T.O.P: Perbedaan antara revisi
Konten dihapus Konten ditambahkan
Yaya Nulis (bicara | kontrib) Tidak ada ringkasan suntingan |
(37 revisi perantara oleh 24 pengguna tidak ditampilkan) | |||
Baris 1:
{{For|singkatan|TOP (disambiguasi){{!}}TOP}}
{{Distinguish|Tower of Power}}
{{Korean name|[[Choi (nama Korea)|Choi]]}}
{{Bukan|Tukang Ojek Pengkolan}}
{{Infobox person <!-- See Wikipedia:WikiProject Musicians -->
| name
| image
| caption
| birth_name
| native_name
| alias
| birth_date
| birth_place
| occupation
* [[Penyanyi]]
* [[penulis lagu]]
* [[aktor]]
* [[produser rekaman]]
* [[rapper]]}}
| module
| background = penyanyi_solo
| genre = {{flatlist|
* [[K-pop]]
* [[hip hop]]}}
| years_active = 2006–kini
| label = {{ubl|
* [[YG Entertainment]]<ref name="Choi Seung Hyun YG Profile" /> (2006-2022)| * Independent (2022 - sekarang)}}
| associated_acts = {{flatlist|
* [[Big Bang (grup musik)|Big Bang]]
* [[YG Family]]}}
| website =
}} {{Infobox Korean name
|title=[[Nama Korea]]
Baris 37 ⟶ 40:
|mr= Ch'oe Sŭnghyŏn
'''Choi Seung-hyun''' ({{korean|최승현}}, lahir pada 4 November 1987)<ref name="Russell2014">{{cite book|author=Mark Russell|title=K-Pop Now!: The Korean Music Revolution|page=34|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=etDZAwAAQBAJ|date=29 April 2014|publisher=Tuttle Publishing|isbn=978-1-4629-1411-1}}</ref> atau yang lebih dikenal dengan nama panggungnya, '''T.O.P''', adalah rapper, penyanyi sekaligus aktor dan model, kolumnis Billboard K-Town menyatakan bahwa T.O.P terkenal akan suaranya yang dalam dan gaya rapnya yang khas serta unik.<ref>{{cite web|last=Benjamin|first=Jeff|title=BIGBANG in America: Behind the Scenes With the K-Pop Boy Wonders|url=http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/k-town/474146/bigbang-in-america-behind-the-scenes-with-the-k-pop-boy-wonders|publisher=Billboard|accessdate=16 November 2012}}</ref> T.O.P sebelumnya adalah mantan Anggota grup musik [[Big Bang (grup musik)|Big Bang]].
== Kehidupan dan karier ==
=== 2005–2006: Awal kehidupan dan debut bersama Big Bang ===
Choi Seung-hyun diberi nama panggung T.O.P ({{korean|탑}}) oleh seniornya di YG, [[Seven (penyanyi)|Se7en]]. Ia pun menjadi rapper di Big Bang bersama G-Dragon. Keduanya dipasangkan dengan empat anggota lainnya, yakni [[Taeyang]], [[Daesung]],
=== 2007–2010: Perkembangan karier solo, awal karier akting dan GD&TOP ===
[[Berkas:GD&TOP performance at Big Bang's Big Show, 2011.jpg|
Menyusul dirilisnya singel dan album grup, T.O.P mulai meniti karier solonya. Pada April 2007, ia tampil bersama Taeyang dan G-Dragon dalam singel "Super Fly" milik [[Lexy (penyanyi)|Lexy]] untuk album ''Rush''. Pada musim panas tahun yang sama, ia menjadi model untuk video musik Red Roc berjudul "Hello".<ref name="빅뱅 8월 신보 발매, 태양 솔로 데뷔는 미정">{{cite news
T.O.P kemudian melanjutkan kegiatan promosi bersama grupnya. Setelah lebih dari setahun mempromosikan album grup, ia kembali berakting dan berperan sebagai pembunuh bayaran bernama Vick<ref name="IRISpopular">{{cite web|url=http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2913046|title=New drama finds a gripping formula for success|last=Chung Kang|first=Hyun|date=26 November 2009|publisher=''Joongang Daily''|accessdate=3 Desember 2009}}</ref> dalam drama ''[[Iris (serial TV)|Iris]].''<ref name="IRISannounce">{{cite web |url=http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/include/print.asp?newsIdx=45568 |title='Iris' to Bring Spy Story to Small Screen |last=Han Sang |first=Hee |date=24 Mei 2009 |publisher=''Korea Times'' |accessdate=3 Desember 2009 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20091016082155/http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/include/print.asp?newsIdx=45568 |archivedate=
