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Baris 1:
{{Infobox building
| name = =Istana Dolmabahçe Palace
| image = Dolmabahçe Palace.JPG
| caption = =Istana Dolmabahçe Palace as seen fromdilihat thedari Bosphorus
| map_type = =Turkey Istanbul
| map_caption = =
| coordinates = {{coord|41|02|22|N|29|00|06|E|region:TR|display=inline,title}}
| location = [[Istanbul]], [[TurkeyTurki]]
| architect = [[Garabet Balyan]]
| client = =Sultan Ottoman sultans
| engineer = =
| start_date = 1843
| completion_date = 1856
| date_demolished = =
| cost = =
| structural_system = =
| building_type = PalaceIstana (1856–1922)
| owner = TurkishNegara stateTurki
| style = = [[BaroqueArsitektur architectureBarok|BaroqueBarok]], Rococo, NeoclassicalNeoklasik
| size = =
'''DolmabahçeIstana PalaceDolmabahçe''' ({{lang-tr|Dolmabahçe Sarayı}}, {{IPA-tr|doɫmabahˈtʃe saɾaˈjɯ|IPA}}) locatedterletak indi thedistrik [[Beşiktaş]] district of [[Istanbul]], [[TurkeyTurki]], ondi thepinggiran pantai [[Europe]]anSelat coast of the [[Bosporus|Bosphorus]], servedberfungsi assebagai thepusat mainadministrasi administrativeutama center[[Kesultanan ofUtsmaniyah|Kekaisaran the [[Ottoman Empire]] fromdari tahun 1856 tohingga 1887 anddan dari tahun 1909 tohingga 1922 ([[Istana Yıldız Palace]] was used indigunakan theuntuk interimsementara).
== HistorySejarah ==
[[FileBerkas:Sultan Abdülmecid I.jpg|thumbjmpl|leftkiri|[[Abd-ul-Mejid I|Abdülmecid I]]]]
[[FileBerkas:Dolmabahce, Istanbul, Turchia.JPG|thumbjmpl|rightka|Facade of theFasad ''Selamlık'']]
Istana Dolmabahçe Palacediperintahkan wasoleh orderedSultan byke-31 the Empire's 31st SultanKekaisaran, [[Abd-ul-Mejid I|Abdülmecid I]], anddan builtdibangun betweenantara the yearstahun 1843 anddan 1856. PreviouslySebelumnya, the Sultan anddan hiskeluarganya familytinggal had lived at thedi [[Istana Topkapı|Istana PalaceTopkapi]], buttetapi askarena the medieval TopkapıTopkapi waskurang lackingdalam inhal contemporarygaya stylekontemporer, luxurykemewahan, anddan comfortkenyamanan, asdibandingkan compareddengan toistana theraja-raja palaces of the European monarchsEropa, Abdülmecid decidedmemutuskan tountuk buildmembangun asebuah newistana modern palacebaru neardi thedekat sitelokasi ofbekas the formerIstana Beşiktaş Sahil Palace,yang which was demolisheddihancurkan. [[Hacı Said Ağa]] wasbertanggung responsiblejawab foratas thepekerjaan construction workskonstruksi, while thesementara projectproyek wastersebut realizeddirealisasikan byoleh architectsarsitek [[Garabet Balyan]], his sonputranya, [[Nigoğayos Balyan]] anddan [[Evanis Kalfa]] (members of thedari [[Armenians|Armenian]]Keluarga [[Balyan|Keluarga family]]arsitek ofberkebangsaan OttomanArmenia, court architectsBalyan]]).
