Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(45 revisi perantara oleh 28 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
[[Berkas:Josaphat_Tetuko_Sri_Sumantyo.jpg|thumb|Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo.]]
'''Prof. Josaphat 'Josh' Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, PhD[[Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D.]]''' ({{lahirmati|[[Kota Bandung|Bandung]], [[Jawa Barat]]|25|6|1970}}) yang saat ini menjabat ''[[associateFull professorProfessor]]'' (permanent staff Kementerian Pendidikan dan Teknologi Jepang) di Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, [[Universitas Chiba]], [[Jepang]] dan sebagai [[profesor]]/[[dosen]] tamu di berbagai [[universitas]] ,<ref>[ Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-01-08 }}, Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba University, November 15, 2006.</ref>, adalah salah satu pemegang paten [[antena mikrostrip]] (antena berbentuk cakram berdiameter 12 sentimeter dan tebal 1,6 milimeter) yang dapat digunakan untuk berkomunikasi langsung dengan satelit .<ref>Dahono Fitrianto, ''Josh dan Teknologi Masa Depan'', [ Kompas, Selasa, 2 Januari 2007].</ref><ref>Mobile Satellite Communication Antenna. International patent [ No. PCT/JP03/05162] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-05-17 }} (118 countries), 23 April 2003; Australian patent : [ AU-A-2003227356] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-03-11 }}.</ref>. Penemu circularly polarized synthetic aperture untuk pesawat tanpa awak <ref>Yuni Ekawati, ''Sistem Pemantau Nusantara'', [ Kompas, 21 Oktober 2010]{{Pranala mati|date=Juni 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}.</ref> dan small satellte ,<ref>Yuyun Manopol dan Sigit A Nugroho, ''Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo : Pemegang Banyak Paten Teknologi Penginderaan'', [ Majalah SWA, 17 Maret 2010]{{Pranala mati|date=Juni 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}.</ref>, serta radar peramal cuaca 3 dimensi .<ref>Dahono Fitrianto, ''Navigasi : Microburst - Radar dan Keselamatan Penerbangan'', [ Kompas, 6 September 2010]{{Pranala mati|date=Juni 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>. Ia beristrikan Innes Indreswari Soekanto (seorang ''Associatebekas Professor''dosen Seni Rupa di [[Institut Teknologi Bandung]]) dan mereka memiliki seorang anak, yaitu Johannes 'MD' Pandhito Panji Herdento ,<ref>[ Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, Ph.D. Website], 05:56:09 03.12.2006.</ref><ref>[{{Cite web |url= |title=Majalah Tempo] |access-date=2011-03-09 |archive-date=2011-01-06 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref>[{{Cite web |url= |title=Vivanews Hobi Riset Si Pakar Radar] |access-date=2011-03-09 |archive-date=2011-10-26 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>, . Pada saat IaJosaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo (biasa disapa dengan Josh) dan isteriistrinya belajar bersama di Chiba University, mereka mendirikan yayasan bernama Pandhito Panji Foundation (PPF) <ref> </ref> untukguna memajukan dunia penelitian, pendidikan dan seni rupa di Indonesia. Yayasan ini terdiri dari Pusat Penelitian Remote Sensing (RSRC),<ref> </ref> , Pusat Penelitian Pendidikan (ERC) <ref> </ref> dan Pusat Penelitian Seni Rupa (ARC) .<ref> </ref>. Hasil penelitian dari ketiga pusat penelitian tersebut telah banyak disebarluaskan ke masyarakat Indonesia, dan telah dimuat di berbagai mass media dalam dan luar negeri. Khususnya hasil karya mereka di bidang remote sensing <ref> </ref> telah dinikmati oleh kalangan Universitas, Lembaga Penelitian, Pemerintah Daerah hingga militer di Indonesia dan luar negeri untuk monitoring lingkungan dan bencana. Pusat penelitian ini telah memberikan beasiswa dari tingkat SD hingga S2 di berbagai sekolah dan perguruan tinggi Indonesia. Sedangkan karya seni keluarga mereka lewat Innes Sculpture Studio <ref> </ref> banyak dapat dinikmati di berbagai kota dalam dan luar negeri, serta dikoleksi oleh berbagai orang di seluruh dunia.
