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(10 revisi perantara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 37:
Di Kamboja, ''perwara'' adalah dayang berpangkat tinggi yang bertugas melayani makan minum raja, mengipasi dan mengurut badan raja, dan adakalanya memuaskan berahi raja. Lazimnya perempuan-perempuan tersebut meniti karier di istana mulai dari jenjang [[pekerja rumah tangga|biti-biti]] sampai akhirnya menjadi perwara, [[pergundikan|selir]], bahkan [[permaisuri]]. ''Srey Snom'' ({{lang-km|ស្រីស្នំ}}) adalah sebutan untuk perwara dalam bahasa Kamboja.
Kemungkinan besar enam dayang kesayangan [[Sisowath dari Kamboja|Raja Sri Swasti]] berasal dari jenjang penari istana yang beranggotakan anak-anak gadis rakyat jelata. Raja SisowatSri Swasti diketahui memperselir hampir semua penari istana. Penari kahyangan, [[Apsara]], adalah salah satunya. PraktikKebiasaan memperselir penari istana bermulamula-mula muncul pada zaman kegemilangan Kerajaan Kmer.
=== Kanada ===
Baris 93:
=== Jerman ===
Istana-istana di Jerman pada Awal Abad Kiwari ditata mengikuti tatanan majelis istana Kekaisaran Austria.<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> Tatanan majelis istana semacam ini memilah para perwara menjadi seorang perwara ketua yang disebut ''Oberhofmeisterin'' (wanita sepuh yang bersemenda atau sudah menjanda) dan bertugas menyelia para ''Hoffräulein'' (Dayang Kehormatan), yang satu atau dua di antaranya dapat dipromosikan menduduki jabatan menengah yang disebut ''Kammerfräulein'' (Dayangdayang-dayang Kehormatanbilik Bilik Peraduanperaduan).<ref name="Akkerman Houben date?, page?"/> Tatanan majelis istana para pangeran Jerman kemudian hari ditiru di Denmark dan Swedia pada abad ke-16.<ref name="Persson 1999"/>
Sesudah riwayat [[Kekaisaran Romawi Suci]] bangsa Jerman tamat pada tahun 1806, dan beberapa kerajaan kecil berdiri di Jerman, jabatan ''Staatsdame'' (perwara bersemenda) dimunculkan di banyak istana kepangeranan maupun kerajaan. Di istana Kekaisaran Jerman, para perwara terdiri atas seorang ''Oberhofmeisterin'' yang membawahi beberapa orang ''Hofstaatsdamen'' atau ''Palastdamen''.{{sfn|Zedlitz-Trützschler|1924|p=}}
Baris 118:
Berbeda dari Tiongkok, yang mengelola keputren Kaisar Jepang adalah biti-biti, bukan [[orang kasim|sida-sida]], dan biti-biti dapat saja mengemban jabatan-jabatan tinggi dalam badan pengurus rumah tangga kekaisaran.<ref name=" Rowley date? page?"/>
Biti-biti terbagi menjadi dua golongan, dan masing-masing golongan terbagi lagi menjadi beberapa jenjang jabatan sesuai dengan tugas yang diembannya.<ref name="Lebra date? page?">{{harvnb|Lebra|p=}}</ref><!-- TheGolongan firstpertama classberanggotakan consistedpara of the {{transl|ja|''nyokan}}'', oryakni ladies-inpara perwara pengemban jabatan-waitingjabatan whomajelis heldistana, courtyaitu offices: {{transl|ja|''naishi-kami}}'' ({{transl|ja|''shoji}}''), {{transl|ja|''naishi-suke}}'' ({{transl|ja|''tenji}}''), anddan {{transl|ja|''naishi-no-jo}}'' ({{transl|ja|''shoji}}''). The second class were the female palace attendants: {{transl|ja|myobu}}, {{transl|ja|osashi}}, {{transl|ja|osue}} and {{transl|ja|nyoju}}.<ref name="Lebra date? page?" /> ThePara ladies-in-waitingperwara workedbekerja assebagai personalasisten assistantspribadi, tendingmengurus topakaian the Emperor's wardrobekaisar, assisting the emperor'smemandikan bathskaisar, servingmenyajikan mealssantapan, performingmelaksanakan anddan attendingmenghadiri courtupacara-upacara ritualsistana.<ref name="Rowley date? page?" /> Ladies-in-waitingPerwara coulddapat besaja appointeddiangkat askaisar concubinesmenjadi selir, consortsgarwa, orbahkan even Empresses by the Emperor or the heir to the thronepermaisuri.<ref name="Rowley date? page?" /> TheFungsi function of a lady-in-waitingperwara asselaku potentialcalon concubineselir wasdihapuskan abolishedpada intahun 1924.<ref name="Rowley date? page?" />
=== Korea ===
''[[Gungnyeo]]'' (secara harfiah berarti 'wanita istana') adalah sebutan bagi perempuan-perempuan yang bekerja di istana serta melayani raja dan sentanaraja. ''Gungnyeo'' adalah kependekan dari ''Gungjung Yeogwan'', artinya 'pegawai wanita istana kerajaan'.
