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(79 revisi perantara oleh 37 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
'''TELNETTelnet''' adalah singkatan dari ('''''TELTel'''etypeecommunication '''NETnet'''work'') adalah sebuah [[Lapisan aplikasi|protokol jaringanaplikasi]] yang digunakan di koneksi [[Internet]] atau [[Localjaringan Areaarea Networklokal]]. TELNETuntuk dikembangkanmenyediakan padafasilitas 1969komunikasi danberorientasi distandarisasiteks sebagaiinteraktif dua arah menggunakan koneksi [[Internet EngineeringTerminal Taskkomputer#Terminal Forceteks|IETFterminal]] virtual. Data pengguna diselingi [[STDPensinyalan 8in-band|in-band]], salahdengan satuinformasi standarkontrol InternetTelnet pertama.dalam TELNETkoneksi memilikidata beberapaberorientasi keterbatasan8-bit yangmelalui dianggap[[Transmission sebagaiControl risikoProtocol]] keamanan(TCP).
Telnet dikembangkan pada tahun 1969 dimulai dengan RFC 15, diperluas pada RFC 855, dan distandarisasi sebagai [[Internet Engineering Task Force]] (IETF) Standar Internet [[STD 8]], salah satu standar Internet pertama. Nama singkatan dari "[[Teleprinter|'''tel'''etype]] '''net'''work"<ref>{{Cite journal|last=|first=|date=|title=ISBN 9781441967596.|url=|journal=Andrew Wheen. Dot-dash to Dot.Com: How Modern Telecommunications Evolved from the Telegraph to the Internet. Springer, 2011. p. 132.|language=en|volume=|issue=|pages=|doi=}}</ref>
The term telnet also refers to software which implements the client part of the protocol. TELNET clients have been available on most Unix systems for many years and are available for virtually all platforms. Most network equipment and OSs with a TCP/IP stack support some kind of TELNET service server for their remote configuration (including ones based on Windows NT). Because of security issues with TELNET, its use has waned as it is replaced by the use of SSH for remote access.
Secara historis, Telnet menyediakan akses ke [[antarmuka baris perintah]] pada host jarak jauh. Namun, karena masalah keamanan yang serius ketika menggunakan Telnet melalui jaringan terbuka seperti Internet, penggunaannya untuk tujuan ini telah berkurang secara signifikan dalam mendukung [[SSH]].
"To telnet" is also used as a verb meaning to establish or use a TELNET or other interactive TCP connection, as in, "To change your password, telnet to the server and run the passwd command".
Istilah ''telnet'' juga digunakan untuk merujuk pada [[perangkat lunak]] yang mengimplementasikan bagian klien dari protokol. Aplikasi klien Telnet tersedia untuk hampir semua [[Platform komputasi|platform komputer]]. ''Telnet'' juga digunakan sebagai [[kata kerja]]. Untuk ''telnet'' berarti membuat koneksi menggunakan protokol Telnet, baik dengan klien baris perintah atau dengan antarmuka grafis. Misalnya, arahan umum mungkin: "''[[Passwd|To change your password, telnet into the server, log in and run the passwd command]]''." Dalam kebanyakan kasus, pengguna akan melakukan ''telnetting'' ke sistem server [[mirip Unix]] atau perangkat jaringan (seperti router).
Most often, a user will be telneting to a Unix-like server system or a simple network device such as a switch. For example, a user might "telnet in from home to check his mail at school". In doing so, he would be using a telnet client to connect from his computer to one of his servers. Once the connection is established, he would then log in with his account information and execute operating system commands remotely on that computer, such as ls or cd.
== Sejarah dan standar ==
On many systems, the client may also be used to make interactive raw-TCP sessions. It is commonly believed that a telnet session which does not include an IAC (character 255) is functionally identical. This is not the case however due to special NVT (Network Virtual Terminal) rules such as the requirement for a bare CR (ASCII 13) to be followed by a NULL (ASCII 0).