== Biografi singkat ==
=== Kelahiran & keluarga ===
Josh atau Sri Sumantyo, panggilan akrab dari Josaphat Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, dilahirkan pada tanggal 25 Juni 1970 di Rumah Sakit [[TNI Angkatan Udara]] (dulu AURI), di Markas Komando [[Komando Pasukan Gerak Tjepat]] ([[Komando Pasukan Gerak Tjepat|KOPASGAT]]) TNI Angkatan Udara Sulaiman, Bandung, [[Jawa Barat]], [[Indonesia]]. Ia adalah putra kedua dari pasangan Michael Suman Juswaljati <ref> </ref> (Instruktur [[Paskhas]] [[TNI-AU]] dan terakhir anggota Fraksi TNI DPRD Wonogiri) dan Florentina Srindadi. Ia mempunyai satu kakak yang sudah meninggal dan dua adik, yaitu Franciscus Dwi Koco Sri Sumantyo (sekarang di Halim Perdana KusumahPerdanakusuma, Jakarta) dan Lucia Tri Erowadanti Sri Sumantyo (sekarang di Pemda Wonogiri).
=== Pendidikan ===
Ia mulai mengenyam pendidikan formal di TK Islam Aisyah Kandang Menjangan Kartasura, SDN IV Malangjiwan, Colomadu, Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah (1977-1983). Kemudian dilanjutkan ke SMPN 1 Kartasura (1983-1986), Sukoharjo, dan SMAN[[SMA Negeri 1 Surakarta]] atau Solo, Margoyudan <ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2021-06-11 |archive-date=2018-03-24 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>(1986-1989), Solo dengan Jurusan Fisika (3A1A1). IaSelanjutnya Josh Sri Sumantyo memperoleh gelar B.Eng dan M.Eng dalam bidang rekayasa komputer dan kelistrikan di [[Universitas Kanazawa]], [[Jepang]] pada tahun [[1995]] dan [[1997]] dengan beasiswa Science and Technology Manpower Development Program (STMDP) II atau (beasiswa pada zaman Menristek Habibie) untuk S1S-1 dan Rotary International Scholarship Foundation untuk S2S-2, berturut-turut (Subsurface Radar Systems) dan gelar [[Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D.]] dalam bidang Sains Sistem Artifisial (Applied Radio Wave and Radar Systems: Satellite onboard Synthetic Aperture Radar) dari Graduate School of Science and Technology, Universitas Chiba, Jepang pada tahun [[2002]] dengan beasiswa dari Okamoto International Scholarship Foundation, Satoh International Scholarship Foundation dan Atsumi International Scholarship Foundation untuk menyelesaikan studi S3nyaS-3 atau Doktoral.
== Karier keilmuan ==
=== Di Indonesia ===
Dari tahun [[1989]] sampai 1999, iaJosh adalahSri seorangSumantyo sebagai peneliti dengandi Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), [[Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta|Jakarta]] dalam pengembangan radar bawah tanah, dan Komando Pendidikan dan Latihan (Kodiklat) Angkatan Darat ([[TNI-AD]]), Bandung, [[Indonesia]] dalam pengembangan Pusat Simulasi Pertempuran (PUSSIMPUR) di Bandung dan Pusat Latihan Pertempuran (PUSLATPUR) TNI-AD di Baturaja, Sumatera Selatan. Selama di Kodiklat TNI-AD ia bekerja bersama Letjen Luhut Panjaitan (terakhir Menperindag pada masa pemerintahan Habibie), Letjen Sintong Pandjaitan, dan PUSLATPUR bersama Kolonel AD Sikki (terakhir Pangdam Brawijaya) di bawah langsung Jenderal Wiranto (KSAD waktu itu, terakhir Panglima TNI). Hingga saat ini ia juga menjadi Head Division Center for Remote Sensing (CRS) di Institute of Technology Bandung, Adjunct Professor di University of Indonesia ,<ref name="">{{Cite web |url= |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2011-03-09 |archive-date=2011-08-06 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>, Visiting Professor di University of Udayana, Visiting Professor di Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) atau Badan Ruang Angkasa Jepang, serta dosen tamu di beberapa Universitas di Malaysia, Korea dll dan Universitas-universitas di tanah air.
