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Baris 3:
| image = Schultz John III Sobieski.jpg
| image_size = 230px
| succession = [[Daftar RajaPenguasa Polandia|Raja Polandia]]<br />[[Daftar penguasa Lituania|Adipati Agung Lituania]]
| caption = Potret Jan III, karya [[Daniel Schultz]]
| reign = 19 Mei 1674 – 17 Juni 1696
| coronation = 2 Februari 1676
| cor-type = Poland
| predecessor = [[Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki|Michał]]
| successor = [[August II, SiRaja KuatPolandia|August II]]
| spouse = [[Marie Casimire Louise de La Grange d'Arquien|Marie Casimire Louise]]
| issue = [[Jan III Sobieski#Keluarga|Antara lain]], [[Jakub Ludwik Henryk Sobieski]]
| issue = [[Jakub Ludwik Henryk Sobieski]]<br /> Teresa Teofila Sobieska<br /> Adelaide Luise Sobieska<br /> [[La Mannone Sobieska]]<br /> [[Teresa Kunegunda Sobieska]]<br /> [[Aleksander Benedykt Sobieski]]<br /> [[Konstanty Władysław Sobieski]]<br />[[Jan Sobieski (1683 - 1685)|Jan Sobieski]]<br />Brisacier
| house = [[Wangsa Sobieski|Sobieski]]
| father = [[Jakub Sobieski]]
| mother = [[Teofila Zofia Sobieska]]
Baris 24 ⟶ 23:
'''Jan III Sobieski''' atau '''Yohanes III Sobieski''' ({{lang-la|Ioannes III Sobiscius}}, {{lang-de|Johann III Sobieski}}, {{lang-lt|Jonas III Sobieskis}}, 17 Agustus 1629 – 17 Juni 1696), [[Daftar Penguasa Polandia|Raja Polandia]] merangkap [[Daftar penguasa Lituania|Adipati Agung Lituania]] sejak 1674 hingga wafat, adalah salah satuseorang [[kepala monarki|Kepala Monarki]] [[Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania]] yang paling terkenal.
Kecakapan militer yang ia tunjukkan dalam [[Perang Turki Besar|peperangan]] melawan [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|Imperium OsmanliUtsmaniyah]] turut memperbesar wibawanya selaku seorang raja di mata rakyat Polandia. Masa pemerintahannya (selama 22 tahun) menandai kurun waktu stabilisasi Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania yang sudah lama dinanti-nanti setelah [[Air bah (sejarah)|banjirAir penyerbuanBah Swedia]] dan [[pemberontakan Khmelnytsky|pemberontakanPemberontakan Kmelnitski]] memporakporandakan negeri itu.<ref>{{cite book |author=[[Aleksander Gieysztor]]|title=History of Poland|year=1979|editor= |page=[https://archive.org/details/isbn_831003928/page/223 223]|pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |publisher=PWN, Polish Scientific Publishers|location= |isbn=83-01-00392-8|url=https://archive.org/details/isbn_831003928|accessdate=}}</ref> Raja yang dicintai rakyatnya ini adalah seorang senapati tangguh yang termasyhur berkat kemenangannya atas orang-orangbala tentara Turki dalam [[Pertempuran Wina]] pada 1683.<ref>{{cite book |author=J.A. Hammerton|title=Peoples of All Nations: Their Life Today And Story Of Their Past|year=2007|page=4142|pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |publisher=Concept Publishing Company|location= |isbn=81-7268-144-5|url=|accessdate=}}</ref> Semenjak peristiwa itu, [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|kaum OsmanliUtsmaniyah]] menjulukinya "Singa [[Lechia|Lehistan]]", dan [[Paus (Katolik Roma)|Sri Paus]] mengelu-elukannya sebagai Juru Selamat [[Dunia Kristiani|Dunia Kristen]].<ref>{{cite book |author=Mario Reading|title=The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus|year=2009|page=382|pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |publisher=Sterling Publishing Company, Inc|location= |isbn=1-906787-39-5|url=|accessdate=}}</ref>
== Gelar kebangsawananjabatan ==
* Gelar resmi {{la icon}}: ''Ioannes III, Dei Gratia rex Poloniae, magnus dux Lithuaniae, Russiae, Prussiae, Masoviae, Samogitiae, Livoniae, Smolenscie, Kijoviae, Volhyniae, Podlachiae, Severiae, Czernichoviaeque, etc.''<ref>{{cite book |author=Ignacy Zagórski, Edward Rastawiecki (baron)|title=Monety dawnej polski jakoteż prowincyj i miast do niéj niegdy należacych: z trzech ostatnich wieków zebrane|year=1845|page=75|pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |publisher=S.H. Merzbach|location= |isbn=|url=|accessdate=|language=pl}}</ref>
* Gelar resmi {{pl icon}}: ''Jan III, z łaski bożejBożej, król Polski, wielki książę litewski, ruski, pruski, mazowiecki, żmudzki, kijowski, wołyński, podlaski i czernichowski, etc. ''
* Terjemahan bahasa{{id Indonesiaicon}}: ''Yohanes III, [[atas berkatdengan rahmat Allah]] Raja [[Polandia]], [[adipati agung|Adipati Agung]] [[Lituania]], [[Rutenia]], [[Prusy Królewskie|Prusia]], [[Masovia]], [[Samogitia]], [[Livonia]], [[Smolensk]], [[Kiev]], [[Volhynia]], [[PodlasiePodlasia]], [[Siveria]] dan [[Chernihiv]], dst.''
== Riwayat hidup ==
=== Masa muda ===
[[FileBerkas:OleskoZamokcourtyard.jpg|thumbjmpl|[[Puri Olesko]], tempat lahir Yohanes Sobieski]]
Yohanes Sobieski lahir pada 17 Agustus 1629, di [[Olesko]], sebuah kota kecil dekat [[Lviv|Lwów]] di [[Galisia (Eropa Tengah)|Galisia]] (sekarang di [[Ukraina sekarang]]) yang kala itu termasuk dalamwilayah [[WoiwodatVoivodat Rutenia]], wilayahjajahan [[Mahkota Kerajaan Polandia]] didalam wilayah negara [[Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania]]. Ia terlahir sebagai putra keluarga [[szlachta|bangsawan terkemukaternama]], [[Wangsa Sobieski|deSobieski Sobieszyndari SobieskiSobieszyn]], berlambangahli waris [[Lambang Janina|kebesaran Janina]].<ref name="skalmowski">{{cite book |author1=Wojciech Skalmowski |author2=Tatjana Soldatjenkova |author3=Emmanuel Waegemans |title=Liber amicorum|year=2003|page=165|pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |publisher=Peeters Publishers|location= |isbn=90-429-1298-7|url=|accessdate=}}</ref><ref name=psb413>Red. (Ed.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', hlm.413</ref> Ayahnya, [[Jakub Sobieski]], adalah WoiwodaVoivoda (gubernur) [[WoiwodatVoivodat Rutenia|Rutenia]] merangkap [[Kastelan]] (kepala puri) [[Kraków]]; ibunya, [[Teofila Zofia Sobieska|Zofia Teofillia Daniłowicz]], adalah cucu dari [[Hetman]] (senapati) [[Stanisław Żółkiewski]].<ref name=psb413/> Yohanes Sobieski melewatkan masa kanak-kanaknyadibesarkan di [[Zhovkva|Żółkiew]].<ref name=psb413/> Setelah lulus dari Kolese Nowodworski, di Kraków, pada 1643, Yohanes Sobieski remaja melanjutkan pendidikannya ke Fakultas Filsafat [[Universitas Jagiellonian|Universitas Jagielloński]] hinggasampai diwisuda pada 1646.<ref name=psb413/><ref>{{cite book |author=J.B. Morton|title=Sobieski, King of Poland|year=|pages=30–31 |publisher=|location= |isbn=|url=|accessdate=}}</ref> Setelah tamatSetamat belajarkuliah, Yohanes bersama abangnya, [[Marek Sobieski (1628–1652)|Marek Sobieski]], melakukan perjalanan keliling Eropa Barat selama lebih dari dua tahun.<ref name=psb413/><ref>{{Harvnb|Tindal Palmer|1815|p=5}}</ref> Mereka berkunjung ke [[Leipzig]], [[Antwerpen]], [[Paris]], [[London]], [[Leiden]], dan [[Den Haag]].<ref name=psb413/> Selama perjalanan keliling Eropa Barat, ia berjumpa dengan tokoh-tokoh besar di masa itu, seperti [[Louis II de Bourbon, Pangeran -Condé|Louis II de Bourbon-Condé]], [[Charles II dari Inggris]], dan [[William II, Pangeran Oranye|Willem van Oranje]],. Ia juga menyempatkan sertadiri mempelajari [[bahasa PerancisPrancis]], [[bahasa Jerman|Jerman]], dan [[bahasa Italia|Italia]], selain [[bahasa Latin]].<ref>{{cite book |author=Daniel Stone|title=The Polish–Lithuanian state, 1386–1795|url=https://archive.org/details/polishlithuanian0000ston|year=2001|page=[https://archive.org/details/polishlithuanian0000ston/page/236 236] |publisher=University of Washington Press |isbn=0-295-98093-1}}</ref> <!--
Kedua adik-beradik itu pulang ke Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania pada 1648. Begitu menerima kabar kemangkatan Raja [[Władysław IV Vasa|Władysław IV Waza]] dan meletusnya [[Pemberontakan Khmelnytsky|Pemberontakan Kmelnitski]], mereka pun segera mengajukanmendaftarkan diri menjadisebagai sukarelawan dalam angkatan bersenjata prajuritnegaranya.<ref name=psb413/><ref>{{Harvnb|Tindal Palmer|1815|p=7}}</ref> Keduanya ikut bertempur dalam peristiwa [[TrucePerjanjian gencatan ofsenjata Zamość|pengepungan Zamość]].<ref name=psb413/> TheyMereka foundedmembentuk anddan commandedmemimpin theirsendiri ownpasukan-pasukan [[Chorągiew (militarysatuan unitmiliter)|bannerpataka]]s (''chorągiew'') of [[Polishkavaleri cavalryPolandia|cavalrykavaleri]] (onesatu light,pasukan "[[cossackKazaki]]", andbersenjata one heavyringan, ofdan satu pasukan [[Polish hussarsHusaria|Husari]] bersenjata berat).,<ref name=psb413/> Soon,namun thenasib fortunesakhirnya of war separated thememisahkan brotherskeduanya. InPada 1649, Jakub foughtikut inberjuang thedalam [[Battle ofPertempuran Zboriv (1649)|Battle ofPertempuran Zboriv]].<ref name=psb413/> InPada 1652, [[BatihPembantaian massacreBatih|Marek diedwafat indalam Tatartahanan captivityorang Tatar]] aftersetelah histertangkap capture at thedalam [[Battle ofPertempuran Batih]].<ref name=psb413/><ref>{{Harvnb|Tindal Palmer|1815|pp=12–13}}</ref> JohnYohanes wasdipromosikan promoted to the rank ofmenjadi [[Polkovnik|pułkownik]] and(kolonel) foughtdan withmaju distinctionmenggempur inmusuh thedengan gagah berani dalam [[Battle ofPertempuran Berestechko]].<ref>{{Harvnb|Tindal Palmer|1815|p=20}}</ref> ASebagai promisingperwira commander,yang Johnberpotensi wasmenjadi senapati, sentYohanes bydiutus KingRaja [[JohnJan II CasimirKazimierz]] toke [[ConstantinopleKonstantinopel]] indi thewilayah [[OttomanKesultanan EmpireUtsmaniyah|Imperium Utsmaniyah]] as one of thesebagai envoysanggota inrombongan amisi diplomaticdiplomatik missionyang ofdipimpin Mikołaj Bieganowski.<ref name=psb413/><ref name="millar">{{cite book |author1=Simon Millar |author2=Peter Dennis |title=Vienna 1683: Christian Europe Repels the Ottomans|url=https://archive.org/details/viennachristiane00mill |year=2008|page=[https://archive.org/details/viennachristiane00mill/page/n10 17] |publisher=Osprey Publishing |isbn=1-84603-231-8}}</ref> There,Yohanes Sobieskimemanfaatkan learnedkunjungan theitu untuk mempelajari [[Tatarbahasa languageTatar]] and thedan [[Turkishbahasa languageTurki]], andserta studiedmendalami Turkishtradisi militarymiliter dan traditionssiasat andtempur tacticsTurki.<ref name=psb413/><ref name="millar" /> ItAgaknya isia likelysempat hepula participatedbergabung asdengan partpasukan ofpersekutuan thePolandia-Tatar brieflyyang alliedterbentuk Polish-Tatarselama forcesjangka inwaktu theyang 1655singkat dalam [[Battle ofPertempuran Okhmativ (1655)|Battle ofPertempuran Okhmativ]] pada 1655.<ref name=psb413/>
