[WisdomKitab ofKebijaksanaan SolomonSalomo]], it usuallyfrasa referstersebut tobiasanya mengacu kepada "God'spemerintahan reignAllah, notbukan tokepada thewilayah realmyang over which he reignsdiperintah-Nya, norbukan topula thekepada newzaman agebaru, [norbukan topula kepada ...] therezim messianicAlmasihi orderyang tokelak beakan establisheddibentuk byoleh theOrang Lord'sYang Diurapi AnointedTuhan".<ref>George Eldon Ladd, The Presence of the Future: The Eschatology of Biblical Realism, Eerdmans (Grand Rapids: 1974), 130.</ref>
TheMeskipun termdemikian, doesadakalanya occasionally,istilah however,ini denoteberdenotasi "ansuatu eschatologicalperistiwa eventeskatologis", suchmisalnya asdi indalam theKitab [[AssumptionMusa ofDiangkat Moseske Surga]] anddan theKitab [[Orakel Sibylline|Ucapan Ilahi OraclesSibila]]. InDi thesedalam workskitab-kitab tersebut, "God'sKerajaan KingdomAllah isbukanlah notsuatu thezaman newbaru, agemelainkan butmanifestasi theefektif effectivepemerintahan manifestationAllah ofatas hisseluruh ruledunia insehingga allterbentuklah the world so that the eschatological order isrezim establishedeskatologis."<ref>George Eldon Ladd, The Presence of the Future: The Eschatology of Biblical Realism, Eerdmans (Grand Rapids: 1974), 131.</ref> AlongAda thesepula linespandangan waslain theyang moremasih sejalan dengan pandanga-pandangan di atas tetapi lebih bersifat "nationalnasional", viewyaitu inpandangan whichyang themeluhurkan awaitedtokoh [[messiahMesias|Almasih]] wasterjanji seensebagai astokoh apembebas liberatordan andtokoh thependiri foundernegara ofIsrael ayang new state of Israelbaru.<ref>''Encyclopedia of Theology: A Concise Sacramentum Mundi'' byoleh Karl Rahner (2004) {{ISBN|0860120066}} phlm. 1351</ref>
==New TestamentPerjanjian Baru ==
[[Injil Lukas]] mengabadikan penggambaran Yesus tentang Kerajaan Allah, yaitu "Kerajaan Allah datang tanpa tanda-tanda lahiriah;<ref>{{Alkitab|Lukas 17:20}}</ref> juga orang tidak dapat mengatakan: Lihat, ia ada di sini atau ia ada di sana! Sebab sesungguhnya Kerajaan Allah ada di antara kamu."<ref>{{Alkitab|Lukas 17:21}}</ref>
The [[Gospel of Luke]] records Jesus' description of the Kingdom of God, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation;<ref>{{bibleref2|Luke|17:20|NKJV}} NKJV</ref> neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you."<ref>{{bibleverse|Luke|17:21|KJV}} [[King James Version|KJV]]</ref>
InDi thedalam Injil-[[SynopticInjil GospelsSinoptik|Injil Sinoptis]], JesusYesus speakskerap frequentlybertutur oftentang God'sKerajaan kingdomAllah. HoweverMeskipun withindemikian, thedi dalam [[NewPerjanjian TestamentBaru]], nowheretidak doesada Jesussatu appearnas topun clearlyyang definemeriwayatkan thebahwa Yesus pernah mendefinisikan konsep tersebut secara conceptjelas.<ref name="Ladd_45">George Eldon Ladd, The Presence of the Future: The Eschatology of Biblical Realism, Eerdmans (Grand Rapids: 1974), 45.</ref> WithinDi thedalam Synopticnas-nas GospelInjil accountsSinoptis, thetampaknya assumptionsudah appearsdiasumsikan tobahwa have"konsep been made that, "thisini wasadalah akonsep conceptyang sosudah familiartidak thatasing itlagi didsehingga nottidak requireperlu definitiondidefinisikan."