Heckler & Koch G41: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 37:
'''Heckler & Koch''' '''G41''' adalah [[5.56×45mm NATO]] [[senapan serbu]] Jerman yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 1981 dan diproduksi dalam jumlah terbatas oleh [[Heckler & Koch]] . Ini dirancang untuk menggantikan [[7.62×51mm NATO]] dengan bilik [[Heckler & Koch G3]] dan [[.223 Remington|.223 Remington/5.56×45mm]] berbasis G3 dan kemudian dengan bilik NATO 5.56×45mm [ Senapan servis [Heckler & Koch HK33]] menyediakan senjata yang lebih modern yang kompatibel dengan standar [[NATO]] yang baru-baru ini diperkenalkan.<ref name="woźniak">Woźniak, Ryszard. Encyklopedia najnowszej broni palnej - tom 2 G-Ł. Bellona. 2001. pp22-23.</ref> Ia dapat menggunakan amunisi baru [[STANAG]] 4172 5.56×45mm NATO SS109, SS110, dan SS111 serta amunisi .223 Remington/5.56×45mm M193 yang lebih lama dan merupakan senapan servis Heckler & Koch terakhir yang dirancang dengan roller- mekanisme blowback tertunda.
CommerciallySecara thekomersial G41 wastidak notsesukses asdesain successfulsenapan as the precedingservis Heckler & Koch servicesebelumnya rifledengan designsmekanisme withoperasi a similar operating mechanismserupa. ItItu wasditolak rejectedoleh byberbagai variousprogram militaryuji trialcoba programmesmiliter anddan ittidak neverpernah wonmemenangkan akontrak majorproduksi militarymiliter productionyang contractbesar.<ref>[https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2019/02/05/heckler-kochs-forgotten-rifle-of-the-80s-the-g41/ Heckler & Koch’s Forgotten Rifle of the 80s – The G41]</ref> Assembly of thePerakitan G41 hastelah beendihentikan discontinued byoleh Heckler & Koch; howevernamun, productionhak rightsproduksi toatas thesenapan rifletersebut werediakuisisi acquired by theoleh Italianprodusen armssenjata manufacturerItalia [[Luigi Franchi]].<ref name="woźniak" />
== Detail desain ==
==Design details==
===OperatingMekanisme mechanismoperasi===
[[File:G3 Bolt.PNG|thumb|left|ASkema schematicmekanisme ofblowback theroller-delayed Heckler & Koch roller-delayed blowback mechanism]]
Asal usul teknik G41 terletak pada [[7.92×33mm Kurz]] [[StG 45(M)]] [[senapan serbu]], dan kemudian NATO 7.62×51mm yang sukses secara komersial [[Heckler & Koch G3|G3]] [[senapan tempur]] dan turunannya 5,56×45mm NATO HK33.<ref name="woźniak" /> Ini adalah senjata otomatis [[tembakan selektif]] yang menggunakan sistem operasi [[Blowback (senjata api)#Roller-delayed|roller-delayed blowback]] yang mengandalkan hubungan rasio transmisi geometris antar bagian. Mekanisme baut dua bagian terdiri dari kepala baut yang berisi dua rol pengunci silinder dan bagian pengunci berbentuk baji, dipasang pada pembawa kepala baut yang berat. Berdasarkan hubungan geometris yang timbul dari sudut permukaan kontak rol dari bagian pengunci berbentuk baji dan ceruk perpanjangan laras, gerakan ke belakang kepala baut ditunda dengan rasio yang telah ditentukan. Jadi dalam jangka waktu yang sama, pembawa kepala baut bergerak jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan kepala baut dengan rasio yang telah ditentukan. Rasio ini dilanjutkan sampai rol pengunci telah ditarik dari ceruk perpanjangan barel. Setelah rol ditarik seluruhnya ke belakang kepala baut, ceruk pengunci perpanjangan laras dibersihkan, dan semua bagian terus bergerak ke belakang secara bersamaan, membuka sungsang dan menggerakkan siklus ekstraksi dan pengumpanan. Ruang dibuka di bawah tekanan tinggi, sehingga ruang tersebut menerima serangkaian seruling untuk meningkatkan keandalan ekstraksi dan mencegah menempelnya selubung bekas ke dinding ruang.
