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(47 revisi perantara oleh 22 pengguna tidak ditampilkan) | |||
Baris 1:
{{Infobox lokasi}}'''Nablus''' ([[bahasa Arab]]: نابلس, [[bahasa Ibrani]]: שכם, ''sekhem'') adalah sebuah kota yang terletak di bawah kekuasaan [[Otoritas Nasional Palestina]] di [[Tepi Barat]] dengan populasi sebesar 135.000, yang juga merupakan salah satu pusat populasi [[Palestina]] terbesar di [[Timur Tengah]].<ref name="pnic">{{Cite web |url= |title=Palestinian National Information Center: The Administrative Divisions of Governorates |access-date=2007-09-08 |archive-date=2007-10-25 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> Kota ini terletak 63 kilometer (39 mil) sebelah utara [[Yerusalem]], terletak di antara [[Gunung Ebal]] dan [[Gunung Gerizim]].[[Berkas:Nablus panorama.jpg|ka|500px|jmpl|Panorama Nablus]]
== Nama ==
Nama kota Nablus merupakan serapan dari [[bahasa Yunani]]. Kata serapannya adalah Neopolis. Kata ini berarti kota baru.<ref>{{Cite book|last=Zaghrut|first=Fathi|date=April 2022|title=Tragedi-Tragedi Besar dalam Sejarah Islam|location=Jakarta Timur|publisher=Pustaka Al-Kautsar|isbn=978-979-592-978-9|pages=193|url-status=live}}</ref>
Nablus terletak pada posisi strategis di persimpangan antara dua jalan komersial kuno, satu menghubungkan dataran pantai Sharon ke lembah Jordan, yang lain menghubungkan Nablus ke [[Galilea]] di utara, Kota ini berdiri di ketinggian sekitar 550 meter (1.800 kaki) di atas permukaan laut ,<ref name=":0">{{Cite web|url=|title=History of Nablus|date=2007-11-12||access-date=2020-07-19|archive-date=2007-11-12|archive-url=|dead-url=unfit}}</ref> di [[lembah]] sempit yang membentang dari timur ke barat di antara dua gunung yaitu [[Gunung Ebal]], gunung utara, adalah puncak yang lebih tinggi di 940 meter (3.080 kaki), sedangkan [[Gunung Gerizim]], gunung selatan, tingginya 881 meter (2.890 kaki).{{Butuh rujukan}}
Nablus terletak 42 kilometer (26 mil) ke timur [[Tel Aviv]], [[Israel]], 110 kilometer (68 mil) ke barat [[Amman]], [[Yordania]], dan 63 kilometer (39 mil) ke utara [[Yerusalem]]. Kota-kota dan kota-kota terdekat termasuk ''Huwara'' dan ''Aqraba'' di selatan, Beit Furik di tenggara, Tammun di timur laut, ''Asira ash-Shamaliya'' di utara dan ''Kafr Qaddum'' dan ''Tell'' di barat.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Wayback Machine|date=2008-06-27||access-date=2020-07-19|archive-date=2008-06-27|archive-url=|dead-url=unfit}}</ref>
=== Iklim ===
Nablus memiliki [[iklim Mediterania]] yang relatif beriklim sedang yang membawa musim panas yang kering dan panas dan musim dingin yang sejuk ke Nablus. Musim semi tiba sekitar Maret-April dan bulan-bulan terpanas di Nablus adalah Juli dan Agustus dengan rata-rata tinggi adalah 29,6 °C (85,3 °F). Bulan terdingin adalah Januari dengan suhu biasanya pada 6.2 °C (43.2 °F). Hujan umumnya turun antara Oktober dan Maret, dengan tingkat [[curah hujan]] tahunan sekitar 656 mm (25,8 in).<ref name=":0" />
<center>{{Weather box
|location = Nablus ( 570 meters above sea level) 1972-1997
|metric first = yes
|single line = yes
|Jan high C = 13.1
|Feb high C = 14.4
|Mar high C = 17.2
|Apr high C = 22.2
|May high C = 25.7
|Jun high C = 27.9
|Jul high C = 29.1
|Aug high C = 29.4
|Sep high C = 28.4
|Oct high C = 25.8
|Nov high C = 20.2
|Dec high C = 14.6
|year high C = 22.35
| Jan mean C = 9.0
| Feb mean C = 8.8
| Mar mean C = 11.9
| Apr mean C = 16.6
| May mean C = 20.7
| May mean C = 20.7
| Jun mean C = 24.0
| Jul mean C = 24.8
| Aug mean C = 24.4
| Sep mean C = 22.5
| Oct mean C = 20.5
| Nov mean C = 17.5
| Dec mean C = 13.1
| year mean C = 17.8
|Jan low C = 6.2
|Feb low C = 6.7
|Mar low C = 8.8
|Apr low C = 12.1
|May low C = 14.9
|Jun low C = 17.4
|Jul low C = 19.3
|Aug low C = 19.5
|Sep low C = 18.5
|Oct low C = 16.2
|Nov low C = 12.1
|Dec low C = 7.8
