Universitas Roma Tre: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(10 revisi perantara oleh 3 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 3:
| native_name = Università degli Studi Roma Tre
| latin_name =
| image_name = UniversityUniversität RomaRom TreIII logo.svg
| image_size = 200px
| motto =
| mottoeng =
| established = 1992
| type = [[Universitas negeri|Negeri]]
| endowment = € 263.8 [[million]]juta (2012)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.uniroma3.it/page.php?page=Bilanci_(|title=Roma Tre University – Financial Resources}}</ref>
| staff = 1,.370
| rector = Prof. Luca Pietromarchi
| students = 35.338
| students = 35,338<ref name="MIUR">[http://anagrafe.miur.it/cerca.php?misure%5B%5D=iscr&filtra-anno-accademico=2011&filtra-tipo-laurea=LTLVTULSLM&filtra-area=&filtra-classe=&filtra-regione-univ=12&filtra-universita=A7&filtra-facolta=&filtra-regione-sede=&filtra-provincia-sede=&filtra-comune-sede=&filtra-cittadinanza=&filtra-tipo-nazionalita=&filtra-regione-res=&filtra-provincia-res=&filtra-tipo-diploma=&filtra-fascia-voto-diploma=&filtra-anno-diploma=&filtra-fascia-eta=&filtra-sesso=&filtra-anno-corso=&filtra-parola-chiave=&module=Anagrafe&action=Risultati&gruppo%5B%5D=anno-accademico&gruppo%5B%5D=universita&gruppo%5B%5D=classe&gruppi_js=anno-accademico%3Auniversita%3Aclasse "Osservatorio - Didattica studenti" sul sito del] [[MIUR]]</ref>
| undergrad =
| postgrad =
| doctoral =
| city = [[Roma]]
| country = [[Italia]]
| country = [[Italia]]<ref name=cia>{{cite web|url=https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/appendix/appendix-b.html|title=Appendix B. International Organizations and Groups. |work=[[World Factbook]].|author=CIA|year=2008|accessdate=10 April 2008}}</ref>
| coor = {{coord|41|51|43|N|12|28|47|E|region:IT_type:edu|display=inline,title}}
| campus =
| colors = Biru {{color box|#000F99}}<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.uniroma3.it/page.php?page=Identita_|title=Roma Tre University – Identity Guidelines}}</ref>
| athletics = [http://r3sport.uniroma3.it R3 Sport]<ref name="R3 Sport">{{cite web|url=http://r3sport.uniroma3.it/default.aspx|title=R3 Sport|access-date=2019-04-22|archive-date=2012-09-15|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120915021855/http://r3sport.uniroma3.it/default.aspx|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
| athletics_nickname = Levrieri
| mascot = [[Levriero Italiano]]
| affiliations = [[CINECA]]<br/>[[European University Association|EUA]]<br/>[[Honors Center of Italian Universities|H2CU]]<br/>[[ICoN (consortium)|ICoN]]<br/>[[Institutional Network of the Universities from the Capitals of Europe|UNICA]]<br />[[Mediterranean University Union|UNIMED]]<br/>[[European Network of Universities for the Implementation of the European Landscape Convention|UNISCAPE]]
| website = [[http://www.uniroma3.it/ www.uniroma3.it]]
'''Universitas Roma Tre University'''<ref name=uniName>[http://www.uniroma3.it/en2/ Uniroma3.it] {{Webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110515034437/http://www.uniroma3.it/en2/ |date=2011-05-15 }}.</ref> ({{lang-it|Università degli Studi Roma Tre}}) is an Italianadalah [[publicuniversitas research universitynegeri]] locatedriset yang berlokasi indi [[RomeRoma]], [[ItalyItalia]], withdengan itskampus mainutamanya campusterletak situated in thedi [[Ostiense]] quarter.
|Universitas studentstersebut didirikan pada tahun 1992 =oleh 35Kementerian Pendidikan Italia, berdasar permintaan beberapa profesor dari Universitas Roma La Sapienza. Universitas ini terdiri dari 8 sekolah dan 12 departemen, mendaftarkan 35.338 siswa<ref name="MIUR">[http://anagrafe.miur.it/cerca.php?misure%5B%5D=iscr&filtra-anno-accademico=2011&filtra-tipo-laurea=LTLVTULSLM&filtra-area=&filtra-classe=&filtra-regione-univ=12&filtra-universita=A7&filtra-facolta=&filtra-regione-sede=&filtra-provincia-sede=&filtra-comune-sede=&filtra-cittadinanza=&filtra-tipo-nazionalita=&filtra-regione-res=&filtra-provincia-res=&filtra-tipo-diploma=&filtra-fascia-voto-diploma=&filtra-anno-diploma=&filtra-fascia-eta=&filtra-sesso=&filtra-anno-corso=&filtra-parola-chiave=&module=Anagrafe&action=Risultati&gruppo%5B%5D=anno-accademico&gruppo%5B%5D=universita&gruppo%5B%5D=classe&gruppi_js=anno-accademico%3Auniversita%3Aclasse "Osservatorio - Didattica studenti" sul sito del] [[MIUR]]</ref> dan memiliki 1.370 staf akademik dan profesional.
