Wahana peluncur antariksa: Perbedaan antara revisi

Konten dihapus Konten ditambahkan
Aladdin Ali Baba (bicara | kontrib)
Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan
Hartanto Wibowo (bicara | kontrib)
Tag: halaman dengan galat kutipan
(50 revisi perantara oleh 18 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
[[Berkas:Apollo 11 Saturn V lifting off on July 16, 1969.jpg|jmpl|250px]]
Dalam penerbangan angkasa spaceflight, '''kendaraan peluncur''' atau '''roket pembawa''' adalah roket yang digunakan untuk membawa muatan dari permukaan bumi ke luar angkasa. Sebuah sistem peluncuran termasuk kendaraan peluncur, panggung stage peluncuran dan infrastruktur lainnya. Biasanya muatan payload adalah buatan satelit yang ditempatkan ke orbit, tetapi beberapa spaceflights yang sub-orbital sementara yang lain memungkinkan pesawat ruang angkasa untuk keluar dari orbit Bumi seluruhnya. Sebuah kendaraan peluncuran yang membawa muatan pada lintasan suborbital sering disebut sounding roket.
'''Kendaraan peluncur''' biasanya adalah [[kendaraan]] bertenaga [[roket]] yang dirancang untuk membawa muatan (pesawat antariksa berawak maupun kargo tidak beraak atau [[satelit]]) dari permukaan Bumi atau atmosfer bawah ke luar angkasa. Bentuk yang paling umum adalah [[roket multitahap]] berbentuk rudal balistik, tetapi istilahnya lebih umum dan juga mencakup kendaraan seperti [[Pesawat Ulang Alik]]. Sebagian besar kendaraan peluncur beroperasi dari [[landasan peluncuran]], didukung oleh [[Pusat kendali misi|pusat kendali]] peluncuran dan sistem seperti perakitan dan pengisian bahan bakar kendaraan. Kendaraan peluncur direkayasa dengan aerodinamika dan teknologi canggih, yang berkontribusi pada biaya operasi yang tinggi.
Kendaraan peluncur orbital harus mengangkat muatannya setidaknya ke batas ruang angkasa, sekitar 150 km (93 mil) dan mempercepatnya ke kecepatan horizontal setidaknya 7.814 m/s (17.480 mph). Kendaraan suborbital meluncurkan muatannya ke kecepatan yang lebih rendah atau diluncurkan pada sudut elevasi yang lebih besar dari horizontal.
Peluncuran kendaraan, kendaraan peluncur khususnya orbital, memiliki minimal dua tahap, tapi kadang-kadang sampai 4.
Kendaraan peluncur orbital praktis menggunakan [[propelan]] [[kimia]] seperti [[bahan bakar padat]], [[Kriogenik (bahan bakar)|kriogenik]] temperatur rendah [[hidrogen cair]], [[minyak tanah]], [[metana cair]], [[oksigen cair]], atau propelan [[Hipergolik (propelan)|hipergolik]] yang mudah terbakar karena reaksi.
==Jenis kendaraan peluncuran==
===Dengan platform peluncuran===
=== Kendaraan peluncur methalox ===
*Darat : Spaceport dan silo rudal tetap (Strela) untuk dikonversi ICBM
Penggunaan metana cair dan oksigen cair sebagai propelan terkadang disebut propulsi methalox. Metana cair memiliki impuls spesifik yang lebih rendah daripada hidrogen cair, tetapi lebih mudah disimpan karena titik didih dan kepadatannya yang lebih tinggi, serta tidak mudah rapuh. Metana cair juga meninggalkan lebih sedikit residu di mesin dibandingkan dengan minyak tanah, yang bermanfaat untuk penggunaan ulang.
*Laut : Platform tetap (San Marco), platform mobile (Sea Launch), kapal selam (Shtil', Volna ) untuk dikonversi SLBM
*Udara : Pesawat (Pegasus, Virgin Galactic LauncherOne, Stratolaunch Sistem), balon (ARCASPACE), JP Aerospace Orbital Ascender, proposal permanen pelabuhan ruang angkasa Buoyant
Metana cair yang dimurnikan dan juga [[LNG]] digunakan sebagai bahan bakar [[propelan]] [[Kriogenik (bahan bakar)|kriogenik]] [[temperatur]] rendah [[roket]], bila dikombinasikan dengan [[oksigen cair]], seperti pada mesin [[TQ-12]], [[BE-4]], [[SpaceX Raptor|Raptor]], dan [[YF-215]]. Karena kesamaan antara metana dan LNG, mesin-mesin tersebut umumnya dikelompokkan bersama di bawah istilah [[methalox]].
===Dengan ukuran===
Ada banyak cara untuk mengklasifikasikan ukuran kendaraan peluncuran. The Komisi Agustinus yang diciptakan untuk meninjau rencana untuk mengganti Space Shuttle , menggunakan skema klasifikasi berikut:
Sebagai bahan bakar roket cair, kombinasi metana/oksigen cair menawarkan keuntungan dibandingkan kombinasi [[minyak tanah]]/oksigen cair, atau [[kerolox]], dalam menghasilkan molekul-molekul gas buang kecil, mengurangi [[kokas]] atau pengendapan [[jelaga]] pada komponen-komponen mesin. Metana lebih mudah disimpan daripada [[hidrogen]] karena [[titik didih]] dan kepadatannya yang lebih tinggi, serta tidak adanya kerapuhan hidrogen. [[Berat molekul]] gas buang yang lebih rendah juga meningkatkan [[Fraksi mol|fraksi]] [[energi panas]] yang berupa [[energi kinetik]] yang tersedia untuk [[Propulsi wahana antariksa|propulsi]], sehingga meningkatkan [[impuls spesifik]] roket. Dibandingkan dengan hidrogen cair, energi spesifik metana lebih rendah tetapi kekurangan ini diimbangi oleh kepadatan dan kisaran suhu metana yang lebih besar, yang memungkinkan tangki yang lebih kecil dan lebih ringan untuk [[massa]] bahan bakar tertentu. Metana cair memiliki kisaran suhu (91–112 K) yang hampir sesuai dengan oksigen cair (54–90 K). Bahan bakar ini saat ini digunakan dalam kendaraan peluncur operasional seperti [[Zhuque-2]] dan [[Vulcan (roket)|Vulcan]] serta peluncur yang sedang dikembangkan seperti Starship, Neutron, dan [[Terran R]].
* '''Sounding rocket''' tidak dapat mencapai orbit dan hanya mampu spaceflight sub-orbital.
* '''Kendaraan peluncur small lift''' mampu mengangkut hingga 2.000 kg (£ 4400) dari muatan ke orbit bumi rendah (LEO).
Karena keuntungan yang ditawarkan bahan bakar metana, beberapa penyedia peluncuran ruang angkasa swasta bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem peluncuran berbasis metana selama tahun 2010-an dan 2020-an. Persaingan antarnegara ini dijuluki sebagai Perlombaan Methalox menuju Orbit, dengan roket methalox [[Zhuque-2]] milik LandSpace menjadi yang pertama mencapai orbit.
* '''Kendaraan peluncur medium lift''' mampu mengangkut antara 2.000 sampai 20.000 kg (4.400 sampai £ 44.000) dari muatan ke LEO.
* '''Kendaraan peluncur heavy lift''' mampu mengangkut antara 20.000 sampai 50.000 kg (44.000 sampai £ 110.200) dari muatan ke LEO.
Pada Januari 2024, dua roket berbahan bakar metana telah mencapai orbit. Beberapa roket lainnya sedang dalam tahap pengembangan dan dua upaya peluncuran orbital gagal:
* '''Kendaraan peluncur super-heavy lift''' mampu mengangkut lebih dari 50.000 kg (110.200 £ +) dari muatan ke LEO.
* Zhuque-2 berhasil mencapai orbit pada penerbangan keduanya pada 12 Juli 2023, menjadi roket berbahan bakar metana pertama yang berhasil melakukannya. Roket ini gagal mencapai orbit pada penerbangan perdananya pada 14 Desember 2022. Roket yang dikembangkan oleh LandSpace ini menggunakan mesin TQ-12.
* Vulcan Centaur berhasil mencapai orbit pada percobaan pertamanya, yang disebut Cert-1, pada 8 Januari 2024. Roket yang dikembangkan oleh [[United Launch Alliance]] ini menggunakan mesin [[BE-4]] milik [[Blue Origin]], meskipun tahap kedua menggunakan hydrolox RL10.
* Terran 1 mengalami kegagalan dalam upaya peluncuran orbital pada penerbangan perdananya pada 22 Maret 2023. Roket yang dikembangkan oleh Relativity Space ini menggunakan mesin Aeon 1.
* Starship mencapai orbit transatmosfer pada penerbangan ketiganya pada 14 Maret 2024, setelah dua kali gagal. Roket yang dikembangkan oleh SpaceX ini menggunakan mesin Raptor.
[[SpaceX]] mengembangkan mesin Raptor untuk wahana peluncur superberat Starship. Mesin ini telah digunakan dalam uji terbang sejak 2019. SpaceX sebelumnya hanya menggunakan RP-1/LOX pada mesin mereka. Blue Origin mengembangkan mesin BE-4 LOX/LNG untuk New Glenn dan United Launch Alliance [[Vulcan Centaur]]. BE-4 akan menghasilkan daya dorong sebesar 2.400 kN (550.000 lbf). Dua mesin penerbangan telah dikirim ke ULA pada pertengahan tahun 2023.
Pada bulan Juli 2014, Firefly Space Systems mengumumkan rencana untuk menggunakan bahan bakar metana untuk kendaraan peluncur satelit kecil mereka, Firefly Alpha dengan desain mesin aerospike.
[[ESA]] sedang mengembangkan mesin roket methalox Prometheus 980kN yang diuji coba pada tahun 2023.
=== Tahap atas ===
[[Berkas:Centaur upper stage being lifted.jpg|jmpl|Single Engine Centaur (SEC) stage ]]
[[Berkas:Titan 3E Centaur launches Voyager 2.jpg|jmpl|Voyager 2 yang menaiki wahana peluncur Titan III-Centaur lepas landas pada tanggal 20 Agustus 1977. Voyager 2 adalah satelit ilmiah yang mempelajari planet luar Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus, dan Neptunus.]]
[[Berkas:SHUTTLE-CENTAUR.JPG|jmpl|Wahana antariksa Centaur dan Ulysses dari Space Shuttle Cargo Bay]]
[[Berkas:LCROSS Centaur 2.jpg|jmpl|LCROSS Centaur 2.]]
[[Berkas:Payload fairing jettison.jpg|jmpl|Selama penerbangan Centaur Stage dengan satelit Intelsat IV di atasnya, fairing muatan dibuang.]]
[[Roket tahap atas]] atau Tahap atas saja adalah [[roket]] tahap sekunder dalam [[roket multi tahap]] yang mendorong [[Muatan (transportasi)|muatan]] ke [[orbit]] atau pada lintasan antarplanet. Tahap ini diaktifkan setelah tahap primer terpisah. Tahap atas mendorong muatan ke orbit yang lebih tinggi atau pada lintasan antarplanet daripada yang dapat dilakukan oleh pendorong roket sendiri. Tahap atas sering kali dapat retart menghidupkan kembali mesinnya beberapa kali dan dapat diatur thortle daya dorongnya saat berada di luar angkasa untuk penempatan pesawat ruang angkasa yang presisi ke orbit. Beberapa tahap atas tetap melekat pada muatannya dan menyediakan layanan seperti daya, komunikasi, dan kendali arah.
==== Muatan ====
Untuk roket, muatan dapat berupa [[satelit]], [[Kuar antariksa|probe antariksa]], atau [[wahana antariksa]] yang membawa manusia, hewan, atau kargo. Salah satu manfaat utama muatan adalah memungkinkan kita untuk mengumpulkan data dan melakukan eksperimen di lingkungan yang tidak dapat diakses oleh manusia. Dengan mengirimkan muatan ke luar angkasa, kita dapat mempelajari tentang benda-benda langit lainnya dan kondisi yang ada di ruang hampa.
=== Centaur (tahapan roket) ===
[[Centaur (tahapan roket)|Centaur]] adalah keluarga roket [[tahap atas]] yang telah digunakan sejak 1962. Saat ini diproduksi oleh penyedia layanan peluncuran AS [[United Launch Alliance]], dengan satu versi utama aktif dan satu versi dalam pengembangan. Common Centaur/Centaur III berdiameter 3,05 m (10,0 kaki) terbang sebagai tingkat atas kendaraan peluncur [[Atlas V]], dan Centaur V berdiameter 5,4 m (18 kaki) telah dikembangkan sebagai tingkat atas roket [[Vulcan (roket)|Vulcan]] baru ULA. Centaur adalah tingkat roket pertama yang menggunakan propelan hidrogen cair (LH 2) dan oksigen cair (LOX), kombinasi propelan berenergi tinggi yang ideal untuk tingkat atas tetapi memiliki kesulitan penanganan yang signifikan. Centaur adalah tahap atas energi tinggi pertama di dunia, pembakaran hidrogen cair (LH2) dan [[oksigen cair]] (LOX), dan telah memungkinkan peluncuran beberapa misi ilmiah paling penting [[Badan Penerbangan dan Antariksa Amerika Serikat|NASA]].