''[[Gungnyeo]]'' (literally 'palace women') is a term that refers to women who worked in the palace and waited upon the king and other members of the royal family. It is short for {{transl|ko|Gungjung Yeogwan}}, which translates to 'woman officer of the royal court'.
''Gungnyeo'' consistedterdiri ofatas thepara ladies-in-waiting—bothperwara, baik highdayang-rankingdayang courtmaupun ladies and the ordinary maidsbiti-biti (known asdisebut ''nain'') responsibleyang forbertanggung mostjawab ofatas thesebagian labourbesar work—whopekerjaan wererumah dividedtangga. into''Gungnyeo'' menempati [[Naemyeongbu|ranksjenjang]] from 9 tosampai 5 (the ranks fromjenjang 4 tosampai 1 werediduduki thepara officialselir concubinesresmi), ofdan themasing-masing king),peringkat withterbagi twolagi levelsmenjadi eachdua tingkat (seniorsepuh anddan junioranom),. theJenjang highesttertinggi attainableyang rankdapat beingdicapai adalah ''[[sanggung]]'' (seniorjenjang 5th5 tingkat sepuh),.<ref>{{cite web |title=상궁(尙宮), Sanggung |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=3 MarchMaret 2016 |access-date=9 September 2016 |publisher=[[The Academy of Korean Studies]] |language=ko, en}}</ref> as''Gungnyeo'' welljuga asmencakup othergolongan-golongan typespekerja ofwanita workingdi womenluar whojenjang were not included in the classificationtersebut, such asmisalnya ''musuri'' (womenperempuan fromdari thegolongan lowestmasyarakat classpaling whorendah didyang oddmelakukan jobsberbagai pekerjaan kasar, suchseperti asmenimba drawingair waterdan andmembagi-bagi distributingkayu firewoodbakar), ''gaksimi'' (alsojuga knowndikenal asdengan sebutan ''bija'' anddan ''bangja'', whoyakni were personal servants ofpelayan apribadi ''sanggung''), ''sonnim'' (literallysecara translatedharfiah toberarti 'guesttamu', wereyakni maidspelayan broughtyang indibawa themasuk palaceke tolingkungan workistana foruntuk themelayani royal concubinesselir, mostsering ofkali thememiliki timehubungan connectederat todengan thekeluarga familiesselir of theyang concubinesdilayaninya), anddan ''uinyeo'' (selecteddipilih fromdari publicantara femalebudak-budak slaves,perempuan milik negara untuk theybekerja workeddi atpanti thehusada royalkerajaan infirmaryatau orbalai publickesehatan clinicsumum, anddan practicedmempraktikkan simplekeahlian medicinepengobatan skillssederhana).
