Daftar negara menurut jumlah penduduk: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(25 revisi perantara oleh 8 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
[[Berkas:Global population cartogram.png|jmpl|425x425px|Kartogram populasi penduduk dunia pada tahun 2018]]
Berikut ini adalah '''daftarDaftar [[negara]] menurut jumlah [[penduduk]]nyapenduduknya'''. Data-data yang dipaparkan di sini tidak selalu yang terbaru, tetapi setidaknya cukup akurat. Data tersebut bersumber dari lembaga resmi sensus internal, perkiraan PBB, maupun organisasi internasional.
Data ini memasukkan [[negara berdaulat]], [[Wilayah seberang laut|teritori seberang laut]], dan dalam kasus tertentu, [[negara konstituen]]. Negara seperti [[Britania Raya]] dan [[Prancis]] memisahkan teritorinya dalam sensus tersendiri, kecuali Prancis memasukkan [[Guyana Prancis]].
Teritori seberang laut ditandai dengan nama yang miring.
== Terminologi ==
{{Lihat pula|Daftar negara menurut luas wilayah}}
[[File:World population percentage.png|thumb|left|Sebuah diagram menggambarkan jumlah penduduk menurut persentase]]
Angka yang digunakan dalam bagian ini didasarkan pada perkiraan atau proyeksi terkini dari otoritas sensus nasional, jika tersedia, dan biasanya dibulatkan.
Apabila data nasional terkini tidak tersedia, angka-angka tersebut didasarkan pada perkiraan atau proyeksi untuk tahun 2022 oleh Divisi Kependudukan [[Departemen Urusan Ekonomi dan Sosial Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa]].
Karena angka yang dikumpulkan tidak pada waktu yang sama di setiap negara, atau pada tingkat keakuratan yang sesuai, perbandingan numerik yang dihasilkan dapat menimbulkan kesimpulan yang menyesatkan. Selain itu, penambahan angka dari semua negara mungkin tidak sama dengan jumlah total dunia.<ref>{{cite web |title=World Population Prospects - Population Division - United Nations |url=https://population.un.org/wpp/ |access-date=2022-09-04 |publisher=population.un.org |archive-date=5 February 2019 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190205234912/https://population.un.org/wpp/ |url-status=live }}</ref>
Wilayah-wilayah yang merupakan bagian integral dari negara-negara berdaulat, seperti negara-negara Britania Raya, dihitung sebagai bagian dari negara-negara berdaulat yang bersangkutan. Tidak termasuk entitas lain yang bukan negara berdaulat, seperti [[Uni Eropa]] dan wilayah independen yang tidak memiliki populasi permanen, seperti [[Kepulauan Chagos]] dan klaim berbagai negara pada benua [[Antartika]].
== Daftar ==
Baris 13 ⟶ 24:
|align=left|{{flagcountry|China}}<ref group="catatan">Hanya menghitung [[Tiongkok Daratan|Tiongkok daratan]] dan mengecualikan [[Makau]] dan [[Hong Kong]]</ref>
|{{data China|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data China, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|align=left|[http://data.stats.gov.cn/english/ Hitungan situs resmi]
|align=left|{{flagcountry|India}}<ref group="catatan">[[Kepulauan Andaman dan Nikobar]] dan [[Lakshadwip]] tidak dihitung</ref>
|{{data India|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data India, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|align=left|[http://worldpopulationclock.info/india Hitungan situs resmi]
|align=left|{{flagcountry|China}}<ref group="catatan">Hanya menghitung [[Tiongkok Daratan|Tiongkok daratan]] dan mengecualikan [[Makau]] dan [[Hong Kong]]</ref>
|{{data China|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data China, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|align=left|[http://data.stats.gov.cn/english/ Hitungan situs resmi]
|align=left|{{flagcountry|United States}}<ref group="catatan">Sensus ini hanya melibatkan [[Negara bagian Amerika Serikat|negara bagian]] yang ada di [[daratan utama Amerika Serikat]] beserta [[Washington, D.C.|ibukotanyaibukota negaranya]].</ref>
|{{data United States|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data United States, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|align=left|[https://www.census.gov/popclock/ Hitungan situs resmi]
Baris 29 ⟶ 40:
|4 Juli 2023
|Juni 2021
|{{#expr: 266000000/{{worldpop}}*100 round 2}}%
|align=left|[https://dukcapil.kemendagri.go.id/berita/baca/809/distribusi-penduduk-indonesia-per-juni-2021-jabar-terbanyak-kaltara-paling-sedikit Hitungan situs resmi]
| 235.825.000
|{{data Pakistan|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data Pakistan, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|1 Juli 2022
|align=left|[http://www.pbs.gov.pk/ Hitungan situs resmi]
|{{#expr: 266000000235541000/{{worldpop}}*100 round 2}}%
|align=left|[https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/NGA/nigeria/population-growth-rate Hitungan Sensus Resmi]
|{{data Brazil|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data Brazil, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|align=left|[http://www.ibge.gov.br/apps/populacao/projecao/index.html Hitungan situs resmi]
|1 Juli 20212022
|{{#expr: 211401000/{{worldpop}}*100 round 2}}%
|align=left|[https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/NGA/nigeria/population-growth-rate Hitungan Sensus Resmi]
|{{data PakistanBrazil|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data PakistanBrazil, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|align=left|[http://www.pbsibge.gov.pkbr/apps/populacao/projecao/index.html Hitungan situs resmi]
Baris 88 ⟶ 101:
|{{data Philippines|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data Philippines, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|align=left|[http://rpo3.popcom.gov.ph/ Hitungan situs resmi] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150915090120/http://rpo3.popcom.gov.ph/ |date=2015-09-15 }}
Baris 239 ⟶ 252:
|1 Agustus 2021
|{{#expr: 41362393/{{worldpop}}*100 round 2}}%
|align=left|[http://database.ukrcensus.gov.ua/PXWEB2007/eng/news/op_popul_e.asp Perkiraan resmi bulanan] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160808023040/http://database.ukrcensus.gov.ua/PXWEB2007/eng/news/op_popul_e.asp |date=2016-08-08 }}
Baris 263 ⟶ 276:
|align=left|{{flagcountry|Morocco}}<ref group="catatan">Wilayah [[Republik Demokratis Arab Sahrawi]] tidak ikut dihitung</ref>
|{{data Morocco|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data Morocco, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|align=left|[http://www.hcp.ma/Projections-de-la-population-totale-par-groupe-d-age-et-sexe-en-milliers-et-au-milieu-de-l-annee-1960-2050_a676.html Perkiraan resmi tahunan] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20151113143911/http://www.hcp.ma/Projections-de-la-population-totale-par-groupe-d-age-et-sexe-en-milliers-et-au-milieu-de-l-annee-1960-2050_a676.html |date=2015-11-13 }}
Baris 373 ⟶ 386:
|1 Juli 2019
|{{#expr: 23794164/{{worldpop}}*100 round 2}}%
|align=left|[http://www.bucrep.cm/index.php/en/ Proyeksi resmi tahunan] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210224204444/http://www.bucrep.cm/index.php/en/ |date=2021-02-24 }}
Baris 394 ⟶ 407:
|1 Juli 2020
|{{#expr: 21919000/{{worldpop}}*100 round 2}}%
|align=left|[http://www.statistics.gov.lk/PopHouSat/VitalStatistics/MidYearPopulation/Mid-year%20population%20by%20age%20group.pdf Perkiraan resmi] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171117022357/http://www.statistics.gov.lk/PopHouSat/VitalStatistics/MidYearPopulation/Mid-year%20population%20by%20age%20group.pdf |date=2017-11-17 }}
Baris 429 ⟶ 442:
|September 27, 2021
|{{#expr: 19008960/{{worldpop}}*100 round 2}}%
|align=left|[http://www.stat.gov.kz/faces/homePag Perkiraan resmi] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20151008001735/http://www.stat.gov.kz/faces/homePag |date=2015-10-08 }}
Baris 469 ⟶ 482:
|1 Juli 2015
|{{#expr: 16176133/{{worldpop}}*100 round 2}}%
|align=left|[http://www.ine.gob.gt/index.php/estadisticas/tema-indicadores Perkiraan resmi] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140314175005/http://www.ine.gob.gt/index.php/estadisticas/tema-indicadores |date=2014-03-14 }}
Baris 649 ⟶ 662:
|1 Januari 2018
|{{#expr: 8931000/{{worldpop}}*100 round 2}}%
