3122 Florence: Perbedaan antara revisi
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(9 revisi perantara oleh 4 pengguna tidak ditampilkan) | |||
Baris 1:
| minorplanet = yes
| name = 3122 Florence
| background = #FFC2E0
| image = Triple asteroid 3122 Florence.gif
| caption =
| discovery_ref = <ref name="jpldata" />
| discovered = 2 March 1981
| discoverer = [[Schelte Bus|S. J. Bus]]
| discovery_site = [[Siding Spring Observatory|Siding Spring Obs.]]
| mpc_name = (3122) Florence
| alt_names = {{mp|1981 ET|3}}{{·}}{{mp|1983 CN|1}}
| pronounced =
| named_after = [[Florence Nightingale]]<br />{{small|(English pioneer)}}<ref name="springer" />
| mp_category = [[Amor asteroid|Amor]]{{·}}[[Near-Earth object|NEO]]{{·}}[[Potentially hazardous object|PHA]] <ref name="jpldata" /><ref name="MPC-Florence" />
| orbit_ref = <ref name="jpldata" />
| epoch = 16 February 2017 ([[Julian day|JD]] 2457800.5)
| uncertainty = 0
| observation_arc = 37.22 yr (13,595 days)
| aphelion = 2.5164 [[Astronomical unit|AU]]
| perihelion = 1.0205 AU
| semimajor = 1.7684 AU
| eccentricity = 0.4230
| period = 2.35 [[Julian year (astronomy)|yr]] (859 days)
| mean_anomaly = 267.62[[Degree (angle)|°]]
| mean_motion = {{Deg2DMS|0.4191|sup=ms}} / day
| inclination = 22.
| asc_node = 336.
| arg_peri = 27.814°
| moid = 0.0453 AU
| dimensions = 2.5 km {{small|(EARN)}}<ref name=EARN/><br />{{val|4.010|1.237}} km<ref name="Mainzer-2012" /><br />{{val|4.349|}} km<ref name="Pravec-2012b" /><br />4.35 km {{small|(taken)}}<ref name="lcdb" /><br />{{val|4.401|0.030}} km<ref name="WISE" /><br />4.9 km<ref name="jpldata" />
| rotation = {{val|2.3580|0.0002}} [[Hour|h]]<ref name="Warner-2016j" /><br />{{val|2.3581|}} h<ref name="Pravec-1998b" />{{efn|name=LCDB-Pravec-2002/2003}}<br />{{val|2.3582|0.0003}} h<ref name="geneva-obs" /><br />{{val|2.359|0.001}} h<ref name="Linder-2013" /><br />{{val|2.359|0.003}} h<ref name="Elenin-2012" /><br />{{val|5|1}} h<ref name="Wisniewski-1997" />
| albedo = {{val|0.146|}}<ref name="Pravec-2012b" /><br />{{val|0.21|0.20}}<ref name="Thomas-2011b" /><br />{{val|0.231|0.049}}<ref name="WISE" /><ref name="Mainzer-2011" /><br />{{val|0.258|0.199}}<ref name="Mainzer-2012" />
| spectral_type = [[SMASS classification|SMASS]] = [[S-type asteroid|S]] <ref name="jpldata" /><br />Sq <ref name="Thomas-2014" />{{·}}[[S-type asteroid|S]] <ref name="lcdb" />
| abs_magnitude = {{val|13.87|0.1}} {{small|(R)}}{{efn|name=LCDB-Pravec-2002/2003}}{{·}}14.0<ref name="WISE" />{{·}}{{val|14.04|0.1}} {{small|(R)}}{{efn|name=LCDB-Pravec-2002/2003}}{{·}}14.1<ref name="jpldata" />{{·}}{{val|14.515|0.11}}<ref name="Pravec-2012b" /><ref name="lcdb" />{{·}}{{val|14.65|0.11}}<ref name="Wisniewski-1997" />{{·}}{{val|14.65|0.3}}<ref name="Mainzer-2012" />
'''3122 Florence''', atau dikenal juga sebagai 1981 ET<sub>3</sub>, merupakan sebuah [[asteroid]] yang masuk dalam grup [[Amor asteroid|Amor]]. Diklasifikasikan sebagai asteroid dekat [[bumi]] yang berpotensi membayakan, [[asteroid]] ini memiliki diameter sekitar 4,3 hingga 5 kilometer. [[Asteroid]] raksasa ini ditemukan pada 2 Maret 1981 oleh astronom Amerika Serikat [[Schelte Bus]] di Observatorium Siding Spring.<ref name="MPC-Florence" />
''Florence'' mengorbit [[Matahari]] pada jarak sekitar 1,0–2,5 [[Satuan astronomi|AU]] sekali setiap 2 tahun 4 bulan (859 hari). [[Asteroid]] ini memiliki [[eksentrisitas orbit]] sekitar 0,42 dan [[inklinasi]] sekitar 22[[Degree (angle)|°]] terhadap bidang [[ekliptika]].<ref name="jpldata" />
Pada 1 September 2017, asteroid ini akan mencapai jarak {{convert|0,04723|AU|km mil|lk=on|abbr=on}} dari Bumi,<ref name="jpl-close" /> ia akan tampak dengan [[Magnitudo semu|magnitudo visual]] +8,5, sehingga dapat terlihat melalui [[teleskop]] kecil untuk beberapa malam ketika ia bergerak dari konstelasi [[Piscis Austrinus]], [[Kaprikornus]], [[Akuarius]] dan [[Delphinus]].<ref>{{cite news|title=Nasa says big asteroid to pass safely by Earth on 1 September|url=http://www.livemint.com/Science/0Far3fmQLS4Bq6kUXKrMjM/Nasa-says-big-asteroid-to-pass-safely-by-Earth-on-1-Septembe.html|agency=Livemint}}</ref>
Penamaan ilmiah untuk [[asteroid]] ini telah dipublikasikan pada 6 April 1993 ({{small|[[Minor Planet Circulars|M.P.C.]] 21955}}).<ref name="MPC-Circulars-Archive" />