<ref name="Ladd_45"/> Karen Wenell wrote,mengemukakan "Mark'sdi Gospeldalam providestulisannya forbahwa us"Injil aMarkus significantmenyediakan placebagi ofkita transformationtempat foryang thesignifikan spaceuntuk ofbertransformasi thebagi Kingdomruang oflingkup Kerajaan GodAllah, preciselyjustru becausetempat ittersebut candapat bedipahami understoodsebagai assemacam atempat kindlahirnya of birthplace for the Kingdom ofKerajaan GodAllah, theyakni beginning ofawal itsmula constructionpendiriannya ...".<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Wenell|first1=Karen|title=A Markan 'Context' Kingdom? Examining Biblical and Social Models in Spatial Interpretation|journal=Biblical Theology Bulletin|date=August 2014|volume=44|issue=3|page=126|doi=10.1177/0146107914540487 |s2cid=144390379 |doi-access=free}}</ref>
Bab 3 [[John'sInjil GospelYohanes]] refersmengetengahkan toihwal theKerajaan KingdomAllah ofdi Goddalam in Jesus'percakapan dialogueYesus withdengan [[Nicodemus]] in [[John 3|chapter 3Nikodemus]].<ref>{{bibleverse|JohnAlkitab|Yohanes 3:3-5|NKJV}}</ref> Teks [[Constantin von Tischendorf]]'s texttampil isbeda exceptionalsendiri inkarena referringmenggunakan tofrasa "thekerajaan kingdomsurga" ofdi heaven"dalam innas John{{Alkitab|Yohanes 3:5}}, onberdasarkan bukti evidenceyang whichdisifatkan [[Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer|Heinrich Meyer]] describessebagai asbukti yang "ancientpurba buttetapi yettidak inadequatememadai".<ref>Meyer, H. A. W. (1880), [ ''Meyer's NT Commentary''] ''on John 3'', translatedditerjemahkan fromdari theedisi Germankeenam sixthbahasa editionJerman, accesseddiakses tanggal 8 JanuaryJanuari 2024</ref>
WithinDi the non-canonical, yet contemporarydalam [[GnosticInjil GospelGnostik]] of [[GospelInjil of ThomasTomas|ThomasTomas]], Jesusyang isnon-kanonik quotedtetapi assezaman sayingdengan Injil-Injil kanonik, Yesus diriwayatkan berucap, "IfJikalau thoseorang-orang whoyang leadmenuntun youkamu sayberkata tokepada youkamu: ‘Look‘Lihat, thekerajaan kingdomitu isada indi the skyangkasa!’ thenniscaya theburung-burung birdsdi ofangkasa the sky willakan precedemendahului youkamu. IfJikalau theymereka sayberkata tokepada youkamu: ‘It‘kerajaan isitu inada thedi sealaut,’ thenniscaya the fishesikan-ikan willakan precedemendahului youkamu. Rather,Akan thetetapi kingdomkerajaan isitu insideada ofdi youdalam andkamu outsidedan ofdi luar youkamu. WhenApabila youkamu comemengenal todiri know yourselvessendiri, thenkamu youakan willdikenal be knownorang, anddan youkamu willakan realizesadar thatbahwa youkamu areadalah theanak-anak children of theBapa livingyang Fatherhidup."<ref name="gnostic-thomas">[ Gospel114 ofucapan Thomas’sYesus 114di Sayingsdalam ofInjil JesusTomas] {{Webarchive|url= |date=5 September 2017 }} Biblical Archaeological Society. 4 JuneJuni 2017. DownloadedDiunduh tanggal 4 September 2017.</ref> ThisInjil sameTomas Gospelselanjutnya ofmeriwayatkan Thomasbetapa furtherYesus describesmengisyaratkan Jesusbahwa asKerajaan implyingAllah thatsudah the Kingdom of God ishadir, alreadydengan present, sayingberkata, "TheKerajaan kingdomBapa oftersebar theluas Fatherdi ismuka spread out upon the earthbumi, andtetapi people do notorang-orang seetidak itmelihatnya.”<ref name="gnostic-thomas"/>