[[Berkas:GD & T.O.P 2010.jpg|
Penampilannya dalam film tahun 2010 berjudul ''[[71: Into the Fire]]'' membawanya meraih beberapa penghargaan, termasuk Hallyu Popularity Award di Grand Bell Film Awards ke-47.<ref name="2010 Grand Bell win">{{cite web |url=http://www.mb.com.ph/articles/284998/poetry-wins-best-film-47th-daejong-film-awards |title='Poetry' wins best film at 47th Daejong Film Awards |author=Hicap, Jonathan M. |date=30 Oktober 2010 |accessdate=6 November 2010 |work=Manila Bulletin |publisher=Manila Bulletin Publishing}}</ref> Film ini ditonton sebanyak 1 juta kali dalam seminggu.<ref name="Actor Kwon Sang-woo injured while filming fight">{{cite web|first=Seung-hye | last=Yim | coauthors= |url=http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2916264|title=Actor Kwon Sang-woo injured while filming fight|date=5 Februari 2010|publisher=''JoongAng Daily''|accessdate=5 Februari 2010}}</ref>
Pada November 2010, YG Entertainment mengumumkan akan merilis [[GD & TOP|album kolaborasi]] dari G-Dragon dan T.O.P di bawah nama GD&TOP.<ref name="English KBS">{{cite web| title = G-Dragon and Top to Release Duet Album in December
[[Berkas:T.O.P 2012 3.jpg|
Selama tahun 2011, Big Bang menghentikan segala aktivitasnya setelah dirilisnya album mini ''[[Tonight (album mini Big Bang)|Tonight]]'' akibat kasus kecelakaan mobil Daesung dan skandal ganja G-Dragon. T.O.P menghadiri acara penghargaan [[MTV EMA]] 2011 bersama Big Bang dan grup ini memenangkan kategori Best Worldwide Act.<ref>{{cite web|title=Big Bang Wins the "World Wide Act" Award at MTV European Music Awards|url=http://www.soompi.com/2011/11/06/big-bang-wins-the-world-wide-act-award-at-mtv-european-music-awards|publisher=Soompi|accessdate=6 November 2011}}</ref>
Pada tahun 2012, T.O.P membintangi film ''[[Commitment (film)|Commitment]]'' (dikenal juga sebagai ''Alumni'').
T.O.P masuk sebagai salah satu simbol seks paling hot tahun 2013 versi majalah Amerika, [[Rolling Stone]].<ref>{{cite web|title=2013's Hottest Sex Symbols|url=http://www.rollingstone.com/culture/pictures/2013s-hottest-sex-symbols-20131217|publisher=RollingStone|accessdate=17 Desember 2013}}</ref> Pada bulan November, ia merilis singel digital "Doom Dada"<ref>{{cite web|title='YG Music' DOOM DADA|url=http://www.genie.co.kr/Detail/f_Album_Info.asp?axnm=80464345|publisher=Genie|accessdate=15 November 2013}}</ref> yang ia sendiri anggap aneh dan mengerikan. Ini merupakan lagu solo pertama T.O.P dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun sejak singel solo "Turn It Up" pada tahun 2010. Lagu ini ditampilkan untuk pertama kali di [[Mnet Asian Music Awards]] 2013 di [[Hong Kong]].<ref>{{cite web|title=Performances from the '2013 MAMA'!|url=http://www.allkpop.com/article/2013/11/performances-from-the-2013-mama|publisher=Allkpop|accessdate=22 November 2013}}</ref> Ia bersama G-Dragon tampil dalam lagu "Dancing On My Own" dari album Jepang [[Pixie Lott]].<ref>http://www.allkpop.com/2012/03/gdtop-to-feature-in-english-singer-pixie-lotts-new-japanese-release</ref> Pada tahun 2014, T.O.P memerankan karakter utama Ham Dae-gil yang memasuki dunia perjudian bawah tanah di Seoul dalam film ''[[Tazza 2: The Hidden Card]]'', sekuel dari film ''Tazza: The High Rollers''.
