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(7 revisi perantara oleh 4 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
'''Mortalisme Kristen''' atau '''kefanaan Kristen''' mengandung keyakinan bahwa [[jiwa]] manusia pada hakikatnya tidak kekal (''immortal'');<ref name="Garber p. 383">{{en}} {{Citation | quote = But among philosophers they were perhaps equally notorious for their commitment to the mortalist heresy; this is the doctrine which denies the existence of a naturally immortal soul. | last1 = Garber | last2 = Ayers | title = The Cambridge history of seventeenth-century philosophy | volume = I: Volume 2 | page = 383 | year = 2003}}.</ref><ref>{{en}} {{Citation | quote = For mortalists the Bible did not teach the existence of a separate immaterial or immortal soul and the word 'soul' simply meant 'life'; the doctrine of a separate soul was said to be a Platonic importation. | last = Thomson | title = Bodies of thought: science, religion, and the soul in the early Enlightenment | page = 42 | year = 2008}}.</ref><ref>{{en}} {{Citation | quote = mortalism, the denial that the soul is an incorporeal substance that outlives the body | last1 = Eccleshall | last2 = Kenney | title = Western political thought: a bibliographical guide to post-war research | page = 80 | year = 1995}}.</ref>{{Sfn | Kries | 1997 | p = 97 | ps =: ‘In Leviathan, soul and body are one; there are no {{sic|"separated essenses"}}; death means complete death – the soul, merely another word for life, or breath, ceases at the death of the body. This view of the soul is known as Christian mortalism – a heterodox view held, indeed, by some sincere believers and not unique to Hobbes.’}}{{Sfn | Brandon | 2007 | p = 65-1 | ps =: ‘Mortalism, the idea that the soul is not immortal by nature’}} dan mungkin mencakup keyakinan bahwa jiwa berada dalam keadaan tidak mampu memahami apa-apa selama rentang waktu antara kematian jasmani dan [[kebangkitan orang mati|kebangkitan tubuhnya]],<ref>{{en}} {{Citation | quote = christian mortalism – the view that the soul either sleeps until the Day of Judgment, or is annihilated and re-created | last = Hick | title = Death and eternal life | page = 211 | year = 1994}}.</ref><ref>{{en}} {{Citation | quote = Thus the so-called ''Ganztodtheorie'', or mortalism, states that with death the human person totally ceases to be. | last = Horvath | title = Eternity and eternal life: speculative theology and science in discourse | page = 108 | year = 1993}}.</ref><ref>{{en}} {{Citation | quote = doctrines of mortalism or psychopannychism, which asserted that the being or the experience of the soul were suspended during the remainder of secular time | last = Pocock | title = The Machiavellian moment: Florentine political thought and the Atlantic Republic Tradition | page = 35 | year = 2003}}.</ref>{{Sfn | Fudge | Peterson | 2000 | p = 173 -1| ps =: ‘the belief that according to divine revelation the soul does not exist as an independent substance after the death of the body’}}{{Sfn | Almond | 1994 | p = 38 | ps =: …‘mortalist views – particularly of the sort which affirmed that the soul slept or died – were widespread in the Reformation period. George Williams has shown how prevalent mortalism was among the Reformation radicals.’}} suatu rentang waktu yang dikenal sebagai [[keadaan antara]]. "Tidur jiwa" seringkalisering kali dipandang sebagai istilah peyoratif{{Sfn | de Greef | 2008 | p = 152 -1| ps =: “In the foreword of 1534, Calvin says that at the insistence of friends he had given in to the request to dispute the ‘heresy of soul sleep.’”}}{{Refn | group = lower-alpha | Istilah ini juga lazim ditemukan dalam karya-karya tulis gerakan antikultus Kristen [[Tritunggal|Trinitarian]].<ref>{{en}} {{Citation | first = Anthony A | last = Hoekema | author-link = Anthony A. Hoekema | title = The four major cults: Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Seventh-Day Adventism | year = 1963 | page = 136}}.</ref><ref>{{en}} {{Citation | first = Walter Ralston | last = Martin | author-link = Walter Ralston Martin | title = The truth about Seventh-Day Adventism | year = 1960 | page = 117}}.