Common Centaur dibangun di sekitar tangki propelan balon bertekanan baja tahan karat yang distabilkan dengan dinding setebal 0,51 mm (0,020 in). Ia dapat mengangkat muatan hingga 19.000 kg (42.000 lb). Dinding tipis meminimalkan massa tangki, memaksimalkan kinerja keseluruhan panggung tahapan.
Sekat umum memisahkan tangki LOX dan LH 2, yang selanjutnya mengurangi massa tangki. Sekat ini terbuat dari dua kulit baja tahan karat yang dipisahkan oleh sarang lebah fiberglass. Sarang lebah fiberglass meminimalkan perpindahan panas antara LH 2 yang sangat dingin dan LOX yang kurang dingin.
Sistem propulsi utamanya terdiri dari satu atau dua mesin Aerojet Rocketdyne [[RL10]]. Tahap ini mampu melakukan hingga dua belas kali [[restart]], dibatasi oleh propelan, masa pakai orbital, dan persyaratan misi. Dikombinasikan dengan isolasi tangki propelan, hal ini memungkinkan Centaur untuk melakukan peluncuran selama beberapa jam dan beberapa pembakaran mesin yang diperlukan pada [[penyisipan orbital]] yang kompleks.
[[Sistem kendali reaksi]] ([[RCS]]) juga menyediakan ullage dan terdiri dari dua puluh pendorong monopropelan hidrazin yang terletak di sekitar panggung dalam dua pod pendorong 2 dan empat pod pendorong 4. Untuk propelan, 150 kg (340 lb) [[Hidrazina|Hidrazin]] disimpan dalam sepasang tangki kandung kemih dan diumpankan ke pendorong RCS dengan gas [[helium]] bertekanan, yang juga digunakan untuk menyelesaikan beberapa fungsi mesin utama.
Pada tahun 2024, dua varian Centaur digunakan: Centaur III pada Atlas V, dan Centaur V pada Vulcan Centaur. Semua varian Centaur lainnya telah dihentikan.
Mesin Centaur telah berevolusi dari waktu ke waktu, dan tiga versi (RL10A-4-2, RL10C-1 dan RL10C-1-1) digunakan pada tahun 2024 (lihat tabel di bawah). Semua versi menggunakan hidrogen cair dan oksigen cair.
== Jenis kendaraan peluncuran ==
Peluncuran kendaraan, kendaraan peluncur khususnya orbital, memiliki minimal dua tahap, tetapi kadang-kadang sampai 4.
=== Dengan platform peluncuran ===
* Darat: Spaceport dan silo rudal tetap (Strela) untuk dikonversi ICBM
* Laut: Platform tetap (San Marco), platform mobile (Sea Launch), kapal selam (Shtil', Volna) untuk dikonversi SLBM
* Udara: Pesawat (Pegasus, Virgin Galactic LauncherOne, Stratolaunch Sistem), balon (ARCASPACE), JP Aerospace Orbital Ascender, proposal permanen pelabuhan ruang angkasa Buoyant
=== Dengan ukuran ===
Ada banyak cara untuk mengklasifikasikan ukuran kendaraan peluncuran. The Komisi Agustinus yang diciptakan untuk meninjau rencana untuk mengganti Space Shuttle, menggunakan skema klasifikasi berikut:
* '''Roket sonda''' tidak dapat mencapai orbit dan hanya mampu spaceflight sub-orbital.
* '''Kendaraan peluncur angkut ringan''' mampu mengangkut hingga 2.000 kg (£ 4400) dari muatan ke orbit bumi rendah (LEO).
* '''Kendaraan peluncur angkut medium''' mampu mengangkut antara 2.000 sampai 20.000 kg (4.400 sampai £ 44.000) dari muatan ke LEO.
* '''Kendaraan peluncur angkut berat''' mampu mengangkut antara 20.000 sampai 50.000 kg (44.000 sampai £ 110.200) dari muatan ke LEO.
* '''Kendaraan peluncur angkut superberat''' mampu mengangkut lebih dari 50.000 kg (110.200 £ +) dari muatan ke LEO.
== Perakitan ==
Setiap tahap roket individu umumnya dikumpulkan di lokasi pabrik dan dikirim ke lokasi peluncuran; jangka waktu perakitan kendaraan mengacu pada penggabungan tahap roket dengan muatan pesawat ruang angkasa dalam satu kendaraan perakitan yang dikenal sebagai kendaraan ruang angkasa.
Kendaraan tahap tunggal (seperti sounding roket), dan kendaraan multi tahap mulai yang lebih kecil dari berbagai ukuran, biasanya dapat dirakit secara vertikal, langsung di landasan peluncuran dengan mengangkat setiap tahap pesawat ruang angkasa dan secara berurutan di tempat dengan cara diderek.
== Perbandingan sistem peluncur orbital ==
<small>'''Keterangan singkatan orbit dalam tabel:'''</small>
* GEO - [[Orbit geostasioner]]
* GSO - [[Orbit geosinkron]]
* GTO - [[Orbit transfer geostasioner]]
* HCO - [[Orbit heliosentris]]
* HEO - [[Orbit Bumi tinggi]]
* LEO - [[Orbit Bumi rendah]]
* MEO - [[Orbit Bumi menengah]]
* SSO - [[Orbit sinkron Matahari]]
* TLI - [[Injeksi translunar]]
<small>'''Legend for launch system status in below table:''' &nbsp; [<span style="background:khaki;">under development</span>] — [<span style="background:lightgrey;">retired</span>] — [<span style="background:white;">operational</span>]</small>
{|class="wikitable sortable"
! width=120|Vehicle
! Origin
! Manufacturer
! Mass to<br>[[Low Earth orbit|LEO]]<br>(kg)
! Mass to<br>[[List of orbits|other orbits]]<br>(kg)
! Cost<br>(Mil [[US$]])
! Cost/kg<br>(LEO) (US$)
! Cost/kg<br>(GTO) (US$)
! Launches
! Status
! First flight
! Last flight
! width=120|Vehicle
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic"
|[[Angara (rocket family)|Angara 1.1]]
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
|[[Angara (rocket family)|Angara 1.1]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
|[[Angara (rocket family)|Angara 1.2]]
|{{nts|3800}}<ref name="khru_angara">{{cite web|url=http://www.khrunichev.ru/main.php?id=44|title=Angaga Launch Vehicle Family|publisher=Khrunichev|access-date=2013-11-15|archive-date=2017-01-18|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170118135419/http://www.khrunichev.ru/main.php?id=44|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Angara (rocket family)|Angara 1.2]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Angara (rocket family)|Angara A3]]
| {{RUS}}
| [[Khrunichev]]
| {{nts|14600}}<ref name="khru_angara"/>
| {{nts|2400}}–3,600 to GTO<ref name="khru_angara"/>
| {{ntsh|70}} €50 (US$70)<ref name="esd2006">European Space Directory 2006. Referenced in: Brian Harvey, The Rebirth of the Russian Space Program. p.296.</ref>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Angara (rocket family)|Angara A3]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Angara (rocket family)|Angara A5]]
| {{RUS}}
| [[Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center|Khrunichev]]
| {{nts|24500}} (63°) <ref name="rus">[http://www.khrunichev.ru/main.php?id=44 Семейство ракет-носителей «Ангара»] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20170118135419/http://www.khrunichev.ru/main.php?id=44 |date=2017-01-18 }}, date unknown, Retrieved 2010-08-09.</ref><ref name="eng">{{cite web|url=http://www.russianspaceweb.com/angara7.html |title=The Angara-7 rocket |publisher=Russianspaceweb.com |date= |accessdate=2012-07-25}}</ref>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Angara (rocket family)|Angara A5]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Angara (rocket family)|Angara A7]]
| {{RUS}}
| [[Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center|Khrunichev]]
| {{nts|41000}}<ref name="rus"/><ref name="eng"/>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Angara (rocket family)|Angara A7]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 1]]
|{{nts|1830}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane">{{cite web|url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/ariane.htm|title=Ariane-1, -2, -3, -4|first=Krebs|last=Gunter|work=Gunter's Space Page|accessdate=2 August 2011}}</ref>
| {{nts|11}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1979
| 1986
|[[Ariane 1]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 2]]
| {{nts|2270}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|6}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1986
| 1989
|[[Ariane 2]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 3]]
|{{nts|2650}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|11}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1984
| 1989
|[[Ariane 3]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 40
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|4600}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|2740}} to SSO<br/>1,900 to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1990
| 1993
| [[Ariane 4]] 40
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 40 H10+
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|2020}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1995
| 1995
| [[Ariane 4]] 40 H10+
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 40 H10-3
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|2105}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1995
| 1999
| [[Ariane 4]] 40 H10-3
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 4]] 42L
|{{nts|7000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|4500}} to SSO<br/>3,200 to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1993
| 1993
|[[Ariane 4]] 42L
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 42L H10+
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|7000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|3350}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1994
| 1994
| [[Ariane 4]] 42L H10+
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 42L H10-3
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|7000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|3480}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|11}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1995
| 2002
| [[Ariane 4]] 42L H10-3
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 42P
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|6000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{ntsh|2600}} 3,400 to SSO<br/>2,600 to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1990
| 1992
| [[Ariane 4]] 42P
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 42P H10+
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|2740}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|4}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1992
| 1994
| [[Ariane 4]] 42P H10+
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 42P H10-3
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|2930}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|9}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1994
| 2002
| [[Ariane 4]] 42P H10-3
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 44L
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|7000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{ntsh|4200}} 6,000 to SSO<br/>4,200 to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|11}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1989
| 1992
| [[Ariane 4]] 44L
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 4]] 44L H10+
| {{Flag|Europe}}
| [[Aérospatiale]]
| {{nts|7000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|4460}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{nts|5}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| Retired
| 1992
| 1994
| [[Ariane 4]] 44L H10+
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 4]] 44L H10-3
|{{nts|7000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|4720}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|24}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|[[Ariane 4]] 44L H10-3
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 4]] 44LP
|{{nts|7000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{ntsh|3700}} 5,000 to SSO<br/>3,700 to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|7}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|[[Ariane 4]] 44LP
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 4]] 44LP H10+
|{{nts|7000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|4030}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|6}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|[[Ariane 4]] 44LP H10+
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 4]] 44LP H10-3
|{{nts|7000}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|4220}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|13}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|[[Ariane 4]] 44LP H10-3
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 4]] 44P
|{{nts|6500}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
| {{ntsh|3000}} 4,100 to SSO<br/>3,000 to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|[[Ariane 4]] 44P
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Ariane 4]] 44P H10-3
| {{nts|3465}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|{{nts|9}}<ref name="GSP-OldAriane"/>
|[[Ariane 4]] 44P H10-3
| [[Ariane 5]]ECA
| {{flag|Europe}}
| [[EADS Astrium Space Transportation|EADS Astrium]]
| {{nts|21000}}<ref name="Ariane5_U_M">{{cite web | url=http://www.arianespace.com/site/documents/Ariane5_users_manual_Issue4.pdf | format=PDF | title=Ariane 5 Users Manual, Issue 4, P. 39 (ISS orbit) | publisher=[[Arianespace]] | accessdate=2007-11-13 | archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20070927021638/http://www.arianespace.com/site/documents/Ariane5_users_manual_Issue4.pdf | archivedate=2007-09-27 | dead-url=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|10050}} to GTO<ref name="Ariane5RecordGTOMassApr2011">{{cite web| url=http://www.arianespace.com/news-mission-update/2011/789.asp | title=Ariane 5 delivers a record performance with two payloads for new Arianespace customers | publisher=[[Arianespace]] | accessdate=2011-04-11}}</ref>
|{{nts|220}} <ref name="faa ocst 2009">{{cite web | url=http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ast/media/10998.pdf | title=FAA Semi-Annual Launch Report: Second Half of 2009 | publisher=Federal Aviation Administration - Office of Commercial Space Transportation | accessdate=August 18, 2011 | pages=end of document}}</ref>
| {{nts|10476}} <ref name="faa ocst 2009" />
| {{nts|31}}<br><ref group="note">A full listing of the [[Ariane 5]] launch history is in its main article.</ref>
| Operational
| 2002
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic"
| [[Ariane 5#Ariane 5 ME|Ariane 5ME]]
| {{flag|Europe}}
| [[EADS Astrium Space Transportation|EADS Astrium]]
| {{nts|11500}} to GTO<ref name="Ariane5ME">{{cite web|url=http://www.esa.int/esaMI/Launchers_Access_to_Space/SEM9G9RHPOG_0.html |title=ESA - Launch vehicles - Ariane 5 ME |publisher=Esa.int |date=2011-06-21 |accessdate=2013-11-11}}</ref>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Ariane 5#Ariane 5 ECB|Ariane 5ME]]
| [[Ariane 5]]ES
| {{flag|Europe}}
| [[EADS Astrium Space Transportation|EADS Astrium]]
| {{nts|21000}}<ref name="Ariane5_U_M"/>
| {{nts|8000}} to GTO<ref name="gsp-ariane5">{{cite web|url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/ariane5.htm |title=Ariane-5 |publisher=Space.skyrocket.de |date= |accessdate=2012-07-25}}</ref>
| {{nts|220}} <ref name="faa ocst 2009" />
| {{nts|10,476}} <ref name="faa ocst 2009" />
| {{nts|2}}
| Operational
| 2008
| [[Ariane 5]]ES
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 5]]G
| {{flag|Europe}}
| [[EADS Astrium Space Transportation|EADS Astrium]]
| {{nts|18000}}<ref name="gsp-ariane5"/>