The G41's engineering origins lay in the [[7.92×33mm Kurz]] [[StG 45(M)]] [[assault rifle]], and later the commercially successful 7.62×51mm NATO [[Heckler & Koch G3|G3]] [[battle rifle]] and its 5.56×45mm NATO HK33 derivative.<ref name="woźniak" /> It is a [[selective fire]] automatic weapon that employs a [[Blowback (firearms)#Roller-delayed|roller-delayed blowback]] system of operation relying on geometrical transmission ratio relationships between parts. The two-piece bolt mechanism consists of a bolt head that contains two cylindrical locking rollers and a wedge-shaped locking piece, attached to a heavy bolt head carrier. Based on the geometric relationship arising from the angles of the roller contact surfaces of the wedge-shaped locking piece locking piece and the barrel extension recesses, the rearward motion of the bolt head is delayed by a predetermined ratio. Thus during the same period of time, the bolt head carrier moves significantly faster than the bolt head by the predetermined ratio. This ratio is continued until the locking rollers have been withdrawn from the barrel extension recesses. After the rollers retract entirely behind the bolt head, the locking recesses of the barrel extension are cleared, and all parts continue moving rearward together, opening the breech and actuating the extraction and feeding cycles. The chamber is opened under high pressure, thus the chamber received a series of flutes in order to increase extraction reliability and prevent sticking of the spent casing to the chamber walls.
Seperti baut G3 dan HK33, baut G41 dilengkapi mekanisme anti pantulan yang mencegah baut memantul dari permukaan sungsang laras. "Tuas pengunci kepala baut" adalah cakar pegas yang dipasang pada pembawa baut yang menahan kepala baut saat kelompok pembawa baut masuk ke baterai. Tuas pada dasarnya bergerak ke tempatnya karena gesekan, memberikan ketahanan yang cukup untuk dibuka kembali sehingga pembawa baut tidak memantul. Ekstraktor cakar bertenaga pegas juga terdapat di dalam baut sementara tuas ejektor terletak di dalam rumah pelatuk (digerakkan oleh baut recoiling).
Like the G3 and HK33 bolts the G41 bolt features an anti-bounce mechanism that prevents the bolt from bouncing off the barrel's breech surface. The "bolt head locking lever" is a spring-loaded claw mounted on the bolt carrier that grabs the bolt head as the bolt carrier group goes into battery. The lever essentially ratchets into place with friction, providing enough resistance to being re-opened that the bolt carrier does not rebound. The spring-powered claw extractor is also contained inside the bolt while the lever ejector is located inside the trigger housing (actuated by the recoiling bolt).
The G41 [[receiverpenerima (firearmssenjata api)|receiverpenerima]] isadalah [[Stamping (metalworkingpengerjaan logam)|stampeddicap]] from a smoothdari {{convert|1.0|mm|abbr=on|2}} [[SheetLembaran metallogam|sheetlembaran]] ofhalus high-tensiledari [[steelbaja]] rathertarik thantinggi thedaripada baja lembaran tebal {{convert|1.2|mm|abbr=on|2}} thick sheet steel usedyang bydigunakan theoleh HK33.
The G41 alsojuga hadmemiliki arakitan redesignedbaut boltyang assemblydidesain ulang. ItIni wasdirancang designeddengan aroundamunisi NATO 5.56×45mm,56x45mm NATOdengan ammunitiongeometri withyang reviseddirevisi geometriesantara betweenkomponen themekanisme boltbaut mechanismuntuk componentsbekerja todengan work withmagasin NATO STANAG magazines. ItBisa couldjuga alsomenggunakan useamunisi olderM193 .223 Remington/5.56×45mm M193yang lebih ammunitiontua.