TheBiaya constructionkonstruksi costsebesar fivelima millionjuta [[Ottoman lira|Ottoman goldemas liraOttoman]], oratau 35 [[tonneton]]s of [[goldemas]], thesetara equivalent of ca.dengan $1.5,62 billionmiliar inhari today'sini (2013)''per valuesFebruari 2019'').<ref>[ Dolmabahce Palace]</ref><ref>[]</ref> ThisJumlah sumini correspondedsesuai todengan approximatelysekitar aseperempat quarterdari ofpendapatan thepajak yearly tax revenuetahunan. ActuallySebenarnya, thekonstruksi constructiondibiayai was financed throughmelalui ''[[debasement]],'' bymata massiveuang issue(dengan ofcara paperpencetakan money,uang astanpa wellhenti) asdan bypinjaman foreignluar loansnegeri. TheBiaya hugebesar expensesmenempatkan placedbeban anbesar enormouspada burdendompet onnegara thedan stateberkontribusi purseterhadap andmemburuknya contributedsituasi tokeuangan the deteriorating financial situation of theKekaisaran Ottoman Empire, whichyang eventuallyakhirnya [[sovereigngagal default|defaultedbayar]] onpada itshutang [[Ottomanpublik publicpada debt|public debt]] in [[Great Eastern Crisis#Background|OctoberOktober 1875]], withdengan thepembentukan subsequentberikutnya establishmentpada intahun 1881 ofkontrol [[Ottomankeuangan Public Debt Administration|financial control]] over theatas "[[sickpesakitan man of EuropeEropa]]" by theoleh Europeankekuatan powersEropa.
TheIstana palaceini wasadalah homerumah tobagi sixenam SultansSultan fromsejak 1856, whenketika itpertama waskali first inhabiteddihuni, up until the abolitionsampai ofpenghapusan thekekhalifahan Caliphatepada intahun 1924: TheKerajaan lastterakhir royalyang totinggal livedi heresini wasadalah CaliphKhalifah [[AbdülmecidAbdul Mejid II|Abdülmecid Efendi]]. AUndang-undang lawyang thatmulai wentberlaku intopada effect3 on March 3,Maret 1924 transferred the ownership of the palace to themengalihkan nationalkepemilikan heritageistana ofkepada theRepublik newTurki Turkishyang Republicbaru. [[Mustafa Kemal Atatürk]], thependiri founderdan andPresiden firstpertama PresidentRepublik of the Republic of TurkeyTurki, usedmenggunakan theistana palacesebagai astempat atinggal presidentialpresiden residenceselama duringmusim thepanas summersdan andmeletakkan enactedbeberapa somekarya ofterpentingnya hisdi most important works heresini. Atatürk spentmenghabiskan thehari-hari lastterakhir daysperawatan ofmedisnya hisdi medicalistana treatmentini, indi thismana palace,ia wheremeninggal hepada died on10 November 10, 1938.
TodayHari ini, theistana palacedikelola is managed byoleh ''Milli Saraylar Daire Başkanlığı'' (DirectorateDirektorat ofIstana National PalacesNasional) responsiblebertanggung tojawab thekepada [[Grand NationalMajelis AssemblyAgung ofNasional TurkeyTurki]].{{clear}}
== LocationLokasi ==
[[FileBerkas:Dolmabahce Palacemm.jpg|thumbjmpl|rightka|Close-up view of the palace from the Bosphorus]]