| {{nts|6900}}<ref name="gsp-ariane5"/>
| {{nts|16}}<ref name="gsp-ariane5"/>
| Retired<ref name="v193">{{cite web|url=http://www.esa.int/esaCP/SEM5TFAK73G_index_0.html |title=Final launch of Ariane 5 GS completes busy year / Launchers / Our Activities / ESA |publisher=Esa.int |date=2009-12-19 |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
| 1996
| 2003
| [[Ariane 5]]G
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 5|Ariane 5G+]]
| {{flag|Europe}}
| [[EADS Astrium Space Transportation|EADS Astrium]]
| {{nts|18000}}{{citation needed|date=September 2011}}
| {{nts|7100}} to GTO <ref name="gsp-ariane5"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="gsp-ariane5"/>
| Retired<ref name="v193"/>
| 2004
| 2004
| [[Ariane 5|Ariane 5G+]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Ariane 5]]GS
| {{flag|Europe}}
| [[EADS Astrium Space Transportation|EADS Astrium]]
| {{nts|18000}}{{citation needed|date=September 2011}}
| {{nts|6600}} to GTO <ref name="gsp-ariane5"/>
| {{nts|6}}<ref name="gsp-ariane5"/>
| Retired<ref name="v193"/>
| 2005
| 2009
| [[Ariane 5]]GS
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic"
| [[Ariane 6]]
| {{flag|Europe}}
| [[EADS Astrium Space Transportation|EADS Astrium]]
| {{nts|6500}} to GTO
| 93
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Ariane 6]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle|ASLV]]
|[[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.isro.org/Launchvehicles/launchvehicles.aspx#ASLV |title=Welcome To ISRO :: Launch Vehicles |publisher=Isro.org |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04 |archive-date=2014-10-29 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20141029221429/http://www.isro.org/launchvehicles/launchvehicles.aspx#ASLV |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|[[Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle|ASLV]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Athena I]]
|[[Lockheed Martin]]
|{{nts|4}}<ref name="athenaii">{{cite web|url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/athena1.htm |title=Athena-1 |publisher=Astronautix.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|[[Athena I]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic"
|[[Athena I]]c <ref name="Athena c">{{Cite web |url=http://www.lockheedmartin.com/news/press_releases/2010/0325_ss_athena.html |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2013-11-15 |archive-date=2010-03-28 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100328161229/http://www.lockheedmartin.com/news/press_releases/2010/0325_ss_athena.html |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|[[Alliant Techsystems|ATK]]<br>[[Lockheed Martin]]
|[[Athena I]]c
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Athena II]]
|[[Lockheed Martin]]
|{{nts|2065}}{{Citation needed|date=September 2010}}
|{{nts|3}}<ref name="athen">{{cite web|url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/athena2.htm |title=Athena-2 |publisher=Astronautix.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|Retired{{Citation needed|date=July 2010}}
|[[Athena II]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic"
|[[Athena II]]c <ref name="Athena c"/>
|[[Alliant Techsystems|ATK]]<br>[[Lockheed Martin]]
|[[Athena II]]c
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Lockheed Corporation|Lockheed]]
|{{nts|8618}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|{{nts|3833}} to GTO{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Atlas G]]
| {{USA}}
| [[Lockheed Corporation|Lockheed]]
|{{nts|5900}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| {{nts|2222}} to GTO<br/>1,179 to HCO<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| {{nts|7}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| Retired
| 1984
| 1989
| [[Atlas G]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Atlas H]]/[[Multiple Satellite Dispenser|MSD]]
|[[Lockheed Corporation|Lockheed]]
|[[Atlas H]]/[[Multiple Satellite Dispenser|MSD]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Atlas I]]
|[[Lockheed Martin]]
|{{nts|5900}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| {{nts|2340}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|{{nts|11}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|[[Atlas I]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Atlas II]]
|[[Lockheed Martin]]
|{{nts|6780}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| {{nts|2810}} to GTO<br/>2,000 to HCO<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|{{nts|10}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|[[Atlas II]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Atlas II]]A
|[[Lockheed Martin]]
|{{nts|7316}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| {{nts|3180}} to GTO<br/>2,160 to HCO<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|{{nts|23}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|[[Atlas II]]A
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Atlas II]]AS
|[[Lockheed Martin]]
|{{nts|8618}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|{{nts|3833}} to GTO<br/>2,680 to HCO<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|{{nts|30}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|[[Atlas II]]AS
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Atlas III]]A
|[[Lockheed Martin]]
|{{nts|8686}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| {{nts|4060}} to GTO<br/>2,970 to HCO<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|{{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
|[[Atlas III]]A
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Atlas III]]B/[[Centaur (rocket stage)|DEC]]
| {{nowrap|{{USA}}}}
| [[Lockheed Martin]]
| {{nts|10759}}<ref name="GSP-AC">{{cite web |url= http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/atlas_centaur.htm |title=Atlas Centaur |first=Krebs|last=Gunter |work=Gunter's Space Page |accessdate=1 August 2011}}</ref>
| {{nts|4609}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| Retired
| 2002
| 2002
| [[Atlas III]]B/[[Centaur (rocket stage)|DEC]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Atlas III]]B/[[Centaur (rocket stage)|SEC]]
| {{USA}}
| [[Lockheed Martin]]
| {{nts|4193}} to GTO <ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-AC"/>
| Retired
| 2003
| 2005
| [[Atlas III]]B/[[Centaur (rocket stage)|SEC]]
| [[Atlas V]] 401
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|9050}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV">{{cite web |url= http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/atlas-5.htm |title=Atlas-5 |first=Krebs|last=Gunter |work=Gunter's Space Page |accessdate=1 August 2011}}</ref>
| {{ntsh|4950}} 6,670 to SSO<br/>4,950 to GTO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{nts|125}} <ref name="faa ocst 2009" />
| {{nts|13,812}} <ref name="faa ocst 2009" />
| {{nts|18}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| 2002
| [[Atlas V]] 401
| [[Atlas V]] 411
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|9050}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{ntsh|6075}} 8,495 to SSO<br/>6,075 to GTO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| 2006
| [[Atlas V]] 411
| [[Atlas V]] 421
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|9050}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{ntsh|7000}} 9,050 to SSO<br/>7,000 to GTO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| 2007
| [[Atlas V]] 421
| [[Atlas V]] 431
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|9050}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{ntsh|7800}} 9,050 to SSO<br/>7,800 to GTO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
|{{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| 2005
| [[Atlas V]] 431
| [[Atlas V]] 501
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|8250}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{ntsh|3970}} 5,945 to SSO<br/>3,970 to GTO<br/>1,500 to GEO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{nts|4}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| 2010
| [[Atlas V]] 501
|- style="font-style:italic;"
| [[Atlas V]] 511
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|10950}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{ntsh|5370}} 7,820 to SSO<br/>5,370 to GTO<br/>1,750 to GEO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{nts|0}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| [[Atlas V]] 511
| [[Atlas V]] 521
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|13300}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{ntsh|6485}} 9,585 to SSO<br/>6,485 to GTO<br/>2,760 to GEO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| 2003
| [[Atlas V]] 521
| [[Atlas V]] 531
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|15300}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{ntsh|7425}} 11,160 to SSO<br/>7,425 to GTO<br/>3,250 to GEO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| 2010
| [[Atlas V]] 531
|- style="font-style:italic;"
| [[Atlas V]] 541
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|17100}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{ntsh|8240}} 12,435 to SSO<br/>8,240 to GTO<br/>3,730 to GEO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| 223 (2013)<ref name="NASAC12-016">{{cite web |url=http://www.nasa.gov/home/hqnews/2012/apr/HQ_C12-016_GOES-R_GOES-S_Launch.html|title=CONTRACT RELEASE : C12-016: NASA Awards Launch Contract For Goes-R And Goes-S Missions|accessdate=2013-04-21|publisher=NASA}}</ref>
| 27,063
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| [[Atlas V]] 541
| [[Atlas V]] 551
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|18500}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{ntsh|8700}} 12,435 to SSO<br/>8,700 to GTO<br/>3,960 to GEO<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| {{nts|4}}<ref name="GSP-AtlasV"/>
| Operational
| 2006
| [[Atlas V]] 551
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Black Arrow]]
|[[Royal Aircraft Establishment|RAE]]
|1969<ref group="note">Suborbital test in 1969, first orbital launch attempt in 1970</ref>
|[[Black Arrow]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|{{hs|Titan III}}[[Commercial Titan III]]
|[[Martin Marietta]]
| {{nts|4}}
| Retired
| 1990
| 1992
|[[Commercial Titan III]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 0100|Delta 0300]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|700}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|{{nts|370}} to SSO{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|{{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-Delta">{{cite web |url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/delta.htm |title=Delta |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/60dqY3Xtj?url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/delta.htm |archivedate=2011-08-02 |first=Krebs |last=Gunter |work=Gunter's Space Page |accessdate=2 August 2011 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
|Retired<ref name="EA-D0300">{{cite web |url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela0300.htm |title=Delta 0300 |first=Mark |last=Wade |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/60dqp35oP?url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela0300.htm |archivedate=2011-08-02 |work=Encyclopedia Astronautica |accessdate=2 August 2011 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
|[[Delta 0100|Delta 0300]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 0100|Delta 0900]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|1300}}<ref name="EA-D0900">{{cite web |url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela0900.htm |title=Delta 0900 |first=Mark |last=Wade |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/60dqt327u?url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela0900.htm |archivedate=2011-08-02 |work=Encyclopedia Astronautica |accessdate=2 August 2011 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
| {{nts|818}} to SSO<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 0100|Delta 0900]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1410]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1410]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1604]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1604]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1900]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|1800}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1900]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1910]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1910]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1913]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1913]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1914]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 1000|Delta 1914]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2310]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2310]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2313]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2313]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2910]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|1887}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|6}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2910]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2913]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|2000}}<ref name="EA-D2913">{{cite web |url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela2913.htm |title=Delta 2913 |first=Mark |last=Wade |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/60dt0Zu2u?url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela2913.htm |archivedate=2011-08-02 |work=Encyclopedia Astronautica |accessdate=2 August 2011 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
| {{nts|700}} to GTO<ref name="EA-D2913"/>
|{{nts|6}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2913]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2914]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
| {{nts|724}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|30}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 2000|Delta 2914]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3910]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|2494}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|1154}} to GTO with [[PAM-D]]<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|10}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3910]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3913]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3913]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3914]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