AfterKetika the start of theterjadi [[Swedishinvasi invasionSwedia ofatas PolandPolandia]] knownyang asterkenal pula dengan sebutan "[[TheAir Delugebah (Polish historysejarah)|TheAir DelugeBah Swedia]]", JohnYohanes Sobieskibergabung wasdengan among theresimen-resimen [[Greater PolandWielkopolska|GreaterPolandia PolishBesar]] regimentsyang leddipimpin byoleh [[Krzysztof Opaliński]], [[WoiwodatVoivodat Poznań|PalatinatVoivoda Poznań]]. whichBala capitulatedtentara atPolandia Besar dipaksa menyerah di [[Ujście]], anddan sworebersumpah allegiancesetia topada KingRaja Swedia, [[CharlesKarl X Gustav ofdari SwedenSwedia|Karl Gustav]].<ref name=psb413/><ref name="millar" /> HoweverMeskipun demikian, aroundsekitar akhir latebulan MarchMaret 1656, heYohanes abandonedmeninggalkan theirbala side,tentara returningPolandia toBesar thedan sidemenyeberang ofke Polishkubu kingRaja Polandia, [[JohnJan II CasimirKazimierz|Jan Kazimierz VasaWaza]], enlistinguntuk underbergabung thedengan commandbala oftentara yang dipimpin oleh [[hetmanHetman]]s [[Stefan Czarniecki]] anddan [[Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski|Hetman Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski]].<ref name=psb413/>
===Commander Senapati ===
[[FileBerkas:Jan Tricius - Portrait of John III Sobieski (ca. 1680) - Google Art Project.jpg|thumbjmpl|leftkiri|uprightlurus|PortraitPotret ofRaja JohnYohanes III bykarya Jan Tricius]]
Pada 26 Mei 1656, ia diangkat menjadi ''[[Chorąży|chorąży koronny]]'' (pembawa pataka Mahkota).<ref name=psb414>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', hlm.414</ref> Dalam [[Pertempuran Warsawa (1656)|pertempuran tiga hari di Warsawa]] pada 1656, Yohanes memimpin satu resimen kavaleri [[Kekhanan Krimea|Tatar]] beranggotakan 2.000 prajurit.<ref name=psb414/><ref>{{Harvnb|Tindal Palmer|1815|pp=23–24}}</ref> Ia ikut terlibat dalam sejumlah pertempuran selama dua tahun berikutnya, termasuk dalam [[Pengepungan Toruń (1658)|Pengepungan Toruń]] pada 1658.<ref name=psb414/> Pada 1659, ia terpilih menjadi anggota [[Sejm]] (Majelis Rendah Parlemen Polandia), dan menjadi salah seorang wakil Polandia dalam perundingan dengan kaum Kazaki yang menghasilkan [[Perjanjian Hadyach]].<ref name=psb414/> Pada 1660, ia terlibat dalam serangan terakhir terhadap orang Swedia di Prusia, dan diganjari jabatan [[Starosta]] (penghulu negeri) [[Stryi|Stryj]] oleh pemerintah kerajaan.<ref name=psb414/> Tak seberapa lama kemudian, ia sudah kembali ikut berperang melawan orang Rusia, terlibat dalam [[Pertempuran Slobodyshche]] dan [[Pertempuran Liubar]], serta sekali lagi menjadi salah seorang wakil Polandia dalam perundingan baru dengan kaum Kazaki yang menghasilkan [[Perjanjian Chudniv]] pada penghujung tahun itu.<ref name=psb414/>
Melalui kenalan-kenalan pribadinya, ia menjadi pendukung berat kubu Prancis dalam majelis istana Polandia yang diwakili oleh Permaisuri [[Marie Louise Gonzaga]]. Keberpihakannya pada kubu Prancis kian kokoh pada 1665, setelah menikahi [[Marie Casimire Louise de la Grange d'Arquien]] dan dipromosikan menjadi [[marszałek|Marsekal]] Besar Mahkota Kerajaan Polandia. Pada tahun 1666, ia dipromosikan menjadi [[Hetman Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania|Hetman]] Lapangan Mahkota Kerajaan Polandia.<ref name="skalmowski" />
By 26 May 1656 he received the position of the ''[[chorąży|chorąży koronny]]'' (Standard-bearer of the Crown).<ref name=psb414>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', p.414</ref> During the [[Battle of Warsaw (1656)|three-day-long battle of Warsaw]] of 1656, Sobieski commanded a 2,000-man strong regiment of [[Crimean Khanate|Tatar]] cavalry.<ref name=psb414/><ref>{{Harvnb|Tindal Palmer|1815|pp=23–24}}</ref> He took part in a number of engagements over the next two years, including in the [[Siege of Toruń (1658)|Siege of Toruń]] in 1658.<ref name=psb414/> In 1659 he was elected a deputy to the [[Sejm]] (Polish parliament), and was one of the Polish negotiators in the [[Treaty of Hadiach]] with the Cossacks.<ref name=psb414/> In 1660 he took part in the last offensive against the Swedes in Prussia, and received royal rewards in the form of the [[starost]] of [[Stryi|Stryj]] office.<ref name=psb414/> Soon afterward he took part in the war against the Russians, participating in the [[Battle of Slobodyshche]] and [[Battle of Lyubar]], and later that year he again was one of the negotiators of a new treaty with the Cossacks (the [[Treaty of Cudnów]]).<ref name=psb414/>
Pada 1662, ia terpilih kembali menjadi anggota Sejm, dan dilibatkan dalam usaha mereformasi militer. Ia juga menjadi anggota Sejm pada 1664 dan 1665,<ref name=psb414/> sementara pada tahun 1663 ia disibukkan oleh perang melawan Rusia.<ref name=psb414/> Yohanes tetap setia kepada Raja Polandia ketika terjadi [[Pemberontakan Lubomirski]] pada 1665–1666, meskipun hal itu adalah suatu keputusan yang sulit baginya.<ref name=psb414/><ref name=psb415>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', hlm.415</ref> Ia berpartisipasi dalam Sejm 1665, dan setelah beberapa kali tertunda, ia menerima jabatan bergengsi sebagai [[Marszałek|Marsekal Besar Mahkota Kerajaan Polandia]] pada 18 Mei tahun itu.<ref name=psb415/> Sekitar akhir bulan April atau awal bulan Mei 1666, ia kembali menerima jabatan tinggi dari pemerintah persemakmuran, yakni sebagai [[Hetman Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania|Hetman Lapangan Mahkota Kerajaan Polandia]].<ref name=psb415/> Tak lama kemudian, ia dikalahkan dalam [[Pertempuran Mątwy]], dan menandatangani [[Persetujuan Łęgonice]] pada 21 Juli, yang mengakhiri Pemberontakan Lubomirski.<ref name=psb415/>
Through personal connections, he became a strong supporter of the French faction in the Polish royal court, represented by Queen [[Marie Louise Gonzaga]]. His pro-French allegiance would be reinforced in 1665, when he married [[Marie Casimire Louise de la Grange d'Arquien]] and was promoted to the rank of Grand [[marszałek|Marshal]] of the Crown and, the following year, to the rank of Field [[Hetman]] of the Crown.<ref name="skalmowski" />
[[Berkas:Stech Kessel Bitwa pod Chocimiem.jpg|jmpl|Yohanes Sobieski, Sang Pemenang [[Pertempuran Khotyn (1673)|Pertempuran Khotyn]]]]
In 1662 he was again elected a deputy to the Sejm, and took part in the work on reforming the military. He was also a member of the Sejm in 1664 and 1665.<ref name=psb414/> In between he participated in the Russian campaign of 1663.<ref name=psb414/> Sobieski remained loyal to the King during the [[Lubomirski Rebellion]] of 1665–66, though it was a difficult decision for him.<ref name=psb414/><ref name=psb415>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', p.415</ref> He participated in the Sejm of 1665, and after some delays, accepted the prestigious office of the [[Marshal of the Crown]] on 18 May that year.<ref name=psb415/> Around late April or early May 1666 he received another high office of the Commonwealth, that of the [[Field Crown Hetman]].<ref name=psb415/> Soon afterward, he was defeated at the [[Battle of Mątwy]], and signed the [[Agreement of Łęgonice]] on the 21 July, which ended the Lubomirski Rebellion.<ref name=psb415/>
Pada bulan Oktober 1667, ia kembali meraih kemenangan atas kaum Kazaki yang dipimpin [[Petro Doroshenko]] beserta sekutu-sekutu mereka, orang-orang Tatar dari Krimea, dalam [[Pertempuran Podhajce (1667)|Pertempuran Podhajce]] pada masa [[Perang Polandia–Kazaki–Tatar (1666–1671)]].<ref name="millar" /> Kemenangan ini memulihkan citranya sebagai seorang senapati yang mumpuni.<ref name=psb415/> Pada bulan November tahun itu, anak sulungnya, [[Jakub Ludwik Henryk Sobieski]], lahir di Paris.<ref name=psb415/> Pada 5 Februari 1668, ia diangkat menjadi Hetman Besar Mahkota Kerajaan Polandia, jabatan militer tertinggi di Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania, dan dengan demikian secara ''de facto'' menjadi [[panglima tertinggi]] atas segenap [[Angkatan Darat Polandia|Angkatan Bersenjata Polandia]].<ref name="millar" /> Pada penghujung tahun itu, ia mendukung pencalonan [[Louis II de Bourbon-Condé|Louis, Condé Agung]] dari Prancis sebagai Raja Polandia. Setelah rencana pencalonan itu gagal, ia beralih mendukung [[Philipp Wilhelm, Elektor Palatina]].<ref name=psb415/> Setelah [[Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki]] terpilih menjadi Raja Polandia, Yohanes memutuskan untuk bergabung dengan kubu oposisi; bersama para sekutunya, ia [[liberum veto|memveto]] sejumlah sidang Sejms (termasuk sidang-sidang pembahasan upacara penobatan raja baru). Sikap politiknya ini membuat ia tidak disenangi di kalangan [[szlachta]] pada umumnya.<ref name=psb415/> Meskipun sikap pro-Prancis membuatnya dijauhi sebagian orang, kemenangan demi kemenangan yang diraihnya dalam peperangan melawan invasi orang Tatar pada 1671 justru membuatnya bertambah sekutu baru.<ref name=psb415/> Pada 1672, Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania mengalami guncangan politik. Kubu Yohanes yang pro-Prancis dan kubu Raja Michał Wiśniowiecki membentuk [[konfederacja|konfederasinya]] masing-masing. Kedua kubu tampaknya lebih mementingkan pertikaian mereka daripada bersatu padu menghadapi [[Perang Polandia-Utsmaniyah (1672–1676)|orang-orang Turki Utsmaniyah]] yang sedang gencar-gencarnya menyerbu kawasan selatan negeri Polandia.<ref name=psb416>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', hlm.416</ref> Kubu istana menuntut kerajaan menyita lahan-lahannya, mencabut pangkat-pangkatnya, dan menyatakan dirinya sebagai "musuh negara".<ref name=psb416/> Dampak buruk dari pertikaian ini mencapai puncaknya dengan penandatanganan [[Perjanjian Buchach]] yang sangat mempermalukan Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania. Perjanjian ini mewajibkan Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania untuk menyerahkan daerah-daerah tertentu dalam wilayah kekuasaannya dan membayar upeti tahuhan kepada Imperium Utsmaniyah.<ref name="Magill2013-726">{{cite book|author=Frank N. Magill|title=The 17th and 18th Centuries: Dictionary of World Biography|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=HaHdAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA727|date=13 September 2013|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-135-92414-0|page=726}}</ref> Yohanes akhirnya berhasil mengupayakan keseimbangan antara kegiatan politik dan pertahanan negara. Kombinasi antara kemenangan-kemenangannya di medan perang dan keberhasilan perundingan antara kedua kubu dalam sidang Sejm pada bulan April 1673, pada akhirnya menghasilkan kata mufakat, dan kubu istana pun menarik kembali tuntutan serta penentangannya terhadap Yohanes.<ref name=psb416/>