Telnet adalah [[Model client-server|protokol client-server]], berdasarkan transportasi [[berorientasi koneksi]] yang [[Keandalan (jaringan komputer)|andal]]. Biasanya, protokol ini digunakan untuk membuat koneksi ke [[Transmission Control Protocol]] (TCP) [[nomor port]] 23, di mana aplikasi server Telnet (telnetd) mendengarkan. Telnet, bagaimanapun, mendahului TCP/IP dan awalnya dijalankan melalui protokol [[Network Control Program|Program Kontrol Jaringan]] (NCP).
Meskipun Telnet adalah protokol ad hoc tanpa definisi resmi hingga 5 Maret 1973,<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Telnet Protocols|last=Postel|first=J.||language=en|access-date=2020-07-31}}</ref> nama tersebut sebenarnya disebut ''Teletype Over Network Protocol'' sebagai RFC 206 (NIC 7176) pada Telnet membuat koneksi menjadi jelas:<ref>{{Cite journal|last=|first=|date=|title=ISBN 9781118679555.|url=|journal=Garth O. Bruen. WHOIS Running the Internet: Protocol, Policy, and Privacy. Wiley, 1st edition (November 2, 2015). p. 25.|language=en|volume=|issue=|pages=|doi=}}</ref>
* 1 Protocol details
:Protokol TELNET didasarkan pada gagasan [[Teleprinter|teletipe]] virtual, menggunakan set karakter [[ASCII]] 7-bit. Maka, fungsi utama dari TELNET Pengguna adalah untuk menyediakan sarana yang dengannya para penggunanya dapat 'menekan' semua kunci pada teletype virtual tersebut.<ref>[ The RFC 206 (NIC 7176)] {{Webarchive|url=|date=2017-03-15}}, 9 August 1971; Computer Research Lab, UCSB; J. White.</ref>
* 2 Security
* 3 TELNET 5250
* 4 Current status
* 5 See also
* 6 External links
o 6.1 TELNET clients
+ 6.1.1 Multiplatform
+ 6.1.2 Windows
+ 6.1.3 Macintosh
+ 6.1.4 Free with source code
+ 6.1.5 Non-free source code
o 6.2 TELNET servers
+ 6.2.1 Proprietary
+ 6.2.2 Free with Source Code
* 7 References
Pada dasarnya, ini menggunakan saluran 8-bit untuk bertukar data ASCII 7-bit. Setiap bita dengan set bit tinggi adalah karakter Telnet khusus. Pada 5 Maret 1973, standar protokol Telnet didefinisikan di [[UCLA]]<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Telnet Protocol specifications|last=McKenzie|first=A. M.||language=en|access-date=2020-07-31}}</ref> dengan publikasi dua dokumen NIC: Spesifikasi Protokol Telnet, NIC 15372, dan Spesifikasi Opsi Telnet, NIC 15373.
[edit] Protocol details
== Telnet 5250 ==
TELNET is a client-server protocol, based on a reliable connection-oriented transport. Typically this protocol used to establish a connection to TCP port 23, where a getty-equivalent program (telnetd) is hearing, although TELNET predates TCP/IP and was originally run on NCP.
Emulasi workstation [[IBM]] 5250 atau 3270 didukung melalui klien telnet khusus, TN5250/[[IBM 3270#Telnet 3270|TN3270]], dan [[Sistem IBM i|server IBM]]. Klien dan server yang dirancang untuk melewati aliran data [[IBM 5250]] melalui Telnet umumnya mendukung enkripsi [[Secure Socket layer|SSL]], karena SSH tidak termasuk emulasi 5250. Di bawah [[IBM i|OS/400]] (juga dikenal sebagai IBM i), port 992 adalah port default untuk telnet aman.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=TCP/IP Ports Required for IBM i Access and Related Functions|date=2020-02-19||language=en|access-date=2020-07-30}}</ref>
== Data telnet ==
Initially, TELNET was an ad-hoc protocol with no official definition [1]. Essentially, it used an 8-bit channel to exchange 7-bit ASCII data. Any byte with the high bit set was a special TELNET character.