| {{nts|954}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|13}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3914]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3920]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|3452}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|1284}} to GTO with [[PAM-D]]<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|10}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3920]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3924]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
| {{nts|1104}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|4}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 3000|Delta 3924]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 4000|Delta 4925]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|3400}}<ref name="EA-D4000">{{cite web |url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela4000.htm |title=Delta 4000 |first=Mark |last=Wade |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/60e2WpW6v?url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela4000.htm |archivedate=2011-08-02 |work=Encyclopedia Astronautica |accessdate=2 August 2011 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
| {{nts|1312}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|2}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 4000|Delta 4925]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta 5000|Delta 5920]]
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|3848}}<ref name="EA-D5000">{{cite web |url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela5000.htm |title=Delta 5000 |first=Mark |last=Wade |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/60e2dul4v?url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/dela5000.htm |archivedate=2011-08-02 |work=Encyclopedia Astronautica |accessdate=2 August 2011 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
|{{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|[[Delta 5000|Delta 5920]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta II]] 6920
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
|{{nts|3983}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 1990
| 1992
|[[Delta II]] 6920
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta II]] 6925
|[[McDonnell Douglas]]
| {{nts|1447}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|14}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 1989
| 1992
|[[Delta II]] 6925
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta II]] 7320
|[[United Launch Alliance]]
|{{nts|2865}}<ref name="DII fairing" group="note">With 9.5 foot (2.9 metre) fairing</ref><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
|{{nts|1651}} to SSO<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|10}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 1999
| 2011
|[[Delta II]] 7320
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta II]] 7326
|[[Boeing IDS]]
| {{nts|934}} to GTO<br/>636 to TLI<br/>629 to HCO<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 1998{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Delta II]] 7326
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta II]] 7420
|[[United Launch Alliance]]
|{{nts|3185}}<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|1966}} to SSO<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|13}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 1998
| 2010
|[[Delta II]] 7420
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta II]] 7425
|[[Boeing IDS]]
| {{nts|1100}} to GTO<br/>804 to HCO<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|4}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 1998
| 2002
|[[Delta II]] 7425
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta II]] 7426
|[[Boeing IDS]]
| {{nts|1058}} to GTO<br/>734 to TLI<br/>711 to HCO<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 1999
| 1999
|[[Delta II]] 7426
|[[Delta II]] 7920
|[[United Launch Alliance]]
|{{nts|5030}}<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|3123}} to SSO<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|27}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Operational
| 1998
| 2011
|[[Delta II]] 7920
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta II]] 7925
|[[Boeing IDS]]
| {{nts|1819}} to GTO<br/>1,177 to TLI<br/>1,265 to HCO<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|69}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 1990
| 2009
|[[Delta II]] 7925
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta II|Delta II-H]] 7920H
|[[United Launch Alliance]]
|{{nts|6097}}<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 2003
| 2011
|[[Delta II|Delta II-H]] 7920H
|[[Delta II|Delta II-H]] 7925H
|[[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|2171}} to GTO<br/>1,508 to HCO<ref name="DII fairing" group="note"/><ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Operational<br/>{{Citation needed|date=August 2011}}<ref group=note>No flights planned, but 5 unsold heavies could be used.</ref>
| 2003
| 2007
|[[Delta II|Delta II-H]] 7925H
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta III]] 8930
|[[Boeing IDS]]
|{{nts|8292}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|3810}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-Delta"/>
| Retired
| 1998
| 2000
|[[Delta III]] 8930
| [[Delta IV|Delta IV-H]]
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|22950}}<ref name="DeltaIV">{{cite web | url=http://www.ulalaunch.com/images/product_sheet/Delta_Product_Sheet_FINAL.pdf | format=PDF | title=Delta Product Sheet, FINAL | publisher=[[United Launch Alliance]] | accessdate=2007-11-14 | archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20070928093124/http://www.ulalaunch.com/images/product_sheet/Delta_Product_Sheet_FINAL.pdf | archivedate=2007-09-28 | dead-url=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|12980}} to GTO <ref name="DeltaIV" />
| {{nts|300}}(€220)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n1111/10orioneft1/ |title=Breaking News &#124; Lockheed Martin to select Delta 4 rocket for Orion test |publisher=Spaceflight Now |date= |accessdate=2012-07-25}}</ref>
| {{nts|13072}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
| {{nts|5}}
| Operational
| 2004
| [[Delta IV|Delta IV-H]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Delta IV|Delta IV-M]]
|[[Boeing IDS]]
|{{nts|8120}}<ref name="GSP-Delta4">{{cite web |url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/delta-4.htm |title=Delta-4 |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/60e9nhnjT?url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/delta-4.htm |archivedate=2011-08-02 |first=Krebs |last=Gunter |work=Gunter's Space Page |accessdate=2 August 2011 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
| {{nts|4210}} to GTO<br/>2,722 to HCO<ref name="GSP-Delta4"/>
|{{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-Delta4"/>
| Retired
| 2003
| 2006
|[[Delta IV|Delta IV-M]]
|[[Delta IV|Delta IV-M+(4,2)]]
|[[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|11750}}<ref name="slr_delta4">{{cite web|author=Ed Kyle |url=http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/delta4.html |title=Delta IV Data Sheet |publisher=Spacelaunchreport.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
| {{nts|5740}} to GTO<ref name="slr_delta4"/>
| {{nts|8}}<ref name="GSP-Delta4"/>
| Operational
| 2002
|[[Delta IV|Delta IV-M+(4,2)]]
|- style="font-style:italic;"
| [[Delta IV|Delta IV-M+(5,2)]]
| {{USA}}
| [[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|10250}}<ref name="slr_delta4"/>
| {{nts|4590}} to GTO<ref name="slr_delta4"/>
| {{nts|0}}<ref name="GSP-Delta4"/>
| Operational
| [[Delta IV|Delta IV-M+(5,2)]]
|[[Delta IV|Delta IV-M+(5,4)]]
|[[United Launch Alliance]]
| {{nts|13500}}<ref name="slr_delta4"/>
| {{nts|6470}} to GTO<ref name="slr_delta4"/>
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-Delta4"/>
| Operational
| 2009<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.spaceflightnow.com/delta/d346/ |title=Delta Launch Report &#124; New communications craft launched for U.S. military |publisher=Spaceflight Now |date=2009-12-05 |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|[[Delta IV|Delta IV-M+(5,4)]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|{{nts|3700}}<ref name="GSP-Dnepr">{{cite web |url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau_det/dnepr-1.htm |title=Dnepr-1 |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/60eARVyOE?url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau_det/dnepr-1.htm |archivedate=2011-08-02 |first=Krebs |last=Gunter |work=Gunter's Space Page |accessdate=2 August 2011 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
| {{nts|14}}(€10)<ref name="esd2006"/>
| {{nts|3784}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
| {{nts|16}}
| Operational
| 1999
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Energia]]<ref group="note">Without Buran, and assuming payload providing orbital insertion</ref>
| {{USSR}}
| [[NPO Energia]]
| {{nts|100000}}<ref name="Energia"/>
| {{nts|20000}} to [[Geostationary transfer orbit|GTO]]<ref name="Energia"/><br/>32,000 to TLI<ref name="Energia"/>
| {{nts|240}}<ref group="note" name="N6"/>
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="Energia3"/>
| Retired
| 1987
| 1987
| [[Energia]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Energia]]-[[Buran (spacecraft)|Buran]]
| {{USSR}}
| [[NPO Energia]] ([[Energia|Launcher]])<br>[[NPO Molniya]] ([[Buran (spacecraft)|Orbiter]])
| {{nts|30000}}<ref name="Energia">{{cite web | url = http://www.energia.ru/english/energia/launchers/vehicle_energia.html | title = S.P.Korolev RSC Energia - LAUNCHERS | publisher = Energia | access-date = 2013-11-15 | archive-date = 2016-03-03 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20160303172607/http://www.energia.ru/english/energia/launchers/vehicle_energia.html | dead-url = yes }}</ref><br><ref group="note" name="spaceplane">The US [[Space Shuttle|Space Shuttle Transportation System]] and the Soviet [[Energia]]-[[Buran (spacecraft)|Buran]] system, consist of launch vehicle rockets and returnable [[spaceplane]] orbiter. Payload values listed here are for the mass of the payload in cargo bay of the [[spaceplane]]s, excluding the mass of the spaceplanes themselves.</ref>
| {{nts|1}}
| Retired
| 1988
| 1988
| [[Energia]]-[[Buran (spacecraft)|Buran]]
|- style=style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Epsilon (roket)|Epsilon]]
|[[IHI Aerospace]]<ref name=IHIAERO>{{cite web | url=http://www.ihi.co.jp/ia/en/product/rocket.html | title=Projects&Products | publisher=IHI Aerospace | accessdate=2011-03-08 | archive-date=2011-04-06 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110406035626/http://www.ihi.co.jp/ia/en/product/rocket.html | dead-url=yes }}</ref>     
|{{nts|1200}}<ref name=ISAS/>
|¥3.8B (US$38)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.spaceflightnow.com/epsilon/sprinta/130914launch/ |title=Breaking News &#124; Japan's 'affordable' Epsilon rocket triumphs on first flight |publisher=Spaceflight Now |date=2013-09-14 |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|Operational<ref name=ISAS/>
|[[Epsilon (roket)|Epsilon]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Falcon 1]]
|{{nts|670}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|{{nts|7}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|Retired<ref name=Falcon1 />
|[[Falcon 1]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Falcon 1e]]
|{{nts|1010}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|{{nts|10792}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
|Retired<ref name=Falcon1>{{cite web | url=http://www.spacex.com/falcon1.php | title=Space Exploration Technologies Corporation - Falcon 1 | accessdate=2010-10-29 | archive-date=2013-04-05 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130405065921/https://spacex.com/falcon1.php | dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|[[Falcon 1e]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Falcon 9 v1.0]]
| {{USA}}
| [[SpaceX]]
| {{nts|10450}}<ref name="SpaceX_f9">{{cite web | url= http://www.spacex.com/falcon9.php | title= FALCON 9 OVERVIEW | publisher= [[SpaceX]] | accessdate= 2013-11-04 | archive-date= 2013-05-01 | archive-url= https://web.archive.org/web/20130501002858/http://www.spacex.com/falcon9.php | dead-url= yes }}</ref><ref name=spacex>{{cite web |url=http://spacex.com/falcon9.php |title=Falcon 9 Overview |publisher=Space Exploration Technologies |accessdate=29 Oct 2010 |archive-date=2007-10-13 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20071013152341/http://spacex.com/falcon9.php |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref name=sxf9_20111201archive>{{cite web
|url = http://www.spacex.com/falcon9.php
|title = Falcon 9 Overview
|year = 2011
|publisher = SpaceX
|accessdate = 2011-12-01
|archiveurl = https://www.webcitation.org/63btGA0Bq?url=http://www.spacex.com/falcon9.php
|archivedate = 2011-12-01
|dead-url = no
| {{nts|4680}} to GTO<ref name="SpaceX_f9" />
| {{nts|56}}<ref name="SpaceX_f9" />
| {{nts|5359}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
| {{nts|5}}<ref name=sn20130906>{{cite news|last=Klotz|first=Irene|title=Musk Says SpaceX Being "Extremely Paranoid" as It Readies for Falcon 9’s California Debut|url=http://www.spacenews.com/article/launch-report/37094musk-says-spacex-being-%E2%80%9Cextremely-paranoid%E2%80%9D-as-it-readies-for-falcon-9%E2%80%99s|accessdate=2013-11-04|newspaper=Space News|date=2013-09-06|quote=''...the company’s five previous Falcon 9 boosters, all launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station here. Three of those rockets carried Dragon cargo capsules to the international space station for NASA. Two others were test flights.''|archive-date=2013-09-22|archive-url=https://wayback.archive-it.org/all/20130922163105/http://www.spacenews.com/article/launch-report/37094musk-says-spacex-being-%E2%80%9Cextremely-paranoid%E2%80%9D-as-it-readies-for-falcon-9%E2%80%99s|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| Retired<ref name=sfn>{{cite web |last=Clark|first=Stephen |url=http://spaceflightnow.com/falcon9/003/120518musk/ |title=Q&A with SpaceX founder and chief designer Elon Musk |date=2012-05-18 |accessdate=2013-11-04 |quote=''The next version of Falcon 9 will be used for everything. The last flight of version 1.0 will be Flight 5. All future missions after Flight 5 will be v1.1. We've got this mission, which is Flight 3. And we've two CRS [Commercial Resupply Services] missions, Flight 4 and Flight 5, which will fly Version 1.0. Then all future missions, CRS or otherwise, will fly Version 1.1.'' }}</ref>
| 2010
| 2013
| [[Falcon 9 v1.0]]
| [[Falcon 9 v1.1]]
| {{USA}}
| [[SpaceX]]