</ref>}}<ref>{{en}} {{Citation | title = The Rainbow, a magazine of Christian literature | year = 1879 | page = 523 | quote = the term ‘soul-sleeper’ is used today only as a term of reproach}}.</ref> sehingga istilah "materialisme" yang dianggap lebih netral digunakan pula pada abad ke-19,<ref>{{en}} {{Citation | first = Rev. James | last = Gardner | title = The faiths of the world: an account of all religions and religious sects | year = 1858 | page = 860 | quote = Soul-sleepers, a term sometimes applied to Materialists (which see), because they admit no intermediate state between death and the resurrection.}}</ref> dan istilah "mortalisme Kristen" digunakan sejak tahun 1970-an.<ref>{{en}} {{Citation | first = Norman T | last = Burns | title = Christian mortalism from Tyndale to Milton | year = 1972}}.</ref><ref>{{en}} {{Citation | first = Jürgen | last = Overhoff | title = Hobbes's theory of the will | page = 193 | year = 2000 | quote = The term ‘Christian mortalism,’ which I have borrowed from the title of Norman T. Burns's masterly book on that topic}}.</ref><ref>{{en}} {{Citation | journal = The Mennonite quarterly review | publisher = Goshen College | year = 1969 | title = The tradition of Christian mortalism}}.</ref><ref>{{en}} {{Citation | first = Mark | last = Johnston | title = Surviving Death | year = 2010 | page = 24 | quote = The same dynamic can be found in John Milton's ''Christian Doctrine'', another spirited defense of Christian mortalism}}.</ref>{{Sfn | Kries | 1997 | ps =: ‘Christian mortalism is thus a convenient "middle ground," which, by not departing wholly from possibly genuine... The advantage Hobbes's change to Christian mortalism appears to bring to his teaching is that it attenuates the cord that...’}}<ref>{{en}} {{Citation | first = Leonard Napoleon | last = Wright | title = Christian mortalism in England (1643–1713) | year = 1939}}.</ref><ref>{{en}} {{Citation | first1 = James E | last1 = Force | first2 = Richard Henry | last2 = Popkin | title = The books of nature and Scripture: recent essays on natural Philosophy, Theology, and Biblical Criticism in the Netherlands | year = 1994 | page = xvii | quote = Force then goes on to show how Newton's Christian mortalism fits with Newton's core voluntarism, ie, his essentially… Force finds Newton's adoption of Christian mortalism clearly stated in Newton's manuscript entitled "Paradoxical…"}}</ref>
Secara historis, istilah '''psikopanikisme''' juga digunakan, terlepas dari permasalahan dengan etimologi{{Refn | group = lower-alpha | '''Panikis''' (παννυχὶς, {{lang-en|pannychis}}) dalam bahasa Yunani berarti pesta sepanjang malam.<ref>{{en}} {{Citation | first = Robert | last = Parker | title = Polytheism and Society at Athens | year = 2007 | page = 166 | quote = The mood of a pannychis was often one of gaiety, but this was also a form of religious action... The pannychis was marked, according to one charming definition, by 'la bonne humeure efficace' (Borgeaud)}}.</ref>}}{{Refn | group = lower-alpha | Istilah ''panikis'' dikatakan digunakan dengan benar dalam pengertian Yunani klasik di dalam publikasi ''Psychopannychia'' asli karya Calvin dalam bahasa Latin.}} dan penerapannya.{{Sfn | Williams | 1962 | p = 581 | ps =: “It will be recalled that we have allowed the etymologically ambiguous word ‘psychopannychism’ to serve as the generic term for the two variants ‘soul sleep’...”}}
Istilah ''[[:en:wiktionary:thnetopsychism|thnetopsychism]]'' juga digunakan, misalnya oleh Gordon Campbell (2008) yang mengidentifikasi Milton sebagai orang yang memercayai keyakinan yang terakhir disebutkan<ref>{{en}} {{Citation | title = Milton and the manuscript of De doctrina Christiana | first1 = Gordon | last1 = Campbell | first2 = Thomas N | last2 = Corns | first3 = John K | last3 = Hale | publisher = Oxford University Press | year = 2007 | isbn = 978-0-19-929649-1 | url = | page = 117 | quote = The belief that the soul dies with the body but is resurrected at the last judgment is known as thnetopsychism; the belief that the soul sleeps from the moment of death until the last judgment is known as psychopannychism}}.