#redirect [[Maria Hertogh]]
'''Tragedi Nadra''' atau '''Kerusuhan Maria Hertogh''' adalah kerusuhan yang terjadi pada tanggal [[11 Desember|11]]-[[13 Desember]] [[1950]] di [[Singapura]] yang dipicu karena perebutan hak asuh seorang perempuan keturunan [[Belanda]] bernama '''Maria Huberdina Hertogh''' berdarah [[Jawa]]-[[Melayu]]-[[Inggris]]. Akibat dari kerusuhan tersebut, sebanyak 18 orang tewas dan 173 orang luka parah.
== Buku ==
* [http://books.google.co.id/books?id=I0g-IEoOzU4C&printsec=frontcover&dq=isbn:9791141606&hl=id&sa=X&ei=av_1Uv_fL8WrrAfE3oCwCw&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Tragedi Nadra karya Isa Kamari]
== Referensi ==
* {{cite book|author=Tom Earnes Hughes|title=Tangled Worlds: The Story of Maria Hertogh|publisher=Institute of Southeast Asian Studies|year=1980|isbn=9971-902-12-5}}
* {{cite book|author=Haja Maideen|title=The Nadra Tragedy|publisher=Pelanduk Publications|year=2000|isbn=967-978-287-5}}
* {{cite web|title=The Maria Hertogh Riots (11 Dec 1950)|work=Ministry of Education, National Education|url=http://www.moe.gov.sg/ne/sgstory/mariahertogh.htm|accessdate=October 19, 2005 |archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20051025162203/http://www.moe.gov.sg/ne/sgstory/mariahertogh.htm <!-- Bot retrieved archive --> |archivedate = October 25, 2005}}''broken URL''
* Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied, ''Colonialism, Violence and Muslims in Southeast Asia: The Maria Hertogh Controversy and Its Aftermath'', London: Routledge, 2009.
* {{cite web|title=Maria Hertogh Riots|work=National Library Board}}http://infopedia.nl.sg/articles/SIP_83_2005-02-02.html
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q51daa9HZ-M Youtube Story of a Nation - Maria Hertogh]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI8fxB7LRbc&feature=related Youtube Message from Maria Hertogh a.k.a. Nadra]
* [http://e.nst.com.my/nst/articles/TheyloveGrandmaNatrah__8217_s__8216_family__8217_/Article/] visit by Hertogh's grandchildren to Malaysia to find out more about their grandmother as reported in the New Straits Times
== Bacaan lebih lanjut ==
{{Library resources box
* [http://ourstory.asia1.com.sg/independence/lifeline/maria.html Torn Between Two Worlds] at "Headlines, Lifelines" website of the National Educational Multimedia kit for schools (c) Singapore Press Holdings. First published in ''150 years of the Straits Times (15 July 1845-1995)''.
* In Dutch language, an ''Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau'' [http://www.anpfotoarchief.nl/swf/nieuwsbrief4/anpmovie28022006_2.html photo archive ''Flash'' slideshow] of select news photos of the events published in Holland
* Maria Hertogh, returned to Malaysia in 1999 aged 63, for a Dutch TV documentary [http://www.nrc.nl/W2/Nieuws/1999/01/22/Rtv/02.html ''De Affaire'']
* Singapore Media Development Authority and Christopher Chew's [http://www.mda.gov.sg/wms.www/thenewsdesk.aspx?sid=714 Monsoon Pictures Pte Ltd] are developing an English language film ''"The Jungle Girl"'' aka ''"Nadra''(period drama)" with screenwriter [http://www.binger.nl/site/index/film-makers/personal/115?letter=L Sarah Lambert], Lantern Pictures, Australia.
[[Kategori:Sejarah Singapura]]