| {{nts|16625}}<ref name="SpaceX_f91.1">{{cite web | url= http://elvperf.ksc.nasa.gov/elvMap/elvMap.ui.PerfQuery0?ReqType=Query&ContSource=-5&OrbitType=LEO&Incl=28&Contract=2&Vehicles=4&Drop1=Apogee&Entry1=200 | title= FALCON 9 Launch Vehicle Performance | publisher= [[NASA]] | accessdate= 2013-11-04 }}{{Pranala mati|date=Mei 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|5760}} to GTO<ref name="SpaceX_f91.1GTO">{{cite web | url= http://elvperf.ksc.nasa.gov/elvMap/elvMap.ui.PerfQuery0?ReqType=Query&ContSource=-5&OrbitType=GTO&Contract=2&Vehicles=4&Drop1=Apogee&Entry1=35700&Drop2=Incl&Entry2=28.5&Plot=Ap_Mass | title= FALCON 9 Launch Vehicle Performance | publisher= [[NASA]] | accessdate= 2013-11-04 }}{{Pranala mati|date=Mei 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|56}}<ref name="SpaceX_f9" />
| {{nts|4109}}<ref name=nbf20130323/>
| {{nts|1}}
| Operational
| 2013
| [[Falcon 9 v1.1]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Falcon Heavy]]
| {{USA}}
| [[SpaceX]]
| {{nts|53000}}<ref name=sxFH20130322>{{cite web |title=Falcon Heavy Overview |url=https://spacex.com/falcon_heavy.php |date=2013<!-- SpaceX copyright on the web page --> |publisher=SpaceX |accessdate=2013-03-22 |archive-date=2013-04-05 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130405070749/https://spacex.com/falcon_heavy.php |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref name="SpaceX">{{cite web|title=SpaceX Brochure|url=http://www.spacex.com/downloads/spacex-brochure.pdf|publisher=Spacex.com|accessdate=14 June 2011|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20100107075247/http://www.spacex.com/downloads/spacex-brochure.pdf|archivedate=2010-01-07|dead-url=no}}</ref>
| {{nts|12000}} to GTO<ref name=sxFH20130322/><br/>{{nts|16000}} to TLI<ref name="SpaceX"/>
| {{nts|83}}–128<ref name=sxFH20130322/><!-- "Pricing: Payloads up to 6.4 ton to GTO: $83M*; greater than 6.4 ton to GTO $128M* ... *Paid in full standard launch prices for 2012" --><!-- these published prices are explicitly listed on the 2013 version of the FH web page at SpaceX, but are listed as "launch prices for 2012"; the older/somewhat lower numbers that had been claimed have no source provided at all. -->
| {{nts|2200}}<!-- 2200/kg is from {{convert|1000|$/lb|$/kg|disp=flip}} --><ref name=nbf20130323>{{cite web|author= |url=http://nextbigfuture.com/2013/03/upgraded-spacex-falcon-911-will-launch.html |title=Upgraded Spacex Falcon 9.1.1 will launch 25% more than old Falcon 9 and bring price down to $4109 per kilogram to LEO |publisher=Nextbigfuture.com |date=2013-03-22 |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Falcon Heavy]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle|GSLV Mk.I(a)]]
|[[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.isro.org/gslv-d1/gslv-d1.aspx |title=Welcome To ISRO :: GSLV :: GSLV-D1 |publisher=Isro.org |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04 |archive-date=2013-11-11 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131111011907/http://www.isro.org/gslv-d1/gslv-d1.aspx |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.isro.org/gslv-d2/gslv-d2.aspx |title=Welcome To ISRO :: Launch Vehicles :: GSLV :: GSLV-D2 |publisher=Isro.org |date=2001-04-18 |accessdate=2013-11-04 |archive-date=2013-11-11 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131111011708/http://www.isro.org/gslv-d2/gslv-d2.aspx |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|[[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle|GSLV Mk.I(a)]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle|GSLV Mk.I(b)]] <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.isro.org/gslv-f01/gslv-f01.aspx |title=Welcome To ISRO |publisher=Isro.org |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04 |archive-date=2013-11-11 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131111011712/http://www.isro.org/gslv-f01/gslv-f01.aspx |dead-url=yes }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.isro.org/gslv-f04/gslv-f04.aspx |title=Welcome To ISRO :: Launch Vehicles :: GSLV :: GSLV-F04 |publisher=Isro.org |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04 |archive-date=2013-08-22 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130822075148/http://www.isro.org/gslv-f04/gslv-f04.aspx |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|[[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]
|2007{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle|GSLV Mk.I(b)]]
|- style="font-style:italic;"
|[[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle|GSLV Mk.I(c)]]
|[[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]
|{{nts|1}}{{citation needed|date=August 2012}}
|[[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle|GSLV Mk.I(c)]]
|- style="font-style:italic;"
|[[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle|GSLV Mk.II]] <ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.isro.org/gslv-d3/gslv-d3.aspx |title=Welcome To ISRO :: Launch Vehicles :: GSLV :: GSLV-D3 |publisher=Isro.org |date=2010-04-15 |accessdate=2013-11-04 |archive-date=2010-04-16 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100416141241/http://isro.org/gslv-d3/gslv-d3.aspx |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|[[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]
|{{nts|2500}}<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.isro.org/Launchvehicles/GSLV/gslv.aspx |title=Welcome To ISRO :: Launch Vehicles :: GSLV |publisher=Isro.org |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|[[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle|GSLV Mk.II]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk III|GSLV Mk.III]]
| {{IND}}
| [[ISRO]]<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.isro.gov.in/Launchvehicles/GSLVMARKIII/mark3.aspx |title=Welcome To ISRO :: Launch Vehicles :: GSLV Mark III |publisher=Isro.gov.in |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04 |archive-date=2013-08-11 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130811185233/http://isro.gov.in/Launchvehicles/GSLVMARKIII/mark3.aspx |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|10000}}{{citation needed|date=August 2012}}<!-- note: no sourced claim for LEO payload appears to be in the GSLV article as of 2012-08-12 -->
| {{nts|5,000}}<ref name=isro20120812>{{cite web |url=http://isro.org/Launchvehicles/GSLVMARKIII/mark3.aspx |title=GSLV Mark III |year=2011 |publisher=Indian Space Research Organisation |accessdate=2012-08-12 |archive-date=2012-11-25 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121125032756/http://isro.org/Launchvehicles/GSLVMARKIII/mark3.aspx |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk III|GSLV Mk.III]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
|{{nts|3200}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|{{nts|1100}} to GTO{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
| {{nts|5}}<ref name="GSP-H2">{{cite web |url= http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/h-2.htm|title=H-2 |first=Krebs|last=Gunter |work=Gunter's Space Page |accessdate=1 August 2011}}</ref><ref group="note">Not including two launches made using the H-II/SSB and H-IIS configurations</ref>
| Retired
| 1994
| 1998
| [[H-IIA]] 202
| {{JPN}}
| [[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
| {{nts|10000}}<ref name="GSP-H2A">{{cite web |url= http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/h-2a.htm |title=H-2A |first=Krebs|last=Gunter |work=Gunter's Space Page |accessdate=1 August 2011}}</ref>
| {{nts|3800}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-H2A"/>
| {{nts|9}}<ref name="GSP-H2A"/>
| Operational
| 2001
| [[H-IIA]] 202
| [[H-IIA]] 204
| {{JPN}}
| [[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
| {{nts|5800}} to GTO<ref name="GSP-H2A"/>
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-H2A"/>
| Operational
| 2006
| 2006
| [[H-IIA]] 204
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[H-IIA]] 2022
| {{JPN}}
| [[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
| {{nts|4200}}<ref name="GSP-H2A"/>
| {{nts|3}}<ref name="GSP-H2A"/>
| Retired
| 2005
| 2007
| [[H-IIA]] 2022
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[H-IIA]] 2024
| {{JPN}}
| [[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
| <!-- ref name="GSP-H2A"/ -->
| {{nts|7}}<ref name="GSP-H2A"/>
| Retired
| 2002
| 2008
| [[H-IIA]] 2024
| [[H-IIB]] 304
| {{JPN}}
| [[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
| {{nts|16500}}<ref name=sxFH20130322/>
| {{nts|8000}}<ref name="H-IIB_2">{{cite web | url=http://www.jaxa.jp/pr/brochure/pdf/01/rocket05.pdf | title=H-IIB Launch Vehicle, P. 2 | publisher=[[Jaxa]] | accessdate=3 September 2008 | archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20090730201604/http://www.jaxa.jp/pr/brochure/pdf/01/rocket05.pdf | archivedate=2009-07-30 | dead-url=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|2}}<ref name="slr_launchstats">{{cite web|url=http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/log2011.html |title=Space Launch Report 2011 Launch Stats |publisher=Spacelaunchreport.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
| Operational
| 2009
| [[H-IIB]] 304
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
| {{nts|1}}<ref name="GSP-H2"/>
| Retired
| 1995
| 1995
|- style="background:lightgrey;font-style:italic;"
| [[H-II]]S
| {{JPN}}
| [[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
| {{nts|1}}<ref group="note">Only launch failed to achieve orbit</ref><ref name="GSP-H2"/>
| Retired
| 1999
| 1999
| [[H-II]]S
|- style="background:lightgrey;font-style:italic;"
|[[IHI Corporation]]<br/>[[Nissan Motors]]<ref name=Nissan/>
|- style="font-style:italic;"
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|2003{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[NPO Polyot]]
|€12 million<ref name="esd2006"/>
|{{nts|442}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|2010{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Lambda 4S]]
|[[Nissan Motors]]<ref name=Nissan>{{cite web|title=NISSAN HERITAGE COLLECTION online【その他】プリンス自動車工業小史|url=http://nissan-heritage-collection.com/NEWS/publicContents/index.php?procType=CATEGORY&catID=14|publisher=[[Nissan Motors]]|accessdate=8 March 2011}}</ref>
|{{nts|26}}<ref name=ISAS/>
|1970{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Lambda 4S]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Long March 1]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|{{nts|300}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|Retired<ref>{{cite web|url=http://astronautix.com/lvs/cz1.htm |title=CZ-1 |publisher=Astronautix.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|1971{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Long March 1]]
|- style="font-style:italic;"
|[[Long March 1D]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|Operational{{Citation needed|date=September 2010}}
|1995<ref group="note">Suborbital test flights in 1995, 1997 and 2002, no orbital launches attempted</ref>
|[[Long March 1D]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;font-style:italic;"
|{{nowrap|[[Long March 2A]]}}
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|1974{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Long March 2A]]
|[[Long March 2C]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|1975{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Long March 2C]]
|[[Long March 2D]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|1992{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Long March 2D]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Long March 2E]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|{{nts|7}}{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|1995{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Long March 2E]]
|[[Long March 2F]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|1999 {{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Long March 2F]]
| [[Long March 2F/G]]
| {{CHN}}
| [[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
| {{nts|1}}
| Operational
| 2011
| [[Long March 2F/G]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Long March 3]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|[[Long March 3]]
|[[Long March 3A]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|{{nts|2650}} to GTO<ref>{{cite web|url=http://war.news.163.com/11/1029/18/7HI8TGRJ00014J0G.html |title=[专题&#93;中国大推力火箭技术已被日本大幅超越_网易新闻中心 |publisher=War.news.163.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|{{nts|23}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
|[[Long March 3A]]
| [[Long March 3B]]
| {{CHN}}
| [[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
| {{nts|11,200}}<ref name=sxFH20130322/><ref name="长征三号甲运载火箭简述">{{cite web|title=长征三号甲运载火箭简述|url=http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2007-09-13/103113882288.shtml|accessdate=31 October 2011}}</ref>{{Source need translation}}
| {{nts|10}}{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
| Operational
| 1996
| [[Long March 3B]]
| [[Long March 3B|Long March 3B/E]]
| {{CHN}}
| [[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|{{nts|5,500}} to GTO <ref name="长征三号甲运载火箭简述"/>
| Operational
| 2007{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
| [[Long March 3B|Long March 3B/E]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Long March 3B(A)]]
| {{CHN}}
| [[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
| {{nts|0}}
| Development{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}<!-- when was this in development? is it still? -->
| [[Long March 3B(A)]]
|[[Long March 3C]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|{{nts|3700}} <ref name="长征三号甲运载火箭简述"/>
| {{nts|8}}<br>{{Citation needed|date=July 2010}}
| Operational
| 2008
| [[Long March 3C]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Long March 4A]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|{{nts|2}}<br>{{Citation needed|date=August 2010}}
|1990{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Long March 4A]]
|[[Long March 4B]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|{{nts|4200}}<ref name="cz-4b"/>
|{{nts|18}}<ref name="cz-4b">{{cite web|url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau_det/cz-4b.htm |title=CZ-4B (Chang Zheng-4B) |publisher=Space.skyrocket.de |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|1999<ref name="cz-4b"/>
|[[Long March 4B]]
|[[Long March 4C]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|2007{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Long March 4C]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Long March 5]]
| {{CHN}}
| [[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
| {{nts|25000}} <ref name="longmarch">{{Cite news|url= http://www.sinodefence.com/space/launcher/changzheng5.asp|title= ChangZheng 5 (Long March 5) Launch Vehicle|publisher=SinoDefence.com|date=2009-02-20|accessdate=2009-03-06}}</ref>