Pada 11 November 1673, Yohanes kembali meraih kemenangan besar di medan perang, kali ini dengan mengalahkan bala tentara Utsmaniyah dalam [[Pertempuran Khotyn (1673)|Pertempuran Khotyn]] dan merebut [[Khotyn|benteng]] kota itu.<ref name="millar" /> Warta kemenangan dari medan perang tersiar pada waktu yang sama dengan kabar duka kemangkatan Raja Michał, yang menghembuskan nafas terakhirnya sehari sebelum pertempuran berlangsung.<ref name="millar" /> Keadaan ini membuat Yohanes menjadi sosok yang paling menonjol di Polandia, sehingga pada 19 Mei 1674 ia terpilih menjadi Kepala Monarki [[Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania]].<ref name="skalmowski" /> Pencalonannya mendapat dukungan dari semua pihak, kecuali selusin atau lebih anggota parlemen (yang sebagian besar adalah kalangan pendukung [[keluarga Pac|keluarga bangsawan Pac]] dari Lituania).<ref name=psb416/> Mengingat perang belum berakhir, kehadiran Yohanes masih diperlukan di garis depan, sehingga upacara penobatan harus ditunda sampai keadaan memungkinkan. Setelah hampir dua tahun sejak terpilih, Yohanes Sobieski akhirnya dimahkotai sebagai Raja Yohanes III pada 2 Februari 1676.<ref name="skalmowski" /><ref name=psb416/>
[[File:Stech Kessel Bitwa pod Chocimiem.jpg|thumb|John III Sobieski, the victor of the [[Battle of Khotyn (1673)|Battle of Khotyn]]]]
=== Raja Polandia ===
In October 1667 he achieved another victory over the Cossacks of [[Petro Doroshenko]] and their Crimean Tatar allies in the [[Battle of Podhajce (1667)|Battle of Podhajce]] during the [[Polish–Cossack–Tatar War (1666–71)]].<ref name="millar" /> This allowed him to regain his image as a skilled military leader.<ref name=psb415/> Later that year, in November, his first child, [[James Louis Sobieski]] was born in Paris.<ref name=psb415/> On 5 February 1668 he achieved the rank of Grand Hetman of the Crown, the highest military rank in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, and thereby the ''de facto'' [[commander-in-chief]] of the entire [[Polish Army]].<ref name="millar" /> Later that year he supported the French candidacy of [[Louis, Grand Condé]] for the Polish throne, and after this candidacy fell apart, [[Philip William, Elector Palatine]].<ref name=psb415/> Following the election of [[Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki]] he joined the opposition faction; he and his allies helped [[liberum veto|veto]] several sejms (including the coronation ones), and his attitude once again resulted in him losing popularity among the regular szlachta.<ref name=psb415/> While his pro-French stance in politics alienated some, his military victories against invading Tatars in 1671 helped him gain other allies.<ref name=psb415/> The year 1672 saw internal politics destabilizing the Commonwealth, as the pro-French faction of Sobieski and pro-court faction of king Wiśniowiecki formed two [[konfederacja|confederations]], which despite [[Polish–Ottoman War (1672–76)|the large Ottoman incursions]] in the south seemed more concerned with one another than with uniting to defend the country.<ref name=psb416>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', p.416</ref> The court faction called openly for confiscation of his estates and dismissal from office, and declared him an "enemy of the state".<ref name=psb416/> This culminated in the humiliating to the Commonwealth [[Treaty of Buchach]], where the Commonwealth was forced to cede territories to the Ottomans, but promise an annual tribute.<ref name="Magill2013-726">{{cite book|author=Frank N. Magill|title=The 17th and 18th Centuries: Dictionary of World Biography|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=HaHdAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA727|date=13 September 2013|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-135-92414-0|page=726}}</ref> Sobieski eventually succeeded in balancing politics and national defense, and a combination of his military victories over the invaders, and successful negotiations at the Sejm in April 1673, led to a compromise in which the court faction dropped its demands and challenges against him.<ref name=psb416/>
[[Berkas:PL Koronacja Jana Sobieskiego.JPG|jmpl|Upacara penobatan Raja Yohanes III (1676), relief, [[Istana Wilanów]]]]
Meskipun merupakan negara terbesar dan tergolong negara berpenduduk terpadat di Eropa kala itu,<ref name="Lupovitch2009">{{cite book|author=Howard N. Lupovitch|title=Jews and Judaism in World History|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=s7uLAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA120|date=16 Desember 2009|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-135-18965-5|page=120}}</ref> Persemakmuran Polandia-Britania pada saat Yohanes Sobieski naik takhta adalah sebuah negeri yang porak-poranda akibat perang yang tak berkesudahan selama hampir setengah abad.<ref name="Cummins">{{cite book|author=Joseph Cummins|title=The War Chronicles: From Chariots to Flintlocks|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=A50WWPlO-7wC&pg=PA323|publisher=Fair Winds|isbn=978-1-61673-403-9|page=323}}</ref> Perbendaharaan negara nyaris kosong, dan hanya sedikit yang dapat ditawarkan oleh istana kepada para [[pembesar]] praja, yang sering kali lebih memilih untuk bersekutu dengan kerajaan-kerajaan asing daripada dengan kepala negaranya sendiri.<ref name="Carsten1961">{{cite book|author=F. L. Carsten|title=The New Cambridge Modern History: Jilid 5, The Ascendancy of France, 1648–88|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=FzQ9AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA564|date=1 Januari 1961|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-0-521-04544-5|page=564}}</ref><ref name="Magill2013-727">{{cite book|author=Frank N. Magill|title=The 17th and 18th Centuries: Dictionary of World Biography|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=HaHdAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA727|date=13 September 2013|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-135-92414-0|page=727}}</ref>
Yohanes memiliki sejumlah rencana jangka panjang, termasuk rencana untuk mengangkat martabat keluarga Sobieski menjadi wangsa penguasa turun-temurun atas Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania, merebut kembali daerah-daerah yang telah jatuh ke tangan lawan, dan memperkuat negeri Polandia melalui reformasi di berbagai bidang.<ref name="Magill2013-727"/><ref name="Penson538"/> Salah satu ambisinya adalah mempersatukan umat Kristen Eropa dalam sebuah perang salib untuk mengusir orang-orang Turki dari bumi Eropa.<ref name="Penson538">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA542|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|page=538}}</ref> Akan tetapi, pada permulaan masa pemerintahannya, negara Polandia sedang mengalami krisis fiskal dan menghadapi ancaman militer di kawasan utara. Raja Prancis, Louis XIV, telah berjanji untuk memperantarai perundingan gencatan senjata antara Imperium Utsmaniyah dan Polandia, sehingga Yohanes dapat memusatkan perhatiannya pada Prusia. Perundingan gencatan senjata berakhir dengan kegagalan, dan rencana-rencana yang hendak dijalankannya di kawasan Baltik harus ditunda demi menanggulangi ancaman Imperium Utsmaniyah di kawasan selatan.<ref name="Magill2013-726"/><ref name="Magill2013-727"/><ref name="pasek" />
On 11 November 1673 Sobieski added a major victory to his list, this time defeating the [[Ottoman Empire|Ottomans]] in the [[Battle of Khotyn (1673)|Battle of Khotyn]] and capturing the [[Chocim|fortress]] located there.<ref name="millar" /> The news of the battle coincided with the news of the death of [[Michael Korybut Wiśniowiecki|Michael I, King of Poland]], who had died the day before the battle.<ref name="millar" /> This made Sobieski one of the leading figures of the state, so on 19 May the following year, he was elected monarch of the [[Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth|Commonwealth]].<ref name="skalmowski" /> His candidacy was almost universally supported, with only a dozen or so members of the diet opposing him (mainly centered around the Lithuanian magnate [[Pac family]]).<ref name=psb416/> In light of the war, requiring Sobieski to be on the front lines, the coronation ceremony was significantly delayed – John Sobieski was crowned John III almost two years later, on 2 February 1676.<ref name="skalmowski" /><ref name=psb416/>