The site of Dolmabahçe wasawalnya originallyadalah asebuah bayteluk on thedi [[Bosporus|Bosphorus]] whichyang wasdigunakan useduntuk forberlabuh the anchorage of thearmada Ottoman fleet. TheDaerah areaitu wassecara reclaimedbertahap graduallydireklamasi duringselama theabad 18thke-18 centuryuntuk todijadikan becometaman an imperial gardenkekaisaran, muchyang appreciatedsangat bydihargai theoleh Ottomanpara [[sultan]]s Ottoman; it is from this gardendari thatkebun theinilah namenama ''Dolmabahçe'' (Filled-inTaman GardenTerisi) comesberasal fromdari thebahasa TurkishTurki ''dolma'' meaningberarti "filledterisi" anddan ''bahçe'' meaningberarti "gardentaman." VariousBerbagai smallistana summermusim palacespanas andkecil woodendan pavilionspaviliun werekayu builtdibangun heredi duringsini theselama 18thabad andke-18 19thdan centuries19 ultimatelyyang formingakhirnya amembentuk palacekompleks complexistana namedbernama Beşiktaş Waterfront Palace. The area ofLuas 110,.000&nbsp; isdibatasi confined byoleh Bosphorus on thedi eastsisi sidetimur, whilesementara atebing steepcuram precipicemengikatnya boundsdi itsisi on the west sidebarat, suchsehingga thatsetelah aftermembangun themonoblok buildingbaru ofIstana theDolmabahçe newseluas 45,.000&nbsp; , monoblock Dolmabahçe Palace a relativelyruang limitedyang spacerelatif hasterbatas remainedtetap forada auntuk gardenkompleks complextaman whichyang wouldakan normallybiasanya surroundmengelilingi suchistana aseperti palaceitu.<ref name=IstanbulNet>[ Dolmabahçe Palace Museum] {{webarchive |url= |date=July 17, 2011 }}</ref><ref name=CultureTourism>[,113763/dolmabahce-palace.html Turkish Ministry of Tourism site about Dolmabahçe Palace]</ref>{{clear}}
== DesignDesain anddan layouttata letak ==
[[FileBerkas:Dolmabahce Sarayi.jpg|thumbjmpl|leftkiri|FountainAir inmancur thedi gardentaman]]
[[FileBerkas:Dolmabahce Palace plan.svg|thumbjmpl|FloorDenah plan of the palaceistana]]
Dolmabahçe isadalah theistana largestterbesar palacedi inTurki Turkey. It has andengan areamemiliki ofluas {{Convert|45,.000|m2|acresare|1|abbr = on}}, anddan containsberisi 285 roomskamar, 46 hallsaula, 6 bathskamar mandi (''[[TurkishBathup bathTurki|hamam]]''), anddan 68 toiletstoilet.<ref name=IstanbulNet/><ref name=CultureTourism/>
Desainnya mengandung elemen [[eklektik]] dari gaya [[Barok]], [[Rococo]], dan [[Neoklasikisme|Neoklasik]], berpadu dengan arsitektur tradisional Ottoman untuk menciptakan sintesis baru. Tata ruang dan dekorasi istana mencerminkan meningkatnya pengaruh gaya dan standar Eropa pada [[budaya dan seni Ottoman]] selama periode [[Tanzimat]]. Eksterior, khususnya pandangan dari Bosporus, menunjukkan pengaturan dua sayap Eropa klasik yang dibagi oleh korps avant besar dengan [[korps avant]] dua sisi.
The design contains [[Eclecticism|eclectic]] elements from the [[Baroque architecture|Baroque]], [[Rococo]] and [[Neoclassical architecture|Neoclassical]] styles, blended with traditional [[Ottoman architecture]] to create a new synthesis. The palace layout and décor reflect the increasing influence of European styles and standards on [[Culture of the Ottoman Empire|Ottoman culture and art]] during the [[Tanzimat]] period. The exterior, in particular the view from the Bosporus, shows a classical European two-wing arrangement which is divided by a big [[avant-corps]] with two side avant-corps.