=== Di Jepang ===
Membuat radar sendiri atau melakukan penelitian untuk memajukan bidang radar Indonesia (dan dunia) merupakan impiannya sejak kecil saat berkenalan pertama kali dengan radar-radar TNI-AU di perbengkelan dan pemeliharaan radar (Benhar, sekarang Satuan Radar (Satrad) Pendidikan) Pangkalan Udara Utama (Lanuma, sekarang Lanud) AdisumarmoAdi Soemarmo - Solo pada saat sang ayah kesehariannya melatih pasukan komando di Sekolah Pendidikan TNI-AU (Skadik 401/402/403) kebetulan berada di sebelah Benhar tersebut. Saat itu banyak anggota TNI-AU banyak mengenalkan jenis radar yang hampir semua buatan luar negeri kepada Josh kecil, sehingga memotivasi untuk membuat radar buatan manusia Indonesia di kemudian hari. Karier penelitian radar dimulai sejak diterima sebagai peneliti di BPPT pada tahun 1989. Kemudian ia menjadi asisten peneliti di ''Center for Environmental Remote Sensing'', Universitas Chiba, [[Jepang]] sejak tahun [[2000]] dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan riset dan studi program doktornya di bawah bimbingan Prof. Ryutaro Tateishi dan Prof. Nobuo Takeuchi. Pada saat lulus [[Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D.]] tahun 2002, Ia dimintamemilih menjadi staff pengajarstaf di Chiba University (Jepang), Leicesterkarena Universityposisi (UK),kampus University of Hebrew (Israel) dll, walau akhirnya memilih Chiba University karenayang dekat dengan Narita Airport (Tokyo International Airport), sehingga bisa mendukung kegiatan penelitian dan kontribusinya ke seluruh dunia.
Ia pernah menduduki posisi Lecture & Post Doctoral Fellowship Researcher di Center for Frontier Electronics and Photonics - Venture Business Laboratory (VBL), Universitas Chiba, Japan pada tahun 2002 hingga 2005 dengan berbagai penemuannya dalam bentuk antena tembus pandang ''(transparent antenna)'' dan berbagai jenis antena untuk keperluan mobile satellite communications. Dalam penelitian antena ini, ia bergabung dengan laboratorium Prof. Ito Koichi. Sejak 1 April 2005 hingga saat31 iniMaret 2013, ia bekerja sebagai ''Associate Professor'' dan Head of Josaphat Microwave Remote Sensing Laboratory (JMRSL) di Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (Permanent Staff), /Universitas PegawaiChiba, Negeri[[Jepang]] Kementeriandan Pendidikansejak dan1 TeknologiApril -2013 Monbukagakushohingga saat ini Josh sebagai Full Professor (Guru Besar, Jepangpermanent staff), di Universitas Chiba, [[Jepang]] dan juga sebagai [[profesor]]/[[dosen]] tamu di berbagai [[universitas]] dalam negeri Jepang dan luar negeri.
=== Di Dunia ===
Ia juga menjadi dosen tamu, reviewer, examiner dan evaluator berbagai instansi di berbagai negara sdb.
Dosen tamu : Institute of Technology Bandung (Head Division CRS-ITB), University of Indonesia (Adjunct Professor),<ref>""/id/faculty/page/adjunct </ref>, University of Udayana (Visiting Professor), Department of Imaging Sciences Chiba University (Associate Professor), Graduate School of Advanced Sciences Chiba University (Associate Professor) etc.
Reviewer : IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letter (GRSL), International Journal of Remote Sensing, IET Microwave, Antenna and Propagation (IET MAP) or former IEE MAP, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, Journal of Environmental Informatics, International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth science(IJReSES) etc.
Examiner/Supervisor : Multimedia University (Malaysia), Institut Teknologi Bandung, University of Hasannudin, University of Udayana (Indonesia), University of Tehran (Iran) etc.