Setelah debut sebagai desainer mebel pada tahun 2015 dengan berkolaborasi bersama perusahaan mebel terkenal asal Swiss, Vitra,<ref>{{cite web|title=T.O.P to Debut as Furniture Designer in 2015 in Collaboration with Switzerland-based Brand VITRA|url=http://ygunited.com/2015/01/t-o-p-debut-furniture-designer-2015-collaboration-switzerland-based-brand-vitra/|publisher=YGUnited|accessdate=21 Januari 2015|archive-date=2015-01-24|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20150124020157/http://ygunited.com/2015/01/t-o-p-debut-furniture-designer-2015-collaboration-switzerland-based-brand-vitra/|dead-url=yes}}</ref> ia dianugerahi penghargaan Visual Culture Award di Prudential Eye Awards untuk bakat seni dan potensinya sebagai kurator seni dengan minatnya di bidang desain mebel dan konstruksi.<ref>{{cite web|title=Big Bang's T.O.P awarded Visual Culture Award for his artistic interests from 'Prudential Eye Awards'|url=http://www.allkpop.com/article/2015/01/big-bangs-top-awarded-visual-culture-award-for-his-artistic-interests-from-prudential-eye-awards|publisher=Allkpop|accessdate=21 Januari 2015}}</ref>
=== 2023 - kini ===
T.O.P keluar dari YG Entertainment pada Februari 2023 dan mengumumkan bahwa ia keluar dari grup Big Bang lewat Instagramnya pada 30 Mei 2023.<ref>{{Cite web|last=antaranews.com|date=2023-06-02|title=T.O.P tegaskan dirinya keluar dari BIGBANG|url=https://www.antaranews.com/berita/3568533/top-tegaskan-dirinya-keluar-dari-bigbang|website=Antara News|language=id|access-date=2024-11-24}}</ref> Pada November 2024, T.O.P muncul dalam ''teaser'' drama korea rilisan Netflix, Squid Game 2 akan tetapi dikabarkan tidak menghadiri konferensi pers penayangan drama tersebut.<ref>{{Cite web|last=Yusron|first=Atmi Ahsani|title=Keterlibatan T.O.P di Squid Game Masih Bikin Pro-Kontra|url=https://www.detik.com/pop/korean-wave/d-7641914/keterlibatan-t-o-p-di-squid-game-masih-bikin-pro-kontra|website=detikpop|language=id-ID|access-date=2024-11-24}}</ref>
== Diskografi ==
{{Main|Diskografi Big Bang}}
; Album kolaborasi
* ''[[GD & TOP]]'' bersama [[G-Dragon]] (2010)
* ''Play with GD & TOP'' bersama G-Dragon (2011)
=== Singel ===
{| class="wikitable"
! rowspan="2" style="width:50px;"|Tahun
! rowspan="2" style="width:18em;"|Singel
! Posisi puncak
! rowspan="2" style="width:12em;"|Album
| style="text-align:center;"|<small>'''[[Gaon Chart|KOR]]'''<br /><ref name="Gaon top">{{cite web |url=http://gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/search/list.gaon?Search_str=%EB%B0%95%EB%B4%84&x=0&y=0 |title=Gaon Chart Search: T.O.P |language=bahasa Korea |work=Gaon Chart |publisher=Korea Music Content Industry Association |accessdate=6 November 2010}}</ref></small>
| style="text-align:center;"|2006
|"Big Boy" <small>(T.O.P solo)</small>
| style="text-align:center;"|—
| style="text-align:center;"|''[[Since 2007]]''
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="2"|2007
|"Friend" <small>(Feat. [[Taeyang]])</small>
| style="text-align:center;"|—
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="1"|''MBC TV Drama [Friend, Our Legend] OST''
|"Act Like Nothing's Wrong" <small>(Feat. Kim Jieun)</small>
| style="text-align:center;"|—
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="1"|''[[Always (album mini)|Always]]''
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="1"|2009
|"Hallelujah" <small>(Feat. [[G-Dragon]] & [[Taeyang]])</small>
| style="text-align:center;"| 18
