Nottingham Forest F.C.: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(70 revisi perantara oleh 36 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{Infobox Football club
|clubname = Nottingham Forest
|image = [[Berkas:Nottingham Forest logo.svg|130px125px]]
|fullname = Nottingham Forest Football ClubYes
|nickname = ''Forest'', ''The Reds'', ''NFFC'', ''The Tricky Trees'',<ref>{{cite news|url=|work=The Guardian |location=London|title=Monday's football transfer rumours: Kazim-Richards to the Premier League?|first=Alan|last=Gardner|date=24 November 2008|accessdate=10 April 2010}}</ref> ''Foresters''<ref>{{cite web|title=Footy Nicknames – Nottingham Forest|url=||accessdate=31 October 2011|archive-date=2014-07-14|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
|founded = 1865
|Slogan =
|ground = [[City Ground]]<br />[[West Bridgford]]<br />[[Nottingham]]
|capacity = 30,602<ref>{{cite web|title=The City Ground|url=,,10308,00.html|publisher=Nottingham Forest F.C.||access-date=2008-08-28|archive-date=2007-11-09|archive-url=,,10308,00.html|dead-url=yes}}</ref><!-- Official source says 30,576 although other sources state 30,602 -->
| owner = {{flagicon|Yunani}} [[Evangelos Marinakis]]|Sokratis Kominakis<ref name="Kominakis">{{cite web |title=Who's Who|url=|publisher=Nottingham Forest Football Club|accessdate=25 August 2019}}</ref>
|owner = Keluarga Al-Hasawi<ref>{{cite news|url=,,10308~2838737,00.html|title=Al-Hasawi Statement|publisher=Nottingham Forest F.C.||accessdate=10 July 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|title=Nottingham Forest sold to Kuwait's Al-Hasawi family from Doughty estate for a nominal fee|url=|publisher=Daily Mail|date=10 July 2012|accessdate=10 July 2012|first=Neil|last=Moxley}}</ref>
| chairman = {{flagicon|England}} Tom Cartledge
|Ambassador to The Club = [[Frank Clark (pemain sepak bola)|Frank Clark]]
|manager = {{flagicon|POR}} [[Nuno Espírito Santo]]
|chairman = Omar Al-Hasawi
|manager = [[Billy Davies]]
|mgrtitle = Manajer
|league = [[Liga ChampionshipUtama Inggris]]
|season = [[Liga ChampionshipUtama Inggris 2012–132023–2024|2012–132023–2024]]
|position = Liga Utama Inggris, ke-8,17 Ligadari Championship20
|current = LigaNottingham ChampionshipForest InggrisF.C. 2013–14musim 2024-2025
| pattern_la1 = _nottingham1617h_nottingham2425h
|pattern_b1 pattern_b1 = _nottingham1617h_nottingham2425h
| pattern_ra1 = _nottingham1617h_nottingham2425h
| pattern_sh1 = _nottingham1617h_nottingham2425h
| pattern_so1 = _nottingham1617h
| leftarm1 = DD0000EF0000
| body1 = DD0000EF0000
| rightarm1 = DD0000EF0000
| shorts1 = FFFFFF
| socks1 = DD0000EF0000
| pattern_la2 = _nottingham1617a_nottingham2425a
|pattern_b2 pattern_b2 = _nottingham1617a_nottingham2425a
| pattern_ra2 = _nottingham1617a_nottingham2425a
| pattern_sh2 = _nottingham1617a_nottingham2425a
| pattern_so2 = _nottingham1617a_nottingham2425al
| leftarm2 = 007FFF000060
| body2 = 007FFF000060
| rightarm2 = 007FFF000060
| shorts2 = 000000000060
| socks2 = 000000000060
| pattern_la3 = _nottingham2425t
| pattern_b3 = _nottingham2425t
| pattern_ra3 = _nottingham2425t
| pattern_sh3 = _nottingham2425t
| pattern_so3 =
| leftarm3 = 80BFFF
| body3 = 80BFFF
| rightarm3 = 80BFFF
| shorts3 = FFFFFF
| socks3 = 80BFFF
|website =
'''Nottingham Forest Football Club''' adalah nama klub [[sepak bola]] asal [[Inggris]] yang berbasis di [[West Bridgford]], [[Nottingham]] dan saat ini bermain di [[Liga Championship Inggris]].