Di dalam suratnya kepada jemaat di Roma, [[Paulus dari Tarsus|Rasul Paulus]] menyifatkan Kerajaan Allah dengan kalimat "Karena Kerajaan Allah bukanlah tentang makanan dan minuman, melainkan tentang kebenaran, damai sejahtera, dan sukacita dalam Roh Kudus."<ref>{{Alkitab|Roma 14:17}}</ref>
The [[Apostle Paul]] described the Kingdom of God in his letter to the church in Rome: "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."<ref>Romans 14:17 NIV</ref>
The Kingdom of God (and its possibly equivalent form [[Kingdom of Heaven (Gospel of Matthew)|Kingdom of Heaven in the Gospel of Matthew]]) is one of the key elements of the teachings of [[Jesus]] in the [[New Testament]].<ref name="France101"/> Drawing on Old Testament teachings, the Christian characterization of the relationship between God and humanity inherently involves the notion of the "Kingship of God".<ref name=Mercer490>''Mercer Dictionary of the Bible'' by Watson E. Mills, Edgar V. McKnight and Roger A. Bullard (2001) {{ISBN|0865543739}} p. 490</ref><ref name=Image478/>
Kerajaan Allah (atau [[Kerajaan Sorga|Kerajaan Sorga]], yang mungkin sekali merupakan padanannya di dalam Injil Matius) adalah salah satu unsur utama ajaran [[Yesus]] di dalam [[Perjanjian Baru]].<ref name="France101"/> Dengan berpatokan kepada ajaran Perjanjian Lama, penyifatan hubungan Allah dengan manusia di dalam agama Kristen tidak dapat dilepaskan dari gagasan "Kemerajaan Allah".<ref name=Mercer490>''Mercer Dictionary of the Bible'' oleh Watson E. Mills, Edgar V. McKnight dan Roger A. Bullard (2001) {{ISBN|0865543739}} hlm. 490</ref><ref name=Image478/>
Most of the uses of the Greek word, ''basileia'' (kingdom), in the New Testament involve Kingdom of God (or Kingdom of Heaven).<ref>''Theology for the Community of God'' by Stanley J. Grenz (2000) {{ISBN|0802847552}} p. 473</ref> Matthew is likely to have instead used the term [[heaven]] because the background of his [[Jewish Christians|Jewish audience]] imposed restrictions on the frequent use of the [[Name of God in Christianity|name of God]].<ref>''Matthew'' by David L. Turner (2008) {{ISBN|0801026849}} p. 41</ref> However, Dr. [[Chuck Missler]] asserts that Matthew intentionally differentiated between the kingdoms of God and Heaven: "Most commentators presume that these terms are synonymous. However, Matthew uses ''Kingdom of Heaven'' 33 times, but also uses ''Kingdom of God'' five times, even in adjacent verses, which indicates that these are not synonymous: he is using a more denotative term."<ref>Missler, Chuck. ''A Kingdom Perspective'' {{Webarchive|url= |date=20 October 2020 }}</ref> Kingdom of God is translated to [[Latin]] as ''Regnum Dei'' and Kingdom of Heaven as ''Regnum caelorum''.<ref>''A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin'' by John F. Collins (1985) {{ISBN|0813206677}} p. 176</ref>