TheFungsi reliablemekanisme functioning ofblowback roller-delayed blowbackyang mechanismsandal isdibatasi limitedoleh byparameter specificamunisi ammunitiondan andlengan armtertentu parametersseperti likeberat bullet weightpeluru, propellantmuatan chargepropelan, barrelpanjang length andlaras, amountdan ofjumlah wearkeausan. ForUntuk obtainingmendapatkan aparameter properfungsi andyang safetepat functioningdan parametersaman, bandwidth Heckler & Koch offermenawarkan aberbagai varietybagian ofpengunci lockingdengan piecesmassa withdan differentsudut massbahu andyang shoulder anglesberbeda. The angles are critical andSudut-sudutnya determinesangat thepenting unlockdan timingmenentukan andwaktu pressurebuka curvekunci progressiondan asperkembangan thekurva lockingtekanan piecessaat actbagian inpengunci unisonbekerja withbersamaan thedengan boltpembawa headkepala carrierbaut.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd8FrUe8fMM|title=How Does It Work: Roller Delayed Blowback|via=www.youtube.com}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://firearmshistory.blogspot.com/2010/08/actions-blowback-action-roller-delayed.html|title=Firearms History, Technology & Development: Actions: Blowback Action: Roller Delayed Blowback|date=August 19, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://www.internationalsportsman.com/how-roller-delayed-firearms-work-and-why-it-matters/|title=How Roller-Delayed Firearms Work and Why it Matters|first=Nathan|last=Thornton|date=October 12, 2019|website=International Sportsman}}</ref>
Rakitan baut G41 lebih ringan dibandingkan rakitan baut HK33. Baut yang didesain ulang dipasangkan dengan pegas mundur baru yang terdiri dari lima helai luka di sekitar kumparan pusat. Ini mengurangi kemunduran.
The G41 bolt assembly is lighter than the HK33 bolt assembly. The redesigned bolt was paired with a new recoil spring which consisted of five wound strands around a central coil. This reduced recoil.
Buttstock yang direvisi pada G41 ditahan oleh dua pin. Berbeda dengan HK33 sebelumnya, rakitan pegangan pistol G41 tidak ditahan oleh pin di bagian depan rakitan di belakang rumah sumur magasin dan dapat dilepas oleh pengguna selama melakukan strip lapangan.
The revised buttstock on the G41 is held in place by two pins. Unlike the earlier HK33, the G41’s pistol grip assembly is not retained by a pin at the front of the assembly behind the magazine well housing and can be removed by the user during a field strip.
Ekstraktor selubung kartrid bekas dipasang di dalam kepala baut, sedangkan ejektor tuas miring terdapat di dalam rumah pelatuk. Senapan ini ditembakkan dengan palu dan memiliki grup pemicu dengan pemilih kendali tembakan yang memungkinkan pemilihan mode tembakan yang aman, semi-otomatis, burst, dan terus menerus. Posisi pemilih api ditandai dengan [[piktogram]] peluru dan juga berfungsi sebagai pengaman manual terhadap pelepasan yang tidak disengaja. Selektornya ambidextrous dan tuasnya dicerminkan di kedua sisi rumah pelatuk. Dalam posisi "aman", pemicu dan pembakaran dinonaktifkan.
The spent cartridge casing extractor is installed inside the bolt head, while the tilting lever ejector is contained in the trigger housing. The rifle is hammer-fired and has a trigger group with a fire control selector that enables selecting safe, semi-automatic, burst and continuous fire modes. The fire selector's positions are marked with bullet [[pictogram]]s and it also serves as a manual safety against unintentional discharge. The selector is ambidextrous and its lever is mirrored on both sides of the trigger housing. In the "safe" position, the trigger and sear are disabled.
The G41 uses NATOmenggunakan [[majalah STANAG magazine]]s NATO (from thedari [[senapan M16 rifle]]) withdengan a capacity ofkapasitas 30 roundspeluru. The magazine release is located onPelepasan themagasin leftterletak sidedi ofsisi thekiri riflesenapan, abovedi theatas magazinesumur wellmagasin.
TheSenjata weaponini incorporatesdilengkapi a manualdengan [[forward assist]] thatmanual canyang bedapat useddigunakan tountuk positivelymenutup closebaut thesecara boltpositif, similarmirip todengan theyang onedigunakan usedpada onsenapan the AmericanAmerika [[M16 rifle#XM16E1 and M16A1 (Colt Model 603)|M16A1]] rifle, anddan a side-foldingpegangan heavy-gaugepembawa wirekawat carryingpengukur handleberat nearlipat itssamping pointdi ofdekat balancetitik whichkeseimbangannya resemblesyang that of themenyerupai [[FN FAL]]. ItIa alsojuga hasmemiliki apenahan baut "holdtahan-openbuka" boltyang catchmenahan whichbaut holdstetap theterbuka boltsetelah openpeluru afterterakhir thedi lastmagasin round in the magazine has been firedditembakkan (thetombol boltpelepas releasebaut buttonberada istepat justdi aboveatas thepelepas magazine releasemagasin) anddan hasmemiliki apenutup spring-loadeddebu polymerpolimer dustpegas coveryang thatmenyegel sealslubang theejeksi ejectiondari port from debrispuing-puing.