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="1"|''[[Iris (serial TV)|Iris OST]]''
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="2"|2010
|"Turn it Up"
| style="text-align:center;"| 11
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="1"|''Singel Digital''
| style="text-align:center;"|—
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="1"|''19 OST''
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="2"|2011
|"Of All Days"
| style="text-align:center;"| 89
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="2"|''[[GD & TOP]]''
|"Oh Mom"
| style="text-align:center;"| 27
| style="text-align:center;"|2013
|"Doom Dada
| style="text-align:center;"|4
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="1"|''Singel Digital''
| style="text-align:center;"|2015
|"Hi Haruka"
| style="text-align:center;"|—
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="2"|''Secret Message OST''
=== Singel kolaborasi ===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
! rowspan="2" style="width:50px;"|Tahun
! rowspan="2" style="width:18em;"|Judul
! Posisi puncak
! rowspan="2" style="width:12em;"|Album
! <small>[[Gaon Chart|KOR]]</small><br /><ref name="Gaon park bom">{{cite web |url=http://gaonchart.co.kr/main/section/search/list.gaon?Search_str=%EB%B0%95%EB%B4%84&x=0&y=0 |title=Gaon Chart Search: Park Bom |language=bahasa Korea |work=Gaon Chart |publisher=Korea Music Content Industry Association |accessdate=6 November 2010}}</ref>
|style="text-align:center;" rowspan="2"|2006
|align="left"|"Forever with You" <small>(bersama [[G-Dragon]] Ft. [[Park Bom]]) </small>
| —
|rowspan="2"|''[[Bigbang Vol.1]]''
|align="left"|"We Belong Together" <small>(bersama G-Dragon & Vxp Ft. Park Bom) </small>
| —
|align="left"|"Buckwild" <small>(NBK Gray Ft. T.O.P) </small>
| —
|style="text-align:center;" rowspan="4"|2008
|align="left"|"I'm Sorry" <small>([[Gummy (penyanyi)|Gummy]] Ft. T.O.P) </small>
| —
|align="left"|"D.I.S.C.O" <small>([[Uhm Jung-hwa]] Ft. T.O.P) </small>
| —
|align="left"|"All I See is You" <small>(ZiA Ft. T.O.P) </small>
| —
|''Road Movie''
| align="left" |"We Belong Together" Versi Inggris <small>(bersama G-Dragon Ft. Park Bom) </small>
| —
|rowspan="1"|''[[With U (album mini)|With U]]''
| 2010
|align="left"|"Digital Bounce" <small>([[Seven (penyanyi)|Se7en]] Ft. T.O.P) </small>
| —
|''[[Digital Bounce]]''
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="6"|2011
|align="left"|"High High" <small>(bersama G-Dragon) </small>
| 1
|style="text-align:center;" rowspan="6"|''[[GD & TOP]]''
|align="left"|"Oh Yeah" <small>(bersama G-Dragon Ft. Park Bom) </small>
| 2
|align="left"|"Knock Out" <small>(bersama G-Dragon) </small>
| 3
|align="left"|"Intro" <small>(bersama G-Dragon) </small>
| —
|align="left"|"Baby Goodnight" <small>(bersama G-Dragon) </small>
| 13
|align="left"|"Don't Go Home" <small>(bersama G-Dragon) </small>
| 22
| 2012
|align="left"|"Dancing On My Own" <small>([[Pixie Lott]] Ft. T.O.P & G-Dragon) </small>
| —
|''Young Foolish Happy (Deluxe Edition)''
| 2013
|align="left"|"Bubble Butt" <small>([[Major Lazer]] Ft. [[Bruno Mars]], [[G-Dragon]], T.O.P, [[Tyga]] dan Mystic) </small>
|''Free the Universe (Asian Edition)''
| 2015
|align="left"|"[[Zutter (lagu)|Zutter]]" <small>(bersama G-Dragon) </small>
| 2
|''[[Made (album Big Bang)|Made]]''
|colspan="14" style="font-size:8pt"| "—" menunjukkan perilisan yang tidak masuk tangga lagu atau tidak dirilis di wilayah tersebut.