Semua [[Oktet (komputasi)|oktet]] data kecuali 0xff ditransmisikan melalui Telnet apa adanya. (0xff, atau 255 dalam desimal, adalah byte IAC (Interpret As Command) yang menandakan bahwa bita berikutnya adalah perintah telnet. Perintah untuk memasukkan 0xff ke dalam stream adalah 0xff, jadi 0xff harus lolos dengan menggandakannya ketika mengirim data melalui protokol telnet.)
Beberapa menggunakan aplikasi klien Telnet untuk membuat sesi TCP interaktif ke port selain port server Telnet. Koneksi ke port seperti itu tidak menggunakan IAC dan semua oktet dikirim ke server tanpa interpretasi. Misalnya, pengguna dapat membuat permintaan HTTP dengan tangan menggunakan versi [[Antarmuka baris perintah|baris perintah]] klien telnet ke server web pada port TCP 80 sebagai berikut:
On March 5th, 1973, a meeting was held at UCLA [2] where "New TELNET" was defined in two NIC documents: TELNET Protocol Specification, NIC #15372, and TELNET Option Specifications, NIC #15373.
<syntaxhighlight lang="console">
The protocol has many extensions, some of which have been adopted as Internet standards. IETF standards STD 27 through STD 32 define various extensions, most of which are extremely common. Other extensions are on the IETF standards track as proposed standards.
$ telnet 80
GET /path/to/file.html HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
</syntaxhighlight>Namun layanan tersebut diimplementasikan melalui aturan ''network virtual terminal'' (NVT) dan Telnet tidak menangani beberapa persyaratan NVT lainnya, seperti persyaratan untuk karakter bare carriage return (CR, [[ASCII]] 13) yang harus diikuti oleh NUL (ASCII 0) karakter.
Ada klien terminal TCP lainnya, seperti [[netcat]] atau [[Netcat|socat]] di UNIX dan [[PuTTY]] di Windows, yang menangani persyaratan tersebut. Namun demikian, Telnet masih dapat digunakan dalam [[debugging]] layanan jaringan seperti [[SMTP]], [[IRC]], [[HTTP]], [[FTP]] atau [[POP3]], untuk mengeluarkan perintah ke server dan memeriksa tanggapan.
[edit] Security
== RFC terkait ==
When TELNET was initially developed in 1969, most users of networked computers were in the computer departments of academic institutions, or at large private and government research facilities. In this environment, security was not nearly as much of a concern as it became after the bandwidth explosion of the 1990s. The rise in the number of people with access to the Internet, and by extension, the number of people attempting to crack other people's servers made encrypted alternatives much more of a necessity.
=== Standar Internet ===
* RFC 854, Spesifikasi Protokol Telnet
* RFC 855, Spesifikasi Opsi Telnet
* RFC 856, Transmisi Biner Telnet
* RFC 857, Opsi Telnet Echo
* RFC 858, Opsi Telnet Suppress Go Ahead
* RFC 859, Opsi Status Telnet
* RFC 860, Opsi Tanda Waktu Telnet
* RFC 861, Opsi Telnet Diperpanjang: Opsi Daftar.
=== Standar yang Diusulkan ===
Experts in computer security, such as SANS Institute, and the members of the newsgroup recommend that the use of TELNET for remote logins should be discontinued under all normal circumstances, for the following reasons:
* RFC 885, Opsi Rekam Akhir Telnet
* RFC 1073,Opsi Ukuran Jendela Telnet
* RFC 1079, Opsi Kecepatan Terminal Telnet
* RFC 1091, Opsi Jenis-Terminal Telnet
* RFC 1096, Opsi Lokasi Tampilan Telnet X
* RFC 1123, Persyaratan untuk Host Internet - Aplikasi dan Dukungan
* RFC 1184, Opsi Telnet Linemode
* RFC 1372, Opsi Kontrol Flow Control Telnet
* RFC 1572, Opsi Lingkungan Telnet
* RFC 2941, Opsi Otentikasi Telnet
* RFC 2942, Otentikasi Telnet: Kerberos Versi 5
* RFC 2943, Otentikasi TELNET Menggunakan DSA
* RFC 2944, Otentikasi Telnet: SRP
* RFC 2946, Opsi Enkripsi Data Telnet
* RFC 4248, Skema URI telnet
=== Informasional / eksperimental ===
* TELNET, by default, does not encrypt any data sent over the connection (including passwords), and so it is often practical to eavesdrop on the communications and use the password later for malicious purposes; anybody who has access to a router, switch, hub or gateway located on the network between the two hosts where TELNET is being used can intercept the packets passing by and obtain login and password information (and whatever else is typed) with any of several common utilities like tcpdump and Wireshark.
