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Baris 1:
{{Infobox royalty
| name
| caption
| birth_name
| birth_date
| birth_place = West Park
| spouse = {{unbulleted list|{{marriage|[[Trevor Engelson]]|2011|2013|reason=cerai}}|{{marriage|[[Pangeran Harry, Adipati Sussex]]|2018}}}}
| issue = {{unbulleted list|[[Pangeran Archie dari Sussex]]|[[Putri Lilibet dari Sussex]]}}
| house
| occupation = {{hlist|
{{Infobox actress | child=yes
| alma_mater = [[Universitas Northwestern]]
| works = {{hlist|[[#Filmografi|Filmografi]]|[[#Bibliography|tulisan]]}}
| years_active = 2002–2017 (sebagai aktris)<!-- Markle's final scene in Suits was filmed in 2017 -->
| signature = Signature of the HRH Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.svg
▲| house = [[Wangsa Windsor|Windsor]] (melalui pernikahan)<!--See [[Talk:House of Windsor#SHSG Part II]]-->
▲| father = Thomas Markle
▲| mother = Doria Ragland
== Kehidupan awal dan pendidikan ==▼
▲==Kehidupan awal dan pendidikan==
Rachel Meghan Markle lahir pada 4 Agustus 1981, di [[Los Angeles]], California,<ref name=":1" /> di West Park Hospital di Canoga Park.<ref>{{cite web|author=Andrew Morton |url= |title=Meghan: A Hollywood Princess | |date= |accessdate=May 20, 2018}}</ref> Ibunya, Doria Ragland, seorang pekerja sosial dan instruktur yoga, sejak 2017 tinggal di View Park–Windsor Hills, California.<ref name=":1">{{cite web |last1=Boyle |first1=Danny |title=Who is Meghan Markle? Everything we know about Prince Harry's girlfriend |url= |work=The Daily Telegraph |location=London |date=November 8, 2016 |accessdate=November 12, 2016 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=November 12, 2016 |df=mdy-all}} {{subscription}}</ref><ref name="bbcnewsmorrismeghanwho">{{cite news |last1=Morris |first1=Regan |title='Meghan who?' LA shrugs over Harry's hometown girlfriend |url= |accessdate=November 28, 2017 |publisher=BBC News |date=September 27, 2017 |quote=But Markle's mother lives in the View Park-Windsor Hills neighbourhood, which is one of the wealthiest, primarily African American areas in the US. |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=September 30, 2017 |df=}}</ref> Markle sering menjelaskan hubungan dekatnya dengan ibunya.<ref>{{Cite news |url= |title=Doria Ragland: Meghan Markle's mother by her side on wedding day |last=CNN |first=Angela Dewan, |work=CNN |access-date=May 31, 2018}}</ref> Ayahnya, Thomas Markle Sr., yang tinggal di Rosarito, Meksiko,<ref>{{cite web | title = Meghan Markle's father lives in a quiet Baja town; but the British pa... | url = | date = May 5, 2018 | archiveurl = | archivedate = May 5, 2018 | deadurl = yes | df = }}</ref><ref name="thetimesmeghanmarklesfamilytree">{{cite news |last1=Humphries |first1=Will |title=Meghan Markle's family tree |url= |accessdate=November 28, 2017 |work=The Times |date=November 27, 2017}} {{subscription}}</ref> adalah seorang pensiunan sutradara fotografi dan tata cahaya, yang profesinya membuat putrinya yang masih kecil sering mengunjunginya di lokasi ''Married...with Children''.<ref name="Esquire">{{cite web |url= |title=Meghan Markle Talks Suits, Catholic Childhood and Growing Up On Set of Married With Children |date=July 13, 2013 |first=Matt |last=Goulet |work=Esquire |publisher=Hearst Communications, Inc. |accessdate=January 14, 2014 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=February 27, 2017 |df=mdy-all}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last=Hicks |first=Tony |title=Prince Harry ready to meet Meghan Markle's father |url= |work=Mercury News |date=November 1, 2016 |accessdate=November 12, 2016 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=November 12, 2016 |df=mdy-all}}</ref> Orang tua Markle bercerai ketika dia berusia enam tahun.