Kelimpahan unsur dalam kerak Bumi: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Rescuing 1 sources and tagging 0 as dead.) #IABot (v2.0.9.2
(11 revisi perantara oleh 6 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
[[Berkas:ElementalKelimpahan abundancesunsur.svg|thumbjmpl|300px|Kelimpahan (fraksi atom) unsur-unsur kimia dalam kerak bumiBumi kontinental bagian atas sebagai fungsi nomor atom. Unsur-unsur paling langka dalam kerak bumiBumi (ditampilkan dalam warna kuning) bukan yang terberat, tapi unsur siderofil (cinta-besi) menurut [[klasifikasi Goldschmidt]]. Ini telah habis karena direlokasi lebih jauh ke dalam inti Bumi. Kelimpahan mereka pada [[meteorit]] lebih tinggi. Selain itu, telurium dan selenium telah habis dari kerak bumiBumi akibat pembentukan hidrida volatil.]]
Tabel ini menunjukkan '''kelimpahan [[Unsur kimia|unsur-unsur]] di [[kerak bumiBumi]]'''. Angka menunjukkan persentase atau bagian per juta (ppm) dalam massa; 10.000 ppm = 1%.
Perlu diperhatikan bahwa angka merupakan perkiraan, dan mereka akan bervariasi tergantung pada sumber dan metode estimasi. Secara garis besar, data dapat dipercaya.
Baris 11:
! Unsur
! Simbol
! Kelimpahan di [[Litosfer]]<ref>{{cite web
|url =
|title = Elements, Terrestrial Abundance
|publisher =
|accessdate = 2007-04-14
|archiveurl archiveurl= http
| archivedate = 10 April 2007 <!-04-DASHBot-->10
|deadurl deadurl= no}}</ref>
! Proporsi relatif (ppm)<ref>{{cite web|last = Barbalace
|first = Kenneth
Baris 21 ⟶ 26:
|publisher = Environmental
|accessdate = 2007-04-14}}</ref>
!Kelimpahan dalam&nbsp;kerak (ppm)<ref>{{cite web
{{cite web
|url =
|title = Abundance in Earth's Crust
|publisher =
|accessdate = 2007-04-14
|archiveurl archiveurl= http
| archivedate = 9 March 2007 <!-03-DASHBot-->09
|deadurl deadurl= no
!Kelimpahan dalam&nbsp;kerak (ppm)<ref>
{{cite web
|url = http
|title = List of Periodic Table Elements Sorted by Abundance in Earth's crust
|publisher = Israel Science and Technology Homepage
|accessdate = 2007-04-15}}</ref>
!Kelimpahan dalam &nbsp;kerak (ppm)<ref>{{cite web
{{cite web
|url =
|title = It's Elemental&nbsp;— The Periodic Table of Elements
|publisher = Jefferson Lab
|accessdate = 2007-04-14
|archiveurl archiveurl= http
| archivedate = 2007-04-29 April 2007
|deadurl deadurl= no
!Produksi (2012, [[Ton]])<ref>[ Commodity Statistics and Information]. USGS. All production numbers are for mines, except for Al, Cd, Fe, Ge, In, N, Se (plants, refineries), S (all forms) and As, Br, Mg, Si (unspecified). Data for B, K, Ti, Y are given not for the pure element but for the most common oxide, data for Na and Cl are for NaCl. For many elements like Si, Al, data are ambiguos (many forms produced) and are taken for the pure element. U data is pure element required for consumption by current reactor fleet [] {{Webarchive|url= WNA|date=2017-10-01 }}. WNA.</ref>
| 1
Baris 87 ⟶ 98:
| 5
| 20
| [[kaslsiumkalsium]]
| Ca
| 36,300
Baris 902 ⟶ 913:
== SeeLihat alsopula ==
* [[:en:Abundances of the elements (data page)|Abundances of the elements (data page)]]
== ReferencesReferensi ==
* BookRags, [ Periodic Table] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2009-03-03 }}.
* World Book Encyclopedia, [http Exploring Earth].
* HyperPhysics, Georgia State University, [ Abundance of Elements in Earth's Crust].
* Data Series 140, Historical Statistics for Mineral and Material Commodities in the United States, Version 2011, USGS [ ].
* Eric Scerri, The Periodic Table, Its Story and Its Significance, Oxford University Press, 2007
[[Kategori:Struktur bumiBumi]]
[[Kategori:Sifat-sifat unsur kimia]]
[[Kategori:Daftar unsur kimia]]