MostSebagian ofbesar thepemakaian useskata of the Greek word,Yunani ''basileiabasileya'' (kingdomkerajaan), indi thedalam NewPerjanjian TestamentBaru involveterkait Kingdomdengan ofKerajaan GodAllah (oratau Kingdom ofKerajaan HeavenSurga).<ref>''Theology for the Community of God'' byoleh Stanley J. Grenz (2000) {{ISBN|0802847552}} phlm. 473</ref> MatthewMatius isagaknya likelymenggunakan to have instead used the termistilah "[[heavensurga]]" because the background of hislantaran [[JewishUmat Kristen ChristiansYahudi|Jewishajaran audience]]agama imposedYahudi restrictionsyang onmelatarbelakangi thesidang frequentpembacanya]] usemewajibkan ofpembatasan theterhadap penyebutan [[NameNama ofAllah God in Christianity(Kekristenan)|nameNama of GodAllah]].<ref>''Matthew'' byoleh David L. Turner (2008) {{ISBN|0801026849}} phlm. 41</ref> HoweverMeskipun demikian, Dr.Doktor [[Chuck Missler]] assertsberpendapat thatbahwa MatthewMatius intentionallymemang differentiatedsengaja betweenmembedakan thekerajaan kingdomssurga ofdari Godkerajaan andAllah. Heaven:Ia mengemukakan bahwa "Mostkebanyakan commentatorspengulas presumemengandaikan thatbahwa theseistilah-istilah termstersebut are synonymousbersinonim. HoweverKendati demikian, MatthewMatius menggunakan usesfrasa ''Kingdom ofKerajaan HeavenSurga'' sebanyak 33 timeskali, buttetapi alsojuga usesmenggunakan frasa ''KingdomKerajaan of GodAllah'' fivesebanyak timeslima kali, evenmalah menggunakannya di indalam adjacentayat-ayat versesyang berdekatan, whichyang indicatesmengisyaratkan thatbahwa thesekedua areistilah nottersebut synonymous:tidak hesinonim: isia usingmenggunakan aistilah moreyang denotativelebih termdenotatif."<ref>Missler, Chuck. ''A Kingdom Perspective'' {{Webarchive|url= |date=20 October 2020 }}</ref> KingdomKerajaan ofAllah Godditerjemahkan iske translated todalam [[bahasa Latin]] asmenjadi ''Regnum Dei'', andsementara KingdomKerajaan ofSurga Heavenditerjemahkan asmenjadi ''Regnum caelorum''.<ref>''A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin'' byoleh John F. Collins (1985) {{ISBN|0813206677}} phlm. 176</ref>
{{Attributes of God in Christianity}}
{{Main|Kingdom of God (Christianity)}}
[[File:Gottvater thronend Westfalen 15 Jh.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[God the Father]] on a [[Throne of God|throne]], [[Westphalia]], Germany, late 15th century]]
== Agama Kristen ==
The [[Old Testament]] refers to "God the Judge of all" and the notion that all humans will eventually [[Last judgment|be judged]] is an essential element of Christian teachings.<ref name="Millard391">''Introducing Christian Doctrine'' (2nd Edition) by Millard J. Erickson (2001) {{ISBN|0801022509}} pp. 391–392</ref> Building on a number of New Testament passages, the [[Nicene Creed]] indicates that the task of judgment is assigned to Jesus.<ref name="Millard391" /><ref name="Pann390">''Systematic Theology'' Vol 2 by Wolfhart Pannenberg (2004) {{ISBN|0567084663}} pp. 390–391</ref>
{{Atribut-atribut Allah}}
{{Wikiquote|Kingdom of GodMain|Kerajaan Allah}}
[[File:Gottvater thronend Westfalen 15 Jh.jpg|thumb|left|150px|[[GodAllah the FatherBapa]] onbersemayam adi atas [[Throne oftakhta GodTuhan|thronesinggasana]], [[WestphaliaWestfalen]], GermanyJerman, lateakhir 15thabad centuryke-15]]