FunctionallySecara fungsional, ondi thesisi other handlain, theistana palacemempertahankan retainsunsur-unsur elementskehidupan oftradisional traditionalistana Ottoman palace life, and alsodan featuresjuga offitur traditionalrumah Turkishtradisional homesTurki. ItSecara isketat strictlydipisahkan separatedsecara structurallystruktural indi asayap southern wingselatan (''Mabeyn-i Hümâyûn'', oratau ''Selamlık'', thetempat quartersyang reserveddisediakan foruntuk thepara menpria) whichyang containsberisi theruang publicrepresentasi representation roomspublik, anddan adi northernsayap wingutara (''Harem-i Hümâyûn'', the [[Imperial Harem Kekaisaran|Harem]]) servingberfungsi assebagai thearea privateperumahan residentialpribadi area for theuntuk Sultan anddan his familykeluarganya. TheDua two functional areas arearea separatedfungsional bydipisahkan theoleh bigAula CeremonialUpacara Hallbesar (''Muayede Salonu'') withdengan aluas floor area oflantai {{Convert|2000|m2|ft2|abbr = on}} anddan atinggi kubah {{Convert|36|m|ft|abbr = on}} high dome. Since theKarena harem hadharus tobenar-benar beterisolasi completelydari isolateddunia from the outside worldluar, thepintu mainmasuk entranceutama forbagi thepara visitorspengunjung isterletak locateddi onsisi theselatan narrowyang southern sidesempit. ThereDi sana, theruang representationperwakilan roomsdiatur areuntuk arrangedresepsi forpengunjung receptionsdan of[[diplomat]] visitors and of foreign diplomatsasing. TheDaerah harem areatermasuk includesdelapan eightapartemen interconnectedyang apartmentssaling forberhubungan theuntuk wivespara of theistri sultan, foruntuk hisfavorit favouritesdan and concubinesselirnya, anddan foruntuk his motheribunya, eachmasing-masing withdengan itskamar ownmandi bathroomsendiri.{{clear}}
== DécorDekorasi anddan equipmentperalatan ==
[[FileBerkas:Ceremonial hall Dolmabahce March 2008 pano4.jpg|thumbjmpl|leftkiri|CeremonialBalai HallUpacara, with the chandelier saiddengan tokandil havedikatakan beentelah givendiberikan byoleh [[QueenRatu Victoria]]]]
[[FileBerkas:Dolmabahce Baccarat bannister.JPG|thumbjmpl|''CrystalTangga Staircase''Kristal withdengan pegangan tangga dari [[kristal Baccarat crystal]] [[Baluster|banisters]]dan andlampu chandeliergantung]]
[[FileBerkas:Ambassador Hall Dolmabahce March 2008panoc.jpg|thumbjmpl|leftkiri|Ambassador'sGedung HallDuta Besar (''Süfera Salonu'') withdengan dua twokarpet bearskinkulit rugsberuang]]
[[FileBerkas:Istanbul img 5058.jpg|thumbjmpl|Sultan'sHamam hamamSultan decorateddihiasi withdengan Egyptianpualam alabasterMesir]]
WhereasKetika theTopkapi Topkapımemiliki hascontoh-contoh exquisiteindah examples ofdari [[ubin Iznik tiles]] anddan ukiran Ottoman carving, theistana Dolmabahçe palace isdidekorasi extensivelysecara decoratedluas withdengan goldemas anddan crystalkristal. FourteenEmpat tonnesbelas ofton goldemas weredigunakan useduntuk tomenyepuh gild the ceilingslangit-langit.<ref>[ Dolmabahçe Palace], Emporis</ref> The world's largest [[Bohemian glass|Bohemian crystalKandil]] [[chandelierkristal Bohemian]] isterbesar di dunia inberada thedi Ceremonial Hall. TheLampu chandeliergantung wasitu assumeddianggap tohadiah be a gift fromdari [[Victoria of the United Kingdom|QueenRatu Victoria]], howevernamun pada intahun 2006 thekuitansi receiptyang wasditemukan foundmenunjukkan showingbahwa itia wastelah paiddibayar forpenuh. inLampu full.ini It hasmemiliki 750 lampslampu anddan weighsberat 4.,5 tonneston. Dolmabahçe hasmemiliki thekoleksi largestlampu collection ofkristal Bohemian anddan [[Kristal Baccarat (company)|Baccarat crystal]] chandeliers interbesar thedi worlddunia. TheTangga famouskristal ''Crystalyang Staircase''terkenal hasmemiliki the shape of a doublebentuk [[horseshoetapal kuda]] andganda isdan builtterbuat ofdari kristal Baccarat crystal, [[brasskuningan]], anddan [[mahoganymahoni]].