Baris 29:
== Bidang keahlian ==
Bidang keahliannyakeahlian Josh adalah analisis teori hamburan gelombang mikro dan terapannya untuk microwave (radar) remote sensing, khususnya synthetic aperture radar (SAR), Scatterometer dan radar bawah tanah atau subsurface radar (VLF dan Microwave), analisis dan perancangan printed antenna untuk mobile satellite communications dan synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Ia menguasai perancangan integrasi sistem radar gelombang mikro, termasukradar diRadio dalamnyaFrequency perangkat(RF) mixer,system coupler, patch antenna, microwave image signal processing dll. Ia juga merancang SAR masa depan untuk keperluan platform pesawat terbang tanpa awak (UAV) dan satellite. Saat ini ia merancangmengembangkan pesawat tanpa awak Josaphat Laboratory Experimental Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (JX) aircraftseries maupun microsatellite onboard Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensor .<ref>The Jakarta Post,</ref>. SAR sensor ini nanti digunakan untuk monitoring permukaan bumi dan planet lain untuk pengembangan keperluan ilmu pengetahuan pada masa depan. Mulai 1 April 2013 Josh juga dipercaya oleh Kementerian Pendidikan dan Teknologi Jepang (Monbukagakusho) untuk mengembangan dua microsatellite yang membawa sensor GNSS-RO dan CP-SAR ciptakaan Josh untuk melakukan observasi lapisan Ionosfer dan permukaan bumi, di mana teknologi ini di masa depan diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui fenomena-fenomena sebelum terjadinya bencana di permukaan bumi, khususnya gempa bumi, sehingga teknologi diharapkan dapat mengurangi jumlah korban akibat bencana yang terjadi di permukaan planet, khususnya bumi.
=== Penghargaan yang telah diraih ===
Ia telah menerima banyak penghargaan dan research grants yang berhubungan dengan penelitian dan studinya dari lembaga penelitian dalam dan luar negeri sdb. Serta ia telah meluluskan dan menjadi outside reviewer banyak mahasiswa program S1S-1, S2S-2 dan S3S-3 dari berbagai negara.
* 22 Feb 2003 Nanohana Venture Competition 2003 Award, “Development of Dual Band Patch Array Antenna for Electronically Mobile Satellite Communication - Venture Intelligent Satellite Tracking Antenna (VISTA)”, Venture Business Laboratory, Center for Frontier Electronics and Photonics, Chiba University - Chiba Bank - Futaba Corporation (Nominee Award)
* Apr 1998 - Aug 1998 Indonesian Government of National Research Council (DRN) project on Subsurface Radar Sistem Development using Chirp pulse (Research Grant)
* Apr 1998 - Aug 1998 Indonesian Government of National Research Council (DRN) project on Design and Implementation of Digital Filter for Digital Correlator (Research Grant)
* Nov 2000 - Mar 2003 Baseline Biodiversity Survey and Monitoring on Tropical Rain Forest of Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatera, Indonesia (No. Project J-2RI-037 NASDA), 2nd Research Invitation (RI) Program on the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1), National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) - Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Research and Development Center for Biology (Research Grant)
* Nov 2001 - Oct 2002 The Sumitomo Foundation, "Mapping of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Change in Southeast Asia - Monitoring Relationship between Fauna & Flora Extinction and Environment Change using Remote Sensing Technique" (Research Grant)
* 22 Feb 2003 Nanohana Venture Competition 2003 Award, “Development of Dual Band Patch Array Antenna for Electronically Mobile Satellite Communication - Venture Intelligent Satellite Tracking Antenna (VISTA)”, Venture Business Laboratory, Center for Frontier Electronics and Photonics, Chiba University - Chiba Bank - Futaba Corporation (Nominee Award)
* 19 Apr 2004 Nanohana Competition 2004 Award, “Venture Antenna System for Mobile Satellite Communication Applications”, Venture Business Laboratory, Center for Frontier Electronics and Photonics, Chiba University - Chiba Bank (The First Winner Awards from President of Chiba University)
