Protista: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(1 revisi perantara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Paraphyletic group
| auto = yes
| classification_status = parafiletik
| taxon = Eukaryota
| image = Protist_collage.jpg
| color = {{tc2|protista}}
| fossil_range = {{Long fossil range|2100|0|[[Paleoproterozoikum]] – [[Holocene|Sekarang]]}}
| subdivision_ranks = Klasifikasi
| subdivision =
<center>*'''Kelompok yang tidak termasuk'''</center>
** [[ChoanozoaFungi]]
** [[Plantae]]
<center>'''Kelompok yang tidak termasuk'''</center>
** [[FungiAnimalia]]
<center>*'''Supergrup<ref name="Adl2012">{{cite journal | author = Adl Sina M. | year = 2012 | title = The revised classification of eukaryotes | url = | format = PDF | journal = Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | volume = 59 | issue = 5 | pages = 429–514 | doi = 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2012.00644.x | display-authors = etal | pmid = 23020233 | pmc = 3483872 | access-date = 2016-02-20 | archive-date = 2016-06-16 | archive-url = | dead-url = yes }}</ref> dan filum khas'''</center>
* [[Plantae]]
** '''[[OpisthokontaArchaeplastida]] (sebagian)'''
* [[Animalia]]
*** [[Alga merah|Rhodophyta]] (alga merah)
*** [[Glaucophyta]]
<center>'''Supergrup<ref name="Adl2012">{{cite journal | author = Adl Sina M. | year = 2012 | title = The revised classification of eukaryotes | url = | format = PDF | journal = Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology | volume = 59 | issue = 5 | pages = 429–514 | doi = 10.1111/j.1550-7408.2012.00644.x | display-authors = etal | pmid = 23020233 | pmc = 3483872 | access-date = 2016-02-20 | archive-date = 2016-06-16 | archive-url = | dead-url = yes }}</ref> dan filum khas'''</center>
** '''[[ArchaeplastidaSupergrup SAR|SAR]] (sebagian)'''
*** '''[[Alga merah|RhodophytaStramenopila]]''' (alga merahcoklat, diatom, oomycetes, ...)
*** '''[[GlaucophytaAlveolata]]'''
**** [[Apicomplexa]]
* '''[[Supergrup SAR|SAR]]'''
**** [[Ciliophora]]
** '''[[Stramenopila]]''' (alga coklat, diatom, oomycetes, ...)
**** '''[[AlveolataDinoflagellata]]'''
*** '''[[ApicomplexaRhizaria]]'''
**** [[CiliophoraCercozoa]]
**** [[DinoflagellataForaminifera]]
**** '''[[RhizariaRadiolaria]]'''
*** '''[[CercozoaExcavata]]'''
*** [[ForaminiferaEuglenozoa]]
*** [[RadiolariaPercolozoa]]
*** '''[[ExcavataMetamonada]]'''
** '''[[EuglenozoaAmoebozoa]]'''
** '''[[PercolozoaHacrobia]]'''
** '''[[MetamonadaApusozoa]]'''
** '''[[AmoebozoaOpisthokonta]] (sebagian)'''
*** '''[[HacrobiaChoanozoa]]'''
* '''[[Apusozoa]]'''
* '''[[Opisthokonta]] (sebagian)'''
** [[Choanozoa]]