Meskipun bobot beberapa komponennya berkurang, bobot G41 melebihi bobot HK33 sebelumnya, menjadikan G41 relatif berat dibandingkan dengan senapan serbu NATO 5,56x45mm lainnya pada masanya.
Despite reducing the weight of some components the weight of the G41 exceeded the weight of the preceding HK33, making the G41 relatively heavy compared to other 5.56×45mm NATO chambered assault rifles of its era.
TheLaras coldtempa hammer-forgedpalu barreldingin hasmemiliki a hexagonallubang [[polygonalpoligonal rifling|polygonalpoligonal]] boreheksagonal. ItPeluru comesini rifleddilengkapi fordengan either the NATO-standard, Belgianpeluru SS109 62 grainbutir bulletBelgia withstandar aNATO twistdengan ofputaran 178&nbsp; mm (1:7 ininci) oratau in aputaran 305&nbsp; mm (1:12 ininci) twistuntuk fordigunakan usedengan with Americanpeluru .223 Remington/5.56×45mm56 ammunitionAmerika. withAmunisi the×45mm M193dengan 55proyektil grainbutiran projectileM193 55. TheRuang borebor chamberbergalur isuntuk flutedmembantu toekstraksi assistkartrid in the extraction of spent cartridgesbekas.<ref name="woźniak" /> TheLaras barreldilengkapi is equipped with adengan [[penekan flash suppressor]] that isyang alsojuga designeddirancang tountuk launchmeluncurkan [[riflegranat grenadesenapan]]s.
[[File:Heckler & Koch rotating drum sight pictures.png|thumb|''Drehvisier'' rotatinggambar drumpemandangan sightdrum picturesberputar]]
TheSenjata firearmapi isini equippeddilengkapi withdengan a relatively lowgaris [[iron sight]] lineyang thatrelatif consistsrendah yang terdiri dari drum ofbelakang aputar ''Drehvisier'' rotarydan reartiang drum and hooded frontdepan postberkerudung. ThePemandangan rearbelakang sightdapat isdisesuaikan mechanicallysecara adjustablemekanis foruntuk bothangin windagedan andketinggian elevationdengan withbantuan thealat. helpHal of tools.ini Thisdengan deliberatelysengaja preventsmencegah non-armorers fromuntuk (rekembali)zeroing thememusatkan ironperhatian sightpada line.garis Thepandang rotarybesi. drumDrum featuresputar andilengkapi opentakik V-notch terbuka (numberedbernomor 1) foruntuk rapidperolehan target acquisitioncepat, closepenggunaan rangejarak dekat, lowcahaya lightredup, anddan impairedvisibilitas visibilityterganggu, useserta andtiga three apertureslubang (numberedbernomor 2, 3, anddan 4) usedyang fordigunakan untuk: {{convert|200|-|400 |m|yd|0}} indengan kelipatan {{convert|100|m|yd|0}} incrementsuntuk formembidik morelebih precise aimingtepat. ThePengaturan aperture 1 V-notch anddan 2 oratau {{convert|200|m|yd|0}} aperturememiliki settingstitik havebidik anyang identical point of aimidentik. The V-notch anddan aperturesaperture aredikalibrasi calibrateduntuk foramunisi bola [[5.56×45mm NATO]] ball ammunition.
ThePerumahan [[ReceiverPenerima (firearmssenjata api)|receiverpenerima]] housingmemiliki hasdudukan aoptik NATOpola pattern optics mountNATO (meetingpertemuan [[PicatinnyRel railPicatinny|STANAG 2324]]) thatyang replacedmenggantikan HK’ssistem claw-mountdudukan systemcakar usedHK toyang mountdigunakan dayuntuk memasang siang hari (typicallybiasanya thepenglihatan teleskopik Hensoldt 4×24 telescopic sight) oratau nightoptik aimingbidik opticsmalam.