* 3 Dec 2004 Chiba University Open Research 2004 - Chiba University President Award, "Antennas development for ground station of next generation mobile satellite communications" (Award)
* 1 Apr 2004 - 31 Mar 2005 “Venture Antenna System for Mobile Satellite Communication Applications”, Futaba Electronics Foundation (Reseach Grant)
*16 April 2007 Nanohana Competition 2007 Award, “University Venture's Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar to Generate High Precision Image”, Venture Business Laboratory, Chiba University, President of Chiba University (Award)
* 1 Apr 2004 - 31 Mar 2005 “Venture Antenna System for Mobile Satellite Communication Applications”, Chiba Bank Corporation (Research Grant)
* 1 Mar 2010 The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Remote Sensing Division Award (Japan),"Long term continuously DInSAR technique for volume change estimation of subsidence" (Award)
* 20 Apr 2004 - 31 Mar 2005 The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research / Kagakukenkyuhi 2004 (No. 16360185), "Realization of Antenna System for Next Generation Mobile Satellite Communications" (Research Grant)
*''(Research Grants)''
* 3 Dec 2004 Chiba University Open Research 2004 - Chiba University President Award, "Antennas development for ground station of next generation mobile satellite communications" (Award)
*Apr 241998 - Aug 20051998 -Indonesian 31Government Marof 2006National VentureResearch Business LaboratoryCouncil (VBLDRN), Chibaproject University.on "DevelopmentSubsurface ofRadar NextSistem GenerationDevelopment Syntheticusing ApertureChirp Radar System"pulse (Research Grant)
* Apr 1998 - Aug 1998 Indonesian Government of National Research Council (DRN) project on SubsurfaceDesign Radarand SistemImplementation Developmentof usingDigital ChirpFilter pulsefor Digital Correlator (Research Grant)
* 16 Jan 2006 - 31 Des 2006 Volcanic cronology in Indonesian islands derived from ice cores in Antartica and Greenland, Fukutake Science and Culture Foundation (Research grant)
* Nov 2000 - Mar 2003 Baseline Biodiversity SurveySurvei and Monitoring on Tropical Rain Forest of Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatera, Indonesia (No. Project J-2RI-037 NASDA), 2nd Research Invitation (RI) Program on the Japanese Earth Resources Satellite-1 (JERS-1), National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) - Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Research and Development Center for Biology (Research Grant)
* 18 Apr 2006 - 31 Mar 2008 Development of Antenna System for Mobile Satellite Communications, SCOPE Project, Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Research grant)
* Nov 2001 - Oct 2002 The Sumitomo Foundation, "Mapping of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Change in Southeast Asia - Monitoring Relationship between Fauna & Flora Extinction and Environment Change using Remote Sensing Technique" (Research Grant)
* 31 Jul 2006 - 30 Apr 2007 Coastal disastrous area monitoring using next generation Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Japan Society for Promotion Science (JSPS No. 18-06032) (Research Grant)
* 1 Apr 2004 - 31 Mar 2005 “Venture Antenna System for Mobile Satellite Communication Applications”, Futaba Electronics Foundation (Reseach Grant)
* 8 Aug 2006 - 31 Mar 2007 Development of Southeast Asian Urban Environmental Information Archive by using Former Japanese Army Maps and Satellite Images, CEReS - Chiba University (Research Grant)
* 1 MayApr 20062004 - 31 Mar 20072005 Inventory“Venture ofAntenna CentralSystem Javafor EarthquakeMobile Damage,Satellite JapanCommunication MinistryApplications”, ofChiba EducationBank and Technology Grant-in-AidCorporation (Research Grant)
* 20 Apr 2004 - 31 Mar 2005 The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research / Kagakukenkyuhi 2004 (No. 16360185), "Realization of Antenna System for Next Generation Mobile Satellite Communications" (Research Grant)
* 11 Oct 2006 - 31 Mar 2007 Venture Business Laboratory (VBL), Chiba University. "Development of Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar" (Research Grant)