ThePernyataan [[Old"Allah Testament]]hakim referssarwa tosekalian alam"God thedi Judgedalam of[[Perjanjian all"Lama]] anddan thegagasan notionbahwa thatsegenap allumat humansmanusia willpada eventuallyakhirnya akan [[Lastpengadilan judgmentTerakhir|be judgeddihakimi]] isyang anjuga essentialterkandung elementdi ofdalam ChristianPerjanjian Lama, merupakan salah satu unsur asasi ajaran agama teachingsKristen.<ref name="Millard391">''Introducing Christian Doctrine'' (2ndEdisi Editionke-2) byoleh Millard J. Erickson (2001) {{ISBN|0801022509}} pphlmn. 391–392</ref> Building[[Syahadat onNikea]], ayang numberberasaskan ofbeberapa Newnas TestamentPerjanjian passagesLama, themenunjukkan [[Nicenebahwa Creed]]tugas indicatesuntuk thatmenghakimi thedilimpahkan taskkepada of judgment is assigned to JesusYesus.<ref name="Millard391" /><ref name="Pann390">''Systematic Theology'' VolJil. 2 byoleh Wolfhart Pannenberg (2004) {{ISBN|0567084663}} pphlmn. 390–391</ref>
No overall agreement on the theological interpretation of "Kingdom of God" has emerged among scholars. While a number of theological interpretations of the term Kingdom of God have appeared in its [[Eschatology|eschatological]] context, e.g. [[apocalypticism|apocalyptic]], [[realized eschatology|realized]] or [[Inaugurated eschatology|Inaugurated]] eschatologies, no consensus has emerged among scholars.<ref name=familiar77>''Familiar Stranger: An Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth'' by Michael James McClymond (2004) {{ISBN|0802826806}} pp. 77–79</ref><ref name=Chil255>''Studying the Historical Jesus: Evaluations of the State of Current Research'' by Bruce Chilton and Craig A. Evans (1998) {{ISBN|9004111425}} p. 255–257</ref>
NoBelum overallada agreementmufakat onyang themenyeluruh theologicalmengenai interpretationtafsir ofteologis dari "Kingdom ofKerajaan GodAllah" hasdi emergedkalangan among scholarssarjana. WhileMeskipun asejumlah numbertafsir ofteologis theologicaldari interpretationsistilah ofKerajaan theAllah termsudah Kingdomdiketengahkan of God have appeareddi indalam itskonteks [[EschatologyEskatologi|eschatologicaleskatologis]] contextnya, e.g.misalnya eskatologi [[apocalypticismapokaliptisisme|apocalypticapokaliptis]], [[realizedeskatologi eschatology|realizedterealisasi]], ormaupun [[Inauguratedeskatologi eschatology|Inauguratedterinagurasi]], eschatologies,belum noada consensuskonsensus hasdi emergedkalangan amongpara scholarssarjana.<ref name=familiar77>''Familiar Stranger: An Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth'' byoleh Michael James McClymond (2004) {{ISBN|0802826806}} pphlmn. 77–79</ref><ref name=Chil255>''Studying the Historical Jesus: Evaluations of the State of Current Research'' byoleh Bruce Chilton anddan Craig A. Evans (1998) {{ISBN|9004111425}} phlm. 255–257</ref>
[[R. T. France]] points out that while the concept of "Kingdom of God" has an intuitive meaning to lay Christians, there is hardly any agreement among scholars about its meaning in the New Testament.<ref name=FranceK1>''Divine Government: God's Kingship in the Gospel of Mark'' by R.T. France (2003) {{ISBN|1573832448}} pp. 1–3</ref> Some scholars see it as a Christian lifestyle, some as a method of world evangelization, some as the rediscovery of charismatic gifts, others relate it to no present or future situation, but the [[world to come]].<ref name=FranceK1/> France states that the phrase Kingdom of God is often interpreted in many ways to fit the theological agenda of those interpreting it.<ref name=FranceK1/>
