:: Kalimat ini mengandung jargon yang tidak dijelaskan.{{Explain}}
* ToUntuk askmeminta forklarifikasi clarificationterkait forkeseluruhan aartikel particularatau sectionbagian tertentu dari artikel, simplyberi typetag {{tl2|Confusing|section}} atdi thebawah topsubbab of the section, to generate the following tag-boxartikel:
{{Confusing|section|date=July 2019Bagian}}
== Memperbaiki ==
: then update the article's talk page with specific aspects to be improved.
* '''Jelaskan jargonnya''': Definisikan istilah teknis:
* To ask for clarification for an entire article, consider first whether it would be more productive to tag individual phrases, sentences, or sections with {{tl|clarify}}. If you cannot identify specific parts of the article that need clarification, write what aspects of the article you believe need clarification on the article's talk page before tagging the entire article with {{tl|Confusing}}.
** Berikan pengertian yang lebih rinci, misalnya: ''blog (web log, catatan web)''
** Beri pranala ke artikelnya jika ada
** Berikan contoh-contohnya (seperti: ''yang termasuk dalam xxxx misalnya,'')
** Jelaskan variasi regional dan ''slang'' dari kata yang Anda rujuk (sebagai contoh, ''alay adalah...'')
* '''Bisa lebih ringkas?''': Panduan ini dapat membantu
** Hapus istilah yang [[WP:PEACOCK|melebih-lebihkan]] (hiperbolis)
** Ganti klausa dengan dengan adverbia (untuk membatasi [[kata depan]] sekitar empat per kalimat)
** Ganti kata-kata yang panjang dengan yang pendek
** Sederhanakan kalimat-kalimat, dan kurangi penggunaan kalimat majemuk.
** Boleh menyertakan [[idiom]], atau frasa yang familier: misalnya ganti kata ''"teks program komputer"'' dengan "''kode sumber''".
* '''Sertakan diagram dan gambar''': Teks yang membahas suatu data yang banyak perlu dijelaskan dengan diagram dan/atau gambar. [[Wikimedia Commons]] memiliki belasan juta gambar yang bisa Anda cari (seperti gambar "galaksi"). Bahkan jika gambar dan diagram itu tidak pasti, berikan detail tambahan pada ''caption'', atau gunakan misalnya [[Templat:Location map]] untuk menempatkan pin lokasi pada peta Anda.
== How to improve articles that need clarification ==
* '''Tambahkan tabel''': [[Bantuan:Table|TabelWiki]] dapat menjelaskan suatu himpunan atau data. Daftar berpoin dapat digunakan bila informasi yang Anda jelaskan sederhana.
* '''Jelaskan apa yang akan terjadi dan untuk apa:''' Rujukan kata ganti yang tidak jelas antara lain: "Emily berteman dengan Francine hingga ia berpindah pekerjaan" (yang membingungkan: Siapa yang pindah kerja? Kata ganti "dia" bisa bermakna keduanya.).
* '''Explain jargon''': Define technical terms:
* '''Gunakan pernyataan yang spesifik:''' Misalnya, "pada masa lalu", bisa diganti dengan "pada abad ke-19" atau "pada tahun 1960-an".
** Add a brief definition when first using new terms, like: ''blog (a web log of journal entries)''
** Mirip juga, '''jangan menggunakan kala kini''': kata "Saat ini", "Rencananya", "Kelak", atau sinoninmnya akan membuatnya menjadi membingungkan. Gunakan "Sejak" diikuti tanggal/bulan/tahun spesifiknya, atau menggunakan kalimat lain yang tidak memuat kata-kata itu.
** Add a link to an unfamiliar topic
* ''' MakeGunakan surekata you'reyang using the right word(s)sesuai''': InDalam [[Fenimoresalah Cooper'ssatu Literarykritik Offenses|oneluar ofbiasa thesesama great critiques]] of a fellow authorpenulis, [[Mark Twain]] listedmenyebutkan eighteen18 rulesaturan ofmenulis writingfiksi romanticromantis fiction violated byyang dilanggar [[James Fenimore Cooper]].<ref>[http://mark-twain.classic-literature.co.uk/fenimore-coopers-literary-offences/ Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences] by Mark Twain</ref> BesidesDi thesamping criticismkritik ofterhadap Cooper'skarakterisasi characterisationdan andplot plotCooper, Twain also saidjuga thatmenyebutkan abahwa writerpenulis shouldharus: ▼
** Define extra terms early (such as: ''Related terms include:'')
** Hindari menulis dengan tidak rapi
** Explain regional variations and the slang of certain professions (e.g. "[[Traffic circle|Massachusetts rotary]]")
** Gunakan gaya bahasa sederhana dan mudah
* '''Could it be shorter?''': Some guidelines which often help:
** Hindari berlebih-lebihan
** Delete extraneous rambling words (especially [[WP:AWW|weasel words]] and/or [[WP:PEACOCK|peacock terms]])
** Tetapi jangan hilangkan detail yang penting
** Replace clauses with adverbs (to limit [[Preposition|prepositions]] to about four per sentence)
** Katakan secara langsung apa yang ingin ia katakan, bukan dengan pendekatan (Hindari eufemisme; kami [[WP:NOT#CENSORED|tidak disensor]])
** Replace longer words with shorter words
** Selalu gunakan tata bahasa yang baik dan benar
** Split long sentences into shorter sentences (again, four prepositions per sentence)
** Gunakan kata yang tepat
** Use [[Idiom|idioms]], or familiar phrases: rather than ''"electron flow field"'' use ''"electric current";'' replace ''"computer program text"'' with "''source code''"; idioms seem simpler: as in "viewpoint" vs. "idiosyncratic approach to the perceived issue"
* '''Periksa niat Anda dalam menulis''': Wikipedia adalah ruang berbagi informasi dan pendidikan. Bukan jurnal teknis. Informasi semacam itu sebaiknya dikurangi menjadi kalimat-kalimat pendek (kurang lebih empat kata depan). Banyak jurnal yang mengedepankan menulis kalimat-kalimat majemuk bertingkat sampai 15 baris, dengan banyak sekali anak-anak kalimat.
