Daftar sultan Utsmaniyah: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(34 revisi perantara oleh 15 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 2:
| royal_title = [[Sultan]]
| border = imperial
| realm = [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|Utsmaniyah]]
| coatofarms = Osmanli-nisani.svg
| coatofarmssize =
Baris 9:
| caption = [[Suleiman I]] (1520–1566)
| first_monarch = [[Osman I|Osman Gazi]]
| first_monarch-type= Pemimpin pertama
| last_monarch = [[Mehmed VI]]
| style New_monarch = [[YangRecep Tayyib MuliaErdogan]]
| New_monarch-type = Penguasa Baru
| residence = *[[Istana Topkapı]] (1460an–1853)<br>*[[Istana Dolmabahçe]] (1853–1889; 1909-1922)<br>*[[Istana Yıldız]] <br>(1889–1909)
| appointerstyle = [[Garis suksesi tahta Utsmaniyah|Turun-temurun]]= '''Sapaan''':
<br>''Hünkarım'' (Baginda)<br>''Padişah efendim'' (Tuanku Kaisar)<br>''Sultanım'' (Sultanku)<br>[[Penjaga Dua Kota Suci]]<br>Keiser i Rum<br>Khalifah
| residence = [[Istana Topkapı]] (1460an–1853)<br>[[Istana Dolmabahçe]] (1853–1889; 1909-1922)<br>[[Istana Yıldız]] <br>(1889–1909)
| appointer =
| began = 27 Juli 1299
| ended = 1 November 1922
Para sultan [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|DinastiWangsa Utsmaniyah]] menguasai wilayah kekuasaan transkontinental yang sangat luas mulai dari tahun 1299 hingga 1922. Pada puncak kejayaannya, [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]] berkuasa mulai dari [[HongariaHungaria]] hingga ke bagian utara [[Somalia]] di sebelah selatan, dan dari [[Aljazair]] di sebelah barat hingga [[Irak]] di sebelah timur. IbukotanyaIbu kotanya mula-mula adalah [[Bursa]] di [[Anatolia]], kemudian dipindahkan ke [[Edirne]] pada tahun 1366 dan ke [[Konstantinopel]] atau [[Istanbul]] pada tahun 1453 setelah [[Kejatuhankejatuhan Konstantinopel]] yang merupakan ibu kota [[Kekaisaran BizantiumRomawi Timur]].<ref>[[#Sta01|Stavrides 2001]], p. 21</ref>
<!--The Ottoman Empire's [[Rise of the Ottoman Empire|early years]] have been the subject of varying narratives due to the difficulty of discerning fact from legend; nevertheless, most modern scholars agree that the empire came into existence around 1299 and that its first ruler was [[Osman I]] [[Khan (title)|Khan]] (leader) of the [[Kayı tribe]] of the [[Oghuz Turks]].<ref>[[#Gla96|Glazer 1996]], "The Ottoman Empire"</ref> The Ottoman Dynasty he founded was to endure for six centuries through the reigns of 36 sultans. The Ottoman Empire disappeared as a result of the defeat of the [[Central Powers]] with whom it had allied itself during [[World War I]]. The [[Partitioning of the Ottoman Empire|partitioning of the empire]] by the victorious [[Allies of World War I|Allies]] and the ensuing [[Turkish War of Independence]] led to the birth of the modern [[Turkey|Republic of Turkey]].<ref>[[#Gla96|Glazer 1996]], "War of Independence"</ref>--><ref>[[#Qua05|Quataert 2005]], p. 91</ref> Pada tahun 1617, hukum pergantian keturunan dalam kesultanan ini diubah dari "siapa yang kuat akan menang" menjadi suatu sistem yang didasarkan atas tingkat senioritas ''agnatik'' (''ekberiyet''), yaitu tahta akan diteruskan oleh laki-laki tertua dalam keluarga. Ini menyebabkan sejak abad ke-17 sultan yang meninggal jarang digantikan oleh putranya, tetapi biasanya oleh seorang paman atau saudara laki-laki.<ref>[[#Qua05|Quataert 2005]], p. 92</ref> Sistem "senioritas agnatik" (''agnatic seniority'') dipertahankan sampai pembubaran kesultanan, meskipun pada abad ke-19 ada usaha yang gagal untuk mengganti dengan sistem "primogeniture" (keturunan tertua).<ref>[[#Kar05|Karateke 2005]], pp. 37–54</ref>
== Status ==
== [[Ottoman State|Ottoman State Organization]] ==
[[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]] adalah monarki mutlak pada hampir sepanjang sejarahnya. Pemimpin Utsmaniyah berada di puncak hierarki dan berperan sebagai pemimpin politik, militer, kehakiman, sosial, dan keagamaan, dan itu tercermin dalam berbagai gelar yang disandangnya. Secara teori, pemimpin Utsmaniyah hanya bertanggung jawab kepada Allah dan syariat-Nya yang mana dia adalah pelaksana dari syariat tersebut.
Meski pemimpin Utsmaniyah secara teori adalah pemimpin absolut, pada kenyataannya, pengaruhnya terbatas pada beberapa hal. Keputusannya sangat dipengaruhi oleh [[Wangsa Utsmaniyah|anggota penting dinasti]], para pejabat, pihak militer, dan pemuka agama.<ref name="Ottoman Institutions">[[#Gla96|Glazer 1996]], "Ottoman Institutions"</ref> Mulai akhir abad keenam belas, sebagian besar kewenangan pemimpin Utsmaniyah dalam pemerintahan mulai dialihkan kepada wazir agung (setara perdana menteri). Para wanita dalam harem istana, biasanya ibu suri (''[[valide sultan]]'') atau permaisuri (''[[haseki sultan]]'') juga menjadi salah satu pihak paling berpengaruh dalam memandu kebijakan pemimpin Utsmaniyah. Pada masa yang disebut sebagai [[Kesultanan Wanita]], para wanita harem bahkan memiliki pengaruh sangat besar dalam pemerintahan dan menjadi penguasa dari balik tirai.<ref>{{cite web | first = Leslie | last = Peirce | authorlink = Leslie P. Peirce | title = The sultanate of women | url = http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/e-h/harem.html | archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20071203045546/http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/e-h/harem.html | publisher = [[Channel 4]] | archivedate = 2007-12-03 | accessdate = 2009-04-18}}</ref>
The Ottoman State was an [[absolute monarchy]] during much of its existence. The sultan was at the apex of the hierarchical Ottoman system and acted in political, military, judicial, social, and religious capacities under a variety of titles.{{ref label|Titles|a|2}} He was theoretically responsible only to [[God]] and [[God's law]] (the Islamic ''şeriat'', known in Arabic as ''[[sharia]]''), of which he was the chief executor. His [[Divine Right of Kings|heavenly mandate]] was reflected in Irano-Islamic titles such as "shadow of God on Earth" (''zill Allah fi'l-alem'') and "caliph of the face of the earth" (''halife-i ru-yi zemin'').<ref name="Findley">[[#Fin05|Findley 2005]], p. 115</ref> All offices were filled by his authority, and every law was issued by him in the form of a decree called ''[[Firman (decree)|firman]]''. He was the [[commander-in-chief|supreme military commander]] and had the official title to all land.<ref name="Ottoman Institutions"/> After the [[fall of Constantinople]] in 1453, Ottoman sultans came to regard themselves as the successors of the Roman Empire, hence their occasional use of the titles [[Caesar (title)|Caesar]] (''kaysar'') and [[Emperor]].<ref name="Findley"/><ref>[[#Toy74|Toynbee 1974]], pp. 22–23</ref><ref>[[#Sta01|Stavrides 2001]], p. 20</ref> Following the [[History of Ottoman Egypt|conquest of Egypt]] in 1517, [[Selim I]] also adopted the title of [[caliph]], thus claiming to be the universal Muslim ruler.{{ref label|Caliphate|b|}} Newly enthroned Ottoman rulers were girded with the [[Sword of Osman]], an important ceremony that served as the equivalent of European monarchs' coronation.<ref>[[#Qua05|Quataert 2005]], p. 93</ref> A non-girded sultan was not eligible to have his children included in the line of succession.<ref>[[#Osm01|d'Osman Han 2001]], "Ottoman Padishah Succession"</ref>
== Gelar ==
Although theocratic and absolute in theory and in principle, the sultan's powers were limited in practice. Political decisions had to take into account the opinions and attitudes of important members of the dynasty, the bureaucratic and military establishments, as well as religious leaders.<ref name="Ottoman Institutions">[[#Gla96|Glazer 1996]], "Ottoman Institutions"</ref> From the 17th century onwards, the empire entered into a long-term [[Stagnation of the Ottoman Empire|period of stagnation]], during which the sultans were much enfeebled. Many of them ended up being deposed by the powerful [[Janissary]] corps. Despite being barred from inheriting the throne,<ref>[[#Qua05|Quataert 2005]], p. 90</ref> women of the [[Imperial Harem]]—especially the reigning sultan's mother, known as the [[Valide Sultan]]—also played an important behind-the-scenes political role, effectively ruling the empire during the period known as the [[sultanate of women]].<ref>{{cite web | first = Leslie | last = Peirce | authorlink = Leslie P. Peirce | title = The sultanate of women | url = http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/e-h/harem.html | archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20071203045546/http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/H/history/e-h/harem.html | publisher = [[Channel 4]] | archivedate = 2007-12-03 | accessdate = 2009-04-18}}</ref>
Para pemimpin Utsmaniyah menyandang berbagai gelar yang tiap-tiap gelar memiliki makna tersendiri. Beberapa gelar tersebut antara lain 'sultan', 'khan', 'padişah', dan 'khalifah'.
=== Sebagai kepala negara ===
The declining powers of the sultans are evidenced by the difference in reign lengths between early sultans and later ones. [[Suleiman I]], who ruled the empire when it was at its zenith in the 16th century, had a reign of 46 years, the longest in Ottoman history. [[Murad V]], who ruled in the late 19th-century period of decline, had the shortest reign on record: he was in power for just 93 days before being deposed. [[Constitutional monarchy|Constitutionalism]] was only [[First Constitutional Era (Ottoman Empire)|established]] during the reign of Murad V's successor, [[Abdul Hamid II|Abd-ul-Hamid II]], who thus became the empire's last absolute ruler and its first constitutional monarch.<ref>[[#Gla96|Glazer 1996]], "External Threats and Internal Transformations"</ref> Since 2009, the head of the Ottoman Dynasty and [[Line of succession to the Ottoman throne#List of pretenders since 1922|pretender to the defunct Ottoman throne]] has been [[Bayezid Osman]], a great-grandson of [[Abd-ul-Mejid I]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.haberturk.com/yazarlar/221818-sehzadenin-ardindan-basin-oyle-hatalar-yapti-ki |title=Şehzadenin ardından basın öyle hatalar yaptı ki... |first=Murat |last=Bardakçı |authorlink=Murat Bardakçı |date=25 September 2009 |publisher=Haberturk.com |language=Turkish |trans_title= |accessdate=2010-07-16}}</ref>-->
[[Berkas:Imperial_standard_of_the_Ottoman_Sultan.svg|kiri|jmpl|240x240px|Standard Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]
Meskipun daftar Sultan Utsmaniyah selalu dimulai dari Osman I yang merupakan bapak dari [[Wangsa Utsmaniyah]], gelar sultan baru secara resmi digunakan pada masa Murad I, cucu Osman, yang berkuasa 1362 sampai 1389. Dua pemimpin Utsmaniyah sebelumnya, Osman dan Orhan, menggunakan gelar ''bey'', gelar Turki yang dapat disejajarkan dengan adipati.