Pada musim gugur 1674, ia kembali berperang melawan bala tentara Utsmaniyah dan berhasil merebut kembali sejumlah kota dan benteng, termasuk [[Bratslav]], [[Mogilev]], dan [[Bar, Ukraina|Bar]]. Keberhasilan ini memperkukuh kembali pertahanan kawasan perbatasan selatan Polandia di Ukraina.<ref name=psb416/> Pada 1675, Yohanes berhasil mematahkan serangan orang-orang Turki dan Tatar atas kota [[Lviv]].<ref name=psb416/><ref name="Penson542"/> Pada 1676, [[Kekhanan Krimea|orang-orang Tatar]] mulai melancarkan serangan balasan dan menyeberangi Sungai [[Dneper]], tetapi gagal merebut kembali kota [[Zhuravno|Żórawno]] yang strategis letaknya; tak lama kemudian, sebuah kesepakatan damai ([[Perjanjian Żurawno]]) akhirnya ditandatangani oleh kedua belah pihak.<ref name=psb416/> Meskipun Kamieniec Podolski dan sebagian besar Podolia tetap menjadi bagian dari wilayah kekuasaan Imperium Utsmaniyah, Polandia mampu mengimbangi kekuatan Utsmaniyah di daerah-daerah itu dengan merebut kembali kota [[Bila Tserkva]] dan kota [[Pavoloch]].<ref name=psb416/>
===King of Poland===
[[File:PL Koronacja Jana Sobieskiego.JPG|thumb|Sobieski's coronation (1676), relief, [[Wilanów Palace]]]]
Penandatanganan perjanjian dengan pihak Utsmaniyah menjadi awal dari periode damai yang sangat diperlukan untuk membangun kembali negeri Polandia dan memperkuat kekuasaan kerajaan. Yohanes akhirnya berhasil mereformasi Angkatan Bersenjata Polandia.<ref name="pasek" /> Bala tentara dibagi menjadi resimen-resimen, [[tembiang]] pasukan infantri diganti dengan [[kapak perang]], formasi-formasi tempur pasukan [[hussar|husar]] dan pasukan [[dragon]] mulai pula diterapkan dalam pasukan [[kavaleri Polandia]].<ref name="nagielski">{{cite book |author=Mirosław Nagielski|title=Hetmani Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów|year=1995|page=227|pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |publisher=Bellona|location= |isbn=83-11-08275-8|url=|accessdate=|language=pl}}</ref> Selain itu, Yohanes memperbanyak jumlah senjata api dan memperkenalkan siasat-siasat tempur artileri yang baru.<ref name="nagielski" />
Though Poland-Lithuania was at that time the largest and one of the most populous states of Europe,<ref name="Lupovitch2009">{{cite book|author=Howard N. Lupovitch|title=Jews and Judaism in World History|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=s7uLAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA120|date=16 December 2009|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-135-18965-5|page=120}}</ref> Sobieski became a king of a country devastated by almost half a century of constant war.<ref name="Cummins">{{cite book|author=Joseph Cummins|title=The War Chronicles: From Chariots to Flintlocks|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=A50WWPlO-7wC&pg=PA323|publisher=Fair Winds|isbn=978-1-61673-403-9|page=323}}</ref> The treasury was almost empty and the court had little to offer the powerful [[magnate]]s, who often allied themselves with foreign courts rather than the state.<ref name="Carsten1961">{{cite book|author=F. L. Carsten|title=The New Cambridge Modern History: Volume 5, The Ascendancy of France, 1648–88|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=FzQ9AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA564|date=1 January 1961|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-0-521-04544-5|page=564}}</ref><ref name="Magill2013-727">{{cite book|author=Frank N. Magill|title=The 17th and 18th Centuries: Dictionary of World Biography|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=HaHdAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA727|date=13 September 2013|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-135-92414-0|page=727}}</ref>
[[Berkas:Bacciarelli Relief of Vienna.jpg|jmpl|''Pembebasan Wina'' karya [[Marcello Bacciarelli]]]]
Sobieski had a number of long term plans, including establishing his own dynasty in the Commonwealth, regaining lost territories, and strengthening the country through various reforms.<ref name="Magill2013-727"/><ref name="Penson538"/> One of his ambitions was to unify Christian Europe in a crusade to drive the Turks out of Europe.<ref name="Penson538">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA542|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|page=538}}</ref> At the beginning of his reign, however, the Polish state was in dire fiscal straights and faced military threats to the north. The French King, Louis XIV, promised to mediate a ceasefire between the Ottomans and Poland so that Sobieski could focus his attentions on Prussia. The negotiations ended in failure and his Baltic goals had to be tempered by the immediate reality of the Ottoman threat to the south.<ref name="Magill2013-726"/><ref name="Magill2013-727"/><ref name="pasek" />
Yohanes juga menyusun rencana untuk menaklukkan [[Kadipaten Prusia|Prusia]] dengan memanfaatkan pasukan-pasukan [[Imperium Swedia|Swedia]] dan dukungan Prancis.<ref name="pasek">{{cite book |author=Wiktor Waintraub|title=Memoirs of the Polish Baroque: the writings of Jan Chryzostom Pasek, a squire of the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania|year=1976|page=308|pages= |chapter=|chapterurl= |publisher=University of California Press|location= |isbn=0-520-02752-3|url=|accessdate=}}</ref> Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania memang sudah lama ingin mengambil alih kekuasaan atas provinsi swapraja ini dari penguasa pribuminya, dan Yohanes berharap dapat menjadikannya sebagai bagian dari wilayah kekuasaan keluarganya.<ref name="Magill2013-727"/> Karena satu dan lain hal, permufakatan rahasia yang dibentuk pada 1675 ini (disebut [[Perjanjian Jaworów]]) gagal mengubah ''status quo''. Peperangan melawan Imperium Utsmaniyah tak kunjung dimenangkan secara paripurna oleh Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania; dan selama itu pula Elektor Agung (Brandenburg) berhasil mencapai [[Perjanjian Nijmegen|kata sepakat dengan Prancis]], [[Perang dan pertempuran yang melibatkan Prusia#Perang Swedia-Brandenburg|berhasil memukul mundur bala tentara Swedia ketika hendak menginvasi Prusia]], dan berhasil membujuk banyak pembesar Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania untuk menentang rencana memerangi Prusia.<ref name=psb416/><ref name="Magill2013-727"/><ref name="Penson542">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA542|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|page=542}}</ref><ref name=psb417>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', hlm.417</ref><ref name="Penson543-544"/> Dengan dukungan [[Markgrafschaft Brandenburg|Brandenburg]] dan [[Monarki Habsburg]], para seteru Yohanes di dalam negeri bahkan berencana untuk memakzulkannya dan memilih [[Karl V, Adipati Lothringen|Karl dari Lothringen]] sebagai raja pengganti.<ref name=psb417/>
In the autumn of 1674, he recommenced the war against the Ottomans and managed to recapture a number of cities and fortresses including [[Bratslav]], [[Mogilev]], and [[Bar, Ukraine|Bar]], which re-established a strongly fortified line defending Poland's southern border in Ukraine.<ref name=psb416/> In 1675, Sobieski defeated the Turks and Tatar offensive aiming at [[Lviv]].<ref name=psb416/><ref name="Penson542"/> In 1676, the [[Crimean Khanate|Tatars]] began a counter-offensive and crossed the [[Dneper]], but could not retake the strategic town of [[Zhuravno|Żórawno]], and a peace treaty (the [[Treaty of Żurawno]]) was signed soon afterwards.<ref name=psb416/> Although Kamieniec Podolski and much of Podolia remained a part of the Ottoman Empire, Poland counteracted its significance with the return of the towns of [[Bila Tserkva]] and [[Pavoloch]].<ref name=psb416/>
Dengan ditandatanganinya kesepakatan antara Prancis dan Prusia pada 1678, Yohanes pun kehilangan sekutu utama dalam mewujudkan rencananya memerangi Prusia, sehingga ia mulai menjauhkan diri dari kubu pro-Prancis. Langkah ini tak ayal lagi merenggangkan hubungan Polandia-Prancis. Sidang Sejm 1683, yang memutuskan untuk mengusir Duta Besar Prancis karena terlibat dalam rencana pemakzulan Raja Yohanes III, menandai berakhirnya persekutuan Polandia-Prancis.<ref name=psb417/> Di saat yang sama, ia berdamai dengan faksi pro-Habsburg, dan mulai condong ke arah pembentukan persekutuan dengan Austria.<ref name=psb417/><ref name="Penson543-544">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA543|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|pages=543–544}}</ref> Meskipun tidak mampu mengakhiri penentangan terhadap dirinya di dalam negeri, langkah ini berhasil menarik simpati dari beberapa pihak. Untuk sementara waktu penentangan terhadap dirinya melemah berkat keberhasilan manuver-manuver politiknya, antara lain dengan menganugerahkan jabatan Hetman Besar kepada salah seorang pimpinan dari kubu penentangnya, [[Stanisław Jan Jabłonowski]].<ref name=psb417/><ref name="Penson541">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA541|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|page=541}}</ref>
The signing of the treaty with the Ottomans began a period of peace that was much needed for the repair of the country and strengthening of the royal authority. Sobieski managed to completely reform the Polish army.<ref name="pasek" /> The military was reorganised into regiments, the infantry finally dropped [[pike (weapon)|pike]]s, replacing them with [[battle-axe]]s, and the [[Polish cavalry]] adopted [[hussar]]s and [[dragoon]]s formations.<ref name="nagielski">{{cite book |author=Mirosław Nagielski|title=Hetmani Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów|year=1995|page=227|pages= |chapter= |chapterurl= |publisher=Bellona|location= |isbn=83-11-08275-8|url=|accessdate=|language=pl}}</ref> Sobieski also greatly increased the number of guns and introduced new artillery tactics.<ref name="nagielski" />