== Filmografi ==
=== Film ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Tahun
! Judul
! Peran
! Keterangan
| 2008
| ''Story of Men''
| Dirinya sendiri
| Penampilan kameo
| 2009
| ''[[19-Nineteen|Nineteen]]''
| Seo Jeong-hun
| 2010
| ''[[71: Into the Fire]]''
| Oh Jang-beom
| 2011
| ''[[Iris the Movie]]''
| Vick
| Film adaptasi dari drama ''[[Iris (serial TV)|Iris]]'' untuk Jepang
| 2013
| ''[[Commitment (film)|Commitment]]''
| Lee Myeong-hoon / Kang Dae-ho
| 2014
| ''[[Tazza: The Hidden Card]]''
| Ham Dae-gil
| Sekuel dari ''[[Tazza: The High Rollers]]''
=== Drama televisi ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Tahun
! Judul
! Peran
! Saluran
| 2007
| ''[[I Am Sam (serial TV)|I Am Sam]]''
| Chae Mu-sin
| [[KBS2]]
| 2009
| ''[[Iris (serial TV)|Iris]]''
| Vick
| [[KBS2]]
| 2010
| 2015
| Secret Message<ref>{{cite web|title=BigBang T.O.P. and Japanese actress reveal 'Secret Message'|url=http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2015/10/201_189679.html|publisher=Korea Times|accessdate=28 November 2015|date=4 November 2015}}</ref>
| Woo-hyun
| Drama web [[CJ E&M]]
=== Acara varietas ===
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="background:#b0c4de; text-align:center;"
! Tahun
! Judul
! Saluran
! Keterangan
! Video
|2009 ||''[[Family Outing]]''|| [[Seoul Broadcasting System|SBS]] || Bintang tamu, episode 34 dan 35 || [-]
| 2012 ||''[[Running Man (serial TV)|Running Man]]''|| [[Seoul Broadcasting System|SBS]] || Bintang tamu bersama [[Big Bang (grup musik)|BIGBANG]], episode 84 dan 85 || [-]
| 2013 ||''[[Running Man (serial TV)|Running Man]]''|| [[Seoul Broadcasting System|SBS]] || Bintang tamu bersama [[Kim Yoo-jung]], episode 170 || [-]
| 2015 ||''[[Running Man (serial TV)|Running Man]]''|| [[Seoul Broadcasting System|SBS]] || Bintang tamu bersama [[Big Bang (grup musik)|BIGBANG]], episode 250 || [-]
| 2015 ||''Yu Huiyeol's Sketchbook''|| [[KBS2]] || Bintang tamu bersama [[Big Bang (grup musik)|BIGBANG]], episode 276 || [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtyBRIZHby4 KBS World TV]
| 2015 ||''[[Happy Together (serial TV 2001)|Happy Together]]''|| [[KBS2]] || Bintang tamu bersama [[Big Bang (grup musik)|BIGBANG]], episode 398 || [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb3rIaOOMr8 KBS World TV]
=== Penampilan video musik ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Tahun
! Judul lagu
! Penyanyi
| 2007
| "Hello"
| Red Roc
| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="2"|2008
| "I'm Sorry"
| [[Gummy (penyanyi)|Gummy]]
| "D.I.S.C.O"
| [[Uhm Jung-hwa]]
| 2011
| "I'm Sorry" (versi Jepang)
| [[Gummy (penyanyi)|Gummy]]
== Penghargaan dan nominasi ==
{| class="wikitable"
! width=40|Tahun
! width=235|Penghargaan
! width=330|Kategori
! width=165|Yang dinominasikan
! width=70|Hasil
| rowspan="8" style="text-align:center;"|'''2010'''