Di Indonesia dan Barat, pemimpin Utsmaniyah lebih dikenal dengan 'sultan'. Sultan adalah gelar pemimpin Islam yang berasal dari bahasa Arab yang bermakna "kewenangan" atau "kekuatan". Gelar ini mulai digunakan pada masa [[Kekhalifahan Abbasiyah]] dan perlahan digunakan untuk berbagai pemimpin Muslim berdaulat.Kedudukan gelar sultan lebih tinggi dari 'amir' dan tidak dapat dibandingkan dengan 'malik', gelar bahasa Arab untuk [[Raja (gelar)|raja]]. Sejak abad keenam belas, gelar sultan tidak hanya digunakan oleh pemimpin Kesultanan Utsmaniyah, tetapi juga semua anggota [[Wangsa Utsmaniyah]], juga permaisuri dan ibu suri, dengan laki-laki menggunakan gelar sultan di depan namanya, sedangkan wanita di belakang namanya. Misalnya, Şehzade Sultan Mehmed dan Mihrimah Sultan, putra dan putri Sultan Suleiman Al Qanuni. Penggunaan ini menegaskan konsep Utsmani terkait kekuasaan sebagai kewenangan keluarga.<ref name=":0">{{Cite book|title = The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire|last = Peirce|first = Leslie P.|publisher = Oxford University Press, Inc.|year = 1993|isbn = 0-19-507673-7|location = New York|pages = }}</ref>
Bersama sultan, para pemimpin Utsmaniyah juga menggunakan gelar khan di belakang namanya (misal, Sultan Suleiman Khan). Khan adalah gelar bagi pemimpin bangsa Turki yang berasal dari Asia Tengah. Salah satu tokoh terkenal yang juga menggunakan gelar ini adalah [[Jengis Khan]]. Penggunaan gelar ini menunjukkan keterikatan Utsmaniyah dengan para pendahulu mereka yang berasal dari Asia Tengah.<ref name=":0"/>
Gelar yang sering digunakan di kalangan masyarakat Utsmaniyah sendiri untuk merujuk pemimpin mereka adalah ''[[Padisyah|padişah]]'' (پادشاه, dibaca pa-di-syah)<ref>{{cite magazine | last = M'Gregor | first = J. |date=July 1854 | title = The Race, Religions, and Government of the Ottoman Empire |magazine=The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art | volume = 32 |page=376 | publisher = Leavitt, Trow, & Co. | location = New York | oclc = 6298914 | url = https://books.google.com/?id=1MYRAAAAYAAJ&printsec=toc#PPA376,M1 | accessdate = 2009-04-25}}</ref> yang berarti '[[kaisar]]'. Hal ini sebagai pernyataan bahwa status Utsmaniyah berada di atas kerajaan sebagaimana status kaisar berada di atas raja. Gelar ini diadopsi dari bahasa Persia dan mulai digunakan pada masa Sultan [[Mehmed II]].
Setelah penaklukan Konstantinopel pada 1453, Sultan Mehmed II juga menyandang gelar ''Kaysar-i-Rûm'' atau 'Kaisar Romawi'. Gelar ini menyatakan bahwa para pemimpin Utsmaniyah adalah pewaris dari Kekaisaran Romawi. Sultan Mehmed II juga menyatakan dirinya sebagai pelindung bagi Gereja Ortodoks.
Semua gelar kepala negara ini terus dipegang pemimpin Wangsa Utsmaniyah sampai dibubarkannya [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]] pada tahun 1922.
=== Sebagai pemimpin dunia Islam ===
Pemimpin Utsmaniyah juga menyandang gelar [[khalifah]] yang merupakan gelar bagi pemimpin dunia Islam. Gelar ini mulai diklaim oleh Murad I, meski pada saat itu Wangsa Abbasiyah yang berada dalam perlindungan [[Kesultanan Mamluk (Kairo)|Kesultanan Mamluk Mesir]] masih menyandang gelar khalifah secara resmi. Setelah penaklukan Kesultanan Mamluk oleh Utsmaniyah pada tahun 1517 di masa Sultan Selim I, Wangsa Abbasiyah menyerahkan gelar khalifah kepada pemimpin Utsmaniyah. Dengan ini, pemimpin Utsmaniyah secara simbolis berperan sebagai pemimpin dunia Islam, meski bukan pemimpin dalam artian kepala negara seluruh dunia Islam karena semua negara Islam memiliki pemimpin berdaulatnya sendiri.
Pada keberjalanannya, gelar khalifah tidak digunakan oleh pemimpin Utsmaniyah hampir selama dua abad sampai Utsmaniyah kalah perang dengan [[Kekaisaran Rusia]] yang saat itu dipimpin oleh [[Yekaterina II dari Rusia|Maharani Yekaterina II]]. Dalam Perjanjian Küçük Kaynarca (1774) antara Utsmaniyah dengan Rusia, pemimpin Utsmaniyah kemudian menggunakan statusnya sebagai khalifah (bukan sebagai sultan) untuk menegaskan kepemimpinan relijiusnya atas umat Muslim di Rusia.<ref>{{cite encyclopedia | editor = Glassé, Cyril | encyclopedia = The New Encyclopedia of Islam | title = Ottomans | url = https://books.google.com/books?id=focLrox-frUC&printsec=frontcover#PPA349,M1 | accessdate = 2009-05-02 | year = 2003 | publisher = AltaMira Press | location = Walnut Creek, CA | isbn = 978-0-7591-0190-6 | oclc = 52611080 | pages = 349–351}}</ref> Ini adalah pertama kalinya di masa Utsmaniyah, gelar khalifah digunakan di luar batas Kesultanan Utsmaniyah dan diakui oleh pihak Eropa.<ref name="Cambridge">{{cite book |title=The Cambridge History of Islam I: The Central Islamic Lands |year=1970 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |language=tr}}</ref> Gelar ini lebih sering digunakan dan lebih nyata pengaruhnya pada masa Sultan Abdul Hamid II yang berusaha menyatukan dunia Islam untuk melawan pengaruh Barat yang semakin menguat. Dengan statusnya sebagai khalifah, Abdul Hamid II meminta pihak [[Kesultanan Sulu]] untuk tunduk dengan kekuasaan Amerika demi menghindari konflik yang lebih besar antara Barat dan Islam.<ref name="Akyol2011">{{cite book|author=Mustafa Akyol|title=Islam without Extremes: A Muslim Case for Liberty|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=2mRXt7NtFhEC&pg=PA159&dq=Straus+Sulu+Ottoman&hl=en&sa=X&ei=cmQZU8hTpvDRAebrgJgM&ved=0CEQQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=Straus%20Sulu%20Ottoman&f=false|date=18 July 2011|publisher=W. W. Norton|isbn=978-0-393-07086-6|pages=159–}}</ref> Kerjasama yang tercipta antara angkatan bersenjata Amerika dan Kesultanan Sulu tidak lain adalah bujukan Khalifah Utsmaniyah kepada pihak Kesultanan Sulu.<ref name="Moskin2013">{{cite book|author=J. Robert Moskin|title=American Statecraft: The Story of the U.S. Foreign Service|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=pc5FAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA204&dq=Straus+Sulu+Ottoman&hl=en&sa=X&ei=cmQZU8hTpvDRAebrgJgM&ved=0CEoQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=Straus%20Sulu%20Ottoman&f=false|date=19 November 2013|publisher=St. Martin's Press|isbn=978-1-250-03745-9|pages=204–}}</ref>
Setelah Kesultanan Utsmaniyah dibubarkan pada 1922, pemimpin [[Wangsa Utsmaniyah]] masih mempertahankan gelar khalifahnya selama dua tahun sampai kemudian lembaga kekhalifahan juga dibubarkan pada 1924. Dengan ini, Wangsa Utsmaniyah adalah keluarga besar terakhir yang menyandang gelar khalifah.
== Daftar sultan ==
Tabel di bawah ini berisi informasi para sultan Utsmaniyah, juga kalifah Utsmaniyah, diurutkan berdasarkan kronologi. [[Tughra]] adalah lambang atau tanda kaligrafi yang digunakan oleh para sultan Utsmaniyah yang dituliskan pada semua dokumen resmi dan uang koin, dan lebih melambangkan sang sultan daripada portret sang sultan. Kolom "Catatan" berisi informasi mengenai orang tua dan nasib tiap sultan. Bila pemerintahan seorang sultan tidak berakhir dengan kematian wajar, alasannya ditandai dengan cetak tebal.
[[Berkas:Imperial standard of the Ottoman Sultan.svg|240px|thumb|left|Bendera Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%; text-align:center;" border="1"
Tabel di bawah ini berisi informasi para sultan Utsmaniyah, juga kalifah Utsmaniyah, diurutkan berdasarkan kronologi. [[Tughra]] adalah lambang atau tanda kaligrafi yang digunakan oleh para sultan Utsmaniyah yang dituliskan pada semua dokumen resmi dan uang koin, dan lebih melambangkan sang sultan daripada portret sang sultan. Kolom "Catatan" berisi informasi mengenai orangtua dan nasib tiap sultan. Bila pemerintahan seorang sultan tidak berakhir dengan kematian wajar, alasannya ditandai dengan cetak tebal. <!--For earlier rulers, there is usually a time gap between the moment a sultan's reign ended and the moment his successor was enthroned. This is because the Ottomans in that era practiced what historian Quataert has described as "[[survival of the fittest]], not eldest, son": when a sultan died, his sons had to fight each other for the throne until a victor emerged. Because of the infighting and numerous [[Fratricide|fratricides]] that occurred, a sultan's death date therefore did not always coincide with the accession date of his successor.--><ref>[[#Qua05|Quataert 2005]], p. 91</ref> Pada tahun 1617, hukum pergantian keturunan dalam Kesultanan ini diubah dari "siapa yang kuat akan menang" menjadi suatu sistem yang didasarkan atas tingkat senioritas ''agnatik'' (''ekberiyet''), yaitu tahta akan diteruskan oleh laki-laki tertua dalam keluarga. Ini menyebabkan sejak abad ke-17 sultan yang meninggal jarang digantikan oleh putranya, tetapi biasanya oleh seorang paman atau saudara laki-laki.<ref>[[#Qua05|Quataert 2005]], p. 92</ref> Sistem "senioritas agnatik" (''agnatic seniority'') dipertahankan sampai pembubaran kesultanan, meskipun pada abad ke-19 ada usaha yang gagal untuk mengganti dengan sistem "primogeniture" (keturunan tertua).<ref>[[#Kar05|Karateke 2005]], pp. 37–54</ref>
{| class="wikitable" border="1" style="width:100%; text-align:center;"
! width="5%" | #
! width="20%" | SultanNama<br />Masa kekuasaan
! width="80px" | PotretGambar
! width="15%" | Berkuasa sejak
! width="15%" | Berkuasa hingga
! width="80px" | [[Tughra]]
! width="2515%" | CatatanOrangtua
! width="25%" | Catatan
| colspan="7" style="background:#B9B9B9" |'''Masa Kebangkitan'''<br /><small>([[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|27 Juli 1299]] – [[Pertempuran Ankara|20 Juli 1402]])</small>
| —
| [[Ertuğrul Gazi|''<small> Emir Gazi</small> ''<br />Ertuğrul Bey]]<br /> <small> [http://web.archive.org/web/20060615093426/www.4dw.net/royalark/Turkey/turkey2.htm أرطغرل غازی<br />Amîr Ghazi -<br />Tuan yang Terhormat<br />(''b.'' 1191 - ''d.'' 1281)]</small>
| <!--[[Berkas:Ertuğrul Gazi.jpg|80px|'''Ertuğrul Bey''']]-->
| 1230
| 1281
| —<br />{{ref label|Tughra|c|1}}
| align="left" |
* Anak [[Suleyman Shah|Kaya Alp Oğlu Süleyman Şah]] dan [http://web.archive.org/web/20060615093426/www.4dw.net/royalark/Turkey/turkey2.htm Haimā ''(Hayme)'' Ana];
* Bertakhta hingga kematiannya.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFBB4CD394874238F9 | title = Sultan Osman Gazi | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = [[Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Turkey)|Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism]]}}</ref>
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20060615093426/www.4dw.net/royalark/Turkey/turkey2.htm Ayah Osman Ghazi dan pemimpin terpilih] dari [[Suku Kayı|klan Kayı]] dari [[Turki Oghuz|suku Oghuz]].