<ref name="Time-Earlylife">{{cite news |url= |title=Meet Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's Fiancee And Britain's Newest Royal-To-Be |work=Time |first=Tara |last=John |date=November 27, 2017 |accessdate=November 30, 2017 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=November 28, 2017 |df=}}</ref><ref name="half-sister">{{cite news |url= |title=Meghan Markle's half-sister to write a tell-all book about her 'pushy' sibling |publisher=The Daily Telegraph |date=April 3, 2017 |accessdate=November 30, 2017 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=June 11, 2017 |df=}}</ref> Dia mempunyai dua saudara tiri seayah, Thomas Markle Jr. dan Samantha Markle, yang dilaporkan tidak dekat dengannya.<ref name="estranged">{{cite news |url=|title=The royal in-laws: Meghan Markle's family |publisher=The Guardian|date=May 15, 2018 |accessdate=July 10, 2018|first=Caroline|last=Davies}}</ref>
Menjelaskan tentang garis keturunannya di esai tahun 2015 untuk majalah ''Elle'', Markle menyatakan bahwa "ayahnya adalah seorang Orang Amerika Berkulit Putih dan ibunya adalah seorang [[Afrika Amerika]]. Aku setengah hitam dan setengah putih
Markle tumbuh di Hollywood.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title='Meghan who?' LA shrugs over Harry's hometown girlfriend |last1=Morris |first1=Regan |publisher=BBC |date=September 26, 2017 |accessdate=October 26, 2017 |quote=Her childhood in Los Angeles was more centred in Hollywood, where she attended a private primary school known for having a fabulous swimming pool as well as a playground ... Markle attended a private, all-girls Catholic high school on a beautiful campus in the Hollywood Hills. The school requires public service to graduate and the actress credits her parents and the school with starting her commitment to humanitarian work. |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=October 26, 2017 |df=mdy-all}}</ref> Dia bersekolah
Markle bekerja sebagai seorang kaligrafer sampingan untuk membiayainya
Pada bulan Juli 2011, Markle bergabung dengan pemain acara serial TV ''Suits'' di [[USA Network]], memainkan Rachel Zane. Dia menyelesaikan pekerjaannya
{{anchor|The Tig}}Dari tahun 2014 sampai 2017, Markle merupakan pendiri
Pada bulan November 2016, Markle dan perusahaan pakaian Kanada Reitmans merilis lini pakaian kerja dan gaya sehari-hari untuk wanita.<ref name="delap">{{cite news |url= |title=Suits star Meghan Markle launches 'accessible' clothing line at Reitmans |last=Delap |first=Leanne |date=November 5, 2016 |work=Toronto Star |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=November 9, 2016 |df=mdy-all}}</ref> Pada tahun 2010, Markle dibayar $187,000 untuk perannya di ''Remember Me'' dan $171,429 untuk perannya di film pendek ''The Candidate''.<ref name="net worth">{{cite web|last1=Dangremond|first1=Sam|title=Meghan Markle Net Worth 2017|url=|website=[[Town & Country (magazine)|Town & Country]]|accessdate=April 4, 2018|deadurl=no|archiveurl=|archivedate=December 2, 2017|df=}}</ref> Untuk perannya di ''Suits'', majalah ''[[Fortune (majalah)|Fortune]]'' memperkirakan Markle dibayar $50,000 per episode, yang pendapatan per tahunnya sekitar $450,000.<ref name="fortune">{{cite web | title = Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: What's Their Net Worth? | work = Fortune | url = | date = April 4, 2018 | archiveurl = | archivedate = April 4, 2018 | deadurl = yes | df = }}</ref> Sementara itu, diperkirakan sebagai seorang blogger gaya hidup, dia memperoleh sekitar $80,000 per tahun dari iklan dan sponsor.<ref name="net worth" />
== Kehidupan pribadi ==
