Windows Server 2016: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Fitur saranan suntingan: 3 pranala ditambahkan.
(34 revisi perantara oleh 12 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{inuse|3 hari}}
{{Infobox OS version
|version of = [[Windows NT]]
|logo =Windows Server 2016 logo.svg
|screenshot =
|caption =
Baris 13 ⟶ 12:
|updatemodel = [[Windows Update]], [[Windows Store]], [[Windows Server Update Services]], [[System Center Configuration Manager|SCCM]]
|first_release_date =
|GA_date ={{release date and age|2016|10|12}}
|preview_version = Pratayang Teknis 2 (v10.0.10074)
|preview_date = {{Start date and age|2015|05|04}}
|preceded_by = [[Windows Server10 2012 R2Mobile]] (2013)
|succeeded_by =[[Windows Server 2019]]
|release_version=10.0.14393.3866|release_date={{Start date and age|2020|08|11}}|RTM_date={{release date and age|2016|09|26}}|support_status=Dukungan utama berakhir pada 11 Januari 2022.
Dukungan tambahan berakhir pada 12 Januari 2027.}}
'''Windows Server 2016'''<ref>{{cite web|last1=McAllister|first1=Neil|title=Try to contain your joy: Microsoft emits Windows Server 2016 with nano-services|url=|website=The Register|accessdate=5 Mei 2015|date=4 Mei 2015}}</ref> (sebelumnya dirujuk sebagai Windows Server vNext) adalah [[sistem operasi]] server yang akan datang yang dikembangkan oleh [[Microsoft]] sebagai bagian dari keluarga sistem operasi [[Windows NT]], developeddikembangkan concurrentlybersamaan withdengan [[Windows 10]]. TheVersi firstpratayang earlyawal preview versionpertama (TechnicalPratayang PreviewTeknis) becametelah availabletersedia onpada tanggal [[1 OctoberOktober]] [[2014]] togetherbersama withdengan thepratayang firstteknis technical preview ofdari [[System Center]],<ref name="announce">{{cite web|title=Announcing availability of Windows Server Technical Preview and System Center Technical Preview|url= |website=Server & Cloud Blog|publisher=Microsoft Server and Cloud Platform Team|date=March 17, 2015Maret 2015|accessdate=1 April 2015|archive-04date=2015-03-18|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref> anddan issaat currentlyini inberada publicdalam tahap [[betapengujian testingbeta]] publik. TheTanggal rilis final releaseuntuk datesistem for theoperasi server isini expecteddiharapkan toakan bedirilis inpada earlyawal tahun [[2016]], that isyaitu, nottidak releaseddirilis concurrentlybersamaan withdengan thesistem client operating systemoperasi klien [[Windows 10]] asseperti wasyang theterjadi casedengan withtiga theangka lastterakhir threerilis operatingsistem system releasesoperasi.
== FeaturesFitur ==
* [[Active Directory Federation Services]]: possiblememungkinkan tountuk configuremengkonfigurasi AD FS tountuk authenticatemengotentikasi userspengguna storedyang indisimpan di direktori non-AD directories, suchseperti asdirektori X.500 compliant Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directoriesdan andbasis SQLdata databasesSQL<ref>[ TechNet: Active Directory Federation Services Overview – AD FS in Windows Server Technical Preview]</ref>
* [[Windows Defender]]: Windows Server Antimalware istelah installeddiinstal anddan enableddiaktifkan bysecara default without thetanpa GUI, whichyang ismerupakan an installablefitur Windows featureyang dapat diinstal.<ref>[ TechNet: Windows Server Antimalware Overview for Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: February 19, 2015)]</ref>
* [[Remote Desktop Services]]: supportdukungan foruntuk [[OpenGL]] 4.4 and [[OpenCL]] 1.1, performancepenyempurnaan andkinerja stabilitydan improvementsstabilitas; peranan MultiPoint Services role (seelihat [[Windows MultiPoint Server]])<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in Remote Desktop Services in the Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: October 1, 2014)]</ref>
* [[Storage Services]]: central Storage QoS Policies yang terpusat; [[Storage Replica]]s (storagepenyimpanan-agnosticagnostik, blocktingkat-levelblok, berbasis volume-based, synchronousreplikasi andsinkron asynchronousdan replicationasynchronous usingmenggunakan [[Server Message Block#SMB 3.0|SMB3]] betweenantara serverspeladen foruntuk [[disasterpemulihan recoverybencana]]).<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in Storage Services in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: October 1, 2014)]</ref> Storage Replica replicatesmereplikasi blocksblok insteadbukan of filesberkas; filesberkas can be indapat usedigunakan. It'sIni notbukan multi-master, nottidak onesatu-toke-manybanyak anddan nottidak transitivetransitif. ItIni periodicallymereplikasi replicatessnapshot snapshotssecara berkala, and the replicationdan directionarah canreplikasi bedapat changeddiubah.