[[R. T. France]] menunjukkan bahwa meskipun konsep "Kerajaan Allah" memiliki makna yang intuitif di kalangan umat Kristen awam, nyaris tidak ada kata mufakat di kalangan sarjana mengenai maknanya di dalam Perjanjian Baru.<ref name=FranceK1>''Divine Government: God's Kingship in the Gospel of Mark'' oleh R.T. France (2003) {{ISBN|1573832448}} hlmn. 1–3</ref> Beberapa sarjana mengartikannya sebagai gaya hidup Kristen, beberapa lagi mengartikannya sebagai metode pewartaan Injil ke seluruh dunia, dan beberapa lagi mengartikannya sebagai penemuan kembali karunia-karunia karismatik, sementara sarjana-sarjana lain mengaitkannya bukan dengan keadaan kini maupun nanti, melainkan dengan [[dunia yang akan datang]].<ref name=FranceK1/> R. T. France mengemukakan bahwa frasa Kerajaan Allah acap kali ditafsirkan dengan beragam cara supaya cocok dengan agenda teologis mufasirnya.<ref name=FranceK1/>
In the [[New Testament]], the [[Throne of God]] is alluded to in several forms.<ref name= "Kittel p. 164-166">{{cite book |last=Kittel |first=Gerhard |title=Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Volumes 3-4 |year=1966 |publisher=Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing |isbn=0-8028-2245-2 |pages=164–166}}</ref> Among these are [[Heaven (Christianity)|Heaven]] as the Throne of God, The Throne of [[David]], The Throne of Glory, The Throne of [[Grace (Christianity)|Grace]] and many more.<ref name= "Kittel p. 164-166"/> The New Testament continues Jewish identification of heaven itself as the "throne of God",<ref>William Barclay ''The Gospel of Matthew: Chapters 11–28 '' p. 340 Matthew 23:22 "And whoever swears by heaven swears by the throne of God and by him who sits upon it."</ref> but also locates the throne of God as "in heaven" and having a second subordinate seat at the [[Right Hand of God]] for the [[Session of Christ]].<ref>[[Philip Edgecumbe Hughes]] ''A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews'' p. 401 1988 "The theme of [[Session of Christ|Christ's heavenly session]], announced here by the statement he sat down at the [[right hand of God]], .. Hebrews 8:1 "we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven"</ref>
InDi thedalam [[NewPerjanjian TestamentBaru]], the [[Thronetakhta ofTuhan|Takhta GodAllah]] isdikilatkan alludeddalam tobeberapa in several forms.bentuk,<ref name= "Kittel p. 164-166">{{cite book |last=Kittel |first=Gerhard |title=Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Volumes 3-4 |year=1966 |publisher=Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing |isbn=0-8028-2245-2 |pages=164–166}}</ref> Amongantara these arelain [[HeavenSurga (ChristianityKekristenan)|HeavenSurga]] assebagai the Throne ofTakhta GodAllah, The Throne ofTakhta [[DavidDaud]], TheTakhta Throne of GloryKemuliaan, The Throne ofTakhta [[Grace (Christianity)|GraceKerahiman]], anddan manybanyak morelagi yang lain.<ref name= "Kittel p. 164-166"/> ThePerjanjian NewBaru Testamentmelanggengkan continuesfikrah JewishYahudi identificationyang ofmengidentifikasi heavenSurga itselfitu assendiri thesebagai "thronetakhta of GodAllah",<ref>William Barclay ''The Gospel of Matthew: Chapters 11–28 '' phlm. 340 MatthewMatius 23:22 "AndDan, whoeversiapa swearsyang bybersumpah heavendemi swearssurga, bybersumpah thedemi thronetakhta ofAllah, Goddan anddemi byDia himyang whoduduk sitsdi upon itatasnya."