Jean Piaget: Perbedaan antara revisi
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k bot Menambah: sr:Жан Пијаже |
Fitur saranan suntingan: 3 pranala ditambahkan. |
(59 revisi perantara oleh 36 pengguna tidak ditampilkan) | |||
Baris 1:
{{Infobox Philosopher
<!-- Philosopher category -->
|region = [[Filosofi Barat]]
|era = [[Filosofi Abad 20]]
|color = #B0C4DE
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|image_name = Jean_Piaget.jpg
|image_size = 175px
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<!-- Information -->
|name = Jean Piaget
|birth = 9 Agustus 1896
|death = 16 September 1980
|school_tradition = [[Developmental]]
|main_interests =
|notable_ideas = [[Epistemologi konstruktivis]], [[Teori perkembangan kognitif]]
|influences =
|influenced =
[[File:Jean Piaget in Ann Arbor.png|thumb]]
'''Jean Piaget''' [{{IPA|ʒɑ̃ pjaˈʒɛ}}] ({{lahirmati|[[Neuchâtel]], [[Swiss]]|9|8|1896||16|9|1980}}) adalah seorang filsuf, [[ilmu alamiah|ilmuwan]], dan [[psikologi perkembangan|psikolog perkembangan]] [[Swiss]], yang terkenal karena hasil penelitiannya tentang [[anak-anak]] dan [[teori perkembangan kognitif]]nya. Menurut [[Ernst von Glasersfeld]], Jean Piaget adalah juga "perintis besar dalam teori [[Konstruktivisme (teori pembelajaran)|konstruktivis]] tentang pengetahuan".<ref>(in ''An Exposition of Constructivism: Why Some Like it Radical'', 1990)</ref> Karya Piaget pun banyak dikutip dalam pembahasan mengenai [[psikologi kognitif]].
== Masa awal ==
Piaget dilahirkan di [[Neuchâtel]] di wilayah [[Swiss]] yang
Piaget memperoleh gelar [[Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D]]. dalam ilmu alamiah dari [[Universitas Neuchâtel]], dan juga belajar sebentar di [[Universitas Zürich]]. Selama masa ini, ia menerbitkan dua makalah filsafat yang memperlihatkan arah pemikirannya pada saat itu, tetapi yang belakangan ditolaknya karena dianggapnya sebagai karya tulis seorang remaja. Minatnya terhadap [[psikoanalisis]], sebuah aliran pemikiran psikologi yang berkembang pada saat itu, juga dapat dicatat mulai muncul pada periode ini.
Belakangan ia pindah dari Swiss ke Grange-aux-Belles, [[
Pada [[1923]], ia menikah dengan Valentine Châtenay, salah seorang mahasiswinya. Pasangan ini memperoleh tiga orang anak, yang dipelajari oleh Piaget sejak masa bayinya. Pada [[1929]], Jean Piaget menerima jabatan sebagai Direktur [[Biro Pendidikan Internasional]], yan tetap dipegangnya hingga 1968. Setiap tahun, ia menyusun "Pidato Direktur"nya untuk Dewan BPI itu dan untuk Konferensi Internasional tentang Pendidikan Umum, dan di dalamnya ia secara eksplisit mengungkapkan keyakinan pendidikannya.
== Tahap-tahap perkembangan kognitif ==
{{Main |
Piaget menjabat sebagai profesor [[psikologi]] di [[Universitas Geneva]] dari 1929 hingga
Keempat tahap perkembangan itu digambarkan
# ''[[Teori perkembangan kognitif#Tahap sensorimotor|Tahap sensorimotor]]'': dari lahir hingga 2 tahun (anak mengalami dunianya melalui gerak dan inderanya serta mempelajari permanensi
# ''[[Teori perkembangan kognitif#Tahap pra-operasional|Tahap pra-operasional]]'': dari 2 hingga 7 tahun (mulai memiliki kecakapan motorik)
# ''[[Teori perkembangan kognitif#Tahap operasional konkret|Tahap operasional konkret]]'': dari 7 hingga 11 tahun (anak mulai berpikir secara logis tentang kejadian-kejadian konkret)
# '' [[Teori perkembangan kognitif#Tahap operasional formal|
<!--These chronological periods are approximate, and in light of the fact that studies have demonstrated great variation between children, cannot be seen as rigid norms. Furthermore, these stages occur at different ages, depending upon the domain of knowledge under consideration. The ages normally given for the stages, then, reflect when each stage tends to predominate, even though one might elicit examples of two, three, or even all four stages of thinking at the same time from one individual, depending upon the domain of knowledge and the means used to elicit it.