== Referensi ==
{{efn|name=LCDB-Pravec-2002/2003|1=Pravec (2002/2003) web: rotation period {{val|2.3581|0.0001}} hours with a brightness amplitude of {{val|0.15}} and 0.18 mag, respectively. Summary figures at {{URL|1=http://www.minorplanet.info/PHP/GenerateALCDEFPage_Local.php?AstInfo=3122%7CFlorence |2=Collaborative Asteroid Lightcurve Link (CALL) for (3122) Florence}} and {{URL|1=http://www.asu.cas.cz/~ppravec/neo.htm|2=Pravec, P.; Wolf, M.; Sarounova, L. (2002)}} }}
}} <!-- end of notelist -->
<ref name="jpldata">{{cite web
|type = 2016-05-28 last obs.
|title = JPL Small-Body Database Browser: 3122 Florence (1981 ET3)
|url = http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=2003122
|publisher = Jet Propulsion Laboratory
|accessdate = 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
<ref name="springer">{{cite book
|title = Dictionary of Minor Planet Names – (3122) Florence
|last = Schmadel | first = Lutz D.
|publisher = Springer Berlin Heidelberg
|page = 258
|date = 2007
|url = http://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-540-29925-7_3123
|isbn = 978-3-540-00238-3
|accessdate = 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
<ref name="MPC-Florence">{{cite web
|title = 3122 Florence (1981 ET3)
|work = Minor Planet Center
|url = http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/db_search/show_object?object_id=3122
|accessdate = 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
<ref name="MPC-Circulars-Archive">{{cite web
|title = MPC/MPO/MPS Archive
|work = Minor Planet Center
|url = http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/iau/ECS/MPCArchive/MPCArchive_TBL.html
|accessdate = 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
<ref name="geneva-obs">{{cite web
|title = Asteroids and comets rotation curves – (3122) Florence
|last = Behrend |first = Raoul
|publisher = Geneva Observatory
|url = http://obswww.unige.ch/~behrend/page4cou.html#003122
|accessdate = 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
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|title=( 3122) Florence
|publisher=The Near-Earth Asteroids Data Base at E.A.R.N
<ref name=jpl-close>{{cite web
|type=2012-04-29 last obs
|title=JPL Close-Approach Data: 3122 Florence (1981 ET3)
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|display-authors = 6
|first1 = A. |last1 = Mainzer
|first2 = T. |last2 = Grav
|first3 = J. |last3 = Bauer
|first4 = J. |last4 = Masiero
|first5 = R. S. |last5 = McMillan
|first6 = R. M. |last6 = Cutri
|first7 = R. |last7 = Walker
|first8 = E. |last8 = Wright
|first9 = P. |last9 = Eisenhardt
|first10 = D. J. |last10 = Tholen
|first11 = T. |last11 = Spahr
|first12 = R. |last12 = Jedicke
|first13 = L. |last13 = Denneau
|first14 = E. |last14 = DeBaun
|first15 = D. |last15 = Elsbury
|first16 = T. |last16 = Gautier
|first17 = S. |last17 = Gomillion
|first18 = E. |last18 = Hand
|first19 = W. |last19 = Mo
|first20 = J. |last20 = Watkins
|first21 = A. |last21 = Wilkins
|first22 = G. L. |last22 = Bryngelson
|first23 = A. |last23 = Del Pino Molina
|first24 = S. |last24 = Desai
|first25 = M. |last25 = Gómez Camus
|first26 = S. L. |last26 = Hidalgo
|first27 = I. |last27 = Konstantopoulos
|first28 = J. A. |last28 = Larsen
|first29 = C. |last29 = Maleszewski
|first30 = M. A. |last30 = Malkan
|first31 = J.-C. |last31 = Mauduit
|first32 = B. L. |last32 = Mullan
|first33 = E. W. |last33 = Olszewski
|first34 = J. |last34 = Pforr
|first35 = A. |last35 = Saro
|first36 = J. V. |last36 = Scotti
|first37 = L. H. |last37 = Wasserman
|date = December 2011
|title = NEOWISE Observations of Near-Earth Objects: Preliminary Results
|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?bibcode=2011ApJ...743..156M
|journal = The Astrophysical Journal
|volume = 743
|issue = 2
|page = 17
|bibcode = 2011ApJ...743..156M
|doi = 10.1088/0004-637X/743/2/156
|arxiv = 1109.6400
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
<ref name="lcdb">{{cite web
|title = LCDB Data for (3122) Florence
|publisher = Asteroid Lightcurve Database (LCDB)
|url = http://www.minorplanet.info/PHP/GenerateALCDEFPage_Local.php?AstInfo=3122%7CFlorence
|accessdate = 7 Januari 2017
|archive-date = 2017-01-08