* [[High-availabilityKlaster clusterketersediaan tinggi|Failover Clustering]]: clusterpeningkatan operatingbergulir systemklaster rollingsistem upgradeoperasi, Storage Replicas<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in Failover Clustering in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: October 1, 2014)]</ref>
* [[Web Application Proxy]]: preauthenticationpra-otentikasi foruntuk penerbitan aplikasi [[BasicOtentikasi accessakses authenticationdasar|HTTP Basic]] application publishing, wildcardpenerbitan aplikasi domain publishing of applicationswildcard, pengalihan HTTP toke HTTPS redirection, PropagationPerbanyakan of client[[alamat IP]] addressklien tountuk backendaplikasi applicationsbackend<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in Web Application Proxy in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: October 1, 2014)]</ref>
* [[Internet Information Services|IIS 10]]: SupportDukungan foruntuk [[HTTP/2]]
* [[Windows PowerShell#PowerShell 5.0|Windows PowerShell 5.0]]<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in Windows PowerShell (Updated: September 30, 2014)]</ref>
* [[Soft Restart]], asebuah fitur Windows featureuntuk tomempercepat speedproses uppengebutan thedengan bootingmelewati processinisialisasi by[[perangkat skippingkeras]], hardwaredan initialization,hanya andmengatur resettingulang softwareperangkat onlylunak.<ref>[{{Cite web |url= |title=System Center Central: Windows Server Technical Preview – New/Removed Windows Server Roles and Features] |access-date=2015-06-26 |archive-date=2015-04-15 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
* Peladen [[Telnet]] server is nottidak includedtermasuk.
=== Fitur jaringan yang baru atau diubah ===
===New or changed Networking Features===
* [[DHCP]]: assebagai [[Network Access Protection]] wastelah deprecatedusang indi Windows Server 2012 R2, indi Window Server 2016 theperanan DHCP roletidak nolagi longer supportsmendukung NAP<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in DHCP in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: October 1, 2014)]</ref>
* [[Domain Name System|DNS]]:
** DNSKlien clientDNS: servicelayanan bindingmengikatenhanceddukungan supportditingkatkan foruntuk computerskomputer withdengan [[Multihoming|morelebih thandari onesatu networkantarmuka interfacejaringan]]<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in DNS Client in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: October 1, 2014)]</ref>
** [[Microsoft DNS|DNS Server]]: DNSkebijakan policiesDNS, newjenis catatan DDS record typesbaru (TLSA, SPF, anddan unknowncatatan recordstak dikenal), newperintah PowerShelldan cmdletsparameter andPowerShell parametersbaru<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in DNS Server in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: October 1, 2014)]</ref>
* [[Windows Server Gateway]] nowsekarang supportsmendukung [[Generic Routing Encapsulation]] (GRE) tunnels<ref>[ TechNet: GRE Tunneling in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: October 1, 2014)]</ref>
* [[IPManajemen addressalamat managementIP]] (IPAM): supportdukungan foruntuk subnet /31, /32, anddan /128 subnets; discoverypenemuan ofberbasis file-basedberkas, domain-joinedpeladen DNS serversdomain-bergabung; newfungsi DNS functionsbaru; betterintegrasi integrationyang oflebih baik untuk DNS, DHCP, anddan IPManajemen AddressAlamat IP (DDI) Management<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in IPAM in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: February 6, 2015)]</ref>