Baris 105 ⟶ 125:
== Karya-karya penting dan keberhasilan ==
=== Karya-karya penting ===
* Piaget, J. (1950). ''Introduction à l’Épistémologie Génétique.'' Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
* Piaget, J. (1961). ''La psychologie de l'intelligence.'' Paris: Armand Colin (1961, 1967, 1991). [ Versi online]
* Piaget, J. (1967). ''Logique et Connaissance scientifique'', Encyclopédie de la Pléiade.
* Inhelder, B. dan
* Inhelder, B. dan Piaget, J. (
* Piaget, J. (
* Piaget, J. (
* Piaget, J. (
* Piaget, J. (
* Piaget, J. (
* Piaget, J. (
* Piaget, J. (
* Piaget, J. (2001). ''Studies in Reflecting Abstraction''. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
=== Karya-karya lain ===
* Beth, E.W., dan Piaget, J. (1966). ''Mathematical Epistemology and Psychology.'' Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
* Piaget, J. (1942). Les trois structures fondamentales de la vie psychique: rythme, régulation et groupement. ''Rev. Suisse de Psychologie Appliquée'', 1/2 9–21. * Piaget, J. (1948). ''Où va l’éducation?'' UNESCO.
* Piaget, J. (1951). ''Psychology of Intelligence.'' London: Routledge and Kegan Paul
* Piaget, J. (1953). ''Logic and Psychology.'' Manchester: Manchester University Press.
* Piaget, J. (1962). ''Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood''. New York: Norton.
* Piaget, J. (1966). Nécessité et signification des recherches comparatives en psychologie génétique. ''Journal International de Psychologie'', 1 (1): 3-13.
* Piaget, J. (1970). ''Structuralism''. New York: Harper & Row.
* Piaget, J. (1972). ''Psychology and Epistemology: Towards a Theory of Knowledge.'' Harmondsworth: Penguin.
* Piaget, J. (1972). ''Insights and Illusions of Philosophy.'' London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
* Piaget, J. (1974). ''Experiments in Contradiction.'' Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
* Piaget, J. (1974). ''The Place of the Sciences of Man in the System of Sciences.'' New York: Harper and Row, Publishers.
* Piaget, J. (1975). ''The Origin of the Idea of Chance in Children.'' London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
* Piaget, J. (1977). ''The Grasp of Consciousness''. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
* Piaget, J. (1978). ''Success and Understanding''. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
* Piaget, J. (1979). ''Behaviour and Evolution''. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
* Piaget, J. (1980). ''Adaptation and Intelligence''. London: University of Chicago Press.
* Piaget, J. (1980). ''Les Formes Élémentaires de la Dialectique''. Paris, Editions Gallimard.
* Piaget, J. (1981). ''Intelligence and Affectivity. Their Relationship during Child Development''. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews.
* Piaget, J. (1983). Piaget's theory. Dalam P. Mussen (ed.). ''Handbook of Child Psychology''. ed. ke-4. Vol. 1. New York: Wiley.
* Piaget, J. (1985). ''The Equilibration of Cognitive Structures: The Central Problem of Intellectual Development''. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
* Piaget, J. (1987). ''Possibility and Necessity''. 2 vol. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
* Piaget, J. (2000). Commentary on Vygotsky. ''New Ideas in Psychology'', 18, 241-59.