</ref> kendati ''[[De Doctrina Christiana (Milton)|De doctrina Christiana]]''{{Refn | group = lower-alpha | Ia mengutip 1 Tesalonika 4:17 dst.}} maupun ''[[Paradise Lost]]''{{Refn | group = lower-alpha | "''Such a peal shall rouse their sleep''" ("Gemuruh semacam itu akan membangunkan tidur mereka").}} karyanya menyebut kematian jasmani sebagai "tidur" dan orang yang mengalami kematian jasmani "dibangkitkan dari tidur". Pada praktiknya, perbedaan tersebut sulit dikenali.<ref>{{en}} {{Citation | title = Milton Studies | volume = 45 | first = Albert C | last = Labriola | publisher = Univ of Pittsburgh Press | year = 2005 | isbn = 978-0-8229-4267-2 | url = | page = 17 | quote = Milton tends to espouse the variation of vital introspection known as Thnetopsychism, which holds that the body and soul die, though certain passages in ''De Doctrina Christiana'' seem to support the alternative type, Psychopannychism, which states that soul and body merely sleep until the Last Day.}}</ref>
Berbagai sudut pandang yang terkait dan tampak kontras seputar [[kehidupan setelah kematian]] misalnya [[rekonsiliasi universal]], bahwa semua jiwa bersifat kekal (atau bersifat fana, namun semuanya dianugerahi kelangsungan hidup tanpa kecuali) dan akhirnya diperdamaikan, dan [[Keselamatan (agama)#Kekristenan|keselamatan khusus]], bahwa suatu kehidupan yang positif setelah kematian jasmani hanya dialami secara ekslusifeksklusif oleh jiwa-jiwa tertentu. Mortalisme Kristen diajarkan oleh beberapa teolog dan organisasi gerejawi sepanjang sejarah, kendati menghadapi penentangan dari aspek-aspek agama Kristen institusional. Dalam [[Konsili Lateran V]], [[Gereja Katolik]] mengecam pemikiran semacam ini sebagai [[ajaran sesat|kesesatan]] yang serius dengan menyebutnya "penegasan-penegasan yang keliru". Para pendukung pemikiran ini misalnya [[Martin Luther]], [[William Tyndale]], [[John Milton]], [[Thomas Hobbes]], dan [[Isaac Newton]].
== Catatan ==
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== Referensi ==
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Baris 18:
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Avery-Peck | contribution = Soul | editor1-last = Neusner | title = The Encyclopedia of Judaism | year = 2000|display-editors=etal}}
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Ball | title = The Soul Sleepers: Christian Mortalism from Wycliffe to Priestley | year = 2008}}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Blackburne | year = 1765 | title = A short historical view of the controversy concerning an intermediate state and the separate existence of the soul between death and the general resurrection, deduced from the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, to the present times | url = }}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Brandon | year = 2007 | title = The coherence of Hobbes's Leviathan: civil and religious authority combined}}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Bromiley | contribution = Psychology | title = The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia | volume = 3 | edition = rev | year = 2002}}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Constas | first = Nicholas | title = 'To Sleep, Perchance to Dream': The Middle State of Souls in Patristic and Byzantine Literature | journal = Dumbarton Oaks Papers | year = 2001 | volume = 55 | pages = 92–124 | url = | format = [[PDF]] | accessdate = 28 November 2010 | editor1-first = Alice-Mary | editor1-last = Talbot | doi = 10.2307/1291814 | jstor = 1291814 | archive-date = 2015-09-23 | archive-url = | dead-url = yes }}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Donelley | year = 1976 | title = Calvinism and Scholasticism in Vermigli's doctrine of man and grace}}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | first1 = Edward | last1 = Fudge | author1-link = Edward Fudge | last2 = Peterson | title = Two views of hell: a biblical & theological dialogue | year = 2000}}.
