Sarah, Adipatni York: Perbedaan antara revisi
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Baris 1:
{{redirect|Fergie|penyanyi|Fergie (penyanyi)}}
'''Sarah, Duchess of York''' ('''Sarah Margaret Ferguson'''; lahir [[15 Oktober]] [[1959]]) adalah bekas istri [[Prince Andrew, Duke of York]]. Ia adalah ibu dari [[Princess Beatrice of York|Princess Beatrice]] dan [[Princess Eugenie of York|Princess Eugenie]]. Ia adalah penulis buku anak-anak.▼
{{Infobox royalty
|name = Sarah
|title = [[Adipatni York]]
|image = Sarah, Duchess of York, Gahanga Cricket Stadium 1 (October 2017) (cropped).jpg
|caption = Adipatni pada tahun 2017
|spouse = [[Andrew dari York|Pangeran Andrew, Adipati York]]<br>(m. 1986, c. 1996)
|issue = [[Putri Beatrice dari York]]<br>[[Putri Eugenie dari York]]
|full name = Sarah Margaret<ref name="sur">As a titled royal, Sarah held no surname, but, when one ''was'' used, it was [[Mountbatten-Windsor]].</ref>
|house = [[Wangsa Windsor]] <small>(melalui pernikahan)</small><!--See [[Talk:House of Windsor#SHSG Part II]]-->
|father = [[Mayor]] [[Ronald Ferguson]]
|mother = [[Susan Barrantes]]
|birth_date = {{Birth date and age|1959|10|15|df=y}}
|birth_place = [[London]], [[Inggris]]<ref>{{cite book|authorlink=Alison Weir|last=Weir|first=Alison|year=1996|title=Britain's Royal Families: A Complete Genealogy|url=|edition=Revised|publisher=Pimlico|location=London|isbn=978-0-7126-7448-5|page=[ 333]}}</ref>
|occupation = [[Pekerja sosial]], [[pembicara]], penulis, produser film, selebriti
|signature =
|religion = [[Gereja Inggris]]
== Buku ==
* ''Budgie: The Little Helicopter''
* ''Budgie: At Bendick's Point''
Baris 11 ⟶ 30:
* ''Moments: Reflections in words and pictures''
== Referensi ==
[[Kategori:Tokoh dari London]]
[[Kategori:Tokoh Inggris]]
{{Royal family-stub}}