| —
| [[Osman I|<small>''Emir Gazi''<br /></small>Osman Bey]]<br /><small>[http://web.archive.org/web/20060615093426/www.4dw.net/royalark/Turkey/turkey2.htm عثمان بن أرطغرل<br />Amîr Fakhr ud-din<br />Othman-Al Ghazi - The Esquire<br />(''b.'' 1258 - ''d.'' 1324)]</small>
| [[Berkas:Osman I by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Osman I by John Young]]
| 1281
| 1299
| —<br />{{ref label|Tughra|c|1}}
| align="left" |
* Anak [[Ertuğrul|Ertuğrul ''Ghazi'']] dan [http://web.archive.org/web/20060615093426/www.4dw.net/royalark/Turkey/turkey2.htm Khālîma Khānum];
* Dipilih oleh para Bey dan Ghazi dari [[suku Kayı]] sebagai pemimpin menggantikan ayahnya, [[Ertuğrul|Ertuğrul ''Ghazi'']], dan menjadi ''Amir'' oleh [[Kayqubad III|Âlâ ud-dîn Kayqubad III]], Sultan [[Kesultanan Rûm|Kesultanan Seljuq Anatolia Rûm]].
* Menjadi pemimpin yang berdaulat setelah kejatuhan [[Kesultanan Ikonium]] pada 27 Juli 1299.
| colspan=7 style="background:#B9B9B9" | [[Pendirian Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]<br /><small>([[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|27 Juli 1299]] – [[Pertempuran Ankara|20 Juli 1402]])</small>
| 1
| <big>'''[[Osman I]]'''<br /big><small>''GHAZI (Pejuang)''<br />''BEYGhazi'' (Tuan Yang Terhormatksatria)''<br /><{{small>''KARA|sekitar (Tanah1299 atau Hitam) untuk keberaniannya''<1323/small>1324}}
| [[Berkas:Osman Gazi.jpg|80px|Potret Osman I by John Young100px]]
| 1299
| 1324
| —<br />{{ref label|Tughra|c|1}}
| [[Ertuğrul]]
| align="left" |
* Osman awalnya mewarisi jabatan ayahnya sebagai adipati (''bey'') yang berkuasa di bawah [[Kesultanan Seljuk]]. Saat terjadi gonjang-ganjing dalam Kesultanan Seljuk, Osman memerdekakan diri pada 27 Juli 1299.
* Anak [[Ertuğrul|Ertuğrul ''Ghazi'']] dan [http://web.archive.org/web/20060615093426/www.4dw.net/royalark/Turkey/turkey2.htm Khālîma Khānum];
* On 27 Juli 1299, declared his independence from the [[Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti|Anatolian Seljuk Empire]].
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFBB4CD394874238F9 | title = Sultan Osman Gazi | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = [[Kementerian Budaya dan Pariwisata (Turki)|Kementerian Budaya dan Pariwisata Republik Turki]]}}</ref>
| 2
| <big>'''[[Orhan I]]'''</big><br /><small>''GHAZIGhazi'' (Pejuangksatria)''<br />''BEY{{small|1323/1324 (Tuan YangMaret Terhormat)''</small>1362}}
| [[Berkas:MuradOrhan I-Manyal Palace MuseumGazi.jpg|80px|Potret Orhan100px]]
| 1324
| 1362
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Orhan.JPG|80px|Tughra of Orhan]]
| align="left" |
* Osman I
* Putra Osman I dan [[Mal Hatun|Malhun (Māl) Khātûn]];
* Malhun, putri adipati Turki Anatolia<ref name="ömer">{{cite book|author=[[:tr:Necdet Sakaoğlu|Sakaoğlu, Necdet]]|title=Bu mülkün kadın sultanları: Vâlide sultanlar, hâtunlar, hasekiler, kadınefendiler, sultanefendiler|url=https://books.google.com.tr/books?redir_esc=y&hl=tr&id=6WUMAQAAMAAJ&dq=havatin+hatun&focus=searchwithinvolume&q=%C3%96mer+Bey|publisher=Oğlak Publications|year=2008|pages=29|isbn=978-9-753-29623-6}}.</ref> atau wazir (menteri) Kesultanan Seljuk<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.enfal.de/otarih44.htm|title=Consorts Of Ottoman Sultans (in Turkish)|publisher = Ottoman Web Page}}</ref> atau Syaikh Edebali
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF31C7A21930E7131C | title = Sultan Orhan Gazi | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| align="left" |Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF31C7A21930E7131C | title = Sultan Orhan Gazi | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 3
| <big>'''[[Murad I]]'''</big><br />''Hüdavendigâr'' (penguasa)<br />{{small|Maret 1362 – [[Pertempuran Kosovo|15 Juni 1389]]}}
| [[Murad I]]<br /><small>''HÜDAVENDİGÂR - <u>Kh</u>odāvandgār'' -
| [[Berkas:Murat Hüdavendigar.jpg|100px]]
(''The God-like One'')
</small><br /><small>(Sultan since 1383)</small>
| [[Berkas:Murat Hüdavendigar.jpg|100px|Portret Murad I]]
| 1362
| [[Pertempuran Kosovo|15 Juni 1389]]
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Murad I.svg|80px|Tughra of Murad I]]
* Orhan
* Nilüfer (Holofira)
| align="left" |
* Pemimpin Utsmaniyah pertama yang secara resmi menyandang gelar sultan, yakni sejak 1383
* Anak Orhan I dan [[Holofira|Nilufer Khātûn]];
* Terbunuh di medan [[Pertempuran Kosovo]] pada 15 Juni 1389.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF84BE542EF5DE616A | title = Sultan Murad Hüdavendigar Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 4
| <big>'''[[Bayezid I]]'''</big><br /><small>''YILDIRIMYıldırım'' (Petirpetir)''<br /small>{{small|Juni 1389 – [[Pertempuran Ankara|20 Juli 1402]]}}
| [[Berkas:Yıldırım I. Bayezit.JPG|100px]]
| [[Berkas:Bayezid I by Cristofano dell'Altissimo.jpg|80px|Potret Bayezid I by Cristofano dell'Altissimo]]
| [[Pertempuran Kosovo|15 Juni 1389]]
| [[Pertempuran Ankara|20 Juli 1402]]
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Bayezid I.JPG|80px|Tughra of Bayezid I]]
* Murad I
* Gülçiçek
| align="left" |
* Anak Murad I dan [[Gülçiçek Hatun|Gül-Çiçek Khātûn]];
* Tertangkap pada [[Pertempuran Ankara]] (''de facto'' akhir masa pemerintahan);
* Meninggal di pengasingan [[Akşehir]] pada 8 Maret 1403.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFA6B896F16D985D5D | title = Sultan Yıldırım Beyezid Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| colspan="7" style="background:#B9B9B9" | [[Ottoman Interregnum|'''Perang Saudara''']]{{ref label|Interregnum|d|}}<br /><small>([[Pertempuran Ankara|20 Juli 1402]] – [[Musa Çelebi|5 Juli 1413]])</small>
| —
| <big>[[İsa Çelebi|İsa]]</big><br /><small>''Co-Sultan [[Anatolia]]Çelebi'' (tuan)<br /small>{{small|Sultan Anatolia Barat: 1403 – 1405/1406}}
| [[Berkas:İsa Çelebi.jpg|100px]]
| 1403
| 1405
| —
* Bayezid I
* Devletşah, putri dari cucu perempuan [[Jalaluddin Rumi]]
| align="left" |
* Setelah [[Pertempuran Ankara]] pada [[20 Juli]] [[1402]], [[İsa Çelebi]] mengalahkan [[Musa Çelebi]] dan mulai menguasai bagian barat wilayah Anatolia selama kurang lebih dua tahun.
* Dikalahkan oleh [[Mehmed Çelebi]] pada Pertempuran [[Ulubat]] pada [[1405]].
