Templat:ME-date: Perbedaan antara revisi

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k {{terjemah}}
kTidak ada ringkasan suntingan
(1 revisi perantara oleh pengguna yang sama tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
|V|VY|V.Y.|VALIAN=[[Valian Years|V.Y.]]<!-- Tahun Valian -->
|L|YL|Y.L.|LAMPS=[[Years of the Lamps|Y.L.]]<!-- Tahun Lampu -->
|T|YT|Y.T.|TREES=[[Years of the Trees|Y.T.]]<!-- Tahun Pohon -->
|1|YS|Y.S.|1ST|SUN=[[Years of the Sun|Y.S.]]<!-- Tahun Matahari -->
|2|SA|S.A.|2ND|SECOND=[[Second Age|S.A.]]<!-- Jaman Kedua -->
|3|TA|T.A.|3RD|THIRD=[[Third Age|T.A.]]<!-- Jaman Ketiga -->
|4|FA|F.A.|4TH|FOURTH=[[Fourth Age|F.A.]]<!-- Jaman Keempat -->
|S|SR|S.R.|SHIRE=[[Shire Reckoning|S.R.]]<!-- ? -->
Baris 17:
Both parameters are optional. The <year> should be a numeric value and the <age> any of the following;
| [[Valian Years]] (id = [[Tahun Valian]])
| V, VY, V.Y., or Valian
| [[Years of the Lamps]] (id = [[Tahun Lampu]])
| L, YL, Y.L., or Lamps
| [[Years of the Trees]] (id = [[Tahun Pohon]])
| T, YT, Y.T., or Trees
| [[Years of the Sun]] (id = [[Tahun Matahari]])
| 1, YS, Y.S., 1st, or Sun
| [[Second Age]] (id = [[Jaman Kedua]])
| 2, SA, S.A., 2nd, or Second
| [[Third Age]] (id = [[Jaman Ketiga]])
| 3, TA, T.A., 3rd, or Third
| [[Fourth Age]] (id = [[Jaman Keempat]])
| 4, FA, F.A., 4th, or Fourth
| [[Shire Reckoning]] (id = ?)
| S, SR, S.R., or Shire