Sadar bahwa Polandia kekurangan sekutu dan sewaktu-waktu dapat diserang oleh negara-negara tetangganya (situasi yang mirip dengan Air Bah Swedia), pada 1683 Yohanes menjalin persekutuan dengan [[Leopold I, Kaisar Romawi Suci]].<ref name=psb417/> Kedua belah pihak berjanji akan saling membantu bilamana ibu kota mereka terancam diserang.<ref name="Magill2013-727"/> Perjanjian persekutuan ditandatangani oleh wakil-wakil dari kedua [[kepala monarki]] pada 31 Maret 1683, dan diratifikasi oleh kaisar dan Parlemen Polandia dalam hitungan minggu.<ref name="Setton1991">{{cite book|author=Kenneth Meyer Setton|title=Venice, Austria, and the Turks in the Seventeenth Century|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=XN51y209fR8C&pg=PA269|year=1991|publisher=American Philosophical Society|isbn=978-0-87169-192-7|pages=266–269}}</ref> Meskipun ditujukan secara langsung terhadap Imperium Utsmaniyah dan secara tidak langsung terhadap Prancis, langkah ini menguntungkan Yohanes karena dinilai berguna untuk mempertahankan tapal batas selatan Polandia, sehingga menuai dukungan di dalam negeri.<ref name=psb417/> Persekutuan ini menjadi cikal bakal dari [[Liga Suci (1684)|Liga Suci]], yang diprakarsai oleh [[Paus Innosensius XI|Paus Inosensius XI]] untuk mempertahankan eksistensi dunia Kristen.<ref name="Penson544-545">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA543|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|pages=544–545}}</ref>
[[File:Bacciarelli Relief of Vienna.jpg|thumb|''Relief of Vienna'' by [[Bacciarelli]]]]
Sementara itu, pada musim semi 1683, mata-mata Polandia berhasil mendapatkan informasi mengenai persiapan perang yang sedang dilakukan oleh orang-orang Turki. Yohanes curiga perang itu menyasar dua kota Polandia, [[Lwów]] dan [[Kraków]].<ref name="millar" /> Sebagai tindakan antisipasi, Yohanes mulai membentengi kota-kota itu dan memerintahkan pendaftaran tentara di seluruh wilayah persemakmuran.<ref name="millar" /> Pada bulan Juli, datang utusan dari Austria meminta bantuan Polandia.<ref name="Penson547548"/> Angkatan Bersenjata Polandia segera bersiap-siap untuk berperang melawan Imperium Utsmaniyah. Pada bulan Agustus, bala tentara sekutu dari [[Bayern]] dan [[Sachsen]] datang bergabung, di bawah pimpinan [[Karl V, Adipati Lothringen|Karl dari Lothringen]].<ref name="Setton1991"/><ref name="Penson547548"/>
Sobieski also planned to conquer [[Duchy of Prussia|Prussia]] with [[Swedish Empire|Swedish]] troops and French support.<ref name="pasek">{{cite book |author=Wiktor Waintraub|title=Memoirs of the Polish Baroque: the writings of Jan Chryzostom Pasek, a squire of the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania|year=1976|page=308|pages= |chapter=|chapterurl= |publisher=University of California Press|location= |isbn=0-520-02752-3|url=|accessdate=}}</ref> Regaining control of this autonomous province was in the Commonwealth's best interest, and Sobieski also hoped for it to become part of his family domain.<ref name="Magill2013-727"/> This secret pact of 1675 (known as the [[Treaty of Jaworów]]), failed to bring a change in the status quo for a number of reasons. The wars with the Ottoman Empire were not decisively solved in the Commonwealth's favor, during which time the Great Elector (of Brandenburg) made [[Treaty of Nijmegen|treaties with France]], the [[Wars and battles involving Prussia#Swedish-Brandenburg War .281674.E2.80.931679.29|Swedes were repelled during their invasion]], and plans for the Commonwealth's own military campaign against Prussia ran into opposition from the Commonwealth's magnates, many of them taking the Great Elector's side.<ref name=psb416/><ref name="Magill2013-727"/><ref name="Penson542">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA542|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|page=542}}</ref><ref name=psb417>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', p.417</ref><ref name="Penson543-544"/> Backed by [[Electorate of Brandenburg|Brandenburg]] and Austrian [[Habsburg Monarchy]], internal enemies of Sobieski even planned to dethrone him and elect [[Charles V, Duke of Lorraine|Charles of Lorraine]].<ref name=psb417/>
=== Pertempuran Wina ===
The French-Prussian treaty of 1678 meant that Sobieski's plans for a campaign against Prussia lost their major foreign ally; consequently Sobieski started to distance himself from the pro-French faction, which in turn resulted in the cooling down of the Polish-French relations; the Sejm of 1683 which saw French ambassador expelled for involvement with a plan to dethrone Sobieski definitely marked the end of the Polish-French alliance.<ref name=psb417/> At the same time he made peace with the pro-Habsburg faction, and started to gravitate more towards an alliance with Austria.<ref name=psb417/><ref name="Penson543-544">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA543|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|pages=543–544}}</ref> This did not end the existence of strong internal opposition to Sobieski; however, it changed a number of allegiances, and further opposition was temporarily weakened through the king's successful political maneuvering, including granting the Grand Hetman office to one of the opposition's chief leaders, [[Stanisław Jan Jabłonowski]].<ref name=psb417/><ref name="Penson541">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA541|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|page=541}}</ref>
{{Utama|Pertempuran Wina}}
[[Berkas:Siemiginowski Sobieski at the Battle of Vienna.jpg|jmpl|kiri|lurus|Raja Yohanes III Sobieski, Sang Pemenang [[Pertempuran Wina]] pada 1683, potret berkuda karya [[Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter]]]]
Keberhasilannya yang terbesar adalah memenangkan [[Pertempuran Wina]] pada 1683 bersama bala tentara gabungan Polandia dan Jerman, melawan orang-orang Turki Utsmaniyah di bawah pimpinan [[Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha|Kara Mustafa]].<ref name=psb417/><ref name="Penson547548"/>
Ketika ia tiba di Wina, bala tentara Utsmaniyah sudah hampir berhasil membobol tembok kota itu. Yohanes Sobieski segera memerintahkan bala tentara untuk bersiap-siap melancarkan serangan besar-besaran pada 12 September. Pada dini hari tersebut, bala tentara gabungan beranggotakan sekitar 65.000<ref name="Varvounis2012"/>–76.000<ref name="Penson547548">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA547|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|pages=547–548}}</ref> prajurit (termasuk 22.000<ref name="Varvounis2012">{{cite book|author=Miltiades Varvounis|title=JAN SOBIESKI|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QVhOAAAAQBAJ&pg=PT189|year=2012|publisher=Xlibris Corporation|isbn=978-1-4628-8082-9|page=189}}</ref>–27.000 prajurit Polandia<ref name=psb417/>) menyerbu bala tentara Turki berkekuatan sekitar 300.000<ref name="Varvounis2012"/>–350.000<ref name="Penson547548"/> prajurit. Sekitar pukul 5 petang, setelah memantau pertempuran pasukan infantri dari puncak bukit [[Kahlenberg]], Yohanes Sobieski memimpin pasukan kavaleri [[husaria]] Polandia beserta bala tentara Austria dan Jerman dalam serangan besar-besaran di kaki bukit itu. Tak lama kemudian, barisan tempur lawan berhasil diterobos dan bala tentara Utsmaniyah pun tercerai berai.<ref name="Varvounis2012-2">{{cite book|author=Miltiades Varvounis|title=JAN SOBIESKI|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QVhOAAAAQBAJ&pg=PT195|year=2012|publisher=Xlibris Corporation|isbn=978-1-4628-8082-9|page=195}}</ref> Pada pukul 5:30 petang, Raja Yohanes Sobieski masuk ke dalam tenda panglima Utsmaniyah yang telah ditinggalkan Kara Mustafa, dan Pertempuran Wina pun usai.<ref name="Setton1991"/><ref name="Penson547548"/>
Conscious that Poland lacked allies and risked war against most of its neighbours (a situation similar to the Deluge), by 1683 Sobieski allied himself with [[Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor|Leopold I]], of the [[Holy Roman Empire]].<ref name=psb417/> Both sides promised to come to one's another aid if their capitals were threatened.<ref name="Magill2013-727"/> The alliance was signed by royal representatives on 31 March 1683, and ratified by the Emperor and Polish parliament within weeks.<ref name="Setton1991">{{cite book|author=Kenneth Meyer Setton|title=Venice, Austria, and the Turks in the Seventeenth Century|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=XN51y209fR8C&pg=PA269|year=1991|publisher=American Philosophical Society|isbn=978-0-87169-192-7|pages=266–269}}</ref> Although aimed directly against the Ottomans and indirectly against France, it had the advantage of gaining internal support for the defense of Poland's southern borders.<ref name=psb417/> This was a beginning of what would become the [[Holy League (1684)|Holy League]], championed by [[Pope Innocent XI]] to preserve Christendom.<ref name="Penson544-545">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA543|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|pages=544–545}}</ref>
Sri Paus dan para pembesar negara asing mengelu-elukan Yohanes sebagai "Juru Selamat kota Wina dan tamadun Eropa Barat."<ref>{{cite book |author=World Book, Inc|title=The World Book Encyclopedia|year=2007|page=132|pages= |chapter=Volume 1 |chapterurl= |publisher=Bellona|location= |isbn=0-7166-0107-9|url=|accessdate=}}</ref> Dalam sepucuk surat kepada istrinya, ia menulis, "Semua orang dari kalangan rakyat jelata menciumi kedua tanganku, kedua kakiku, dan pakaianku; yang lain hanya menyentuhku, sambil berkata: 'Ah, mari kita cium tangan yang gagah perkasa ini!'"<ref>{{cite book |title= Great Men and Women of Poland |url= https://archive.org/details/greatmenwomenofp0000mizw |last= Mizwa |first= Stephen Paul |year= 1942 |publisher= Macmillan |location= New York |page= [https://archive.org/details/greatmenwomenofp0000mizw/page/103 103]}}</ref>
Meantime, in the spring of 1683, royal spies uncovered Turkish preparations for a military campaign. Sobieski feared that the target might be the Polish cities of [[Lwów]] and [[Kraków]].<ref name="millar" /> To counteract the threat, Sobieski began the fortification of the cities and ordered universal military conscription.<ref name="millar" /> In July, the Austrian envoy asked for Polish assistance.<ref name="Penson547548"/> Soon afterward, the Polish army started massing for an expedition against the Ottomans, and in August was joined by Bavarians and Saxon allies under [[Charles V, Duke of Lorraine|Charles of Lorraine]].<ref name="Setton1991"/><ref name="Penson547548"/>
[[Berkas:King John III Sobieski Sobieski sending Message of Victory to the Pope, after the Battle of Vienna 111.PNG|jmpl|250px|''Yohanes Sobieski mengirim warta kemenangan kepada Sri Paus seusai [[Pertempuran Wina]]'', karya [[Jan Matejko]], 1880, [[Museum Nasional, Kraków]]]]
===Battle of Vienna===
Perang melawan Imperium Utsmaniyah masih belum berakhir. Yohanes harus kembali menghadapi bala tentara Utsmaniyah dalam [[Pertempuran Párkány]] pada 7–9 Oktober.<ref name=psb418>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', hlm.418</ref> Setelah serangkaian kemenangan awal, orang-orang Polandia pun menyadari bahwa mereka bukanlah pasukan utama dalam bala tentara Liga Suci; keikutsertaan mereka tidak diganjari keuntungan wilayah maupun politik yang bertahan lama.<ref name=psb418/> Peperangan yang berlarut-larut juga menggerogoti kedudukan Yohanes di dalam negeri Polandia.<ref name=psb418/> Selama empat tahun berikutnya, pasukan Polandia terus memblokade benteng-benteng penting yang dikuasai pasukan Utsmaniyah di [[Kamianets-Podilskyi|Kamenets]], sementara pasukan [[bangsa Tatar|Tatar]] Utsmaniyah menjarahi daerah-daerah di kawasan perbatasan. Pada 1691, Yohanes kembali berperang di [[Moldavia]] dengan hasil yang sedikit lebih baik, namun tidak mampu meraih kemenangan yang paripurna.<ref name=psb418/>
{{Main article|Battle of Vienna}}
[[File:Siemiginowski Sobieski at the Battle of Vienna.jpg|thumb|left|upright|Victorious John III Sobieski at the [[Battle of Vienna]] in 1683, equestrian portrait by [[Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter]]]]
=== Akhir hayat ===
Sobieski's greatest success came in 1683, with his victory at the [[Battle of Vienna]], in joint command of Polish and German troops, against the invading Ottoman Turks under [[Kara Mustafa]].<ref name=psb417/><ref name="Penson547548"/>
Meskipun sebagian besar waktunya dihabiskan di medan perang, sehingga terkesan memiliki kondisi kesehatan yang prima, namun menjelang akhir hayatnya Sang Raja pun jatuh sakit, dan kondisi kesehatannya terus menurun dari hari ke hari.<ref name=psb419>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', hlm.419</ref>
Raja Yohanes III Sobieski menghembuskan nafas terakhir di [[Wilanów]], [[Mahkota Kerajaan Polandia|Polandia]], pada 17 Juni 1696 akibat serangan jantung mendadak.<ref name=psb419/> Permaisurinya, [[Marie Casimire Louise de La Grange d'Arquien]], mangkat pada 1716 di [[Blois]], Prancis; jenazahnya diantar kembali ke Polandia. Sang Raja dan permaisurinya disemayamkan bersama-sama di ruang bawah tanah [[Katedral Wawel]], [[Kraków]], Polandia.<ref>http://www.rmf24.pl/tylko-w-rmf24/wiadomosci/news-kto-przewiozl-trumne-marysienki-sobieskiej-do-polski,nId,1051406</ref> Ia digantikan oleh [[August II, Raja Polandia|August II]].<ref name="Penson">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA547|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|page=547}}</ref>
Upon reaching Vienna, with the Ottoman army close to breaching the walls, Sobieski ordered a full attack on 12 September. On early morning of that day, the united army of about 65,000<ref name="Varvounis2012"/>–76,000<ref name="Penson547548">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA547|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|pages=547–548}}</ref> men (including 22,000,<ref name="Varvounis2012">{{cite book|author=Miltiades Varvounis|title=JAN SOBIESKI|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QVhOAAAAQBAJ&pg=PT189|year=2012|publisher=Xlibris Corporation|isbn=978-1-4628-8082-9|page=189}}</ref>-27,000 Poles<ref name=psb417/>) attacked a Turkish force of about 300,000<ref name="Varvounis2012"/>–350,000<ref name="Penson547548"/> men. At about 5&nbsp;pm, after observing the infantry battle from the [[Kahlenberg]] hilltop, Sobieski led the Polish [[husaria]] cavalry along with Austrians and Germans in a massive charge down the hillside. Soon, the Ottoman battle line was broken and the Ottoman forces scattered in disarray.<ref name="Varvounis2012-2">{{cite book|author=Miltiades Varvounis|title=JAN SOBIESKI|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=QVhOAAAAQBAJ&pg=PT195|year=2012|publisher=Xlibris Corporation|isbn=978-1-4628-8082-9|page=195}}</ref> At 5:30&nbsp;pm, Sobieski entered the deserted tent of Kara Mustafa and the Battle of Vienna ended.<ref name="Setton1991"/><ref name="Penson547548"/>
== Tinggalan dan jasa ==
The Pope and other foreign dignitaries hailed Sobieski as the "Savior of Vienna and Western European civilization."<ref>{{cite book |author=World Book, Inc|title=The World Book Encyclopedia|year=2007|page=132|pages= |chapter=Volume 1 |chapterurl= |publisher=Bellona|location= |isbn=0-7166-0107-9|url=|accessdate=}}</ref> In a letter to his wife, he wrote, "All the common people kissed my hands, my feet, my clothes; others only touched me, saying: 'Ah, let us kiss so valiant a hand!'"<ref>{{cite book |title= Great Men and Women of Poland |last= Mizwa |first= Stephen Paul |year= 1942 |publisher= Macmillan |location= New York |page= 103}}</ref>
[[Berkas:Sobieski Crown.PNG|jmpl|lurus|Ukiran mahkota Raja Yohanes III Sobieski, [[Gdańsk]]]]
Yohanes Sobieski dikenang oleh rakyat Polandia sebagai seorang "raja pahlawan", sang pemenang yang berjaya mematahkan ancaman Utsmaniyah di Wina. Citra ini kian luas tersebar setelah kisah hidupnya diriwayatkan kembali dalam banyak karya tulis abad ke-19.<ref name=psb420>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', hlm.420</ref> Dalam ''[[Polski Słownik Biograficzny]]'' (Kamus Biografi Polandia), ia digambarkan sebagai "sesosok pribadi yang melampaui orang-orang sezamannya, namun tetap menjadi bagian dari mereka"; seorang oligarka dan pembesar, yang mementingkan harta dan kekuasaan pribadi.<ref name=psb420/> Sebagian besar ambisinya timbul berkat dorongan istrinya, yang jelas-jelas lebih ia cintai daripada takhta (ketika didesak untuk menceraikan sang istri dan menikahi mantan permaisuri sebagai syarat untuk mendapatkan takhta, dengan serta-merta ia menolak takhta), dan yang cenderung ia turuti kata-katanya, kadang-kadang secara membabi buta.<ref>{{cite book|last1=de Battaglia|first1=O.Forst|title=The Cambridge History of Poland|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=9781001288024|page=539|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA539}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last1=Drohojowska|first1=Countess Antoinette Joséphine Françoise Anne|last2=Salvandy|first2=Achille (Count.)|title=Love of Country, or Sobieski and Hedwig. Dihimpun dan diterjemahkan dari bahasa Prancis (dari N. A. de Salvandy, Countess Drohojowska, dll.) oleh Trauermantel|date=1856|publisher=Crosby, Nichols, and company|pages=87–88|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=n5BaAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA87}}</ref>
Ia gagal mereformasi Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania yang kian merosot, dan juga gagal mewariskan takhta Polandia kepada keturunannya.<ref name=psb420/> Selain memiliki kecakapan militer yang mumpuni, ia juga seorang yang berpendidikan tinggi lagi terpelajar, serta seorang pengayom ilmu pengetahuan dan seni rupa. Ia memberi dukungan untuk berkarya bagi astronom [[Johannes Hevelius]], matematikawan [[Adam Adamandy Kochański]], dan sejarawan sekaligus penyair [[Wespazjan Kochowski]]. Tempat kediamannya, [[Istana Wilanów]], adalah istana pertama di antara sekian banyak istana yang kelak dibangun bertebaran di seantero wilayah Persemakmuran Polandia-Lituania selama dua abad kemudian.<ref name=psb420/>
[[File:King John III Sobieski Sobieski sending Message of Victory to the Pope, after the Battle of Vienna 111.PNG|thumb|250px|''Sobieski sending message of victory to the Pope after the [[Battle of Vienna]]'', by [[Jan Matejko]], 1880, [[National Museum, Kraków]]]]
The war with the Ottomans was not yet over, and Sobieski continued the campaign with the [[Battle of Párkány]] on 7–9 October.<ref name=psb418>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', p.418</ref> After early victories, the Polish found themselves a junior partner in the Holy League, gaining no lasting territorial or political rewards.<ref name=psb418/> The prolonged and indecisive war also weakened Sobieski's position at home.<ref name=psb418/> For the next four years Poland would blockade the key fortress at [[Kamianets-Podilskyi|Kamenets]], and Ottoman [[Tatars]] would raid the borderlands. In 1691, Sobieski undertook another expedition to [[Moldavia|Moldovia]], with slightly better results, but still with no decisive victories.<ref name=psb418/>
===Later years and death===
Although the King spent much time on the battlefields, which could suggest a good state of health, towards the end of his life he became seriously and increasingly ill.<ref name=psb419>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', p.419</ref>
King John III Sobieski died in [[Wilanów]], [[Crown of the Kingdom of Poland|Poland]] on 17 June 1696 from a sudden heart attack.<ref name=psb419/> His wife, [[Marie Casimire Louise]], died in 1716 in [[Blois]], France, and her body was returned to Poland. They are interred together in [[Wawel Cathedral]], [[Kraków]], Poland.<ref>http://www.rmf24.pl/tylko-w-rmf24/wiadomosci/news-kto-przewiozl-trumne-marysienki-sobieskiej-do-polski,nId,1051406</ref> He was succeeded by [[Augustus II of Poland|Augustus II]].<ref name="Penson">{{cite book|author1=Oskar Halecki |author2=W: F. Reddaway |author3=J. H. Penson |title=The Cambridge History of Poland|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA547|publisher=CUP Archive|isbn=978-1-00-128802-4|page=547}}</ref>