ExpensiveBatu-batu stonesmahal suchseperti asmarmer [[MarmaraPulau IslandMarmara|Marmara]] (ProconnesianProconnesia) marble, Egyptian [[alabasterpualam]] Mesir ([[calcitekalsit]], alsojuga knowndikenal assebagai onyx-marblemarmer), anddan [[PorphyryPorfiri (geologyGeologi)|PorphyryPorfiri]] fromdari [[Pergamon]] were used fordigunakan theuntuk decorationdekorasi.
TheIstana palaceini includesmencakup asejumlah large number ofbesar [[Herekekarpet istana carpet|Hereke palace carpet]]s madeyang bydibuat theoleh HerekePabrik ImperialKekaisaran FactoryHereke. AlsoIstana featuredjuga aremenampilkan karpet kulit beruang berusia 150-year-old bearskintahun rugsyang originallypada presentedawalnya todihadiahkan thekepada Sultan as asebagai gifthadiah bydari [[NicholasNikolai III ofdari RussiaRusia|Tsar Nicholas I]].
A collection ofKoleksi 202 oillukisan paintingsminyak isdipajang ondi display in the palaceistana. ASorotan highlightdari ofkoleksi thetersebut collection areadalah 23 paintingslukisan bykarya [[Ivan Aivazovsky]] whichyang heia createdciptakan assebagai apelukis courtistana painterselama duringmasa histinggalnya stays indi Istanbul.<ref name=Aivazovksy>[ Historical Ottoman Palace reopens as museum],, March 22, 2014</ref> TheKoleksinya collectionjuga alsotermasuk includeslukisan paintings bykarya [[Gustave Boulanger]], [[Jean-Léon Gérôme]], [[Eugène Fromentin]], [[Stanisław Chlebowski]], [[Félix Ziem]], [[Karl Joseph Kuwasseg]], [[Fausto Zonaro]], [[Théo van Rysselberghe]] anddan Alexander Sandor Svoboda. ThereAda arejuga alsolukisan paintingskarya bypelukis TurkishTurki painters such asseperti [[Osman Hamdi Bey]], [[Halil Pasha (painter)|Halil Pasha]] anddan [[Osman Nuri Pasha (painter)|Osman Nuri Pasha]] indi thismuseum artseni museumini.
Sejak awal, peralatan istana menerapkan standar teknis tertinggi. [[Petromaks|Lampu gas]] dan [[Kloset siram|kloset air]] diimpor dari [[Britania Raya]], sedangkan istana di benua Eropa masih kekurangan fitur-fitur ini pada waktu itu. Belakangan, listrik, [[sistem pemanas sentral]], dan [[lift]] dipasang.{{clear}}
From the very beginning, the palace's equipment implemented the highest technical standards. [[Gas lighting]] and [[water-closet]]s were imported from Great Britain, whereas the palaces in continental Europe were still lacking these features at that time. Later, electricity, a [[central heating system]] and an [[elevator]] were installed.{{clear}}
== RoomsRuangan ==
[[FileBerkas:Dolmabahce Palace ced.jpg|thumbjmpl|BlueAula HallBiru]]
[[FileBerkas:Dolmabahce Palacasdfe.jpg|thumbjmpl|PinkAula HallMerah Muda]]
=== Aula Medhal (MainPintu Entrance)Masuk HallUtama) ===
AKunjungan visitke toIstana theDolmabahçe Dolmabahcedimulai Palacedi begins at theAula Medhal Hall. RoomsKamar-kamar leadingyang offmengarah thedari Medhal aremenuju towardske thelaut seadan and the landdaratan. TheKamar-kamar roomsyang facingmenghadap theke sealaut weredigunakan usedoleh bypara thepejabat leading [[Ottoman Empire|Ottoman]] officials,terkemuka theseperti [[GrandWazir VizierAgung]] anddan thementeri-menteri othernegara statebagian ministerslainnya, whilesedangkan thekamar-kamar roomsyang facingmenghadap theke landdaratan weredigunakan usedoleh byberbagai variousadministrator administratorsistana ofdan thenegara palaceseperti and the state, such as the PalaceIstana Marshall, [[SheikhSyekhul ul-Islam|Şeyhülislam]], anddan membersanggota ofDewan thePerwakilan House of RepresentativesRakyat (''Meclis-i Mebusan'') and thedan SenateSenat (''Meclis-i Ayan'').
