Kapal selam Jepang I-14: Perbedaan antara revisi
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Baris 48:
|Ship crew=108 awak
|Ship test depth={{convert|100|m|ft|abbr=on}}<ref name=b4>Bagnasco, hal. 189</ref>
|Ship armament=*6 × [[
*1 × [[Senapan geladak]] [[14 cm/40 11th Year Type naval gun|{{convert|14|cm|in|1|abbr=on}}]]<ref name=cd3 />
*2 × 3 & 1 × 1 Senapan anti-pesawat [[Type 96 25 mm AT/AA Gun|{{convert|25|mm|in|0|abbr=on}} Tipe 96]]<ref name=cd3>Carpenter & Dorr, hal. 110</ref>
Baris 58:
{{nihongo|'''''I-14'''''|'''''伊14'''''}} merupakan kapal ke-2 dari kelas tipe AM. Ia didesain untuk membawa Seiran, yaitu pesawat pembom amfibi dengan tujuan membombardir [[Terusan Panama]]. Ia diluncurkan pada kurun waktu 1944. Ia bersama {{ship|Kapal selam Jepang|I-13||2}}, {{ship|Kapal selam Jepang|I-14||2}}, {{ship|Kapal selam Jepang|I-400||2}} dan {{ship|Kapal selam Jepang|I-401||2}} ditugaskan untuk membombardir pangkalan Amerika di Ulthili dalam [[Operasi Hikari]]. Namun, operasi tersebut dibatalkan karena Jepang telah menyerah duluan kepada Sekutu.
== Nasib ==
Senasib dengan [[kapal selam kelas I-400]], {{ship|Kapal selam Jepang|I-14||2}} ditenggelamkan oleh Amerika di kawasan Hawaii, tepatnya lepas pantai Oahu. Sebelum ditenggelamkan, tentunya para teknisi Amerika sudah mempelajari rahasia dari kapal ini. Penenggelaman ini dimaksudkan agar teknologi dari [[kapal selam tipe AM]] juga tidak jatuh ke tangan [[Uni Soviet]].<ref name="lat111309">[http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-sci-japanese-subs13-2009nov13,0,2197281.story LATimes, ''2 Japanese subs sunk after World War II found'']</ref>
== Penemuan bangkai ==
== Catatan ==
Baris 67 ⟶ 68:
== Referensi ==
* {{cite book|last=Bagnasco |first=Erminio |title=Submarines of World War Two |url=https://archive.org/details/submarinesofworl0000bagn_n7e7 |year=1977 |publisher=Naval Institute Press |location=Annapolis, Maryland |isbn=0-87021-962-6}}
* {{cite book|last1=Boyd|first1=Carl|last2=Yoshida|first2=Akikiko|title=The Japanese Submarine Force and World War II|date=2002|publisher=Naval Institute Press|location=Annapolis, Maryland|isbn=1-55750-015-0|lastauthoramp=y}}
* {{cite book|last1=Carpenter|first1=Dorr B.|last2=Polmar|first2=Norman|title=Submarines of the Imperial Japanese Navy 1904–1945|year=1986|publisher=Conway Maritime Press|location=London|isbn=0-85177-396-6|lastauthoramp=y}}
* {{cite book|title=Conway's All the World's Fighting Ships 1922–1946|url=https://archive.org/details/conwaysallworlds1922unse|editor1-last=Chesneau|editor1-first=Roger|publisher=Conway Maritime Press|location=Greenwich, UK|year=1980|isbn=0-85177-146-7}}
* {{cite book|last=Hashimoto|first=Mochitsura|others=Colegrave, E.H.M. (translator)|title=Sunk: The Story of the Japanese Submarine Fleet 1942 – 1945|url=https://archive.org/details/sunkstoryofjapan0000hash|publisher=Cassell and Company|location=London|year=1954|id=ASIN B000QSM3L0}}
* {{cite book|last1=Layman|first1=R.D.|last2=McLaughlin|first2=Stephen|title=The Hybrid Warship:The Amalgamation of Big Guns and Aircraft|url=https://archive.org/details/hybridwarshipama0000laym|year=1991|publisher=Conway Maritime Press|location=London|isbn=0-85177-555-1|lastauthoramp=y}}
* {{cite book|last=Stille|first=Mark|title=Imperial Japanese Navy Submarines 1941-45| series =New Vanguard|volume=135|year=2007|publisher=Osprey Publishing|location=Botley, Oxford, UK|isbn=978-1-84603-090-1}}
== Pranala luar ==
Baris 79 ⟶ 80:
{{Kapal selam tipe A}}
[[Kategori:Kapal tahun 1944]]