|archive-url = https://web.archive.org/web/20170108002119/http://www.minorplanet.info/PHP/GenerateALCDEFPage_Local.php?AstInfo=3122
|dead-url = yes
<ref name="Pravec-2012b">{{Cite journal
|first1 = Petr |last1 = Pravec
|first2 = Alan W. |last2 = Harris
|first3 = Peter |last3 = Kusnirák
|first4 = Adrián |last4 = Galád
|first5 = Kamil |last5 = Hornoch
|date = September 2012
|title = Absolute magnitudes of asteroids and a revision of asteroid albedo estimates from WISE thermal observations
|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?bibcode=2012Icar..221..365P
|journal = Icarus
|volume = 221
|issue = 1
|pages = 365–387
|bibcode = 2012Icar..221..365P
|doi = 10.1016/j.icarus.2012.07.026
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
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|display-authors = 6
|first1 = A. |last1 = Mainzer
|first2 = T. |last2 = Grav
|first3 = J. |last3 = Masiero
|first4 = J. |last4 = Bauer
|first5 = R. M. |last5 = Cutri
|first6 = R. S. |last6 = McMillan
|first7 = C. R. |last7 = Nugent
|first8 = D. |last8 = Tholen
|first9 = R. |last9 = Walker
|first10 = E. L. |last10 = Wright
|date = November 2012
|title = Physical Parameters of Asteroids Estimated from the WISE 3-Band Data and NEOWISE Post-Cryogenic Survey
|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?bibcode=2012ApJ...760L..12M
|journal = The Astrophysical Journal Letters
|volume = 760
|issue = 1
|page = 6
|bibcode = 2012ApJ...760L..12M
|doi = 10.1088/2041-8205/760/1/L12
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
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|display-authors = 6
|first1 = A. |last1 = Mainzer
|first2 = T. |last2 = Grav
|first3 = J. |last3 = Masiero
|first4 = E. |last4 = Hand
|first5 = J. |last5 = Bauer
|first6 = D. |last6 = Tholen
|first7 = R. S. |last7 = McMillan
|first8 = T. |last8 = Spahr
|first9 = R. M. |last9 = Cutri
|first10 = E. |last10 = Wright
|first11 = J. |last11 = Watkins
|first12 = W. |last12 = Mo
|first13 = C. |last13 = Maleszewski
|date = November 2011
|title = NEOWISE Studies of Spectrophotometrically Classified Asteroids: Preliminary Results
|url = http://arxiv.org/pdf/1109.6407v1.pdf
|journal = The Astrophysical Journal
|volume = 741
|issue = 2
|page = 25
|bibcode = 2011ApJ...741...90M
|doi = 10.1088/0004-637X/741/2/90
|arxiv = 1109.6407
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
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|first4 = R. S. |last4 = McMillan
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|journal = Abstracts of the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
|bibcode = 1995LPI....26.1511W
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
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|first1 = Petr |last1 = Pravec
|first2 = Marek |last2 = Wolf
|first3 = Lenka |last3 = Sarounová
|date = November 1998
|title = Lightcurves of 26 Near-Earth Asteroids
|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?bibcode=1998Icar..136..124P
|journal = Icarus
|volume = 136
|issue = 1
|pages = 124–153
|bibcode = 1998Icar..136..124P
|doi = 10.1006/icar.1998.5993
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
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|first1 = Leonid |last1 = Elenin
|first2 = Igor |last2 = Molotov
|date = July 2012
|title = Asteroids Lightcurve Analysis at the Ison-NM Observatory: 3122 Florence, (25916) 2001 CP44, (47035) 1998 WS, (137170) 1999 HF1
|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?bibcode=2012MPBu...39..101E
|journal = The Minor Planet Bulletin
|volume = 39
|issue = 3
|pages = 101–102
|issn = 1052-8091
|bibcode = 2012MPBu...39..101E
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
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|first1 = Tyler R. |last1 = Linder
|first2 = Ryan |last2 = Sampson
|first3 = Robert |last3 = Holmes
|date = Januari 2013
|title = Astronomical Research Institute Photometric Results
|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?bibcode=2013MPBu...40....4L
|journal = The Minor Planet Bulletin
|volume = 40
|issue = 1
|pages = 4–6
|issn = 1052-8091
|bibcode = 2013MPBu...40....4L
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
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|author = Warner, Brian D.