</ref> buttetapi alsojuga locatesmenyifatkan thelokasi thronetakhta ofAllah Goditu asberada "indi heavensurga", anddan havingmenambahkan asuatu secondtakhta subordinatekedua seatyang atlebih therendah di [[Rightsebelah Handkanan of GodAllah]] forsebagai thetempat [[SessionKristus of Christbersemayam]].<ref>[[Philip Edgecumbe Hughes]] ''A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews'' phlm. 401 1988 "The theme ofTema [[SessionKristus of Christbersemayam|Christ'sKristus heavenlybersemayam sessiondi surga]], announceddipermaklumkan heredi bysini thedengan statementpernyataan heia satduduk down at thedi [[rightsebelah handkanan of GodAllah]], .. HebrewsIbrani 8:1 "wekita havemempunyai suchImam aBesar highyang priest,duduk onedi whosebelah iskanan seatedtakhta at the right hand of the throne of theYang MajestyMahatinggi indi heavensurga"</ref>
{{Further|Divisions of the world in Islam}}
== Agama Islam ==
{{Further|DivisionsPembagian ofdunia the world inmenurut Islam}}
The termIstilah "kingdomkerajaan of GodAllah" doestidak notmuncul occurdi indalam the QuranAl-Qur-an. TheKata modernArab Arabic wordmodern foruntuk kingdomkerajaan isadalah ''mamlaka'' (المملكة), buttetapi inkata theyang Qurandipakai di dalam Al-Qur'an adalah ''mul'kan'' (مُّلْكًا), refersmengacu tokepada Heavensurga, e.g.misalnya indi dalam Al-Qur'an 4:54, "Orataukah domereka theydengki envykepada mankindmanusia forkarena whatkarunia Allahyang hathtelah givendianugerahkan themAllah of his bountykepadanya? butSungguh, WeKami hadtelah alreadymenganugerahkan givenkitab thedan peoplehikmah ofkepada Abrahamkeluarga theIbrahim Bookdan andKami Wisdom,telah andmenganugerahkan conferredkerajaan upon(kekuasaan) themyang asangat greatbesar kingdomkepada mereka", anddan di dalam Al-Qur'an 6:75 , "ThusDan diddemikianlah WeKami showperlihatkan Abrahamkepada theIbrahim kingdomtanda-tanda ofkeagungan the(Kami heavensyang andterdapat) thedi langit dan earthbumi."<ref name=Prophet27>''Biblical Prophets in the Qur'an and Muslim Literature'' byoleh Roberto Tottoli (2001) {{ISBN|0700713948}} phlm. 27</ref> The variantVarian ''MaalikMa'lik'' (Ownerempunya), etmologicallyyang similarsecara toetimologis mirip dengan kata ''Malik'' (king)raja), occursmuncul indi dalam [[Surah Al-FatihaFatihah|Al-Qur'an 1]]:4]], "[Allah is] The owner of thePemilik [[IslamicEskatologi eschatologyIslam|Day ofhari Judgementpembalasan]]".<ref name=fatiha>QuranAl-Qur'an 1:4</ref>
==Bahá Agama Baha'íi Faith==
{{seealso|Kosmologi Bahá'í|l1=Kosmologi cosmologyagama Baha'i}}
The termIstilah "kingdomkerajaan of GodAllah" appearsmuncul indi thedalam writings of therisalah-risalah [[Baháʼí|agama FaithBaha'i]], includingtermasuk thedi religiousdalam works ofrisalah-risalah [[Bahá'u'lláh|Baha'ullah]], thepengasas founderagama of the religionBaháʼí, anddan hisrisalah-risalah sonanaknya, [[`Abdu'l-Bahá|Abdul Baha]].