Generally,Pada theumumnya ladies-in-waitingperwara weredipilih chosendari fromantara amonganak-anak thegadis young girls of thegolongan ''[[sangmin]]'' (commonersrakyat jelata) and the private femaledan [[Nobi|slavesbudak]]-budak perempuan ofpribadi thegolongan ''[[Yangban|sadaebu]]'' (governing classpriayi). LaterKemudian hari, theperwara candidatesjuga weredipilih alsodari pickedantara frombudak-budak amongmilik thenegara governmentmaupun slaves,anak-anak togethergadis withyang thelahir daughtersdari ofrahim noblemen'sgundik-gundik concubinespriayi (who werepara formermantan [[Kisaeng|courtesanspramuria]] oratau slavesbudak). The appointment process was different forPara ''nain'', yang associatederat withkaitannya thedengan innerlingkungan quarterskediaman forkhusus thebagi kingraja anddan queenpermaisuri, whodipilih weresendiri recruitedoleh by the high rankedwanita-wanita courtistana ladiesberpangkat themselvestinggi, throughlewat recommendationsrekomendasi anddan connectionskoneksi. ThePara ''nain'' foryang thebekerja departmentsdi withjawatan-jawatan specificdengan skillskemahiran suchkhusus assemisal sewingjahit-menjahit anddan embroiderysulam-menyulam wereberasal fromdari thekalangan ''[[jungin]]'' (middlegolongan classmenengah), with the lowest class ofsementara ''gungnyeo'' comingdi jenjang terbawah berasal fromdari thekalangan ''[[cheonmin]]'' (vulgarrakyat commonerskasar).
Perwara termuda berumur 4 tahun saat pertama kali masuk istana. Sesudah mempelajari budi bahasa dan tata krama istana, mereka dapat menjadi ''nain''. Sesudah mengabdi di istana lebih dari 15 tahun, mereka akhirnya mendapatkan peluang untuk naik pangkat, tetapi hanya berpeluang naik pangkat menjadi ''sanggung'' sesudah mengabdi selama sekurang-kurangnya 35 tahun.
They could be as young as 4 when entering the palace, and after learning court language and etiquette, they could be elevated to a ''nain''. When they had served the court for more than 15 years, they would eventually be promoted to higher ranks, however they were eligible for the rank of ''sanggung'' only after a minimum of 35 years of work.
Ladies-in-waitingJika coulddisukai raja, becomeperwara concubinesdapat ifsaja thenaik kingpangkat favoredmenjadi themselir. TheyPerwara wouldyang bedemikian elevatedakan todinaikkan theke highestjenjang ranktertinggi (seniorjejang 5th)5 andtingkat would besepuh) knowndan asdisebut ''seungeun sanggung'' (or 'favored/specialwanita courtistana ladykinasih/istimewa'). IfJika theymelahirkan gaveseorang birth to a sonputra, they''seugeun wouldsanggung'' become membersakan ofmenjadi thesentanaraja royalsesudah family, after beingdinaikkan promotedpangkatnya tomenjadi ''[[StylesSebutan anddan titlesgelar indi theDinasti Joseon dynasty|sug-won]]'' (juniorjenjang 4th4 tingkat anom), anddan untilsampai thedengan 18thabad century,ke-18 theymungkin couldsaja advancedinaikkan aspangkatnya highsampai aske becomingjenjang queenpermaisuri (thecontoh mostyang notablepaling exampleterkenal beingadalah [[RoyalJang Noble Consort Huibin JangHui-bin|Jang Ok-jeong]], a concubine ofselir [[Sukjong ofdari Joseon|Raja Sukjong]] anddan mother ofibu [[Gyeongjong ofdari Joseon|Raja Gyeongjong]]).