* [[Network Controller]], a newperan server rolebaru tountuk configuremengkonfigurasi, managemengelola, monitormemantau, anddan troubleshootmemecahkan virtualmasalah andperangkat physicaljaringan networkmaya devicesdan andfisik servicesdan injasa thedi datacenter<ref>[ TechNet: Network Controller (Updated: December 18, 2014)]</ref>
* Hyper-V [[NetworkVirtualisasi virtualizationjaringan|Network Virtualization]]: programmablepengalih Hyper-V switchyang (adapat newdiprogram building(sebuah blockblok ofbangunan Microsoft’sbaru solusi [[Software-definedjaringan didefinisikan perangkat networkinglunak]] solutionMicrosoft); Dukungan enkapsulasi [[Virtual Extensible LAN|VXLAN]]; encapsulation support;interoperabilitas Microsoft Software Load Balancer interoperability; betterbaik IEEE Ethernet standardstandar compliancyketaatan<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in Hyper-V Network Virtualization in Windows Server Technical Preview (Updated: March 11, 2015)]</ref>
=== NewFitur Hyper-V FeaturesH ===
<ref>[ TechNet: What's New in Hyper-V in Technical Preview (Updated: November 12, 2014)]</ref>
* RollingPemutakhiran klaster [[Hyper-V]] cluster updatebergulir: unliketidak seperti upgradingmeningkatkan clustersklaster fromdari Windows 2008 R2 toke tingkat 2012 level, node klaster Windows Server TechnicalPratayang PreviewTeknis clusterdapat nodesditambahkan canke be added to aKlaster Hyper-V Clusterdengan withnode nodesyang runningmenjalankan Windows Server 2012 R2. TheKlaster clusterini continuesterus toberfungsi functionpada atfitur atingkat Windows Server 2012 R2 feature level until all of the nodes in thesampai clustersemua havenode beendi upgradedklaster andtelah theditingkatkan clusterdan functionaltingkat levelfungsional hasklaster beentelah upgradedditingkatkan.
* StorageKualitas qualitypenyimpanan of servicelayanan (QoS) tountuk centrallymemantau monitorkinerja endpusat penyimpanan ujung-toke-end storage performanceujung anddan createmenciptakan policieskebijakan usingmenggunakan Hyper-V anddan Scale-Out File Servers
* NewBaru, moreformat efficientkonfigurasi binary[[mesin virtual]] machinebiner configurationlebih formatefisien (ekstensi .VMCX extensionuntuk fordata virtualkonfigurasi machinemesin configurationvirtual datadan and theekstensi .VMRS extensionuntuk fordata runtimestatus state datadurasi)
* Pos pemeriksaan produksi
* Production checkpoints
* Pengelola Hyper-V: dukungan kredensial alternatif, manajemen tingkat bawah, protokol [[Manajemen-WS]]
* Hyper-V Manager: alternate credentials support, down-level management, [[WS-Management]] protocol
* IntegrationIntegrasi serviceslayanan foruntuk Windowstamu guestsWindows distributeddidistribusikan throughmelalui [[Windows Update]]
* Menambah dan menghapus untuk adapter jaringan (untuk mesin maya generasi 2) dan memori (untuk mesin maya generasi 1 dan generasi 2)
* Hot add and remove for network adapters (for generation 2 virtual machines) and memory (for generation 1 and generation 2 virtual machines)
* Linux [[secureBut bootaman]] Linux
* Kompatibilitas [[Connected Standby]] compatibility
=== Nano Server ===
