Pembicaraan:Al-Qur'an: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(28 revisi perantara oleh 22 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{pilihanstatusAP batal}}
{{ProyekWiki Islam|class=B|importance=top}}
Isi artikel ini menurut hemat saya kurang netral terhadap agama Nasrani/Yahudi. Mungkin ada yang bisa menyadur supaya menjadi lebih ensiklopedik? [[Pengguna:Komunitas|Komunitas]] 16:51, 13 Agustus 2005 (UTC)
== Tambahan ==
Oh, ya, darimana informasinya? [[Pengguna:AFP|AFP]] 17:03, 13 Agustus 2005 (UTC)
Mungkin ada yang dapat melengkapi artikel ini seperti cara membaca, hukum membaca, faedah, dan tatacara penulisannya? [[Pengguna:RusdianaDablang|RusdianaDablang]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:RusdianaDablang|bicara]]) 8 Desember 2016 21.52 (UTC)
== Hiperbolis ==
Ini maksud saya
==Hubungan dengan Kitab-Kitab lain==
Sungguh betapa terharu saya memerhatikan artikel ini. Sepertinya artikel ini perlu disusun dan '''dirombak ulang'''. Banyak penggunaan "saw" dan "swt" yang sangat berlebihan. Saya berharap ini bisa diperbaiki kedepannya, untuk sementara saya bersih bersih bagian awalnya dulu (per [[WP:GELARISLAM]])...▪ <sup>꧋[[Istimewa:Kontribusi/Fazoffic|ꦩꦣꦪ.]]</sup> '''''[[Pengguna:Fazoffic| <span style="color:#3D6D69;">Fazoffic</span>]]''''' <sub>([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:Fazoffic|<span style="color:#0055FF;"> ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ</span>]])</sub> 28 Desember 2022 06.03 (UTC)
Al-Quran mempunyai hubungan dengan kitab-kitab sebelumnya yaitu Taurat , Zabur/Mazmur dan Injil yaitu sebagai Al-Mushaddiq atau pembenar dan sebagai Al-Muhaymin atau batu ujian/tolok ukur kebenaran bagi kitab-kitab tersebut. Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah Muhammad :
== External links found that need fixing (Oktober 2023) ==
'' Jika kamu mendapatkan berita dari ahli kitab (Nasrani atau Yahudi) jangan kalian benarkan, juga jangan kalian salahkan ''
Hello fellow editors,
Ini artinya bahwa berita dalam AlKitab yang dipakai oleh kalangan Yahudi atau Nasrani mesti dikonfirmasikan dulu kepada Al-Quran, sehingga bisa ditentukan apakah pekabaran itu benar atau tidak, karena selama perjalanan sejarah telah banyak perubahan dari isi Alkitab yang beredar baik secara isi juga pemahaman akan kebenaran yang tercantum didalamnya.
I have found one or more external links on [[Al-Qur'an]] that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
Pembaca Wikipedia adalah khalayak ramai. Meskipun hal ini benar sebaiknya ditulis agak lebih ramah. Sebab kalau dibalik bagaimana? Berita dalam Al-Qur'an harus dikonfirmasikan dulu kepada Taurat/Injil? [[Pengguna:Komunitas|Komunitas]] 19:36, 20 Agustus 2005 (UTC)
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. No archive was found.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is considered to be dead, however has been found to be alive. Recommend removing the dead flag from the URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
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* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
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:Bagian tsb sementara 'disimpan' dulu daripada dibiarkan saja. Nanti kalau sdh diperbaiki baru ditampakkan lagi. [[Pengguna:Hayabusa future|Hayabusa future]] <sup>([[Bicara Pengguna:Hayabusa future|<font color=#008000 size=-2>bicara</font>]])</sup> 06:52, 21 Agustus 2005 (UTC)
This notice will only be made once for these URLs.