* Dibunuh pada tahun [[1406]].
| —
| <big>Süleyman</big><br />''Çelebi'' (tuan)<br />{{small|Sultan Rumelia pertama: 20 Juli 1402 – [[17 Februari]] [[1411]]<ref>Nicholae Jorga: ''Geschishte des Osmanichen'' (Trans :Nilüfer Epçeli) Vol 1 Yeditepe yayınları, İstanbul,2009,ISBN 975-6480-17-3 p 314</ref>}}
| [[Süleyman Çelebi|<small>Emir ''(Amir)''</small><br />Süleyman Çelebi]]<br /><small>''Sultan [[Rumelia]] Pertama''</small>
| [[Berkas:Arolsen Klebeband 01 449 4.jpg|80px100px|Potret Süleyman Çelebi]]
| [[Pertempuran Ankara|20 Juli 1402]]
| [[17 Februari]] [[1411]]<ref>Nicholae Jorga: ''Geschishte des Osmanichen'' (Trans :Nilüfer Epçeli) Vol 1 Yeditepe yayınları, İstanbul,2009,ISBN 975-6480-17-3 p 314</ref>
| —
| Bayezid I
| align="left" |
* Mendapatkan gelar ''Sultan [[Rumelia]]'' untuk bagian wilayah Eropa dari kerajaannyakesultanannya, beberapa waktu setelah kekalahan bani Utsmaniyah di [[Pertempuran Ankara]] pada tanggal [[20 Juli]] [[1402]]
* Dibunuh pada tanggal [[17 Februari]] [[1411]].<ref>Nicholae Jorga: ''Geschishte des Osmanichen'' (Trans :Nilüfer Epçeli) Vol 1 Yeditepe yayınları, İstanbul, 2009, ISBN 975-6480-17-3 p 314</ref>
| —
| <big>[[Musa Çelebi|Musa]]</big><br />''Çelebi'' (tuan)<br />{{small|Sultan Rumelia kedua: 18 Februari 1411 – 5 Juli 1413<ref>Joseph von Hammer:''Osmanlı Tarihi cilt I'' (condensation: Abdülkadir Karahan), Milliyet yayınları, İstanbul. p 58-60.</ref>}}
| [[Musa Çelebi]]<br /><small>''Sultan [[Rumelia]] Kedua''</small>
| [[Berkas:Musa Çelebi.jpg|80px100px|Potret Musa Çelebi]]
| 18 Februari 1411
| 5 Juli 1413<ref>Joseph von Hammer:''Osmanlı Tarihi cilt I'' (condensation: Abdülkadir Karahan), Milliyet yayınları, İstanbul. p 58-60.</ref>
| —
Bayezid I
| align="left" |
* Menyandang gelar ''Sultan [[Rumelia]]'' untuk bagian Eropa dari kekaisarankesultanannya tersebut<ref>Prof. Yaşar Yüce-Prof. Ali Sevim: ''Türkiye tarihi Cilt II'', AKDTYKTTK Yayınları, İstanbul, 1991 p 74-75</ref> pada 18 Februari 1411, tepat setelah kematian [[Süleyman Çelebi]].
* Terbunuh pada 5 Juli 1413 oleh pasukan [[Mehmed Çelebi]] di Pertempuran ''Çamurlu Derbent'' dekat [[Samokov]] di [[Bulgaria]].<ref>Joseph von Hammer:''Osmanlı Tarihi cilt I'' (condensation: Abdülkadir Karahan), Milliyet yayınları, İstanbul. p. 58-60.</ref>
| —
| <big>[[Mehmed I|Mehmed]]</big><br />''Çelebi'' (tuan)<br />{{small|Sultan Anatolia Timur: 1403–1406<br>Sultan Anatolia: 1406–1413}}
| [[Mehmed Çelebi]]<br /><small>''Sultan [[Anatolia]]''</small>
| [[Berkas:MehmedÇelebi IMehmet.jpg|80px100px|Potret Mehmed Çelebi]]
| 1403 - 1406 <br /><small>''(Sultan Teritorial Anatolia Timur)''</small><br /><br />1406 - 1413<br /><small>''(Sultan [[Anatolia]])''</small>
| [[Musa Çelebi|5 Juli 1413]]
| —
* Bayezid I
* Devlet
| align="left" |
* Menguasai bagian timur Anatolia sebagai co-Sultan setelah kekalahan Utsmaniyah di [[Pertempuran Ankara]] pada 20 Juli 1402.
* Mengalahkan [[İsa Çelebi]] pada Pertempuran [[Ulubat]] pada 1405.
* Menjadi penguasa tunggal wilayah Anatolia di [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]] setelah kematian İsa pada tahun 1406.
* Memperoleh kedudukan [[Mehmed I|Sultan Utsmaniyah Mehmed I Khan]] setelah kematian Musa pada 5 Juli 1413.
| colspan="7" style="background:#B9B9B9" | [[Kebangkitan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|'''Masa Kebangkitan''']]<br /><small>([[Musa Çelebi|5 Juli 1413]] – [[Kejatuhan Konstantinopel|29 Mei 1453]])</small>
| 5
| <big>'''[[Mehmed I]]'''</big><br /><small>''ÇELEBİKirişci'' (Ramahputra tuan)''</small><br /><{{small>''KİRİŞÇİ|5 (PembuatJuli Tali1413 Busur)'' untuk26 dukungannya</small>Mei 1421}}
| [[Berkas:MehmedÇelebi I miniatureMehmet.jpg|80px100px|Potret Mehmed I]]
| [[Musa Çelebi|5 Juli 1413]]
| 26 Mei 1421
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mehmed I.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mehmed I]]
* Bayezid I
* Devlet
| align="left" |
* Menjadi Sultan Utsmaniyah tunggal setelah mengalahkan saudara-saudaranya
* Anak Bayezid I dan [[Devlet Hatun|Devlet Khātûn]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafatkematiannya.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF34B8FF67F6C5B31A | title = Sultan Mehmed Çelebi Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 6
| <big>'''[[Murad II]]'''</big><br /><small>''KOCAKoca'' (Agung)''<br /small>{{small|26 Mei 1421 – Agustus 1444}}
| [[Berkas:Murat II. Murat.jpg|80px|Potret Murad II by John Young100px]]
| 25 Juni 1421
| 1444
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Murad II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Murad II]]
* Mehmed I
* Emine, putri penguasa Dulkadir<ref name="Murad II">{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF20FF3F96B01BD67B | title = Sultan II. Murad Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| align="left" |
* Masa kekuasaan pertama
* Anak Mehmed I dan [[Emine Hatun|Âminā ''(Emine)'' Khātûn]];<ref name="Murad II">{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF20FF3F96B01BD67B | title = Sultan II. Murad Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
* SukarelaTurun mengasingkantakhta diripada demi1444 untuk putranya, [[Mehmed II]].<ref name="Murad II Chronology">{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D3136407999D5EC50F89B6BCD2C330978646 | title = Chronology: Sultan II. Murad Han | accessdate = 2009-04-07 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 7
| <big>'''[[Mehmed II]]'''</big><br />{{small|Agustus 1444 – September 1446}}
| [[Mehmed II]]<br /><small>''FATİH (Penakluk)''</small>
| [[Berkas:FatihBellini, II.Gentile - Sultan Mehmet II.jpg|80px100px|]]
| 1444
| 1446
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mehmed II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mehmed II]]
* Murad II
* Hatice Halime Hüma<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF53E7C3A27F032B06 | title = Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| align="left" |
* Masa kekuasaan pertama
* Anak Murad II dan [[Hüma Hatun|Hadice Âlime Hümâ Khātûn]];<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF53E7C3A27F032B06 | title = Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
* Menyerahkan tahtatakhta kepada ayahnya setelah dimintapemberontakan kembali.[[Yanisari]]<ref name="Murad II Chronology" />
| —
| <big>'''[[Murad II]]'''</big><br /><small>''KOCAKoca'' (Agung)''<br /small>{{small|September 1446 – 3 Februari 1451}}
| [[Berkas:Murad II. by John YoungMurat.jpg|80px|Potret Murad II by John Young100px]]
| 1446
| 3 Februari 1451
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Murad II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Murad II]]
| align="left" |
* Masa pemerintahankekuasaan kedua;
* Dipaksa kembali bertakhta setelah terjadi pemberontakan [[Yanisari]];<ref>[[#Kaf96|Kafadar 1996]], p. xix</ref>
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.mangkat<ref name="Murad II" />
| colspan="7" style="background:#B9B9B9" | [[Perkembangan'''Masa Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]Keemasan'''<br /><small>([[Kejatuhan Konstantinopel|29 Mei 1453]] – [[Pertempuran Vienna|11/12 September 1683]])</small>
| —
| <big>'''[[Mehmed II]]'''</big><br />''Fatih'' (sang penakluk)<br />''Qayser-i Rûm'' (Kaisar Romawi)<br />{{small|3 Februari 1451 – 3 Mei 1481}})
| [[Mehmed II]]<br /><small>''FATİH (Penakluk)''</small>
| [[Berkas:Bellini, Gentile Bellini- Sultan Mehmet 003II.jpg|80px100px|]]
| 3 Februari 1451
| 3 Mei 1481
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mehmed II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mehmed II]]
| align="left" |
* Masa pemerintahankekuasaan kedua;
* Dikenal karena [[Jatuhnya Konstantinopel|Menaklukanpenaklukannya atas Konstantinopel]] pada 1453;
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.mangkat<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF8CF4BCAC4E99512E | title = Chronology: Fatih Sultan Mehmed Han | accessdate = 2010-07-15 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 8
| <big>'''[[Bayezid II]]'''</big><br /><small>''VELÎVeli'' (Orang Suciwali)''<br /small>{{small|22 Mei 1481 – 24 April 1512}})
| [[Berkas:BayezidSultan II. by John YoungBayezit.jpgJPG|80px|Potret Bayezid II by John Young100px]]
| 19 Mei 1481
| 25 April 1512
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Bayezid II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Bayezid II]]
* Mehmed II
* Emine Gülbahar
| align="left" |
* Dikenal karena menampung umat Yahudi dan Muslim yang diusir dari semenanjung [[Iberia]] oleh umat Katolik
* Anak Mehmed II dan [[Mükrime Hatun|Mükrîme ''(Sitt-î Mû’kārîmā)'' Khātûn]];
* Turun takhta
* Mengasingkan diri;
* Meninggal dekat [[Didymoteicho]] pada 26 Mei 1512.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF7AA0FE099CA14481 | title = Sultan II. Bayezid Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 9
| <big>'''[[Selim I]]'''</big><br /><small>''YAVUZYavuz'' (Tegastegas)''</small><br /><{{small>''[[Khalifah Islam|(Khalifah24 MuslimApril Sejak1512 1517– 22 September 1520}})]]''</small>
| [[Berkas:Selim I by John YoungYavuz_Sultan_I._Selim_Han.jpg|80px|Potret Selim I by John Young100px]]
| 25 April 1512
| 21 September 1520
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Selim I.JPG|80px|Tughra of Selim I]]
* Bayezid II
* Gülbahar
| align="left" |
* Dikenal akan perluasan wilayah kesultanan secara dramatis
* Anak Bayezid II dan [[Gülbahar Sultan|Kül-Bahār Khātûn]];
* Menjadi [[khalifah]] setelah [[Dinasti Abbasiyah|Wangsa Abbasiyah]] menyerahkan kedudukan tersebut pada 1517
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF12460496EB6D6255 | title = Yavuz Sultan Selim Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 10
| <big>'''[[Suleiman I]]'''</big><br />''Al Qanuni'' (pemberi hukum)<br />''Muhteşem'' (yang luar biasa/yang agung)<br />{{small| 30 September 1520 – 6 September 1566}}
| [[Suleiman yang Agung|Suleiman I]]<br />Muhteşem (Yang Agung)
| [[Berkas:EmperorSuleiman.jpg|100px]]
Kanuni (Pemberi Hukum)
| [[Berkas:Semailname 47b.jpg|80px|Potret Suleiman yang Agung by Nakkaş Osman]]
| 30 September 1520
| 6 or 7 September 1566
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Suleiman I the Magnificent.svg|80px|Tughra of Suleiman yang Agung]]
* Selim I
* [[Ayşe Hafsa Sultan|Hafsa]]
| align="left" |
* Pemimpin Utsmaniyah yang berkuasa paling lama
* Putra Selim I dan [[Ayşe Hafsa Sultan]] [[Valide sultan]];
* Di masanya, banyak yang menyebut bahwa Kesultanan Utsmaniyah berada di puncak kejayaannya
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF2AE88F745E500DEF | title = Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 11
| <big>'''[[Selim II]]'''</big><br />''Sari'' (pirang)<br />{{small|29 September 1566 – 21 Desember 1574}}