Microsoft announcedmengumumkan aopsi newinstalasi installationbaru, option,dengan codenamednama sandi Nano Server, apilihan minimalinstalasi footprintjejak installation option ofminimal Windows Server, optimizeddioptimalkan foruntuk Windows Server [[ContainerWadah (virtualizationvirtualisasi)|ContainersContainer]] anddan [[Hyper-V Container]]s, asserta well as otherskenario [[ComputingKomputasi cloudawan|cloudawan-optimizeddioptimalkan]] scenarioslainnya. AccordingMenurut to the announcementpengumuman, Microsoft removedmenghapus thestack GUI, stack,dukungan [[32-bit]] support ([[WoW64]]), [[Windows Installer|MSI]] anddan asejumlah numberstandar of defaultkomponen [[Server Core]] components. ThereTidak ada masuk islog nosecara locallokal logonatau ordukungan [[Remote Desktop]] support. AllSemua managementmanajemen isdilakukan performedjarak remotelyjauh viamelalui WMI anddan PowerShell. BasedBerdasarkan onbuild buildssaat currentpada at the time of thesaat announcementpengumuman (April 2015), Nano Server hadmemiliki ukuran 93 percentpersen lowerlebih VHDrendah sizedari VHD, 92buletin percentkritis fewer92 criticalpersen bulletinslebih sedikit, anddan reboot 80 percentpersen fewerlebih rebootssedikit thandaripada Windows Server.<ref>[{{Cite web |url= |title=Windows Server Blog: Microsoft Announces Nano Server for Modern Apps and Cloud] |access-date=2015-06-26 |archive-date=2015-04-14 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref>[{{Cite web |url= |title=Server & Cloud Blog: Microsoft Announces New Container Technologies for the Next Generation Cloud] |access-date=2015-06-26 |archive-date=2015-04-11 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
==Development Pengembangan ==
Microsoft hastelah beendireorganisasi reorganized byoleh [[Satya Nadella]], puttingmenempatkan thetim Server anddan [[System Center]] teams togetherbersama-sama (previouslysebelumnya, thetim Server teamitu waslebih moreberkaitan closelyerat aligneddengan withtim theklien Windows client team). TheTim [[Microsoft Azure|Azure]] teamjuga isbekerja alsosama workingdengan closelytim withServer thedalam Serversebuah teammodel insumber anterbuka internal open source model.<ref name="Networkworld">[ Microsoft to release next generation of Windows Server in 2016]</ref>
== Releases ==
=== PreviewRilis releases ===
=== Rilis pratayang ===
{{main|Windows Insider}}
AVersi [[publicbeta betapublik]] version ofdari Windows Server 2016 (thenkemudian: vNext) brandeddicap assebagai "Windows Server Technical Preview" wasdirilis releasedpada on Octobertanggal [[1, Oktober]] [[2014]]; thebentukan technicalpratayang previewteknis buildstersebut areditujukan aimedterhadap towardspengguna enterpriseperusahaan userspengguna. ThatBeta betatersebut waspertama firstkali setditetapkan tountuk expirekedaluwarsa onpada tanggal [[15 April]] [[2015]];<ref>[{{Cite web |url= |title=Windows IT Pro: Windows Server Technical Preview expires 15 April 2015] |access-date=2015-06-26 |archive-date=2015-04-10 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> Microsoft havetelah releasedmerilis aalat tooluntuk tomemperpanjang extendtanggal thekedaluwarsa expiry datetersebut, whilesementara theymereka preparebersiap tountuk launchmeluncurkan thepratayang secondteknis techkedua previewdari ofsistem theoperasi OStersebut inpada Maybulan [[Mei 2015]].<ref>[ Neowin: Second tech preview of Windows Server 2016 coming next month]</ref> TheAlat tooltersebut automaticallysecara downloadsotomatis anddiunduh installsdan asdiinstal ansebagai updatepemutakhiran.
=== PublicRilis releasepublik ===
Windows Server 2016 isdiharapkan expected to beakan [[releaseddirilis tountuk manufacturingmanufaktur]] inpada tahun 2016.<ref>[{{Cite web |url= |title=Server & Cloud Blog: Windows Server and System Center roadmap update] |access-date=2015-06-26 |archive-date=2015-10-15 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
===Version HistoryRiwayat versi ===
This table is a TABLE OF VERSIONS!