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|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?bibcode=2016MPBu...43..240W
|journal = The Minor Planet Bulletin
|volume = 43
|issue = 3
|pages = 240–250
|issn = 1052-8091
|bibcode = 2016MPBu...43..240W
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
<ref name="Thomas-2011b">{{Cite journal
|display-authors = 6
|first1 = C. A. |last1 = Thomas
|first2 = D. E. |last2 = Trilling
|first3 = J. P. |last3 = Emery
|first4 = M. |last4 = Mueller
|first5 = J. L. |last5 = Hora
|first6 = L. A. M. |last6 = Benner
|first7 = B. |last7 = Bhattacharya
|first8 = W. F. |last8 = Bottke
|first9 = S. |last9 = Chesley
|first10 = M. |last10 = Delbó
|first11 = G. |last11 = Fazio
|first12 = A. W. |last12 = Harris
|first13 = A. |last13 = Mainzer
|first14 = M. |last14 = Mommert
|first15 = A. |last15 = Morbidelli
|first16 = B. |last16 = Penprase
|first17 = H. A. |last17 = Smith
|first18 = T. B. |last18 = Spahr
|first19 = J. A. |last19 = Stansberry
|date = September 2011
|title = ExploreNEOs. V. Average Albedo by Taxonomic Complex in the Near-Earth Asteroid Population
|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?bibcode=2011AJ....142...85T
|journal = The Astronomical Journal
|volume = 142
|issue = 3
|page = 12
|bibcode = 2011AJ....142...85T
|doi = 10.1088/0004-6256/142/3/85
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
<ref name="Thomas-2014">{{Cite journal
|first1 = Cristina A. |last1 = Thomas
|first2 = Joshua P. |last2 = Emery
|first3 = David E. |last3 = Trilling
|first4 = Marco |last4 = Delbó
|first5 = Joseph L. |last5 = Hora
|first6 = Michael |last6 = Mueller
|date = Januari 2014
|title = Physical characterization of Warm Spitzer-observed near-Earth objects
|url = http://adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/bib_query?bibcode=2014Icar..228..217T
|journal = Icarus
|volume = 228
|pages = 217–246
|bibcode = 2014Icar..228..217T
|doi = 10.1016/j.icarus.2013.10.004
|access-date= 7 Januari 2017}}</ref>
}} <!-- end of reflist -->
== Pranala luar ==
* [http://www.planetarysciences.org/plots/BDW/3122_FLORENCE_2016-01-14_2.PNG Lighcurve plot], Brian D. Warner, Center for Solar System Studies, Spring 2016
* [http://www.minorplanet.info/PHP/lcdbsummaryquery.php Asteroid Lightcurve Database (LCDB)], query form ([http://www.minorplanet.info/lightcurvedatabase.html info] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20171216050541/http://www.minorplanet.info/lightcurvedatabase.html |date=2017-12-16 }})
* [https://books.google.com/books?id=aeAg1X7afOoC&pg Dictionary of Minor Planet Names], Google books
* [http://obswww.unige.ch/~behrend/page_cou.html Asteroids and comets rotation curves, CdR] – Observatoire de Genève, Raoul Behrend
* [http://www.minorplanetcenter.net/iau/lists/NumberedMPs000001.html Discovery Circumstances: Numbered Minor Planets (1)-(5000)] – Minor Planet Center
* {{JPL small body}}
{{Minor planets navigator|3121 Tamines|number=3122|3123 Dunham}}
{{Small Solar System bodies}}
[[Kategori:Numbered minor planets]]
[[Kategori:Discoveries by Schelte J. Bus|Florence]]
[[Kategori:Minor planets named for people|Florence]]
[[Kategori:Named minor planets|Florence]]
[[Kategori:Potentially hazardous asteroids]]
[[Kategori:S-type asteroids (SMASS)]]
[[Kategori:Astronomical objects discovered in 1981|19810302]]