* 1624 AprilAug 20072005 Nanohana- Competition31 2007Mar Award, “University Venture's Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar to Generate High Precision Image”,2006 Venture Business Laboratory (VBL), Chiba University,. President"Development of ChibaNext UniversityGeneration Synthetic Aperture Radar System" (Award)Research Grant)
* 116 AprJan 20072006 - 31 MarDes 20082006 “UniversityVolcanic Venture'scronology Circularlyin PolarizedIndonesian Syntheticislands Aperturederived Radarfrom toice Generatecores Highin PrecisionAntartica Image”and Greenland, FutabaFukutake ElectronicsScience and Culture Foundation (Research Grantgrant)
* 18 Apr 2006 - 31 Mar 2008 Development of Antenna System for Mobile Satellite Communications, SCOPE Project, Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (Research grant)
* 31 Jul 2006 - 30 Apr 2007 Coastal disastrous area monitoring using next generation Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Japan Society for Promotion Science (JSPS No. 18-06032) (Research Grant)
* 8 Aug 2006 - 31 Mar 2007 Development of Southeast Asian Urban Environmental Information Archive by using Former Japanese Army Maps and Satellite Images, CEReS - Chiba University (Research Grant)
* 1 May 2006 - 31 Mar 2007 Inventory of Central Java Earthquake Damage, Japan Ministry of Education and Technology Grant-in-Aid (Research Grant)
* 11 Oct 2006 - 31 Mar 2007 Venture Business Laboratory (VBL), Chiba University. "Development of Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar" (Research Grant)
* 1 Apr 2007 - 31 Mar 2008 “University Venture's Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar to Generate High Precision Image”, Futaba Electronics Foundation (Research Grant)
* 1 Apr 2007 - 31 Mar 2008 “Development of Microsatellite onboard Circularly Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar (CP-SAR) Sensor", Venture Business Laboratory - Chiba University Special Project (Research Grant)
* 1 Apr 2007 - 31 Mar 2008 The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research / Kagakukenkyuhi 2007 - Young Scientist (A) (No. 19686025), "Development of circularly polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar to generate high precision image" (Research Grant)
* 1 Apr 2007 - 31 Mar 2008 Coastal disastrous area monitoring using next generation Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Japan Society for Promotion Science (JSPS No. 18-06032) (Research Grant)
* Collaboration Research 2007 - Center for Environmental Remote Sensing, Chiba Univesity : "Iced Road Monitoring by using Synthetic Aperture Radar" (Research Grant)
Baris 60 ⟶ 62:
* Estimation and Mapping of Tropical Forest Biomass by using ALOS-PALSAR Satellite Data, Japan Society for Promotion Science (JSPS No. 19-07023) (Research grant)
* National Institute of Information and Communication Technology : "Real time monitoring of plate movement by using satellite and ground electromagnetics observation" (Research Grant)
* 1 Mar 2010 The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Remote Sensing Division Award (Japan),"Long term continuously DInSAR technique for volume change estimation of subsidence" (Award)
=== Organisasi ===
Ia adalah anggota organisasi dari:
* IEEE Antenna & Propagation, Geoscience & Remote Sensing, Microwave Theory and Technique, and Aerospace (Senior Member),
* IEICE Communication,
* The Japan Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (JSPRS) dan
* Remote Sensing Society Japan (RSSJ).
Ia juga menjadi reviewer dari:
Baris 78 ⟶ 79:
=== Publikasi ===
Ia banyak menulis Paper (peer reviewed paper, lebih dari 60 papers) <ref>{{Cite web [|url=] |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2011-03-09 |archive-date=2012-07-27 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref> di Journal dalam dan luar negeri sdb. Selain itu Ia juga telah mempresentasikan ratusan paper (sekitar 400 papers) di simposium dalam dan luar negeri, termasuk sebagai pembicara tamu .<ref>{{Cite [web |url=] |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2011-03-09 |archive-date=2011-10-30 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>. BeberapaSebagian peer-reviewed-papersnya sdb.