The Hensoldt Fero 4×24 [[telescopic sight]] anddan mountrakitan assemblydudukan weredikembangkan developeduntuk forpenggunaan designatedpenembak marksman usejitu. TheKenop elevasi Fero elevation knob featuresdilengkapi [[TelescopicPemandangan sightteleskopik#BulletKompensasi dropjatuhnya compensationpeluru|BulletPengaturan DropKompensasi CompensationJatuhkan Peluru (BDC) settings]] foruntuk {{convert|100|-|600|m|yd|0}} indalam {{convert|100|m| yd|0}} incrementspeningkatan yang calibrateddikalibrasi foruntuk amunisi bola [[5.56×45mm NATO]] ball ammunition.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.drzero.org/cetme/pdf/g3sm.pdf|title=Fero Z24 4×24 telescopic sight for G3 rifle instruction manual|access-date=25 March 2018|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160823233055/http://www.drzero.org/cetme/pdf/g3sm.pdf|archive-date=23 August 2016|url-status=live}}</ref>
Banyak aksesori didasarkan pada standar NATO atau item yang dikeluarkan sebelumnya.
Many accessories are based on NATO standard or previously issued items.
TheSenapan rifleini candapat bedilengkapi fitted with a barrel-mounteddengan [[bipod]] basedyang ondipasang thedi onelaras issuedberdasarkan withyang thedikeluarkan M16A1'sdengan kit cleaningpembersih kitM16A1. It alsoIa usesjuga themenggunakan [[bayonet]] from thedari G3. ItIa alsojuga candapat mountmemasang thepenglihatan optik '''FERO Z24-G 4×24''' opticalpada sightbraket onkhusus ayang proprietarydapat detachabledilepas bracketpada onreceiver thedan receiverpemicu andmusim adingin clip-onyang winterdapat triggerdijepit.
The G41 can also mountjuga adapat detachablememasang [[40 mm]] [[Heckler & Koch HK69A1|HK79]] [[grenadepeluncur launchergranat]] thatyang replacesdapat thedilepas syntheticyang forearm.menggantikan Thelengan weaponbawah insintetis. thisSenjata configurationdalam iskonfigurasi knownini asdikenal thesebagai '''G41TGS''', oratau '''''"TacticalDukungan GroupKelompok SupportTaktis"'''''.
NoteCatatan: thesenapan 1:178mm (1:7 ininci) riflingkompatibel wasdengan compatiblepeluru withSS109 thestandar European-standardEropa SS109dan round and thesenapan 1:305&nbsp;mm305mm (1:12 ininci) rifling was compatiblekompatibel withdengan thepeluru US-standardBola M193 Ballstandar roundAS.
*'''G41''': ThisIni isadalah themodel standardstandar modeldengan withpopor atetap fixeddan stock andsenapan 1:178&nbsp; mm (1:7 in) rifling.
*'''G41A1''': ThisModel modelini hasmemiliki apopor fixedtetap stockdan andsenapan 1:305&nbsp;mm305mm (1:12 in) rifling.
*'''G41A2''': ThisModel modelini hasmemiliki apopor telescopingbahu shoulderteleskopik stockdan andsenapan 1:178&nbsp;mm178mm (1:7 in) rifling.
*'''G41A3''': ThisModel modelini featuresdilengkapi apopor telescopicteleskopik stockdan andjarak asenapan 1:305&nbsp;mm305mm (1:12 in) rifling pitch.
*'''G41K''': ThisIni isadalah avarian [[carbinekarabin]] (K—K-''Karabiner'') variantdari ofG41A2 the G41A2dengan withlaras ayang shorteneddiperpendek {{convert|380|mm|in|1|abbr=on}} barrel (reducedpanjangnya indikurangi lengthhingga toke thepangkal basepandangan ofke the foresightdepan), tingkat putaran senapan 1:178 & nbsp; mm (1:7 ininci), riflingdan twiststok rate and a telescopic stockteleskopik. The G41K is too shortterlalu topendek acceptuntuk themenerima HK79 oratau firegranat riflesenapan grenadesapi.
*'''G41TGS''': TheModel "TacticalDukungan GroupKelompok SupportTaktis" model adds a HK79menambahkan [[grenadepeluncur launchergranat]] HK79.
*'''LF G41''': [[Luigi Franchi]] mademembuat a sample run of thesampel G41, G41A2 anddan G41K inpada tahun 1988 foruntuk possiblekemungkinan productionproduksi underdi licensebawah lisensi; theseini werekemudian laterdimodifikasi modifieduntuk foruji trialscoba byoleh theAngkatan ItalianDarat ArmyItalia. ItIni differedberbeda fromdari themodel Heckler & Koch modelkarena inmemiliki that it had a polygonallaras 4-groovealur barrelpoligonal withdengan alubang chromed borechrome. When theKetika G41 was rejected by theditolak Germanoleh [[Bundeswehr]] inJerman pada tahun 1989, itsenjata wasini droppeddicoret fromdari considerationpertimbangan and the improveddan [[Beretta AR70/90]] wasyang chosenlebih insteadbaik indipilih sebagai gantinya pada tahun 1990. TheNamun LF G41 howevermulai entereddigunakan use with theoleh [[Italianpasukan commandokatak frogmenkomando Italia]] (COMSUBIN dalam bahasa inggris).