| {{nts|14000}} to GTO <ref name="longmarch" />
| {{nts|0}}
| Development{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}
| [[Long March 5]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
|[[Long March 6]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|Development{{citation needed|date=January 2013}}<br><small>since 2009</small>
|[[Long March 6]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
|[[Long March 7]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|Development<br><small>since 2009</small>{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Long March 7]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
|[[Long March 9]]
|[[China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology|CALT]]
|{{nts|130000}}<ref>{{cite web|last=Covault |first=Craig |url=http://www.americaspace.com/?p=22881 |title=First Look: China’s Big New Rockets « AmericaSpace |publisher=Americaspace.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|[[Long March 9]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Nissan Motors]]<ref name=Nissan/> (-2000)<br>[[:ja:IHIエアロスペース|IHI AEROSPACE]]<ref name=IHIAERO/> (-2006)
|{{nts|1800}} - 1,850<ref name=ISAS/>
|[[Minotaur I]]
|[[Orbital Sciences Corporation|Orbital]]
|{{nts|580}}<ref name=osc20120228>{{cite web |url=http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/Minotaur_I_Fact.pdf |title=Minotaur I Space Launch Vehicle—Fact Sheet |year=2012 |work= |publisher=Orbital Sciences Corporation |accessdate=2012-02-28 |quote=''Spacecraft mass-to-orbit of up to 580 kg to LEO (28.5 deg, 185 km)'' |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20061018165506/http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/Minotaur_I_Fact.pdf |archivedate=2006-10-18 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
|{{nts|10}}<ref name=minotaur1>{{cite web |url=http://www.orbital.com/spacelaunch/minotaur/ |title=Minotaur Space Launch Vehicles |year=2012 |work= |publisher=Orbital Sciences Corporation |accessdate=2012-08-28 |quote=''To date, Minotaur has conduced ten missions with a 100% success rate, delivering 33 satellites into orbit.''}}</ref>
|[[Minotaur I]]
|[[Minotaur IV]]
|[[Orbital Sciences Corporation|Orbital]]
|{{nts|3}}(+2)<ref name="minotaur">{{Cite web |url=http://www.orbital.com/SpaceLaunch/Minotaur/History/minotaur_history.shtml |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2013-11-15 |archive-date=2013-09-19 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20130919032016/http://www.orbital.com/SpaceLaunch/Minotaur/History/minotaur_history.shtml |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|2010<ref name="minotaur"/>
|2011<ref name="minotaur"/>
|[[Minotaur IV]]
|[[Minotaur V]]
|[[Orbital Sciences Corporation|Orbital]]
|{{nts|640}} to GTO<br/>447 to [[Trans Lunar Injection|TLI]]
|{{nts|1}}<ref name="minotaur"/> <!-- LADEE mission should appear shortly -->
|2013<ref name="minotaur"/>
|[[Minotaur V]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Molniya (rocket)|Molniya]]
|[[RSC Energia]]
|{{nts|24}}<ref name="molniya">{{cite web|url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/molniya.htm |title=Molniya and Soyuz with upper stages |publisher=Space.skyrocket.de |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|1965<ref name="molniya"/>
|[[Molniya (rocket)|Molniya]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[RSC Energia]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-3C]]
|[[Nissan Motors]]<ref name=Nissan/>
|{{nts|195}}<ref name=ISAS/>
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-3C]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-3H]]
|[[Nissan Motors]]<ref name=Nissan/>
|{{nts|300}}<ref name=ISAS/>
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-3H]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-3S]]
|[[Nissan Motors]]<ref name=Nissan/>
|{{nts|300}}<ref name=ISAS/>
|1984{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-3S]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-3SII]]
|[[Nissan Motors]]<ref name=Nissan/>
|{{nts|770}}<ref name=ISAS/>
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-3SII]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-4S]]
|[[Nissan Motors]]<ref name=Nissan/>
|{{nts|180}}<ref name=ISAS>{{cite web|title=Satellite Launch Vehicles|url=http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/e/enterp/rockets/vehicles/index.shtml|publisher=[[Institute of Space and Astronautical Science|Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS)]]|accessdate=4 March 2011}}</ref>
|[[Mu (rocket family)|Mu-4S]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;font-style:italic;"
| [[N1 (rocket)|N1]]
| {{USSR}}
| [[NPO Energia]]
| {{nts|95000}} <ref name="refN1-1"/><ref name="refN1-2"/><ref name="refN1-3"/><ref group="note" name="N4"/>
| {{nts|4}} <ref name="refN1-4"/>
| Retired
| 1969
| 1972
| [[N1 (rocket)|N1]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[N-I (rocket)|N-I]]
|[[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
|1982{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[N-I (rocket)|N-I]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[N-II (rocket)|N-II]]
|[[Mitsubishi Heavy Industries]]
|1987{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[N-II (rocket)|N-II]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|{{KOR}}<br/>{{RUS}}<!--Angara first stage-->
|[[KARI]]/[[Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center|Khrunichev]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;font-style:italic;"
|[[Paektusan (rocket)|Paektusan]]
|{{flag|North Korea}}
|[[Korean Committee of Space Technology|KCST]]
|[[Pegasus (rocket)|Pegasus]]
|[[Orbital Sciences Corporation|Orbital]]
|{{nts|41}}<ref name="Pegasus">{{Cite web |url=http://www.orbital.com/SpaceLaunch/Pegasus/pegasus_history.shtml |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2013-11-15 |archive-date=2013-07-22 |archive-url=https://www.webcitation.org/6IIm5SI3B?url=http://www.orbital.com/SpaceLaunch/Pegasus/pegasus_history.shtml |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|2012<ref name="Pegasus"/>
|[[Pegasus (rocket)|Pegasus]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic"
|[[Pegasus II (rocket)|Pegasus II]]
|[[Orbital Sciences Corporation|Orbital]]
|{{nts|6120}}<ref name=nsf20130524>
{{cite news|last=Bergin|first=Chris|title=Stratolaunch and Orbital – The Height of Air Launch|url=http://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2013/05/stratolaunch-orbital-air-launch/|accessdate=2013-05-24|newspaper=NASA SpaceFlight|date=2013-05-25 }}</ref>
|{{nts|2000}} to GTO<ref name=nsf20130524/>
|[[Pegasus II (rocket)|Pegasus II]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Polyot (rocket)|Polyot]]
|[[RSC Energia]]
|1964{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Polyot (rocket)|Polyot]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Proton-K]]
| {{USSR}}<br>{{RUS}}
| [[Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center|Khrunichev]]
| {{nts|19760}}{{Citation needed|date=March 2012}}
| {{nts|4930}}{{Citation needed|date=March 2012}} to GTO
| {{nts|311}} <ref name="astronautix1">{{cite web|url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/proton.htm |title=Proton |publisher=Astronautix.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
| Retired
| 1965
| 2012{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
| [[Proton-K]]
| [[Proton-M]]
| {{USSR}}<br>{{RUS}}
| [[Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center|Khrunichev]]
| {{nts|21600}}<ref name="ProtonM">{{cite web |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20071027045349/http://www.ilslaunch.com/products/proton/protonmpg/protonr6/pmpg_2e.pdf |archivedate=2007-10-27 |url=http://www.ilslaunch.com/launch-services/proton-mission-planners-guide |title=Proton Launch System Mission Planner’s Guide, LKEB-9812-1990 |publisher=[[International Launch Services]] |pages=2–2 |quote=LEO i = 51.6°, H = 200&nbsp;km circular ... GTO (1800 m/s from GSO) i = 31.0°, Hp = 2100&nbsp;km, Ha = 35,786&nbsp;km |accessdate=2007-11-12 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
| {{nts|6150}} to GTO<ref name="ProtonM"/>
| {{nts|85}} <ref name="Futron_Launch_Costs">{{cite web | url=http://www.futron.com/upload/wysiwyg/Resources/Whitepapers/Space_Transportation_Costs_Trends_0902.pdf | format=PDF | title=Space Transportation Costs: Trends in Price Per Pound to Orbit 1990-2000 | publisher=[[Futron]] | accessdate=2010-05-02 | archive-date=2011-07-11 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110711061933/http://www.futron.com/upload/wysiwyg/Resources/Whitepapers/Space_Transportation_Costs_Trends_0902.pdf | dead-url=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|4302}}<ref name="Futron_Launch_Costs" />
| {{nts|61}} <ref name="astronautix1"/>
| Operational
| 2001{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
| [[Proton-M]]
| [[Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle|PSLV]]
| {{IND}}
| [[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]
| {{nts|3200}}<ref name=PSLV>{{cite web |url= http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_JRgHKYCaeH4/S-mJE29KQwI/AAAAAAAAAJk/ctRSrE7P72c/s1600/PSLV+variants1.jpg |title=PSLV variants capability |publisher=ISRO |accessdate=15 May 2010}}</ref>
| {{nts|1600}} to SSO<br/>1,050 to GTO<ref name="GSP-PSLV">{{cite web |url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/pslv.htm |title=PSLV |archiveurl=https://www.webcitation.org/60eAq5vzm?url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/pslv.htm |archivedate=2011-08-02 |first=Krebs |last=Gunter |work=Gunter's Space Page |accessdate=2 August 2011 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
| {{nts|11}}
| Operational
| 1993{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
| [[Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle|PSLV]]
|[[Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle|PSLV-CA]]
|[[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]
|{{nts|2800}}<ref name=PSLV />
|{{nts|1100}} to SSO<ref name="GSP-PSLV"/>
| {{nts|7}}
| Operational
| 2007
|[[Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle|PSLV-CA]]
|[[Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle|PSLV-XL]]
|[[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]
|{{nts|3800}}<ref name="GSP-PSLV"/>
| {{ntsh|1300}} 1,750 to SSO<br/> 1,300 to GTO<ref name="GSP-PSLV"/>
| {{nts|3}}
| Operational
| 2008
|[[Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle|PSLV-XL]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle|PSLV-HP]]
| {{IND}}
| [[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]
| {{nts|4000}}<ref name="GSP-PSLV"/>
| {{ntsh|1440}} 1,900 to SSO<br/> 1,440 to GTO<ref name="GSP-PSLV"/>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle|PSLV-HP]]
|[[Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center|Khrunichev]]
|{{nts|14}}<ref name="harvey">{{Cite book|last=Harvey|first=Brian|title=The Rebirth of the Russian Space Program|publisher=Springer|location=Germany|year=2007|edition=1st|chapter=Launchers and engines|isbn=978-0-387-71354-0}}</ref>
|{{nts|7179}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
|{{nts|14}}<ref name="khru_rokot">{{cite web|url=http://www.khrunichev.ru/main.php?id=43|title=Rockot Launch Vehicle|publisher=Khrunichev.ru|accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|[[Safir (rocket)|Safir]]
|[[Iranian Space Agency]]
|2012{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Safir (rocket)|Safir]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Saturn I]]
|[[Chrysler]] (S-I)<br />[[Douglas Aircraft Company|Douglas]] ([[S-IV]])
|{{nts|10}}<ref name="saturn1">{{cite web|url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/saturn-1.htm |title=Saturn-1 & Saturn-1B |publisher=Space.skyrocket.de |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|1965<ref name="saturn1"/>
|[[Saturn I]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Saturn IB]]
|[[Chrysler]] ([[S-IB]])<br />[[Douglas Aircraft Company|Douglas]] ([[S-IVB]])
| {{nts|20412}}{{Citation needed|date=August 2011}}
| {{nts|9}}<ref>{{cite web |last=Bilstein|first=Roger E. |title=Appendix C: Saturn Family/Mission Data |url= http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4206/app-c.htm |work=Stages to Saturn A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicles |publisher=NASA History Office |accessdate=7 April 2011}}</ref>
| Retired
| 1966
| 1975
|[[Saturn IB]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Saturn V]]
| {{USA}}
| [[Boeing]] ([[S-IC]])<br>[[North American Aviation|North American]]&nbsp;([[S-II]])<br>[[Douglas Aircraft Company|Douglas]]&nbsp;([[S-IVB]])
| {{nts|118000}}<ref name="Rocket and Space Technology"/>
| {{nts|47000}} to TLI<ref name="Rocket and Space Technology"/>
| {{nts|185}} ({{formatnum:{{Inflation|US|0.185|1969|r=2}}}} billion in {{CURRENTISOYEAR}})<ref name="SP4221Ch6">{{cite web |url= http://history.nasa.gov/SP-4221/ch6.htm |title=SP-4221 The Space Shuttle Decision- Chapter 6: ECONOMICS AND THE SHUTTLE |accessdate=2011-01-15 |publisher=NASA}}</ref>
| {{nts|9,915}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
| {{nts|13}}<ref name="Saturn"/><ref name="Saturn V Flight History"/><ref group="note" name="N3"/>
| Retired
| 1967
| 1973
| [[Saturn V]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Scout (rocket family)|Scout]]
|[[US Air Force]]/[[NASA]]
|[[Scout (rocket family)|Scout]]
|[[Israel Aerospace Industries|IAE]]
|[[Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau|Makeyev]]
|{{nts|160}} - 430
|2006{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Simorgh (rocket)|Simorgh]]
|[[Iranian Space Agency]]
|{{nts|60}}-100<ref name="fars">{{cite web|url=http://english.farsnews.ir/newstext.php?nn=8811141592|title=Iranian DM: Simorgh to Carry Tolou, Mesbah Satellites into Space|publisher=Fars News Agency|date=2010-02-03|accessdate=2010-02-03|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20111113072413/http://english.farsnews.ir/newstext.php?nn=8811141592|archivedate=2011-11-13|dead-url=no}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.payvand.com/news/10/feb/1025.html |title=Iran unveils three new home-made satellites |publisher=Payvand.com |date= |accessdate=2012-07-25 |archive-date=2010-02-06 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100206215559/http://www.payvand.com/news/10/feb/1025.html |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|[[Simorgh (rocket)|Simorgh]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Space Launch System|SLS Block 1]]
| {{USA}}
| [[Alliant Techsystems]]&nbsp;([[Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster|SRBs]])<br>