* M. Baharuddin, V. Wissan, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, and H. Kuze, "Development of an elliptical annular ring microstrip antenna with sine wave periphery," Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 12, pp.27-36&nbsp;27–36, January 2010 (Cambridge : PIER)
* J. Amini and J.T. Sri Sumantyo, "Employing a method on SAR images for forest biomass estimation," IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 47, No.12, pp.4020-4026&nbsp;4020–4026, December 2009 (New Jersey : IEEE)
* M. Baharuddin, V. Wissan, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, and H. Kuze, "Equilateral Triangular Microstrip Antenna for Circularly-polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar," Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 8, pp. 107-120&nbsp;107–120, June 2009 (Cambridge : PIER)
* J.T.Sri Sumantyo and Jalal Amini , " Model for Removal of Speckle Noise in SAR Images (ALOS PALSAR)," The Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 503-515&nbsp;503–515, December 2008(Kanata : CASI)
* Yashon O. Ouma, J. Tetuko Sri Sumantyo, and Ryutaro Tateishi, Multiscale remote sensing data segmentation and post-segmentation change detection based on logical modeling: Theoretical exposition and experimental results for forestland cover change analysis, Computers & Geosciences, Volume 34, Issue 7, pp. 715-737&nbsp;715–737, July 2008 (Elsevier)
* Yashon O. Ouma; J. Tetuko Sri Sumantyo.; and R. Tateishi, Analysis of co-occurrence and discrete wavelet transform textures for differentiation of forest and non-forest vegetation in very-high-resolution optical-sensor imagery, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Volume 29, Issue 12 June 2008 , pages 3417 - 3456 (London : Taylor and Francis)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo and K. Ito, “Simple satellite-tracking dual-band triangular-patch array antenna for ETS-VIII applications,” Radiomatics - Journal on Communications Engineering, Vol.2, No.1, May 2005 (Bandung: Radiomatics)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo and K. Ito, "Circularly polarised equilateral triangular patch array antenna for mobile satellite communications," IEE Proc. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 153, Issue 6, pp. 544-550&nbsp;544–550, December 2006 (London: IEE)
* I.W.Sandi Adnyana, F. Nishio, J.T.Sri Sumantyo and G. Hendrawan, "Monitoring of land use changes using aerial photograph and IKONOS image in Bedugul, Bali," International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, Vol. 3, pp.51-58&nbsp;51–58 (Bali : IReSES)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo and K. Ito, "Circularly polarised equilateral triangular patch antenna for mobile satellite communications," IEE Proc. Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 153, Issue 3, pp. 282-286&nbsp;282–286, June 2006 (London: IEE)
* D. Delaune, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, K. Ito, and M. Takahashi, "Circularly polarized rounded-off triangular microstrip line array antenna," Journal of The Communicationa Society - The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Vol. E89-B, No. 4, 1372, April 2006 (Tokyo: IEICE)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo, K. Ito, and M. Takahashi, "Dual band circularly polarized equilateral triangular patch array antenna for mobile satellite communications," IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 53, Issue 11, pp. &nbsp;3477 - 3485, November 2005 (New Jersey: IEEE)
* T. Tanaka, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, D. Ishide, K. Kaneko, M. Takahashi, and K. Ito, "Pseudo satellite communications experiments using a simple satellite tracking dual-band triangular-patch array antenna," Journal of The Communicationa Society - The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Vol. J88-B, No.9, pp.1760-1771&nbsp;1760–1771, September 2005 (Tokyo: IEICE)
* R. Budiman, K. Wikantika and J.T. Sri Sumantyo, "Burnt coal seam thickness monitoring using JERS-1 SAR," Indonesian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 2, No.1, pp.37-46&nbsp;37–46, August 2005 (Jakarta: IJRS)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo, K. Ito, D. Delaune, T. Tanaka, T. Onishi, and H. Yoshimura, “Numerical analysis of ground plane size effects on patch array antenna characteristics for mobile satellite communications,” International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 95-106&nbsp;95–106, March /April 2005 (London: Wiley)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo and R. Tateishi, “A technique to analyse scattered waves from rough burnt coal seam and its application to estimate thickness of fire scars in central Borneo using L-Band SAR data,” Journal of Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 48-61&nbsp;48–61, January 2005 (Tokyo: JSPRS)