* Piaget, J., dan Garcia, R. (1989). ''Psychogenesis and the History of Science''. New York: Columbia University Press.
* Piaget, J., dan Garcia, R. (1991). ''Towards a Logic of Meanings''. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
* Piaget, J., dan Inhelder, B. (1962). ''The Psychology of the Child''. New York:Basic Books
* Piaget, J., dan Inhelder, B. (1967). ''The Child’s Conception of Space''. New York: W.W. Norton.
=== Jabatan ===
* 1921-25 Direktur Penelitian, Institut [[Jean-Jacques Rousseau]], Geneva
* 1929-
* 1952-64 Profesor Psikologi Genetika, Sorbonne, Paris
* 1955-80 Direktur, Pusat Internasional untuk Epistemologi Genetika, Geneva
* 1971-80 Profesor Emeritus, Universitas Geneva
== Teori-teori tahapan Piagetian dan pasca-Piagetian ==
* Tahap-tahap historis dalam pemikiran keagamaan dan ilmiah oleh [[Michael Barnes]] (Barnes 2000)
* Teori pemikiran pra-sejarah dan kuno [[Peter Damerow]] (Damerow 1995)
Baris 168 ⟶ 192:
* Tahap sejarah seni [[Suzy Gablik]] (Gablik 1977)
* Tahap sejarah pemahaman moral kognitif [[Christopher Hallpike]] (Hallpike 1979, 2004)
* [[Tahap perkembangan moral Kohlberg|Tahap-tahap perkembangan moral menurut]] [[Lawrence Kohlberg]]
* Teori Don Lepan tentang asal
* Teori [[Charles Radding]] tentang perkembangan intelektual Abad Pertengahan (Radding 1985)
* Tahap-tahap sejarah [[R.J. Robinson]] (Robinson 2004)
Baris 176 ⟶ 200:
== Kutipan ==
* ''Kecerdasan mennata dunia dengan cara menata dirinya sendiri'', dalam "La construction du réel chez l'enfant" (1937)
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Epistemologi konstruktivis]]
** [[Tahap perkembangan]]
* [[Erik Erikson]], [[Tahap perkembangan psiko-sosial Erikson]] * [[Lawrence Kohlberg]], [[Tahap perkembangan moral Kohlberg]]
== Catatan ==
== Rujukan ==
* Aqueci, F. (2003). ''Ordine e Trasformazione. Morale, Mente, Discorso in Jean Piaget''. [[Acireale]]-Roma: Bonanno
* Amann-Gainotti M. dan Ducret J.-J. (1992). ''Jean Piaget, disciple of [[Pierre Janet]]: influence of behavior psychology and relations with psychoanalysis''. Information psychiatrique vol. 68, no6, pp. * Barnes, M.H. (2000). ''Stages of Thought. The Co-Evolution of Religious Thought and Science''. Oxford University Press: New York.
* Beilin, H. (1992). Kontribusi Piaget yang abadi dalam psikologi perkembangan. ''Developmental Psychology'', 28, 191-204.
* Bringuier, J.-C. (1980). ''Conversations with Piaget''. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
* Chapman, M. (1988). ''Constructive Evolution: Origins and Development of Piaget's Thought''. Cambridge: [[Cambridge University Press]].
* Damerow, P. (1995). Prehistory and cognitive development. Invited Lecture to the Twenty-Fifth Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, Berkeley, 1-3 Juni 1995.
* Flavell, J. (1967). ''The Developmental Psychology of Jean Piaget''. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company.
* Fowler, James W. (1981). Stages of Faith, Harper & Row ISBN 0-06-062866-9
* Gablik, S. (1977). ''Progress in Art''. Rizzoli: New York.
* Gattico, E. (2001). Jean Piaget. Milano: Bruno Mondadori
* Hallpike, C.R. (1979). ''The Foundations of Primitive Thought''. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
* Hallpike, C.R. (2004). ''The Evolution of Moral Understanding''. Prometheus Research Group: [].