Menurut saya suntingan [[Pengguna:Indoboy|Indoboy]] sudah lebih netral (=NPOV). [[Pengguna:Meursault2004|Meursault2004]] 13:29, 21 Agustus 2005 (UTC)
Cheers.—[[User:InternetArchiveBot|'''<span style="color:darkgrey;font-family:Courier New">InternetArchiveBot</span>''']] <span style="color:green;font-family:Rockwell">([[:en:User talk:InternetArchiveBot|Melaporkan kesalahan]])</span> 24 Oktober 2023 02.14 (UTC)
Ya kalau begini lebih baik dan lebih enak dibaca. [[Pengguna:Komunitas|Komunitas]] 19:38, 8 September 2005 (UTC)
== External links found that need fixing (Januari 2024) ==
==Ejaan KBBI==
Mohon bantuan yang mempunyai akses ke KBBI untuk mengecek kembali mengenai ejaan KBBI dan disebutkan juga edisi dan tahunnya, apakah yang baku "al Quran" (Kompas memakai ejaan ini), "Alquran" (Solopos memakai ejaan ini), atau dua-duanya baku? Akhir-akhir ini kedua koran tersebut mendapat penghargaan dari Pusat Bahasa sebagai 10 besar koran dengan penggunaan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Saya pernah melihat di KBBI Edisi 3 Tahun 2007 (mungkin di h. 33) dicantumkan entri "Alquran". Sayangnya untuk entri "al Quran", saya belum mencarinya. [[User:Alfarq|Alfarq]] 03:50, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
Hello fellow editors,
== Templat:cite quran ==
I have found one or more external links on [[Al-Qur'an]] that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
Apa gak ngasih link ke wikisource. kalo yang itu kan, qur'an terjemahan bahasa Inggris <span style="border:1px solid #003333;padding:1px;">[[User talk:Azmi1995|<font style="color:white;background:#008000;">'''&nbsp;Azmi&nbsp;'''</font><font style="color:white;background:#008000;">'''&nbsp;&nbsp;Bicara&nbsp;'''</font>]]</span> 09:16, 1 Oktober 2008 (UTC)
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit [[:m:InternetArchiveBot/FAQ|this simple FaQ]] for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
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Cheers.—[[User:InternetArchiveBot|'''<span style="color:darkgrey;font-family:Courier New">InternetArchiveBot</span>''']] <span style="color:green;font-family:Rockwell">([[:en:User talk:InternetArchiveBot|Melaporkan kesalahan]])</span> 17 Januari 2024 00.18 (UTC)
== External links found that need fixing (Februari 2024) ==
Hello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on [[Al-Qur'an]] that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit [[:m:InternetArchiveBot/FAQ|this simple FaQ]] for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
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Cheers.—[[User:InternetArchiveBot|'''<span style="color:darkgrey;font-family:Courier New">InternetArchiveBot</span>''']] <span style="color:green;font-family:Rockwell">([[:en:User talk:InternetArchiveBot|Melaporkan kesalahan]])</span> 28 Februari 2024 03.54 (UTC)
== External links found that need fixing (Juli 2024) ==
Hello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on [[Al-Qur'an]] that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit [[:m:InternetArchiveBot/FAQ|this simple FaQ]] for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
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Cheers.—[[User:InternetArchiveBot|'''<span style="color:darkgrey;font-family:Courier New">InternetArchiveBot</span>''']] <span style="color:green;font-family:Rockwell">([[:en:User talk:InternetArchiveBot|Melaporkan kesalahan]])</span> 31 Juli 2024 09.02 (UTC)
== External links found that need fixing (September 2024) ==
Hello fellow editors,
I have found one or more external links on [[Al-Qur'an]] that are in need of attention. Please take a moment to review the links I found and correct them on the article if necessary. I found the following problems:
* is found to be dead. Recommend adding to the original URL.
When you have finished making the appropriate changes, please visit [[:m:InternetArchiveBot/FAQ|this simple FaQ]] for additional information to fix any issues with the URLs mentioned above.
This notice will only be made once for these URLs.
Cheers.—[[User:InternetArchiveBot|'''<span style="color:darkgrey;font-family:Courier New">InternetArchiveBot</span>''']] <span style="color:green;font-family:Rockwell">([[:en:User talk:InternetArchiveBot|Melaporkan kesalahan]])</span> 11 September 2024 15.53 (UTC)
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