Joseph Dalton Hooker: Perbedaan antara revisi
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k →Pranala luar: Persondata now moved to wikidata, removed: {{Persondata <!-- Metadata: see Wikipedia:Persondata. --> | NAME = Hooker, Joseph Dalton | ALTERNATIVE NAMES = | SHORT DESCRIPTION = Botanis Britania | DATE OF BIRTH |
(7 revisi perantara oleh 4 pengguna tidak ditampilkan) | |||
Baris 24:
|signature = Joseph Dalton Hooker Signature.svg
'''Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker''' {{post-nominals|country=GBR|OM|GCSI|CB|FRS}} (30 Juni 1817 – 10 Desember 1911) adalah salah satu [[botanis]] dan [[petualang]] terbaik Britania pada abad ke-19. Hooker adalah pendiri botani geografi, dan teman akrab [[Charles Darwin]]. Ia adalah Direktur [[Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew]], selama dua puluh tahun, untuk menggantikan ayahnya, [[William Jackson Hooker]], dan mendapatkan penghargaan tertinggi ilmu pengetahuan Britania.<ref>Huxley, Leonard 1918. ''Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker OM GCSI''. London, Murray.</ref><ref>Turrill W.B. 1963. ''Joseph Dalton Hooker: botanist, explorer and administrator''. Nelson, London.</ref>
== Biografi ==
=== Tahun-tahun awal ===
Hooker lahir di [[Halesworth]], Suffolk, Inggris. Ia adalah putra kedua dari botanis terkenal Sir [[William Jackson Hooker]], [[Profesor Regius Botani, Glasgow|Profesor Regius Botani]], dan Maria Sarah Turner, putri sulung dari banker [[Dawson Turner]] dan saudara ipar dari [[Francis Palgrave]].
=== Pernikahan dan anak ===
Pada tahun 1851 ia menikahi Frances Harriet Henslow (1825–1874), putri dari [[John Stevens Henslow]]. Mereka memiliki empat putra dan tiga putri:
* William Henslow Hooker (1853–1942)
* [[Harriet Anne Hooker Thiselton-Dyer|Harriet Anne Hooker]] (1854–1945) menikahi [[William Turner Thiselton-Dyer]]
* Charles Paget Hooker (1855–1933)
* Maria Elizabeth Hooker (1857–1863) meninggal pada usia 6 tahun.
* Brian Harvey Hodgson Hooker (1860–1932)
* [[Reginald Hawthorn Hooker]] (1867–1944) ahli statistik
* Grace Ellen Hooker (1868–1955)<ref>England 1891 census Piece RG12/554 Folio 99 Page 14 as seen on</ref><ref>England 1901 census Piece RG13/886 Folio 52 Page 22 as seen on</ref><ref>England and Wales Death Index, December Quarter of 1955 as seen on</ref>
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* Richard Symonds Hooker (1885–1950).
== Daftar pustaka ==
* 1844–1859: ''Flora Antarctica: the botany of the Antarctic voyage''. 3 vols, 1844 (utama), 1853 (Selandia Baru), 1859 (Tasmania). Reeve, London.
* 1864–1867: ''Handbook of the New Zealand flora''
Baris 57:
* 1858: bersama [[George Bentham]], ''Handbook of the British flora''. ("Bentham & Hooker")
* 1859: ''A century of Indian orchids''
* 1859: ''Introductory Essay to the Flora of Australia''<ref>{{cite web|last=Maiden|first=Joseph Henry|title=A Bibliography of Australian Economic Botany|url=|publisher=C. Potter, government printer|accessdate=1 May 2013}}</ref>
* 1862–1883: bersama [[George Bentham]], ''Genera plantarum''
: {{cite book
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* 1904–1906: ''An epitome to the British Indian species of Impatiens''
== Referensi ==
== Bacaan tambahan ==
* Huxley, Leonard 1918. ''Life and Letters of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker OM GCSI''. London, Murray.
* Turrill W.B. 1953. ''Pioneer plant geography: the phytogeographical researches of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker''. The Hague.
* Turrill W.B. 1959. ''The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, past and present''. London.
* Turrill W.B. 1963. ''Joseph Dalton Hooker: botanist, explorer and administrator''. Nelson, London.
* Allen, Mea 1967. ''The Hookers of Kew 1785–1911''.
* Desmond, Ray 2006. ''Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker: traveller and plant collector''. Antique Collectors Club, Suffolk.
* Endersby, Jim 2008. ''Imperial nature: Joseph Hooker and the practices of Victorian science''. Chicago.
* {{Cite EB1911|wstitle=Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton |short=x}}
== Pranala luar ==
* [ The Joseph Hooker Correspondence Project.] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2014-02-03 }} Hooker's letters from the Kew Gardens' archive [ available online.]{{Pranala mati|date=Februari 2021 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* {{cite web
| date = 1843–1882
Baris 112:
* [ Darwin-Hooker Correspondence] Digitised version of Hooker's correspondence with Darwin on the Cambridge Digital Library
* [ Joseph Dalton Hooker] Joseph Dalton Hooker's work on orchids
* [
* [ A website dedicated to J D Hooker]
* {{gutenberg author| id=J.+D.+Hooker | name=Joseph Dalton Hooker}}
Baris 118:
* Several scanned books at
* [ Works by Joseph Dalton Hooker] at the Biodiversity Heritage Library
* Correspondence to Joseph Dalton Hooker as Director of The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew is being made available online through the [ Directors' Correspondence Project] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-02-17 }}.
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