Founded in 1992 by the [[Ministry of Public Education (Italy)|Ministry of Public Education]], under the request of several professors of the [[Sapienza University of Rome]], it was the third public university to be established in the metropolitan area of Rome. The university comprises 8 schools and 12 departments, enrolling 35,338 students<ref name="MIUR"/> and having 1,370 academic and professional staff. At present, the university offers 54 [[undergraduate degree]] programs, 75 [[master's degree]] programs, 16 doctoral schools and five PhD programs. It is the second-largest university of Rome by enrollment and one of the largest research-based institutions in the country.
Saat ini, universitas menawarkan 54 program sarjana, 75 program magister, 16 sekolah doktoral dan lima program PhD. Ini adalah universitas Roma terbesar kedua dengan pendaftaran dan salah satu lembaga berbasis penelitian terbesar di negara ini.
The idea of founding a third university in Rome was flagged in the middle 1980s when the [[Ministry of Public Education (Italy)|Ministry of Public Education]] formed a committee of inquiry into higher education to deal with a perceived emergency in university enrollments in Rome. After much debate, a future campus location was selected in what was a semi-industrial part of the city and it was decided that the future university be named with a number in chronological order. Roma Tre University, was formally established in 1992 under the name Terza Università degli Studi di Roma (Third University of Rome). One of the milestones for Roma Tre, since its foundation, as well as a guideline for its development, was its incorporation in the surrounding area, characterised by the reclamation of old buildings and school premises, transformed into facilities for study and research.
Pada saat ini, universitas Roma Tre menawarkan 54 program sarjana, 75 program magister, 16 sekolah spesialisas dan lima program doktoral. Universitas ini adalah universitas Roma kedua terbesar dengan pendaftaran siswa dan salah satu lembaga penelitian terbesar di Italia. Universitas ini memiliki anggaran sekitar € 263.8 juta (2012)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.uniroma3.it/page.php?page=Bilanci_(|title=Roma Tre University – Financial Resources|access-date=2019-04-22|archive-date=2016-03-03|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160303232453/http://www.uniroma3.it/page.php?page=Bilanci_(|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
[[Pope Francis]] visited the University, Rome's youngest, on February 17, 2017.<ref>http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/events/event.dir.html/content/vaticanevents/it/2017/2/17/universita-romatre.html</ref>
Warna universitas adalah biru,<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.uniroma3.it/page.php?page=Identita_|title=Roma Tre University – Identity Guidelines}}</ref> dan universitas tersebut memiliki tim olahraga bernama R3 Sport<ref name="R3 Sport">{{cite web|url=http://r3sport.uniroma3.it/default.aspx|title=R3 Sport|access-date=2019-04-22|archive-date=2012-09-15|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20120915021855/http://r3sport.uniroma3.it/default.aspx|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
== Sejarah ==
Rencana untuk mendirikan universitas ketiga di Roma disarankan pada pertengahan 1980-an ketika Kementerian Pendidikan Italia membentuk komite pendidikan tinggi untuk memecahkan masalah pendaftaran mahasiswa di Roma. Setelah banyak diskusi, disetujukan bahwa kampus untuk universitas baru akan dibangun di dekat kota dan universitas masa depan akan diberi nama nomor dengan urutan kronologis. Universitas Roma Tre, secara resmi didirikan pada tahun 1992 dengan nama Terza Università degli Studi di Roma (Universitas Ketiga Roma).
[[PopePaus Francis]] visitedmengunjungi the UniversityUniversitas, Rome'syang youngest,termuda ondi FebruaryRoma, pada 17, Februari 2017.<ref>http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/events/event.dir.html/content/vaticanevents/it/2017/2/17/universita-romatre.html</ref>
== Lihat juga ==
* [[Daftar perguruan tinggi di Italia]]
== Referensi ==
Baris 42 ⟶ 53:
* [http://www.uniroma3.it/ Situs resmi {{PAGENAME}}]
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{{Universitas di Italia |state=autocollapse}}
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[[Kategori:Perguruan tinggi di Roma]]