*'''LF Mod. 641''': AVarian modifiedmodifikasi variant of thedari G41 alsojuga intendeddimaksudkan tountuk replace themenggantikan BM59. ItSenjata varian lostini outkalah tobersaing thedengan AR70/90.
<!--READ FIRST: This section is for cited entries only. Please do not add entries into this list without a citation from a reliable source. All entries without a citation will be removed. Thank you.-->
* {{flag|Argentina}}: SmallJumlah quantitieskecil adoptedyang bydiadopsi theoleh [[:es:Grupo de Operaciones Especiales (Fuerza Aérea Argentina)|Grupo de Operaciones Especiales]] ofdari the [[ArgentineAngkatan AirUdara ForceArgentina]].<ref name="AB"/>
* {{flag|Denmark}}: SmallJumlah quantitieskecil adopteddiadopsi by theoleh [[FrogmanKorps CorpsFrogmen (Denmark)|Frogman Corps]] anddan [[Korps Jaeger Corps (Denmark)|JaegerKorps CorpsJaeger]].<ref name="AB">{{cite web | url=https://armourersbench.com/2019/01/20/heckler-koch-g41/ | title=Heckler & Koch G41 | date=20 January 2019 }}</ref>
* {{flag|Italy}}: SmallSejumlah quantitieskecil adopteddiadopsi by theoleh [[COMSUBIN]] of thedari [[ItalianAngkatan Laut NavyItalia]].
* {{flag|Spain}}: SmallJumlah quantitieskecil adopteddiadopsi by theoleh [[UnidadUnit EspecialIntervensi de Intervención|Special Intervention UnitKhusus]] (''Unidad Especial de Intervención''; UEI) and thedan [[SpanishKepolisian NationalNasional PoliceSpanyol]] force'sdan [[Grupo Especial de Operaciones|GEO]] counter-terrorist, unit whoantiterorisme [[Kepolisian Nasional Spanyol]], employyang themenggunakan G41TGS.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.policia.es/geo/fusiles_asalto.htm?reload_coolmenus|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20081213203751/http://www.policia.es/geo/fusiles_asalto.htm?reload_coolmenus|url-status=dead|title=Web Del Grupo Especial De Operaciones (G.E.O.)<!-- Bot generated title -->|archive-date=December 13, 2008}}</ref>
* {{flag|Turkey}}: UsedDigunakan by theoleh [[GendarmerieOperasi SpecialKhusus OperationsGendarmerie]] duringselama thetahun 1990s1990-an, verysangat fewsedikit beingyang useddigunakan byoleh wajib militer [[GendarmerieKomando GeneralUmum CommandGendarmerie]] conscripts.<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.jandarma.tsk.tr/silahlar/silahlaric.htm |title=Silahlar<!-- Bot generated title --> |access-date=2014-04-02 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141214113703/http://www.jandarma.tsk.tr/silahlar/silahlaric.htm |archive-date=2014-12-14 |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>[https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2013/03/21/rare-hk-g41-rifle-wild/ ''Rare H&K G41 Rifle In The Wild'' '''The Firearm Blog''' by Steve Johnson March 21, 2013]</ref>
==SeeLihat alsoJuga==
* [[CETME Model L]]
* [[Heckler & Koch HK33]]
*{{cite book| last = Walter| first = John| year = 2006| title = Rifles of the World (3rd ed.)| url = https://archive.org/details/riflesofworld00unse| publisher = Krause Publications| location = Iola, WI| isbn = 978-0-89689-241-5}}
*{{cite book| last = Wozniak| first = Ryszard| year = 2001| chapter = p. 22-23| title = Encyklopedia najnowszej broni palnej - tom 2 G-Ł| publisher = Bellona| location = Warsaw, Poland| isbn = 83-11-09310-5|language=pl}}
== Pranala luar ==
==External links==
{{Commons category|HK G41}}