| [[Selim II]]<br /><small>''SARI (Kuning Kepirang-pirangan)''</small>
| [[Berkas:Selim II. bySelim John YoungHan.jpg|80px|Potret Selim II by John Young100px]]
| 29 September 1566
| 21 Desember 1574
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Selim II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Selim II]]
* Suleiman I
* [[Hürrem Sultan|Hürrem (Roxelana)]]
| align="left" |
* Anak Suleiman I dan [[Hürrem Sultan|Hürrem ''(Khûrrām'' or ''Kārimā)'' Haseki Sultân]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF13A7BCEBE7AACE8E | title = Sultan II. Selim Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 12
| <big>'''[[Murad III]]'''</big><br />{{small|22 Desember 1574 – 16 Januari 1595}}
| [[Murad III]]
| [[Berkas:Murad III. byMurat John YoungHan.jpg|80px|Potret Murad III by John Young100px]]
| 22 Desember 1574
| 16 Januari 1595
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Murad III.JPG|80px|Tughra of Murad III]]
* Selim II
* Afîfe Nurbanu
| align="left" |
* Anak Selim II dan [[Nurbanu|Afîfe Nûr-Banû Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF3D203AAAB91E0915 | title = Sultan III. Murad Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 13
| <big>'''[[Mehmed III]]'''</big><br /><small>''ADLÎAdli'' (Adiladil)''</small><br />{{small|27 Januari 1595 – 20 atau 21 Desember 1603}}
| [[Berkas:Mehmed III by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Mehmed III by John Young100px]]
| 27 Januari 1595
| 20 or 21 Desember 1603
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mehmed III.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mehmed III]]
* Murad III
* Safiye
| align="left" |
* Anak Murad III dan [[Safiye Sultan|Sâfiyā Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat;<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF64C4AADAD7425476 | title = Sultan III. Mehmed Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 14
| <big>'''[[Ahmed I]]'''</big><br /><small>''BAKHTÎBakhti'' (Keberuntungan)''</small><br />{{small|21 Desember 1603 – 22 November 1617}}
| [[Berkas:Ahmed I by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Ahmed I by John Young]]
| 21 Desember 1603
| 22 November 1617
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Ahmed I.JPG|80px|Tughra of Ahmed I]]
* Mehmed III
* Handan
| align="left" |
* Anak Mehmed III dan [[Handan Sultan|Handan Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF592DC0A84F0F0B22 | title = Sultan I. Ahmed | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 15
| <big>'''[[Mustafa I]]'''</big><br /><small>[[disabilitas intelektual|''DELİDeli'' (Terujigila)'']]</small><br />{{small|22 November 1617 – 26 Februari 1618}}
| [[Berkas:Mustafa I by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Mustafa I by John Young]]
| 22 November 1617
| 26 Februari 1618
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mustafa I.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mustafa I]]
* Mehmed III
* Halime
| align="left" |
* Masa kekuasaan pertama
* Anak Mehmed III dan Fûldâne Valide Sultan;
* Diturunkan karena [[cacat mental]] dan digantikan keponakannya [[Osman II]].<ref name="Mustafa I">{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF712003DA70BD0AB5 | title = Sultan I. Mustafa | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 16
| <big>'''[[Osman II]]'''</big><br /><small>''GENÇGenç'' (Theyang Youngmuda)''</small><br />{{small|26 Februari 1618 – 19 Mei 1622}}
| [[Berkas:Osman II by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Osman II by John Young]]
| 26 Februari 1618
| 19 Mei 1622
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Osman II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Osman II]]
* Ahmed I
* Mahfiruz Hatice
| align="left" |
* Anak Ahmed I dan [[Mahfiruze Hatice|Mâh-Firûze Hadice (Khadija) Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Diturunkan melalui pemberontakan [[Yanisari]] pada 19 Mei 1622;
* Dibunuh pada 20 Mei 1622 oleh [[WasirWazir Agung]] Kara Davud Paşa ''(Black Da'ud Pasha)''.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFC7D510DFD423D9CA | title = Sultan II. Osman Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| —
| <big>'''[[Mustafa I]]'''</big><br /><small>[[disabilitas intelektual|''DELİDeli'' (Terujigila)'']]</small><br />{{small|19 Mei 1622 - 10 September 1623}}
| [[Berkas:Mustafa I by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Mustafa I by John Young]]
| 20 Mei 1622
| 10 September 1623
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mustafa I.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mustafa I]]
| align="left" |
* Masa pemerintahankekuasaan kedua;
* Kembali bertahtabertakhta setelah pembunuhan keponakan laki-lakinya, [[Osman II]];
* Diturunkan karena [[cacat mental]] dan dipenjara hingga meninggal di [[Istanbul]] pada tanggal [[20 Januari]] [[1639]].<ref name="Mustafa I" />
| 17
| <big>'''[[Murad IV]]'''</big><br /><small>''GHAZIGhazi'' (Pejuangksatria)''</small><br />{{small|10 September 1623 - Februari 1640}}
| [[Berkas:Murad IV by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Murad IV by John Young]]
| 10 September 1623
| 8 or 9 Februari 1640
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Murad IV.svg|80px|Tughra of Murad IV]]
* Ahmed I
* Mâhpeyker Kösem
| align="left" |
* Anak Ahmed I dan [[Kösem|Mâh-Peyker Kösem Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF65EEFD1584C88A42 | title = Sultan IV. Murad Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 18
| <big>'''[[Ibrahim I]]'''</big><br /><small>[[Anxiety disorder|''DELİDeli'' (Pengaturgila)'']]</small><br />{{small|9 Februari 1640 - 8 Agustus 1648}}
| [[Berkas:Ibrahim by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Ibrahim by John Young]]
| 9 Februari 1640
| 8 Agustus 1648
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Ibrahim.JPG|80px|Tughra of Ibrahim]]
* Ahmed I
* Mâhpeyker Kösem
| align="left" |
* Diturunkan pada 8 Agustus 1648 melaui [[kudeta]] yang dipimpin oleh Syaikhul-Islam;
* Anak Ahmed I dan [[Kösem|Mâh-Peyker Kösem Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Dicekik mati di [[Istanbul]] pada 18 Agustus 1648<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF3765F020A27124F8 | title = Sultan İbrahim Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref> atas perintah Wazir Agung Mevlevî Mehmed Paşa
* Diturunkan pada 8 Agustus 1648 melaui [[kudeta]] yang dipimpin oleh [[Sheikh ul-Islam]];
* Dicekik mati di [[Istanbul]] pada 18 Agustus 1648<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF3765F020A27124F8 | title = Sultan İbrahim Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref> at the behest of the [[Grand Vizier]] [[Mawlawi Order|Mevlevî]] Mehmed Paşa ''(Sofu Mehmed Pasha)''.
| 19
| <big>'''[[Mehmed IV]]'''</big><br /><small>''AVCIAvci'' (The Hunterpemburu)''</small><br />{{small|8 Agustus 1648 - 8 November 1687}}
| [[Berkas:Mehmed IV by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Mehmed IV by John Young]]
| 8 Agustus 1648
| 8 November 1687
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mehmed IV.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mehmed IV]]
* Ibrahim
* Turhan Hatice
| align="left" |
* Diturunkan pada 8 November 1687 setelah kekalahan Utsmaniyah di Pertempuran Mohács Kedua;
* Anak Ibrahim I dan [[Turhan Hadice|Turhan Hadice ''(Khadija)'' Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Diturunkan pada 8 November 1687 setelah kekalahan Utsmaniyah di [[Pertempuran Mohács (1687)|Pertempuran Mohács Kedua]];
* Meninggal di [[Edirne]] pada 6 Januari 1693.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFD9F59B9E0EA80610 | title = Sultan IV. Mehmed | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| colspan="7" style="background:#B9B9B9" | [['''Masa Stagnasi Kesultanandan Utsmaniyah]]Reformasi'''<br /><small>([[Pertempuran Vienna|11/12 September 1683]] – [[Pertempuran Navarino|20 Oktober 1827]])</small>
| 20
| <big>'''[[Suleiman II]]'''</big><br />{{small|8 November 1687 - 22 Juni 1691}}
| [[Berkas:Suleiman II by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Suleiman II by John Young]]
| 8 November 1687
| 22 Juni 1691
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Suleiman II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Suleiman II]]
* Ibrahim I
* Saliha Dil-aşub
| align="left" |
* Anak Ibrahim I dan [[Saliha Dilashub|Sâliha Dil-Âşûb ''(Dilâshûb)'' Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFE847D7E258FE1EFB | title = Sultan II. Süleyman Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 21
| <big>'''[[Ahmed II]]'''</big><br /><small>''KHANKhan GHAZIGhazi'' (Pangerankhan Pejuangksatria)''<br /small>{{small|22 Juni 1691 - 6 Februari 1695}}
| [[Berkas:Ahmed II by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Ahmed II by John Young]]
| 22 Juni 1691
| 6 Februari 1695
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Ahmed II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Ahmed II]]
* Ibrahim I
* Hatice Muazzez
| align="left" |
* Anak Ibrahim I dan [[Khadija Muazzez|Hatice ''(Khadija)'' Mû’azzez İkinci Haseki Sultân]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF63739B4BDC036722 | title = Sultan II. Ahmed Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 22
| <big>'''[[Mustafa II]]'''</big><br /><small>''GHAZIGhazi'' (Pejuangksatria)''<br /small>{{small|6 Februari 1695 – 22 Agustus 1703}}
| [[Berkas:Mustafa II by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Mustafa II by John Young]]
| 6 Februari 1695
| 22 Agustus 1703
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mustafa II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mustafa II]]
* Mehmed IV
* Emetullah Rabia Gülnûş
| align="left" |
* Diturunkan pada 22 Agustus 1703 karena pemberontakan [[Yanisari]] yang dikenal sebagai Kejadian Edirne;
* Anak Mehmed IV dan [[Mah-Para Ummatullah Rabia Gül-Nush|Mâh-Pârā Ummetullah ''(Emetullah)'' Râbi’a Gül-Nûsh ''(Gül-Nûş)'' Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Diturunkan pada 22 Agustus 1703 karena pemberontakan [[Yanisari]] yang dikenal sebagai [[Kejadian Edirne]];
* Meninggal di Istanbul pada tanggal [[8 Januari]] [[1704]].<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF4210F2141CE3DF0E | title = Sultan II. Mustafa Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 23
| <big>'''[[Ahmed III]]'''</big><br />{{small|22 Agustus 1703 – 1/2 Oktober 1730}}
| [[Ahmed III]]
| [[Berkas:Ahmed III by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Ahmed III by John Young]]
| 22 Agustus 1703
| 1 or 2 Oktober 1730
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Ahmed III.JPG|80px|Tughra of Ahmed III]]