| rowspan="2" | 47th Grand Bell Awards
| Hallyu Popularity<ref name="GrandBell">{{cite web| script-title=ko:[아츠포토] '시' 윤정희-이창동감독, '대종상영화제' 참석| author=| publisher=Arts News| date=30 November 2010| url=http://www.artsnews.co.kr/news/111636| accessdate=2011-02-23| language=bahasa Korea| archive-date=2012-09-11| archive-url=https://www.webcitation.org/6AatB4LBl?url=http://www.artsnews.co.kr/news/111636| dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| rowspan="10"|''[[71: Into the Fire]]''
| {{won}}
| Best New Actor<ref name="Daejongnominees">{{cite web | script-title=ja:ホーム»第47回大鐘賞映画祭授賞式公式観覧ツアー | author= | publisher=韓流コンサート | date=30 Oktober 2010 | url=http://hanryu-concert.com/2010_last/tejonshou.php | accessdate=23 Februari 2011 | language=bahasa Jepang | archive-date=2010-10-31 | archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20101031004235/http://hanryu-concert.com/2010_last/tejonshou.php | dead-url=yes }}</ref>
| {{nom}}
| 8th [[Korean Film Awards]]
| Best New Actor<ref name="KFAnominees">{{cite web| title =8th Korea Film Awards | author = | publisher = [[Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation|MBC]] | date = 10 November 2010|url = http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/ent/koreafilm/08/lnominate/ | accessdate = 23 Februari 2011|language=bahasa Korea}}</ref>
| {{nom}}
| [[Style Icon Awards]]
| New Icon (Movie) <ref name="Styleaward">{{cite web| script-title=ko:올해 스타일아이콘 어워즈, 이병헌-소지섭-신민아 엣지있는 이유는?(종합) | author = Han, Jiyoung| publisher = Newsen | date = 18 November 2010 |url = http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201011180823511001 | accessdate = 23 Februari 2011|language=bahasa Korea}}</ref>
| {{won}}
| rowspan="2"| 31st [[Blue Dragon Film Awards]]
| Best New Actor<ref name="BlueDragonFilmAward">{{cite web| script-title=ko:제 31회 / 의형제 (쇼박스㈜미디어플렉스, 루비콘픽쳐스㈜, ㈜다세포클럽)| author = | publisher = [[Blue Dragon Film Awards]] | date = 27 November 2010|url = http://www.blueaward.co.kr/awards/winner/w031.htm | accessdate = 23 Februari 2011|language=bahasa Korea}}{{dead link|date=June 2011}}</ref>
| {{won}}
| Popularity Award<ref name="BlueDragonFilmAward"/>
| {{won}}
| Max Movie Award
| Best New Actor <ref name="MaxMovieAward">{{cite web|url=http://www.maxmovie.com/event/2011maxaward/maxaward_finalresult.asp|script-title=ko:제8회 맥스무비 최고의 영화상|trans_title=Top of the 8th Max Movie Awards|accessdate=31 Maret 2011|language=bahasa Korea|archive-date=2012-05-19|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120519004313/http://www.maxmovie.com/event/2011maxaward/maxaward_finalresult.asp|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| {{won}}
| 5th [[Asian Film Awards]]