[[Boeing]]&nbsp;(proposed)<ref name="autogenerated1">{{cite web|url=http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/594163main_2011-SLS_Industry_Day_Final_Public1-1_rev2.pdf |title=Space Launch System (SLS) Program Overview |publisher=Nasa.gov |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
| {{nts|70000}}<ref name="Space Launch System"/>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Space Launch System|SLS Block 1]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
| [[Space Launch System|SLS Block 2]]
| {{USA}}
| [[Alliant Techsystems]]&nbsp;([[Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster|SRBs]])<br>
[[Boeing]]&nbsp;(proposed)<ref name="autogenerated1"/>
| {{nts|130000}}<ref name="Space Launch System"/>
| {{nts|0}}
| Development
| [[Space Launch System|SLS Block 2]]
|[[Satellite Launch Vehicle|SLV]]
|[[Indian Space Research Organisation|ISRO]]
|{{nts|40}}{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|{{nts|4}}{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|1983{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Satellite Launch Vehicle|SLV]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Soyuz (rocket)|Soyuz]]
|[[RSC Energia]]
|[[Soyuz (rocket)|Soyuz]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[RSC Energia]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[RSC Energia]]
|{{nts|6200}}–6,700&nbsp;kg from [[Plesetsk Cosmodrome|Plesetsk]])<br/>6590-6950 from [[Baikonur Cosmodrome|Baikonour]]<ref name="soyuz-u">{{Cite web |url=http://www.samspace.ru/ENG/RN/souz_u.htm |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2013-11-15 |archive-date=2012-10-29 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121029153716/http://www.samspace.ru/ENG/RN/souz_u.htm |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|{{nts|6790}}–7130&nbsp;kg<ref name="soyuz-fg">{{Cite web |url=http://www.samspace.ru/ENG/RN/souz_fg.htm |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2013-11-15 |archive-date=2012-10-29 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20121029153725/http://www.samspace.ru/ENG/RN/souz_fg.htm |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|[[Soyuz-2 (rocket)|Soyuz-2.1a]]
|2004<ref group="note">Suborbital test flight in 2004, first orbital launch in 2006</ref>
|[[Soyuz-2 (rocket)|Soyuz-2.1a]]
|[[Soyuz-2 (rocket)|Soyuz-2.1b]]
|[[Soyuz-2 (rocket)|Soyuz-2.1b]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
|[[Soyuz-1 (rocket)|Soyuz-2.1v]]
|[[Soyuz-1 (rocket)|Soyuz-2.1v]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Space Shuttle]]
| {{USA}}
| [[Alliant Techsystems]] ([[Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Booster|SRBs]])<br>[[Martin Marietta]] ([[Space Shuttle external tank|ET]])<br>[[Rockwell International]] ([[Space Shuttle orbiter|Orbiter]])
| {{nts|24400}}<ref group="note" name="spaceplane"/>
| {{nts|300}} <ref name="Futron_Launch_Costs" />
| {{nts|10416}} <ref name="Futron_Launch_Costs" />
| {{nts|135}}<ref name="NASA-STS">{{cite web|url=http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/main/index.html |title=NASA - Space Shuttle |publisher=Nasa.gov |date= |accessdate=2012-07-25}}</ref>
| Retired
| 1981
| 2011
| [[Space Shuttle]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Sputnik (rocket)|Sputnik]] 8K71PS
|[[RSC Energia]]
|[[Sputnik (rocket)|Sputnik]] 8K71PS
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Sputnik (rocket)|Sputnik]] 8A91
|[[RSC Energia]]
|[[Sputnik (rocket)|Sputnik]] 8A91
|[[Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology|MITT]]
|{{nts|532}}{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|{{nts|167}} to [[Sun synchronous orbit|SSO]]{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|{{nts|7}}{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|2006{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
|[[Stratolaunch launch vehicle|StratoLaunch]]
|[[Stratolaunch Systems]]
|{{nts|6100}}<ref name=aw2011213>{{cite web |url=http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=space&id=news/awx/2011/12/13/awx_12_13_2011_p0-405946.xml&headline=Stratolaunch%20Aims%20to%20Break%20Affordability%20Barrier |title=Stratolaunch Aims to Break Affordability Barrier |date=2011-12-13 |publisher=Aviation Week |accessdate=2011-12-15 |archive-date=2012-12-05 |archive-url=https://archive.today/20121205201822/http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/awx_12_13_2011_p0-405946.xml |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|Development<ref name=aw2011213/>
|2016<ref name=aw20111220>{{cite news|last=Mecham|first=Michael|author2=Frank Morring, Jr.|title=Allen Places Big Bet On Air Launches|url=http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story.jsp?channel=space&id=news/awst/2011/12/19/AW_12_19_2011_p26-406657.xml&headline=Allen%20Places%20Big%20Bet%20On%20Air%20Launches&prev=10|accessdate=2011-12-23|newspaper=Aviation Week|date=2011-12-20|quote=''the overall team is still working through details of how to progress toward its 2016 first launch.''}}{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2022 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
|[[Stratolaunch launch vehicle|StratoLaunch]]
|[[Strela (rocket)|Strela]]
|[[Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center|Khrunichev]]
|€5 million.<ref name="esd2006"/>
|Operational{{Citation needed|date=July 2010}}
|[[Strela (rocket)|Strela]]
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
|[[Haas (rocket)|Super Haas]]
|[[Haas (rocket)|Super Haas]]
|[[Taurus (rocket)|Taurus]]
|[[Orbital Sciences Corporation|Orbital]]
|{{nts|1320}}{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|{{nts|9}}{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|Operational<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://www.orbital.com/spacelaunch/taurus/ |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2013-11-15 |archive-date=2014-02-09 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20140209053850/http://www.orbital.com/SpaceLaunch/Taurus/ |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
|2011{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Taurus (rocket)|Taurus]]
| [[Antares (rocket)|Antares]]
| {{USA}}
| [[Orbital Sciences Corporation|Orbital]]
| {{nts|6000}}<ref name="ostug13_201104">{{cite web |url=http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/Taurus_II_Guide.pdf |format=PDF |title=Taurus II User’s Manual, Rev. 1.3 |publisher=Orbital |date=April 2010 |accessdate=2010-11-11 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20100509062344/http://www.orbital.com/NewsInfo/Publications/Taurus_II_Guide.pdf |archivedate=2010-05-09 |dead-url=no }}</ref>
| {{nts|1900}} to GTO<ref name="ostug13_201104"/>
| {{nts|2}}
| Operational
| 2013
| 2013
| [[Antares (rocket)|Antares]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Titan II GLV]]
|[[Martin Marietta]]
|[[Titan II GLV]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Titan 23G|Titan II(23)G]]
|[[Martin Marietta]]
|[[Titan 23G|Titan II(23)G]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Titan IIIA]]
|[[Martin Marietta]]
|[[Titan IIIA]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Titan IIIB]]
|[[Martin Marietta]]
|[[Titan IIIB]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Titan IIIC]]
|[[Martin Marietta]]
| {{nts|36}}
| Retired
| 1965
| 1982
|[[Titan IIIC]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Titan IIID]]
|[[Martin Marietta]]
| {{nts|22}}
| Retired
| 1971
| 1982
|[[Titan IIID]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Titan IIIE]]
|[[Martin Marietta]]
| {{nts|7}}
| Retired
| 1974
| 1977
|[[Titan IIID]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Titan 34D]]
|[[Martin Marietta]]
| {{nts|15}}
| Retired
| 1982
| 1989
|[[Titan 34D]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Titan IV]]A
|[[Martin Marietta]]
| {{nts|22}}<ref name="titaniv">{{cite web|url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/titan-4.htm |title=Titan-4 |publisher=Space.skyrocket.de |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
| Retired
| 1989
| 1998
|[[Titan IV]]A
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
| [[Titan IV]]B
| {{USA}}
| [[Lockheed Martin]]
| {{nts|21682}}<ref name="titan4">{{cite web | url=https://www.maxwell.af.mil/au/awc/space/factsheets/titan_ivb.htm | title=Fact Sheet - TITAN IVB | publisher=[[United States Air Force]] | accessdate=2007-11-12 }}{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|5761}} to GTO <ref name="titan4" /><br>(9,000 with upper stage)
| {{nts|432}}
| {{nts|13836}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
| {{nts|17}}<ref name="titaniv"/>
| Retired
| 1997
| 2005
| [[Titan IV]]B
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic"
|[[Tronador II]]
| {{nts|0}}
| [[Tronador (rocket)|Tronador 2.0]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|{{nts|8}}<ref name="tsyklon2a">{{cite web|url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau_det/tsiklon-2a.htm |title=Tsiklon-2A (11K67) |publisher=Space.skyrocket.de |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|{{nts|106}}<ref name="tsyklon2">{{cite web|url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau_det/tsiklon-2.htm |title=Tsiklon-2 (11K69) |publisher=Space.skyrocket.de |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|2006<ref name="tsyklon2"/>
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|{{nts|122}}<ref name="tsyklon3">{{cite web|url=http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau_det/tsiklon-3.htm |title=Tsiklon-3 (11K68) |publisher=Space.skyrocket.de |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|2009<ref name="tsyklon3"/>
|- style="background:khaki;font-style:italic;"
|{{nts|5500}} <ref name="tsyklon">{{Cite news|url= http://www.nkau.gov.ua/nsau/catalogNEW.nsf/systemE/2C16C6A39AAF93DBC3256BF8004C1235?OpenDocument&Lang=E|title= Tsyklon-4 launcher main features|publisher=nkau.gov.ua|accessdate=2013-02-25}}</ref>
|{{nts|1700}} to GTO <ref name="tsyklon" />
|- style="font-style:italic"
|{{flag|North Korea}}
|[[Korean Committee of Space Technology|KCST]]
|{{nts|100}}{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|{{nts|2}}{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|Operational{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|2009{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Vanguard (rocket)|Vanguard]]
|[[Martin Aircraft|Martin]]
|{{nts|23}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
|[[Vanguard (rocket)|Vanguard]]
|[[Vega (rocket)|Vega]]
|[[European Space Agency|ESA]]/[[Italian Space Agency|ASI]]
| {{nts|23.5}} <ref name="price_vega">{{cite web|author=Ed Kyle |url=http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/vega.html |title=New Launchers - ESA Vega |publisher=Spacelaunchreport.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
| {{nts|15600}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
| 2012 <ref name="date_vega">{{cite web|url=http://www.esa.int/esaMI/Launchers_Access_to_Space/ASEKMU0TCNC_0.html |title=Vega / Launch vehicles / Launchers / Our Activities / ESA |publisher=Esa.int |date=2013-05-10 |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|[[Vega (rocket)|Vega]]
|- style="font-style:italic"
|[[Brazilian Space Agency|AEB]], [[National Institute for Space Research|INPE]]
|{{nts|2}}<ref group="note">A third rocket exploded before launch</ref>
|- style="font-style:italic;"
|[[Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau|Makeyev]]
|Operational{{Citation needed|date=July 2010}}
|1995<ref group="note">First orbital launch attempt in 2005</ref>
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Voskhod (rocket)|Voskhod]]
|[[RSC Energia]]
|[[Voskhod (rocket)|Voskhod]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[RSC Energia]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[RSC Energia]]
|1964{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Vostok-2 (rocket)|Vostok-2]]
|[[RSC Energia]]
|1967{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|[[Vostok-2 (rocket)|Vostok-2]]
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[RSC Energia]]
|{{nts|93}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
|1991{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[RSC Energia]]
|1966{{citation needed|date=July 2012}}
|- style="background:lightgrey;"
|[[Yuzhnoye Design Bureau|Yuzhnoye]]
| {{nts|13740}}<ref name="slr_zenit">{{cite web|author=Ed Kyle |url=http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/zenit.html |title=Zenit Data Sheet |publisher=Spacelaunchreport.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
| {{nts|37}}<ref name="slr_launchstats" />
| Retired
| 1985
| 2004<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.russianspaceweb.com/zenit.html |title=Zenit launch vehicle |publisher=Russianspaceweb.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
|[[Zenit-2M]] (2SLB)
|[[Yuzhnoye Design Bureau|Yuzhnoye]]
| {{nts|13920}}<ref name="slr_zenit"/>
| {{nts|1}}
| Operational
| 2007
|[[Zenit-2M]] (2SLB)
|[[Yuzhnoye Design Bureau|Yuzhnoye]]<ref group=note name="land"/>
| {{nts|1}}
| Operational
| 2011
| [[Zenit-3F]]
| [[Zenit-3SL]]
| {{UKR}}
| [[Yuzhmash]]<br>[[RKK Energia]] <ref group=note>Operated by [[Sea Launch]]</ref>
| {{nts|6000}} to GTO <ref name="sea-launch launch_vehicle">{{cite web | url=http://www.sea-launch.com/sllaunch_vehicle.htm | title=Launch Vehicle | publisher=[[Sea Launch]] | accessdate=2012-12-10 | archive-date=2009-04-04 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20090404002737/http://www.sea-launch.com/sllaunch_vehicle.htm | dead-url=yes }}</ref>
| {{nts|100}}<ref name="faa ocst 2011">{{cite web | url=http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/ast/media/HQ-121473.pdf | title=FAA Semi-Annual Launch Report: Second Half of Fiscal Year 2011 | publisher=Federal Aviation Administration - Office of Commercial Space Transportation | accessdate=December 10, 2012 | pages=end of document}}</ref>
| {{nts|30}}
| Operational
| 1999
| [[Zenit-3SL]]
| [[Zenit-3SLB]]
| {{UKR}}
| [[Yuzhmash]] <br>[[RKK Energia]] <ref group=note name="land">Operated by [[Land Launch]]</ref>
| {{nts|3750}} to GTO{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
| {{nts|4}}{{citation needed|date=December 2012}}
| Operational
| 2008
| [[Zenit-3SLB]]
== Persaingan pasar peluncuran antariksa ==
Persaingan pasar peluncuran antariksa merupakan manifestasi kekuatan pasar dalam bisnis penyedia layanan peluncuran. Secara khusus, tren dinamika persaingan di antara kemampuan transportasi muatan dengan harga yang beragam memiliki pengaruh yang lebih besar pada pembelian peluncuran daripada pertimbangan politik tradisional negara pembuat atau entitas nasional yang menggunakan, mengatur, atau memberi lisensi layanan peluncuran.