<ref name=BGems>{{cite book |author = Bahá'u'lláh |author-link = Bahá'u'lláh |year = 2002 |title = Gems of Divine Mysteries |publisher = Baháʼí World Centre |location = Haifa, Israel |isbn = 0-85398-975-3 |url = |page = 9 |access-date = 30 OctoberOktober 2010 |archive-date = 6 JuneJuni 2019 |archive-url = |url-status = live }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |author = Bahá'u'lláh |author-link = Bahá'u'lláh |year = 1976 |title = Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh |publisher = Baháʼí Publishing Trust |location = Wilmette, Illinois |isbn = 0-87743-187-6 |url = |page = [ 86] }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |author = Bahá'u'lláh |author-link = Bahá'u'lláh |orig-year = 1873 |year = 1992 |title = The Kitáb-i-Aqdas: The Most Holy Book |publisher = Baháʼí Publishing Trust |location = Wilmette, Illinois |isbn = 0-85398-999-0 |url = |access-date = 30 OctoberOktober 2010 |archive-date = 14 MayMei 2019 |archive-url = |url-status = live }}</ref><ref>{{cite book |last = `Abdu'l-Bahá |author-link = `Abdu'l-Bahá |year = 1908 |publication-date = 1990 |title = Some Answered Questions |publisher = Baháʼí Publishing Trust |place = Wilmette, Illinois |url = |isbn = 0-87743-162-0 |page = 58 |access-date = 30 OctoberOktober 2010 |archive-date = 22 MayMei 2019 |archive-url = |url-status = live }}</ref> Di In thedalam [[ajaran agama Baháʼí|ajaran teachingsagama Baha'i]], thekerajaan kingdomAllah ofdipahami Godsebagai iskeadaan seendiri bothpribadi asmaupun akeadaan statedunia. ofBaha'ullah individualmenyatakan being,bahwa andkitab-kitab thesuci statepegangan ofagama-agama theyang world.ada Bahá'u'lláhdi claimeddunia thatini themenubuatkan scriptureskedatangan ofseorang thejuru world'sselamat religionsyang foretellakan amendatangkan coming messianic figure that will bring asuatu [[NewTatanan worlddunia orderbaru (Baháʼí)|goldenzaman agekegemilangan ofbagi umat humanitymanusia]], theyaitu kingdomkerajaan ofkerajaan Allah Goddi onmuka earthbumi. HeBaha'ullah claimedmendaku tosebagai bejuru thatselamat figuretersebut, anddan thatmenyatkaan hisbahwa teachingsajaran-ajarannyalah wouldyang bringakan aboutmewujudnyatakan thekerajaan kingdomAllah ofdi God;muka hebumi. alsoIa notedjuga thatmengajarkan thebahwa propheciesnubuat-nubuat relatingterkait toakhir thezaman enddan timeskedatangan andkerajaan theAllah arrivalpada ofhakikatnya thebersifat kingdomsimbolis ofserta Godmengacu werekepada symbolicpeningkatan anddan referred to spiritual upheaval andpembaharuan renewalrohani.<ref name="momen">{{cite book | last = Momen | first = Moojan | year = 2004 | title = Holy People of the World: A Cross-cultural Encyclopedia | editor-first = Phyllis G. | editor-last = Jestice | publisher = ABC-CLIO | isbn = 1-57607-355-6 | chapter = Baha'i Faith and Holy People | place = Santa Barbara, CA}}</ref> TheAgama BaháʼíBaha'i teachingsjuga alsomengajarkan statebahwa aspada peoplesaat worshipumat andberibadat servedan humanityberbakti theykepada becomekemanusiaan, closermereka tomenjadi Godlebih anddekat developkepada spirituallyAllah dan berkembang secara rohani, sosehingga thatdapat theyberoleh cankehidupan attainkekal eternaldan lifemesuk andke enterdalam thekerajaan kingdomAllah ofselagi hayat Godmasih whiledikandung alivebadan.<ref>{{cite book | last = Smith | first = Peter | year = 2008 | title = An Introduction to the Baháʼí Faith | publisher = Cambridge University Press | place = Cambridge | isbn=978-0-521-86251-6 | pages = 118–119}}</ref> -->
== Baca juga ==
Baris 79:
== Pranala luar ==
{{Wikiquote|Kingdom of God|Kerajaan Allah}}
* [ Artikel Kerajaan Allah di Catholic Encyclopedia]
* [ Artikel Kerajaan Allah di Jewish Encyclopedia]