=== Negeri Tanah Rendah ===
TheIstana courtKadipaten of the Duchy of BurgundyBurgundia, whichyang wasberlokasi situateddi inBegeri theBelanda Netherlandspada inabad the 15th centuryke-15, wasterkenal famousdengan fortatanan itskehidupan elaborateistananya ceremonialyang courtmenjelimet lifedan andmenjadi becamepanutan abeberapa roleistana modellain fordi several other courts of EuropeEropa.{{sfn|Kolk|2009}} TheTatanan Burgundianhidup courtdi modelistana cameBurgundia tomenjadi bepanutan themajelis roleistana modelkekaisaran forAustria thepada Austrianabad imperialke-16, courtketika duringNegeri theBelanda 16thdi century,bawah whenkekuasaan theKadipaten BurgundianBurgundia Netherlandsbersatu anddengan Austria weremelalui unitedpertalian throughdarah thewangsa Habsburg dynasty.<ref name="Duindam date? page?"/>
InPada theabad 16th centuryke-16, thepara ladies-in-waitingperwara inyang themengabdi courtskepada ofpara theGubernur HabsburgBelanda governorsdari ofwangsa the NetherlandsHabsburg, Margaretyakni Margareta ofmenak Austria anddan [[MaryMaria ofdari HungaryHongaria (governorGubernur of the NetherlandsBelanda)|MaryMaria ofmenak HungaryHongaria]], wereterdiri composedatas of one {{lang|nl|''Hofmeesteres}}'' (Courtkepala Mistressistana) oratau {{lang|fr|''Dame d'honneur}}'' whoselaku servedperwara as theutama, principalsatu lady-in-waiting;orang one {{lang|nl|''Hofdame}}'' oratau {{lang|fr|''Mere de Filles}}, who was second'' inselaku rankperwara andmadya deputymerangkap ofdeputi the {{lang|nl|''Hofmeesteres}}'' assekaligus wellmembawahi aspara being in charge of the {{lang|nl|''Eredames}}'' (Maidsdayang of Honourkehormatan), alsoyang knownjuga asdikenal {{lang|fr|dengan sebutan ''Demoiselle d'honneur}}'', {{lang|fr|''Fille d'honneur}}'', ormaupun {{lang|de|''Junckfrauen}}'', anddan finallyyang theterakhir {{lang|nl|adalah ''Kameniersters}}'' (Chamberbiti-biti bilik Maidsperaduan), allsemuanya withmenyandang differentberagam titlesgelar dependingtergantung onkepada languagebahasa inyang thedipakai multilingualdi areaNegeri ofBelanda theyang Netherlandsmultibahasa itu.<ref name="Kerkhoff date? page?"/><!--
The [[Kingdom of theKerajaan NetherlandsBelanda]] wasdidirikan foundedpada intahun 1815, signifying the organisation of a royal court. In the 19th century, the ladies-in-waiting of the Dutch court were headed by the {{lang|nl|Grootmeesteres}} (Grand Mistress, equivalent to Mistress of the Robes), of second rank were the {{lang|fr|Dames du Palais}} (married ladies-in-waiting), followed by the third rank {{lang|nl|Hofdames}} (Court Ladies, equivalent to Maids of Honour).{{sfn|Hamer|2011|p=}}{{page needed|date=April 2017}}<ref>S Gravenhaagsche Stads-Almanak: voor 1857</ref>{{full citation needed|date=April 2017}}
[[Beatrix of the Netherlands]] had a total of seven {{lang|nl|Hofdames}}. They accompanied the queen and the other female members of the Royal House during visits and receptions at the royal court. The monarch paid for their expenses, but they did not receive any salary. Not all of these ladies were members of the Dutch aristocracy, but each had a "notable" husband. Excellent social behavior and discretion were the most important recommendations for becoming a {{lang|nl|Hofdame}}. In 2012, the {{lang|nl|Hofdames}} were Letje van Karnebeek-van Lede, Lieke Gaarlandt-van Voorst van Beest, Julie Jeekel-Thate, Miente Boellaard-Stheeman, {{lang|nl|[[Jonkheer|Jonkvrouwe]]}} Reina de Blocq van Scheltinga, Elizabeth Baroness van Wassenaer-Mersmans and Bibi Baroness van Zuylen van Nijevelt, {{lang|nl|Jonkvrouwe}} den Beer Poortugael. [[Queen Maxima of the Netherlands|Queen Maxima]] reduced the number of {{lang|nl|Hofdames}} to three, hers being: Lieke Gaarlandt-van Voorst van Beest, Pien van Karnebeek-Thijssen and Annemijn Crince le Roy-van Munster van Heuven. After their voluntary retirement, {{lang|nl|Hofdames}} were appointed to the honorary royal household. The honorary royal household still distinguishes between {{lang|nl|Dames du Palais}} and {{lang|nl|Hofdames}}, but the category {{lang|nl|Dames du Palais}} is slated for discontinuation.