Setelah munculnya teknologi penerbangan antariksa pada akhir tahun 1950-an, layanan peluncuran antariksa muncul, secara eksklusif oleh program nasional. Kemudian pada abad ke-20, operator komersial menjadi pelanggan penting penyedia peluncuran. Persaingan internasional untuk subset muatan satelit komunikasi dari pasar peluncuran semakin dipengaruhi oleh pertimbangan komersial. Namun, bahkan selama periode ini, untuk satelit komunikasi yang diluncurkan oleh komersial dan entitas pemerintah, penyedia layanan peluncuran untuk muatan ini menggunakan kendaraan peluncur yang dibuat sesuai spesifikasi pemerintah, dan dengan pendanaan pengembangan yang disediakan negara secara eksklusif.
Pada awal tahun 2010-an, lima dekade setelah manusia pertama kali mengembangkan teknologi penerbangan antariksa, sistem kendaraan peluncur yang dikembangkan secara pribadi dan penawaran layanan peluncuran antariksa muncul. Perusahaan kini menghadapi insentif ekonomi, bukan insentif politik seperti pada dekade-dekade sebelumnya. Bisnis peluncuran antariksa mengalami penurunan harga per unit yang drastis, bersamaan dengan penambahan kemampuan yang sama sekali baru, yang membawa babak baru persaingan di pasar peluncuran antariksa.
Pada tahun 2024 dilaporkan bahwa, dengan menghitung semua aktivitas peluncuran dan penerbangan antariksa global, [[SpaceX]], yang memanfaatkan keluarga roket [[Falcon (keluarga roket)|Falcon]] miliknya, telah meluncurkan hampir 87% dari semua upmass di Bumi pada tahun 2023.
{{Anchor|table of costs}}<center>
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Perkiraan biaya muatan kendaraan peluncur per kg
! Kendaraan peluncur !! Biaya muatan per kg
| [[Vanguard (rocket)|Vanguard]] || $1,000,000 <ref name ="Trends" />
| [[Space Shuttle]] || $54,500 <ref name ="Trends" />
| [[Electron (rocket)|Electron]] || $19,039 <ref>{{cite news |title=Rocket Lab points out that not all rideshare rocket launches are created equal |url=https://techcrunch.com/2020/01/30/rocket-lab-points-out-that-not-all-rideshare-rocket-launches-are-created-equal/ |website=TechCrunch|date=30 January 2020 |last1=Etherington |first1=Darrell }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=Payload User Guide|url=https://www.rocketlabusa.com/assets/Uploads/Payload-User-Guide-LAUNCH-V6.6.pdf |website=rocklabusa.com |publisher=Rocket Lab|access-date=November 22, 2022}}</ref>
| [[Ariane 5|Ariane 5G]] || $9,167 <ref name ="Trends" />
| [[Long March 3B]] || $4,412 <ref name ="Trends" />
| [[Proton (rocket family)|Proton]] || $4,320 <ref name ="Trends" />
| [[Falcon 9]] || $2,720 <ref name ="NASAtrends">{{cite journal |title=NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) |url=https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20200001093 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210801024432/https://ntrs.nasa.gov/citations/20200001093 |url-status=dead |archive-date=2021-08-01 |website=ntrs.nasa.gov |date=8 July 2018 |publisher=NASA |access-date=4 January 2021}}</ref>
| [[Falcon Heavy]] || $1,500 <ref name ="Aerospace">{{cite journal |title=Space Launch to Low Earth Orbit: How Much Does It Cost? |url=https://aerospace.csis.org/data/space-launch-to-low-earth-orbit-how-much-does-it-cost/|website=aerospace.csis.org |date=1 September 2022 |publisher=CSIS|access-date=8 September 2023}}</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Roket]]
* [[Mesin roket]]
* [[Pelabuhan angkasa]]
== Catatan ==
<references group="note">
<ref name="N3">The Saturn V made 13 launches, 12 of which reached the correct orbits, and the other ([[Apollo 6]]) reached a different orbit than the one which had been planned; however, some mission objectives could still be completed; [http://history.msfc.nasa.gov/saturn_apollo/documents/Flight_History.pdf NASA, Saturn V News Reference, Appendix: Saturn V Flight History (1968)] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110517075159/http://history.msfc.nasa.gov/saturn_apollo/documents/Flight_History.pdf |date=2011-05-17 }}. For more information, see the [[Saturn V]] article. The Saturn V launch record is usually quoted as having never failed, e.g. ''"The rocket was masterminded by Wernher Von Braun and did not fail in any of its flights"'', Alan Lawrie and Robert Godwin; [http://www.apogeespacebooks.com/Books/Saturn.html Saturn], but the Apollo 6 launch should be considered a partial mission failure. The 13th launch of Saturn V was in special configuration (SA-513) with the [[Skylab]].</ref>
<ref name="N4">The N1 rocket was initially designed for 75mt LEO capacity and launch attempts were made with this version, but there were studies to increase the payload capacity to 90—95 mt, if a liquid-hydrogen upper stage engine could be developed.</ref>
<ref name="N6">Encyclopedia Astronautica quotes Energia's "flyaway unit cost" at "$764 million in 1985 dollars". However the realistic exchange rate of Soviet currency was drastically different from the official conversion rate which had been set by decree at 0.8 Soviet rubles per US$1. Unofficially one US dollar in 1980s was in terms of purchasing power roughly equivalent to four Soviet rubles.</ref>
== Referensi ==
<ref name="Rocket and Space Technology">{{cite web| url = http://www.braeunig.us/space/specs/saturn.htm | title = Rocket and Space Technology | publisher = Braeunig.us|accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
<ref name="Saturn">Alan Lawrie and Robert Godwin, '' [http://www.apogeespacebooks.com/Books/Saturn.html Saturn],'' 2005 (paperback, Apogee Books Space Series, 2010), ISBN 1-894959-19-1</ref>
<ref name="Saturn V Flight History">John Duncan, [http://www.apollosaturn.com/satvhist.htm Saturn V Flight History] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110805154018/http://www.apollosaturn.com/satvhist.htm |date=2011-08-05 }} (1999), web page (accessed 20 August 2010)</ref>
<ref name="refN1-1">{{cite web | url = http://www.energia.ru/en/history/systems/vehicles/vehicle_n1-l3.html | title = Complex N1-L3 | publisher = Energia.ru | accessdate = 2013-11-04 | archive-date = 2016-10-30 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20161030204839/http://www.energia.ru/en/history/systems/vehicles/vehicle_n1-l3.html | dead-url = yes }}</ref>
==Pranala luar==
<ref name="refN1-2">{{cite web|url=http://www.astronautix.com/craft/l3.htm |title=L3 |publisher=Astronautix.com |date= |accessdate=2013-11-04}}</ref>
* http://cryptome.org/eyeball/satspy/satspy-eyeball.htm
<ref name="refN1-3">{{cite web |url=http://www.energia.ru/en/history/systems/vehicles/vehicle_n1-l3_c.html |title=RSC "Energia" - History |publisher=Energia.ru |date=2011-04-12 |accessdate=2013-11-04 |archive-date=2016-10-30 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20161030202622/http://www.energia.ru/en/history/systems/vehicles/vehicle_n1-l3_c.html |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
[[Kategori:Kendaraan peluncur luar angkasa|main article]]
<ref name="refN1-4">{{cite web|url=http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/n1.htm|title=N1|last=Wade|first=Mark|publisher=Encyclopedia Astronautica|accessdate=9 August 2010}}</ref>
<ref name="Energia"/>
<ref name="Energia3">{{cite web|url=http://www.astronautix.com/fam/energia.htm|title=Energia|last=Wade|first=Mark|publisher=Encyclopedia Astronautica|accessdate=9 August 2010}}</ref>
<ref name="Space Launch System">{{cite web|url=http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/664158main_sls_fs_master.pdf|title=Space Launch System|publisher=Nasa.gov|accessdate=27 August 2013|archive-date=2012-08-13|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120813043824/http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/664158main_sls_fs_master.pdf|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
== Pranala luar ==
* https://web.archive.org/web/20100805045010/http://cryptome.org/eyeball/satspy/satspy-eyeball.htm
* S. A. Kamal, A. Mirza: ''[http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C66: The Multi-Stage-Q System and the Inverse-Q System for Possible application in SLV] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100414071325/http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C66: |date=2010-04-14 }}'', Proc. IBCAST 2005, Volume 3, Control and Simulation, Edited by Hussain SI, Munir A, Kiyani J, Samar R, Khan MA, National Center for Physics, Bhurban, KP, Pakistan, 2006, pp 27–33 [http://www.ngds-ku.org/Papers/C66.pdf Free Full Text]
* S. A. Kamal: ''[http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C67: Incorporating Cross-Range Error in the Lambert Scheme] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100414071325/http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C67: |date=2010-04-14 }}'', Proc. 10th National Aeronautical Conf., Edited by Sheikh SR, Khan AM, Pakistan Air Force Academy, Risalpur, KP, Pakistan, 2006, pp 255–263 [http://www.ngds-ku.org/Papers/C67.pdf Free Full Text]
* S. A. Kamal: ''[http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C72: The Multi-Stage-Lambert Scheme for Steering a Satellite-Launch Vehicle] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100414071325/http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C72: |date=2010-04-14 }}'', Proc. 12th IEEE INMIC, Edited by Anis MK, Khan MK, Zaidi SJH, Bahria Univ., Karachi, Pakistan, 2008, pp 294–300 (invited paper) [http://www.ngds-ku.org/Papers/C72.pdf Free Full Text]
* S. A. Kamal: ''[http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C56: Incompleteness of Cross-Product Steering and a Mathematical Formulation of Extended-Cross-Product Steering] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100414071325/http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C56: |date=2010-04-14 }}'', Proc. IBCAST 2002, Volume 1, Advanced Materials, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Control Engineering, Edited by Hoorani HR, Munir A, Samar R, Zahir S, National Center for Physics, Bhurban, KP, Pakistan, 2003, pp 167–177 [http://www.ngds-ku.org/Papers/C56.pdf Free Full Text]
* S. A. Kamal: ''[http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C55: Dot-Product Steering: A New Control Law for Satellites and Spacecrafts] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100414071325/http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C55: |date=2010-04-14 }}'', Proc. IBCAST 2002, Volume 1, Advanced Materials, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Control Engineering, Edited by Hoorani HR, Munir A, Samar R, Zahir S, National Center for Physics, Bhurban, KP, Pakistan, 2003, pp 178–184 [http://www.ngds-ku.org/Papers/C55.pdf Free Full Text]
* S. A. Kamal: ''[http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C64: Ellipse-Orientation Steering: A Control Law for Spacecrafts and Satellite-Launch Vehicles] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20100414071325/http://www10.brinkster.com/drakamal/pub/confabst.htm#C64: |date=2010-04-14 }}'', Space Science and the Challenges of the twenty-First Century, ISPA-SUPARCO Collaborative Seminar, Univ. of Karachi, 2005 (invited paper)
* [https://archive.today/20130117062846/www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/7713795-christmas-turns-bad-for-isro-gslv-mission-fails Christmas turns bad for ISRO, GSLV mission fails.]
* http://themittani.com/features/satellite-extravaganza-us-vs-russia?page=0%2C1 {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20131207100440/http://themittani.com/features/satellite-extravaganza-us-vs-russia?page=0%2C1 |date=2013-12-07 }}
* http://www.spacelaunchreport.com/dnepr.html
* http://www.astronautix.com/articles/costhing.htm Encyclopedia Astronautica: Cost, Price, and the Whole Darn Thing
[[Kategori:Kendaraan peluncur antariksa| ]]
[[en:Launch vehicle]]