Didirikan pada tahun [[1865]], klub telah menggunakan Stadion [[City Ground]] sejak tahun [[1898]]. Forest adalah anggota pendiri dari [[Football Alliance]] pada tahun 1889 dan bergabung dengan [[The Football League|Football League]] pada tahun [[1892]].
Klub ini telah memenangkan [[Piala FA]] pada tahun [[1898]] dan [[1959]]. Periode paling sukses klub ini saat berada di bawah [[Brian Clough]], antara tahun [[1975]] dan [[1993]]. Saat itu mereka memenangkan satu-satunya gelar Liga Inggris yang saat itu masih bernama Divisi Pertama ({{lang-en|First Division}}) pada musim 1976-77, dua [[Liga Champions UEFA|Piala Eropa]] secara berturut-turut ([[1979]] dan [[1980]]) dan empat [[Piala Liga Inggris]].
Klub ini terakhir bermain di [[Liga Utama Inggris|Liga Primer]] pada tahun [[1999]] dan satu-satunya mantan juara klub Eropa yang tidak bermain di liga papan atas domestik. Pada tahun [[1980]] klub ini mampu menjadi finalis [[Piala Interkontinental]] yang pada pertandingan final dikalahkan oleh [[Club Nacional de Football|Nacional]].
== SkuatPemain ==
=== Tim utama ===
– JANGAN tambahkan pemain baru sebelum mereka resmi diumumkan bergabung oleh klub melalui situs web mereka, termasuk tes medis dan menandatangani kontrak. Disetujuinya biaya transer tidak berarti pemain tersebut jadi bergabung.
-- Do NOT add new players before their signing is officially announced by the club
– JANGAN menghapus pemain sebelum keluarnya mereka diumumkan secara resmi oleh klub.
-- and do NOT assign unreferenced squad numbers as well.
– JANGAN tambahkan atau mengubah nomor skuad sebelum diumumkan secara resmi melalui situs web Nottingham Forest F.C.
– Players with international caps should NOT be bolded – as per Wikipedia:WikiProject_Football/Clubs
– Anda boleh menambahkan pemain tanpa nomor yang kelihatannya dapat bergabung menjadi tim utama
– This is Wikipedia, not a football gazette.
– Nomor pramusim dapat ditambahkan untuk sementara disertai sebuah RUJUKAN
– Any unconfirmed and unsourced signing/transfer will be reverted at sight.
– Ini adalah Wikipedia, bukan surat kabar. Segala hal yang belum dipastikan dan tak bersumber akan segera dihapus saat ditemukan.
– Thanks in advance.
{{updated|13 September 2024|<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=First team |publisher=Nottingham Forest F.C. |access-date=25 August 2024 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url= |title=2023/24 Premier League Squad Confirmed |date=13 September 2023 |publisher=Nottingham Forest F.C. |access-date=13 September 2023 }}</ref>}}
{{updated|7 Agustus 2015.}}<ref name="Profiles">{{cite web| title = Squad numbers announced| url =| publisher = Nottingham Forest F.C.| accessdate = 7 August 2014}}</ref>
{{fs start}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=1 4|nat=NED BRA|pos=GK DF|name=[[Dorus de VriesMorato]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=2 5|nat=USA BRA|pos=DF |name=[[Eric LichajMurillo]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=4 6|nat=ENG CIV|pos=DF MF|name=[[MichaelIbrahim MancienneSangaré]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=5 7|nat=ENG WAL|pos=DF |name=[[MattNeco MillsWilliams]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=6 8|nat=ENG |pos=DF MF|name=[[KelvinElliot WilsonAnderson]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=7 9|nat=ENG NGR|pos=FW |name=[[MattyTaiwo FryattAwoniyi]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=8 10|nat=ENG |pos=MF |name=[[ChrisMorgan CohenGibbs-White]]|other=[[captainKapten (associationsepak footballbola)|captainWakil kapten]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=9 11|nat=DRC NZL|pos=FW |name=[[BrittChris AssombalongaWood]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=10 