==Legacy and significance==
[[File:Sobieski Crown.PNG|thumb|upright|Portrayal of Sobieski's royal crown, [[Gdańsk]]]]
Sobieski is remembered in Poland as a "hero king", victor at Vienna who defeated the Ottoman threat, an image that became particularly well recognized after his story was told in many works of 19th century literature.<ref name=psb420>Red. (Eds.), ''Jan III Sobieski'', p.420</ref> In the [[Polish Biographical Dictionary]] he is described as "an individual above his contemporaries, but still one of them"; an oligarch and a magnate, interested in personal wealth and power.<ref name=psb420/> His ambitions for the most part were instilled in him by his beloved wife, whom he undoubtedly loved more than any throne (when being forced to divorce her and marry the former Queen as a condition to gain the throne, he immediately refused the throne) and tended to obey, at times blindly.<ref>{{cite book|last1=de Battaglia|first1=O.Forst|title=The Cambridge History of Poland|publisher=Cambridge University Press|isbn=9781001288024|page=539|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=N883AAAAIAAJ&pg=PA539}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last1=Drohojowska|first1=Countess Antoinette Joséphine Françoise Anne|last2=Salvandy|first2=Achille (Count.)|title=Love of Country, or Sobieski and Hedwig. Compiled and translated from the French (of N. A. de Salvandy, the Countess Drohojowska, etc.) by Trauermantel|date=1856|publisher=Crosby, Nichols, and company|pages=87–88|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=n5BaAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA87}}</ref>
He failed to reform the ailing Commonwealth, and to secure the throne for his heir.<ref name=psb420/> At the same time, he displayed high military prowess, he was well educated and literate, and a patron of science and arts. He supported the astronomer [[Johannes Hevelius]], mathematician [[Adam Adamandy Kochański]] and the historian and poet [[Wespazjan Kochowski]]. His [[Wilanów Palace]] became the first of many palaces that would dot the lands of the Commonwealth over the next two centuries.<ref name=psb420/>
FileBerkas:Sobieski Vienna.jpg|Prasasti Sobieski's plaquedi in ViennaWina
Image:Scutum Sobiescianum.PNG|'' [[Scutum (shieldperisai)|Scutum Sobiescianum]]'', "Shield ofPerisai Sobieski" on thedi skycakrawala, indalam ''"Firmamentum Sobiescianum sive Uranographia"'' ofkarya [[Johannes Hevelius]], 1690
FileBerkas:JanIIISobieskiStatueInPrzemysl.JPG|APatung statue of JohnYohanes III Sobieski indi [[Przemyśl]]
FileBerkas:Agrykola - pomnik Jana III Sobieskiego (2).JPG|Monument ofMonumen Sobieski indi [[WarsawWarsawa]]
FileBerkas:Gdańsk Targ Drzewny - Pomnik Jana III Sobieskiego.JPG|MonumentMonumen indi [[Gdańsk]], moveddipindahkan fromdari [[Lwów]] afterseusai [[WorldPerang WarDunia II]]
FileBerkas:King John III Sobieski Wilanów.jpg|EquestrianPatung monumentberkuda ofRaja King JohnYohanes III insidedi thedalam [[Istana Wilanów Palace]]
FileBerkas:The Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum (23648152953).jpg|APatung bustdada of JohnYohanes III Sobieski, onterpajang displaydi in thegedung [[PolishInstitut InstitutePolandia anddan Museum Sikorski Museum]] in, London
==Family Keluarga ==
[[Berkas:Italian John III Sobieski.jpg|jmpl|''Yohanes Sobieski bersama putra-putranya'']]
{{ref improve|section|date=May 2017}}
Pada 5 Juli 1665, Yohanes menikahi janda mendiang [[Jan Zamoyski (1627–1665)|Jan "Sobiepan" Zamoyski]], [[Marie Casimire Louise de La Grange d'Arquien]] (1641–1716), yang berasal dari [[Nevers]], Burgundia, Prancis. Anak-anak mereka adalah:
[[File:Italian John III Sobieski.jpg|thumb|''Sobieski and his sons'']]
* [[Jakub Ludwik Henryk Sobieski|Jakub Ludwik Henryk]] (2 November 1667 – 19 Desember 1737), Putra Mahkota Polandia, menikah dengan [[Hedwig Elisabeth Amalia von der Pfalz]] dan menghasilkan beberapa anak.
On 5 July 1665, he married the widow of [[Jan "Sobiepan" Zamoyski]], [[Marie Casimire Louise de la Grange d'Arquien]] (1641–1716), of [[Nevers]], Burgundy, France. Their children were:
* Putri kembar (9 Mei 1669), [[lahir mati]] atau wafat tak lama setelah dilahirkan.
* [[:pl:Teresa Teofila Sobieska|Teresa Teofila]] (Oktober 1670), seorang bayi yang lemah, gagal bertahan hidup lebih dari sebulan.
* [[:pl:Adelajda Ludwika Sobieska|Adelajda Ludwika]] (15 Oktober 1672 – 10 Februari 1677), bernama panggilan "Barbelune", wafat pada usia empat tahun.
* [[:pl:Maria Teresa Sobieska|Maria Teresa]] (18 Oktober 1673 – 7 Desember 1675), bernama panggilan "La Mannone", wafat pada usia dua tahun.
* Seorang putri (Oktober 1674), lahir mati atau wafat tak lama setelah dilahirkan.
* [[Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska|Teresa Kunegunda]] (4 Maret 1676 – 10 Maret 1730), menikah dengan [[Maximilian II Emanuel, Elektor Bayern]] dan menghasilkan beberapa anak.
* [[Aleksander Benedykt Sobieski|Aleksander Benedykt]] (6 September 1677 – 19 November 1714), wafat sebelum menikah.
* Seorang putri (13 November 1678), lahir mati atau wafat tak lama setelah dilahirkan.
* [[Konstanty Władysław Sobieski|Konstanty Władysław]] (1 Mei 1680 – 28 Februari 1726), menikah dengan Maria Józefa Wessel, tidak menghasilkan keturunan.
* Jan (4 Juni 1682 – 1 Januari/12 April 1685), wafat pada usia dua tahun.
* Seorang putri (20 Desember 1684), lahir mati atau wafat tak lama setelah dilahirkan.
=== Keluarga Sobieski ===
* [[James Louis Sobieski]] (2 November 1667 – 19 December 1737), Crown Prince of Poland, married [[Countess Palatine Hedwig Elisabeth of Neuburg]] and had issue.
* Twin Daughters (9 May 1669), stillborn or died shortly after birth.
* [[:pl:Teresa Teofila Sobieska|Teresa Teofila]] (October 1670), was a frail child and failed to survive for more than a month.
* [[:pl:Adelajda Ludwika Sobieska|Adelajda Ludwika]] (15 October 1672 – 10 February 1677), called "Barbelune", died at the age of four.
* [[:pl:Maria Teresa Sobieska|Maria Teresa]] (18 October 1673 – 7 December 1675), called "La Mannone", died at the age of two.
* Daughter (October 1674), stillborn or died shortly after birth.
* [[Theresa Kunegunda Sobieska|Teresa Kunegunda]] (4 March 1676 – 10 March 1730), married [[Maximilian II Emanuel, Elector of Bavaria]] and had issue.
* [[Aleksander Benedykt Sobieski|Aleksander Benedykt]] (6 September 1677 – 19 November 1714), died unmarried.
* Daughter (13 November 1678), stillborn or died shortly after birth.
* [[Konstanty Władysław Sobieski|Konstanty Władysław]] (1 May 1680 – 28 February 1726), married Maria Józefa Wessel but had no issue.
* Jan (4 June 1682 – 1 January/12 April 1685), died at the age of two.
* Daughter (20 December 1684), stillborn or died shortly after birth.
===Sobieski family===
<gallery >
Image:Sobieski jakub4.jpeg|AnonymousPotret portraitJakub ofLudwik JamesHenryk, karya seniman tak Louisdikenal, painteddilukis aboutsekitar 1685.
Image:Unknown (maybe French) artist - Portrait of Teresa Kunegunda Sobieska - Google Art Project.jpg|Anonymous portrait ofPotret Teresa Kunegunda, paintedkarya atseniman thetak end ofdikenal, theakhir 17thabad centuryke-17.
Image:Hyacinthe Rigaud (circle of) - Portrait of Aleksander Benedykt Sobieski - Google Art Project.jpg|Portrait ofPotret Aleksander Benedykt, by thekarya circlesanggar oflukis [[Hyacinthe Rigaud]], aboutsekitar 1696.
Image:Hyacinthe Rigaud (circle of) - Portrait of Konstanty Władysław Sobieski - Google Art Project.jpg|Portrait ofPotret Konstanty Władysław, by thekarya circlesanggar oflukis [[Hyacinthe Rigaud]], aboutsekitar 1696.
Image:Portrait of Prince Jan Sobieski - Google Art Project.jpg|AnonymousPotret portrait of PrincePangeran Jan (1682–1685), paintedkarya seniman tak dikenal, aboutsekitar 1683.
Image:Pier Leone Ghezzi - Portrait of Maria Clementina Sobieska (?) - Google Art Project.jpg|Portrait ofPotret [[Maria ClementinaKlementyna Sobieska|Maria Klementyna]], Johncucu III'sYohanes granddaughterIII, painted bykarya [[Pier Leone Ghezzi]], aroundsekitar 1735.
Image:Portrait of Maria Carolina de Bouillon - Google Art Project.jpg|Anonymous portrait ofPotret [[Maria KarolinaKlementyna Sobieska|Maria KarolinaKlementyna]], Johncucu III'sYohanes granddaughterIII, paintedkarya seniman tak dikenal, aroundsekitar 1730.
Image:Jerzy Eleuter Szymonowicz Siemiginowski - Portrait of Queen Maria Casimire with children - Google Art Project.jpg|PortraitPotret of thekeluarga Sobieski family by,
karya [[Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter|Siemiginowski-Eleuter]]. Left sideKiri: Jakub, Konstanty, Aleksander, Teresa. Right sideKanan: Marie Casimire holdingmenggendong Jan (1682–1685).
Image:Apotheosis of John III Sobieski.jpg|PortraitPotret of thekeluarga Sobieski, family bykarya [[Henri Gascar]]. Left sideKiri: Konstanty anddan Jakub (graspingmemegang apotret portrait of JohnYohanes III). Right sideKanan: Aleksander, Teresa, anddan Marie Casimire.
Image:Jan III Sobieski z rodziną.jpg|PortraitPotret of thekeluarga Sobieski, family bykarya Henri Gascar. JohnYohanes III anddan Marie Casimire aredi in the middletengah; Konstanty, Aleksander, anddan Jakub aredi onsebelah the leftkiri; Teresa Kunegunda, anddan Hedwig ofElisabeth NeuburgAmalia holdingvon herder daughterPfalz menggendong putrinya, Maria Leopoldyna (1693–1695), are ondi thesebelah rightkanan.
== PopularBudaya culturepopuler ==
* JohnYohanes III Sobieski sometimeskadang-kadang appearsditampilkan in thepada ''loading screen'' dari inpermainan thekomputer computerbertema strategystrategi gameperang, ''[[Europa Universalis IV]]''.