| Best New Actor<ref name="AsianFilmAward">{{cite web | url = http://www.asianfilmawards.asia/2011/5th-nominees-and-winners/5th-afa-nominees-winners-by-nom/ | title = 5th AFA Nominees & Winners by Nominees | accessdate = 31 Maret 2011 | language = bahasa Korea | archive-date = 2011-03-05 | archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20110305051031/http://www.asianfilmawards.asia/2011/5th-nominees-and-winners/5th-afa-nominees-winners-by-nom | dead-url = yes }}</ref>
| {{nom}}
| rowspan="2" style="text-align:center;"|'''2011'''
| rowspan="2"|47th [[Baeksang Arts Awards]]
| Best New Actor <ref name="PaekSangAward">{{cite web| title =Winners of 47th Baeksang Award| author = | publisher = [[Allkpop]] | date = 26 Mei 2011 | url = http://www.allkpop.com/2011/05/winners-of-the-47th-baeksang-arts-awards-t-o-p-park-yoochun-wins-awards | accessdate = 26 Mei 2011|language=bahasa Korea}}</ref>
| {{won}}
| Popularity Award<ref name="PaekSangAward"/>
| {{won}}
| rowspan="1" style="text-align:center;"|'''2013'''
| [[Busan International Film Festival|17th BIFF Asia Star Awards]]
| Rookie Awards<ref name="BIFF">{{cite web| title = [T.O.P becomes the only Korean celebrity to be awarded at BIFF's 'Asia Star Awards'| author = | publisher = Big Bang Updates| date = 2013-10-06| url = http://bigbangupdates.com/2013/10/t-o-p-becomes-korean-celebrity-awarded-biffs-asia-star-awards.html| accessdate = 6 Oktober 2013| language = bahasa Korea| archive-date = 2013-10-06| archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20131006044630/http://bigbangupdates.com/2013/10/t-o-p-becomes-korean-celebrity-awarded-biffs-asia-star-awards.html| dead-url = yes}}</ref>
| rowspan="2"|''[[Commitment (film)|Commitment]]''
| {{won}}
| rowspan="2" style="text-align:center;"|'''2014'''
| 50th [[Baeksang Arts Awards]]
| Popularity Award
| {{nom}}
| Singapore Entertainment Awards
| Most Popular K-pop Music Video
| ''Doom Dada''
| {{nom}}
| rowspan="2" style="text-align:center;"|'''2015'''
| Prudential Eye Awards
| Visual Culture Award
| Dirinya sendiri
| {{won}}
| 52nd Grand Bell Awards
| Popularity Award
| ''[[Tazza: The Hidden Card]]''
| {{nom}}
{{South Korean music program awards table}}
| 2011
| 9 Januari
| "High High" <small>(GD&T.O.P)</small>
=== Mnet [[M Countdown|M! Countdown]] ===
{{South Korean music program awards table}}
| 2010
| 30 Desember
| "Oh Yeah" <small>(GD&T.O.P)</small>
| 2011
| 6 Januari
| "High High" <small>(GD&T.O.P)</small>
| 2015
| 20 Agustus
| "Zutter" <small>(GD&T.O.P)</small>
== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
{{commons category|T.O.P. (entertainer)}}
* [http://www.ygbigbang.com/ Situs web resmi Big Bang]
* {{instagram|choi_seung_hyun_tttop}}
{{Big Bang}}
{{YG Entertainment}}
{{Authority control}}
[[Kategori:Kelahiran 1987]]
[[Kategori:Penyanyi Korea Selatan]]
[[Kategori:Penyanyi berbahasa Korea]]
[[Kategori:Penyanyi K-pop]]
[[Kategori:Anggota Big Bang (grup musik)]]
[[Kategori:Artis YG Entertainment]]
[[Kategori:Pemeran Korea Selatan]]