12|nat=ENG IRL|pos=MF DF|name=[[HenriAndrew LansburyOmobamidele]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=11 14|nat=IRE ENG|pos=MF FW|name=[[AndyCallum Reid]]|other=[[Captain (association football)|viceHudson-captainOdoi]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=14 15|nat=DEN ENG|pos=FW DF|name=[[NicklasHarry BendtnerToffolo]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=13 16|nat=SCO ARG|pos=DF MF|name=[[DannyNicolás FoxDomínguez]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=18 17|nat=ENG GER|pos=MF DF|name=[[MichailEric da Silva AntonioMoreira]]}}
{{football squad mid}}
{{Fs player|no=19 |nat=NIR |pos=FW |name=[[Jamie Ward]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=21 18|nat=ENG |pos=FW MF|name=[[JamieJames Ward-Prowse]]|other=dipinjam dari [[West Ham United F.C.|West Ham PatersonUnited]]}}
{{football squad player|no=19|nat=ESP|pos=DF|name=[[Àlex Moreno]]|other=dipinjam dari [[Aston Villa F.C.|Aston Villa]]}}
{{fs mid}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=23 20|nat=ATG POR|pos=FW |name=[[DexterJota BlackstockSilva]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=24 21|nat=WAL SWE|pos=MF FW|name=[[DavidAnthony VaughanElanga]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=25 22|nat=ENG |pos=DF MF|name=[[JackRyan HobbsYates]]|other=[[Kapten (sepak bola)|Kapten]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=26 24|nat=BUL PRY|pos=GK FW|name=[[DimitarRamón EvtimovSosa]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=27 26|nat=SCO BEL|pos=MF GK|name=[[ChrisMatz BurkeSels]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=30 28|nat=IRE BRA|pos=MF |name=[[StephenDanilo McLaughlin(pemain sepak bola, lahir 2001)|Danilo]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=31 30|nat=ESP CIV|pos=DF |name=[[DanielWilly PinillosBoly]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=32 31|nat=GER SRB|pos=MF DF|name=[[RobertNikola TescheMilenković]]|}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=33 |nat=ESP BRA|pos=DF GK|name=Roger[[Carlos RieraMiguel]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=34 |nat=ENG NGA|pos=FW DF|name=[[TylerOla WalkerAina]]}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=35 44|nat=SCO ENG|pos=MF DF|name=[[OliverZach BurkeAbbott]]}}
{{Fs player|no=37 |nat=ENG |pos=MF |name=[[Jorge Grant]]}}
{{Fs player|no=38 |nat=ENG |pos=MF |name=[[Ben Osborn]]}}
{{fs end}}
===Out Dipinjamkanon loan===
{{fs start}}
{{Fsfootball squad player|no=14 |nat=NED USA|pos=FW GK|name=[[LarsMatt VeldwijkTurner |Matt Turner]]|other=dipinjam dike [[PECCrystal Zwolle]]Palace hinggaF.C.|Crystal 2015-16Palace]]}}
{{football squad player|no=|nat=ANG|pos=DF|name=[[David Carmo]]|other=dipinjam ke [[Olympiacos F.C.|Olympiacos]]}}
{{football squad player|no=|nat=ENG|pos=DF|name=[[Jonathan Panzo]]|other=dipinjam ke [[Rio Ave F.C.|Rio Ave]]}}
{{football squad player|no=|nat=ENG|pos=DF|name=[[Omar Richards]]||other=dipinjam ke [[Rio Ave F.C.|Rio Ave]]}}
{{football squad mid}}
{{football squad player|no=|nat=ENG|pos=MF|name=[[Lewis O'Brien]]|other=dipinjam ke [[Los Angeles FC]]}}
{{football squad player|no=|nat=NZL|pos=MF|name=[[Marko Stamenić]]|other=dipinjam ke [[Olympiacos F.C.|Olympiacos]]}}
{{football squad player|no=|nat=ENG|pos=FW|name=[[Josh Bowler]]|other=dipinjam ke [[Preston North End F.C.|Preston North End]]}}
{{fs end}}
Baris 154 ⟶ 168:
|list1 =
{{Juara Liga Champions UEFA}}
{{Juara Piala Super UEFA K©NTL}}
{{Liga Utama Inggris}}
{{Football League Championship}}
[[Kategori:TimNottingham sepakForest bolaF.C.| Inggris]]
[[Kategori:NottinghamKlub Forestsepak F.C.|bola APIInggris]]
[[Kategori:Klub pemenang Piala Super UEFA]]
[[Kategori:Klub Pemenangpemenang Liga Champions UEFA]]