* HisPeran involvementsertanya in thedalam [[BattlePertempuran of ViennaWina]] isjuga alsodisinggung referenceddalam inserial thenovel ''[[The Baroque Cycle]]'' novels:
{{Quote|text=Saat berbalik hendak kembali ke perkemahan, dilihatnya ada orang lain di atas bukit itu, hanya sepelempar batu jaraknya: seorang rahib atau mungkin orang suci, menilik jubah kasar dari kain kabung yang dikenakannya, tak ada tanda-tanda kemewahan. Namun orang itu kemudian menghunus sebilah pedang. Bukan seperti bilah-bilah rapier kalian yang sepipih jarum itu, yang dipakai para pesolek untuk saling menjawil di jalanan London dan Paris, melainkan sebilah pedang pusaka peninggalan para tentara salib, yang dibuat untuk digenggam dengan kedua belah tangan, dengan sepotong besi palang sebagai ganti sangga pedang biasa—jenis pedang yang mungkin pernah digunakan oleh Richard Si Hati Singa untuk menjagal unta-unta di jalanan Yerusalem. Lelaki itu menekuk sebelah lututnya di atas tanah dengan gerak-gerik yang sigap dan penuh semangat. Lihat saja bagaimana orang-orang kaya menekuk lutut di dalam gereja. Mereka menghabiskan dua tiga menit untuk melakukannya. Kalian bisa dengar lutut-lututnya gemeletuk dan urat-urat sendinya berkeriut, badannya limbung sana-sini, membikin ribut para pelayan yang memapah sikunya. Tetapi lelaki kasar ini berlutut dengan mudahnya, bahkan boleh dikata dengan ''bertenaga'', dan dalam posisi menghadap ke arah kota Wina, ia menancapkan pedangnya ke tanah, menjadi sebatang tonggak salib baja. Cahaya pagi menyapu mukanya yang bergurat-gurat, memantul pada bilah baja pedangnya, dan membiaskan warna redup batu-batu permata yang ditatahkan pada hulu dan sangga senjata itu. Lelaki itu menekurkan kepala dan bergumam dalam bahasa Latin. Jari-jari tangannya yang tak menggenggam hulu pedang sedang merunut seuntai rosario—Saat yang tepat bagi Jack untuk meninggalkan tempat itu. Namun ketika hendak beranjak, ia mengenali lelaki dengan pedang berbilah lebar itu sebagai Raja Yohanes Sobieski.|author=Neal Stephenson|source=''King of the Vagabonds'', bab ''The Continent''}}
* Yohanes Sobieski sebelum menjadi Raja Polandia dijadikan salah seorang tokoh dalam ''video game'' ''[[Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword]]''.
== Lihat pula ==
{{Quote|text=When he turned to go back to the camp, he discovered that there was another man up on this hill, a stone’s throw away: some kind of monk or holy man, perhaps, as he was dressed in a rough sackcloth robe, with no finery. But then the bloke whipped out a sword. It was not one of your needle-thin rapiers, such as fops pushed at each other in the streets of London and Paris, but some kind of relic of the Crusades, a two-handed production with a single crossbar instead of a proper guard—the sort of thing Richard the Lionhearted might’ve used to slay camels in the streets of Jerusalem. This man went down on one knee in the dirt, and he did it with verve and enthusiasm. You see your rich man kneeling in church and it takes him two or three minutes, you can hear his knees popping and sinews creaking, he totters this way and that, creating small alarums amongst the servants who are gripping his elbows. But this brute knelt easily, even ''lustily'' if such a thing were possible, and facing toward the city of Vienna, he planted his sword in the ground so that it became a steel cross. The morning light was shining directly into his grizzled face and glinting from the steel of the blade and glowing in some indifferent colored jewels set into the weapon’s hilt and crossbar. The man bowed his head and took to mumbling in Latin. The hand that wasn’t holding the sword was thumbing through a rosary—Jack’s cue to exit stage right. But as he was leaving he recognized the man with the broadsword as King John Sobieski.|author=Neal Stephenson|source=''King of the Vagabonds'', chapter "The Continent"}}
* He appears in his pre-royalty status as a character in [[Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword]].
* [[Sejarah Polandia pada Awal Zaman Modern (1569–1795)]]
* [[Istana Wilanów]]
* [[Daftar tokoh Polandia#Politikus, negarawan dan sebagainya|Daftar tokoh Polandia]]
* [[Daftar Penguasa Polandia|Daftar Kepala Monarki Polandia]]
==See alsoRujukan ==
* [[History of Poland (1569–1795)]]
* [[Wilanów Palace]]
* [[List of Poles#Royalty|List of Poles]]
* [[List of Polish monarchs#Kings of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth|List of Polish monarchs]]
{{Portal bar|Crusades|Poland|Monarchy}}
==Bibliography Kepustakaan ==
* {{citation|last = Tindal Palmer| first = Alicia| title = Authentic memoirs of John Sobieski, King of Poland| year = 1815| publisher = PrintedDicetak forbagi the authorpenulis; anddan solddijual byoleh ''Longman and& Co''| place =|isbn =}}
* {{cite encyclopedia|author1=Red. (EdsEd.)|title=Jan III Sobieski|work=Polski Słownik Biograficzny |volume=XJilid ke-10|year=1962–1964|ref=|language=PolishBahasa Polandia}}
== Bacaan lebih lanjut ==
==Further reading==
* Chełmecki, ''König J. Sobieski und die Befreiung Wiens'' (ViennaWina, 1883)
* Coyer, ''Histoire de Jean Sobieski'' (Amsterdam, 1761 anddan 1783)
* Du Hamel de Breuil, ''Sobieski et sa politique de 1674 à 1683'' (Paris, 1894)
* Dupont, ''Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de Sobieski'' (WarsawWarsawa, 1885)
* Rieder, ''Johann III., König von Polen'' (ViennaWina, 1883)
* Salvandy, ''Histoire de Pologne avant et sous le roi Jean Sobieski'' (twodua volumesjilid, newedisi editionbaru, Paris, 1855)
* Radoslaw Sikora, Bartosz Musialowicz, [https://www.msz.gov.pl/resource/21badcbf-0c18-4fb8-8b19-3d382469d25f:JCR ''Winged Hussars''], ''BUM Magazine'', 2016.
* Tatham, ''John Sobieski'' (Oxford, 1881)
* Miltiades Varvounis, ''Jan Sobieski: The King Who Saved Europe'' (2012)
* Waliszewski, ''Acta'' (threetiga volumesjilid, CracowKrakow, 1684)
== Pranala luar ==
==External links==
{{Commons|John III of Poland}}
{{wikisource author|John III Sobieski|Jan III Sobieski}}
* [https://archive.istoday/20130416092452/http://wielkisobieski.pl/index.php PolishSitus websiteweb aboutPolandia Johntentang Jan III Sobieski]
* [http://wilanow-palac.pl/jan_iii_sobieski_of_the_janina_coat_of_arms.html Lambang Janina Jan III Sobieski, ofMuseum the Janina coat of arms at theIstana Wilanow Palace Museum]
* [http://wilanow-palac.pl/jan_iii_sobieski_a_book_lover.html Jan III Sobieski – aseorang bookpecinta loverbuku, atMuseum theIstana Wilanow Palace Museum]
* [http://wilanow-palac.pl/jan_iii_sobieski_s_entry_into_cracow_for_coronation.html Kedatangan Jan III Sobieski's entry intoke Krakow foruntuk coronationdinobatkan, atMuseum theIstana Wilanow Palace Museum]
* {{CathEncy|wstitle=John Sobieski}}
{{s-hou|[[Sobieski family|House ofWangsa Sobieski]]|17 AugustAgustus|1629|17 JuneJuni|1696|}}
{{s-vac|last=[[MichaelMichał Korybut Wiśniowiecki|MichaelMichał I]]}}
{{s-ttl|title=[[ListDaftar ofPenguasa Polish monarchsPolandia|KingRaja of PolandPolandia]]<br />[[Granddaftar Dukepenguasa Lituania|Adipati ofAgung LithuaniaLituania]]|years=1674–1696}}
{{s-vac|next=[[AugustusAugust II, theRaja StrongPolandia|AugustusAugust II]]}}
{{s-vac|last=[[Stefan Czarniecki]]}}
{{s-ttl|title=[[HetmansHetman ofPersemakmuran Polish–Lithuanian CommonwealthPolandia-Lituania|FieldHetman CrownLapangan HetmanMahkota ofKerajaan PolandPolandia]]|years=1666–1667}}
{{s-aft|rows=2|after=[[Dymitr WisniowieckiJerzy Wiśniowiecki|Dymitr Wiśniowiecki]]}}
{{s-vac|last=[[Stanisław "Rewera" Potocki]]}}
{{s-ttl|title=[[HetmansHetman ofPersemakmuran Polish–Lithuanian CommonwealthPolandia-Lituania|GreatHetman CrownBesar HetmanMahkota ofKerajaan PolandPolandia]]|years=1667–1674}}
{{s-bef|before=[[Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski]]}}
{{s-ttl|title=[[Marszałek|GreatMarsekal MarshalBesar ofMahkota theKerajaan Crown of PolandPolandia]]|years=1667–1674}}
{{s-aft|after=[[Stanisław Herakliusz Lubomirski]]}}
{{Monarchs of Poland}}
{{Monarchs of Lithuania}}
{{Authority control}}
{{Penguasa Polandia}}
== Rujukan ==
== Pranala luar ==
{{Commons|John III of Poland|Jan III Sobieski}}
{{wikisource author}}
* [https://archive.is/20130416092452/http://wielkisobieski.pl/index.php Situs web Polandia tentang Jan III Sobieski]
* [http://wilanow-palac.pl/jan_iii_sobieski_of_the_janina_coat_of_arms.html Lambang Janina Jan III Sobieski di Museum Istana Wilanow]
* [http://wilanow-palac.pl/jan_iii_sobieski_a_book_lover.html Jan III Sobieski – seorang pecinta buku di Museum Istana Wilanow]
* [http://wilanow-palac.pl/jan_iii_sobieski_s_entry_into_cracow_for_coronation.html Kedatangan Jan III Sobieski ke Krakow untuk dinobatkan di Museum Istana Wilanow]
* {{CathEncy|wstitle=John Sobieski}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:John Iii Sobieski}}
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1629]]
[[Kategori:Kematian 1696]]
[[Kategori:Tokoh Polandia]]
[[Kategori:Tokoh Katolik Polandia]]
[[Kategori:Penguasa monarki Polandia]]
[[Kategori:Raja Polandia]]
[[Kategori:Katolik Roma Polandia]]
[[Kategori:Penguasa monarki Katolik Roma]]
[[Kategori:Sejarah Polandia]]
[[Kategori:Sejarah Austria]]
[[Kategori:Adipati Agung Lituania]]
[[Kategori:Alumni Universitas Jagielloński]]