* Most implementations of TELNET have no authentication to ensure that communication is carried out between the two desired hosts and not intercepted in the middle.
* Commonly used TELNET daemons have several vulnerabilities discovered over the years.
* RFC 1143, Metode Q dari Menerapkan Negosiasi Opsi TELNET
These security-related shortcomings have seen the usage of the TELNET protocol drop rapidly, especially on the public Internet, in favor of the ssh protocol, first released in 1995. SSH provides much of the functionality of telnet, with the addition of strong encryption to prevent sensitive data such as passwords from being intercepted, and public key authentication, to ensure that the remote computer is actually who it claims to be.
* RFC 1571, Masalah Interoperabilitas lingkungan Opsi Telnet
=== RFC lainnya ===
As has happened with other early Internet protocols, extensions to the TELNET protocol provide TLS security and SASL authentication that address the above issues. However, most TELNET implementations do not support these extensions; and there has been relatively little interest in implementing these as SSH is adequate for most purposes. The main advantage of TLS-TELNET would be the ability to use certificate-authority signed server certificates to authenticate a server host to a client that does not yet have the server key stored. In SSH, there is a weakness in that the user must trust the first session to a host when it has not yet acquired the server key.
* RFC 1041, Opsi Regime Telnet 3270
[edit] TELNET 5250
* RFC 1205, 5250 Antarmuka Telnet
* RFC 2217, Opsi Kontrol Port Com Telnet
* RFC 4777, Peningkatan IBM Telnet iSeries.
== Klien telnet ==
IBM 5250 or 3270 workstation emulation is supported via custom TELNET clients, TN5250/TN3270, and IBM servers. Clients and servers designed to pass IBM 5250 data streams over TELNET generally do support SSL encryption, as SSH does not include 5250 emulation. Under OS/400, Port 992 is the default port for Secured TELNET.
* [[PuTTY]] dan plink command line adalah sumber terbuka [[Ssh|SSH]], Telnet, [[Berkeley r-command|rlogin]], dan [[Klien (komputer)|klien]] [[TCP|TCP mentah]] gratis untuk [[Microsoft Windows|Windows]], [[Linux]], dan [[Unix]].
[edit] Current status
* [[AbsoluteTelnet]] adalah klien telnet untuk [[Windows]]. Ini juga mendukung [[SSH]] dan [[SSH File Transfer Protocol|SFTP]],
* [[RUMBA (Emulator Terminal)]]
* [[Line Mode Browser]], [[peramban web]] baris perintah
* [[NCSA Telnet]]
* [[TeraTerm]]
* [[SecureCRT]] dari Perangkat Lunak Van Dyke
* [[ZOC (perangkat lunak)|ZOC Terminal]]
* Terminal program [[SyncTERM]] BBS mendukung platform Telnet, SSHv2, RLogin, Serial, Windows,* nix, dan [[Mac OS Klasik|Mac OS]] X, X / Y / ZMODEM dan berbagai emulasi terminal BBS
* [[Rtelnet]] adalah versi klien [[SOCKS]] dari Telnet, menyediakan fungsionalitas yang serupa dari telnet kepada host yang berada di belakang [[firewall]] dan [[Penafsiran alamat jaringan|NAT]].
* [[Daftar paket GNU|Inetutils]] termasuk klien telnet dan server dan diinstal secara default pada banyak distribusi GNU / Linux.