* Hussam Al-Bilbisi, Tateishi Ryutaro, and J.T. Sri Sumantyo, “A technique to estimate topsoil thickness in arid and semi-arid area of north eastern Jordan using synthetic aperture radar data,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 25, No. 19, pp. 3873-3882&nbsp;3873–3882, 10 October 2004 (London: Taylor and Francis)
* D. Delaune, T. Toshimitsu, T. Onishi, J.T. Sri Sumantyo, and K. Ito, “A Simple Satellite-Tracking Stacked Patch Array Antenna for Mobile Communications Experiments Aiming at ETS-VIII Applications,” IEE Proc. Microwave. Antennas Propagation, Vol. 151, No.2, pp. &nbsp;173 - 179, April 2004 (London: IEE)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo, R. Tateishi, and N. Takeuchi, "A physical method to analyse scattered waves from burnt coal seam and its application to estimate thickness of fire scars in central Borneo using JERS-1 SAR data,"International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 24, No. 15, pp. 3119 - 3136, August 2003 (London: Taylor and Francis)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo, Ryutaro Tateishi, and N. Takeuchi, “Estimation of burnt coal seam thickness in central Borneo using a JERS-1 SAR image,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. &nbsp;879 - 884, February 2003 (London: Taylor and Francis)
* Tsolmon Renchin, R. Tateishi, and J.T. Sri Sumantyo, "A method to estimate forest biomass and its application to monitor Mongolian Taiga using JERS-1 SAR data," International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 23, no. 22, pp. &nbsp;4971 - 4978, November 2002 (London: Taylor and Francis)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo, R.Tateishi, and K.Wikantika, ”A method to estimate tree trunk diameter and its application to discriminate Indonesian tropical forest characteristics,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 22, no.1, pp.177-183&nbsp;177–183, January 2001 (London: Taylor and Francis)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo and R. Tateishi, "Simulation of scattered waves from tropical tree trunks and its application," Journal of Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 40, No.6, pp.4-14&nbsp;4–14, 2001 (Tokyo: JSPRS).
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo and A.A.G. Peter Karang, “Mt. Gede Pangrango National Park monitoring using L band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image,” Journal of Bina Nusantara University (ISSN: 0853-2311), Vol.8, No.1, pp.1-7&nbsp;1–7, April 2000 (Jakarta: Binus)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo and K. Wikantika, “Simulation of scattered electromagnetics wave on trunk of rasamala (Altingia exelsa),” Journal of Electrical Engineering (ISSN: 0853-7186), Vol. 6, No.1, pp.12-20&nbsp;12–20, 2000 (Bandung: MITE)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo and A.A.G. Peter Karang, “Design and implementation of scanning device in subsurface radar instrument,” Journal of Bina Nusantara University (ISSN: 0853-2311), Vol.7, No.1, pp.15-22&nbsp;15–22, April 1999 (Jakarta: Binus)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo and Firman Siregar, Ian Yosef Matheus Edward, “Scattered pulse analysis using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method,” Journal of Electrical Engineering (ISSN: 0853-7186), Vol 4, no 1, pp.12-23&nbsp;12–23, 1998 (Bandung: MITE).
=== Invited papers & Technical Reports ===
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo,"Coastal Infrastructural Status - Post Pangandaran Tsunami," Asian Journal of Geomatics (Thailand : AARS)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo, F. Nishio, H. Sutanta, K. Wikantika, P.D. Kunte, I. Indreswari, "Inventory of damaged infrastructures in Yogyakarta earthquake area," Asian Journal of Geomatics, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. &nbsp;9 - 15, July 2006 (Thailand : AARS)
* J.T. Sri Sumantyo, K. Ito, A. Miura and S. Yamamoto, "Antenna system for next generation mobile satellite communications (Dual band microstrip array antenna)," Journal of Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 44, No.4, pp.46-51&nbsp;46–51, September 2005 (Tokyo: JSPRS)
=== Patent ===
* Mobile Satellite Communication Antenna. Japan patent No. 2003-014301, 23 January 2003
* Mobile Satellite Communication Antenna. International patent No. PCT/JP03/05162
Baris 119 ⟶ 122:
* Antennas for Communications, Australian patent : AU-A-2003227356
* Antennas for Communications, Japan patent No. 2006-023701, 31 January 2006
* Antennas for Communications, International patent No. PCT/JP2007/51351, 29 January 2007 dll
=== Hobi ===
Hobinya adalah mengumpulkan kamus berbagai bahasa di dunia, serta peta2peta-peta kuno. dia sering mengisi waktu luang dengan naik sepeda ontel, mencicipi makanan etnik, snorkling di berbagai danau dan laut di dunia, serta jalan-jalan bersama keluarga.
== Referensi ==
{{lifetime|1970||Sumantyo, Josaphat Tetuko Sri}}
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:Tokoh dari Bandung]]
[[Kategori:Ilmuwan Indonesia]]
[[Kategori:Tokoh Jawa]]