Meghan Markle mulai menjalin hubungan dengan aktor dan produser bernama Trevor Engelson pada tahun 2004.<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Who Is Meghan Markle's Ex-Husband, Trevor Engelson? |work=Newsweek |first=Tom |last=Porter |date=November 27, 2017 |accessdate=December 21, 2017 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=December 11, 2017 |df= }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=How Meghan Markle’s Jewish Ex-Husband Became The Guy Who Lost Future Royal Bride| |date=November 19, 2017 |deadurl=no |df=mdy-all}}</ref> Mereka menikah di Ocho Rios, Jamaika, pada tanggal 10 September 2011,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Hitched, Hatched, Hired|date=September 27, 2011|work=The Hollywood Reporter|archiveurl=|archivedate=October 24, 2012|deadurl=no|accessdate=February 2, 2013|df=mdy-all}}</ref> dan berpisah melalui sebuah perceraian pada bulan Agustus 2013,<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=36 things we've learnt about Meghan Markle in the past year |work=The Daily Telegraph |date=September 5, 2017 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=August 18, 2017 |df=mdy-all}}</ref> dan menyatakan alasan perbedaan yang tidak dapat disatukan.<ref name="TCMMEX406182">{{cite news|url=|title=Meghan Markle's Ex-Husband Trevor Engelson Just Got Engaged|date=4 June 2018|work=Town & Country|accessdate=15 July 2018}}</ref>
Pada bulan Juni 2016, Meghan Markle mulai menjalin hubungan dengan [[Pangeran Harry]],<ref name="Cambridge">{{cite web |url= |title=The Duke of Cambridge approved Prince Harry's plea to trolls to leave Meghan Markle alone |website=The Daily Telegraph |archiveurl= |archivedate=September 12, 2017 |dead-url=no |access-date=September 5, 2017 |df=mdy-all}}</ref><ref name="guardian">{{cite news |title=Prince Harry to marry Meghan Markle |url= |accessdate=November 27, 2017 |work=The Guardian |date=November 27, 2017 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=November 27, 2017 |df=mdy-all }}</ref> yang pada saat itu merupakan pewaris kelima
Ketika sedang bekerja untuk ''Suits'', Meghan Markle tinggal
== Leluhur ==
Dari sisi ibunya, Duchess of Sussex berasal dari keturunan [[perbudakan di Amerika Serikat|budak Afrika Amerika]] di Georgia,<ref>{{cite web |title=Meghan Markle's Jonesboro roots |url= |work=The Times |accessdate=December 6, 2017 |df=mdy-all}}</ref> dan dari sisi ayahnya berasal dari pendatang-pendatang [[Jerman Amerika|Jerman]],<ref name=DeutscheWelle>{{cite web|url=|title=Tracing Meghan Markle's 'German roots'|work=[[Deutsche Welle]]|date=May 11, 2018 |access-date=May 23, 2018}}</ref> Inggris,<ref name="The Hastings Connection">{{cite web |last1=Child |first1=Christopher |title=The Hastings Connection |url= |publisher=New England Historic Genealogical Society |date=December 15, 2017 |accessdate=December 16, 2017 |quote=As Gary Boyd Roberts indicated in his press release, "Meghan Markle is related to Prince Harry... |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=December 16, 2017 |df= }}</ref> dan [[Irlandia Amerika|Irlandia]].<ref>{{cite web |url= |work=The Week |title=Meghan Markle: Six things you didn't know about Prince Harry's girlfriend |date=November 8, 2016 |deadurl=no |archiveurl= |archivedate=November 10, 2016 |df=mdy-all}}</ref> Salah satu dari kemungkinan kakek moyangnya, Heinrich Martin Merckel, bermigrasi ke Amerika Serikat dari [[Lampertsloch]], sebuah kota sejarah berbahasa-Jerman di [[Alsace]], dan kemudian mengganti ejaan namanya menjadi Markle.<ref name=DeutscheWelle/>
== Filmografi ==
Baris 68 ⟶ 67:
| ''[[General Hospital]]''
| Jill
| 1 episode (14 November 2002)<ref name="ABC SID"/><ref name="Vulture"/>
| 2004
Baris 240 ⟶ 239:
{{s-bef|before=[[Catherine Middleton|
{{s-ttl|title=[[United Kingdom order of precedence|
{{s-aft|after=[[Autumn Phillips]]}}
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:Pemeran perempuan Amerika Serikat]]
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1981]]
[[Kategori:Keluarga Mountbatten-Windsor]]
[[Kategori:Meghan, Adipatni Sussex]]