* Utilitas baris perintah telnet.exe yang disertakan dalam instalasi default berbagai versi OS Microsoft Windows.
== Lihat pula ==
As of the mid-2000s, while the TELNET protocol itself has been mostly superseded for remote login, TELNET clients are still used, often when diagnosing problems, to manually "talk" to other services without specialized client software. For example, it is sometimes used in debugging network services such as an SMTP, IRC, HTTP, FTP or POP3 server, by serving as a simple way to send commands to the server and examine the responses.
* [[Daftar emulator terminal]]
This approach has limitations as TELNET clients speak is close to, but not equivalent to, raw mode (due to terminal control handshaking and the special rules regarding \377 and \15). Thus, other software such as nc (netcat) or socat on Unix (or PuTTY on Windows) are finding greater favor with some system administrators for testing purposes, as they can be called with arguments not to send any terminal control handshaking data. Also netcat does not distort the \377 octet, which allows raw access to TCP socket, unlike any standard-compliant TELNET software.
* [[Virtual terminal|Terminal virtual]]
* [[HyTelnet]]
* [[Kermit (protokol)|Kermit]]
* [[SSH]]
== Refrensi ==
TELNET is still very popular in enterprise networks to access host applications, e.g. on IBM Mainframes.
<references />
== Pranala luar ==
TELNET is still widely used for administration of network elements, e.g., in commissioning, integration and maintenance of core network elements in mobile communication networks.
* [ Konfigurasi telnet]
TELNET is also heavily used for MUD games played over the Internet, as well as talkers, MUSHes, MUCKs, MOOes, and the resurgent BBS community.
* [ Interaksi Telnet Diuraikan sebagai Diagram Urutan] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2010-05-08 }}
* [ Telnet Options] — daftar resmi nomor opsi yang ditetapkan di
[edit] See also
* [ Microsoft TechNet: Perintah Telnet]
* [ Mengatasi Masalah Kesalahan Telnet di Sistem Operasi Windows]
* Reverse telnet
* [ " - information about telnet"]. Berisi daftar alamat telnet dan daftar klien telnet
* Telnet 3270 (TN3270)
* HyTelnet
* Kermit
* NCSA Telnet
[edit] External links
The external links in this article may not follow Wikipedia's content policies or guidelines.
Please improve this article by removing excessive or inappropriate external links.
* Telnet Options - The official list of assigned option numbers at
* places List of publicly accessible TELNET servers
* BBS Corner - Telnet BBS Guide
* Telnet Interactions Described as a Sequence Diagram
* Telnet START-TLS Option draft-altman-telnet-starttls-02.txt 2006
* Telnet protocol description, with NVT reference
Related RFCs
* RFC 854 TELNET protocol specification
* RFC 855 TELNET option specifications
* RFC 856 TELNET binary transmission
* RFC 857 TELNET echo option
* RFC 858 TELNET suppress Go Ahead option
* RFC 859 TELNET status option
* RFC 860 TELNET timing mark option
* RFC 861 TELNET extended options - list option
* RFC 885 Telnet end of record option
* RFC 1041 Telnet 3270 regime option
* RFC 1073 Telnet Window Size Option
* RFC 1079 Telnet terminal speed option
* RFC 1091 Telnet terminal-type option
* RFC 1096 Telnet X display location option
* RFC 1184 Telnet linemode option
* RFC 1205 5250 Telnet interface
* RFC 1372 Telnet remote flow control option
* RFC 2217 Telnet Com Port Control Option
* RFC 2941 Telnet Authentication Option
* RFC 2942 Telnet Authentication: Kerberos Version 5
* RFC 2943 TELNET Authentication Using DSA
* RFC 2944 Telnet Authentication: SRP
* RFC 2946 Telnet Data Encryption Option
* RFC 4248 The telnet URI Scheme
* RFC 4777 IBM's iSeries Telnet Enhancements
[edit] TELNET clients
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[edit] Multiplatform
* PuTTY is a free, open source SSH, TELNET, rlogin, and raw TCP client for Windows, Linux, and Unix.