Baris 29:
* {{en}} {{cite book | last = Gillman | contribution = Death and Afterlife, Judaic Doctrines of | editor1-link = Jacob Neusner | editor1-first = Jacob | editor1-last = Neusner |editor2-first= William Scott |editor2-last= Green |editor3-first= Alan J. |editor3-last= Avery-Peck | title = The Encyclopedia of Judaism | volume = 1 | year = 2000 | place = [[Leiden]] | publisher = [[Brill Publishers|Brill]] | isbn = 9004110046 | oclc = 313496275 | ref = harv }}
* {{en}} {{Citation | author-link = John Goldingay| last = Goldingay | first = John | title = Old Testament Theology | volume = 2 | year = 2006}}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Grant | first = Miles | year = 1895 | title = Positive Theology | url = }}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = de Greef | first = Wulfert | year = 2008 | title = The writings of John Calvin: an introductory guide}}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Hoekema|first= Anthony A|title= The Bible and the Future|year=1994|location=Grand Rapids, MI | publisher =William B Eerdmans}}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | first = John | last = Milton | title = De Doctrina Christiana | year = 1825 | url = | publisher = J. Smith }}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Kries | first = Douglas | year = 1997 | title = Piety and humanity: essays on religion and early modern political philosophy}}.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Lake | year = 2009 | contribution = Soul | editor1-last = Silva | editor2-last = Tenney | title = The Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible | volume = 5 | edition = rev}}.
Baris 49:
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== Bacaan lanjutan ==
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* {{de}} {{Cite book | last = Bultmann | first = Rudolf | authorlink = Rudolf Bultmann | title = Theologie des Neuen Testaments | url = | publisher = Mohr | year = 1953 | location = [[Tübingen]] | pages = 189–249[ 189]–249}} (English translation ''Theology of the New Testament'' 2 vols, London: SCM, 1952, 1955). The leading scholarly reference supporting a holistic anthropology (similar to soul sleep)
* {{en}} {{Cite book | last = Burns | first = Norman T | title = Christian Mortalism from Tyndale to Milton | url = | publisher = Harvard | year = 1972 | location = USA | isbn = 0-674-12875-3}} Covers all major strands of psychopannychism and thnetopsychism in English Reformation and Revolution.
* {{en}} {{Cite book | last = Jewitt | first = R | title = Paul's Anthropological Terms | publisher = [[Brill Publishers|Brill]] | year = 1971 | location = [[Leiden]]}}
* {{de}} {{Cite book | last = Kümmel | first = WG | title = Das Bild des Menschen im Neuen Testament | publisher = Zwingli | year = 1948 | location = [[Zürich]]}} (English translation {{Citation | title = Man in the NT | place = London | publisher = Epworth | year = 1963}}).
* {{en}} {{Cite book | last = Ladd | first = George Eldon | authorlink = George Eldon Ladd | title = A Theology of the New Testament | url = | publisher = Eerdmans | year = 1974
| location = [[Grand Rapids, Michigan|Grand Rapids]], [[Michigan|MI]] | pages = 457–78[ 457]–78}}
* {{en}} {{Cite book | last = Smith | first = Uriah | authorlink = Uriah Smith | title = Here & Hereafter or Man in Life and Death: The Reward of the Righteous and the Destiny of the Wicked | publisher = Review and Herald Publishing Association | year = 1897 | location = [[Washington, D.C.]] | url =}}, 349 pp.&nbsp;Comprehensive volume covering a multitude of texts for and against the doctrine of soul sleep.
* {{en}} {{Citation | last = Snobelen | title = Revelation and Reason: The Development, Rationalization and Influence of Socinianism | type = honors thesis | year = 1993}}.
Baris 62:
{{Teologi Kristen}}
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