* Mehmed IV
* Emetullah Rabia Gülnûş
| align="left" |
* Diturunkan karena pemberontakan [[Yanisari]] yang dipimpin oleh Patrona Halil;
* Anak Mehmed IV dan [[Mah-Para Ummatullah Rabia Gül-Nush|Mâh-Pârā Ummetullah ''(Emetullah)'' Râbi’a Gül-Nûsh ''(Gül-Nûş)'' Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Diturunkan karena pemberontakan [[Yanisari]] yang dipimpin oleh [[Patrona Halil]];
* Meninggal pada tanggal [[1 Juli]] [[1736]].<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF80427305DE490274 | title = Sultan III. Ahmed Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 24
| <big>'''[[Mahmud I]]'''</big><br /><small>''GHAZIGhazi'' (Pejuangksatria)''</small><br /><small>''KAMBURKambur'' (Bungkukbungkuk)''<br /small>{{small|2 Oktober 1730 – 13 Desember 1754}}
| [[Berkas:Mahmud I by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Mahmud I by John Young]]
| 2 Oktober 1730
| 13 Desember 1754
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mahmud I.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mahmud I]]
* Mustafa II
* Sâliha Sebkat-î
| align="left" |
* Anak Mustafa II dan [[Saliha Sabkati|Sâliha Sebkat-î Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF3647010FE3D42BA1 | title = Sultan I. Mahmud Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 25
| <big>'''[[Osman III]]'''</big><br /><small>''SOFUSofu'' (Salehsaleh)''<br /small>{{small|13 Desember 1754 – 29/30 Oktober 1757}}
| [[Berkas:Osman III by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Osman III by John Young]]
| 13 Desember 1754
| 29 or 30 Oktober 1757
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Osman III.JPG|80px|Tughra of Osman III]]
* Mustafa II
* Şehsüvar
| align="left" |
* Anak Mustafa II dan [[Shehsuvar|Şâh-Süvar ''(Shah-Sûvar)'' Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF12FDA3BC6C07BFB6 | title = Sultan III. Osman Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 26
| <big>'''[[Mustafa III]]'''</big><br /><small>''YENİLİKÇİYenilikçi'' (Inovatifinovatif Pertamapertama)''<br /small>{{small|30 Oktober 1757 – 21 Januari 1774}}
| [[Berkas:Mustafa III by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Mustafa III by John Young]]
| 30 Oktober 1757
| 21 Januari 1774
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mustafa III.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mustafa III]]
* Ahmed III
* Emine Mihrişah
| align="left" |
* Anak Ahmed III dan [[Amina Mihr-i Shah|Âminā Mehr-î-Shâh ''(Emine Mihr-î-Şâh)'' İkinci Kadın Efendi]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF53CDC73477F4D04D | title = Sultan III. Mustafa Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 27
| <big>'''[[Abd-ul-Hamid I]]'''</big><br /><{{small>''Hamba|21 Allah''<Januari 1774 – 6/small>7 April 1789}}
| [[Berkas:Abdülhamid I by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Abd-ul-Hamid I by John Young]]
| 21 Januari 1774
| 6 or 7 April 1789
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Abdülhamid I.JPG|80px|Tughra of Abd-ul-Hamid I]]
* Ahmed III
* Rabia Şerm-î
| align="left" |
* Anak Ahmed III dan [[Rabia Sultan|Râbi’a Sharm-î ''(Şerm-î)'' Kadın Efendi]];
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFA7C2563442DA77E3 | title = Sultan I. Abdülhamit Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 28
| <big>'''[[Selim III]]'''</big><br /><small>''BESTEKÂRBestekar'' (Komposerkomposer)''<br /small>{{small|7 April 1789 – 29 Mei 1807}}
| [[Berkas:Konstantin Kapidagli 002.jpg|80px|Potret Selim III by Konstantin Kapidagli]]
| 7 April 1789
| 29 Mei 1807
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Selim III.JPG|80px|Tughra of Selim III]]
* Mustafa III
* Mihrişah
| align="left" |
* Diturunkan karena pemberontakan [[Yanisari]] yang dipimpin oleh Kabakçı Mustafa yang menentang reformasinya;
* Anak Mustafa III dan [[Mihrişah Valide Sultan|Mehr-î-Shâh ''(Mihr-î-Şâh)'' Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Dibunuh oleh pembunuh misterius Istanbul pada 28 Juli 1808<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFD66033042BB56AC7 | title = Sultan III. Selim Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref> atas perintah Sultan [[Mustafa IV]].
** Diturunkan karena pemberontakan [[Yanisari]] yang dipimpin oleh [[Kabakçı Mustafa]] yang menentang reformasinya;
* Dibunuh oleh pembunuh misterius Istanbul pada 28 Juli 1808<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFD66033042BB56AC7 | title = Sultan III. Selim Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref> at the behest of [[Ottoman Sultan]] [[Mustafa IV]].
| 29
| <big>'''[[Mustafa IV]]'''</big><br />{{small|29 Mei 1807 – 28 Juli 1808}}
| [[Berkas:Mustafa IV by John Young.jpg|80px|Potret Mustafa IV by John Young]]
| 29 Mei 1807
| 28 Juli 1808
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mustafa IV.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mustafa IV]]
* Abdul Hamid I
* Nükhetsezâ
| align="left" |
* Diturunkan karena pemberontakan yang dipimpin oleh Alemdar Mustafa Pasya;
* Anak Abd-ul-Hamid I dan [http://classic-web.archive.org/web/20060615093613/www.4dw.net/royalark/Turkey/turkey8.htm ''Bash Iqbal'' Nushatzaza ''(Nüzhet-Zâde / Nükhet-Sedâ)'' Khānum Effendi];
* Dieksekusi Istanbul pada 17 November 1808<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF6B1EAE8878B0E38D | title = Sultan IV. Mustafa Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref> atas perintah Sultan [[Mahmud II]].
* Diturunkan karena pemberontakan yang dipimpin oleh [[Alemdar Mustafa Pasha]];
* Dieksekusi Istanbul pada 17 November 1808<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF6B1EAE8878B0E38D | title = Sultan IV. Mustafa Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref> by order of [[Ottoman Sultan]] [[Mahmud II]].
| colspan="7" style="background:#B9B9B9" | '''Masa Modernisasi'''<br /><small>(1827 – 24 Juli 1908)</small>
| 30
| <big>'''[[Mahmud II]]'''</big><br /><small>''ISLAHÂTÇIIslahatçı'' (Reformatorreformator)''<br /small>{{small|28 Juli 1808 – 1 Juli 1839}}
| [[Berkas:Sultan Mahmud II.jpg|80px|Potret Mahmud II by John Young]]
| 28 Juli 1808
| 1 Juli 1839
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mahmud II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mahmud II]]
* Abdul Hamid I
| align="left" |
* Membubarkan para [[Yanisari]] sebagai akibat dari "Insiden yang Menguntungkan" pada 1826;
* Anak Abd-ul-Hamid I dan [[Nakşidil Sultan|Naksh-î-Dil ''(Nakş-î-Dil)'' Haseki Vâlidā Sultân]] (adoptive mother of Mahmud II);
* Membubarkan para [[Yanisari]] sebagai akibat dari [[Insiden yang Menguntungkan]] pada 1826;
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF3E25556277459A0C | title = Sultan II. Mahmud Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| colspan=7 style="background:#B9B9B9" | [[Kemunduran Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]<br /><small>([[Pertempuran Navarino|20 Oktober 1827]] – [[Era Konstitusional Kedua (Kesultanan Utsmaniyah)|24 Juli 1908]])</small>
| 31
| <big>'''[[Abd-ul-Mejid I]]'''</big><br /><small>''TANZİMÂTÇITanzimatçı'' (Reformisreformis Kuat atau Advokat Reorganisasikuat)''<br /small>{{small|1 Juli 1839 – 25 Juni 1861}}
| [[Berkas:Sultan Abdülmecid - Google Art Project.jpg|80px|Potret Abd-ul-Mejid I]]
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Abdülmecid I.svg|80px|Tughra of Abd-ul-Mejid I]]
| 1 Juli 1839
| 25 Juni 1861
* Mahmud II
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Abdülmecid I.JPG|80px|Tughra of Abd-ul-Mejid I]]
* Bezmialem
| align="left" |
* Mengumumkan Perintah Kekaisaran "Hatt-i Sharif" dari Gülhane ''(Tanzimât Fermânı)'']] yang meluncurkan periode reformasi dan reorganisasi [[Tanzimat]] pada tanggal 3 November 1839 atas usulan tokoh reformasi Wazir Agung Koca Mustafa Reşid Pasha (Great Mustafa Rashid Pasha);
* Anak Mahmud II dan [[Bezmialem|Bezm-î-Âlem Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Menerima Islâhat Hatt-ı Hümayun (Maklumat Reformasi Kesultanan) ''(Islâhat Fermânı)'' pada tanggal 18 Februari 1856;
* Mengumumkan Perintah Kerajaan "Hatt-i Sharif" dari Gülhane ''(Tanzimât Fermânı)'']] yang meluncurkan periode reformasi dan reorganisasi [[Tanzimat]] pada tanggal 3 November 1839 atas usulan tokoh reformasi ''Grand Vizier'' [[Koca Mustafa Reşid Pasha]] (Great Mustafa Rashid Pasha);
* Menerima [[Hatt-ı Hümayun|Islâhat Hatt-ı Hümayun (Edik Reformasi Kesultanan) ''(Islâhat Fermânı)'']] pada tanggal 18 Februari 1856;
* Berkuasa sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FFB8229EA01286E253 | title = Sultan Abdülmecid Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 32
| <big>'''[[Abd-ul-Aziz I]]'''</big><br />{{small|25 Juni 1861 – 30 Mei 1876}}
| [[Berkas:Sultan Abdulaziz I.JPG|80px|Potret Abd-ul-Aziz]]
| 25 Juni 1861
| 30 Mei 1876
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Abdülaziz.JPG|80px|Tughra of Abd-ul-Aziz]]
* Mahmud II
* Pertevniyal
| align="left" |
* Anak Mahmud II dan [[Pertevniyal|Pertav-Nihâl (Pertevniyâl) Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Diturunkan oleh menteri-menterinya;
* Ditemukan matitewas (bunuh diri atau dibunuh) lima hari kemudian.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF02887D8ABC12653B | title = Sultan Abdülaziz Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 33
| <big>'''[[Murad V]]'''</big><br /><{{small>|30 Mei 1876 – 31 Agustus 1876}}
| [[Berkas:Murad V (cropped).JPG|80px|Potret Murad V]]
| 30 Mei 1876
| 31 Agustus 1876
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Murad V.JPG|80px|Tughra of Murad V]]
* Abdul Mejid I
* Şevk-Efzâ
| align="left" |
* Anak Abd-ul-Mejid I dan [[Shevkefza|Shāvk-Efzâ ''(Şevk-Efzâ)'' Vâlidā Sultân]];
* Diturunkan karena keinginannya untuk mereformasi kesultanan;
* Diperintahkan untuk tinggal di [[Istana Çırağan]] hingga ia meninggal pada 29 Agustus 1904.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF133DF7E081CE0541 | title = Sultan V. Murad Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| 34
| <big>'''[[Abd-ul-Hamid II]]'''</big><br /><small>''ULUUlu HANHan'' (khan yang luhur)<br />{{small|31 Agustus 1876 – 27 April 1909}}
(''Khan yang Luhur'')</small>
| [[Berkas:Ahamid.jpg|80px|Potret Abd-ul-Hamid II]]
| 31 Agustus 1876
| 27 April 1909
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Abdülhamid II.JPG|80px|Tughra of Abd-ul-Hamid II]]
* Abdul Mejid I
* Tirimüjgan
| align="left" |
* Pendirian Kekuasaan Konstitusional Pertama pada tanggal 23 November 1876 kemudian ditangguhkan pada 13 Februari 1878;
* Anak Abd-ul-Mejid I dan [[Tirimüjgan|Tîr-î-Müjgan Üçüncü Kadın Efendi]]; dan kemudian anak angkat dari [[Rahime Perestu|Rahime Perestû ''(Piristû)'' Vâlidā Sultân]] (ibu angkat dari [[Abdul Hamid II]]).