|align=left|[http://www.stat.tj/en/ Perkiraan resmi] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20151211191147/http://www.stat.tj/en/ |date=2015-12-11 }}
Baris 834 ⟶ 847:
|align=left|{{flagcountry|New Zealand}}
|{{data New Zealand|poptoday 1}}<!-- Do not replace this with a manual calculation. Template:Data New Zealand, like other data templates do for other countries, is used to automatically calculate today's population based on official sources. If this country's population is not accurate, please update the data template, not this article. Do not remove this template without providing justification in the edit summary. Failure to provide justification will result in the removal being reverted. -->
|align=left|[http://archive.stats.govt.nz/tools_and_services/population_clock.aspx Hitungan situs resmi] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171124084657/http://www.stats.govt.nz/tools_and_services/population_clock.aspx |date=2017-11-24 }}
Baris 869 ⟶ 882:
|1 Juli 2017
|{{#expr: 4289520/{{worldpop}}*100 round 3}}%
|align=left|[http://www.lisgis.net/pg_img/Population%20Projection%20final%20110512.pdf Proyeksi resmi] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210224150241/http://www.lisgis.net/pg_img/Population%20Projection%20final%20110512.pdf |date=2021-02-24 }}<ref group="catatan">Medium Variant</ref>
Baris 974 ⟶ 987:
|1 Maret 2018
|{{#expr: 2685053/{{worldpop}}*100 round 3}}%
|align=left|[http://www.mdps.gov.qa/en/Pages/default.aspx Perkiraan resmi bulanan] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180701211726/https://www.mdps.gov.qa/en/Pages/default.aspx |date=2018-07-01 }}
Baris 1.086 ⟶ 1.099:
|11 Juli 2015
|{{#expr: 1167242/{{worldpop}}*100 round 3}}%
|align=left|[http://www.statistics.gov.tl/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/1-Preliminary-Results-4-Printing-Company-19102015.pdf Hasil awal sensus 2015] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210225112143/http://www.statistics.gov.tl/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/1-Preliminary-Results-4-Printing-Company-19102015.pdf |date=2021-02-25 }}
Baris 1.198 ⟶ 1.211:
|31 Desember 2015
|{{#expr: 434403/{{worldpop}}*100 round 4}}%
|align=left|[https://nso.gov.mt/en/publicatons/Publications_by_Unit/Documents/02_Regional_Statistics_(Gozo_Office)/Regional%20Statistics%20MALTA%202017%20Edition.pdf Perkiraan resmi] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180107062300/https://nso.gov.mt/en/publicatons/Publications_by_Unit/Documents/02_Regional_Statistics_(Gozo_Office)/Regional%20Statistics%20MALTA%202017%20Edition.pdf |date=2018-01-07 }}
Baris 1.268 ⟶ 1.281:
|17 Agustus 2017
|{{#expr: 275918/{{worldpop}}*100 round 4}}%
|align=left|[http://www.ispf.pf/docs/default-source/rp2017/cpo_rp2017.pdf?sfvrsn=2 Hasil sensus 2017] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20190412033832/http://www.ispf.pf/docs/default-source/rp2017/cpo_rp2017.pdf?sfvrsn=2 |date=2019-04-12 }}
| –
Baris 1.527 ⟶ 1.540:
|30 April 2018
|{{#expr: 33332/{{worldpop}}*100 round 5}}%
|align=left|[http://www.statistica.sm/on-line/en/home/statistics/population.html# Perkiraan resmi bulanan] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200326182005/https://www.statistica.sm/on-line/en/home/statistics/population.html |date=2020-03-26 }}
| –
Baris 1.541 ⟶ 1.554:
|1 Maret 2016
|{{#expr: 18100/{{worldpop}}*100 round 5}}%
|align=left|[http://www.mfem.gov.ck/images/documents/Statistics_Docs/2.Social/Population_Estimates__Vital_Statistics/2016/BDM_Statistics_Report_201601.pdf Perkiraan resmi triwulanan] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171020064746/http://www.mfem.gov.ck/images/documents/Statistics_Docs/2.Social/Population_Estimates__Vital_Statistics/2016/BDM_Statistics_Report_201601.pdf |date=2017-10-20 }}
Baris 1.665 ⟶ 1.678:
== Lihat pula ==
{{Portal|Geografi|Geografi/Negara di dunia}}
* [[Daftar Negara]]
* [[Daftar negara menurut luas wilayah]]
* [[Daftar negara menurut kepadatan penduduk]]
* [[Daftar negara menurut benua]]
* [[Daftar negarabendera menurutnegara masadi pembentukandunia]]
== Catatan ==
== Catatan ==
<references group="Note"/>
== Pranala luar ==