Baris 150:
During the [[Denmark–Norway|Danish–Norwegian union]], from 1380 until 1814, the Danish royal court in Copenhagen was counted as the Norwegian royal court, and thus there was no royal court present in Norway during this period. During the union between Norway and Sweden from 1814 to 1905, there were Norwegian courtiers who served during the Swedish royal family's visits to Norway. The female courtiers were appointed according to the Swedish court model, that is to say the class of ''Hovfröken'' (Maid of Honour), ''Kammarfröken'' (Chief Maid of Honour) and ''Statsfru'' (Lady of the Bedchamber), all supervised by the ''[[Overhoffmesterinne]]'' (Mistress of the Robes): these posts were first appointed in 1817.{{sfn|Hauge|Egeberg|1960|p=}}{{page needed|date=April 2017}} When the union between Sweden and Norway was dissolved in 1905, a permanent Norwegian royal court was established.
=== KemaharajaanKekaisaran Usmani ===
In theDi [[OttomanKesultanan Utsmaniyah|Kekaisaran EmpireUsmani]], the word ''lady-in-waitingperwara'' oratau courtwanita ladyistana hasadalah often been used to describe those women ofperempuan-perempuan thepenghuni [[ImperialHarem harem|ImperialKesultanan Utsmaniyah|Harem Baginda]] whoyang functionedberfungsi assebagai servantsbiti-biti, secretariessetia usaha, anddan companionssahabiyat ofpara the consortsgarwa (concubinesselir), daughtersputri, sisterssaudari, anddan mothers of theibunda [[OttomanDaftar Sultansultan Utsmaniyah|padisyah]]. These women originally came to the Harem as slaves, captured through the [[Crimean slave trade]], the [[Barbary slave trade]] and the [[White slave trade]].<ref name="">Madeline Zilfi: ''[ Women and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire: The Design of Difference] {{Webarchive|url= |date=14 April 2023 }}''</ref>
When they entered the Harem, they were given the position of ''[[Cariye]]'' and were all formally available as concubines to the Sultan, but if they were not chosen to share his bed, they served in a position similar to lady-in-waiting, serving the mother, concubines, sisters, and daughters of the Sultan.<ref name=""/>
Baris 201:
During the reign of [[Queen Elizabeth II]], one of the ''women of the bedchamber'' was always in daily attendance; each served for a fortnight at a time, in rotation. In the [[Court Circular]] the phrase 'Lady in Waiting to the Queen' referred to the women on duty at a given time.<ref>e.g. "Mrs. Fiona Henderson has succeeded Mrs. Robert de Pass as Lady in Waiting to The Queen" ([ Court Circular, 29 October 2002] {{Webarchive|url= |date=29 June 2016 }}).</ref>
[[File:Royal Visit Toronto 2010 5.JPG|thumb|right|Walking behind [[QueenRatu Elizabeth II]] on a [[Royal tours of Canada#21st century|visit to Toronto]] in 2010 are two ladies-in-waiting: a Woman of the Bedchamber ([[Lady Susan Hussey]], left) and a Lady of the Bedchamber ([[Diana Maxwell, Baroness Farnham|Lady Farnham]], right).]]
The ''ladies of the bedchamber'' were not in daily attendance, but were called upon for the more important public occasions and events.<ref name="AllisonRiddell1991" /> Two ladies-in-waiting used to accompany the Queen on overseas tours, one of whom was usually a Lady of the Bedchamber.<ref name="AllisonRiddell1991" /> For many years the Queen was always attended by three ladies-in-waiting at the State Opening of Parliament (the Mistress of the Robes, a Lady of the Bedchamber and a Woman of the Bedchamber), but in 1998 the number attending was reduced to two.<ref>{{cite news |title=State Opening of Parliament - Royal Procession |url= |access-date=29 June 2024 |work=BBC News |date=15 October 1998}}</ref>