* [[Era Konstitusional Pertama (Kesultanan Utsmaniyah)|PendirianRestorasi Kekuasaan Konstitusional Pertama]]Kedua pada tanggal 23 November 1876 kemudian ditangguhkan pada 133 FebruariJuli 18781908;
* Diturunkan setelah Insiden 31 Maret ''(pada 13 April 1909)'';
* [[Era Konstitusional Kedua (Kesultanan Utsmaniyah)|Restorasi Kekuasaan Konstitusional Kedua]] pada tanggal 3 Juli 1908;
* Diasingkan di [[Istana Beylerbeyi]] hingga meninggal pada tanggal 10 Februari 1918.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF47B708868ACC0564 | title = Sultan II. Abdülhamid Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
* Diturunkan setelah [[Insiden 31 Maret]] ''(pada 13 April 1909)'';
* Dikurung di [[Istana Beylerbeyi]] hingga meninggal pada tanggal 10 Februari 1918.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF47B708868ACC0564 | title = Sultan II. Abdülhamid Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| colspan=7 style="background:#B9B9B9" | [[Pembubaran Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]{{ref label|Dissolution|e|}}<br /><small>([[Era Konstitusional Kedua (Kesultanan Utsmaniyah)|24 Juli 1908]] – [[Gencatan Senjata Mudros|30 Oktober 1918]])</small>
| 35
| <big>'''[[Mehmed V]]'''</big><br />''Reşad'' (pengikut jalan kebenaran)<br />{{small|27 April 1909 – 3 Juli 1918}}
| [[Mehmed V]]<br /><small>''REŞÂD''
(''Pengikut Jalan Kebenaran'')</small>
| [[Berkas:SultanmehmedV1917.jpg|80px|Potret Mehmed V]]
| 27 April 1909
| 3 Juli 1918
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mehmed V.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mehmed V]]
* Abdul Mejid I
* Gülcemal
| align="left" |
* Berkuasa sebagai simbol belaka dengan kendali pemerintahan berada di tangan [[Tiga Pasha|Tiga Pasya]]: Mehmed Talât, İsmail Enver, dan Ahmed Cemal (Djemal) sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF181C1E909B6AD5ED | title = Sultan V. Mehmed Reşad Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
* Anak Abd-ul-Mejid I dan [[Gülcemal|Gül-Cemâl Dördüncü Kadın Efendi]];
* Memerintah sebagai pemimpin ("figurehead") [[Mehmed Talat|Mehmed Talât]], [[İsmail Enver]], dan [[Ahmed Djemal|Ahmed Cemal ''(Djemal)'']] [[Tiga Pasha|Pasha]] sampai wafat.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF181C1E909B6AD5ED | title = Sultan V. Mehmed Reşad Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| colspan=7 style="background:#B9B9B9" | [[Pembagian Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]<br /><small>([[Gencatan Senjata Mudros|30 Oktober 1918]] – [[Penghapusan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|1 November 1922]])</small>
| 36
| <big>'''[[Mehmed VI]]'''</big><br />''Vahideddin'' (pemersatu agama ([[Islam]]))<br />{{small|4 Juli 1918 – 1 November 1922}}
| [[Mehmed VI]]<br /><small>''VÂHİD-ÜD-DÎN''
| [[Berkas:Sultan Mehmed VI of the Ottoman Empire.jpg|80px|Potret Mehmed VI]]
(''Pemersatu Agama ([[Islam]])''
''Kesatuan [[Islam]])''</small>
| [[Berkas:Mehmet VI Vahidettin (cropped).jpg|80px|Potret Mehmed VI by Sebah & Joaillier]]
| 4 Juli 1918
| 1 November 1922
| [[Berkas:Tughra of Mehmed VI.JPG|80px|Tughra of Mehmed VI]]
* Abdul Mejid I
* Gülistü
| align="left" |
* Sultan Utsmaniyah terakhir;
* Anak Abd-ul-Mejid I dan [[Gülistü|Gül-İstü ''(Gülistan Münire)'' Dördüncü Kadın Efendi]];
* Kesultanan Utsmaniyah dihapuskan;
* Meninggalkan Istanbul pada [[17 November]] [[1922]];
* Mati di pengasingan di [[Sanremo]], [[Kerajaan Italia (1861–1946)|Italia]] pada 16 Mei 1926.<ref name="Mehmed VI">{{cite web | url = http://www.kultur.gov.tr/EN/Genel/BelgeGoster.aspx?17A16AE30572D313A79D6F5E6C1B43FF63A3ECD73B1F991E | title = Sultan VI. Mehmed Vahdettin Han | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | publisher = Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture and Tourism}}</ref>
| colspan="7" style="background:#B9B9B9" | '''[[Kekhalifahan]] [[Republik Turki|Republik]]'''<br /><small>( 18 November 1922 – 3 Maret 1924 )</small>
| —
| <big>[[Abd-ul-Mejid II]]</big><br /><{{small>''HALİFE''|18 November 1922 - 3 Maret 1924}}
| [[Berkas:Portrait Caliph Abdulmecid II.jpg|80px|Potret Abd-ul-Mejid II]]
''[[Kekhalifahan Utsmaniyah|(Khalifah Islam Utsmaniyah Terakhir)]]''</small>
| [[Berkas:Portrait of Abdülmecid II in Topkapı Saray Museum.jpg|80px|Potret Abd-ul-Mejid II]]
| 18 November 1922
| 3 Maret 1924
| —<br />{{ref label|Tughra|c|2}}
* Abdul Aziz I
* Hayranıdil<ref>[[#Asi92|As̜iroğlu 1992]], p. 13</ref>
| align="left" |
* Khalifah terakhir;
* Anak Abd-ul-Aziz I dan [[Hayranıdil Kadınefendi|Hayrân-î-Dil Kadın Efendi]];<ref>[[#Asi92|As̜iroğlu 1992]], p. 13</ref>
* Dipilih sebagai ''khalifah'' oleh "Majelis Nasional Besar Turki";
* Diasingkan setelah pembubaran kalifatlembaga kekhalifahan;<ref>[[#Asi92|As̜iroğlu 1992]], p. 17</ref>
* Meninggal di [[Paris]], [[PerancisPrancis]] pada tanggal [[23 Agustus]] [[1944]].<ref>[[#Asi92|As̜iroğlu 1992]], p. 14</ref>
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]
* [[DinastiWangsa Utsmaniyah]] <!--
* [[Valide Sultan]]
*[[Line of succession to the Ottoman throne]]
*[[Ottoman Emperors family tree]]
*[[Ottoman family tree]] (more detailed)
*[[Tughra|Tuğra-Sultan's Signature]]
*[[List of Valide Sultans]]
*[[List of Ottoman Grand Viziers]]
*[[List of admirals in the Ottoman Empire]]
*[[List of Ottoman Kaptan Pashas]]
==Catatan penjelas==
<div class="references-small">
:'''a'''{{note label|Titles||1}}{{note label|Titles||2}}: The [[Ottoman titles|full style]] of the Ottoman ruler was complex, as it was composed of several titles and evolved over the centuries. The title of [[sultan]] was used continuously by all rulers almost from the beginning. However, because it was widespread in the Muslim world, the Ottomans quickly adopted variations of it to dissociate themselves from other Muslim rulers of lesser status. [[Murad I]], the third Ottoman monarch, styled himself ''sultan-i azam'' (the most exalted sultan) and ''hüdavendigar'' (emperor), titles used by the Anatolian [[Seljuq dynasty|Seljuqs]] and the Mongol [[Ilkhanate|Ilkhanids]] respectively. His son [[Bayezid I]] adopted the style ''Sultan of Rûm'', [[Rûm]] being an old islamic name for Anatolia. The combining of the Islamic and Central Asian heritages of the Ottomans led to the adoption of the title that became the standard designation of the Ottoman ruler: ''Sultan [Name] Khan''.<ref>[[#Pei93|Peirce 1993]], pp. 158–159</ref> Ironically, although the title of sultan is most often associated in the [[Western world]] with the Ottomans, people within Turkey generally use the title of ''[[padishah]]'' far more frequently when referring to rulers of the Ottoman Dynasty.<ref>{{cite journal | last = M'Gregor | first = J. | year = 1854 | month = July | title = The Race, Religions, and Government of the Ottoman Empire | journal = The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art | volume = 32 | pages = p. 376 | publisher = Leavitt, Trow, & Co. | location = New York | oclc = 6298914 | url = http://books.google.com/?id=1MYRAAAAYAAJ&printsec=toc#PPA376,M1 | accessdate = 2009-04-25}}</ref> The full style of the Ottoman sultan once the empire's frontiers had stabilized became:<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.theottomans.org/english/family/index.asp | title = The Ottomans History | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | last = Ozgen | first = Korkut | publisher = TheOttomans.org | archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20080111092617/http://www.theottomans.org/english/family/index.asp | archivedate = 2008-01-11}}</ref><blockquote>"Sovereign of [[Ottoman Dynasty|The Osman Family]], [[Sultan of Sultans|Sultan es Selatin]] (Sultan of Sultans), [[Khagan|Khakhan]] (Khan of the Khans), [[Ottoman Caliphate|Caliph of the Faithful]], Servant of the Cities of [[Mecca]], [[Medina]] and [[Jerusalem#Ottoman rule|Kouds]] (Jerusalem), [[Padishah]] of The Three Cities of [[History of Istanbul#Ottoman Empire|Istanbul]] (Constantinople), [[Edirne]] (Adrianople) and [[Bursa]], and of the Cities of [[Damascus#The Ottoman conquest|Châm]] (Damascus) and [[Egypt Province, Ottoman Empire|Misr]] (Egypt), of all [[Azerbaijan]], of Mägris, of [[Barqah|Barkah]], of [[Kairouan]], of [[Aleppo|Alep]], of [[History of Iraq#Ottoman Iraq and Mamluk rule|Iraq]], of [[Arabian Peninsula|Arabia]] and of [[Ajim]], of [[Basra Vilayet|Basra]], of [[Al-Hasa|El Hasa]], of Dilen, of [[Ar-Raqqah|Raka]], of [[Mosul Vilayet|Mosul]], of [[Parthia]], of [[Diyâr-ı Bekr Vilayet|Diyarbakir]], of [[Cilicia#Ottoman Empire|Cilicia]], of the [[Wilayah|Vilayets]] of [[Erzurum Vilayet|Erzurum]], of [[Sivas Vilayet|Sivas]], of [[Adana Vilayet|Adana]], of [[Karaman Vilayet|Karaman]], of [[Van Vilayet|Van]], of Barbaria, of [[Habesh|Habech]] (Abyssinia), of [[History of Ottoman era Tunisia|Tunisia]], of [[Tripolitania Vilayet|Tyrabolos]] (Tripoli), of [[Ottoman Syria|Châm]] (Syria), of [[Cyprus under the Ottoman Empire|Kybris]] (Cyprus), of [[Rhodes]], of [[History of Crete#Venetian and Ottoman Crete|Candia]] (Crete), of the Vilayet of [[Morea]] (Peloponnese), of [[Mediterranean Sea|Ak Deniz]] (Mediterranean Sea), of [[Black Sea|Kara Deniz]] (Black Sea), of [[Anatolia Province, Ottoman Empire|Anatolia]], of [[Rumelia]] (the European part of the Empire), of [[Baghdad Province, Ottoman Empire|Bagdad]], of [[Kurdistan]], of [[Ottoman Greece|Greece]], of [[Turkestan]], of [[Tartary]], of [[Circassia]], of the two regions of [[Kabardino-Balkaria|Kabarda]], of [[History of Georgia (country)#Ottoman and Persian domination|Gorjestan]] (Georgia), of the plain of [[Kipchaks|Kypshak]], of the whole country of the [[Tatars|Tartars]], of [[Feodosiya#Kefe|Kefa]] (Feodosiya) and of all the neighbouring countries, of [[Bosnia Province, Ottoman Empire|Bosnia and dependancies]], of the City of [[Belgrade#Turkish conquest and Austrian invasions|Belgrade]], of the [[History of Ottoman Serbia|Vilayet of Serf]] (Serbia), with [[List of fortresses in Serbia|all the castles]] and [[List of cities in Serbia|cities]], of all the [[History of Ottoman Albania|Arnaut Vilayet]] (Albania), of all [[Wallachia|Iflak]] (Wallachia) and [[Moldavia|Bogdania]] (Moldavia), as well as [[Vassal and tributary states of the Ottoman Empire#List|all the dependancies and borders]], and [[List of Ottoman Empire territories|many others countries and cities]]"</blockquote>
:'''b'''{{note|Caliphate}}: The [[Ottoman Caliphate]] was one of the most important positions held by rulers of the Ottoman Dynasty. The caliphate symbolized their spiritual power, whereas the sultanate represented their temporal power. According to Ottoman [[historiography]], [[Selim I]] acquired the title of caliph during his conquest of Egypt in 1517, after the last [[Abbasid Caliphate|Abbasid]] in Cairo, [[Al-Mutawakkil III]], relinquished the caliphate to him. However, the general consensus among modern scholars is that this transference of the caliphate was a fabricated myth invented in the 18th century when the idea of an Ottoman Caliphate became useful to bolster waning military power. In fact, Ottoman rulers had used the title of caliph before the conquest of Egypt, as early as [[Murad I]]. It is currently agreed that the caliphate "disappeared" for two-and-a-half centuries, before being revived with the [[Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca]], signed between the Ottoman Empire and [[Catherine II of Russia]] in 1774. The treaty was highly symbolic, since it marked the first international recognition of the Ottomans' claim to the caliphate. Although the treaty officialised the Ottoman Empire's loss of the [[Crimean Khanate]], it acknowledged the Ottoman caliph's continuing religious authority over [[Islam in Russia|Muslims in Russia]].<ref>{{cite encyclopedia | editor = Glassé, Cyril | encyclopedia = The New Encyclopedia of Islam | title = Ottomans | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=focLrox-frUC&printsec=frontcover#PPA349,M1 | accessdate = 2009-05-02 | year = 2003 | publisher = AltaMira Press | location = Walnut Creek, CA | isbn = 9780759101906 | oclc = 52611080 | pages = 349–351}}</ref> From the 18th century onwards, Ottoman sultans increasingly emphasized their status as caliphs in order to stir [[Pan-Islamism|Pan-Islamist]] sentiments among the empire's Muslims in the face of encroaching European imperialism. When [[World War I]] broke out, the sultan/caliph issued a call for ''[[jihad]]'' in 1914 against the Ottoman Empire's [[Allies of World War I|Allied enemies]], vainly inciting the subjects of the [[French colonial empire|French]], [[British Empire|British]] and [[Russian Empire|Russian]] empires to revolt. [[Abd-ul-Hamid II]] was by far the Ottoman sultan who made the most use of his caliphal position, and was recognized as caliph by many Muslim heads of state, even as far away as [[Sumatra]].<ref>[[#Qua05|Quataert 2005]], pp. 83–85</ref> He had his claim to the title inserted into the [[Kanûn-ı Esâsî|1876 Constitution]] (Article 4).<ref name="Toprak">[[#Top81|Toprak 1981]], pp. 44–45</ref>
:'''c'''{{note label|Tughra||1}}{{note label|Tughra||2}}: [[Tughra|Tughras]] were used by 35 out of 36 Ottoman sultans, starting with [[Orhan I|Orhan]] in the 14th century, whose tughra has been found on two different documents. No tughra bearing the name of [[Osman I]], the founder of the empire, has ever been discovered, although a coin with the inscription "Osman bin Ertuğrul bin Gündüz Alp" has been identified.<ref>{{cite web | url = http://www.tugra.org/en/hakkinda.asp | title = About Tugra | accessdate = 2009-02-06 | last = Mensiz | first = Ercan | publisher = Tugra.org | archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20071025010127/http://www.tugra.org/en/hakkinda.asp | archivedate = 2007-10-25}}</ref> [[Abd-ul-Mejid II]], the last Ottoman caliph, also lacked a tughra of his own, since he did not serve as [[head of state]] (that position being held by [[Mustafa Kemal Atatürk|Mustafa Kemal]], President of the newly founded Republic of Turkey) but as a mere religious [[figurehead]].
:'''d'''{{note|Interregnum}}: The [[Ottoman Interregnum]], also known as the Ottoman Triumvirate ({{Lang-tr|Fetret Devri}}), was a period of chaos in the Ottoman Empire which lasted from 1402 to 1413. It started following the defeat and capture of [[Bayezid I]] by the [[Turkic peoples|Turco-]][[Mongols|Mongol]] warlord [[Timur|Tamerlane]] at the [[Battle of Ankara]], which was fought on 20 July 1402. Bayezid's sons fought each other for over a decade, until [[Mehmed I]] emerged as the undisputed victor in 1413.<ref>[[#Sug93|Sugar 1993]], pp. 23–27</ref>
:'''e'''{{note|Dissolution}}: The [[dissolution of the Ottoman Empire]] was a gradual process which started with the abolition of the sultanate and ended with that of the caliphate 16 months later. The sultanate was formally abolished on 1 November 1922. Sultan [[Mehmed VI]] fled to [[Malta]] on 17 November aboard the British warship ''[[HMS Malaya|Malaya]]''.<ref name="Mehmed VI"/> This event marked the end of the Ottoman ''Dynasty'', not of the Ottoman ''State'' nor of the [[Ottoman Caliphate]]. On 18 November, the [[Grand National Assembly of Turkey|Grand National Assembly]] (TBMM) elected Mehmed VI's cousin [[Abd-ul-Mejid II]], the then crown prince, as caliph.<ref>[[#Asi92|As̜iroğlu 1992]], p. 54</ref> The official end of the Ottoman State was declared through the [[Treaty of Lausanne]] (24 July 1923), which recognized the new "[[Ankara]] government," and not the old Istanbul-based Ottoman government, as representing the rightful owner and successor state. The [[Turkey|Republic of Turkey]] was proclaimed by the TBMM on 29 October 1923, with [[Mustafa Kemal Atatürk|Mustafa Kemal]] as its first [[President of Turkey|President]].<ref>[[#Gla96|Glazer 1996]], "Table A. Chronology of Major Kemalist Reforms"</ref> Although Abd-ul-Mejid II was a [[figurehead]] lacking any political power, he remained in his position of caliph until the office of the caliphate was abolished by the TBMM on 3 March 1924.<ref name="Toprak"/> Mehmed VI later tried unsuccessfully to reinstall himself as caliph in the [[Hejaz]].<ref>{{cite encyclopedia | last = Steffen | first = Dirk | editor = Tucker, Spencer | encyclopedia = World War I: Encyclopedia | title = Mehmed VI, Sultan | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=B1cMtKQP3P8C&printsec=frontcover#PRA2-PA779,M1 | accessdate = 2009-05-02 | year = 2005 | series = Volume | publisher = ABC-CLIO | volume = III: M–R | location = Santa Barbara, CA | isbn = 9781851094202 | oclc = 162287003 | page = 779}}</ref>
== ReferensiRujukan ==
Baris 672 ⟶ 647:
|others=Foreword by Manoutchehr M. Eskandari-Qajar
|title=The Legacy of Sultan Abdulhamid II: Memoirs and Biography of Sultan Selim bin Hamid Han
Baris 678 ⟶ 653:
|location=Santa Fe, NM
* {{cite book
Baris 788 ⟶ 767:
| title = Official website of the immediate living descendants of the Ottoman Dynasty
| accessdate = 2009-02-06}}
{{Sultan Utsmaniyah}}
{{s-royalhouse|[[Dinasti Utsmaniyah]]}}
{{s-new|creation|reason=[[Pendirian Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|Kesultanan didirikan]]}}
{{s-ttl|title=Penguasa [[Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]|years=1299–1922}}
{{s-non|reason=[[Penghapusan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah|Kesultanan dihapuskan]]<br /><small>Kekuasaan dialihkan ke <br />[[Presiden Turki]]</small>}}
{{s-bef|before=[[Kekhalifahan Abbasyid|Dinasti Abbasyid]]<br /><small>in Cairo</small>}}
{{s-ttl|title=[[Daftar kalifah|Kalifah]]|years=1517–1924}}
{{s-non|reason=[[Kekhalifahan Utsmaniyah#Penghapusan|Penghapusan Kekhalifahan]]<!--<br /><small>[[Sharifian Caliphate|Briefly claimed]] by<br>[[Hussein bin Ali, Sharif of Mecca]]</small>-->}}
[[Kategori:Sultan Utsmaniyah| ]]
Baris 804 ⟶ 773:
[[Kategori:Daftar bertopik Kesultanan Utsmaniyah]]
[[Kategori:Kepala negara Turki]]
[[Kategori:Daftar kaisar]]