Para tamu pertama-tama akan menunggu di aula ini dan kemudian akan dibawa masuk pada waktu yang tepat oleh petugas protokol istana. Saat memasuki Medhal, orang melihat tabel Boulle di kedua sisi ruangan, yang bertuliskan monogram dari Sultan Abdülmecid di atasnya. [[Tughra|Monogram]] kesultanan juga ada di perapian. Lampu gantung Inggris yang tergantung di tengah ruangan ini memiliki enam puluh lengan. Kain Hereke digunakan sebagai pelapis untuk furnitur dan sebagai gorden berwarna merah kerajaan.
Guests would first wait in this hall and then would be led inside at the proper time by a palace protocol officer. On entering the Medhal, one sees Boulle tables on both sides of the room, which bear the [[tughra|monogram]] of Sultan Abdülmecid on top. The royal monogram of the sultan is also on the fireplace. The English chandelier hanging in the middle of this room has sixty arms. The Hereke fabrics used as upholstery for the furniture and as draperies are in the royal shade of red.
=== TheRuang secretariat's roomssekretariat ===
TheRuang secondkedua room after thesetelah Medhal todi thesebelah rightkanan isadalah the Clerk'sAula HallKantor, alsojuga referreddisebut to as thesebagai ''TiledRuang Room.Ubin''. TheLukisan largestterbesar paintingdalam inkoleksi the palace collectionistana, apenggambaran depiction of theProsesi ''Surre'' Procession byoleh [[Stefano Ussi]], hangsmenggantung ondi thedinding leftkiri wallaula of this hallini. ''Surre'' wasmerujuk usedpada tokaravan referyang tomelakukan theperjalanan caravans which travelled fromdari Istanbul toke MeccaMekah duringselama thebulan religious month ofkeagamaan [[Rajab|Recep]], bearingmembawa thebantuan monetarymoneter aidyang useddigunakan tountuk supportmendukung thepemeliharaan maintenancedan and the decoration of thedekorasi [[KaabaKa'bah]] and to providedan financialuntuk assistancememberikan tobantuan thekeuangan localkepada populationpenduduk oflokal [[Hejaz]].
[[FileBerkas:Ataturk deathbed Dolmabahce March 2008.JPG|thumbjmpl|Ranjang tempat meninggalnya [[Mustafa Kemal Atatürk|Atatürk]]'s deathbed]]
OnDi thedinding walldi tosebelah thekanan rightadalah islukisan ayang paintingditandatangani signed byoleh [[Rudolf Ernst]] depictingyang themenggambarkan fireapi at thedi Paris Municipal TheaterTheatre anddan anotherlukisan paintinglain ofseorang aGadis DutchDesa VillageBelanda Girl byoleh [[Delandre]]. DecoratedDihiasi withdengan Frenchperabotan stylegaya furniture[[Prancis]], thiskamar ini roomjuga alsoberisi containsvas veryporselen valuableyang porcelainsangat vasesberharga.