* '''Periksa ejaan''': Terkadang kesalahan ketik (saltik''/typo'') dapat membuat pembaca menjadi bingung. Jika dari sumbernya memang saltik, gunakan {{Tl|sic}} untuk menandai pernyataan itu.
: Compare two sentences: "Notwithstanding the controversy, she, with practiced skill, proceeded to navigate MegaX Corporation through difficult financial straits" ''versus'' "Despite the controversy, she navigated MegaX through difficult financial straits" (two prepositions, and note the removal of non-neutral assessment).
* '''Bagi ke beberapa subjudul/subbab''': Blok teks yang terlalu panjang justru membuat banyak orang pusing, tetapi dengan membaginya ke beberapa subjudul dan sub-subjudul, akan memudahkan dalam mengatur struktur artikel secara logis, dengan memisahkan tiap-tiap pernyataan ke subjudulnya masing-masing.
* '''Add a diagram or photo''': Complex text might be illustrated by a diagram. [[Wikimedia Commons]] also has over 12 million images, which can be searched (such as for "galaxy"). Even if the image or diagram is not exact, mention extra details in the caption-area, or use [[Template:Superimpose]] or [[Template:Location map]] to overlay a custom label/symbol onto an image.
* '''Add a wikitable or list''': Multi-column [[Bantuan:Table|wikitables]] could clarify groups of data; however, simple lists (with colon-asterisk ":*" bullets) might be enough. See: ''[[spark plug]]'', with a list of risks/benefits.
* '''Make it clear what's happening and to what:''' A common example is a vague pronoun reference: "Emily was friends with Francine until she changed her job" (vague: Who changed jobs? Pronoun "she" equally applies to both). Also referring back to a list but not specifying the entry.
* '''Use specific wording rather than vague whenever possible:''' For example, instead of saying, "in the old days", specify the time period you are referring to (say, the 19th century, or the 1960s).
** Similarly, '''do not reference "now"''': the word "Recently" or "Soon" or their synonyms will become meaningless quickly. Use "As of" or a specific date.
▲* '''Make sure you're using the right word(s)''': In [[Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offenses|one of the great critiques]] of a fellow author, [[Mark Twain]] listed eighteen rules of writing romantic fiction violated by [[James Fenimore Cooper]].<ref>[http://mark-twain.classic-literature.co.uk/fenimore-coopers-literary-offences/ Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences] by Mark Twain</ref> Besides the criticism of Cooper's characterisation and plot, Twain also said that a writer should:
** Avoid slovenliness of form
** Employ a simple and straightforward style
** Eschew surplusage (see [[KISS principle]])
** Not omit necessary details
** Say what he is proposing to say, not merely come near it. (Avoid [[Euphemism|euphemisms]]; we [[WP:NOT#CENSORED|don't have to bowdlerize]])
** Use good grammars
** Use the right word, not its second cousin
* '''Check your intent''': Wikipedia is a place to inform and to educate. It is not a technical journal. Information from technical journals might need to be reduced to short sentences (four prepositions), because some journals encourage writing multi-level sentences spanning fifteen lines, with sub-sub-clauses.
* '''Check your spelling''': Usually misspelled words are obvious in their intent (e.g., "Qualty" is obviously "Quality"), however "Tedting" could be "Testing" or "Texting" (or "editing"). If it is not actually misspelled, or it is intended to be so, use the {{[[Templat:Sic|Sic]]}} template.
* '''Make use of headings''': A huge block of text can be daunting, but dividing it into sections, and subsections, can organize a logical structure onto the text, separating statements into each grouped section.
== Klarifikasi khusus ==
* [[Wikipedia:Kutip sumber tulisan]]
== ReferencesReferensi ==