Agama menurut jumlah penganut: Perbedaan antara revisi

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(125 revisi perantara oleh 35 pengguna tidak ditampilkan)
Baris 1:
{{bar box|title=Penganut agama di dunia pada 2020<ref name="Pew">{{Cite web|url=|title=Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050|publisher=Pew Research Center|date=2 April 2015|access-date=5 May 2020|archive-date=15 June 2020|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>|titlebar=#ddd|left1='''Agama'''|right1='''Persentase'''|float=right|bars={{bar percent|Kristen|#007FFF|31.11}}
{{ref improve}}{{update}}
{{bar percent|Islam|#009900|22.90}}
Berikut ini adalah [[demografi]] jumlah penganut [[agama]] di dunia, berdasarkan benua, [[negara]] dan kawasan tertentu. Daftar ini tidak memuat jumlah [[denominasi agama]] (seperti Islam Sunni, Islam Syiah, Islam Ahmadiyah, Kristen Katolik, Kristen Protestan, Kristen Orthodoks).
{{bar percent|Tidak terafiliasi|#848482|15.58}}
{{bar percent|Hindu|#FF7F00|15.16}}
== Perkiraan jumlah penganut pada tahun 2020 ==
{{bar percent|Buddha|#FFFF00|6.62}}
{{bar box
{{bar percent|Agama lokal|#ED2939|5.61}}
|title=Ukuran Kelompok-kelompok Agama Utama, 2020
{{bar percent|Lainnya|#808080|2.79}}}}
Berikut ini adalah [[demografi]] jumlah penganut [[agama]] di dunia, berdasarkan benua, [[negara]] dan kawasan tertentu. Daftar ini tidak memuat jumlah [[denominasi agama]] (seperti Kristen Katolik, Islam Sunni, Kristen Protestan, Islam Syiah, Kristen Ortodoks, Islam Ahmadiyah, dan lain lain).
{{bar percent|Kristen dan Katolik |#007FFF|33.5}}
{{bar percent|Islam|#009900|24.2}}
{{bar percent|Hindu|#FF7F00|16.5}}
{{bar percent|Tidak berafiliasi|#848482|15.8}}
{{bar percent|Buddha|#FFFF00|7}}
{{bar percent|Tionghoa|#ED2939|5.7}}
{{bar percent|Lain|#808080|0.8}}
|caption=Pew Research Center, 2020<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=The Global Religious Landscape |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |date=18 December 2012 |work=The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life |publisher=Pew Research center |accessdate=18 March 2013}}</ref>
[[|]] mengatakan bahwa ''"Ukuran yang ditunjukkan adalah '''perkiraan kasar''', dan di sini terutama bertujuan mengurutkan kelompok-kelompok, bukan menyediakan angka pasti"''.<ref name="">{{cite web | title=Major Religions of the World Ranked by Number of Adherents | url= | website=[[|]] | year=2005 | accessdate=19 Jun 2010}}</ref>
== Perkiraan pada 2020 ==
[[Berkas:Prevailing_religious_population_by_country_percentage.svg|ka|jmpl|400x400px|Populasi umat beragama di dunia]]
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Agama
! Pemeluk agama
! Presentase
| [[Kristen]]
| align="right" |{{val|2.513|u=miliar}}
|align="right"| {{val|2.5|u=milyar}}<ref name="Global Christianity"></ref>||align="right"| {{val|33.5|u=%}}
| align="right" |{{val|32.11|u=%}}<ref name="Pew" />
| [[Islam]]
| align="right" |{{val|1.864|u=miliar}}
|align="right"| {{val|1.8|u=milyar}}<ref name="pewmuslim4"></ref>||align="right"| {{val|24.2|u=%}}
| align="right" |{{val|24.52|u=%}}<ref name="Pew" />
|[[Sekuler]]{{efn|Data ini memuat '''sekuler''' serta ''penganut '[[sinkretisme]] ''', meskipun sinkretisme diperdebatkan oleh beberapa pihak.}}/[[Tidak beragama]]{{efn|Tidak beragama yang dimaksud meliputi agnostik, ateis, humanis sekuler, dan orang-orang yang menjawab "tidak" dalam survei. Sebagian kelompok ini percaya tuhan tetapi tidak memiliki preferensi agama/kepercayaan.<ref name="">[] (archived from [ the original] on 29 February 2020)<!-- as of 18 April 2020, this URL apears to have expired, been reassigned, or been hinacked by a lending organization --></ref> Menurut penelitian pada 2012 oleh Gallup International, "59% populasi dunia mengatakan bahwa mereka merasa beragama, 23% merasa tidak beragama, dan 13% merasa mereka ateis".<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Global Index of Religion and Atheism: Press Release |access-date=1 July 2015 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=16 October 2012 }}</ref>}}/[[Agnostisisme|Anostik]]/[[Ateisme|Ateis]]
| [[Hindu]]
| align="right"| |{{val|1.2193|u=milyarmiliar}}
|| align="right"| |{{val|1615.518|u=%}}
| align="right" |{{val|1.161|u=miliar}}
| [[Ateis|Sekuler]]{{efn|Angka-angka ini dapat mencakup jumlah '''penganut sekular/nominal''' sebagaimana '''pemuja [[:en:syncretist|sinkretis]]''', meskipun konsep sinkretisme ini digugat oleh sejumlah orang.}}/[[:en:Nonreligious|Tidak beragama]]{{efn|Kelompok tidak beragama termasuk agnostik, ateis, humanis sekuler, dan orang yang menjawab 'tidak ada' atau tidak mempunyai preferensi agamawi. Setengah kelompok ini bersifat teistik tetapi tidak beragama.<ref name=""/> Menurut suatu studi tahun 2012 oleh Gallup International "59% dunia mengatakan mereka berpikir diri sendiri beragama, 23% berpikir tidak beragama, sedangkan 13% yakin sebagai ateis".<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Global Index of Religion and Atheism: Press Release |accessdate=1 July 2015 |deadurl=yes |archiveurl= |archivedate=16 October 2012 |df= }}</ref>}}/[[Agnostikisme|Agnostik]]/[[Ateisme|Ateis]]
|align="right"| {{val|1.1|u=milyar}}|| align="right" | {{val|15.816|u=%}}
| [[Buddha]]
| align="right"| |{{val|521506|u=juta}}
|| align="right"| |{{val|75.06|u=%}}
| [[AgamaKepercayaan tradisional Tionghoa]]{{efn|AgamaKepercayaan tradisional Tionghoa dijabarkanyang sebagaidimaksud adalah "agamakeperayaan yang umum mayoritasditemukan di budaya Tionghoa: suatu kombinasi dari agama [[Konghucu]], [[Buddha]], dan [[Taoisme]], serta praktik dan kepercayaan tak tertulis/lokal tradisional."}}
| align="right"| |{{val|394|u=juta}}
|| align="right"| |{{val|5.50|u=%}}
| [[Agama etnis]] yang tidak termasuk sejumlah agama tertentu
| align="right"| |{{val|300|u=juta}}
|| align="right"| |{{val|4.193|u=%}}
| [[Agama tradisional Afrika]]
| align="right" |{{val|100|u=juta}}<ref>{{cite book|last=Lugira|first=Aloysius M.|date=2009|url=|title=African Traditional Religions|location=New York|publisher=Chealsea House|isbn=9781604131031|page=[ 36]|url-access=limited}} Cited in {{cite book|last=Varghese|first=Roy Abraham|date=2011|url=|title=Christ Connection: How the World Religions Prepared the Way for the Phenomenon of Jesus|publisher=Paraclete Press|isbn=9781557258397|page=1935|access-date=24 March 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=10 October 2020|url-status=live}}</ref>
|align="right"| {{val|100|u=juta}}||align="right"| {{val|1.40|u=%}}
| align="right" |{{val|1.2|u=%}}
| [[Sikhisme]]
| align="right"| |{{val|3026|u=juta}}
|| align="right"| |{{val|0.3230|u=%}}
| [[Spiritisme]]
| align="right"| |{{val|15|u=juta}}
|| align="right"| |{{val|0.2119|u=%}}
| [[Yudaisme]]
| align="right"| |{{val|14.7|u=juta}}<ref name="jdb" />
|| align="right"| |{{val|0.2018|u=%}}
| [[Bahá'íBaháʼí]]
| align="right" |{{val|5.0|u=juta}}<ref>{{Cite web|title=Statistics {{!}} Bahá'í World News Service (BWNS)|url=|website=Bahá’í World News Service|language=en|access-date=2020-11-06}}</ref>
|align="right"| {{val|7.0|u=juta}}||align="right"| {{val|0.10|u=%}}
| align="right" |{{val|0.07|u=%}}
| [[Jainisme]]
| align="right"| |{{val|4.2|u=juta}}
|| align="right"| |{{val|0.0605|u=%}}
| [[Shinto]]
| align="right"| |{{val|4.0|u=juta}}
|| align="right"| |{{val|0.0605|u=%}}
| [[Cao Dai]]
| align="right"| |{{val|4.0|u=juta}} |
| align="right"| |{{val|0.0605|u=%}}
| [[Zoroastrianisme]]
| align="right"| |{{val|2.6|u=juta}} |
| align="right"| |{{val|0.0403|u=%}}
| [[Tenrikyo]]
| align="right"| |{{val|2.0|u=juta}} |
| align="right"| |{{val|0.02|u=%}}
| [[Neo-PaganismeAnimisme]]
| align="right" | {{val|1.09|u=juta}}
| ||align="right"| |{{val|0.0102|u=%}}
|[[Paganisme Modern|Paganisme modern]]
| [[Unitarian Universalisme]]
| align="right"| |{{val|01.80|u=juta}} |
| align="right"| |{{val|0.01|u=%}}
|[[Unitarian Universalisme]]
| [[Rastafari]]
| align="right"| |{{val|0.68|u=juta}} |
| align="right"| |{{val|0.01|u=%}}
| align="right" |{{val|0.6|u=juta}}
| align="right" |{{val|0.007|u=%}}
! Total
!align="right"| {{val|7.500|u=milyar}} || {{val|100|u=%}}
! align="right" |{{val|7.79|u=miliar}}
=== Berdasarkan BenuaCatatan ===
<table border="1" class="wikitable">
<caption> '''Populasi Penduduk Dunia Berdasarkan Agama (2005)''' </caption>
<th> Benua </th>
<th> Total populasi </th>
<th> Kristen dan Katolik </th>
<th> Islam </th>
<th> Hindu </th>
<th> Buddha </th>
<th> Yahudi </th></tr>
<td align="center"> [[Afrika]] </td>
<td align="right"> 885.100.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 375.800.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 401.975.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 2.013.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 85.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 117.000 </td>
<td align="center"> [[Asia]] </td>
<td align="right"> 3.903.420.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 330.400.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 1.023.560.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 936.975.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 699.320.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 5.107.000 </td>
<td align="center"> [[Amerika]]</td>
<td align="right"> 883.197.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 754.000.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 6.230.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 2.481.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 3.610.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 6.956.000 </td>
<td align="center"> [[Eropa]] </td>
<td align="right"> 728.571.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 605.000.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 44.090.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 2.023.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 1.796.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 2.319.000 </td>
<td align="center"> [[Australia]] </td>
<td align="right"> 30.564.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 23.000.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 373.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 411.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 436.000 </td>
<td align="right"> 96.000 </td>
<th align="center"> Total (Presentase) </th>
<th align="right"> 6.430.852.000 (100%) </th>
<th align="right"> (32.5%) </th>
<th align="right"> 1.476.228.000 (23%) </th>
<th align="right"> 943.903.000 (14.7%) </th>
<th align="right"> 705.247.000 (11%) </th>
<th align="right"> 14.595.000 (0.2%) </th>
== PresentaseBerdasarkan Populasiproporsi ==
=== BuddhaKristen ===
'''Negara dan teritori dengan proporsi penganut [[Kristen]] terbanyak ({{As of|2010|lc=on}}):'''
# {{flagcountry|Cambodia}} 96.9%<ref>[ Buddhists].</ref>
[[Berkas:Christianity_percent_population_in_each_nation_World_Map_Christian_data_by_Pew_Research.svg|jmpl|[[Kristen menurut negara|Populasi pemeluk Kristen menurut negara]] pada Juni 2014.]]
# {{flagcountry|Thailand}} 93.2%
# {{flagcountry|Burma}} 80.1%
# {{flag|Kota Vatikan}} 100% (100% [[Gereja Katolik Roma|Katolik Roma]])
# {{flagcountry|Bhutan}} 74.7%
# {{flag|Kepulauan Pitcairn}} 100% (100% [[Gereja Masehi Advent Hari Ketujuh|Advent Hari Ketujuh]])<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Sri Lanka}} 69.3%
# {{flag|Samoa}} ~99% (sebagian besar [[Protestanisme|Protestan]])<ref>{{cite web|title=Catholic Church|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=28 July 2017|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Laos}} 66%
# {{flag|Romania}} 99% (sebagian besar [[Gereja Ortodoks Rumania|Ortodoks Rumania]])
# {{flagcountry|Mongolia}} 55.1%
# {{flag|Timor Leste}} 99,6%<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref> (sebagian besar Katolik Roma)
# {{flagcountry|Japan}} 36.2% or 67%
# {{flag|Armenia}} 98,5% (96% [[Gereja Apostolik Armenia|Apostolik Armenia]])
# {{flagcountry|Singapore}} 33.9%
# {{flag|Samoa Amerika}} 98,3% (sebagian besar Protestan)<ref>{{cite web|title=The Association of Religion Data Archives – National Profiles|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=29 September 2018|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|South Korea}} 22.9%
# {{flag|Malta}} 98,1%<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=24 December 2018|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref> (sebagian besar Katolik Roma)
# {{flag|Venezuela}} 98%<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref> (71% Katolik Roma)
# {{flag|Yunani}} 98% <ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref> (95% [[Gereja Ortodoks Yunani|Ortodoks Yunani]])
# {{flag|Kepulauan Marshall}} 97,2% (sebagian besar Protestan)<ref>{{cite web|title=Marshall Islands|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Tonga}} 97,2% (sebagian besar Protestan)<ref>{{cite web|title=2006 Tonga Census|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=11 August 2011|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|San Marino}} 97%<ref>{{cite web|title=San Marino|url=|work=International Religious Freedom Report 2006|publisher=US Department of State: Diplomacy in Action|archive-url=|archive-date=5 September 2019|access-date=16 August 2012|url-status=live}}</ref> (~97% Katolik Roma)
# {{flag|Paraguay}} 96,9%<ref>{{cite web|title=US Department of State – Paraguay – International Religious Freedom Report 2005|url=|archive-url=|archive-date=5 September 2019|access-date=3 June 2007|url-status=live}}</ref> (sebagian besar Katolik Roma)
# {{flag|El Salvador}} 96,4% (sebagian besar Katolik Roma)<ref>{{cite web|title=The Association of Religion Data Archives – National Profiles|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=28 August 2017|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Kiribati}} 96% (sebagian besar Protestan)<ref>{{cite web|title=Kiribati|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Federasi Mikronesia}} ~96% (sebagian besar Protestan)<ref>{{cite web|title=Micronesia, Federated States of|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Barbados}} 95,1% (sebagian besar Protestan)<ref>{{cite web|title=Barbados|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Papua Nugini}} 94,8% (sebagian besar Protestan)<ref>{{cite web|title=Papua New Guinea, Religion and Social Profile – National Profiles – International Data|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=24 July 2017|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Meksiko}} 94,6% (sebagian besar Katolik Roma)
# {{flag|Peru}} 94,51% <ref>{{Cite web|title=References :: Definitions and Notes — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=26 December 2018|access-date=25 January 2020|url-status=live}}</ref>(sebagian besar Katolik Roma)
=== Islam ===
{{see also|Dunia Islam}}
[[Berkas:Muslim Percent Population.svg|550px|jmpl|'''Peta Penduduk Muslim''']]
'''Negara dengan proporsi populasi beragama [[Islam]] terbesar ({{As of|2010|lc=on}}) (data dalam kurung merupakan data tanpa pekerja pendatang):'''
# {{flagcountry|Saudi Arabia}} 100 %<ref>{{cite web |url= |title=Populasi Muslim |access-date=2015-12-14 |archive-date=2012-02-05 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Maldives}} 100%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Muslim Maladewa|access-date=2015-12-14|archive-date=2017-07-01|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
Data berdasarkan Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life <ref name="auto1">{{cite book|date=October 2009|url=|title=Mapping the Global Muslim Population: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World's Muslim Population|publisher=Pew Research Center|editor-last=Miller|editor-first=Tracy|access-date=30 May 2019|archive-url=|archive-date=5 August 2010|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Mauritania}} 100%
[[Berkas:Islam_percent_population_in_each_nation_World_Map_Muslim_data_by_Pew_Research.svg|jmpl|Persentase pemeluk agama Islam menurut negara, 2020.|550x550px]]
# {{flagcountry|Somalia}} 99.8%
# {{flagcountry|Afghanistan}} ~99%
# {{flag|Mauritania}} 100%<ref>{{Cite web|date=6 October 2021|title=Mauritania|url=}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Yemen}} 99.1%
# {{flag|Maladewa}} 100%<ref>{{Cite web|title=Maldives population (2021) live — Countrymeters|url=}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Morocco}} 98.7%
# {{flag|Somalia}} ~100%<ref>{{Cite web|title=Religions in Somalia &#124; PEW-GRF|url=}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Algeria}} 98.3%
# {{flagicon|Palestina}} [[Palestina]] 99,9%<ref>{{Cite web|title=Palestine Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)|url=}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Komoro}} 98.3%
# {{flag|Maroko}} 99,9% <ref>{{Cite web|title=Islam in Morocco - Islam Today and Other Religions &#124; Travel Blog &#124; About Us &#124; Naturally Morocco|url=}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Iran}} 98%
# {{flag|Yaman}} 99,8% (65% [[Sunni]], 33,5% [[Zaidiyah|Zaydiyah]], dan 1,5% [[Ismailiyah]]) <ref name="auto1" />
# {{flagcountry|Irak}} 95%-98%<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Afghanistan}} 99,7%<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref> (90% Sunni dan 10% Syiah)<ref name="auto1" />
# {{flagcountry|Azerbaijan}} 96.9%
# {{flag|Iran}} 99,6% (95% [[Syiah]], 5% Sunni)<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Tajikistan}} 96.7%
# {{flagcountryflag|LibyaTunisia}} 96.699,5%
# {{flag|Azerbaijan}} 99,2% (Syiah)<ref name="auto1" />
# {{flagcountry|Pakistan}} 96.4%
# {{flag|Irak}} 99% (67% Syiah, 33% Sunni)<ref name="auto1" />
# {{flagcountry|Gambia}} 95.3%
# {{flag|Niger}} 99% (sebagian besar Sunni)<ref name="auto1" />
# {{flagcountry|Yordania}} 93.8%
# {{flag|Turki}} 98,6% (85% Suni, 15% Syiah)<ref></ref>
# {{flagcountry|Turkmenistan}} 93.3%
# {{flag|Komoro}} 98,3% <ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Uzbekistan}} 92%
# {{flagcountryflag|KirgistanAljazair}} 89.498%
# {{flag|Arab Saudi}} 97,2% (90% Suni, 10% Syiah)<ref name="auto1" />
# {{flag|Sudan}} 97% <ref>{{Cite web|title=North Sudanese Culture - Religion|url=}}</ref>
# {{flag|Jibuti}} 96,9% <ref name="auto1" />
# {{flag|Libya}} 96,6% <ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
# {{flag|Pakistan}} 96,4% (85% Suni 12% Syiah 3% Lainnya) <ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
# {{flag|Bangladesh}} 90,4% <ref></ref>
# {{flag|Mesir}} 89,3% <ref>{{Cite web|title=Egypt Round 6 Data (2016) &#124; Afrobarometer|url=|access-date=2021-10-26|archive-date=2020-10-22|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
# {{flag|Indonesia}} 86,7% <ref name="RELIGION">{{cite web|date=15 May 2018|title=Statistik Umat Menurut Agama di Indonesia|url=|publisher=[[Ministry of Religious Affairs (Indonesia)|Ministry of Religious Affairs]]|language=id|archive-url=|archive-date=3 September 2020|access-date=24 September 2020}}</ref>
# {{flag|Malaysia}} 61,3%
# {{flag|Nigeria}} 53,5%
# {{flag|Etiopia}} 41%
# {{flag|India}} 14,4%
=== Tidak beragama dan ateis ===
{{See also|Populasi umat tak beragama menurut negara}}
'''Negara dengan proporsi terbesar orang tanpa agama (termasuk agnostik dan ateis) dari [[Populasi umat tak beragama menurut negara|tidak beragama menurut negara]] ({{As of|2020|lc=on}}):'''<ref name="Pew Research Center">{{cite web|author=Pew Research Center|date=10 November 2020|title=Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050|url=|access-date=2021-10-26|archive-date=2020-11-11|archive-url=|dead-url=yes}}</ref>
[[Berkas:Countries_by_percentage_of_Unaffiliated–Pew_Research_2010.svg|jmpl|550x550px|[[Populasi umat tak beragama menurut negara]] pada 2010.<ref>{{Cite web|date=2 April 2015|title=Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050|url=|website=Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project|language=en-US|archive-url=|archive-date=15 February 2019|access-date=27 April 2020|url-status=live}}</ref>]]
# {{flag|Republik Ceko}} (78,4%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Korea Utara}} (71,3%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Estonia}} (60,2%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Jepang}} (60%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Hong Kong}} (54,7%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Tiongkok}} (51,8%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Korea Selatan}} (46,6%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Latvia}} (45,3%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Belanda}} (44,3%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Uruguay}} (41,5%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{Flag|Selandia Baru}} (39,6%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Mongolia}} (36,5%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{Flag|Spanyol}} (35,5%)<ref>[[Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas|CIS]].[ "Fusión de Barómetros de Septiembre a Diciembre de 2020"], 13,498 respondents. The question was "¿Cómo se define Ud. en materia religiosa: católico/a practicante, católico/a no practicante, creyente de otra religión, agnóstico/a, indiferente o no creyente, o ateo/a?".</ref>
# {{flag|Prancis}} (31,9%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Britania Raya}} (31,2%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Belgia}} (31%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Vietnam}} (29,9%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Swedia}} (29%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Australia}} (28,6%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Belarusia}} (28,6%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Amerika Serikat}} (28%)<ref name="Pew2020">{{cite web|date=14 January 2021|title=Measuring Religion in Pew Research Center's American Trends Panel|url=|website=Measuring Religion in Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel &#124; Pew Research Center|publisher=Pew Research Center|archive-url=|archive-date=8 February 2021|access-date=9 February 2021|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Luksemburg}} (26,7%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Jerman}} (26,3%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Kanada}} (23,9%)<ref name="religion2011d">{{cite web|date=8 May 2013|title=Religions in Canada — Census 2011|url=|publisher=Statistics Canada}}</ref>
# {{flag|Kuba}} (23,2%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Swiss}} (22,8%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Finlandia}} (20,8%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Hungaria}} (20%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
# {{flag|Slovenia}} (18,8%)<ref name="Pew Research Center"/>
'''Keterangan:''' Diberi peringkat berdasarkan perkiraan rata-rata yang ada di dalam tanda kurung. Tidak beragama termasuk agnostik, ateis, penganut sekuler, dan orang-orang yang tidak memiliki kepatuhan agama formal. Itu tidak berarti bahwa anggota kelompok ini tidak menganut agama apa pun. Beberapa agama telah selaras dengan budaya lokal dan dapat dilihat sebagai latar belakang budaya daripada agama formal. Selain itu, praktik secara resmi menyatukan keluarga atau rumah tangga dengan lembaga keagamaan sementara tidak menjalankan agama yang berafiliasi secara formal adalah hal yang umum di banyak negara. Jadi, lebih dari separuh kelompok ini adalah teistik dan/atau dipengaruhi oleh prinsip-prinsip agama, tetapi tidak beragama/tidak mempraktekkan dan bukan ateis atau agnostik sejati.<ref name="" /> Lihat ''[[Spiritual tetapi tidak religius]]''.
=== Hindu ===
'''Negara dengan proporsi [[Hindu]] ({{As of|2010|lc=on}}):'''
# {{flagcountry|Nepal}} 81.3%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title= World Factbook}}</ref>
[[Berkas:Countries_by_percentage_of_adherents_to_Hinduism.svg|jmpl|550x550px|Populasi penganut Agama Hindu berdasarkan negara.]]
# {{flagcountry|India}} 80.5%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=India Hindu}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Mauritius}} 54%
# {{flagcountry|Fiji}} 33.7%<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=StatsFiji |access-date=2015-12-14 |archive-date=2008-09-16 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Bhutan}} 25%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Sensus Hindu}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Suriname}} 22.3%
# {{flagcountry|Trinidad and Tobago}} 18.2%
# {{flagcountry|United Arab Emirates}} 15%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Uni Emirat Arab}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Sri Lanka}} 12.6%
# {{flagcountry|Kuwait}} 12%
# {{flag|Nepal}} 81,3%<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
=== Kristen ===
# {{flag|India}} 79,8%<ref>{{cite web|title=C-1 Population By Religious Community|url=|publisher=[[Census of India]]|archive-url=|archive-date=13 September 2015|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Vatican City}} 100%
# {{flag|Mauritius}} 48,54%<ref>{{cite book|last=Dostert|first=Pierre Etienne|date=1997|title=Africa 1997|location=Harpers Ferry, West Virginia|publisher=Stryker-Post Publications|series=The World Today Series|page=162}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Pitcairn Islands}} 100%
# {{flag|Fiji}} 27,9%<ref>{{Cite web|title=Australia - Oceania :: Fiji — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency|url=||access-date=19 April 2010}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Samoa}} ~99%
# {{flag|Bhutan}} 25%<ref name="">{{cite web|title=Bhutan|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Romania}} 99%
# {{flag|Guyana}} 24,8%<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|American Samoa}} 98.3%
# {{flag|Suriname}} 22,3%<ref>{{cite web|title=Suriname|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Malta}} 98.1%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=CIA.GOV}}</ref>
# {{flag|Trinidad dan Tobago}} 18,2%<ref name="cso_gov_tt">{{cite web|title=Trinidad and Tobago 2011 Population and Housing Census Demographic Report|url=|publisher=Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development Central Statistical Office|archive-url=|archive-date=2 May 2013|access-date=8 June 2013|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Venezuela}} 98%
# {{flag|Uni Emirat Arab}} 15%<ref>{{cite web|title=United Arab Emirates International Religious Freedom Report|url=|publisher=Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor|archive-url=|archive-date=23 November 2010|access-date=12 January 2011|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Greece}} 98%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The World Factbook|publisher=The World Factbook}}</ref>
# {{flag|Sri Lanka}} 12,6%<ref name="2011census">{{cite web|title=Census of Population and Housing 2011|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=17 October 2017|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Marshall Islands}} 97.2%
# {{flag|Kuwait}} 12%<ref>{{cite web|title=Kuwait|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=10 October 2020|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Tonga}} 97.2%
# {{flag|Bangladesh}} 9,6%<ref>{{cite web|title=Bangladesh : AT A GLANCE|url=|archive-url=|archive-date=6 July 2011|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Bahrain}} 8,1%<ref>{{cite web|title=Chapter 4 : Countries of the Gulf Region|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=16 June 2015|access-date=8 November 2017|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Réunion}} 6,7%<ref>[http://www.rewesternafrica/niger.html] {{dead link|date=June 2013}}</ref>
# {{flag|Malaysia}} 6,3%<ref>{{Cite web|title=CIA – The World Factbook – Malaysia|url=|archive-url=|archive-date=13 May 2009|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Singapura}} 5,1%
# {{flag|Oman}} 3%
# {{flag|Seychelles}} 2,1%<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
# {{flag|Selandia Baru}} 2,0%<ref>{{cite encyclopedia|url=|title=Story: Diverse religions, p. 2: Hindus|access-date=1 July 2015|encyclopedia=[[Te Ara: The Encyclopedia of New Zealand]]|archive-date=26 December 2018|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Pakistan}} 1,8%
# {{flag|Indonesia}} 1,7%<ref name="Indonesia 2011 Census">{{cite web|title=Peringatan|url=|work=Sensus Penduduk 2010|publisher=Badan Pusat Statistik|archive-url=|archive-date=24 December 2018|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Britania Raya}} 1,7%<ref>{{cite web|title=CIA – The World Factbook – United Kingdom|url=||access-date=9 February 2020}}</ref>
# {{flag|Amerika Serikat}} 0,7%<ref>{{cite web|date=12 May 2015|title=America's Changing Religious Landscape|url=|publisher=[[Pew Research Center]]|archive-url=|archive-date=10 April 2019|access-date=19 June 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
=== Buddha ===
'''Negara dengan proporsi penganut Agama [[Agama Buddha|Buddha]] ({{As of|2010|lc=on}}):'''<ref name="auto">{{cite web|date=18 December 2012|title=Buddhists|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=18 April 2018|access-date=8 November 2017|url-status=live}}</ref>
[[Berkas:Buddhism_percent_population_in_each_nation_World_Map_Buddhist_data_by_Pew_Research.svg|jmpl|550x550px|Populasi penganut Agama Buddha berdasarkan negara, 2012.]]
# {{flag|Kamboja}} 96,9%
# {{flag|Thailand}} 93,2%
# {{flag|Myanmar}} 80,1%
# {{flag|Bhutan}} 74,70%
# {{flag|Sri Lanka}} 69,3%
# {{flag|Laos}} 66,0%
# {{flag|Mongolia}} 55,1%
# {{flag|Jepang}} 36,2%
# {{flag|Taiwan}} 35,1%
# {{flag|Singapura}} 33,2%
# {{flag|Korea Selatan}} 22,9%
# {{flag|Malaysia}} 19,8%
# {{flag|Tiongkok}} 18,2%
# {{flag|Makau}} 17,3%
# {{flag|Vietnam}} 16,4%
# {{flag|Hong Kong}} 13,2%
# {{flag|Nepal}} 10,3%
=== Taoisme/Konghucu/kepercayaan tradisional Tionghoa ===
# {{flag|Taiwan}} 33–80%<ref>{{cite web|title=Taiwan|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Tiongkok}} 30%<ref>{{cite web|title=Asia Sentinel – Independent news and analysis about Asia's politics, economics, culture and more|url=|work=Asia Sentinel|archive-url=|archive-date=20 August 2013|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Hong Kong}} 28%<ref name="hkstategov">{{cite web|title=China (includes Tibet, Hong Kong, Macau)|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=2 November 2009|accessdate=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Makau}} 13,9%<ref name="ReferenceA China">{{cite web|title=China (includes Tibet, Hong Kong, and Macau)|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=5 September 2019|accessdate=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Singapura}} 8,5%<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
# {{flag|Malaysia}} 2,6%<ref name="">{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}</ref>
# {{flag|Korea Selatan}} 0,2–1%<ref>{{cite web|date=12 December 2007|title=Presidential Election in South Korea Highlights Influence of Christian Community|url=|work=Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project|archive-url=|archive-date=10 March 2013|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Vietnam}}
# {{flag|Filipina}} 0,01–0,05%
# {{flag|Indonesia}} 0,05%
=== Etnis dan lokal ===
Data berikut berasal dari U.S, Department of State 2009 International Religious Freedom Report.<ref>{{cite web|title=2009 Report on International Religious Freedom|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=29 October 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Sudan Selatan}} 32,9%<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Guinea-Bissau}} 30,9%<ref>{{Cite web|title=International Religious Freedom Report for 2015|url=}}</ref>
# {{flag|Korea Utara}} 29,5%<ref>{{Cite web|title=Religion in North Korea|url=}}</ref>
# {{flag|Togo}} 35,6%<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Salinan arsip |access-date=2021-10-26 |archive-date=2021-04-15 |archive-url= |dead-url=yes }}</ref>
# {{flag|Pantai Gading}} 25%
# {{flag|Sudan}} 25%<ref>{{cite web|title=Sudan|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Benin}} 17,9%<ref>{{Cite web|title=Religions in Benin &#124; PEW-GRF|url=}}</ref>
# {{flag|Burundi}} 20%
# {{flag|Burkina Faso}} 15%
# {{flag|Afrika Selatan}} 15%<ref>{{cite web|title=South Africa|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Republik Demokratik Kongo}} 12%
# {{flag|Republik Afrika Tengah}} 10%
# {{flag|Gabon}} 10%
# {{flag|Lesotho}} 10%
# {{flag|Nigeria}} 10%
# {{flag|Sierra Leone}} 10%<ref>{{cite web|title=Sierra Leone|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Kenya}} 9%
# {{flag|Palau}} 9%<ref>{{cite web|title=Palau|url=|work=U.S. Department of State|archive-url=|archive-date=30 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Ghana}} 8,5%
# {{flag|Guinea}} 5%
=== Sikhisme ===
'''Negara dengan proporsi terbesar [[Sikhisme]]:'''
# {{flag|India}} 1,9%
# {{flag|Kanada}} 1,4%<ref>{{cite web|title=Population by religion, by province and territory (2001 Census)|url=|website=Statistics Canada|archive-url=|archive-date=14 January 2011|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Britania Raya}} 1,2%<ref>{{cite news|last=Neiyyar|first=Dil|date=25 February 2010|title=Sikhs threaten census legal fight|url=|work=BBC News|archive-url=|archive-date=26 December 2018|access-date=29 May 2010|url-status=live}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|date=10 May 2003|title=Sikhs celebrate harvest festival|url=|work=BBC News|archive-url=|archive-date=26 December 2018|access-date=2 June 2010|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Malaysia}} 0,5%<ref>{{cite web|title=Punjabis Without Punjabi|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=27 September 2011|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Selandia Baru}} 0,42%
# {{flag|Fiji}} 0,3%<ref>{{cite web|title=The World Factbook|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=28 January 2018|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Singapura}} 0,3%<ref>{{cite web|title=Religions in Singapore|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=8 November 2017|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Amerika Serikat}} 0,2%<ref>{{cite web|title=Articles that mention California|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=20 November 2009|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=ENA Homepage|url=||access-date=14 February 2015}}{{dead link|date=September 2017|bot=InternetArchiveBot|fix-attempted=yes}}</ref>
# {{flag|Australia}} 0,1%<ref>{{cite report|url=|author=Australasian Police Multicultural Advisory Bureau|title=A Practical Reference to Religious Diversity for Operational Police and Emergency Services|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=19 June 2005|edition=2nd}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=Redirect to Census data page|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=24 March 2020|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Italia}} 0,1%<ref>{{cite web|date=15 November 2004|title=Now, Sikhs do a Canada in Italy|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=7 February 2011|access-date=14 February 2015|url-status=live}}</ref>
=== Spiritisme ===
# {{flag|Kuba}} 10,3%
# {{flag|Jamaika}} 10,2%
# {{flag|Brasil}} 4,8%
# {{flag|Suriname}} 3,6%
# {{flag|Haiti}} 2,7%
# {{flag|Republik Dominika}} 2,2%
# {{flag|Bahama}} 1,9%
# {{flag|Nikaragua}} 1,5%
# {{flag|Trinidad dan Tobago}} 1,4%
# {{flag|Guyana}} 1,3%
# {{flag|Venezuela}} 1,1%
# {{flag|Kolombia}} 1,0%
# {{flag|Belize}} 1,0%
# {{flag|Honduras}} 0,9%
# {{flag|Puerto Riko}} 0,7%
# {{flag|Panama}} 0,5%
# {{flag|Islandia}} 0,5%
# {{flag|Guadeloupe}} 0,4%
# {{flag|Argentina}} 0,2%
# {{flag|Guatemala}} 0,2%
<ref>{{cite web|title=Most Spiritist Nations (2005) - QuickLists - The Association of Religion Data Archives|url=||archive-url=|archive-date=5 May 2011|access-date=8 November 2017|url-status=live}}</ref>
=== Yahudi ===
{{Main|Populasi Yahudi menurut negara}}
[[Berkas:Jewry.PNG|jmpl|550px|Peta Persebaran Yahudi]]
'''Negara dengan proporsi [[Agama Yahudi|Yahudi]] terbesar ({{As of|2017|lc=on}}):'''
[[Berkas:Percent_of_Jewish_population_by_country.svg|jmpl|550x550px|[[Populasi Yahudi menurut negara|Populasi penganut Yahudi menurut negara]] pada 2020.]]
# {{flag|Israel}} 73,6%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Israel}} 75.4%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=HaAretz News}}</ref>
# {{flag|Gibraltar}} 2,0%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Palestine}} 12–14%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Factbook}}</ref>
# {{flag|Amerika Serikat}} 1,76%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Monaco}} 2.9%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Monako}}</ref>
# {{flag|Kanada}} 1,07%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|United States}} 2.1%<ref>[ Jewish PDF]</ref>
# {{flag|Prancis}} 0,7%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Gibraltar}} 2.1%
# {{flag|Hungaria}} 0,485%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Cayman Islands}} 1.71%
# {{flag|Uruguay}} 0,483%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Netherlands Antilles}} 1.3%
# {{flag|Australia}} 0,47%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Canada}} 1.1%
# {{flag|Britania Raya}} 0,44%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|France}} 0.75%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Jewish Virtual Library}}</ref>
# {{flagcountryflag|Argentina}} 0.62,41%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flag|Kepulauan Virgin A.S.}} 0,36%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Uruguay}} 0.5%
# {{flag|Belgia}} 0,259%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Australia}} 0.5%
# {{flag|Panama}} 0,250%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Hungary}} 0.45%
# {{flag|Latvia}} 0,24%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|U.S. Virgin Islands}} 0.45%
# {{flagcountryflag|LatviaSwiss}} 0.3,22%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountryflag|GermanyBelanda}} 0.25,17%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flag|Selandia Baru}} 0,16%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Netherlands}} 0.2%
# {{flag|Estonia}} 0,154%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|New Zealand}} 0.17%
# {{flag|Bermuda}} 0,154%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Ukraine}} 0.16%
# {{flag|Swedia}} 0,152%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flagcountry|Russia}} 0.09%<ref>{{cite web|url=|title= SREDA|publisher= }}</ref>
# {{flag|Jerman}} 0,14%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flag|Afrika Selatan}} 0,124%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flag|Ukraina}} 0,124%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flag|Rusia}} 0,122%<ref name="jdb" />
# {{flag|Denmark}} 0,112%<ref name="jdb" />
=== Populasi TerbanyakJainisme ===
{{unreferenced section|date=August 2014}}
# {{flag|India}} 0,3%
=== Buddha ===
# {{flagcountryflag|ChinaSuriname}} 244.130.0000,3%
# {{flag|Fiji}} 0,2%
# {{flagcountry|Thailand}} 64.420.000
# {{flag|Kenya}} 0,2%
# {{flagcountry|Jepang}} 45.820.000
# {{flag|Nepal}} 0,1%
# {{flagcountry|Myanmar}} 38.410.000
==Berdasarkan populasi==
# {{flagcountry|Sri Lanka}} 14.450.000
# {{flagcountry|Vietnam}} 14.380.000
'''Populasi penganut agama Kristen diurutkan dari yang terbanyak''' ({{As of|2011|lc=on}}):
# {{flagcountry|Kamboja}} 13.690.000
# {{flag|Amerika Serikat}} 229.157.250<ref>{{cite web|url=|title="Nones" on the Rise|date=9 October 2012|work=Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project|access-date=14 February 2015|archive-date=25 December 2018|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref> ''([[Kristen di Amerika Serikat|detail]])''
# {{flagcountry|Korea Selatan}} 11.050.000
# {{flag|Brazil}} 169.213.130<ref>[]{{dead link|date=February 2020}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|India}} 9.250.000
# {{flag|Rusia}} 114.198.444<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Число российских атеистов снизилось на 5 процентов за три года|date=15 January 2013|access-date=14 April 2017|archive-date=18 June 2018|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Malaysia}} 5.010.000
# {{flag|Meksiko}} 106.204.560<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Religious diversity is increasing in Mexico||access-date=14 February 2015|archive-date=20 August 2017|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Nigeria}} 80.510.000<ref name="pew forum">{{cite web|url=|title=Table: Christian Population in Numbers by Country|date=19 December 2011|work=Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project|access-date=14 February 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=22 May 2013|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Filipina}} 78.790.000<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=PHILIPPINES 2012 INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM REPORT||access-date=8 November 2017|archive-date=28 March 2017|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flag|Tiongkok}} 67.070.000<ref name="pew forum"/>
# {{flag|Republik Demokratik Kongo}} 63.150.000<ref name="pew forum"/>
# {{flag|Italia}} 55.832.000
# {{flag|Etiopia}} 51.477.950
# {{flag|Jerman}} 50.752.580<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Religionen & Weltanschauungsgemeinschaften in Deutschland: Mitgliederzahlen||access-date=14 February 2015|archive-date=25 December 2018|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}</ref>
# {{flag|Kolombia}} 44.502.000
# {{flag|Ukraina}} 41.973.000
# {{flag|Afrika Selatan}} 40.243.000
# {{flag|Prancis}} 39.560.000<ref name="pew forum"/>
# {{flag|Spanyol}} 38.568.000
# {{flag|Polandia}} 36.526.000
# {{flag|Kenya}} 33.625.790
# {{flag|Argentina}} 33.497.100
# {{flag|Britania Raya}} 33.200.417
# {{flag|Uganda}} 29.943.000
# {{flag|Indonesia}} 29.008.731
# {{flag|India}} 28.436.000
# {{flag|Venezuela}} 28.340.790
# {{flag|Peru}} 27.365.100
=== Islam ===
'''Populasi penganut agama Islam diurutkan dari yang terbanyak''' (hingga 2017):
[[Berkas:Muslim population map 2009.png|jmpl|550px|Peta Negeri-Negeri Muslim.]]
# {{flag|Indonesia}} 229 juta<ref></ref> ''([[Islam di Indonesia|detail]])''
# {{flag|Pakistan}} 215 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|India}} 209 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Bangladesh}} 153 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Nigeria}} 117 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Mesir}} 87.5 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Iran}} 82 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Turki}} 80 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Etiopia}} 48 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Sudan}} 44 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Irak}} 41 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Algeria}} 39 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Moroko}} 38 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Afghanistan}} 37 juta <ref></ref>
# {{flag|Arab Saudi}} 33 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Uzbekistan}} 30 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Yaman}} 30 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Tiongkok}} 28 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Rusia}} 25 juta<ref>{{Cite web|title=Islam in Russia|url=|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=24 June 2019|access-date=17 August 2018|}}</ref>
# {{flag|Tanzania}} 22 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flag|Niger}} 22 juta<ref></ref>
# {{flagcountry|Indonesia}} 200.000.000
'''Populasi penganut agama Hindu diurutkan dari yang terbanyak''' (per 2020):<ref name=JDB>{{cite web|url=|title=The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010–2050|date=1 January 2020|publisher=Pew Research Center|access-date=22 February 2017|url-status=live|archive-url=|archive-date=22 February 2017}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Pakistan}} 180.608.292
# {{flagcountryflag|India}} 1601.945142.000378.299
# {{flagcountryflag|BangladeshNepal}} 13228.937600.800011
# {{flagcountryflag|NigeriaBangladesh}} 8014.000274.000430
# {{flagcountryflag|IranIndonesia}} 734.238640.340828
# {{flagcountryflag|EgyptPakistan}} 704.056422.000109
# {{flagcountryflag|TurkeySri Lanka}} 704.036090.838000
# {{flagcountryflag|AlgeriaAmerika Serikat}} 362.092510.810000
# {{flagcountryflag|MoroccoMalaysia}} 311.351940.800000
# {{flagcountryflag|AfghanistanUni Emirat Arab}} 301.112239.680610
# {{flagcountryflag|SudanBritania Raya}} 301.064030.180000
# {{flagcountryflag|IraqAfrika Selatan}} 29.767749.300870
# {{flagcountryflag|EthiopiaMauritius}} 28 665.120.050820
# {{flag|Myanmar}} 890.000<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The 8 Major National Ethnic Races in Myanmar|date=20 December 2007||access-date=8 November 2017|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=20 December 2007}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Saudi Arabia}} 26.624.560
# {{flag|Kanada}} 610.000
# {{flagcountry|Uzbekistan}} 25.628.240
# {{flagcountryflag|YemenAfrika Selatan}} 23.836540.523000
# {{flagcountryflag|ChinaArab Saudi}} 20.095440.870000
# {{flagcountryflag|SyriaAustralia}} 19410.601.750000
# {{flagcountryflag|MalaysiaTanzania}} 17 403.085.402570
# {{flag|Singapura}} 380.000
# {{flag|Qatar}} 360.000
# {{flag|Kuwait}} 330.000
# {{flag|Trinidad dan Tobago}} 310.000<ref name=cso_gov_tt/>
# {{flag|Fiji}} 270.000{{citation needed|date=February 2020}}
# {{flag|Guyana}} 200.000<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=South America :: Guyana — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency||access-date=19 April 2010}}</ref>
# {{flag|Yaman}} 200.000<ref name="PT">{{cite web |last1=Pew-Templeton |title=Religious Demography: Affiliation - Yemen 2020 statistics |url= |publisher=Pew Templeton |access-date=18 July 2021}}</ref>
# {{flag|Bhutan}} 190.000
# {{flag|Suriname}} 120.785<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=South America :: Suriname — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency||access-date=18 August 2019}}</ref>
# {{flag|Jerman}} 120.000
=== Hindu Buddha===
'''Populasi penganut agama Buddha diurutkan dari yang terbanyak'''<ref>{{Cite book|url=|title=Routledge Handbook of Religion and Politics|last=Haynes|first=Jeffrey|date=13 January 2016|publisher=Routledge|isbn=978-1-317-28747-6|language=en}}</ref>
[[Berkas:Abraham_Dharma.png|jmpl|550px|Kawasan mayoritas [[Agama Abrahamik]] dengan Agama India (Hindu dan Buddha).]]
# {{flagcountryflag|IndiaTiongkok}} 1244.053.000130.000
# {{flagcountryflag|NepalThailand}} 2364.500420.000
# {{flagcountryflag|BangladeshJepang}} 1445.274820.430000
# {{flagcountryflag|IndonesiaMyanmar}} 11 38.358410.862000
# {{flagcountryflag|PakistanSri Lanka}} 214.603450.895000
# {{flagcountryflag|Sri LankaVietnam}} 214.554380.606000
# {{flagcountryflag|MalaysiaKamboja}} 113.700690.100000
# {{flagcountryflag|UnitedKorea StatesSelatan}} 110.543500.730000
#{{flag|India}} 9.250.000
# {{flagcountry|United Arab Emirates}} 1.239.610
#{{flag|Malaysia}} 5.010.000
# {{flagcountry|South Africa}} 749.870
#{{flag|Amerika Serikat}} 3.800.023
#{{flag|Indonesia}} 2.062.000
=== KristenSikh ===
'''Populasi penganut Sikh diurutkan dari yang terbanyak'''
[[Berkas:Christianity percent population in each nation World Map Christian data by Pew Research.svg|jmpl|550px]]
# {{flag|India}} 22.892.600
# {{flagcountry|United States}} 260.160.250<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Kristen Amerika}}</ref>
# {{flag|Britania Raya}} 853.000
# {{flagcountry|Brazil}} 185.250.130<ref>[ Geografi dan Statistik Brazil]</ref>
# {{flagcountryflag|MexicoKanada}} 110620.204.560200
# {{flag|Amerika Serikat}} 500.010
# {{flagcountry|Nigeria}} 100.510.000
# {{flagcountryflag|PhilippinesMalaysia}} 90.800 120.000
# {{flag|Bangladesh}} 100.000<ref>{{cite news |title=Bangladesh: Christians, Sikhs stress unity in first religious dialogue |url= |work=Union of Catholic Asian News |date=2 March 2009 |archive-url= |archive-date=3 March 2009 |access-date=18 April 2016}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|Russia}} 70.640.000<ref>[ Arena – Atlas of Religions and Nationalities in Russia].</ref>
# {{flagcountryflag|ChinaAustralia}} 6872.070.000300
# {{flag|Italia}} 70.000
# {{flagcountry|Democratic Republic of the Congo}} 65.150.000
# {{flagcountryflag|FranceThailand}} 61.000 70.000
# {{flagcountryflag|ItalyMyanmar}} 60.000 70.000
# {{flag|Uni Emirat Arab}} 50.000
# {{flag|Pakistan}} 50.000
# {{flag|Jerman}} 40.000
# {{flag|Mauritius}} 37.700
# {{flag|Kenya}} 20.000
# {{flag|Kuwait}} 20.000
# {{flag|Filipina}} 20.000
# {{flag|Selandia Baru}} 17.400
# {{flag|Indonesia}} 15.000
# {{flag|Singapura}} 14.500
# {{flag|Hong Kong}} 12.000<ref></ref>
=== Yahudi ===
{{Main|Populasi Yahudi menurut negara}}
# {{flagcountry|United States}} 6.588.065<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Jewish Virtual Library}}</ref>
'''Populasi penganut agama Yahudi diurutkan dari yang terbanyak''' ({{As of|2017|lc=on}}):
# {{flagcountry|Israel}} 5.907.500<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Israel 2010 Yahudi|work=ynet}}</ref>
# {{flag|Israel}} 6.451.000<ref name=jdb>{{cite web|url=|title=Jewish population - world 2017"||publisher=Jewish data bank|access-date=25 April 2019|archive-date=10 June 2019|archive-url=|url-status=live}}</ref>
# {{flagcountry|France}} 493.600
# {{flag|Amerika Serikat}} 5.700.000<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Canada}} 375.000
# {{flagcountryflag|United KingdomPrancis}} 291456.000<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountryflag|RussiaKanada}} 194390.000<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flag|Britania Raya}} 289.500<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Argentina}} 181.800
# {{flag|Argentina}} 180.500<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Germany}} 119.000
# {{flag|Rusia}} 176.000<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Australia}} 97.300
# {{flag|Jerman}} 116.500<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Brazil}} 95.300
# {{flagcountryflag|UkraineAustralia}} 70113.200<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flag|Brazil}} 93.800<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|South Africa}} 67.000
# {{flag|Afrika Selatan}} 69.300<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Hungary}} 48.200
# {{flag|Ukraina}} 53.000<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Mexico}} 39.200
# {{flag|Hungaria}} 47.500<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Belgium}} 30.000
# {{flag|Meksiko}} 40.000<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Italy}} 28.200
# {{flag|Belanda}} 29.800<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Chile}} 18.500
# {{flag|Belgia}} 29.300<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Turkey}} 17.400
# {{flagcountryflag|UruguayItalia}} 1727.300<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flag|Swiss}} 18.700<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flagcountry|Belarus}} 12.000
# {{flag|Chile}} 18.300<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flag|Uruguay}} 16.900<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flag|Turki}} 15.300<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flag|Swedia}} 15.000<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flag|Spanyol}} 11.800<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flag|Belarusia}} 10.000<ref name="jdb"/>
# {{flag|Panama}} 10.000<ref name="jdb"/>
== Catatan =Baháʼí===
'''Populasi [[Baháʼí]]''' ({{As of|2010|lc=on}}) di negara dengan populasi ≥200.000:<ref>{{cite web | title = Most Baháʼí Nations (2010) | work = QuickLists > Compare Nations > Religions | publisher = The Association of Religion Data Archives | year = 2010 | url = | access-date = 20 August 2013 | archive-date = 22 March 2019 | archive-url = | url-status = live }}</ref>
# {{flag| India}} 1.897.651
# {{flag| Amerika Serikat}} 512.864
# {{flag| Kenya}} 422.782
# {{flag| Vietnam}} 388.802
# {{flag| Republik Demokratik Kongo}} 282.916
# {{flag| Filipina}} 275.069
# {{flag| Iran}} 251.127
# {{flag| Zambia}} 241.112
# {{flag| Afrika Selatan}} 238.532
# {{flag| Bolivia}} 215.359
# {{flag| Tanzania}} 190.419
# {{flag| Venezuela}} 169.811
# {{flag| Uganda}} 95.098
# {{flag| Chad}} 94.499
# {{flag| Pakistan}} 87.259
# {{flag| Myanmar}} 78.915
# {{flag| Kolombia}} 70.504
# {{flag| Malaysia}} 67.549
# {{flag| Thailand}} 65.096
# {{flag| Papua Nugini}} 59.898
{{As of|2005}}:<ref>{{cite web | title = Most Jainist Nations (2005) | publisher = [[Association of Religion Data Archives]] | year = 2005 | url = | access-date = 23 July 2010 | archive-date = 14 April 2010 | archive-url = | url-status = live }}</ref>
# {{flag|India}} 5.146.697
# {{flag|Amerika Serikat}} 79.459
# {{flag|Kenya}} 68.848
# {{flag|Britania Raya}} 35.000
# {{flag|Kanada}} 12.101
# {{flag|Tanzania}} 9.002
# {{flag|Nepal}} 6.800
# {{flag|Uganda}} 2.663
# {{flag|Myanmar}} 2.398
# {{flag|Malaysia}} 2.052
# {{flag|Afrika Selatan}} 1.918
# {{flag|Fiji}} 1.573
# {{flag|Jepang}} 1.535
# {{flag|Belgia}} 1.500
# {{flag|Australia}} 1.449
# {{flag|Suriname}} 1.217
# {{flag|Irlandia}} 1.000
# {{flag|Réunion}} 981
# {{flag|Hong Kong}} 500 keluarga<ref>{{Cite web|title=Jain festival Paryushana uses prayer, fasting and meditation to ask for forgiveness|url=|access-date=2021-06-04|website=Young Post}}</ref>
# {{flag|Yaman}} 229
== Catatan ==
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== Referensi ==
== Pranala luar ==
* [ World Factbook] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2013-05-10 }}
== Pustaka tambahan ==