=== Atatürk'sKamar roomAtatürk ===
[[Mustafa Kemal Atatürk]] spentmenghabiskan thehari-hari lastterakhir dayshidupnya ofdi hisistana lifekarena inkesehatannya thememburuk. palaceDia asmeninggal hispada health10 deteriorated.November He1938 diedpukul at 9:09.05 A.M.waktu onlokal Novemberdi 10,kamar 1938,tidur inyang aterletak bedroomdi locatedbekas in the formerarea harem area of the palaceistana. AllSemua thejam clocksdi inistana thedimatikan palacedan werejarum stoppedjam anddiatur setke topukul 9:09.05 after hissetelah deathkematiannya. TheJam clocksdi outsideluar ofkamarnya hissekarang roomdiatur now are set to theke [[EasternWaktu EuropeanEropa TimeTimur|actualwaktu timeyang insebenarnya Turkeydi Turki]], buttetapi thejam clockdi inkamar thedi roommana inia whichmeninggal hemasih diedmenunjuk stillke points to 9:09.05.{{clear}}
== GatesGerbang ==
<gallery widths="200" heights="200" perrow="3">
FileBerkas:DolmabahceMainGate.JPG|Gate of theGerbang Sultan (''Saltanat Kapısı'')
FileBerkas:Dolmabahce_TorDolmabahce Tor-2008-31-07.jpg|Gate of theGerbang TreasuryPerbendaharaan (''Hazine-i Hassa Kapısı'')
FileBerkas:Istanbul-1.JPG|GateGerbang to theke Bosphorus
== AdjacentBangunan buildingsyang berdekatan ==
[[FileBerkas:Dolmabahce Sarayi Saat Kulesi.jpg|thumbjmpl|uprightlurus|leftkiri|[[DolmabahçeMenara ClockJam TowerDolmabahçe]]]]
[[FileBerkas:Dolmabahçe Mosque Mars 2013.jpg|thumbjmpl|[[Masjid Dolmabahçe Mosque]]]]
ASejumlah numberbangunan oftempat furthertinggal residentiallebih buildingslanjut areterletak locateddi neardekat theistana palacetermasuk includingistana thePutra palace of the Crown PrinceMahkota (''Veliaht Dairesi''), thetempat quarterstinggal ofpara thepria gentlemen-in-waitingpelayan (''Musahiban Dairesi''), theasrama dormitoriespara of the servantsbudak (''Agavat Dairesi'', ''Bendegan Dairesi'') anddan ofpara the guardspenjaga (''Baltacilar Dairesi''), the quarters oftempat thetinggal [[Kizlar Agha|ChiefKepala EunuchKasim]] (''Kizlaragasi Dairesi''). FurtherBangunan buildingslebih includelanjut imperialtermasuk kitchensdapur kekaisaran (''Matbah-i Amire''), stableskandang kuda, ankandang aviaryburung (''Kusluk''), apembibitan plant nurserytanaman (''Fidelik''), a flourpabrik milltepung, arumah greenhousekaca (''Sera''), asebuah Herekebengkel carpetkarpet workshopHereke (''Hereke dökümhanesi''), a glasspabrik manufactorygelas, apabrik foundrypengecoran, aapotek pharmacy etcdll.<ref>[ Dolmabahçe Palace] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2015-03-18 }}, Great Istanbul</ref><ref>[ Dolmabahçe Sarayi], Archnet</ref>
A baroque styleSebuah [[Masjid Dolmabahçe Mosque|mosquemasjid]] designedbergaya bybarok yang dirancang oleh [[Garabet Balyan]] wasdibangun builtdi neardekat theistana palacepada in1853 1853—1855. It- was1855 commissionedatas byperintah queenibu motherratu Bezm-i Âlem Valide Sultan. SinceSejak 1948 thebangunan buildingitu housedmenjadi theMuseum NavalAngkatan MuseumLaut, but thetetapi museum wasdipindahkan movedke tolokasi anotherlain locationpada intahun 1960 after thesetelah [[1960Kudeta TurkishTurki coup d'état1960|coupkudeta d'état27 of May, 27thMei]]. InPada tahun 1967 themasjid dikembalikan mosquelagi wasfungsinya returnedsebagai fortempat worshipperibadatan.