|year low C = 13.3
|Jan record high C = 22.9
|Feb record high C = 28.1
|Mar record high C = 30.4
|Apr record high C = 35
|May record high C = 38.6
|Jun record high C = 38
|Jul record high C = 38.1
|Aug record high C = 38.6
|Sep record high C = 38.8
|Oct record high C = 35.3
|Nov record high C = 30.7
|Dec record high C = 28
|year record high C= 38.8
|Jan record low C = -.6
|Feb record low C = -2.8
|Mar record low C = -1
|Apr record low C = .6
|May record low C = 6.9
|Jun record low C = 11.4
|Jul record low C = 12.3
|Aug record low C = 15.9
|Sep record low C = 13
|Oct record low C = 9.3
|Nov record low C = 1.4
|Dec record low C = .3
|year record low C = -2.8
|precipitation colour = green
|Jan precipitation mm = 155
|Feb precipitation mm = 135
|Mar precipitation mm = 90
|Apr precipitation mm = 34
|May precipitation mm = 5
|Jun precipitation mm = 0
|Jul precipitation mm = 0
|Aug precipitation mm = 0
|Sep precipitation mm = 2
|Oct precipitation mm = 17
|Nov precipitation mm = 60
|Dec precipitation mm = 158
|year precipitation mm = 656
| Jan humidity = 74
| Feb humidity = 75
| Mar humidity = 66
| Apr humidity = 55
| May humidity = 47
| Jun humidity = 50
| Jul humidity = 65
| Aug humidity = 62
| Sep humidity = 73
| Oct humidity = 62
| Nov humidity = 54
| Dec humidity = 69
| year humidity =
|source 1 = Arab Meteorology Book<ref name=amb>{{cite web
| url =
| title = Appendix I: Meteorological Data
| publisher = Springer
| accessdate = October 25, 2015
| archive-date = 2016-03-04
| archive-url =
| dead-url = yes
|date=August 2010
== Kota kembar ==
Nablus memiliki hubungan sebagai kota kembar dengan beberapa kota berikut:<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Twinning with Palestine |accessdate=2008-04-24 |publisher=Britain – Palestine Twinning Network |url-status=dead |archiveurl= |archivedate=2012-06-28 }}</ref>
{{div col|colwidth=30em}}
*{{flagicon|FRA}} [[Lille]], [[Prancis]] <ref>{{cite web | url=| archive-url=| url-status=dead| archive-date=2009-02-10|title=Lile Facts & Figures||accessdate=2007-12-17}}</ref>
*{{flagicon|ISR}} [[Nazareth]], [[Israel]]
*{{flagicon|IRL}} [[Dublin]], [[Irlandia]]
*{{flagicon|ITA}} [[Como]], [[Italia]]
*{{flagicon|ITA}} [[Naples]], Italia <ref name="Naples twinnings">{{cite web|url=|title= Comune di Napoli -Gemellaggi|accessdate=2013-08-08|last=Vacca|first=Maria Luisa|work=Comune di Napoli|trans-title=Naples - Twin Towns|language= Italian|archiveurl=|archivedate=2013-07-22 }}</ref>
*{{flagicon|ITA}} [[Toscana]], Italia
*{{flagicon|POL}} [[Poznań]], [[Polandia]] <ref name="Poznań twinnings">{{cite web|url= | title = Poznań - Miasta partnerskie | accessdate = 2013-12-11 | work = 1998–2013 Urząd Miasta Poznania | publisher= City of [[Poznań]] | language = Polish | archiveurl = | archivedate = 2013-09-23}}</ref><ref name="PoznańTwinning">{{cite web|url=|title=Poznań Official Website – Twin Towns|accessdate=2008-11-29|publisher=City of [[Poznań]]|language=Polish}}</ref>
*{{flagicon|MAR}} [[Rabat]], [[Maroko]]
*{{flagicon|NOR}} [[Stavanger]], [[Norwegia]]
*{{flagicon|RUS}} [[Khasavyurt]], [[Rusia]]
*{{flagicon|UK}} [[Dundee]], [[Britania Raya]] <ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Twinned Cities|accessdate=2008-04-24 |publisher=Nablus Municipality |archiveurl = |archivedate = January 3, 2008}}</ref>
{{div col end}}
== Referensi ==
Baris 14 ⟶ 141:
== Pranala luar ==
* [ Official Nablus website]
* [ "Jewish Virtual Library" entry]
* [ Christianity in Nablus] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-11-11 }}
*[ A site explaining the reasons for the devastated Palestinian economy] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2005-10-23 }}
* [ Nablus the Culture, reviveing cultural life in Nablus] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2022-04-15 }}
* [ Nablus after Five Years of Conflict].