** Please do not include publically unreleased versions/changes with unspecified released dates**
** Please do not list bugs or technical issues with builds, they are inevitable in beta releases and may be patched at any time!**
Thank you! :)
Baris 80 ⟶ 81:
|Rilis yang dinonaktifkan/tidak dilanjutkan
|Discontinued/disabled release
|Rilis sebelumnya
|Previous release
|Rilis stabil
|Stable release
|Rilis pratayang
|Preview release
{| class="wikitable collapsible uncollapsed" style="width:100%; font-size:90%;"
! style="background:Plum; text-align:center;" colspan="3"| TableTabel of versionsversi: Windows Server 2016
! style="width:8em; text-align:center;" | VersionVersi<br />{{small|BranchCabang}}
! style="width:10em; text-align:center; background::#e9e9e9;" | {{nowrap|ReleaseTanggal daterilis}}
! style="background::#e9e9e9; text-align:center;"|HighlightsSorotan
|- valign="top" <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
! style="white-space:nowrap; background:silver; text-align:center" |
10.0.9841<br />TechnicalPratayang PreviewTeknis<br /><ref name="announce"/>
* Rilis pertama
* First release
|- valign="top" <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
! style="white-space:nowrap; background:Plum; text-align:center"|
10.0.10074<br />TechnicalPratayang PreviewTeknis 2<br />
| {{date|2015-05-04|mdy}}
* NanoOpsi Serverinstalasi installationNano optionServer<ref name="RegisterTP2">[ The Register: Try to contain your joy: Microsoft emits Windows Server 2016 with nano-services]</ref><ref name="TP2">[{{Cite web |url= |title=WinBeta: Microsoft shows off what's new in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 2] |access-date=2015-06-26 |archive-date=2015-05-05 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
* Hyper-V: hotmenambah adddan andmenghapus removememori memory anddan NIC; resilientmesin virtual machinestangguh tountuk keeptetap runningberjalan evenbahkan whenketika theirstruktur clusterklaster fabricmereka failsgagal<ref name=TeamBlogTP2>[{{Cite web |url= |title=Windows Server Blog: What’s new in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 2] |access-date=2015-06-26 |archive-date=2015-05-07 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
* RollingPeningkatan upgradesbergulir foruntuk Hyper-V anddan Storageklaster clusterspenyimpanan<ref name="RegisterTP2"/><ref name=TeamBlogTP2/>
* NetworkingJaringan: ConvergedKonvergensi NIC acrossdi tenantpenyewa anddan RDMAlalu trafficlintas RDMA; [[PacketDirect]] ondi [[40 Gigabit Ethernet|40G]]<ref name=TeamBlogTP2/>
* StoragePenyimpanan: ketahanan Virtual Machine Storage Path resiliency; Storage Spaces Direct tountuk aggregateagregasi Storage Spaces acrossdi multiplebeberapa serversserver; Storage Replica<ref name=TeamBlogTP2/>
* SecurityKeamanan: Host Guardian Service, helpingmembantu tomenjaga keepkepercayaan trustdan andbatas isolationisolasi boundaryantara betweeninfrastruktur theawan clouddan infrastructurelapisan andsistem guestoperasi OS layerstamu; Just Enough Administration, restrictingmembatasi userspengguna tountuk performmelakukan onlytugas-tugas specifictertentu taskssaja<ref name=TeamBlogTP2/>
* ManagementManajemen: PowerShell Desired State Configuration; PowerShell Package Manager; Windows Management Framework 5.0 April Preview anddan DSC Resource Kit<ref name=TeamBlogTP2/>
* OtherLainnya: ConditionalKontrol accessakses controlbersyarat indi AD FS; applicationdukungan authenticationaplikasi supportotentikasi foruntuk OpenID Connect anddan OAuth; fulldukungan OpenGL supportpenuh withdengan RDS foruntuk VDI; Serverdukungan server-side support foruntuk [[HTTP/2]], includingtermasuk headerkompresi compressionheader, connectionkoneksi multiplexing anddan server push<ref name=TeamBlogTP2/>
|- valign="top" <!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
== SeeLihat alsopula ==
* [[Daftar sistem operasi]]
* [[Perbandingan sistem operasi]]
* [[List of operating systems]]
* [[Sejarah perkembangan sistem komputer]]
* [[Comparison of operating systems]]
* [[History ofSejarah Microsoft Windows]]
* [[History of operating systems]]
* [[History of Microsoft Windows]]
== ReferencesReferensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
==External links==
* [ PluralSight: Windows Server vNext First Look – An introduction to the new features of the Windows Server vNext operating system]
* [ Our Server Journey – video session describing the path that Windows Server has taken from its creation to the current day and where it is going from here] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2015-04-07 }}
* [ Michael Pietroforte: Nano Server – Goodbye Windows Server?]
{{Keluarga Microsoft Windows family}}
{{Komponen Microsoft Windows components}}