ASebuah [[DolmabahçeMenara ClockJam TowerDolmabahçe|clockmenara towerjam]] (''Dolmabahçe Saat Kulesi'') wasdidirikan erecteddi indepan frontGerbang of the Imperial GateKekaisaran (''Saltanat Kapisi'') ondi asebuah squarelapangan alongdi thesepanjang Europeantepi waterfront ofselat Bosphorus next todi thesebelah mosquemasjid. TheMenara towerini wasdipesan orderedoleh by[[Abdul Hamid II|Sultan [[Abdülhamid II]] anddan designeddirancang byoleh thearsitek court architectpengadilan [[Sarkis Balyan]] betweenantara tahun 1890 anddan 1895. ItsJamnya clockdiproduksi wasoleh manufacturedrumah bypembuat thejam French clockmaker house ofPrancis Jean-Paul Garnier, and installed bydan thedipasang courtoleh clockketua masterpengadilan Johann Mayer.{{clear}}
== LiteratureBacaan ==
[[FileBerkas:Caliph library Harem Dolmabahce March 2008 pano.jpg|thumbjmpl|Sultan'sPerpustakaan librarymilik sultan]]
* {{cite book |title=Dolmabahçe Palace |last1=Yücel |first1=İhsan |author2=Sema Öner |year=1989 |publisher=TBMM National Palaces Trust |location=Istanbul |id=ASIN B000GYA5C8}}
* {{cite book |title=The Dolmabahçe Palace |last=Akat |first=Yücel |year=1988 |publisher=Keskin Color |location=Istanbul |id=ASIN B000GW7QYA}}
* {{cite book |title=Dolmabahçe Palace |url= |last=Yücel |first=İhsan |year=1995 |publisher=TBMM Department of National Palaces |location=Istanbul |isbn=975-7479-42-X}}
* {{cite book |title=Dolmabahçe Palace and its environs |url= |last=Gülersoy |first=Çelik |authorlink=Çelik Gülersoy |year=1990 |page=[ 257] |publisher=İstanbul Kitaplığı |location=Istanbul |isbn=978-975-7687-03-0}}
* {{cite book |title=The Dolmabahçe Palace |last=Keskin |first=Naci |year=1975 |publisher=Keskin Color |location=Istanbul |id=ASIN B000OSH36M}}
* {{cite book |title=Dolmabahçe Palace |last= |first= |year=1998 |publisher=Do-Gu Yayınları |location=Istanbul |id=ASIN B000E1S49O}}
Baris 119 ⟶ 118:
* İpek Fitöz. ''European Lights In Dolmabahçe Palace''. TBMM Milli Saraylar Yayınları, Istanbul, 2007.
== ReferencesRujukan ==
== Externalpranala linksluar ==
{{Commons category}}
* [] Dolmabahçesitus Palace]resmi officialIstana siteDolmabahçe
* [] National{{Webarchive|url= Palaces|date=2013-11-09 in}} Turkey]situs resmi Istana Nasional officialdi siteTurki
{{ImperialIstana palaceskekaisaran indi TurkeyTurki}}
{{MuseumsMuseum indi Istanbul}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Dolmabahce Palace}}
[[Kategori:Bangunan dan struktur yang selesai tahun 1856]]
[[Category:Ottoman palaces in Istanbul]]
[[Category:Museums in Istanbul]]
[[Category:Garabet Amira Balyan buildings]]
[[Category:Nigoğayos Balyan buildings]]
[[Category:Houses completed in 1856]]
[[Category:Government of the Ottoman Empire]]
[[Category:Mustafa Kemal Atatürk]]
[[Category:Baroque Revival architecture in Turkey]]
[[Category:Landmarks in Turkey]]
[[Category:Presidential palaces in Turkey]]
[[Category:Historic house museums in Turkey]]
[[Category:Dolmabahçe Palace| ]]