* Kesselring, Th. (1999). Jean Piaget. München: Beck
* Kitchener, R. (1986). ''Piaget's Theory of Knowledge''. New Haven: Yale University Press.
* LePan, D. (1989). ''The Cognitive Revolution in Western Culture. Vol. 1: The Birth of Expectation''. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
* Lourenço, O. dan Machado, A. (1996). In defense of Piaget’s theory: A reply to ten common criticisms. ''Psychological Review'', 103, 1: 143–164.
* Parker, S.T. dan McKinney, M.L. (1999). ''Origins of Intelligence: The Evolution of Cognitive Development in Monkeys, Apes and Humans''. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
* Radding, C.M. (1985). ''A World Made by Men. Cognition and Society, 400–1200''. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.
* Robinson, R.J. (2004). ''The History of Human Reason''. Prometheus Research Group: [].
* Robinson, R.J. (2005). ''The Birth of Reason''. Prometheus Research Group: [].
* Smith, L. (1992). ''Jean Piaget: Critical Assessments''. 4 Vol. London: Routledge.
* Smith, L. (1993). ''Necessary Knowledge: Piagetian Perspectives on Constructivism''. Hove, Lawrence Erlbaum.
* Smith, L. (1996). ''Critical Readings on Piaget''. London: Routledge.
* Traill, R.R. (2008). "Thinking by Molecule, Synapse, or both? — From Piaget’s Schema, to the Selecting/Editing of ncRNA". ''Gen.Sci.J.'' [], '''''atau''''' bahasa Prancis: []
* Traill, R.R. (2011a). “Coherent Infra-Red as logically necessary to explain Piagetian psychology and neuro-microanatomy — …” ''Journal of Physics: Conference Series'', '''329''', 012018. [Prague conference: “Electrodynamic Activity of Living Cells”; (1-3 July 2011)]. [[doi:10.1088/1742-6596/329/1/012018]] []
* Traill, R.R. (2012). ''Dasar molekuler untuk Piaget-“schème” (sabagai memori-kode): Beberapa implikasi mengejutkan''; Makalah yang disajikan, pada 42 Konferensi Tahunan dari Jean Piaget Masyarakat. []
* Vonèche, J.J. (1985). Genetic epistemology: Piaget's theory. ''International Encyclopedia of Education'', Vol. 4. Oxford: Pergamon.
* Smith, L. (2001). "Jean Piaget". In J. A. Palmer (ed.) ''50 Modern Thinkers on Education: from Piaget to the Present''. London: Routledge
* Vidal, F. (1994). ''Piaget before Piaget''. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
* Wynn, T. (1979). The intelligence of later Acheulean hominids. ''Man'' (ns), 14: 371–391.
* Wynn, T. (1981). The intelligence of Oldowan hominids. ''Journal of Human Evolution'', 10: 529–541.
* Ivey, A. (1986). Developmental therapy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
== Pranala luar ==
* [ Jean Piaget Society], perhimpunan untuk studi tentang pengetahuan dan perkembangan.
* [ Arsip Jean Piaget], dengan bibliografi lengkap.
* [ Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology: Appreciation and Critique] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2006-04-27 }} oleh Robert Campbell (2002), ringkasan karya dan biografi yang luas.
* [ The Construction of Reality in the Child] oleh Jean Piaget(1955)
* Peran Piaget dalam [
* [ Genetic Epistemology] oleh Jean Piaget(1968)
* [ Comments on Vygotsky] oleh Jean Piaget(1962)
* [ Biography sumber yang dipersembahkan kepada Jean Piaget] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-03-11 }}
* {{nndb name|id=359/000094077|name=Jean Piaget}}
Baris 236 ⟶ 266:
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[[Kategori:Filsuf abad ke-20]]
[[Kategori:Psikolog perkembangan]]
[[Kategori:Penerima Penghargaan Erasmus]]