* mTelnet is a free full-screen TELNET client for Windows & OS/2. Easy to use client with Zmodem download capability.
* Twisted Conch includes a telnet client/server implementation.
* IVT is a free multisession TELNET client for Windows & DOS. Also supports SSH and Kerberos (not free). Includes useful features like auto-login and scripting.
* SyncTERM is a free open-source TELNET/RLogin/SSH client/terminal for Windows and *nix platforms (including Mac OS X) with windowed/full-screen and Zmodem support.
[edit] Windows
* Windows comes with a built in telnet client, accessible from the command prompt.
As of Windows Vista, the built in telnet client is no longer accessible by default, it has to be turned on manually. [3]
* AbsoluteTelnet telnet / ssh client is a shareware client for all versions of Windows, and includes telnet, SSH1, SSH2, and file transfer using SFTP, ZModem, YModem, and XModem. Includes a tabbed interface.
* Hyperterminal Private Edition is another Windows telnet client.
* TeraTerm is a free telnet/SSH client for Windows that offers more features than the built-in telnet as well as offering a free SSH plug-in.
* TN3270 Plus is a shareware telnet/SSH client for Windows.
* Cleo TN3270 is a Windows, Unix, or Linux Solution for Establishing 3270 connections to IBM mainframes or AS400
[edit] Macintosh
* tn3270 is a free TELNET client for Macintosh designed to work with IBM mainframe systems that use the TN3270 protocol.
* Terminal is a TELNET capable command line interface application that comes as part of all versions of Mac OS X.
* NiftyTelnet is a small Telnet and SSH client for older Mac OS versions.
* dataComet is a full-featured commercial Telnet and SSH application for the Macintosh.
[edit] Free with source code
* dtelnet is a free TELNET client for Windows.
* Pueblo/UE is a free TELNET client for Windows with support for in-line HTML.
* Console telnet is a full screen (console) TELNET client for MS Win32 environments.
[edit] Non-free source code
* Whitehorn Secure Terminal free TELNET client for Windows.
* Simpterm is a Unicode savvy TELNET client for MS Win32 environments that can be used for non-ASCII character sets.
* SimpleMU is a shareware TELNET client.
* CRT and SecureCRT are TELNET clients with scripting capabilities in VBScript, Javascript and Perl.
[edit] TELNET servers
[edit] Proprietary
* Fusion Telnet for Embedded Systems
* Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server
* Pragma Telnet Server
* Sysax Multi Server is a Windows Telnet Server that also supports SSH, FTPS and other protocols.
[edit] Free with Source Code
* telnetd is an embeddable TELNET daemon written in Java.
* Poor Woman's Telnet Server is a standalone java TELNET server which bases upon telnetd.
* Synchronet is a Win32 and Linux BBS Server that also supports http, nntp, pop3, ftp and other protocols.
* utelnetd A small and efficient stand alone telnet server daemon suitable for Embedded Unix systems
[edit] References
1. ^ RFC 318 - documentation of old ad-hoc telnet protocol
2. ^ RFC 495 - Announcement of TELNET protocol
3. ^ Shamit Patel. View from Above : Where is Telnet in Vista/Longhorn beta builds?. Retrieved on 2008-03-11.
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Categories: Application layer protocols | Clear text protocols | Internet history | Internet protocols | Internet standards | Network-related software | Remote administration software | Unix software
[[Kategori:Protokol Internet]]
[[Kategori:Standar internet]]
[[Kategori:Perangkat lunak jaringan berbasis Protokol Internet]]
[[Kategori:Skema URI]]
[[Kategori:Perangkat lunak administrasi jarak jauh]]
[[Kategori:Sejarah Internet]]
[[Kategori:Protokol lapisan aplikasi]]
[[Kategori:Unix perangkat lunak terkait jaringan]]
[[Kategori:Protokol Internet]]
[[Kategori:Standar Internet]]
[[Kategori:Perangkat lunak jaringan]]
[[ar:تيلي نت]]
[[fa:شبکه راه دور]]