Antibodi E: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(4 revisi perantara oleh 4 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 10:
| doi=10.1146/annurev.immunol.21.120601.141103}}</ref>
IgE juga tersiratberperan dalam [[sistem kekebalanimun]] yang merespon [[cacing parasit]]<ref>{{cite journal
| author=Erb KJ
| title=Helminths, allergic disorders and IgE-mediated immune responses: where do we stand?
Baris 21:
| doi=10.1002/eji.200737314}}</ref> (''helminth'') seperti ''[[Schistosoma mansoni]]'', ''[[Trichinella spiralis]]'', dan ''[[Fasciola hepatica]]'',<ref>{{cite journal |author=Fitzsimmons C, McBeath R, Joseph S, Jones F, Walter K, Hoffmann K, Kariuki H, Mwatha J, Kimani G, Kabatereine N, Vennervald B, Ouma J, Dunne D |title=Factors affecting human IgE and IgG responses to allergen-like Schistosoma mansoni antigens: Molecular structure and patterns of in vivo exposure |journal=Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. |volume=142 |issue=1 |pages=40–50 |year=2007 |pmid=17019080 |doi=10.1159/000095997}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author=Watanabe N, Bruschi F, Korenaga M |title=IgE: a question of protective immunity in Trichinella spiralis infection |journal=Trends Parasitol. |volume=21 |issue=4 |pages=175–8 |year=2005 |pmid=15780839 |doi=10.1016/}}</ref><ref>{{cite journal |author=Pfister K, Turner K, Currie A, Hall E, Jarrett EE |title=IgE production in rat fascioliasis |journal=Parasite Immunol |volume=5 |issue=6 |pages=587–593 |year=1983| pmid=6657297 |doi=10.1111/j.1365-3024.1983.tb00775.x}}</ref> serta terhadap [[parasit]] [[protozoa]] tertentu seperti ''[[Plasmodium falciparum]]'',<ref name=duarte>{{cite journal |author=Duarte J, Deshpande P, Guiyedi V, Mécheri S, Fesel C, Cazenave P, Mishra G, Kombila M, Pied S |title=Total and functional parasite specific IgE responses in Plasmodium falciparum-infected patients exhibiting different clinical status |journal=Malar. J. |volume=6 |issue= |pages=1 |year=2007 |pmid=17204149 |doi=10.1186/1475-2875-6-1}}</ref> dan [[artropoda]].
Rasio IgE pada individu normal ("non-[[atopik]]") sekitar 0,002% terhadap total serum atau sekitar
0.05% terhadap IgG<ref>Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2000 Sep;124(9):1382-5. Immunoglobulin E: importance in parasitic infections and hypersensitivity responses. Winter WE, Hardt NS, Fuhrman S. PMID: 10975945</ref> dengan waktu paruh 2 hari, meskipun demikian IgE memiliki kemampuan untuk mengaktivasi respon kekebalan yang paling dahsyat jika dibandingkan dengan IgG dengan perannya dalam [[sistem kekebalanimun adaptif]] yang sudah sangat klasik.
IgE ditemukan pada tahun 1966 oleh sepasang ilmuwan [[Jepang]] Teruka and [[Kimishige Ishizaka]].<ref>{{cite journal |author=Ishizaka K, Ishizaka T, Hornbrook MM |title=Physico-chemical properties of human reaginic antibody. IV. Presence of a unique immunoglobulin as a carrier of reaginic activity |journal=J. Immunol. |volume=97 |issue=1 |pages=75–85 |year=1966 |pmid=4162440 |doi=}}</ref>
Baris 33:
The Fc portion of IgE made against parasitic worms and arthropods can bind to eosinophils enabling opsonization (Fig. 9). This is a major defense against parasitic worms and arthropods. -->
Syok [[Terpaan anafilaktikanafilaksis]] ({{lang-en|anaphylaxis}}) merupakan suatu reaksi [[alergi]] yang bersifat sistemik dan menyebabkan runtuhnyaturunnya sistem sirkulasi tubuh dan kesulitan bernapas, merupakan akibat dari ikatan yang terjadi antara [[sel biangmast]] yang terdapat di seluruh [[jaringan]] [[tubuh]] dengan IgE sehingga menimbulkan [[sekresi]] [[hormonmediator]] [[peradanganinflamasi]].<ref>{{en}} {{cite book
|title = Immunobiology
|author = Janeway, Charles A.; Travers, Paul; Walport, Mark; Shlomchik, Mark
Baris 49: